2024 Tesla Model 3 Highland vs BYD Seal: WHO WINS??

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which is better the new facelifted Tesla Model 3 or the byd seal premium these are two of the best electric sedans that you can buy but I'm going to give you a definitive answer which one's best that sounds pretty good to me that's a pretty good deal don't you think especially for free so today we're going to take you for a full and comprehensive tour of both of these cars check out their exterior designs check out their Interiors their practicality more importantly which is faster which has the better electric technology which drives better and which is better value we're going to give you a full answer on that so let's get into it let's do it all righty let's talk about the byd seal so we have the premium here and that means it's middle of the range we have reviewed the performance which is right at the top and if you want to watch that afterwards you can click the link below there is a model that sits below this which is the standard range and that actually starts at a really good price 52 Grand driveway that's insane value man honestly man to get into an EV these days that's pretty good but unfortunately that does come with quite substantially less power also a smaller battery so today we're comparing the premium with the base model rear wheeel drive Tesla and you'll see why let's talk about the design of this thing man I think it looks really nice from the front it's actually like gorgeous now it's clearly taken some inspiration from the uh model 3 you can see that even just from the way that the nose kind of bulges out there it's almost identical except now the model 3 has changed but we'll come to that in a second it's also got some Porsche tyan style LED daytime running lights there but very bright LED lights here really cool and very unique effect lights here too Again part of the daytime running lights you've also got your byd badge proudly spelled out there I love this paint color too it's like a pearlescent metallic I don't know how to describe it it changes to like purple and green depending on the light it's very cool down the bottom you've also got some functional Arrow really is for your air conditioning though so um yeah but otherwise I think at least from the front it looks really really good but let's talk about the model 3 Highland because I'll be honest before I thought it was really quite ago like really quite ago but they've made a lot of changes to this now we will have a separate full review out on this coming very soon so make sure you subscribe but to highlight the biggest changes you get these new lights here with very cool daytime running lights very bright LEDs there too I'm pretty sure their Matrix LEDs now across the range and they've added a lot of functionality to older headlights too thanks to over the a updates and that's one of the things that Tesla does better than anyone else over the a updates adding new features but also taking away for example with this highland they've deleted the front camera here so now you've got that one up there and they've also taken away any parking sensors and unlike the byd where you do get parking sensors that means it's just a terrible camera based system yeah look it sometimes detects uh ghosts let's just say that detects ghosts it doesn't stop when you actually do hit something and then when you're not hitting something it thinks you're hitting something so yeah there's a lot of work that could be done there especially with fixing those systems one of the things they really upgraded for this was lowering the front making the drag coefficient even better they've also just redesigned most of the panels up front I will say though I have noticed some um well bad paint finish here it's actually coming away here where the Bonnet meets the bumper I'm not seeing that at all on the BD seal so I still think that Tesla has a bit of a way to go even though both of these cars are made in China so if you're one of those America vers China well they're both Chinese so there you go now the model 3 here it does start at $67,000 drive away and that is for the base model rear wheel drive but as you'll see when we actually come to drive it these things despite that having a bigger battery and more power are almost identical in their power outputs and range and all that other stuff and as you'll see Power doesn't always equal performance no no it doesn't Jacob let's check out the side let's do it all righty guys let's compare the sides now um and obviously note there is a giant byd sticker on the side and a QR code it's actually one of their showroom cars so one of byd's more annoying traits yeah every single byd has that on it and I don't love it but anyway just pretend it's not there okay let's talk about the side of these so these are new 18in portal Wheels they've got this very AO design to them you can rip it off but I don't recommend it cuz you actually lose a significant amount of range just from wind buffeting you've got these Michelin eacy tires on them and they are specially developed for the model 3 and I'm not going to lie they are just better than the Continentals that you get on on the seal seriously some of the best Mechanical group we've had around saly corner more on that later yeah more on that later and both of these are Eco tires by the way which is really important here you have a camera that works for your blind spot camera for example but also as part of your dash cam this car now has seven cameras down from eight so it deleted one of those I will say again byd has clearly you know taken inspiration from Tesla they've just kind of put a byd design badge in the place in a very similar shape both of them actually have these flush door handles here I actually prefer them more in the byd seal just because they are pop out and they just feel a bit better these ones you still kind of have to fidget around with a little bit and no one gets them the first time it's kind of hard to open with one hand to be honest it's an interesting design it's definitely not the end of the world but yeah I just think the BD still Does It Better you've got another camera up here this of course also has really good connected services like Sentry mode where you can monitor the exterior of the car from anywhere in the world and it will also record events things like that so I love that system and is one of the biggest reasons you would even buy a Tesla in the first place they have some of the best software out there % gr it's just better than a byd seal I'll tell you what isn't better than a byd seal there's no privacy glass here you get that on the seal it's a bit surprising it's a little bit surprising also in terms of length the model 3 is 4.7 M long and the seal is 4.8 M long the seal also has a slightly longer wheelbase and that does mean that inside it is a little bit better for back seat passengers but again we'll come back to that Jacob let's talk about the bum o let's do it and then coming to the rump derer of the model 3 first I love love these tail lights man this is all new sool and I actually really like how when you open the boot the tail light kind of comes up with it yeah pretty cool it is very cool you've also got Tesla now spelled out on the back that used to be a mod that a lot of people do so I think uh Alon is listening does look very nice I really like it and then down the bottom you have a revised bumper but otherwise it's a a little bit it's you know what it's classic tesler very understated design I think so whereas the byd seal is kind of the opposite and I'll be honest I really like the ass of the byd seal you've got such a cool LED light bar at the back it's just got a beautiful design man I don't know byd seal is spelled out there you got byd badge they changed that from build your dreams which was literally spelled out just thank God for that yeah it no one wanted that on the back of their car it just doesn't really uh just doesn't look that great down the bottom you have one of the most aggressive diffusers on any car that's not like a race car you know what I mean i' call it frankly egregious I don't know I kind of love it it's just cool aggressive gives it a nice St but again let us know what you guys think do you prefer the looks of the byd seal or the Tesla Model 3 me personally I think I just prefer the looks of the model 3 a little bit more now before it was horrendous now I think it's pretty good Jae what do you think 100% agree I mean the byd seal is very nice but I think the Tesla Model 3 will appeal to more people that was a very interesting sound you made all righty let's talk about practicality now jaob everybody's favorite godamn subject but it is important here because it does differ actually quite a lot so despite having a longer wheelbase the seal has definitely prioritized back seat space over boot space so it's okay at 400 L though to be fair that does not include what's under the floor tell you what by the way Jacob the byd seal does include some nice sun shades sun shade that you can actually put up to block out the sun fantastic and they actually work they work really well and also comes with a charging tape the same cannot be said for the Tesla the same cannot be said you know charge it yourself apparently Tesla says but yes 400 L it definitely feels a lot smaller in the back of this which is a shame you can of course drop to a second row and then you get a lot of space but if you got p in the back you can't do that can you I mean you can they just won't be very happy be like this you of course do get a frun and of course daddy Jacob is the absolute best tell how much space there is Jacob and how much would you say um my legs are now broken and what do it what does it tell you about 50 L about 50 l so it's 50 L of storage up front but it is carpeted which again cannot be said on the model three but let's first talk about it's bum oh it's got a bit of a catfish bum doesn't it it does it's got a huge rum but de air there is a lot of space in there in fact Tesla say it has 32 L more space than the preface lift just cuz they had some efficiency gains in terms of its build Tesla claims that this has 594 L of boot space but I think that does include this massive amount of space under the floor there yeah cuz otherwise I don't see that being like 200 more than than the seal no it is definitely more but I don't think it's that much more you can also drop the second row and of course get more space just like the seal and up front you actually get quite a lot more space daddy Jacob a ginormous bloody frunk it's like 80 something liters I think it's about 83 or 84 l oh 88 88 very lucky number I've to fat check myself heavy breathing 88 L of boot space all righty let's Che out of the Interior okay all righty coming into the Interiors now and this one is actually really hard to evaluate because it's going to appeal to two very different type of people this very much is I don't know Jay would you say like the more conventional interior 100% I mean you actually have something other than a screen here exactly right and there's a lot going on but I think in a really good way in most ways so for me personally I do prefer the interior of the model 3 but I come to why first of all the materials in here they're just so nice soft touch absolutely every week got like this sued Al guitara it's just a really nice place to sit you do feel cocooned enveloped in pretty much luxury and that comes almost from the base what it doesn't include is a leather steering whe like you get here which does feel pretty good but in some ways not going to lie it feels a little bit cheap the buttons things like that minor complaint the seats as well they look fantastic and they are mostly very supportive I have found myself though slipping off under hard breaking so they look like they provide more support than they do and they are very very soft but I think almost to a detriment though they are real leather unlike what you would find in a Tesla Model 3 in terms of technology I think in some ways it's even better than the model 3 just because you get things like apple carplay which you don't in the model 3 it has definitely copied a lot of things from the model 3 though so these dual Wireless charges here a very clear copy yeah they're just not done as well though cuz it's not like your phone slips around everywhere correct and it doesn't really charge very well you also control your events through this display here too and they've actually got extra functionality like swinging like you'd find on a Toyota Crown in Japan it's very cool stuff but again it's a little bit copycat not that that's a bad thing manufacturers copy each other but clearly they did copy what they didn't copy though is like this digital instrument cluster up in front of you not the best display in the world but it does show enough information and I think it looks pretty good you also get a heads up display again something you don't get in the model three in terms of practicality it's also pretty good so absolutely massive felt lined glove box there you've got lot of storage under here although it can be quite hard to access your USB C Port USB a port and top of Walky you got a couple of cup holders here and it's actually two stage in case you have a smaller cup the door Bings are pretty uh tiny I'm not going to lie but you do get a bit of storage as well to the right of the driver also of course it's a byd so this is its party trick the screen can rotate to Portrait I'm not going to lie to you guys it's it's a total gimmick it's so useless like you would never use this I have driven lots of BDS at this point all of them assaulted Australia at the moment and never have I done that other to say to someone look at that it's calling the F mode do 10 or three you'll never use it but uh this just seems like excuse me I like to use the F mode don't speak for me I should mention soft Center armrest with some storage under their as well another area actually where this absolutely demolishes the model 3 is the sound system so the model three is part of the facelift is actually removed some of the speakers for the Basse model but this gets a d audio sound system sounds really really good with a bit of EQ tuning yeah I mean I think a lot of it is software I don't think the speakers are that good but can't complain oh shout out by the way to this gear selector here um very different in the Tesla as you'll see at the moment you've also got Drive modes which again you don't get in the Tesla well you kind of do you get chill acceleration and standard and standard and of course here you get stalks and you'll see why that's important soon let's check out the back seats let's do it all righty let's talk about the back seats now because really that is the biggest benefit of the seal over the model 3 so I'm 5 for 11 I've just got stupid amounts of legro so they've really done a great job in packaging at least this interior space but as I said it does unfortunately eat into practicality you just get less space in the boot got a couple of map Pockets here air vents phone storage Smiley faing there and then open there's a little hidey hole the USB a port USB seport toy room is fantastic when you're just sitting like this a little Jammy feet up in front and obviously you get nothing but who does that also so heaps of headro here and the sunroof is actually a really tinted sunroof which is very good on a hot Australian day like today it's about 33° and I'm not really feeling it but as I said you do get sun shades included with this which you would have to buy as an accessory uh for the model 3 so really good packaging and value for money for sure in terms of the seats they just this really beautiful like diamond litted effect here we also going to pull down s armest with a couple of cup holders I man like it's a really nice place to be yeah I think this definitely wins the back seat department and I think especially um in terms of your seating angle as well it's a lot better in this than in the model 3 in fact let's talk about the model 3 let's do it all righty guys let's talk about the interior now of the model 3 Jack what's the first thing that you notice screen screen and second thing screen I notice that it's really a lot less and for me it feels a lot less cluttered and for me I'm just liking this interior experience more so you're a minimalist not usually but I just think that the implementation here is just so good after the facelift had you asked me before the facelift I would have said go for the bloody ayd because you didn't get things like cooled seats these seats here they've actually been updated as part of this facelift they're now cooled they have more cushioning they're very nice and they feel really good even though they're not real leather it's faux leather same like this steering wheel here now to be fair Tesla steering wheels do have a nasty habit of wearing really quickly so it be interesting to see how this uh Affairs in the long term it's a flat botom steering wheel I just love that you got like buttons here on the steering wheel for your turn signals this has gone completely stalkless now so if you want to activate your autopilot you double tap that by the way it's not really autopilot but anyway that's a whole other discussion in terms of materials you do get a lot of faux leather dotted around just like the seal so here it's nice and soft touch well very soft touch we've also got this new fabric here which replaces the wood of the prefacelift model 3 but is actually also strategically place there to reduce the nvh in here the noise vibration and harshness in fact it's a lot lighter in here than the seal and you'll see that when we take this thing for a drive just because of all these changes they have made for the facelift it's also got really cool ambient lighting just like the byd but I think the implementation here is just better you've got some silly stuff right like everything has to be done through the screen and some of it is totally fine but some of it is silly so for example if you want to open the glove box you got to press a button there it's just so silly it's silly it's unnecessary doesn't need to be that way don't know why they do it like that as I said byd has copied Tesla for their aircom so that's kind of funny but whatever C the good stuff I guess and I'm not sure if I love it anyway because you have to use the screen to change where the air comes from but whatever it also doesn't come with any Apple carplay app or thankfully it does use Google Maps so that is really what most people use anyway but if you want to use ways like I do you simply can't you're out of luck don't know why they're so steadfast or not influencing that it's just so weird other silly things you can make music for example this is the tune that Jacob and I made by accident in about 2 seconds you've also got things like a romance mode where it turns up their AG got a which is that little silly fart thing I don't know some silly stuff there but I'll be honest with you it does work really easily uh you don't have your drive selector St anymore so now you got to use this display here and there's redundancies up here on the roof it does be but you all can you please stop please stop look I mean I think without a doubt it's the best screen on any car yeah it just I don't know man Even though there's a lot of silly stuff with it it just works and you don't worry about changing the aircom where the location is cuz you don't need to you just kind of set it and forget it you don't really open the glove box for of so it's ever really an issue like small things like that I actually do kind of appreciate and they have increased the processing power behind it and made the bezel th up in terms of storage they've changed more things so here you've got a massive amount of storage and you can also put away that hidey hole you get a couple of cup holders got a 12 volt socket in there you got the Dual wireless chargers that really Tesla pioneered and uh I'm not going to lie it's a much better implementation as we said than the bydc your phone doesn't go flying away and actually charges uh under here you get some felt lining and a lot more storage there too with the USB cport that build quality not the best some things about the Tesla build quality that they say they've really improved and I think they have in a lot of ways but still things like creaking there a rattle behind me that I don't love and I haven't heard in a byd seal also if you want to like change the settings of your steering wheel there's no grab handle you have to use the buttons here it's just I don't know unnecessary steps also you get massive door bins way better than the byd seal that can actually fit like a large bottle of water and otherwise it's very Tesla you know just minimalist what else is there to talk about no 100% agree I mean I think the byd seal probably has a little bit better storage but apart from that the Tesla wins in every other regard do you actually believe that yeah Fair cool that us know what you guys think of that that's that's going to get some hate let's check out the back seats let's do it all righty guys let's talk about the back seats now of the model 3 and in a lot of ways it is quite a lot worse than the byd se but there is one big reason that I like it let's get the bad out of the way leg room is okay at 5'1 tow room is not that great even when I Jam my feet all the way back head room is very dope because of the jewel pained sunroof here and by the way that is just one piece of glass all the way through even to the back window it just changes its tined such a cool look I love it very cool you do get really nice seats back here in fact in a lot of ways I just prefer them to the seal because they just have more support and more ping without like the softness that you get in the byd seal but anyway but what the seating angle is not as good no the seating angle is not as good my legs do not sit as good of an angle I do like this P that down you got a nice soft Center armrest with a couple off cup holders and the headrest acts as that thing from stopping him from whacking down further you these folio map Pockets quite nice but to be honest the seal kind of matches all of that and does better in quite a lot of ways the thing I do love is this new display here man because it's actually so good I thought it was such a gimmick at first it's one of the most high definition little displays I've ever seen and it gives you that Tesla experience now for the back seat passengers you can do things like play games on it like you could in the front seats but now you can actually play them in the back seats too you've got YouTube and other streaming services so you can watch things like aesome you better please subscribe subscribe from your Tesla subscribe from your Tesla you've got buttons here so turn on the heated seats in the back that's right you get heated outboard seats even though it's a base model you can even move the front passenger seat forward now which is pretty damn cool and then you've got your airon controls here which you can independently move or you can just set it to the ideal position based on what pesl x so that means that yes in the back you get those kind of silly air vents that you can't change yourself or as you put before and you get a couple of USB C ports there too so because of that it just really elevates the experience I think and it gives you that really modern feel that you never really had in the back but you always had in the front now you get in the back I just prefer the setup of the Tesla I prefer the seating I just kind of like it a lot more in a lot of ways than the byd but I also get why people prefer the byd too but and Jacob do you agree with that 100% I think the byd is just a more normal car I think Tesla's just so different in every single way that it might just be too much for people to adjust to it's Innovative and I like that there's not a lot of that going on anymore but let not what you guys think again of the Interior spaces which would you take because yeah I think I'm leing towards Tesla but Jacob the most important part give it us some Source we just f as Tesla Z 100 oh righty daddy jaob time for the thing that the Tesla's going to lose in well that's what you think we're going to time 0 100 we have our specialist timing gear here Tesla claimer 0 100 6.1 seconds here for the rear wheel drive what will it do piss me here we go let's do it ooh stamp that ooh o ooh it's good for traction picking up now oh oh that's pretty good A good 0 to 60 kmph oh not far off the claim not far off you don't seem impressed I'm I'm I'm kind of a little unimpressed but I mean it's still good but for an EV I don't know 0 10 6.31 seconds Let's test Out The Seal let's do it all righty friend so will the byd seal be faster again specialist time gear I'm so ready F me here we go same thing there is no such thing let's let's floor baby oh SL slight delay come on give us more power oh that feels pretty quick though slightly quicker slightly quicker as You' expect but closer to their claim of 5.9 seconds we got 5.97 seconds that's pretty good man I'm pretty sure the claim's 5.7 but okay oh no oh no that is is about the same all righty daddy Jacob driving the Tesla Model 3 rear wheeel drive and of course the Highland the facelift let's put our foot down I love this new Tesla Model 3 oh it's so fast it is really fast and it doesn't seem to die down the faster you go which is actually really good so we're driving this before we drive the by yd seal Primo this is the bloody Benchmark this is The Benchmark of the segment there is no doubt we have a full review coming out of this very very soon although we did film that before doing this comparison and and I'm not going to lie to you guys that is really it's a super nice car man it's a really nice car the changes that they've made Under the Skin they've completely changed the suspension front and rear the subframe has been tweaked with new better brakes nvh has been improved by 20 to 50% I don't know which exact figure to take but they say between 20 to 50% I think some things 50% you've now got acoustic glass oh yeah you've got more insulation in the door better build quality so there's a lot of things that they've changed for this facelift in fact in that review and again subscribe to see that cuz it's coming out very soon we said that you know this is almost like an all new car it's pretty much at least it feels like it it's got so much different with it I will say the rear wheel drive you put your foot down oh you get a lot of power but as you'll see the byd just it feels more powerful it feels like you've got more going on behind you that is true here in the base model Tesla Model 3 Highland you get a 60 KW hour battery which is a lot smaller about 25% smaller however this thing is so efficient at 13.2 kws that you will get close to the claim wtp of like 512 km or whatever it is yeah which is only about 50 km or 60 km less than the byd seal so that 20% doesn't necessarily translate into Real World Range oh my God I will say the handling the handling is phenomenal what they've done under the skin of the model 3 Highland like it's I'm not going to lie guys it's almost like this is a sports car like they've really hit what I would call BMW driving Dynamics which is just a really good blend of comfort and handle it I agree even though I would say BMW are more on the stiff side this is definitely not stiff this is very comfortable in fact it's just really comfortable and you're not wafting you're not wallowing it's just like I don't know man it's just such a comfortable ride and you couldn't say that before by the way of the prefacelift model 3 that was so stiff like almost unbearably stiff so if I was to compare this one with the old model 3 I'd be like no don't do it this is worth the $4500 extra dollars that it costs now however you have to keep in mind that this is still like 10 grand more than the byd seal yeah and does it feel 10 grand more expensive well we'll talk about that when we get to the Meb D seal oh Saucy Corner let's see how it goes corner it's so quiet in here man can't even hear myself lock fingers now Tickle Me O It's a gentle acceleration here in the rear wheel drive you can get this is an all wheeel Drive long range but it's a lot more money and I I just don't think you need it w dude that is an Unholy grip things down to like how they've tuned the traction control it's like unbelievably good man unbelievably good I just think we've gotten to a point now with EVS where they can kind of just be everything you need it to be really and then you double press this autopilot as well again A system that just it it works now I will say I don't think the system overall is better than a byd seal and I'll tell you why first of all Tesla do this thing where they just remove stuff from the Cars so they've removed the sensors from the car first of all front and rear but they've also removed the radar and so as a result this thing relies only on the seven cameras that it has which to be fair that is a lot of cameras or disconnected reconnected here the terrible thing about it is that it Phantom braks all the time it will just randomly slam on the braks and there'll be people behind you and it's really bad the thing is though like that can be fixed with an over theair update which is kind of cool it can which is kind of cool so I don't know I look on the one hand I agree with what with what you're saying but I kind of like the philosophy of chopping off the unnecessary stuff and just keeping the Bare Essentials to do everything it needs to do Fair well let us know what you guys think down in the comments section below is My Philosophy better or is Jacob's philosophy I'm just removing everything let's just philosophize together also listen to this I couldn't hear anything you can hear the clicking you can hear the clicking of the Tesla like you can hear that more than the horn outside it's so quiet in here I love it it's so refined but how does the byd seal compare will it seal the deal I hate you let's uh let's test it out now let's do it all righty daddy Jacob jumping from into the seal TLA to seal get it yeah cuz it's that's what SEALs do oh very gentle you know why e mode get it out of there baby you me have you been driving this e driving in E I've been trying my best I'll put me in sport mode then okay here we go this will be okay something's wrong nothing's wrong but this is something I've noticed in some bys and when once you start to get faster when you start to get close to 100 km an hour you put your foot down oh that's better I swear it wasn't giving us that much power before no that's a bit inconsistent okay uh what I was going to say is that it slows down and it definitely doesn't feel quite as linear as a Tesla Motor if that makes sense Al that felt good it's pretty quick though man what's going on okay so I think it was stuck in Eco before maybe it just didn't change itself out so let's talk about what's powering this thing it's a single rear motor oh oh just a single one it's not coupled up like you and I oh you and me a couple or a couple couple of guys that motor at the rear it puts out 230 KW and 360 newm so you know a healthy bump over the Tesla Model 3 you can feel it you can feel that how do I stop this car from yelling at me can I just say I find it weird how when you put your foot put down all the way it says 240 KW on the thing I think B oh 247 it's like overpowering itself liar you're a liar you put out more power that's never a Bad Thing hang on I I actually need to pull over why because that beeping oh I'll just hold it on down oh go to sleep is it turning off are you talking about the lane centering yes please make it shut up okay we're pulling over has it yanked the wheel out of your hands yet yeah a couple times it's tried to clearly you've been living with the Tesla for too long you don't know how to use anything but a screen I feel like such a boomer all right lane support system bye-bye off emergency landcap assist off good night I don't usually turn these Systems off but that was really intrusive it's very intrusive in this car good night driver attention warning yeah I'm I'm sure child presence detection yeah delay that I don't want that at this point in life all right okay we should be good now oh here we go oh oh oh give me all that power baby it's definitely got more power than the uh the Tesla Model 3 but you know what it doesn't have R Stampers yeah you can't take uh Corners at the same speed at all nowhere near like and it's kind of it almost feels kind of dangerous because you got so much more power at your fingertips but you just cannot use it I'll tell you what it's also really softly sprung and I think that's really good for daily driving but certainly for spirited driving it's um less so yeah and you know what we had the same critique for the performance version of this so it was very softly it's not just the premium version It's kind of across the range like I said though the model 3 before this would have demolished it oh yeah demolished it phone slipping out that's not that's they tried to copy Tesla there it didn't work out too well no it demolishes it but now that the new Highland is here unfortunately for the seal Tesla's upped its game Tesla has really upped it game in a big way and I feel like they kind of saw the byd seal coming and they were like you know what we got to stay ahead of this curve speaking of Curves it's time Saucy daddy Corner we've somehow done a UI oh the U turn it's time explicitly Tickle Me Oh tickle me right now let's go oh gentle very gentle just like the model 3 it's a good thing to do though I'm scared I'm genuinely scared I just heard the back end come around okay here we go oh God a number one oh it's bogged bogged down yeah ESC is not as well tuned on this that's for sure oh jeez and that is electronic stability control and can I just comment on one thing and I think you might have noticed it there yes is the steering just doesn't feel as direct and it's very hard to get the nose to point where you want it to point like it's very easy to over steer or under steer like it's a bit disconnected yeah yeah it's a bit disconnected comparatively so I mean look we're nitpicking here it's not a bloody sports car no but it's a comparison we have to be honest the other thing let's talk about the battery oh it's the speed warning you nink poop I just you can't win these days there so many warnings there too many Warning Systems not byd's fault this is every new car unfortunately so you can get a fivestar hand cap safety rating anyway the battery so it's an 85 kwh hour gross battery size that's really big theoretically gives it a wltp of like 570 km 570 real world we're probably see seeing closer to 500 I want to say it's not as good so 16.8 KW hours is what we're kind of averaging over this week of testing which is actually quite significantly worse than the 13.2 KW hours we're getting in the model 3 and as a result The Real World Range ends up being actually quite similar yeah yeah I mean you're probably getting like 20 or 30 km more in this versus that but the battery size is like 25% more correct so you're going to be spending more time charging it anyway especially because it charges slower at 150 KW and that's in this spec if you go for a lower trim of this you'll only get 110 Kow yeah you get a small battery so yeah I don't know man like it's a lot cheaper it's a lot cheaper but at the same time I think you're getting your money's worth if you step up to get the model 3 100% like either way you're going to be spending more than 60 Grand it's like do you want to spend 60 or do do you want to spend 70 and I think in terms of the extra price Tesla justifies that now having driven these back to back it's big difference it's actually a bigger difference than I expected yeah all right Jacob let's get my final thoughts let's do it okay so final thoughts which one should you buy well look the byd seal even though it might seem like I was really negative to it in the driving section it is still one of the best electric cars that you can buy it provides really good value especially at its price point of 62 Grand driveway for this premium spec I wouldn't go for the base model I wouldn't go for the performance if you want to learn more about that you can check out the review below but really what lets it down is how the electric powertrain comes together especially when you just compare it to the model 3 Highland now if this had been the pre-facelift I definitely would have said go for the byd because that ride the ride quality the way it drove is just not as good but they've made so many changes to this facelift that it is definitely in my opinion worth the $5,000 premium even though you don't get a leather interior feels close enough and that interior technology man what do you think look I'll be honest I prefer the Tesla but I can see the byd seal uh stealing some sales from the Tesla for people that want a more conventional Driving Experience totally great let us know what you guys think down in the comments section below which would you buy where would you actually put your money and of course if you want to buy any new car head to car source.com we will get you the best prices without any hassle and with cars that are actually in stock you for now bye-bye
Channel: CarSauce
Views: 46,262
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tesla, byd, tesla vs byd, tesla model 3, byd seal, tesla model 3 highland, tesla model 3 vs byd seal, 2024 tesla, 2024 byd, 2024 tesla model 3, 2024 byd seal, 2024 tesla model 3 highland, 2024 byd seal premium, carsauce, china, america, australia
Id: 768ReoYVjsc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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