Buying a PC With Dell: My Journey Into Hell
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Channel: Super Eyepatch Wolf
Views: 731,374
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dell, PC, Computer, Desktop, Tech, XPS, 5820
Id: MR25BVBsuS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 3sec (2103 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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Is this basically just the Twitter thread made into a video ?
This entire video is basically a case study in why you should endeavor to learn at least the most basic PC knowledge if your career and hobbies are dependent on your machine.
Dell seems like such a weird choice in the first place for a single high end computer. Like Dell are the people you go to when you want a 100+ workstations on warranty so you can just box em and send them off to Dell when they break.
I have a Dell PC, by which I mean I have a Dell laptop that a dude at my old job gave me for free. It was a company laptop, and he was in charge of modernising their shit. I gave him my old laptop to repair and he said "Alright this is fucked, but they're not going to notice one of the company laptops going missing so what if I just give you a replacement?"
Fuckin loved that man.
I know John is completely self-aware of what happened, but asking literally anybody with any computer knowledge at all could have told him that Dell is garbo, do NOT go Dell unless you need 500 outdated computers for your massive business.
Watching this just hurts my soul.
First, ordering a Dell Desktop is a mistake. Their parts aren't of good quality. They tend to break much faster or have thermal throttling due to the terrible thermal management system.
Second, Dell's customer support, it's self explanatory in the video.
Third, while this is entirely his fault for not having an SSD and Wi-Fi card but it should of been added to the Build Out Material (BOM) by default.
Fourth, if you don't know anything about PCs, ask for help, pleaaaaase.
Hopefully this will show others on what not to do when trying to get a new PC.
I worked a job where the hospital I was working for bought these same Dell Towers to use as Radiology imaging machines. 40 of these giant boxes show up and Dell hadn't included any graphics cards in them. In fact they didn't have any native display at all. So I had to find old shitty 5 year old gpus and MacGyver my way into actually booting them up. It was way more work than was needed all because of dells fuckup which they did fix later but a bad 2 weeks
The Closer, seeing the youtube thumbnail: 'You motherfucker'
The Precision 5820s are not really designed to be sold to individual customers for day-to-day computing, gaming or content creation. They are mostly sold to corporate/institutional customers through IT departments.
The Intel Xeon CPUs and nVidia Quadro GPUs cost a lot more than consumer, even prosumer, parts with similar computing power. Corporate customers are willing to pay for them because 1) they have a ton of money to spend, 2) they need /want the features exclusive to such professional hardware, 3) the money spent is a tax write-off, and 4) they rarely really pay the retail prices listed on the websites since they buy or lease in bulk.
The problem that John has is, as he admitted, he had no idea what he was getting into. He didn't need to pay extra for a Xeon CPU or a Quadro GPU, and he selected rather low-end version of them: a 4-core Xeon W-2223, and a Quadro P1000, which has hardware/performance below that of a GTX 1050 on tasks for which most normal people use GPUs.
Even if he had gotten an NVME SSD to work on his machine, it was not going to be very capable for video editing.
I do own a Precision 5820: Bought it second-hand from a local company replacing their hardware for less than 1/4 of what John paid (a very lucky find). Mine came with a 4-core Xeon W-2123 CPU, a Quadro P4000 GPU (which is much more powerful than a P1000), and a 500GB SATA SSD. I've since sold each of these parts and upgraded to a 14-core W-2175, an RX6800XT and an NVME SSD (a normal m.2 one, with a $15 m.2 pcie adapter). I think my total cost is still far below what John paid for his.