🔥How to Use Turnitin AI Detection Checker For FREE

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hey guys and welcome to where's the scale so this is one of those videos that takes like two hours to make and so this is likely to be like five minutes long and we are going to be talking about AI detection it still surprised me to this day how many people are concerned about torrented and AI detection even though I have stated my position virtually in every video that I made and the position is as follows you should not be worried about air detection as long as you are not in a y and wild Niche or in Academia or another writing for your clients who wants to test your outputs with AI detection so if you do not belong to any of those groups you shouldn't be worried about Edge action at all because there are lots of evidence already on the internet that AI generated contest ranks on the first page of Google and I can attest to that with my websites also okay so in this video I'll be showing you a trick to check your outputs with torrenticeship without actually ever touch interracy and all this sounds crazy but bear with me and also for those of you who are not interested in torrentia will be comparing different air detection tools against accuracy between one another so that might be of interest to you also and before I show you the results let's just go over the whole process so step number one was going into jgpd and generating a list of 10 most popular topics for essays as you can see the numbers 1 through 10 then I generated a 1000 word essay for each and every one of those topics and the actual word count ended up being between 500 and 600 words and then I have chosen uh quite a few AI detectors and actually on my blog I have this article that I wrote a while ago which is my review of the best AI content detectors and there are quite a few and then I also tested them against three outputs the low quality AI output the output written by human and a high quality air output so if you are interested in AI detection and you want to get an overview you can go to trick me not and the slot is which is the best air constant detector but the reason I'm telling you this is because I needed to select the AI detection tools for this experiment and I wanted to have something that is mostly free and without limitations so I have chosen content at scale which you can use without any limits I have also chosen copy leaks that has some limits but they are easily bypassable with the use which in a browser or turn it on and off your VPN and also the cross black that also has like free trials per session but again you can change your browser switch on and off your VPN and you can use cross black all over again so these three are the free versions and the originality.ai I needed to check that as well so I ended up with cross black copy leaks content at scale and originality and then of course I have the torrention ready and as you can see I have tested 20 essays so the 10 original ones that I wrote with chegeberry and an altered versions that were altered via the undetectable.ai and the setting that I used was High School a say and more human so more human gives you the best the best chances of bypassing AI and the whole logic behind the experiment is as follows so you have your Fourier detection tools and you have your turnitin first what I wanted to do is to get a reading from every air detection tool on the list for the original sa and look at the correlations and the logic is as follows if teresion shows High correlation with say cross black then you don't need turn anything to check your AI you can rely on Cross block for all of your future essay testing or whatever and the same goes for the ultra Ultra transformed versions I ran everything through crossblack copy leaks continent scale originality and then the ones that would show the closest numbers to targeting would be used as proxies we are comparing different air detection tools between one another we are using the same documents and the ones that show the most similarity with origin are gonna be the proxies so we won't be needing turns it at all we can rely on this proxies and this is how the experiment started so now finally to the results and the results are interesting so first things first originality even though it scores everything like 100 AI it's not a reliable metric to use in conjunction with torrentine because with storage you can see that assay number one through say five were scored like 100 percent AI but then there were the outliers like sa6 scoring three let's say seven scoring 69 and sa9 scoring 44 so if you run the correlation analysis between originality version 1.4 which is the most recent one and turn engine you can see that they have a correlation of almost 40 percent which is even less than a chance and normally you would once correlation coefficient of 0.6 or 0.7 for it to be reliable and the same goes for cross black and consonant scale so the readings were all over the place and they have negative correlation so again this is not something that we can use however with copylix basic model and basic model is the model that you use for free and if you want Advanced model you need to pay the readings although none of them had a hundred percent EI they correlate 75 of the time if you were to draw a graph let me just quickly do that so by drawing a graph we can see in visual correlation and yeah so we can see that these two lines the orange bin turns in and the blue Bean couple X they have somewhat similar picks and dips so this means that every time turnitin thought it was AI so these copy licks and the opposite is true every time complex thought it was human torrentine did as well so the main key takeaway here is that if you have your own methods of bypassing a detection if you're not using a deductible.ei for example or if you're using prompts and on my website which is strictly.a you still have some very good prompts for bypassing AI you can safely or some would safely use copyleaks and if you see that you're getting very good scores with copelix then you can assume that the same will be true for turning so this is uh the first step now I had to see uh how teresin and other air detection tools would react to transformed or altered outputs which is again altered through and detectable Wai and as you can see still the toughest trick was originality even though we were able to get some very high human scores like 99 human 94 human the easiest and here we can not run correlation analysis because every time I used antidexo.ai transient returns zero percent AI so for all the iterations for all the essays that have been transformed detergent said it was zero percent Ai and 100 human so there wasn't even one variation and this is one of the reasons the correlation would not work in this example but we can look at the averages so the average score for the transformed output was zero so what's the score for cross plaque and so what's the score for Content at scale so this is in Reverse cross black says this is zero percent Ai and consonant scale says it's 98 human so basically the same thing so if you are transforming your outputs and you want to check if this passes storage in you can actually look at consonant scale or cross black and if cross black and content scale say this is zero or close to 100 when we're talking about current scale Again by using the proxy rule you can safely assume that turnsion will return the same results and basically this is it so again to sum up if you have your own ways of transforming the outputs and you just want to check the basic state of your AI generated text you can use copy links however if your tags have been through some sort of transformation and you don't have access to torrention but you still want to get a feel of how it would rank with turn engine you can use content at scale or cross black continent scale is 100 free of the time and cross black it's like three tests per session but again it's extremely easy to bypass just by changing your browser your VPN or basically your IP address and so on and so forth hope this video is helpful it took me a while to come up with these measurements like share subscribe if you haven't already and I'll see you next time
Channel: WordsAtScale
Views: 89,536
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wordsatscale, how to pass turnitin detection, turnitin ai detection, bypass turnitin, turnitin for free, how to check turnitin for free
Id: MrUZ611RSGc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 10sec (610 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 22 2023
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