Facing the Canon with Matt Redman

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welcome to facing a cannon and I am delighted that my guest is my friend Matt Redman Matt we are in st. Andrew's Church in Hollywood and this is a very special place for you massively special yeah I haven't been here for a while as well so it's a great day being back I came to church here from real young age and my dad was his funeral was here I've got married here got baptized here and there's on staff here leading worship here so Wow a lot of time in this room a lot of Sunday afternoons on my own panicking about what songs to do that lots of fond memory yeah so did you lift in Chorley wood yes from about the age of two and you went to school here yeah just on the road and growing up what was that like a bit of a mixed bag I think you know we actually started coming to the church because me and my brother walleye mates went and my mom and dad weren't Christians and so we dragged him along here because I have friends weren't here we wanted to go and they became Christians was just wonderful and but then I'd kind of pretty carefree childhood up until about the age of 7 and then the age of 7 one shocking day got home from school missed told that my dad had died and it's very shocking news and time honestly a little while later a family had she taken his own life so in some ways that that meant for some more questions you know was there anything to do with me or us and we have what's that all about why would someone do that and then so a lot of questions kind of flying around but I was really glad that I was already kind of planted here you know yeah I remember even as a as a 8 9 years old 10 years old I would even when my family weren't coming to church maybe people was ill or something I would make sure I got down here walk down here myself yeah you know I just thrive growing up here and I can't remember a time I didn't talk to God and I didn't I wasn't interested in him and you know is it's kind of great timing to me because when I was 10 years old I fully committed my life to him I was actually a Lewis pullout meeting in QPR football sayin I remember those yeah there's a few people there what'd they do PR fans yeah probably not did did a group of people from here go yeah there's a lot of people here and I think I think I must have heard most things he said before well I don't think I'd heard them all together this kind of the gospel being present presented in that way and like some kind of quarter response so I responded that night you know that I'd say yeah that's the night I became a Christian and you know they're really nice thing is I get to do a few things with him these days Oh over America particularly him and so what I've been encouraged when he was wonderful because he he said you know some role sweet things and he said you know I guess that makes me your father in the faith you know and so my daughter was with me last time I was there she gets it he goes so I guess that makes me your grandfather the faith that's really but a really nice thing is that I I was I tell a story I remember him saying that God is your father in the in his message that night and so they winter up way and found the footage so they made a little video my testimony and I'm saying that and then I didn't know what they found the actual footage him saying that so that was nice because you know you remember things and it was nice aroma exactly how it happened but anyway so then your faith became real and becoming really real and just but then another kind of crazy turn you know my mother remarried and I don't even go into details but you know the guy she remarried abused that trust as a family in a major way and it was it was a crazy time for me but it propelled me towards God I think those times either you make a decision don't you have a choice to make do I believe that in God you know do I believe he's good I believe he's in control or some big decisions I'm short that age I couldn't you know verbalize that but I know that kind of tension struggle as questions are going on inside me and he just propelled me towards him I think I knew enough about him even at that young age that's what I mean about so greatly she wanted here so early because I knew so much about him at that young age that I knew enough to know I don't get this I understand a little bit of it but one thing I do understand I know God's good and though he's real I know Jesus is for me and he's with me and I don't know somehow had faith to be they had a plan for me and and you did you felt that even during those abusive years yeah I felt like I don't remember a time thing even in the craziness of that all those moments I don't remember a time thinking I don't believe in God or you know I don't even I was angry at what was happening but I don't know is particularly angry he was he was my only hope I felt that I can I was trusting him and yeah reading the Bible think of all he says and here goes a father to the fatherless and so you know and it's you all these you know I remember once saw me used to read a lot of Psalm 121 I lift my eyes today you know here was where does my help come from my help comes from the Lord the maker of heaven and earth and there was a be excited me I'd be in that a lot and so so you started coming here to you were to the church your youth leader yes was Mike Parvati who's hidden yes here tonight yes he was into youth work I'm still doing youth work I know as he got his bus pass yeah yeah was he a good youth leader he was brilliant he's the best the I mean seriously cuz I you know I was gonna pull this crazy stuff and you know took it took I wasn't gonna tell anyone what I was going through so it took a great easily to kind of hear from God or perceive something weird was going on with me then second step to get me to you know talk about the stuff and he walked me through a lot of that and I think but here's a really cool thing I mean this church was create anyway for you know Bishop David pitches believing it and just it was a great environment for young people to grow up in but you know particularly being in the youth group with Mike it wasn't just okay let's try and get you through the staff and maybe you could be healed up a little but it was like and now you're gonna run you know and he's the one who encouraged me to get you know right singing and leading it's cut it's kind of emotional even being here should not like because I mean I've been walking the streets today around haven't been here for ages and just grateful to God you know it says in the Bible got Joseph causes some III he says because the Lord may be fruitful can they'll end up by suffering yeah and I just you know feel sure so God how did he get into would like worship and well it's that it was that he's a big hairy Greek again you know yeah yeah I'll tell you what happened actually I'd started playing the guitar on this kind of sneaky at home because I didn't really want to lead I just want it I love what was going on in the church and these songs I just thought I'd love to play something he's at home so I was doing that and I didn't really honestly didn't think I'm gonna be a worship leader and I think we were at the Greenbelt festival the youth group and I apparently had my headphone listen some u2 and I was singing along and Mike heard that and now Mike doesn't strike is the most obvious kind of musical talent scout yeah I think there's some people a musical some people are not as cool yes he's kind of sub musical Ryan so here you know but he apparently thought I could sing and then we talked a lot about worship that was a big deal we all on a journey together and particularly we'd spend a lot of time through years talking about things so he say he actually got me into leading worship in fact I remember I was saying no I don't want to do it and there was one time even like these elaborate hoaxes where the other worship the worship leader in there in the church would drive up I think we were standing in the carpark here or something he drove up to him I can't leave out my guitars broken kind of drove off and I just saw him smirk before you already accelerated away and I thought I'll okay here we go set me up yeah so I was you know I wasn't and then the first time I later let there as a redeemer and we didn't even get to verse 3 we didn't stand in glory you know because I I was like okay I'm done with this this is this is you know it's a lot to compute you know singing and playing but so it might really encourage me into that this was a great environment to grow and but I definitely love what happened when the people of God in the presence of God pouring out the praises yes and there's something had gotten me really young and I could never shake and I wouldn't ever want it it's a dynamic if people can get in a room and sing and it happens in pubs and clubs and venues and all sorts of environments all over the world different sorts of cultures but it's something about the worshiping church there's something about the people of God immersed in that presence I've got pouring their hearts out with the praises of God that you just can't replicate that there's no way to there's nothing that really compares without it there's a dynamic that happens and so I think that's why you know it I love music I love messing about and melodies and chords I particularly love myths about words but there's something about that that dynamic that really drew me in and kind of captivated me just this clarify for us a little bit about worship I mean it's been said yeah cuz you're an evangelist I'm an evangelist that's right I do need educating but um right it's been said you know about has God got a bit of an identity problem but he requires us to keep on saying to him how good he is that's a very interesting question I mean I think you know that the short answer is if God is God then it's it's the only thing that can happen is that he would be deserving of worship and it and it's actually the beautiful thing is in Christianity is the best thing for us as well do you know to look towards him to to walk toward him to throw yourself down for him to surrender to him to become captivated by a who hears the glory and the grace and the wonder of who he is that's a very best thing that can happen for Eunice and that's the very fitting right thing if he's God then what else should happen I don't think he we'd want a God who try to deflect prey he's you know and you're right though in the Bible you know God he's very clear about who he is I'm the Lord and there is no other and I'm not gonna share my praise of it with anyone else and I think in a kind of PC age you know particularly our minds thinking that was a writer seems like arrogant oh he's God you know unless he's made us we're designed to to worship Him yeah and why I love is you know one of the nice kind of liturgy things are so to atone we're cool to worship God and enjoy him forever and enjoy and I think there's two things sitting side by side yeah now when we get to heaven Matt yeah okay me and you or everyone yeah you me when we get to heaven okay we're gonna worship God for eternity yeah yeah but when we get to heaven we're not going to evangelize Yeah right so they'd rather makes what I do I'm just so do you think we should cut down on the worship while we're here on earth and up the evangelism because I don't the tooth flow pretty beautifully together you know there I'm not gonna let you finish this no but God God let's hear your point I think they just they just John Piper says some great stuff in his book letting our nation's be glad he says worship is both the fuel and the gold missions so it's it's what propels us out there in the first place cuz we love God we care about the honor of his name and but they're the same way it's what's meant to happen the the resolved missions there's many more worshippers and better worship so of him so sure but they can't tie together yes but worship is an expression of the fact that we are concerned about the glory of God yeah how can you be concerned about the glory of God and be unconcerned that millions of people are perishing I don't think you can no no you know you put on a worship conference people go you put on in the badges and conference no one turns yours but what did you agree nomad wouldn't you agree that people are more open to worshipping or going to worship things than they would be engaging with people who are outside of the church I definitely agree that the I came at that human condition tends towards being a bit more inward looking and thinking about self more and so I think you know I think I think definitely one thing that switches when you become a Christian when you come worship if Jesus is meant to propel you to looking outward and going outward you can't I agree that you can't really have the you know the heart of God for yourself and not have it for other people as part of a thing you know and and part of loving him is loving other people it's all all that stuff and I think you know it's been a big wake-up call in the church I think you know used to be like worships over here missions over here I think we're realizing these two things go very much alongside and and but I definitely I totally agree with your point that sometimes we're a bit too happy parting away in our church worship services when there's a whole lot of people outside you know you should do away with that stuff because there's something yeah like I say beautiful about the people of god coming together and making being very intent on glorifying the name of God again and this that's one of our distinctions in the church but like you say we've got completely integrity of our worship by getting out there and speaking of him and absently to others yeah but what you know I mean we we agree Matt that you know worship and witness have got to go together yeah and back in 1993 Mike lavake pioneered Soul Survivor with you as a lead worshiper and it's just remarkable how Soul Survivor through worship the presence of God and the proclamation of the gospel has has brought thousands of people to Christ amazing and you've been involved in those festivals you know as I have been yeah it's really amazing to see that what God's done there and just the just growth year after year after year and even hearing like this year you know it's just so many people people in the hundreds and hundreds becoming Christians yeah yeah just amazing it is amazing yeah I know have you heard the story about the this farmer who went to the big farming conference and he was from a very rural community and he never he never been to the capital city before while he was at this farming conference he got the opportunity to go this mega church anyway he gets back and his wife Martha says oh you know you went to the church how was the church and he says well Martha they don't sing hymns they sing choruses and she goes choruses well yeah what do you mean and he says what Martha if I said to you Martha the cows are in the corn well that would be like a hymn but if I said to you Martha Martha Martha the cows the cows the cows the cows the cows the black cows the black cows the black cows the black cows are in the corn a ringing the court or in the court or in the court or in the court well that would be a chorus now is it Matt you know it sometimes you know I'm there in the worship service I think you know and maybe that's why God's saying sing me a new song well why did it why do worship leaders milk it well I mean to give you the biblical answer and we I want the biblical - if I go on you know there's a psalm like Psalm 136 yeah you know it says like 26 times this is a little refrain keeps coming he's loving just forever so we sing something so there's nothing inherently wrong with a refrain but I agree with you there are times where we don't need to seem to know how to stop the song and it keeps going round and round that's definitely a problem but you know that I think the reason we're writing in a star is just a desire to be contemporary because that is the that's the kind of substance and star how so many contemporary songs are written they have a refrain a variable part I think it's a actually a great congregational device because you know a lot of the old hymns what I love how much theology and the poetry of them if I could say one thing I wish some of them have more it would be that little device what we would call hook something keeps coming back once you know it you know it forever and you and you you know so I like that about the style of our songs you know that this chorus thing this repeatable aspect to it but you're right what a very guilty of going on far too long their song something yeah maybe cut it down a little bit and now what we're talking about all right while we're talking about why is the worst tie like 30 minutes and their talks like 55 okay-y what while we're talking about that why is it that when I have to get up to speak at meetings there's no way for me to span because all the worship group have taken the whole stage it's like wait a minute I've got nowhere to stand yeah it's a balance isn't it be treason we just a song - I know let's do that let's have a how I know now why wise music so loud today it's God death I mean honestly there's something about a lot of the conference's I speak at it's like it's so loud I'll get a headache mate you know I think its toes he said the people of God have always been a little bit noisy I like that so we're not tone it down a little bit is this a thought you were having just in the moat recent years the last couple of years yeah recent okay we're talking about we're talking about that artists we've got some thoughts all right Matt tell us a little bit about you know how did you start writing songs how did you know what was the first song that you wrote it was cool there's a sound of singing and it was with a guy Oh play guitar with us yeah called Paul Donnelly and then very shortly after I wrote a little song it's kind of song like a country song called I've got a love song in my heart and very deep theology in the chorus might you always used to point out la la la la la yeah and you know my ultimate thing is try and write something that's simple but not shallow yes I think it's something nice and not having to compute tons of soft songs yawns and just you know you can have a really sure gem of a truth doesn't have to be complicated necessarily yes but you know simplistic come on try think of a song be like a a chapel a classroom you know you you can be a classroom it can teach you informally remind you it can tell you something about God but it has to have that Chapel element as well giving you a moment to respond to that and what you think about that oh it's giving you some space to devote yourself to go like an like a chapel so that's the aim and yeah started out like it's written a couple of hundred songs such a learning process I have no idea do you write songs that mean you didn't actually tell anyone about were you just write yeah there's young tons that gone in the B you know what I learned pretty early on is I'm not actually very good judge of what's good or not and that that's with my own stuff and actually other people's as well like with me and my Twitter and obviously source of other what 14 hues course that you know he around to worship at one point it was the most song of song in the church worldwide and Tim wrote that and I was the first person he played it too and he sung it to me and I said yeah it's quite good it's a bit Hemi it's not as good as some of the others and so on the strength that he didn't play it for ages then a few months later it Mike's enough you've got any other songs and Tim's got I've got this thing that's the best thing you've ever written that's amazing like why don't you tell me about this early so he grasped me UPS like Matt said it wasn't very good so there you go it's a live God back in 1994 cross rhythms magazine wrote this Matt Redman is planning to record an album next year it's always very encouraging to see fresh young songwriters with good material getting the breaks they deserve maybe in a year or two we'll all be standing in church singing songs from this album instead of shine Jesus shine well you know when you started writing songs Matt obviously you didn't know that churches would begin singing them but obviously which was which song actually kind of got known that introduced you as a lead worshiper there was a couple of old songs I will offer up my life was one of them particularly here in the UK and then a song called once again which is all about the cross those two but I think one of the songs that really it was there was a fresh stirring all around the world there's a lot of new worship music coming through and and the song heart of worship I think that might be one that kind of broke out a little further and just I think you kind of stumbled a lot sons a bad way sit there just wrote a song about something God seemed to be doing at the time has it where were you in your own life at that time how did that song come out of something yeah very much out of what was happening a source of Ivor Watford we'd always spent a lot of time in the services and a big focus on worshiping God together through music and and but it might pasture felt like you feel about you felt like we'd lost something you know there in our approach somehow over the little while there was something missing that was used to be there and he felt like maybe it'd become more of a consumer spectator thing people like judging this worship leader out of 10 or I like this star don't like that star that's not my favorite song some gonna sing that so heartily and all those kind of dynamics so he did a super brave thing and say we're gonna ban the band take away the sound system and just for a while get in a room with our hearts and voices and our Bibles and just check that with all the props not there we can still bring an offering to God yes and so the song just describes what happened he says when the music fades all is stripped away I simply came longing just to bring something that's of worth that will bless your heart I'll bring you more than a song for a song in itself it's not what you acquired you search much deeper within and it goes on sale coming back to the heart worship and the funny thing was I didn't even know if it was a congregational song I thought it's my little description of what happened and we would remember Mike and I chatting about that and decided we'd lead it and it just took off in the church but like I say maybe not be exactly the same way but around the world something was happening people were starting to think a lot about gathered worship and about you know moving on in there and in expression of that and going deeper in that and coming back to make Jesus all about Jesus so that I guess the timing thing you kind of start flying around a bit yes you you actually went off to university yes what did you study at university psychology psychology and then you only did a year you dropped out verse one way of saying that yeah yeah see you and Bill Gates have got something in common yeah and so you did a year and then what did you feel Hey look I I just don't want to be studying psychology I want to be I was kind of having a good time because cuz I was telling psychology I had a lot of free time and I became like the social guy organizing all the social stuff and I'm not sure that's what you go to university for but I was having a really good time but they would I did my first year and they're just about to start Soul Survivor what for the church plant same time I think they were short of a worship leader here at Sur Andrews and you know I I just started to wonder if there's any way I could hang around for these exciting things and not go back and so with David and Mary pictures of Mike we had some big discussions and me kind of on the floor begging please let me stay and in the end it was me Mary and Mike baking David kind of caved in in the end so he he's like have a year out and I'm 37 now I'm still in my year out so thanks David so you you joined the staff here at some Andrews initially yes as your worship leader yeah musical director circle time I'm sorry I can't actually read music so I used to get read music no not do you not need to read music to do your job yeah so you do it all by chords yeah just surround myself with people who know what they do yeah that's very good and then you with Mike went off and planted Soul Survivor yes and you were the lead worshiper that at the same time that was a great adventure it's nothing more fun or scary than looking around a room and there's like 11 of you and you're thinking like you know you know all the people you're like how is this gonna happen I mean one of those Mike you know how on earth is this gonna happen we know who we are it's normal people we've got a plant a church into this community and it's a great thrilling kind of adventure and and God I think God loves looking around in that room in that moment yeah thinking right you wait and see so yeah and then we're I mean obviously the Lord blessed that church plant and it's thriving today but you're a little bit of a pioneer right new so what's really actually my personality not at all but but you kind of get something going and then you move on what partly it's my wife's more of a pioneer than me really yeah she gets she always gets the vision about a year I do you know and she knows what's gonna happen and I've learnt to submit to that yes but then you you went down south to help with the church plants yeah we we went and helped plan church but the point in miss us again just a great adventure was about the same number of people it was a couple of great pastors for Willard Caroline Kemp and who we'd known a while and it was my two sisters and my mom and there was about 11 of us and again just seeing what God can do were those little loaves and fish like he always did and there's brilliant and then he went to America to plant a church yeah that's slightly different but that you know we were in the South in Atlanta and the parson Louie Giglio I guess he's been in that area a lot it's known a lot and invested there a lot so the first week there's 3,000 people so that's a whole different thing is it's actually not less challenging it's just a whole different set of challenges you know and were those 3,000 mainly Christian well that's one of the challenges trying to figure that out you know who is who like who just likes being on church on Sunday and who's counting themselves as a disciple of Jesus you know it's pretty interesting yeah but they're on a great adventure with them for two years and it is it's really great you know it's um there's a lot of huge churches out there but there's a lot of people who don't know Jesus so yeah I love it at least you know different flavors springing up all over the place and it's great and now and then you move from there you're a little bit in the magic yes we are definitely no magic but I just saying I'm don't think of a poem you know and then now you're we are Brighton yeah Church cause soup Peters which is HTTP first church font outside of London and they've got there's a old cathedral like building you would have probably seen right than we have right and you kind of have to go past it in and out the city and the vision is that it wouldn't just become the directions on the route like turn left us and Peters or but actually become the destination you want to hold or people to come there and find Jesus and it's again a whole different adventure I love the church point thing because you you just it's just so many shapes and forms but so many different challenges but you know there's something about stepping out of faith I'm 37 I don't see God letting me down so far you know we be taking some risk you know risky moments I think in moving around a few different things and we've got five kids you've got school places to think about all these different things moving country twice in two years but his faithfulness is it has an amazing track record and this that once you once you taste that not just in church playing but in the life of faith in general you can't really go back and just but it's boring after Liz isn't if you know you you have to continue like that you do really good could you sing us one of your songs Matt and just tell us maybe the story behind it or how you got to the point of putting it together what I'll sing a little bit blessed be your name partly because the timing you know we're here today and this is written really shortly after 9/11 we were living in California on sabbatical and and it's just interesting time to be out there traveling around all these different churches yes and I thought the preachers were doing a great job actually yeah you know they were speaking about the compassionate heart of God the sovereignty of God control just speaking some good stuff and there's a lot of people out there flocking to church you weren't normally Church but I was thinking where are songs you know this what do you sing at a time like this and that felt a little odd to me partly because like that would be a really good thing to do right now to have some more vocabulary you know how do we talk to God in this moment but also I felt like but it not only is it thoroughly relevant it's thoroughly biblical and we you know we've talked a lot about that theme you know saw survived a lot of different places just this whole thing of songs of trust through the storm and songs of laments and I think it's definitely one of the color colors that we need to have on our worship spectrum and so partly thinking about that partly being out there and such a crazy timing in the nation and kind of feeling the heartbeat of God and heart be of the nation he this this song blessed be your name poured out pretty soon after and you can tell we get right in England because it's I sing abit in the second verse blessed be your name when the sun's shining down on me we're out there in California top up the town Lord mom with in every blessing you pour out I'll turn back to praise when the darkness till of Steel I'll stay but should be your well I there's a great film at Soul Surfer oh yeah yeah and it is a really good movie and with Helen Hunt and Dennis Quaid and it's a true story and in that movie the family a Christian and they go to church and then they sing your song yes great they're on the beach in Hawaii yeah little ukuleles it's great yeah you've seen the movie yeah yes yeah so when you saw them singing your song on this Hollywood movie we must have felt a little bit surreal yeah it was a little surreal I guess because when you write songs you're thinking about congregations and you know I thinking about you know it's gonna end up in a movie but it was is they did a really good job they it's wonderful they've put a big part of the song and I guess maybe lyrically it tied into what happens later yeah these days great yeah now over the years that you've put together a number of different albums and your most recent album is 10,000 reasons yes so why did you call it 10,000 reasons well it's a lyric in one of the songs it says down for all your goodness I will keep on singing 10,000 reasons for my heart to find and what I love about that is about you know about any if you said that about anyone else apart from God that would just be a complete letter in its just hyperbole and overstatement but when you say that about God there's 10,000 reasons that's a complete understatement so poetic understatement of the truth there's many many more than that and it's just sure I guess the point of it is you know just so utterly worthy and it you know you we've got the reasons for it sprays flying at us every day from every imaginable we'll be looking at how he's made you looking at what he's done in this world looking at his what he's done through history I mean just studying the whole list of who he is or the grace of it meanness I mean this is once you get into it you just can't stop and I wanted to the you know the song and how to reflect a little bit of that that what would you say to people who are finding life quite discouraging even at the moment maybe even despairing with all that they're trying to cope with in their lives yeah I think I'd say you know a huge part the worst thing life is trust and it's one thing you know when everything's going well but I think some that some of the times that define us mostly when things aren't going well and so you might be walking through a discouragement or distress or even despair right now but the funny thing is the very best thing you could do right now is to believe in God as who he is almost take your eyes off yourself and look at him and there's something about you know trusting God's always been involved our answer questions going to involve confusion and that's part of the life of worship that's part of the life of being a Christian but like I say that those moments can they can really mark us out you know and so if you're in that place right now just don't underestimate trust don't underestimate there's not many things in life you should put all your eggs in one basket but when it comes to Jesus you definitely should you know and that means you know that mean it's been all in even in those moments of despair like I don't get this God like I said earlier once talking about my story I don't understand a little piece of this but something in me knows that you're greater than this situation that you're just as in control as you were before the situation that you're just as loving and kind and merciful as you were before this situation and so I'm still all in I'm still going to trust and I don't think that sometimes that means everything clears up straight away and you know sometimes you know situations move on sometimes you arena people think for a long time but even those situations to change something in use changed yeah there's something about that worse than gaze on God it changes your whole way you look at life your whole perspective and then it's good for your soul you know I was recently on a train going to Edinburgh and I was listening to your 10,000 reasons I had my earphones on and are crying and listening listening and then I started singing it out loud and then kilee said to me stop it and since it Oh Michael Apache you and I were talking about your album and it's interesting that he said that there was one song in there one song in there that really moved him and I said yes there's one song in there there's one thing that moved me and it was two different songs but I text you on the train and I said I want that song hung up my funeral and we can solve it yeah we can do it I'm kidding I know so before the forum I have it son at my funeral do you think you could sing it now yeah your fuel just to be clear do you want like a full Greek like Zuki yes I do I do I want all of that you know yeah so yeah could you like maybe sing part of the song that Mike liked and then part of the song that I like it and maybe what what's the story behind those two songs that this I'll sing a bit of never once I seen your court well first of course that and that that's a song about God's faithfulness it's actually we were in I was in their empty house Atlanta had left or flown home all our stuffs back in England and I went back to our house there and it's totally empty and it's just me there and I had my guitar and I just started thinking about God's faithfulness about the scars along the way the struggles but also the victories and you know just the whole thing of all that transition and not even know where we gonna be now and it just you know it you know I was just reminded never once of a walkers you know step alone and justice on painful Stanley all this melts inside your give yourself far we've come every step nailing all miss battleground just how much you've down scars and struggles on the way but with joy our hearts can say is a heart they're we ever wore never once did you leave a song you have faith though God you are faithful you are faithful don't you our face it's great so you want a bit of endless hallelu yeah what how did you end up writing that one let me bring my keys go outside because this is a this one's a hole up there with cesano this was a real team effort actually because some of the music in it actually a really good friend of mine sent me got with Tim one store it just has a wonderful sense of melody chords and now it's pretty inspiring then I came across this hymn by a guy called Robert Lee Chaney in 1837 when this passing world is done I think it's calling just some of the lyrics I thought wait he's a thing right if they've been you know dead a little while you sometimes can like steal no lyrics and it's okay you know it's pretty good thing as you know even like in the I also in the Bible but you can kind of plagiarize the songs instead of getting sued you actually get encouraged yes well it's all it's all Holy Spirit copyright isn't it yeah absolutely but it's the same some of the hymns that can't have gone out you know there's so old it's a similar thing and I just found some of these lyrics so inspiring and they kind of threw me into this song and ended up two other people involved a Swedish guy called Jonas Myron and American called Chris Tomlin so we ended up being like yeah two Brits a Swede an American and a dead guy writing a song together so it was excellent and a song about yeah heaven song about worship in heaven yeah when I stand before from dressed in glory my joy sing oh oh no more tears all broken dreams forgotten is the mana keep everything as it was meant to me to I will see you as you are love you when I'm standing hard you see how much pain to break not till then mulch Arnold not till then how much I and before forever we will see No no more Samsung again we will see face to face see face to face and we will watch for L in presence we will sing we will so you know why I want it at my funeral very moving really inspiring that how how would you how would you describe Jesus yes that's a great question I mean just from a personal level everything to me I don't spend a day you're not thinking about him and you know I believe him to be the creator of all things the sustainer of all things I believe him to be the one holding everything together and that includes our lives including our little messes and struggles and strikes and I believe he's the one true God he's eternal is the god of yesterday today and forever and kind of stake in my life upon it that really I I mean I I on I think that you're a modern-day prophet who's conveying the truth of God for today's generation and my prayer is that you'll just keep on writing songs singing songs and helping the church to sing new songs about him and to him thank you very much you you
Channel: Facing the Canon
Views: 21,078
Rating: 4.8504672 out of 5
Keywords: facing the canon, j.john, interview, jjohn, j john, philo trust, philo, trust, christianity, Jesus, Lord, God, Holy Spirit, Matt Redman (Musical Artist), Worship Leader, Worship, Soul Survivor, HTB, Blessed Be Your Name: The Songs Of Matt Redman Vol. 1 (Musical Album), 10000 reasons
Id: sh7ge--1Sws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 28sec (3028 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2014
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