Butch Cassidy: Where is He buried? (Jerry Skinner Documentary)

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[Music] in October of 1969 the movie Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was released it starred Paul Newman Robert Redford and Katharine Ross now who can forget the last scene from Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid facing the Bolivian army with guns a-blazing that was a great movie however it was a movie this is not Robert Leroy Parker was born April 13th 1866 and to a Mormon family in Beaver Utah Maximilian Parker Robert Leroy's father will soon move his little family to a farm 20 miles away to the small community of Circleville Robert Leroy was devoted to his mother and his Gillis Parker he was the oldest of 13 children the Parkers farm and ranch was located two miles south of the small town of Circleville Utah the camping that they lived in is still standing the Parkers old home place is now being restored Robert Leroy's sister Lula said that Robert Leroy and their mother planted some of the trees they're still growing around the old cabin now walking around and looking through the window it looks like it's a one-room cabin but actually at the time it had two rooms Robert Leroy once said that this was the place that he was the most happiest the Parkers raised wheat and cattle life was hard and the weather was harder summer droughts caused the wheat crops to fail when her cold would cause the cattle today Maximilian Parker armax as the locals call him had to take a job sometimes away from home even Robert Laroy and his mother Annie worked on the Marshall ranch some 8 miles south and order just to make ends meet when Robert Leroy was working at one of these local ranches he met cow hen and small-time Rustler Mike Cassidy he will later take the alias Butch Cassidy and remembrance of his old friend in eighteen and eighty four when Parker reached the age of 18 he left this farm and ranch for the next few years he'll work in mining towns and own cattle ranches in Colorado Wyoming and Montana Parker had already learned the outlaw trade of stealing horses and stray cattle it's believed by the neighbors stating that he would sometimes sneak back home from time to time and most likely bring money to the family he was an experienced Calhoun work in numerous ranches and he was always well-liked by his bosses and they always spoke well of him if he gave his word he kept it and by 1889 Cassidy was working around hey you ride Colorado he had been working for hay ADIS at his range and was very familiar with the landscape he also knew that there was money from the gold and silver mines that were being stored in the san miguel valley bank it is believed that on July the 24th 1889 there Robert Leroy Parker Matt Warner and Tom McCarty rode into Telluride Colorado with the intentions of robbing the San Miguel Bank the town had one Road in and one Road out not much has actually changed except the horses has turned to cars and the dirt streets are now paved the white building across the street was the location of the bank Parker and went inside while Tom stayed outside with the horses they knew when he was most likely to be empty of customers they simply placed a gun to the bankers head and demanded that he opened this very safe right here Parker later called himself Butch Cassidy and he'll become the most successful outlaw in the West Parker was known to plan his robberies down to the least details and he evinced a stand fresh horses which was a novel idea at the time every 20 miles apart for their getaway they relieved the bank of 20 thousand dollars which now would equal a half a million now this is believed to be butch Cassidy's first bank robbery unfortunately on their way out of town in the direction that real riding them they will meet Harry ADA's on their way out that Parker and Warner had worked for knowing he had recognized him and would certainly tell the sheriff they knew that there was no turning back down from the outlaw life they could have killed at us to hide their identity but they didn't the outlaws headed for a safe place to lay low and in eighteen and ninety with money from the robbery butch will buy a ranch outside of Dubois Wyoming he will continue wrestling cattle and some believe that the ranch was just a forest for his illegal activities in 1894 Butch Cassidy as he began to call himself to protect his family name butch had been doing business with herb Bassett and his two daughters the Bassett supplied outlaws with beef and horses now that fall butch meets William Ellsworth Leigh Elsa Leigh will become Butch's best friend they were both easygoing and they didn't like trouble LZ will become involved with Josie Bassett and Butch will be romantic leakin acted with Josie's fifteen-year-old sister and word began to spread around about the smooth bank-robbery out of Telluride Colorado and outlaws wanted to join butch for his smart way of planting jobs Cassidy believed that if you plan good enough you can rob banks and trains without anyone getting hurt or anyone getting cold however in 1894 butch was convicted of paying $5 to Billy nurturer for a stolen horse you'll be given a five-year sentence by Judge Jesse Knight and incarcerated at the territorial prison here in Laramie Wyoming now this is Butch's prison picture he was 29 years old at the time the story goes that butch asked to be released one nap before going to prison he gave his word that he had come back the next morning and he did he will serve 18 months and a judge was impressed by Cassidy's charisma and intelligence judge Knight told the governor William Richards that he thought he had made a mistake by not informing the jury that you must know the horse was stolen and he said that he wasn't sure that Cassidy actually knew butch was offered a pardon if he had promised to go straight butch said no but he would promise not to rob any more in Wyoming they agreed when butch was released in 1896 he learned that his friend Matt Warner along with bill walls had been charged with murder it seems that a manner by the name of EB Coleman hired the two to discourage the Stanton brothers and David Milton from following him to his secret mining location he even tried to pay the stands to leave him alone but they continued to follow him Mann said that they rode into the Stanton camp just to scare him but that Stanton started firing first Matt was arrested and he said it was because of his outlaw reputation Butch Cassidy wrote Matt's wife not to worry Matt will have the best lawyer that can be found butch Elzy lay and Bob Meeks rides into mud P your Idaho intended on robbing the bank for bail money and lawyers fee from Matt Warner they ride up and tie their horses across the street from the bank Meeks will attend the horses Butch and llave will enter the bank it was the label demand the banker one customer and a bookkeeper up against the wall while Cassidy goes for the money butch then we'll walk very slow with the money across to his horse get up on it and slowly leave town the banker claims this out the window sees Bob meets his uncovered face holding the horses that's before Elzy lay strikes him across the head to look forward Bob then brings the else's horse over in front of the bank and then he rides out easy Elzy lay then comes out and rides out hard Bob will be identified by the banker later and arrested and convicted of robbery but the attorney will get the money the attorney Orlando powers will get the charges for Matt Warner drop down from murder to manslaughter you'll be sent to prison sentence for five years but will serve a little over three Matt Warner will quit the outlaw life after serving time and will eventually become a respected lawman Matt and Bill Wells attorney Orlando powers will swear that the three thousand they were paid to defend Matt and bill was paid before the Mount Pere bank robbery after vampire Butch Cassidy and Elzy lay were hid for robbers roost to hide out they will be joined by an Bassitt and ills his wife Maude Davis after a few months the women will be sent home so that butch and LZ can do another job that they planned on April of 21st 1897 Butch Cassidy Elzy lay Rob's a pleasant valley cold company of their payroll around 7,000 in gold in castle gate Utah it was a bold daylight robbery and well-planned they cut telegraph wires and stationed fresh horses and then they head back to their hideout by now butch had taken in members of what will become known as the Wild Bunch such as Harry longabaugh of Sundance Kid longabaugh had been caught stealing horses from the 3v range in February of 1887 he served 18 months of a two-year sentence in jail at Sundance Wyoming gaining the nickname Sunday's kid it was the only time that he'll ever be arrested upon his release in 1889 he'll go straight for a while but unable to get his ranch job on November 29 to 1892 with two unemployed Cowboys they tried robbing a train that has no money on it their mask keeps sleeping down off their face and was seen by the railroad crew their haul was a little over $8 Sundance's to friends go back into town after the robbery it was promptly arrested they gave the name of Sundance to the law he then had to head out for a place to hide ending up with the Wild Bunch it's been reported that the Wild Bunch only allowed five women to ever visit their hiding places such as Browns Park robbers roost and hole-in-the-wall if they're all along the outlaw trail Josie and sister and Bassett at a place Maude Davis and Laura Bullen was the only one jossey-bass it will become girlfriend who Elzy lay Butch Cassidy will become involved with Ann Bassett when butch goes off to prison for that 18 months and takes up with being Kilpatrick and when butch got out Josie was involved with will news Carter Josie into the relationship with Carter when she found out that he was involved with Laura Bullock his deceased wife's niece now for a while butch and Josie got together and then he went back to an LC Lane will made Maude Davis and that a place will be with Sundays there's no record of any animosity among the group on June the 2nd 1899 near Wilcox Wyoming at 2:15 a.m. two men flagged down when Leonard's stop in the Union Pacific Overland flower right before a bridge causing the engineer to believe that the bridge might be out the outlaws commandeered the train and separated the Express car with a safe and the engine from the passenger car the outlaws six and all used too much dynamite when CW Woodcock refused to open a door and they destroyed the Express car although Woodcock wasn't hurt just dazed Cassidy and his gang got away with 50,000 in banknotes and gold amounting to $1,000,000 today the outlaws head north towards a hole-in-the-wall hideout the group splits up as was their normal routine known June of 6 sheriff Josiah Hazen runs into flatnose curry Harvey Logan and Sundance Kid some 75 miles from the robbers site Harry Logan shoots and kills sheriff hazy and the trio is able to escape on foot they receive help from local Rangers when the Marshalls led by Joe Lafleur trail the robbers through the Brock ranch near Buffalo Wyoming the posse took care to all the Brock families food and blankets Rachael Elmer Brock stated that with all the outlaws that traveled and come through and across his range it had to be the US Marshals that stole from him showing the Rangers attitude towards a local law after the Wilcox robbery the Union Pacific was determined to stop these train robberies it was costing them business and money serial numbers from the bank notes and Bert bills was posted everywhere the Union Pacific employed the Pinkerton Detective Agency and over 100 agents where Joe Lafleur Charles Siringo and even Tom Horn they will chase the Wild Bunch from Wyoming to Texas they begin station men and horses in special rail cars just to chase the outlaws it is believed that butch called on his old attorney friend Douglas a Preston to hip him lund read the money he needed the money clean because two months after the Wilcox robbery his friend Elzy lay had taken part in a train robbery near Folsom New Mexico Territory a shootout with the trailing Posse ended up with a death of chef Edie far lay was captured in Carlsbad New Mexico buying supplies and charged with murder it is believed that he was booked under the name of William McGinnis it's also believed that a payoff was arranged and the Elzy lay received life thinit's instead of death by hanging on August the 16th 1899 the loss of butch cast his best friend Elzy lay to life in prison was a blow to butch it is believed that butch may have paid money to officials in order to get ill zeal a pardon after serving seven years On January the 10th 1906 and by this time butch was already in South America the story goes that prisoners helped the wardens wife and child hostage and Elzy lay talk the prisoners into releasing them he was given a part now while in prison leis wife Moll Davis will divorce him they had one child later Elzy lay will marry Mary Calvin they will have two children and Elzy lay will go straight and never Rob again he will pass away on November the 10th 1934 in Los Angeles at the age of 64 he's buried at the Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale California butch had lost his two closest friends and Elzy lay in prison and Matt Warner given up his outlaw ways for family life he knew it was time to quit the West was changing and it was just a matter of time before the law caught up butch contacted Judge Orlando powers and convinced him that he wanted to go straight and possibly amnesty powers was the attorney that had represented Matt Warner if you remember but was now a judge in Salt Lake City powers approach the governor whales without success however he did suggest a meeting with the Union Pacific officials and stated that if they were lucky they might even offer butch a job as a railroad guard the railroad agreed to a meeting and the meeting was set up at a stagecoach station one day's ride north of Rawlins Wyoming butch arrived early and waited all day but no one showed up afraid that he was being set up he left a note under a rock where he knew he'd be seen butchie's lawyer Douglas a Preston was supposed to accompany the railroad officials the note said damn you Preston you've double-crossed me I waited all day but you didn't show up tell the Union Pacific to go to hell and you can go with him now Preston tried to contact butch through his old friend Matt Warner but was able to do so he wanted to explain that they had been delayed one day because of a flood on August the 29th 1900 the Union Pacific Express train was robbed close to Tipton Wyoming this time the Express car was carrying 50,000 and gold the robbery was better planned with fresh horses the gang once again eluded the posse and shortly after it it's believed the outlaws robbed the Winnemucca Nevada First National Bank of 33,000 one month after the Winnemucca robbery five members of the Wild Bunch we'll meet in Fort Worth Texas all dressed up and sporting their newfound wealth they had this photo taken at John forts his photo studio located at 7:05 and 1/2 Main Street upstairs over a saloon it was located on the edge of the red light district known as Hell's Half Acre where outlaws and Cowboys came to spend their money Fort Worth had Mary Porter's brothel she is sometimes confused with Fannie Porter's place in San Antone that was favored by the wild but several of Fanny's girls became girlfriends of the members of the gang and in February of 1901 she throws a party for the Wild Bunch now this is Fanny's photo kept by Pinkertons even William Pinkerton head of the Pinkerton agency visited vanish'd place asking about the outlaws and it's a believe that the Wild Bunch had been in Fort Worth for at least a month when they decided to have this picture made now on the front row left is Harry longabaugh the Sundance Kid they all used aliases to help hide their real identity and next to him is being killed Patrick call the tall Texan because he stood six foot in two inches tall and Robert Leroy Parker of course Butch Cassidy on the back row left is will Carver they called him news Carver because he liked to read about itself in a newspaper and then Harvey Logan known as kid curry probably the most dangerous of all the Wild Bunch he's been described as a pathological killer the story goes that the photograph er placed the picture of the wild but in the window of his shop and the detective just happened to see it and recognized one of the men more likely story is that the boy said or did something to cause the photographer to become suspicious after all the photo shop was located over a slimmed wanted posters were made from the photo and distributed throughout the West Butch Cassidy realized that the law was closing in and it was only a matter of time until they'd all be caught or killed his plans were to go to South America and start a new life he asked if anyone wanted to go with him the Sundance Kid and had a place his girlfriend were there only two to take up his offer we know that Sundance and at a place was in New York City on February 1901 they visited the famous jury Tiffany's there they purchased a lapel watch fraida and a stick pin for long a bomb they posed for this picture at the famous the young's portrait studios you can see Adams lapel watch that she's wearing if Sunday's had a known that two months later on the 15th of May wanted posters would be distributed by the Pinkertons from the Fort Worth photo he would have been reluctant to ahead this picture made February 20th 1901 Harry longabaugh Robert Leroy Parker and had a place boarded a British ship heading for Buenos Aires Argentina butch was travelling as James fried brother of at a place and Etta and son dates will travel as mr. and mrs. Harry place things will go well for the three bandits they will attempt to become respectable ranch owners these are actual pictures of the three on their ranch in Chola Argentina another letter butch wrote to friends in Utah he said that we are family of three he said we've leased land in west central Argentina where we have three hundred head of cattle 15 hundred sheep and 25 saddle horses two men to do the work and a good for room house stable in wire house we devote our time to the ranch and socialize with neighbors now back home things weren't going so well for the Wild Bunch without Butch's leadership William news Carver will be shot and killed April the 2nd 1901 by Sheriff es Bryant and detectives he was being arrested for killing a man named Oliver thorn it was later revealed that kid curry was the actual killer Harvey Logan our kid curry as he was called had met a working girl from Fannie Porter's brothel in San Antone by the name of del amor or sometimes she used to name any Rogers it's believed they met sometime in 1898 della would had kid curry after his robbers and help resupply by 1900 della heads left prostitution and traveled with Carter to Tennessee were they made up with being killed Patrick and Laura Bullen when October the 14th 1901 della Moore was arrested in Nashville for trying to pass notes associated with robberies she was jailed but acquitted six months later in June of 1902 to our knowledge Curie and Ella never reunited while in jail curry kills to Knoxville policemen while trying to get away it's believed that della eventually returned to Fannie Porter's in San Antonio and died in 1926 at the age of 45 kid curry will die from self-inflicted gunshot wounds near parachute Colorado on June the 7th 1901 he had helped rob the Denver & Rio Railroad when a posse closed in they say he killed himself now there is some question as to the identity of the dead outlaw Pinkerton Detective Charlie Siringo was so sure that they got the wrong man he resigned from the detective agency and protests bein Kilpatrick and Laura Bullen will be arrested in st. Louis Missouri on November the 18th 1901 Laura will served three and a half years in Missouri state pen and Ben Kilpatrick was served ten years Laura also is known as della rose she'll move to Memphis in 1918 and live under an assumed name Freda Lincoln she'll pose as a war Widow and worked as a seamstress and dressmaker she lived at 1374 Madison Avenue until passing away of heart trouble at the age of 85 on December the 2nd 1961 she was the only woman that actually participated in Wild Bunch robberies dressed as a boy and she could have told us who at a place really was after being compared tricked got out of prison it's believed that he committed several train robbers around Memphis and that he lived in Memphis for a while it's been said that Laura Boleyn and Kilpatrick never met again after leaving prison but it does seem suspicious that they both spent time in Memphis unable to make a big score being a NOLA Hovick returned to Texas on March the 12th 1912 they stopped an express train and used the methods learned by the Wild Bunch uncoupling the passenger cars from the Express car and carried it two miles ahead home Beck watched the engineer while Kilpatrick took the Express manager and a man named David thorne still back to the Wells Fargo Express car as they walk past an open car Trousdale grabbed a nice mallet and stuck it under his covert coat when Kilpatrick bent down to check the Express Bank and rest in his rifle on his knee brows Dale hit him over the head killing him immediately then waiting for hole brick to come check on Kilpatrick they shot and killed homewreck with Kilpatrick's gun the two outlaws were taken to the next town where they were stood up and photographed other wild bunch of members were either in prison or dead as butch Sundance and Edo were feeling secure and content on their Chola farm and ranch longabaugh and Etta felt safe enough to return to the United States in February of 1902 it's believed that they boarded the SS soldier Prince for New York City they visited along Abbas family in New Jersey and on April a second they registered at misery's Thompson's boarding house in New York they then traveled to Buffalo to dr. Pierce's involute hotel for unknown medical reasons probably the real reason for the trip they had their famous photo reprinted while in Buffalo then they traveled to Denver for medical treatment Eden had spent time at the Denver hospital for unspecified reasons back in 1900 on July the 10th 1902 it's believed the couple boarded the steamer hunter US posing as mr. and mrs. Stewart and on August the 9th they were registered at the Europa hotel and grandis hours they then returned to the Chola ranch on the fifteen this is a photo taken in 1903 of Sunday's Etta and Butch at their chola ranch having tea the photo was sent to family members in the United States and remained in their possession for years that same year in 1903 Sundance wrote a letter to his family not knowing that the Pinkertons were keeping an eye on mail they knew for the first time that the outlaws were in Argentina and the Pinkertons will notify their agent Frank de Mille who was in Argentina on another case he will have wanted posters printed up and spread throughout the country although he'll never even come close to the outlaws according to Pinkertons files in the summer of 1904 Harry longabaugh and at a place will again return to the United States they'll be traced to Fort Worth Texas and to the st. Louis World's Fair they'll return to Argentina before they're discovered it's possible that they may have made a trip to the doctor but there's no record in 1905 english-speaking bandits helped up the Argentine southern land manager of 5000 pesos some believe that it was Robert Evans and a man by the name of either gray or Wilson however by then thanks to the Pinkerton wanted posters all of our gentie know was looking for the famous American bandits Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid it's known that Butch and Sundance were not the only Americans in Argentina capable of robbing banks their range provided security and seemed to be successful I've always wondered why would they start robbing and endangerment we do know that a bank in santa cruz province was robbed in 1905 and another robbery in 1907 whether or not it was them they got the credit for it that year they sold their Co range to a beef syndicate in 1906 after losing the ranch era and Sunday it's on June the 30th we'll leave Valparaiso Chile for San Francisco coordinate Pinkerton files they do not believe that Etta ever returned to South America not much is known about at a place even the Pinkertons developed no information about her family and doubted that at a place was her real name the possibility of her background was more likely associated with Madame Fannie Porter's brothel in San Antonio where other Wild Bunch members found their girlfriends fanny Porter was known for her high-class girls Pinkertons described Etta or Ethel as she once signed her name as being 27 or 28 years old five foot four or five foot five weigh in 110 215 pounds medium build brown hair she was strikingly beautiful they say and spoke with elegance on November the 3rd 1908 several miles north of San Vincente Bolivia were occur from the air a male silver man was transporting the company's payroll by mules was robbed by two American bandits three days later on the 6th the two outlaws wrote in to San Vicente a small out-of-the-way mining village unknown to the loaves word had already reached a small village about the payroll robbery they rented a place to stay from a man that became suspicious of the two Gringo's and reported it to the local police one of the pack news was identified as belonging to the era male mining company now this is believed to be the last photo taken a butch sitting on a mule and Sundance is petting his Moo now this is the building that the two bandits had rented one of the officers was shot and killed when they came to question the two men soon other officers and Bolivian soldiers became involved in the shootout now this is a drawing of the location of the gunfight bullets would easily go through the adobe walls when the battle subsided san vicente mayor CLE old Bell toe reportedly hearing three screams of desperation then two gunshots the next morning the one thought to be Sundance was laying against the wall with bullet wounds to his body and a gunshot to the head the one thought to be Butch Cassidy was laying on the floor with a bullet hole in his temple it was surmise that butch had shot Sunday's and then himself they were identified as the two that robbed the airmail payroll however they were never identified as Butch and Sundance and was buried in an unmarked grave in the local cemetery now the question is was it really them William Pinkerton head of the Pinkerton Detective Agency heard of the sand was sent to shoot out but dismissed the whole thing as a fake Pinkerton files show that they continued to look for Butch and Sundance years after the San Vicente gunfight in 1921 Pinkerton is said to have told one of his agents that the last he had heard of Sundance was in jail in Peru for bank robbery and that butch had gotten away then there's Bruce Chatwin he stated that the president of Bolivia Renea Bear enters from 1966 until 1969 as president was an old western outlaw enthused and that he had ordered a team of investigators to investigate the gunfight at San Vicente the president even accompanied the team and they spoke with people check police records and military records even exhumed a couple of the graves and concluded that the gunfight never took place in 1991 of television crews from the series Nova went to San Vicente and dug up the graves that was believed to be Butch and Sundance for DNA testing it was not them however they could still be possibly somewhere in the cemetery the most compelling evidence to suggest that Butch Cassidy returned to the United States is the numerous witnesses that stated that they knew that butch our Robert Leroy Parker from the old days and said that they met him in the 1920s when he returned to Baggs Wyoming his old stomping grounds and that he stayed and visited with old friends for a few days the daughter of Butch's old friend Matt Warner said that butch showed up at her house looking for Matt and that she had to tell him that her father had passed away but that he had told her plenty of stories about him in the Wild Bunch she said that he wrote her several letters after that under an assumed name she said that butch had told her that he was never going back to Circleville again because his sister Lula was so mad at him for the way that he had hurt his mother this helps collaborate the story that Lula said that he had returned home now Josephine Bassett stated in nineteen and sixty-five that Butch and LZ Leigh had visited her at Rock Springs Wyoming in the early 1920s butch and hills he knocked on her door she said one night they had a few drinks and talked about old times now this story to me ranks true because she could have easily have said if she was making up a story that it was Butch and Sundance that showed up if butch was alive I know undoubtedly that he would have contacted Elzy lay to me the most compelling evidence of all comes from butch Cassidy's younger sister Lula Parker Benison in her book Butch Cassidy my brother published in 1975 Lula related the story of Robert Leroy returning to visit his family in Circleville Yuto in 1925 she said that butch stopped by the old homeplace here to find it empty the parker still on the range but max parker Butch's dead had moved into a much better home in Circleville and nobody ever asked where the money come from but stopped in his new Model T Ford and got out at the old Parker ranch he saw his brother Mark Parker working on a fence when he got closer to mark mark recognized him they hugged and talked for a few minutes then they drove into town to their father max Parker's house Lulla stated that her dead was in his 80s and was sitting outside on the back kitchen steps when they drove up max was concerned she said when he saw Mark get out of the passenger side because he knew that Mark had wrote a horse down to the ranch that morning as butch got closer mr. Parker recognized his oldest son they sent for Loula she was young when butch had left Maximilian Parker said to his daughter I bet you don't know who this is this is your brother Robert Leroy her brother she said was bothered because he felt bad that all the things that he did in his life had broken his mother's heart she said no matter what they was talking about that he would eventually come back to mother mrs. Parker had passed away in 1905 she said that butch stayed for several days before leaving the mountains around Circleville Yuto looked to me a lot like Chola Argentina I wonder if butch thought so Lulla said that Robert Leroy died somewhere in the northwest in 1937 she said that mr. Parker Maximillian asked his children to never reveal where butch was bade he said that Robert Leroy had been chased all of his life and now he's going to rest Lula kept that promise by stating in her book that he's buried somewhere in the northwest and hinted at a possible name but never saying for sure I know that Lula benda son did not believe in Lane however in order to keep her promise to never reveal Butch's grave she was capable of misleading some of the stories she relayed in the book must be taken with a grain of salt she didn't care about those stories she accomplished her goal to let the world know that her brother did not die in Bolivia she even had a strong disagreement with Robert Redford and Paul Newman over that point on there was making their movie it's only normal even if you must mislead to want to come as close to telling the truth as you can and on July the 24th 2006 columnist Lee Benson of the Utah desert news said that he stopped in Circleville and spoke with locals that had known Lula before she passed away he said they told that Lula told a different story to people she knew and she did to reporters Lula told local people that she could walk from where she was at and put her hand on Butch's grave this statement I believe and the fact Butch regretted hurting his mother so bad and Maximillian asking his children not to reveal the location of his grave I will say right now that I don't know where butch cast his beard but I do believe that if it had been left up to Lula Parker Benison she would have buried her brother's ashes near our own their mother's grave [Music]
Channel: Jerry Skinner
Views: 1,284,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Butch Cassidy, Sundance Kid, Etta Place, Cinterville Utah, Lula Parker, Elzy Lay
Id: e2GnYFKCq9Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 9sec (2649 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 10 2017
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