Buying a PlayStation 3 in 2024!

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today on the channel I've got another blast from the past this is a launch OG fat PlayStation 3 that I bought off eBay with the original box and all of the goodies in it in this video we're going to go over a bit of the history as well as take it out of the box and see what it's like to use in 2024 let's Jump Right In before we continue on huge thanks to geology for sponsoring this video when it comes to Skin Care people especially us guys might not know the importance of building a routine or even where to begin but geology makes it simple since I'm on camera a lot my goal was to have clearer skin and to keep acne at Bay so I took a 60-second quiz on their website which matched me to a kit tailor made for my specific skincare needs and budget it shipped right to my doorstep and so far I'm very happy with the results geology themselves in the efficacy of their products using dermatologist recommended ingredients that are proven to work plus their products don't just stop at your face they have a wide array of solutions for hair care as well as body care as well if you would like to work on healthier skin and support the content that we make here on Deni head over to by scanning the QR code on your screen or using the link in the description below take the quiz and use code Dany 70 to get 70% off your customized skincare trial set thanks again to geology for sponsoring this video and now back to our PS3 when it comes to PlayStation history the PS3 generation was very interesting to say the least for one before it even launched it had large shoes to fill the PlayStation 2 that came before it was the clear winner of the previous generation not only did it have the most diverse library of exclusives and third-party titles but it also doubled as an affordable DVD player as those were becoming popular at the time in fact all of this would add up to the PS2 becoming the highest selling console in history now for the Playstation 3 it came at a time when the world was just beginning to transition from standard definition TV to HD and thus the expectations were high for a major leap in graphics and resolution so with a bunch of money in the bank thanks to the immense success of the PlayStation 2 as well as the desire to absolutely crush the competition Sony along with some help from Toshiba aimed to craft the most powerful Home console ever and in this box is the result of that effort the launch PlayStation 3 first off we have the six Access Controller of course this generation ALS also had the dual shock 3 but the launch PS3 had the six axis which was basically the same thing just without the rumble we also get a power cable with what looks to be an antenna lead for some reason I don't know what this connector is but we'll have to investigate what else we got here ethernet cable Hell Yeah RCA HDMI of course because this is an HD console and our paperwork which is all in Japanese cuz again Japanese Market console something I'll say about the included accessories here in the box is that a lot of them honestly look fairly new this could be some due diligence by the seller to just give us new cables and whatnot but even stuff like the controller this is absolutely Immaculate I almost would like to say that they just gave us a new controller and this instruction manual looks like it hasn't been touched not like anyone really needs to touch it the PS3 is a pretty straightforward console I can almost believe that this EST stay in the original packaging its entire life I'm going to go ahead and set these aside because I want to take a look at our actual PlayStation 3 Moment of Truth so it is completely covered in bubble wrap oh yeah holy crap wait a minute I mean again we spent 250 bucks on this which I think is not the most expensive 60 gig PS3 you can find but certainly up there we get some of the dust off of here we'll carefully wipe wipe it down the thing about the gloss black plastic on these fat PS3s is that they scratch like crazy part of the reason why I was being a little careful with wiping it down was because this thing is clean I mean there are some light scratches here and there but you really need to get the light on it and see it in a particular way in order to find where those are this was really taken care of you know I will say though that this might might have been worked on before because we do have a sticker where the warranty void would be it does not look like the original one unless the Japanese Market ones were different I'll have to go back and see for sure yeah that don't look original but that being said however if someone did refurbish this especially if they did it to the exterior they did a good job yeah ma'am this is taking me back and I keep forgetting just how large and heavy this console was I mean there was a lot of intricate Hardware in here between the cell processor the large hard drive the Blu-ray player the big power supply this was a beefy machine the 60 gb Playstation 3 in particular was the topof the line when this console came out there's also a base model 20 gig which was way more Bare Bones but really the 60 gig was the one that you wanted especially with only a $100 difference between the two and when this PlayStation 3 cost $600 new why would you compromise at that point especially when the 60 gig came with memory card slots I especially used it to transfer files such as game saves and movies over to my Playstation 3 it was super convenient of course it also gave you a larger hard drive but really the main selling point for me with the 60 gig over the base model was the fact that this one had Wi-Fi this was especially important because the PlayStation 3 in particular emphasized online gaming way more than its predecessor the PlayStation 2 and of course Wi-Fi is just more convenient than having to run a long cable over to my router I will say one personal reason why I love the fat PS3 in particular compared to other ones that came out down the line is because the level of functionality that you get with the original is unmatched with the benefit of hindsight nearly two decades later after launch the claim to fame with these launch PlayStation 3s is the fact that they have backwards compatibility for PlayStation 2 now there is a bit of nuance when we factor in the 80 gig models that would come in somewhat after the fact but these large consoles in particular the fat 60 and the fat 20 actually have the PlayStation 2 Emotion engine built into it meaning that there was proper Hardware backwards compatibility to let you play those those games those 80 gig PS3s would use software emulation to do backwards compatibility where these launch consoles would do it purely through Hardware which makes it in my opinion at least the most ideal experience at least in the context of these PlayStation 3s but enough talk let's actually plug this into Power get a TV and actually play some games on it and also talk a little further about what it's like to actually own one of these in 2024 all right so I got our PS3 all plugged into power as well as over HDMI to our monitor here let's just go for it power it on nice hit the green light and it is spinning up cool it powers on screen showing stuff oh I have to plug in the controller this 6 aess controller actually uses mini USB which I haven't seen in quite a long time luckily there was one included in the box so let's plug this in we have our USB port down here and sweet we are good to go going to set this to English real quick now because this is a Japanese Market console our X and circle buttons are flipped on the controller for what is to select and to go back before I really dive in here what firmware am I running on this okay this is on 4.41 okay 4.41 came out 11 years ago wow wow April 24th 2013 okay so that would put it a little less than 7 years after this console was made and what's funny is that when we're looking at PlayStation 3 firmware they actually released one not too long ago it says here 4.91 which was released on February 27th of 2024 for some reason now in addition to our firmware version we also have our store space available too so again this is the 60 gig PS3 and of the 55 that are read by the PS3 8 gigs of it are being used by the OS now if I'm being honest even in the context of this gaming Generation 60 gigs was not a whole lot but now with the benefit of like two decades worth of technological advances we can actually get ssds 2.5 in drives to just stuff into to our PS3 without spending a whole lot of money the SATA controller that they use on the user upgradable hard drve Bay is only rated for SATA 1 meaning while you certainly won't be getting a night and day difference in terms of speeds at the very least with an SSD you'll have way more reliability versus a conventional mechanical drive and also this should be better for thermals as well which will be super important with our PS3 that's prone to overheating I'm going to be sticking this drive into our PS3 in just a moment but before I even dive into Mods we probably should stick a PS3 game in here to see how well the console even works yo it has been a minute I definitely put in like hundreds of hours into Cod 4 growing up I even did multiplayer game battles back in the day with custom brackets and whatnot playing other teams do kids these days even know what game battle is probably not but regardless the game is functioning fine though I will say the fan is kicking up so much right now it's not particularly hot but it's just loud now if I really wanted to and had more time I would actually open this PS3 up maybe check on the cooling maybe redo the thermal paste and whatnot because after all this is an old console let me know if you want to see that in a later video but at the very least I think it'll be easy to do not only our SSD mod as well but also to install custom firmware what I'm most interested in with the custom firmware on this console is the ability to set things like my fan speeds and whatnot manually but yeah the PS3 is working so I just shut it down I'm going to let it cool off for a second and we'll go ahead and install our SSD all right that could not be any more easier literally just took the old one out hopped the SSD in screwed it in I just put the door back on and it should just work all right moment of truth let's turn it on got the beep sweet we are all started up so initially it's asking us if it's okay to format the drive we will say yes and it'll also tell us that we will lose all of the data on there if we format it so we will also say yes this whole process literally took only like 10 minutes damn that was fast okay I say that but now we're not seeing anything that is probably the most annoying thing about doing DIY stuff even for the simplest upgrades sometimes you jinx yourself and think that you have it all set when ultimately Uh something's not working properly I don't like this I hate to do it but I'm going to just cut off the power kick her back on and we'll make sure we're not getting any display issues here we'll hold this down what this does is boot the PS3 into like a safe display Mode come on buddy come on you were just working ain't no way a hard drive swap would break this PlayStation ain't no way what the hell why is my Lux so bad with this stuff well ejecting the disc works so at least there's that all right there's nothing for it let's try to boot this PS3 into safe mode to do this we're going to hold down the power button for a very long time okay cool there's another beep and I think I got to hold it more for more beeps oh it shut itself off okay oh wait I think I have to plug in the controller wait the easiest upgrade became high maintenance for some reason let's do this again hold down the button we have a beep oh and then more beeps okay cool we have display you know I might as well just restore the PS3 alt together I mean there's no reason not to this is a new to me PlayStation 3 yes please do your magic oh and the fans kicked up very loud again in case you guys couldn't hear it earlier yeah this console is pretty loud fingers crossed something anything oh my God what is wrong here okay I reformatted this SSD using dis utility on Mac OS so it's just a clean ex fat drive and we'll see if that does anything me maybe in it trying to set up the SSD it might have messed up somewhere in the process okay uh we got some Japanese on the screen tell me what it says it is necessary to format the main body of storage let's do that hi yes let's do it come on man you can do it you can do it hit Circle to continue okay again for something that should be a simple upgrade this is becoming way more than I bargain for we still have a black screen come on man okay um Brain Blast Biden blast okay I think I have a solution looking it up on Reddit it appears that the PS3 might not be happy with my 2 TB SSD because apparently it might not support that storage all right this is a Samsung 860 EVO One tbte in theory if storage was our problem for a larger capacity than the PS3 can handle then that should fix our problem this is where I admit I probably should have done a little more research to see what the PS3 could take but I don't know in my head I just thought you know what we have a 2 tby SSD might as well use it but might need to go smaller at this point I'm willing to try anything to make this work two very boring minutes later 1 tbte SSD is in fingers crossed that that's the problem oh okay okay okay okay okay okay okay all right so lesson learned 2 terb drive not going to work our PS3 is up and running sick system information and we are reading as close as we're going to get to 1 tbyte though for some reason by default the PS3 after reinitializing this drive is using like 110 GB for the system OS I'm assuming that's weird didn't use that much when we had our 60 gig Drive in there but whatever I won't question it cool so our SSD Saga is finished but on to the next thing I want to get custom firmware on this PS3 if I'm being honest this is the first time I've ever considered jailbreaking a PS3 myself though honestly I don't know what took me so long because it was really easy to do hey Austin I jail broke a PS3 it's a loone why is it so loud look it it's it's gained a few weight over the years and it's uh this is what we call respiratory problems the jailbreak happens as if like it was a regular firmware update yeah but um to do all of the checks and like patching and whatnot it's all done via web browser oh it's all webkit exploits interesting I'm not going to run you through the entire process because honestly it's kind of boring on camera and there are plenty of tutorials out there that already do the job very well in particular ular I use this one from Mr Mario 2011 using PS3 tool set this utility is specifically designed to run within the PlayStation web browser though keep in mind you will also need a PC as well as a flash drive to carry out all the steps also it turned out the stock firmware on my PS3 was extremely old out the box to the point where PS3 tool set needed a newer version for it to work so with nothing for it I updated to that 4.91 firmware that came out in February which was 100% compatible with the exploit the jailbreaking process overall took about an hour and change between all of the prep work downloading patching as well as getting key home rout add-ons installed but yeah I got it all up and running without any problems there we go jailbreak activate cool I did it you didn't break this one like did you break it at some point and then fixed it I can't break it if I don't open it well it's 60 gig it might just break by itself well that that's why I want to open it I can't break it if I don't open it it's almost like we're currently working on an entire PS3 video on the main Channel too which I'm going to prodigiously plug shamelessly plug the PS3 history since I got the jail break up and running I decided to try playing a US PS2 game on my Japanese PlayStation 3 which shouldn't be possible out the box but holy is it going to work yo huh okay so yeah I can play us PS2 games on my Japanese PlayStation 3 yeah dude okay what about a US PS1 game on my Japanese PlayStation 2 let's get the OG Gran Turismo pop it in got to make a PS1 memory card Playstation format disc yo let's go hell yeah okay all this is really cool because I didn't do anything all that special obviously apart from doing the custom firmware and adding multim man for the home broom management so yeah now I am able to put in any North American or Japanese Region Game into my PS3 whether it's PlayStation 1 2 or 3 it'll work totally fine and also with multim man I'll be able to back up these discs onto an external drive or the internal SSD for extra added convenience it might seem kind of silly to say and very obvious but jailbreaking is pretty cool all right so our fans have normalized they're not as loud as they were a second ago but most importantly we have webman installed so what this gives us is a way to monitor system temperatures but also Let's us change things like fan speed as well so opening this up it launch es the web browser and we are sitting at 67° C right now just in the menu it says that ideal operating temperatures should sit between 65 and 75° C so we're pretty decent right now we're not playing a game but I'll take that as okay the PS3 is doing fine in terms of thermals at the moment but the most important thing here is that if we go to setup this page gives us options for a whole lot of stuff but in in particular I want to mess around with the fan settings here so by default it will try to keep the temperatures at or below 68° C but they also have an auto number two mode now in the documentation here it actually outlines what the curve looks like but the intention here is that it will try to keep the temperatures in check without completely leaning on the console going into jet engine mode and being super loud so I think I'm going to let Auto number two just do its thing with all of my settings saved I put in Ridge Racer 7 to test all this out and I probably haven't touched this game in like 10 years Harbor line 765 Namco if you guys know you're Japanese we'll just do automatic and Let's Race oh yo this game looks surprisingly good especially on this OLED shame I don't have sound though oh yeah oh right I forgot we drift on Rails and Ridge Racer yeah man this is running totally fine and our fans are not cranking up like crazy oh well I say that but it actually is slowly wrapping up oh man I forgot that the uh the physics are interesting in this game Tokyo Drift baby so something really cool about webman is if I pause our game go into the xmb and hold start and select it'll give us a bunch of information including our CPU and GPU temps as well as how fast our fans are running I think there is a way to get this running as an overlay in your game and webman will also let you access all this information through the web browser in your phone or computer over your local network if you have that set up properly as well but the fact that you can have all this information while you're playing is super useful and you can even go as far as changing the settings on the fly so by holding down a few buttons for example I can ramp down the fans and set the curves back to stock if I need a couple of moment of silence and then once I'm done I can hold those buttons again and have the fans kick back on as they should to keep the console cool if you were looking to play PS3 games in 2024 you can certainly emulate on platforms such as PC but there's just something to playing natively on the console itself software modding is especially a no-brainer in order to breathe extra life into the console especially if you have a fat PS3 though this probably isn't the last time you will see this console on the channel there's obviously some preventative maintenance on the docket in order to make sure this fat PS3 runs in tiptop shape for years to come and there is a lot more home brew that I can do to get extra value out of it as well let me know what you would like to see in a future video down in the comments below and otherwise thanks for watching this video on Dany Channel
Channel: Denki
Views: 64,419
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3ecZJM72dGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 5sec (1445 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 29 2024
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