Lead Architect For PS5 Says He's Surprised About 60fps Games. Also Calls Out A Linus Tech Tips Video

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[Music] so a really fascinating interview popped up about two weeks ago which I did want to talk about this for ltps at the time but that show was really long so I put it off so here we are normally I don't like being this late with what I consider pertinent news items uh but we're doing it now and that is this interview with Mark cery speaking with Christopher dring of gamesindustry.biz uh Mark cery of course the Playstation system Hardware architect for the PS4 PS4 Pro uh Playstation vaita as well I think a lot of people don't realize he was involved with VA uh also PlayStation 5 and we safely assume PlayStation 5 Pro and PlayStation 6 at some point and so Mark uh very rarely does public speaking uh more so that's always tied to Hardware announcements uh and really with interviews he just rarely does any kind of speaking so whenever he does talk it's always worth paying attention to and he goes over a number of Topics in this uh interview so we'll just kind of go over the entire thing and um I'll leave it link below so you can check out the entire thing there is more that we can't necessarily go over but uh I do like how they're opening with Mark's more personal gaming habits because he does uh shed some light on this occasionally on his own personal Twitter account where he does like to play a lot of games and platinum stuff himself so uh he does talk about right now how he's playing animal well and he just platinumed neon white which he does say despite his 42-year career in games he's always been a player and he gravitates towards games that are trying something new uh but going into more industry talk he does mention and reflects on the industry how those who tend to have long careers in it they should ideally be trying to do more roles right if you're going to be doing decades in the games business try to fill out a lot of different roles he uses Amy Henning as an example here where she's been a writer an animator an artist and a director and for himself uh being more on the technical side he's been a programmer designer producer executive producer game director and now a system architect uh C was also asked about what surprised him so far about this console cycle as PlayStation 5 is about halfway through its life now and Cy said that what really surprised him was the use of R tracing which for them was a a very late decision when adding that to the console he was surprised that games were using this on day one as he expected it might be something that is more in the back half or later uh later in the life cycle where studios are going to lean deeper into the hardware and extract more out of it so he says and I quote here the other thing that has been surprising is the push to 60 frames per second based on previous console life cycles I would have expected there to be a lot of games that are 30 frames per second only just because the artwork can be so much more detailed if you have longer time to render it instead the almost Universal rule this time around has been the games run at 60 it's great from a play perspective Gamers overwhelmingly prefer games that are higher frame rates I just didn't expect such a departure from previous generations one really interesting aspect of this interview was cnie touching on the time it takes to make larger AAA games which we just mentioned for Sean leaden talking about this during the summer game Fest uh IGN panel and also another separate gamesindustry.biz uh interview and discussion with that uh GI live uh sprint series of videos so uh Mark here mentions that when building a console that takes about 4 years so a lot of AAA video game production is actually taking longer than that nowadays which has been well documented going back to around the mid PS4 cycle to where we are now many studios in the AAA space those games at a minimum take 4 years but really five six 7even plus years is not too uncommon now days and that's despite PS4 and PS5 having a very short window on time to triangle which is about 1 to 2 months that's the amount of time it takes a studio to get a triangle on screen PS1 it was about a month but PS2 took longer and then PS3 it could take anywhere from 6 months to a year for a studio to get its engine up and running on the console that kind of goes back to C's discussion uh surrounding well initially PlayStation 4 then going into PlayStation 5 with those two separate uh road to PS4 and PS5 discussions uh and we've also mentioned many times how PS2 and PS3 in terms of their system architecture it's very esoteric and bespoke and that's why those systems oftentimes have a reputation for uh being very hard to develop for but uh what's funny here is that c says he spends a lot of time on forums and reading comments from people wondering if time to triangle is lower now why do games still take this long right so uh he says the answer is simply that a lot of Studios choose to do this going for these giant Creations that do typically take take four to 6 years uh another really fascinating thing cery touches on is console design he says in I quote here one of the exciting aspects of console Hardware design is that we have freedom with regards to what we put in the console or to put that differently we're not trying to build a lowcost PC and we aren't Bound By any particular standards so if we have a brainstorm that audio can become much more immersive and dimensional if there's a dedicated unit that's capable of doing complex math then we can do that or if the future feels like high-speed ssds rather than HD DS we can put an endtoend system in the console everything from the flash dies to the software interfaces that the game creators use and get 100% adoption cery then goes on to say that he likes to think these sorts of things end up advancing the industry overall uh which in turn benefits PC since these do become uh a bit of a like more mounting pressure for something like direct storage to become more widely adopted that's the example he's using there uh so this is all kind of leading into CER just feeling as though consoles still play a very important role in the consumer ecosystem he actually references that video from lonus Tech tips when uh they try to outperform a PS5 by building a PC for $500 so Cy actually referred to this video and he said in I quote they had to get a used motherboard that was the only way they could build a PlayStation 5 equivalent for a PlayStation 5 price and if you're using used parts well you can get a used PlayStation 5 for eBay for $300 or something I think as long as we continue to create that very nice package the future of consoles is pretty bright now since this interview was also done near C's upcoming 60th birthday the topic of retirement came up and sernie says that while he is thinking about this he says he still has some time left in the industry funnily enough Christopher dring says people were probably hoping cery would say never but he instead responds with well Clint Eastwood is a pretty good role model at least the part where he's still directing movies at age 90 or something not the part where he started a movie with hm panzee so that's actually one angle of this entire thing that I thought was pretty interesting is that they did touch on retirement because I was curious for a bit there with Mark cery I certainly expect him to close out PlayStation 5 Pro and also PlayStation 6 because these things do take quite a long amount of time to you know get get going I mean I've been thinking like I I don't think he's going to be around for PlayStation 7 right you have to figure with just where he is not saying the guy is so old and he can't work but um I don't know I read that quote and I I think to myself like it it almost sounds like he is saying that yeah I I've got another one in me like another console Generation Um cuz that would be for PlayStation 7 especially in the context of this article where they're talking about the relevancy of consoles and Mark outright saying if we can keep building them the way that we build them then there should still be value there so I don't know in a way that's that's how I'm reading it uh implying maybe that Mark does want to go you know beyond shipping PlayStation 6 which we expect around 2027 28 so I don't know just some some food for thought there but I mean the one thing we can say about Mark is that he's been invaluable to this company right because it was such a very big deal at the time when he did lead the PlayStation 4 architecture and uh really roadmap for that console to where PlayStation is nowadays right because this is something Mark talked about in that road to PS4 discussion where you know he basically asked for that job right this was a very Japanese company Sony uh the Sony Corporation and they never let an American lead the the hardware team before but they said yeah go ahead and do it since he worked on so many games and he was so uh intrinsically tied with a lot of the the first party Dev Studios working on just again all those production roles or or programming and whatnot he's just had so many disciplines throughout the games business and also Cy games which is his uh Consulting agency so it's just a crazy career for him going back again 42 years to Atari with coin op so I mean there's a lot of things that we can talk about there but the other angle I want to mention which I I found fascinating was Mark also acknowledging that like he's genuinely surprised that we have this many 60 FPS games the I feel so validated that was absolutely something I mentioned plenty of times on ltps for the 12 years I've been doing this thing right on this on this channel which is it's like a big pet peeve of mine is always this like sort of argument or case that uh you know consoles can't do 60 FPS or something it's like it doesn't matter if it's PlayStation 4 5 3 2 1 like 60 frames per second High frame rates they're always possible but game development Studios willingly choose to sacrifice frame rate it's the first first thing to go in order to increase visual Fidelity they're closed boxes it's basically a character slider and Studios almost always prefer to well Market visual Fidelity because that's just something that's extremely marketable so even for PlayStation 5 at the time 2019 2018 I'm sure there's plenty of ltps episodes where I said like we're going to have 30 FPS games on this machine because that's how this has happened every single time so hearing the system architect also have that same sort of mindset in that we are probably going to see 30 FPS games is is validating but it's also great to know that we were both wrong because yes higher frame rates are indeed much better and uh I think a lot of that really plays into the crossr cycle and you know the the co uh the co game delays and how it just we're in diminishing returns anyway so I think for a lot of uh a lot of titles it really just that and also the combo of how many third party Publishers uh big AAA Publishers that can even fund the kind of game that would really push these boxes to the absolute limits right if a game is not CPU there's just so many variables that play that kind of in a way actually work against a game that has to be 30 FPS nowadays uh although we are seeing some games finally pop up that are 30fps only um and I I still think uh while Grand Theft Auto 6 might be a title that's 30 FPS only but either way him also mentioning the lonus tech tips video I mean I I audibly laughed when I read that it's like I'm sure he always knew about those things but to hear him acknowledge it is just it's a funny thing to hear right cuz that's been like a long time like on the PC side of things on YouTube there's always uh plenty of videos going over uh some sort of PC builds that can try to match or outperform consoles which I mean consoles are closed boxes when they initially ship over time there is going to be that decay where clearly PC parts will at a certain point um match consoles in a way where the price is a bit more equivalent but the other angle is that simply Sony has economies of scale so sure if you want to really boil it down to lowcost PCS it it's going to be very hard to ever beat a platform holder but even then Mark does talk about how these machines are still very bespoken that they can do things like the Tempest 3D audio tech engine uh or throwing an SSD in every single console which means they can expect 100% developer adoption um that was why like PlayStation 3 back in the day that was such a big deal that that console every single machine shipped with a hard dis drive that meant as a guarantee developers could uh do mandatory HDD installs for that particular game uh also making sure every console has a Blu-ray Drive right that was another big benefit so that way full games could ship on a single Blu-ray versus say 360 at the time right uh not every machine had a hard dis drive so some games you know it was a hard requirement to uh support memory cards not every game had enough space to fit on a single DVD so there were multiple DVDs it's just it's one of those things where we it's like not a major deal in the grand scheme of things but you can sometimes boil it down to how important it can be to make sure that the thing you ship on day one has enough there that's going to carry carry you through the entire platform cycle so Mark kind of just getting into that as well but yeah very fascinating talk anytime Mark ever says anything publicly we'll probably bring it up to some degree and go over it but uh anyway thank you so much for joining me in this conversation and uh I will see you all in my next video you take it easy [Music]
Channel: Mystic
Views: 119,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS5, PlayStation 5, PS5 games, PS5 gameplay, PS5 game play, PlayStation 5 gameplay, PS5 controller, DualSense, PS5 news, PS5 exclusives, PS5 rumors, PS5 rumor, PS5 Slim, PS5 Model, New PS5 Model, PlayStation 5 Slim, PS5 Pro, PlayStation 5 Pro, PS Plus, PS Plus Extra, PS Plus Premium, Mark Cerny, Cerny Games, PS5 Architect, PS4, PS Vita, PSVita, PC, Low Cost PCs, Linus Tech Tips
Id: -zMYTp-_Oec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 34sec (754 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 30 2024
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