The Bizarre World of Fake Psychics, Faith Healers, and Mediums

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I wish he went harder on the new wave live streaming psychics and named names.

Great video as always though, he has that knack of getting you invested in something you might not have thought about before

👍︎︎ 73 👤︎︎ u/Shramo 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Didn't expect to find Super Eyepatch Wolf here, but his content is really, I mean, really good and worth watching.

👍︎︎ 41 👤︎︎ u/Shiro_no_Orpheus 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

This isnt fully related to Breadtube and the creator isn't particularly political on his channel, but I believe the stories of exploitation and deceit (and the rewards of capitalism towards scam artists) is certainly a worthy discussion in leftist politics on its own.

Poor grieving families taken advantage of financially, giving up almost everything they have for an answer, any answer, to the problems they're facing because the world won't help them otherwise. And when they're tricked, we leave these victims alone, unwilling to help.

Also to note, that former president Ronald Reagan, and many government organizations in history have tried using psychics to guide policy, including police organizations (in a long list of BS things cops do)

👍︎︎ 158 👤︎︎ u/petarpep 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I actually picked 37...

I need to contact a spiritual advisor now

👍︎︎ 32 👤︎︎ u/GraDoN 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

This mays sound weird but SEW's shoutout of Hbomberguy is what pulled me out my anti-sjw atheist phase and introduced me to breadtube. Love the lad

👍︎︎ 61 👤︎︎ u/Tob888 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

implying there are psychics that are not fake.

👍︎︎ 85 👤︎︎ u/Aerik 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I wouldn’t call super eyepatch wolf a bread tuber but his content is s tier hands down.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/bluLoL 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

Love Eyepatch, huge inspiration on my personal video style. The martial arts one is a good shout as well, but that one always hits me with a wave of sadness because of the nearly hopeless ending.

Seriously, fuck Tai Chi and the Chinese Government. And also psychics and breatharians and the systems that prop them up. All only cause emotional and physical pain to people (ironically the only one that doesn't inflict physical pain is Tai Chi).

👍︎︎ 39 👤︎︎ u/MisterNym 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies

I'm gonna be real, I read that as "physics" and was thoroughly confused. I was like "how are people faking physics? What does that even mean?"

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/GrumpGuy88888 📅︎︎ Mar 28 2021 🗫︎ replies
in 1806 the small town of leeds in the united kingdom was thrown into an apocalyptic frenzy when a chicken began to lay eggs inscribed with the words christ is coming crowds will travel great distances to stare in awe and terror as the chicken laid these prophetic words some saw it as a sign of salvation others as the beginning of the end times but the truth was a little less biblical as it was discovered that the chicken's owner mary bateman also known as the yorkshire witch was painting the eggs herself and re-inserting them into the chicken [Music] wow what a ridiculous story but in the 200 years since it's one that's played out over and over and over this woman can challenge the spirits of dead aztec warriors this man can perform psychic surgery with just his bare hands this man can vomit up inter-dimensional gemstones and this man will call grandma a [ __ ] no no is your mom not nice oh she's my mother's the best plus i can't tell you what you want to hear i'm going to tell you what to show me and if he's calling your mother a [ __ ] i'm going to pass it on the details change but the story is always the same a person claims to have supernatural powers and profits of the people who believe them and believe it or not that's actually a pretty lucrative industry according to a recent gallup poll 40 percent of people believe that humans can possess psychic abilities despite this never being proven in the thousands of scientific studies carried out on it and if you're one of those 40 look i get it psychic powers would be rad and i'm not going to say it's completely impossible for forces to exist that currently lie outside the perceptions of modern science but i am saying that any case of this i have encountered are at best gross distortions of reality rooted in psychological manipulation and at worst some of the darkest things i've ever seen and we'll get there but first i want to ask if there's really zero evidence in favor of the existence of psychics then why do so many people believe in them for me that answer comes down to two simple principles and to talk about the first let's look at one of the arguably less harmful psychic practices astrology not to be confused with astronomy which is just nice old people staring at the sky astrology is the practice of looking a trillion mile away cosmic bodies and reading our future from them the most popular form of which is horoscopes again putting aside just how many times astrology's been disproved maybe you've had the experience of reading your own daily horoscope and thinking hmm i do like it when my home is clean maybe i will consult a spiritual advisor now i'm being a dick here but the phenomenon of people finding horoscopes weirdly relatable is very common and the reason for this isn't cosmic it's psychological and it's called the barnum effect in 1949 a study took place in the university of california where a student was asked to answer a series of questions their answers used to build a personality profile that student then asked to rate their personality profile on a scale of one to five for accuracy and the student impressed with how insightful the profile was awarded it a five only to discover that the same identical personality profile had been given to each of their 39 classmates nearly all of whom had rated the profile as highly accurate specifically to them with an average rating of 4.2 and only 5 students out of 39 giving it lower than a4 when in fact the actual text was just pulled from a local horoscope the study's been replicated many times the conclusion being that people will believe very general statements as genuine descriptors of themselves as long as those statements are positive in nature the exact kind of statements that horoscopes are built from for what it's worth i think this kind of astrology as long as you're not paying for it is mostly harmless i mean it's not like the president of america should be using it to make major decisions or anything oh my god but it does demonstrate the first principle in why psychics are so successful the reinforcement of desired beliefs but it's only when we take this and combine it with the second principle that psychics become really powerful or i guess i should say convincing ah hello traveler my name is david tomorrow and welcome to my psychic corner now a lot of regular humans or terrestrials as i call them fear and even doubt my abilities and so what say we begin with a simple demonstration i would like for you to pick a number between one and a hundred but um just so i can get a read on your mental thought matrix let's add a few conditions let's say that the number has to have two digits uh neither of those digits can be the same and oh let's say it has to be an odd number okay have you got it okay i will now reach across the beyond and read that number directly from your mind yes yes i can see it yes yes was your number [Music] 37. [Music] okay here's what's happening here some of you picked 37 and some of you did not but all this is is a simple trick of probability it might sound like i'm picking from a large pool of numbers but it's a lot less so when we apply our three conditions and out of the pool of remaining numbers people have a psychological bias to choose 37 the second most common being 35 and i couldn't find a satisfactory answer as to why this happens i've just seen it referenced and recreated enough to know that it does but if we wanted to make this even more convincing all we'd have to do is go out into the street which was planned for this video before the world ended and filmed this trick with random passers-by and say i try this on 20 people if it only works a quarter of the time i can just edit together those five successful reactions and boom i now have a convincing show reel of my genuine psychic ability okay now let's take that concept even further ah i see there's still some disbelievers among you uh that's that's quite all right perhaps a more extreme demonstration is in order for you see now i will reach across the plains of space and time and communicate with you directly i'm seeing a city by the sea ah yes wisconsin in the united states of america i see a young man surrounded by small mechanical boxes cameras yes this young man sells cameras and his name ryan ryan m yes that's right ryan i'm communicating with you directly i hope you and alyssa are doing well and that your little cat is living life to its fullest stay well my friend the world is full of so many beautiful unknowable things okay that probably seemed really really silly to 99 of you and it was but maybe a little less so if you're the real life ryan m who may have just had the most surreal experience of his entire life i'm sorry ryan hope that wasn't too weird who i know is a real person because they recently followed me on twitter a brief scan of their timeline giving me all the information i needed to paint an accurate portrait of them sounds stupid it is but it's a trick so common it has a name hot reading which we'll get back to later but for now what i want to focus on is how all this information was delivered if you want to understand psychics what's important isn't the information they give you directly but the information they leave out what made our first trick believable was the omission of how small a pool of numbers we were actually picking from as well as the knowledge that people have a tendency to choose 37 and in the second case it was the omission of the fact that i was using ryan m's social media profile to create an accurate portrait of him and this is the second principle of making people believe you're psychic the obfuscation of information and when these two principles are combined it can create an effect so powerful that even hundreds of years after your death people will remember you for your incredible supernatural abilities nostradamus was a 15th century french astrologer who people still talk about to this day due to his astounding power in prophesizing historical events that actually came to be the french revolution the rise of hitler the assassination of jfk and even the terrorist attack of september 11th of which he wrote two steel birds will fall from the sky on the metropolis the sky will burn at 45 degrees latitude fire approaches the great new city immediately a huge scattered flame leaps up within months rivers will flow with blood it's hard to read these words and not be a little shook by the chilling accuracy of nostradamus it's just not real this is how the believers of nostradamus like to retroactively frame his writing but in actual fact what we're looking at here is several lines from different predictions spliced together the actual prediction he made that people do associate with 911 being earth-shaking fire from the center of the earth will cause tremors around the new city two great rocks will war for a long time then arthusa will redden a new river it's still kind of accurate right uh okay let's look at the actual solid information here you have fire a new city or at least a city with new in the name and the number two that's it so maybe it's referring to 911 or maybe it's referring to the 1835 great fire of new york city in which two people died it fits both because while nostradamus's predictions were beautifully written they were incredibly vague to the point that they didn't even have specific dates attached to them and you know how many he actually wrote [Music] 942 and that's just in his book les prophetese alone so okay think about this if we made nearly a thousand predictions about a bunch of things that might happen in the next 500 years and some went on to kind of resemble future events that's not a prediction that's a statistical inevitability and ignores how many of nostradamus's prophecies never happens i'm just saying we have yet to encounter a great and terrifying sky king and nostradamus wasn't even that good at astrology other mid-century french astrologers used to talk [ __ ] about him for being bad at astrology nostradamus more like nostradamus and there it was the best joke i'd ever make wasted on a 500 year old dead star wizard so if even a dum-dum like me can pick apart nostradamus's prophecies why are they so believed well what i think it comes back to is our two principles it's possible to frame his predictions as accurate as long as you leave out how vague they actually were the fact that they were undated and the sheer number of them he made and as for why people would want to believe them well i think this comes back to something much deeper in nearly every case of claimed psychic abilities i've seen it always comes with the promise of giving relief from one of humanity's two great fears the first being death which we'll come back to later and the second being the future his predictions let people believe that there was some knowable order to the sheer rampant chaos of everything that will happen and everything that might happen the future is terrifying constantly and nostradamus gave people the illusion that it could be known and understood and it's powerful promises like that that make just about anyone vulnerable to belief in the supernatural and i really mean anyone even the u.s military in the late 60s a piece of footage aired on russian television that terrified high-ranking u.s officials a russian woman moving objects across a table with just her mind and the reason this was so frightening is that at this point america and russia were locked in the cold war a conflict carried out primarily through espionage and information and if russia was actually tapping into some latent psychic force america needed to do the same and this was the beginning of project stargate a covert government-funded operation in which the us military spent 20 years trying to create psychic super soldiers if you've never heard of this i know how insane it sounds but it's all backed up by official government documents released in 1995 as well as the reporting of journalist john ronson test subjects would sit alone in isolated rooms where they would attempt to telepathically read images from the minds of other isolated subjects and draw the images they saw in a practice known as remote viewing they train in psychic-based martial arts designed to disrupt and confuse enemies with no physical contact they'd reportedly rammed themselves into walls repeatedly in an attempt to phase through them and would even infamously spend hours every day performing psychic attacks on goats in an attempt to make their hearts explode the really weird part being that there's a number of ex-military personnel who claim they were successful that they had witnessed instances of intense psychic effort leading to goats and other small animals dropping dead from non-physical attacks however this has never been confirmed by any kind of documentation or replicated in any kind of scientific study project stargate was shut down in the mid-90s after the overwhelming majority of experiments were deemed unsuccessful finding little to no evidence of any paranormal ability whatsoever having cost the us taxpayer an estimated 20 million dollars which would be closer to a hundred million by today's standards and stands as such an odd piece of historical lunacy but a little less so when you look at the position the us military was in well fear of russia was definitely part of it the 1970s also saw america pull out of the vietnam war a massively costly conflict that saw the death of 50 000 u.s soldiers as well as many many times that in vietnamese civilians traumatizing a generation and receiving massive public backlash ending in a disastrous costly humiliation for the us military and the concept of psychic super soldiers operatives that could obtain enemy information without ever stepping foot on the battlefield or disable enemy forces without direct conflict that could change the face of war save the lives of thousands and potentially lead to more peaceful solutions to conflict resolution and that was a desire so strong all it took was a russian lady performing simple parlor tricks for the us military to believe it and its promises just like this that would let a new breed of celebrity psychic gather infamy across the world the biggest emerging directly from project stargate and his name was origeller ori geller first rose to prominence when in a test carried out by the stanford research institute scientists concluded not only did he have the ability to telepathically read images from the minds of other people but also to physically manipulate metal with his mind the footage of geller doing this was staggering genuine displays of psychic abilities played in front of millions of people every daytime talk show every new segment wanted geller transforming him into a bonafide pop culture phenomenon and it was all backed by real scientific evidence even the cia conducted a study on geller in which they concluded he demonstrated his paranormal perceptual abilities in a convincing unambiguous manner at one point geller even went on live american television and unleashed a psychic blast across the country only for the show to receive dozens of phone calls from people reporting strange psychic occurrences tv sets would flicker and warp and animals would react in strange ways it was nearly impossible not to buy into the fervor surrounding geller not only did he fit beautifully into the popular movement of 70s new age spiritualism here was a man that was proof that humans could be more than human that inside every one of us lay massive amounts of untapped potential and it was such an amazing concept and one that geller grew very very rich off and as he did waves of other psychics entered public consciousness all taking what had once been small town acts to a now national level faith healers like peter popoff would cram thousands of feverish believers into gigantic mega tents god providing pop off with the details about his followers personal lives where they lived their relatives and even the diseases that plagued their bodies giving papa the power to burn cancer from the sick and let the wheelchair-bound walk again bathing his audiences in the healing light of god all proof that the spiritual could overcome the physical and it was such a beautiful idea it was just a lie and the person who would expose this came not in the form of a scientist but a magician and his name was the amazing randy the thing that randy was most keen to point out is that scientists were just as susceptible to the tricks of psychics as regular people and so if you wanted to catch them you needed experts in the psychology of stage magic and sleight of hand which randy very much was he actually ran away to join the circus as a child before becoming a noted escape magician but in his later years became known in magical circles as the psychic hitman as he'd host tv specials where he would bring supposed psychics on stage and kneecap them in front of live audiences exposing their tricks and revealing them as frauds there was a definite shouting fraud to watching psychics struggle to explain why their abilities no longer worked it seemed something went a bit wrong this time what explanation could there be james well it's quite possible that um this has been the first time that i've ever attempted this right and it's quite possible that um i've allowed myself um to come into it okay but this is what let randy gain notoriety and set his sights on even bigger targets one of whom was peter popoff while pop off claimed his abilities were divine a sting operation conducted by randy revealed that the voice speaking to him was not god but his wife who would relay people's information from prayer cards they'd fill out before the show transmitting the information to pop-off through a small radio receiver in his ear all of which randy exposed on live television i'm talking to you can you hear me if you can't you're in trouble be right there on your right side okay she was at 4267 masterson 4267 masterson i can see the angels of god all around your house the healing effects of pop-up sermons being nothing more than the adrenaline rush he'd create with his charisma and showmanship his divine healing fading once the show was over and the adrenaline wore off however randy had an even bigger target in mind and it was ori geller one by one randy would recreate each of geller's tricks with sleight of hand and perform them on live television even following geller across the country geller would appear on a talk show stunning hosts with his psychic power and randy would appear on the same show the next week exposing exactly how he did it even recreating geller's psychic blast across america by doing the same through a radio dj who made no claim of being psychic only for dozens of people calling in with the same reports of psychic phenomena the trick being that if you send a psychic blast out to hundreds of thousands of people at least a few of them are going to buy sheer coincidence notice something odd and conflate it with psychic power randy and geller hated each other gel are accusing randy of trying to destroy his career and even sued him multiple times all of which were unsuccessful and randy even once stated i want to be cremated and i want my ashes blown into uri geller's eyes the apex of the battle between the magician and the psychic came however when geller made an appearance on the johnny carson show in which carson unbeknownst to geller had received instructions from randy on how to prepare the props for orry's tricks and to not let geller or his people near them before the show and the results were well we're back your uri was telling me you you don't feel what strong tonight is that so strong if we have we have three epic canisters there and we i have seven over here and uh and the bent spoon and a spoon that's got a slight bend in it uh geller was humiliated but if he was a fraud how was he able to fool the cia well the interesting part there is that if you do read the government study it does all sound pretty impressive until you get to the line good results were obtained in the four days where there was no openly skeptical observer that's not how science works and so both geller and popoff publicly disgraced disappeared into obscurity never to make a single cent more from their fraudulent psychic abilities only that's not what happened at all both men would continue to make massive amounts of money pop off just shifted his act to sell his blessed healing holy water for thousands of dollars stop settling on less and reach for god's best god is a god of more and now there's more miracle spring water in a new larger package and ori would go on to make many interesting business ventures and would eventually claim that he wished to be known as a mystifier as opposed to a psychic but still constantly reinforces the idea that he has supernatural powers to this day including and i am not making this up writing a letter to theresa may claiming he would psychically stop brexit containing the very normal sentence three years before you became prime minister i predicted your victory when i showed you winston churchill's spoon on my cadillac which i asked you to touch what are we doing here randy meanwhile would go on to offer a 1 million cash prize to anyone who could prove they had legitimate psychic power of which hundreds of people applied and none were successful randy continuing his fight to disprove psychics and expose frauds for the rest of his career and the thing was people hated him for it he was seen as this cold vindictive scientific entity attacking innocent spiritualists and pushing back on a movement that was ultimately harmless no you say yuri gill is a fake you came here and you're giving everybody a lot of lip service and you haven't done anything except show us a lot of tricks [Music] and this brings us to a really important question is there actual danger in people claiming to be psychic sylvia brown rose to fame in the late 80s she'd appear on daytime talk shows demonstrating her ability to channel the dead those spirits giving her visions of the future letting her instantaneously diagnose people's medical conditions and most infamously allow her to help locate missing and dead people something she was very very bad at i lost my boyfriend tragically um a few years ago they never found and i've had such a hard time since every day [Music] the reason why you didn't find him is because he's in water you can't find somebody well it was september 11th there was no he was a fireman but no see i keep seeing him in water says he couldn't breathe and he was filled with water well if they were trying to put the fire out montana you know i yeah what sylvia is trying to do here is a technique known as cold reading a trick mediums used to convince people they're actually talking to dead people and accessing information they never otherwise could have when in reality what they're actually doing is leading with a very general statement that has a high likelihood of being true particularly in a room full of people and there's some type of restriction and then he just tells me that he died suddenly um i am being pulled into the section somebody passed in a car accident i want to say there's either a suzanne or a susie connection to this starting with a gentleman reg and he's also mentioned flank and then when someone bites honing in on details with precise manipulative wording so for example you could say your father didn't have an interest in cars did he this is a good bet because most men of a certain age and generation like cars and so if the answer is yes hey you're right but if the answer is no you were also right because you already planted a negative in the original statements and now you can just option select into ah i didn't think so and move on to your next gamble unscathed cold reading can be incredibly convincing when done right but when it's done wrong uh sylvia i don't know how she died please if you can how did she die she was shot she just collapsed in her room i don't know but something looks like completely down nothing on the arch or top i don't care but it looks like something hit her in the chest [Music] the reason i'm focusing on sylvia isn't just because she was bad at cold reading it's because despite the fact she was so bad at it she was still massively successful she charged 750 for a 30 minute psychic phone reading she released 57 books one of which was about what dead celebrities were doing in the afterlife and even had people pay thousands of dollars to join her on psychic cruises that is how easy it is to succeed in this business but where this goes from shameful to truly abhorrent is her work in finding missing persons at multiple points she's predicted a missing child to be alive giving the parents hope only for that child to be found dead she's not dead but for some reason she was taken and put into some kind of slavery thing and taken into japan four years later the little girl's remains were found near fort worth texas an autopsy showed she was killed shortly after vanishing she's given tips on missing children's cases that led nowhere and diverted attention away from the actual investigation case in point just listen to what sylvia brown told shawn hornbeck's parents about their son's kidnapper nearly four years ago on the montel williams show the guy was dark-skinned is he still with us thankfully sean hornbeck was found last week alive and well his alleged abductor michael devlin is not hispanic and he didn't have dreadlocks at the time of the abduction and she even once told a mother that her missing daughter was dead only for that daughter to be found six years later alive the victim of a kidnapping the mind-melting tragedy being that by this point the girl's mother had died never to learn her daughter was still alive this woman is a ghoul a vulture of misery but for as awful as she was she's not alone there's a bizarre trend in missing persons cases particularly with children where dozens of psychics descend on the victim's family all offering different readings on how they can find their child or even more grimly communicate with them in the afterlife i've read multiple cases where people so desperate to be reunited with their deceased loved ones have paid psychics hundreds of thousands of dollars and i get it it's easy to victim blame here to ask how anyone could be so gullible as to fall for this but according to bob nygard a private investigator who works exclusively in psychic fraud the one reoccurring characteristic of his clients is deep personal trauma these are people who have had their lives destroyed by sickness by abuse by loss damaged vulnerable people who want to believe that death isn't the end that they could still have one more moment with the person they loved and i can't blame them for that but i can absolutely blame the parasites who prey on them there's another deeper arguably more troubling lair to all this and that's when supernatural fantasies become so strong they start to inflict physical damage on people take for example the breatharians a spiritual movement that insists that humans do not need food to survive but can instead draw their nutrition from the energy of the sun and universe now other youtubers have come under attack for not presenting a balanced view of brethrenism so allow me to list some of the positive points your grocery bill will go down you will meet some interesting people you will lose weight some folk say it feels nice now it has killed several people i actually wasn't planning on touching breatharianism in this video mainly because my buddy atrocity guide had already done a great breakdown of it until her video was taken down by noted britharian peter straubinger and oh you shouldn't have done that peter because now you're in this video and a lot more people are going to see that you're attempting to control a narrative you have no business controlling by the way go support atrocity guide she makes fantastic stuff and she didn't deserve to have her video taken down by now i hope it's becoming apparent that the real danger of a lot of this stuff is it becomes a means to believe well whatever you want but the price is a disassociation with reality and at worst can trap people in a delusion so strong even human life becomes meaningless on the 14th of november 1996 noted ufo expert dr courtney brown called into the art bell radio show an associate of browns having captured a photo of the haley bop comet only to find a large glowing object traveling beside it and through intensive psychic remote viewing sessions brown and his students had discovered the object was mechanical in nature was on a trajectory to pass by earth and was attempting to communicate with us that the thing was fast and spurting [Music] all right he also figured out in the emotions in the emotions column of the matrix he has emotions of dread concentration fear this broadcast was heard by millions artbell's website crashing from the legions of ecstatic and terrified people convinced that humanity's first genuine encounter with an extraterrestrial was at hand on the evening of the comet 39 people entered a small diner in san diego all with the same cropped hairstyle and all ordered the same identical meal iced tea salad turkey and blueberry cheesecake that night all 39 were found dead having committed suicide as part of the heaven's gate cult all convinced that by leaving their mortal bodies their souls could board the spacecraft flying alongside the comet and ascend past human hood when the comet did pass there was no sighting of any kind of object beside it and still somehow it gets darker than even this psychics and faith healers have a dangerous habit of advocating for their own supernatural healing as a replacement for legitimate medicine the sequence that your husband has is not cancer it's something on a spiritual level that has been said towards him if you've got pills as an act of faith i want you just to throw them out the aisles those of you up in the balcony [Music] if you want to know how destructive this can be i'm gonna read out a list of names mary welch austin sprout madeleine newman neil beagley ava worthington rocky sevi david hickman these are the names of children children who died from simple preventable diseases because their parents chose to treat things like appendicitis and bladder infections with spiritual healing as opposed to traditional medicine and this list is not even close to being complete there's a religious faith healing group called the followers of christ church which some of the names here are from and their graveyard is littered with the headstones of children ranging from one day to one week old with an infant mortality rate of 10 times what's normal and i don't know what's more horrifying that there are places like idaho that to this day protect this kind of faith healing under law or how the parents of some of these children try and justify what they've done i would like to remind you that this country was founded on religious freedom whenever you try to restrict one person or another in any fashion then you're chipping away at freedom my bible my jesus christ tells me to put my faith and trust in him i don't put limitations on god it's hard for me not to look at this footage and not think of the line from james randy's book when reason sleeps monsters come forth randy knew the danger that lay in dragging people into the delusional world of the supernatural and he spent his entire life trying to warn us james randy passed away last year and we lost a real hero but part of that tragedy is that we need him now more than we ever have because this stuff isn't getting better it's getting worse despite everything we've talked about all the debunking all the exposed scams the measurable loss of human life psychics have never been more popular the psychic industry currently estimated at 2.3 billion dollars at a growth rate of 53 since 2005 the pandemic leaving people isolated and vulnerable only spiking those numbers and driving this growth is the rise of a new breed of celebrity psychic remember that guy who called grandma a [ __ ] at the beginning of this video this clown is john edwards and he isn't some back alley psychic he regularly appears on daytime talk shows in front of millions of people he even had his own show that ran for years and this is not uncommon in 2019 the new york times ran an article in which supposed psychic thomas john was exposed for hot reading at a live event that's right the same stupid [ __ ] i pulled earlier in this video only the information he was using came from fabricated facebook posts that were planted by a group trying to catch him maria maria maria do you know who that is because he's bringing up maria now i don't want to scare you but have you had your heart checked so your dog is here must be your dog because there's a dog this was called operation pizza roll and did it destroy thomas john's career no within a year he had his own tv show called seatbelt psychic which was promoted by a massive celebrities like james [ __ ] cordon who peddle this garbage to their 26 million youtube followers and who knows how many more in national tv audience this is a huge part of why this stuff is so hard to end because the media constantly reintroduces it back into the news cycle for the simple reason that we found a real psychic is always going to make a more compelling headline than psychics still aren't real the same way sylvia brown got her claws into america in the 80s modern psychics are being promoted in an identical fashion teresa capital matt frazier alison dubois cara margolis i could go on but i don't want to these people are still shoving their hands up the asses of chickens and we're applauding them but now there's an even more dangerous evolution of this a new kind of celebrity psychic but ones with the backing of gigantic multinational media corporations if you want to see this look no further than tyler henry with an estimated net worth of 1.7 million dollars tyler henry rose to prominence with his ongoing four-season smash hit tv show hollywood medium with tyler henry in which he performs psychic readings for celebrities like the kardashians latoya jackson megan fox boy george bella thorne the most popular clips have been doing this gathering as many as 10 million views and his readings are convincing especially if you ignore how much they resemble both cold and hot reading as well as the fact that he's doing this with celebrities whose personal information and family history is publicly available but again just ask yourself what is the information we're not seeing here this guy is surrounded by a gigantic entertainment conglomerate in the e-network who has a financial incentive to make him appear as legitimate as possible especially when most of the celebrities he's reading for are part of that same network so if he wanted access to the personal information of someone he has means to get it and because of the highly edited nature of these episodes we're never going to see when he gets something wrong so which sounds more reasonable everything i just said or that this 25 year old is actually talking to ghosts and is the one exception to everything humanity has ever recorded about the observable universe and even then he does occasionally slip like at a press conference in 2016 when he was asked about trump's future in the 2016 election in which he gave a non-committal i've been watching him and i'm not worried maybe you should have worried a little tyler he's also stated that he would be open to working with the police on missing persons cases tyler do not do that and tyler if you are watching this and i get the feeling you will because i think you're the kind of person who googles your own name i don't care if you believe you're psychic i don't care if you believe you're doing good i care that you are promoting an industry that has destroyed lives and manipulated millions and you and every other psychic who profits off their supposed abilities without proving it under any kind of legitimate scientific testing should be so deeply ashamed this brings us to the final frontier for psychics and one that has the potential to do more damage than any other social media i've noticed a growing number of psychics operating off platforms like tick tock and twitch i've made the decision to not call these people out at this point for the reason that they all currently have a much smaller following than mine and i don't enjoy punching down but what i am going to say to these people is i am watching and if you don't want to appear in one of these videos find another way to get followers before we finish i want to address what i think is going to be a pretty common counter argument for this video the idea that saying all psychics are deceitful based on a couple of bad examples is like saying all restaurants are bad based on a couple of cases of food poisoning but the difference here is that poison isn't a necessity of cooking deceit is a necessity of psychics and that's going to be true until it's proved otherwise i don't think all psychics are evil i think some are just delusional but either way they're promoting the same lie and normalizing it to ordinary people and doing so making them vulnerable to the kind of predatory abuse we've seen this entire video okay i feel like the only question left is why why out of all the problems in the world am i making a video about psychics and the truth is that this video isn't really about psychics i mean it is but it isn't what we're talking about here isn't really people who can channel aliens or bend spoons or talk to the dead this is about how people choose what they believe in and if your takeaway from this video is that dumb people will believe in silly things i have failed at my job people want to believe in things that bring them comfort and they will even if those things aren't incorrect as long as that information is presented in the right way everyone is vulnerable to this it has nothing to do with education or intelligence what this is closer to is an exploit in the human condition the world is terrifying constantly and we so badly need comfort from the chaos that is happening all around us all the time and it's that that makes us vulnerable not just to psychics but to any number of people willing to distort reality to their own end we're coming out of a year that saw even the basic nature of information become so distorted and corrupted so i think we need to start having conversations about how we choose what we believe cause if we can't decide on something as simple as psychics what hope do we have for everything else or as isaac asimov wrote in the introduction to james randy's book that is so much truer now than it was 40 years ago folly and fakery have always been with us but it has never before been as dangerous as it is now never in history have we been able to afford it less oh friends thank you for joining me today i really hope you enjoyed this video and that you got something out of it and if you did and maybe want to help me create more like it you can do so over at forward slash super eyepatch wolf this video in particular i'd like to thank koi grape or sheen harold dakota kendall connie purcell yash nanda and elena spangel and kem for real or khtm for real find me as ever on the let's fight a boss video game podcast or on twitter at ipatchwolf friends take care of yourselves and i'll see you next time
Channel: Super Eyepatch Wolf
Views: 4,269,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Psychics, Astrology, Fake, Fake Psychics, Psychic Fails, Psychics Debunked, Tyler Henry, Sylvia Brown, John Edward, Uri Gellar, The Amazing Randi, Peter Popov, Faith Healing
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 10sec (2830 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 27 2021
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