BYD Seal Test drive + Walk around + Launch Price

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so let's see where the numbers will land is this going to be the price is this going to the priz that you are looking for it gets going there you have it ladies and gentlemen the all new BD seal premium is now available and an unbeatable price of 179,00 ring and on the other hand the byd sil performance variant yours for only 9,800 R incredible hello hello all right uh I am now in the byd seal this is the premium variant and uh this is now the uh media drive so let me check everything before I roll off ladies and gentlemen good morning from uh by Malaysia all right my name is Shafi and I'll be in your leading car for the Convoy today and our route will be from here up until k p and then we go ahead to back I do appreciate that they didn't put it on super loud mode up so after the U we going to go for a quick uh pick stop for a driver change and after that we reot back to um DRX again so if you guys are ready in 2 minutes time uh we shall uh proceed with the Convoy thank you 2 minutes time all right not that thank you so the airon thing is permanently on that's very good um for car number 16 17 18 uh this will be a premium p and uh for 19 and 20 it will be a performance P all right later yeah you all right okay all right follow all right all right drive safe it's rolling off steering is very light all right okay and uh please follow the traffic rule as well do not overtake uh maintain your current position and uh have a pleasant drive with uhdc okay in terms of visibility you have the two hunches on the ends of both wheel Arch so that helps with uh knowing where the sides are the front sides are but the front end is the fact that it dips really low you totally cannot see where your front is okay takes a little while to get used to but the front end is very short so at least you know right after that honch that's where your front is okay steering wheel is very light like all China cars very easy to drive in town uh I wish I can sit a little bit lower that's my first sensation now okay asking my back to wear seat belt because oh okay all what the signals oh that's how it sounds left over here thank you okay let's try how the horn sounds yes that's a nice sound okay so we're turning out into uh MB here thank you thanks for stopping the traffic for us electric cars are fantastic when you drive around town they are just so smooth so relaxing so uh effortless to drive to be honest what does this do I have no idea okay uh brake modulation is good as well ACC is active when I press the button on my left part of my steering ACC is active increase the speed to 90 uh how do I do the uh more advanced version motor bike on my right side left side just need to get out of here sees the car in front do I press it again okay ICC so it's ACC and then ICC which includes Lan keep assist I presume I'm not touching the accelerator pedal now I'm just going to let the car do its thing hopefully uh come on come on does it accelerate yes it does does it follow the lane as to hold the steering wheel I am holding it and oh I keep using the left signal stop see the thing is is every time I go into a car that feels really much like a European car when it comes to you know quietness feel I automatically use my left hand to activate the turn signals uh because that's sort of how differentiates Japanese cars and European cars so I need to get used to this all right uh in terms of the whole feel of interior and all that right I have to say China cars um yeah they are well above similarly priced Japanese cars these days yeah overall quality wise at least first perceived quality they feel better they feel nicer to the touch okay interesting the dash to the the door has a molding that sort of gels with the dashboard uh my right side is a bit more protruded than my left side uh obviously this design is from the left hand drive version and they adapt it to the right hand drive probably I don't think this is intentional it and it doesn't cannot be that big a part so the doors are probably Lock Stock Barrel from China and then the panel here is made elsewhere so the right hand drive version have this inconsistency I guess I'll I'll have to check other cars to make sure that's the case as well but these are small minor things all right it's it's one of the most sellable byd models out there and it looks really good on the move I have to say it looks good uh I don't like how the signal sounds I'm sure you can change it okay modes let's see now I'm on eco I'll go into Sport and then above sport is normal o it rotates around okay oh I can't press it or what I just I just twist the the toggle I just twist it and it changes the modes that's it it doesn't yeah doesn't do all right ICC activated it breaks by itself it steers by itself it reads the lines that's good ask me to hold my steering wheel say I'm a bit too left to that side overall uh seats feel good uh the size of the car inside here um um I like the full size seats I love the shoulder support and uh and for the interior the only visual appearances that you can uh differentiate between premium and performance is on the uh driver's do Tri whereby for performance uh variant there is a chock pattern but de will be only for performance so he was saying that the only way you can differentiate between sitting inside a performance or a premium model is that the performance model has the child lock button on the Windows panel switches whereas the standard one doesn't uh the the standard one you just press one button is for the windows and performance is all-wheel drive okay slow traffic around town so I don't think I get to experience much but I have to say something is that the W where's the blower okay it's here okay the size of the car is not huge even though the rear seat room is spacious it's a wide car okay it's wider than usual C segments but overall is a C- segment car however I look at it it's a c segment car okay I mean the the main reason this was created is to challenge the Tesla Model 3 nothing else else you know and in terms of comparing the interior of this versus the Tesla Model 3 this one has a lot more uh userfriendly features put it that way like everything here looks there more things for you to control immediately directly and uh there are more touch points more sophistication with this design and execution as compared to the model 3 right but model 3 the way Tesla creates the model 3 uh makes you accept the fact that it is on a totally different uh design philosophy you know it it is simplistic design to its maximum okay that's what the oh I love the ride quality man it's so plush it is so plush on the Move uh that's the thing this can only be done by an electric vehicle vle because for any C- segment car uh to have this type of right quality is impossible for a small car to have this type of right quality okay impossible so let me deactivate everything lovely so plush this is like riding in uh you know the kind of sensation where it absorbs everything and just delays it and then just just soaks up everything can only be had in something that is five series and above that's why electric cars make so much sense for consumers because you are paying this type of price and you are in a size you're in cars of this size but yet the Sensation that you get when you when you drive and ride in it is of that of a much bigger car you know that on the move is a good- looking car okay I'm looking at the the one in front of course the the one strip tail lamp helps makes the car looks wider than it is but the overall proportions everything is just yeah nice swing what is Swing you mean I can oh yeah that's the reason you want electri yeah so good okay the air vents not having the toggle is because you can put it on swing Auto oscillation right it's so nice so that it it auto oscillates just blows the air like that and for some reason the Panamera doesn't have it even though it has a it has electromechanically you know operated yeah how does it steer how does it steer it's a bit of a delay yeah I I like it I like the r quality I like the ride quality oh so comfortable ah okay tool to TOS are always good for Eevees all right there we go this one is 5.7 seconds this is the premium model not the performance model very nice acceleration I really think that when you after you drive an EV right yeah you'll be why would you even want to go back to petrol cars if this is your one and only car you know and you want comfort and all that I'm trying to do away with the uh speed sensing thing is is pretty annoying it is outright annoying uh to be telling me this and that everything uh let me try what what is that hi byor try me again please switch off speed warning could you repeat that please switch off speed limit warning sorry I don't understand what you mean yeah okay cancel how do I turn it off it's going but I don't blame the car I blame Malaysia because you're not supposed to set a 60 kmh speed limit on a highway on a freeway you're not supposed to do that okay yeah you can definitely feel the road how do I switch it off yeah that's the thing that's the thing with these modern cars they annoy you help settings vehicle settings steering assist blah blah blah blah H up display blah blah blah blah greetings notification reminders off no it's still there help me off it uh no Adas okay okay intelligent cruise control high beam assist driver attention warning off off yes uh traffic sign recognition uh off a intelligence speed limit information traffic sign recognition off everything off so for the next person driving my car do thank me I have helped you switch off everything okay ah got it so let's try a sudden Lane change okay it's all right tidy control I did that at 80 camh so it's all right but City traffic I can't do much all right but nevertheless nevertheless let's try this now ACC active one more press is ICC but just now I switch off most of ICC stuff so I do not know how intelligent it is now I try my best to turn off everything just now I reduce the distance the car in front and now I'm going to just place my two fingers here to trick the car that I am okay uses toor sensing it doesn't use capacitive sensing capacitive sensing is when you touch the steering wheel and then it de activates that thing that Wars you to hold your steering wheel which BMW is using uh each has his own good talk sensing sometimes you need to yank the steering wheel a little bit just to let it know that you are holding it okay we're now in we're now in bookie Jal and uh let me change to the car in front Okay I accelerated and then the car break heavily because ICC is being activated and it wants to keep the distance with the car in front that's why it did the heavy braking just now and I hope I don't piss off anybody and uh let's see what it does now oh I'm on my own because the steering angle is too big and there's a silly Vos here that came out from nowhere so I couldn't steer a little bit more aggressively just now to try out the car the guy just dive in on squeezing himself in okay anyway we're going to make a U-turn and we're going to take back the max Highway as well Vios doing what Vos does y myy doing what myy doeses myy chasing Vos whatever okay uh let me turn this off ICC deactivated overriding what is overriding overriding means what you you drive it for me what is it about oh I love the fact that my heads up display actually shows me what is active now so I can see that my steering is active my cruise control is active adaptive cruise control and my Lane keep assist is active and if the angle is too big it turns to white color I have to steer it myself now it's all all are in green color which is pretty all right let's see it slowed down see it's white color now now it's back to green because it reachs the road markers and then again slow down not knowing what to do because it sees a very sharp angle not bad not bad I like cars when in uh adaptive cruise control mode to always let me know to always let me know what uh it is currently seeing all right what it understands of its environment is a very important thing for me okay should be done don't don't think there's any driver change come don't think there's any driver change for car number 20 thank you yeah we are stopping for one thanks all right uh they're waiting for one more car please ack change thank you all right uh wo wo that's some intricately designed phone holder interesting for horizontal H oh it holds the side as well pretty interesting uh entering back the uh Max highway so all that was going to be completed so uh let's Beware of the upcoming traffic and let's go thank you let's go good to go thank you let's go heavy traffic day nevertheless oh it's near my house now they could have dropped me off so again uh I love driving Electric cars especially when I'm doing my daily stuff when I'm not doing my gunting run when I'm not doing my whatever I absolutely love them because they're quiet comfortable they do their stuff and all that now comes the question uh of you know I think I think for most of you who are considering one you should know during that Highway you should know your options you should know um your limitations okay if you predominantly 90% of your time drive around town meet your clients do all this fetch your kits and all that electric cars are wonderful for that absolutely wonderful and from the last few rounds that I'm using uh electric cars where there are more and more Chargers I also realized one thing the refuel regime of electric cars is what this car Corners oh lovely okay uh it doesn't steer pushes the front in very nice very nice for gunting runs very very nice I presume uh back to that what I was discussing the only reason we are comparing oh uh 5 minute refilling versus uh 40 minute charging or 1 hour over charging is because our concept of using all our fuel and then we go to the patrol station to refill it when you apply this Habit to electric cars which is to deplete your battery and then you do a full charge all right but from using it I realize there are it's totally different it's like you wake up from home okay with a full charge because you charge at home even if you don't have a charger at home let's say you go to uh uh oneu or Sunway or Mid Valley to meet a friend for lunch okay that is of course on the basis that you manage to find a charger a lot of them have Chargers these days and you charge your car right while you have lunch when you're done with lunch your car is charged charged that's the interesting part okay and then you go and meet a client somewhere in clang and then after meeting him pass him something you need to head back straight you're not meeting him for coffee or whatnot but as you come back you need to go and meet another person in another location and if that location has a charger you park your car you charge and when you reach home you'll be on 90% or 80% charge or 85% charge and then you plug in if your home has a charger so the whole usage regime is totally different from refilling so I experienced this during Chinese New Year when when I was test driving the smart e the smart uh hashtag one and the car is down to like 16 17% I was doing it whole day going here and there and all that and then I have to go for a family dinner at a restaurant nearby and it's Chinese New Year the whole place is full double Park but somehow there there is a charge C charger there and I immediately downloaded the app and hook up my credit card and booked the spot and seeing it release the spot for me and then I park my car there it's a DC charger and uh I activated through the app and plug in my smart and then I go in for my family dinner all right and then as I come back out which is like quite a long dinner it's like 4 hours later the car is fully charged which is a fantastic thing I just go for dinner and after dinner my car is fully charged so hope you get what I mean that when there are more and more charges uh that's our usage regime however however I believe the government should pledge something for for Ev car makers they have to all of them who sell EV cars in Malaysia should or should be on a 1 to 10 ratio of every 10 car you sell you must inact an a DC charger not AC an DC charger in anywhere anywhere of your picking you know so I think the government should actually release the rules and all that like Thailand you know a lot of people can install charges in front of their shops to earn extra money in front of their house to earn extra money I think the government should do this I mean less and less parties coming in to make a say like dvk tnb suran tanaga bomba everybody wants to have a say everybody wants a piece of that little pie frustrates this whole building of chargers okay so the government should make do something and just come up straight and say this is the rule this is the law now you you you you you shut up okay he is in charge that's it fair and square nothing else so that should be the case but the Slowdown of the deployment of all this right I think first of all is that that that bureaucracy with with installing charger that's the first thing the second thing the apps the apps you know our government spend billions in developing a super app during covid time my saat okay now that my S sadura is useless can I please urge mey and um whatever multimedia whatever super Corridor blah blah whatever minister right please do something please enforce every single app out there to have a plugin into my sjat so that we can have a super app with one view we can see every everybody's charger on one map instead of having to download whatever donkey ass Maps out there and when everybody is developing their own app right the vulnerability of the app uh not every app is as as good is say user friendly right so I really want a super app that has everybody's charges there plug in enforced by the government so that it makes things easier easier for consumers or touch and go please touch and go uh allow them a plug in so we can just we all have Touch and Go app just use touch and go and then click charging and then it detects my location it tells me whereabouts you know that would be wonderful I hope that happens and that will help the deployment of chargers that would help yeah all that overall uh is the car easy to use I mean it's icon based I icon based uh systems first day you won't know where everything is second day you will know where everything is you know it doesn't try to you know it doesn't it's not like BMW try and have icon and have linear menu at the same time both at the same time uh yeah so these type of systems they are not the fastest when it comes to going into accessing what you want to do but uh they are always easy to learn and easy to operate over time okay uh like I mentioned just now wireless charger here please please please electric car makers China car makers every single car maker I know the in thing is to have a wireless charging pad now but as we all have experienced wireless charging heats up our phone I forgot which car was it but there was only one car that I see so far that has an airon vent blowing at the wireless charging pad which is a fantastic thing because like it or not wireless charging just heats up our phone they don't charge very fast it's a new technology that is not a good technology I don't like wireless charging until now if they can solve the heating issue uh if I can put my phone there without it heating up and then it charges fast enough like a fast charging super fast charging whatnot then I I'll love it at this juncture they are slow they heat up they heat up our phone and I just don't like wireless chargers all right other than that fantastic car does it feel like a 200,000 ring car of course but it's an Eevee Eevees are taxfree if it is tax it will be 400,000 so does it feel like a 400,000 car it accelerates like one it rides like one uh not everybody will pay if it is tax all right 400,000 for a byd so y I think uh yeah anything else uh the bottom part of the door suddenly doesn't feel like a 400,000 ring car if it were a 4 400,000 ring car if it's a 200,000 ring car uh the bottom part also but everybody's uh for even when Mercedes-Benz does it right so yep very comfortable car performance is fantastic I don't see a reason in wanting the performance model even though it's only 30,000 more but if you buy the performance model you can surprise or bully 911s Audi RS6 sports cars and all that you can bully them yes you lose some mileage but yeah it's only 30,000 difference and 30,000 is nothing because a lot of people when you buy a premium variant and then you go and do a full car ppf you already arrive at the price of the performance model okay and uh don't ppf this type of car okay no point I break earlier than him than my instructor I see further than him steering of course no feel but it's accurate enough it's tidy enough the the chassis uh is well controlled just now I did the sudden Lane change at 80 kmh stable y feels like a premium chassis that's most important okay headliner nothing the glass roof is not it's not hot at all it's a crazy hot day and the Sun is right above me is not hot at all some really good uh uh very good in terms of the heat rejection okay I love the whole center console here so solid man the build oh I'm worried for Japanese cars and certainly worried for Korean cars you know um they have to buckle up they have to buckle up it's so solid the build is so solid China cars build is crazy look at Tesla they are not being assembled in China they are so solid versus those assembled in USA huh huh this material I like I like okay anything else I really wish for a lower sitting position I I believe if the seat can lower by another 3 in you know if I can sit another 3 in lower I can sit further behind and I have a more GT car kind of driving position I would have really appreciated you know yeah if I can sit lower I'll be sitting like that you know that would be nice okay super comfy the seats are super comfy I wish I have these seats in my Porsche that my old Porsche 911 yeah if I can have these seats right it will be so nice that old Porsche also SE seats very high perhaps you can try one shut up yep uh nothing nothing else except heading back okay see you guys let's check the charging speed now how do I check the charging oh my God sorry traffic jam anyway ah okay still uploading here why is it so slow still uploading what the heck all three of my uploads only Tik Tok is done and uh YouTube is sleeping what is it doing what is it doing why did it stop uploading buger damn y it's 76% now I'm going to leave it here see if it's able to maintain this charge because I'm uploading stuff yeah when we arrive okay turn this back somehow horizontal feels like there's more room in the car versus the IAL ones okay does it have Spotify please log in no in for me man see that's the thing even though our cars can do a lot of things with our phones these days right there's only so much you can do because if you're charging you're running your navigation and you hook up your your songs through your Bluetooth and all that right the whole full pH is going to just heat up slow uh I'm talking about the uploads uh that's standard KL traffic the glass is slightly tinted stock standard glass and uh this design the design of the car by isolation it looks good but in traffic it's a bit inconspicuous it's not like sometimes when you drive a new car people will be like oh everybody slowing down their cars and look at you this one not much you know not much people just assume you're there but of course these are people who are in the traffic trying to get about on their on their Every Day Life and uh they obviously they won't be looking around I'm not going to stop the video because uh this is how you jamming the byd see you I love the seats man oh does it have aor seats it doesn't ah the other day I was in the smart hasht one it has the icon seats but that car is 200 uh 30,000 ring that's the thing that one is 30k more expensive than this it doesn't ride anywhere near this anywhere in terms of ride quality there's no comparison in fact that one also doesn't ride as well as the auto tree byd cars knows a thing or two about chassis and ride quality all their car so far has excellent ride quality punching way be above their price point in terms of light quality yeah but that one has ion seats yeah all right I hope you guys have uh not very good idea of how it drives on a high speeed corner so but nevertheless this is this is how EV car should be used in the city in the city L gentle yeah I use my left indicator again I hit the sound this one sounds like some blind spot warning or something thank you hitting back hitting back turn left turn left really good right very good suspension yep 179,000 for this I think it's a bargain it's uh around the price of a Mazda 3 see this is what is going against Mazda 3 in Malaysia but of Auto and take note uh electric cars currently the road tax is free okay but it will be a lot later on which I think is a flawed calculation okay every single Road tax in Malaysia the pricing of Road tax must and should be charged in accordance to the insured value of the car 1% of insured value and we're done okay we're forever good okay I know it's going to be a little bit more expensive for the likes of uh vs City myv but they have been paying ridiculously low road tax anyway which doesn't make sense 50 ring 60 Ring Road tax your the administrative cost of issuing a road tax alone is higher than what you are paying the government okay so I think 1% should be fantastic so first year Road tax for this car 1,800 as it depreciates to 100,000 it will be 1,000 as it depreciates to 50,000 it will be 500 all right so that's how I think it should be no P or p is over here off is here okay there we go some weird music all right and we're done cheers to our media friends we like to share with you that lunch lot of people collect the registration where do I even start let's be face a bit straight up walk up to this one in the right in the middle well we are not uh unfamiliar with how the byd seal looks because Malaysia has been getting quite a bit later than other markets I've been seeing this car last year in Thailand when we did Evo Ando here in our for those of you who stumble upon my account I am Bobby and uh welcome to my channel and uh I review cars anyway let's have a look at the car now it's not it's not something that we're not familiar with now let let's go through the design the front end dips extremely low so if you look at the height of this where the height of the Bonnet is it's actually on my right below my Belt Line and this one is right at my knees so um for a car that doesn't have a very long Bonnet it actually has a very steep slope going down here this if I'm not wrong if this car went into a uh Bumper to Bumper bum if that's a word I think it should reach like cars like what McLaren or or Ferrari in terms of how low the front end dips now that helps with aerodynamics because the smaller your initial frontal area is this is the initial frontal area the smaller it is uh or the sharper it is the lower your Co efficient uh drag is all right so this car has a very low Co efficient drag 0.219 and uh the seal unlike the Tesla Model 3 which the Tesla Model 3 aims to delete whatever they can delete from the car so if you look at the design philosophy or the manufacturing philosophy right I would say that BD uh byd's products are unlike Tesla in the most sign ific way which would be byd gives you everything a premium car should have whereas Tesla's idea is to remove as much unnecessary stuff as possible from the Cars so they remove everything because if you look at a car like that right every single thing costs money right you have your head lamps you have your advanced LED hit lamps you have your daytime running lights you have these really nice signature kind of wav like structure LED down below and then they house behind a gloss black uh panel that sort of dresses up like a uh uh side intake and there are actually air ducts over here that goes to the wheel well and then you have below the diffusers the bumper It's like a front diffuser if I may okay and in front is the big byd logo and then on the SES they even have the the site gills you know it's a it's a design feature where you know a lot of Premium cars would have it but this one is purely purely for cosmetic purposes I kind of wish that it would be nice if actually by integrate some uh indicator LEDs behind this or something but of course the indicators are here the cameras are here the uh side mirror housing uh this thing is actually Arrow design I youan know I mean wind goes through there there's a NFC sensor over here and then up front you have a 23545 19 in Tire Ecco Contact 6 which is Continentals uh tires for EES because Eevees are massively heavier than normal IC cars the tires have to be built a little bit different as well to be more resistant to wear as well now the door handles are the pop-up type which has been a very popular option for car makers especially from China they like door handles like these that you know sunken in into the door panels and then they pop out as you unlock the car okay now the whole window frame is gloss black okay front and back is gloss black so that it has a very sporty feel because this one is the performance model okay and um inside familiar design from byd uh very fluid type of design that they have here you'll see that there is the uh lower console space the upper part and um are you going to go in yeah please please go ahead all right let me go to the material of the door up here soft touch uh stitchings these are real stitchings all right um and then over here it's like a Alcantara kind of material but it's definitely not Alcantara or it's sweet or is whatnot here is very nice I love this material very very smooth very very soft and this one is a very smooth plastic feels cold to the touch almost almost like a brush aluminium kind of material but I'm certainly it is on high quality plastic here we have a sort of like a Plexi kind of material with the ambient like thing inside of course you can change color and then here is this material again extremely extremely nice to the touch kind of material is it's definitely not leather it's some synthetic material but it feels like the highest of highest grade of leather if it were okay if there is a leather that touches like this right that has to be like the I don't know it's really nice to the touch okay down here of course we have some harder Plastics but these are not the type that will hurt your your knuckles when you knock them it's the it's what I call the not a scratchy type but it's acceptable material quality here the door bins are not full length because they place the speakers over here and then they have the boot release over here and then all all these are very logically placed uh this is just uh you see the child locks and is over here the window switches door lock and unlock uh to control the left side mirror right side mirror and even have one more button to retract both side mirrors as well and these are equipped with the diner audio uh sound system high quality sound system and this whole thing is a nice quality material all right again it's this type of hinge you know it's a big door handle the hinge is over here so you're going to exert a lot of force here so be careful when you operate the car all right the paint quality looks really good there's a glass top on top and uh W full full glass there are no metal in between if this is like a panoramic roof all right let's go in and have a look down here is plastic this is metal and then the pedals are good organ type pedal there's a nice foot rest over here these are for the fuses I suppose no it's a compartment that is covered in felt pretty high quality but this part here is all this type of plastic okay let's come inside here okay come inside here we have a screen right up front very high resolution um I think it it will display whatever that is needed and then on top of it there is the daytime uh not the the H up display over here and then up here this is this is those poly uh injection mod poly urethane material up here is hot plastic and then down here this material is the same as this and these are some patterns you can't actually adjust the air direction that means the airon vents are all controlled uh electrom mechanically all right these are these are all controled via the screen so to change the direction of air and all that you don't have a physical knob for you to control it this is the same material as this almost like Alcantara so the touch points are fantastic all the touch points of this car is finished in a collection of different materials which makes the interior looks nicer instead of you know a one whole door panel that is consists of one material here you can see 1 2 3 4 5 six type of material now the steering wheel steering wheel is in a good size the Gir isn't too thick it has sort of like a almost flat bottom kind of design we're familiar with this design this has that auto auto three feel to it okay there is the auto three feel to it uh these are all physical buttons so you can see this is to activate the Lan keep assist all right and then this is to I I believe this will be activating all the safety systems or the camera and then this is to adjust your distance between the car in front and you this is to set your cruise control and also increase speed or reduce speed this one would rotate the screen okay you press this and then it rotates the screen okay up here this one would be to control this you can change the modes of display oh this one does this so you toggle through different types of uh entertainment modes okay as for this one let me see what does this do maybe to oh this is for your songs and your music phone call you know voice control voice command this one is to control this one you can change different modes all right driving time average speed and all that so pretty much handy whatever you need on the steering wheel is there these are your light controls your light control stock would have automatic hit lamps and all that pretty standard um one push button on the right this one is probably to control I don't know oh that's the wiper for the the speed and also the the intervals okay down here you have two Chi charger over here are there any air vents that blows to the charger nope I really think car makers who have wireless charging should direct some airon air towards the charging pad because all they do is just to heat up your phone on longdistance drives okay down here we have this little cute Crystal gear knob which is very popular now uh you have BMW you have Porsche everybody going to these small little knobs because that's all you need and it doesn't obstruct you from operating with whatever is in the center console okay this one all these are pretty familiar all right your different driving modes and interestingly your airon auto switch and all that is over here this one is for the volume this one is for the cars sports or normal and all that your has lights are here start stop the car parking brakes are here and of course you have a plethora of controls inside the screen because these China cars are really Advanced when it comes to software and all that they have everything ready for you the glove box is all covered in felt another Hallmark of What premium cars should have okay so very nice it has that sun visors you have this is a good one good supplier you know the one I hated is the one where the lights are here and then there's a switch over here where you need to slap the sunvisor to turn it off this a touch I guess not sure okay now up here we have a full glass panoramic roof I believe it should have electrochromatic if it doesn't that will suck now these ones are the cup holders and this is unusually wellb built for a center glove box okay and this again is that really nice material again for some reason there is a NFC sensor here very obvious location but not the most obvious of location to have something lying there I don't know know why I just love the kind of when I go into China cars right I stumble upon a lot of unique materials that I have never touched before in other European mix they have their own supplier Network they have their own types of you know materials this material down below here is a really fantastic material it's not leather it's not plastic I've never touched this before this can only exist on the smoothest of smoothest baby cow butt or whatnot but I'm sure it's not leather the compartment down here is huge okay you have all the sockets you have your 12vt sockets you have your USB ports Chargers and all that over there obviously this car will have re airon Vents and in terms of seat support it is fantastic all right the stitching on the seats the cross stitching the iso fix invent on the front seats look at how soft this is really nice all right so that's the whole front of the byd seal let's go to other spots and uh oh hello hi and here we go now and okay oh there's un W think sorry I for you okay at the back of the seat here this looks really sporty but in the way also is very largely built so that uh rear rear passenger this is my eye vantage point so in terms of in terms of my visibility I am some not somewhat almost all being blocked by this front seat okay and here it's really nice and here I like the fact there is a pocket here two pockets this is a big one okay this is nice and uh us PS now the rear scre this goes full length I really like the seat material quality in this car all right another thing is sh simple the angle of my seat Okay so this two cup holders rubberized material all right this is nice overall this is a very spacious car uh I wish the seats are mounted a lot higher so that I can slot my feet in easier currently it's actually a bit low but overall space is in abundance in the back here okay the the roof line is also pretty low so going in and out for someone who it's a little bit taller just take note but it's not bad it's not bad bad bad okay overall China cars build are amazing these days okay now coming to the side you have all those design lines and then down here some unique stuff as well okay more for stylistic purposes now come to the rear you have the tail legs which are it's like a norm now every single EV has to have a single stripe tail light uh diffusers cameras cameras sensors and all that these are again I believe is purely for stylistic purposes okay huge by logo at the back that's the release for the boot powered boot okay it would be nice if it is a hatch that opens up because for cars with a very Sleek body line uh you hamper the opening when it's just the boot that is open okay overall pretty big I like the fact that this is not a thin material this is nice and thick and U the boot is not the largest for this type of car all right it's not the largest for this type of car but it's more than enough all right all right I have abang Gan helping me to close the boot there we go you can see that little black tip over there just to basically they put a lot of effort in the design of the car okay so Yep this is uh a detailed look at the bud seal I'm going to go drive it later all right cheers
Channel: Bobby Ang
Views: 46,897
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: GArGO9s6K6E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 6sec (3726 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 22 2024
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