Billy The Kid (Jerry Skinner Documentary)

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[Music] Curie Skinner and today we're going in searching one of the Old West is most notorious outlaws William H bunny known as Billy the Kid to you and I a lot of people know that Billy the Kid is supposed to have killed 21 people by his 21st birthday but did you know that Billy the Kid had a brother an older brother that was about four years older than Benny and he called him Josie so let's go and see if we can find out all we can about Billy the Kid this is a picture of Billy the Kid it's believed to have been taken at Fort Sumner New Mexico between 1878 and 1880 people that knew Billy said that he was a good-looking boy and that this picture didn't do him justice we know that Billy's mother was Katherine or Kathleen McCarty but we don't know if it was her married name or her maiden name it's been reported that she was nice-looking very pretty and had a wonderful sense of humor and that she passed it on to her boys little or nothing unfortunately is known about their dad we can't say for sure but some people believe that this is a picture of B he's the one who's standing and his brother Joseph is City kathleen called joseph josie and she called Billy Henry we know that Kathleen married William Antrim in Santa Fe New Mexico sometime around 1873 whether two boys present now this is William Antrim in later years we also know that after they married the anthems moved to Silver City New Mexico now this is an early picture of Silver City and what it looked like and this is a replica of the first house that the interims moved into when they got to Silver's city they said that it was put back in the very same spot and now you're looking at the modern-day Silver City a few years earlier Kathleen had contracted tuberculosis he was stated by neighbors that even with her handicap she sent her boys to school she took good care of them and she kept them clean however on the 16th of September 1874 Kathleen Anthem passed away she was buried in the memorial lane Cemetery in Silver City now this is her original tombstone it's now located in the Lincoln County Museum in Lincoln Kathleen was 45 years old after Billy's mother passed away the boys were sent to different foster homes because their stepdad didn't want to be saddled with two young boys by the age of 15 Billy left his foster home and wandered in and out of trouble for a couple of years he finally ends up in Lincoln New Mexico and the lower left corner of the picture is the courthouse in jail the Billy will later escaped from when Billy arrived in Lincoln in 1877 him alone to the Murphy Dolan faction the City and County later be divided into two different factions with the Murphy Dolan gang being the strongest they had control of the county and was considered being completely corrupt they were supported by powerful investors from the territorial capital in Santa Fe the Murphy Dolan faction controlled the county sheriff's office letting them get away with just about anything they owned the town's general store and also owned a huge cattle ranch this is the same territory you're looking at that Billy the Kid rode through on horseback several times not much has really changed except the road is paid and run straight through the town of Lincoln if you notice this same it says the Lincoln County was formed in 1869 and it happens to be the largest County land lies in the country now this is Main Street of Lincoln we're looking west on the right side of the street was saloons and small stores the big building across the street was the Murphy Nolan headquarters and downstairs was store and sometimes saloon upstairs was a Murphy Dolan offices now later the building will become the County Courthouse downstairs and upstairs will become the county jail that's after Dolan sells the building to the county in this old photo you see stairs from the outside going up to the second floor when Billy the Kid escaped from the second floor jail there was no stairs at that time but the outside balcony was there now this is the way it looks today not a lot is changed except there's now a paved road instead of a dirt one this is a picture of Murphy Dolan faction where Dolan standing up he at that time was second-in-command on the right side of the picture his large Murphy headed the organization he started it and then he took in Dolan as a partner however Murphy was diagnosed with cancer sometime before the Lincoln County War started he began drinking heavy and later went to Santa Fe for treatment he soon lost control to his young Protege James Dolan this is a picture of James Dolan the only leader to lived through the Lincoln County War Billy worked for Dolan when he first arrived in Lincoln County and Dolan was having his men including Billy rustling cattle from ranchers and selling them to Mexicans across the border he even sold them to soldiers in the US Army which he had a contract with that he had gotten through powerful friends in Santa Fe while working for Dolan Billy was a witness to seeing Dolan killing a Lincoln County attorney and that he'll testify to later on back at the Murphy Dolan headquarters everyone referred to the organization as the house we're now looking east on Main Street the u.s. President Hayes once stated that during the Lincoln County War this was the most dangerous Street in America around 19 men were killed on this street this is John Tunstall a wealthy Englishman looking to start a new business adventure backed by his wealthy family in London John purchased the ranch in Lincoln County and soon realized in order to compete with it now James Dolan faction he'd have to open his own store he enlisted the help of attorney Alexander McSween and cattleman John Chisholm tunston was said to be an easygoing peace-loving man and he was in his early 20s when he died Tom still managed to persuade Billy Charlie boundary and George Cole to leave Dolan and go to work for him this is a picture of constables family estate in London this is Alexander McSween it was a lawyer and became a partner with Dunstan they started the tungsten mat swing merchandise store in competition with a Dolan faction now this is John Chisholm who backed Tunstall and McSween against the Dolan House organization Chisholm was considered to be one of the largest ranchers in the West at that time we're looking west down Main Street towards the Dolan building that was now the courthouse in jail now this is the toss Tomek swing store that they built in competition with Dolan and this is the store today and this is a stored during the time that Tunstall and McSween owned it McQueen had built a large house out of an old adobe house that was there to start with it was located in this empty lot next to their store up until that time competition between the two factions had been mostly peaceable now this is sort of what it looked like inside toss tiles and miss Wayne store everything's turned bloody on the 18th of February 1878 sheriff Brady's deputies all appointed by the Dolan faction caught John Tunstall without his men and out in the open range the deputies killed John Tunstall and even killed a horse that he was right they knew that he loved that horse and was trying to make a point all four deputies said that for no reason Tom stole drew his gun on them and they had no recourse but to kill him at the bottom of the hill is where tousle was killed ever person knew it was cold-blooded murder everyone knew that John Tunstall would do everything he could to avoid trouble his body was brought back to Lincoln and buried right behind his store after tonsils death his partner Alexander McQueen tried to get justice by trying to convince Judge John Wilson to sign a warrant for the deputies arrest he was reluctant to sane because the killers were all lawmen judge Wilson finally signed the warrant and then appointed Tunstall Foreman dick brewer as special constable then dick brewer deputized the rest of the Tunstall ranch hands including Billy they call themselves the regulator's this is believed to be a picture of some of the regulator's and some believed that it is Billy sitting on the ground this is one of the regulator's Bob Sherlock and this is Billy's closest friend tamil flared and this is Charlie boundary both Oh flared and boundary are bared next to Billy this is Eugenia says are in his later years this is Frank coal and this is Frank's brother George Coe both brothers yelled through the Lincoln County War the regulator's first job was to head to the Dolan ranch and arrest Billy Morgan and Frank Baker whom they believed had been involved in the killing of Tunstall after the arrest of Billy Morgan and Frank Baker the regulator's stopped at Chisholm's range now this is John Chisholm and this is his Cowboys at his range Chisholm made the regulator's promise that they would deliver the prisoners back to Lincoln safe this is the interest to the Chisholm Ranch today this is the territorial governor Alex who appointed this man sheriff William J Brady as the new Lincoln County Sheriff Brady was part of the Dolan gang and actually worked for Dolan although the regulator's had promised John Chisholm to see that the prisoners would return to Lincoln safe they later claimed that Morgan and Baker tried to escape on her way back and that they couldn't do anything but kill him also they killed a regulator that they thought was spying for Dolan governor axel declared with a stroke of a pen that the regulator's were no longer lawmen but were outlaws after pointing brady sheriff on April of 1st 1878 sheriff Brady and four deputies Billy Mathis George Pippin who will later be appointed sheriff George Hyman and Jack long left the Dolan headquarters and walked east toward the Townsville store down the middle of the street they had a warrant to arrest Alexander McSween supposedly for his support of the regulator's McSwain they believe to be visiting the Ellis's at a house just east of his store when they reached the east side of the store the regulator's were hiding behind adobe wall and opened fire killing Sheriff Brady and they also killed deputy Hyman and the rest of the deputies scattered they said Billy run out in the street to get the sheriff's rifle Billy was seen and was the only one that was identified as hippie and killed shirt Brady although it was doubtful that Billy alone put 9 bullets in the shirt this act Luntz the legend of Billy the Kid who played a minor role in a minor part up to then although the regulator's was considered to be outlaws by the governor they continued making arrests of anyone that they thought had anything to do with hostel's murder they told the newspapers that the regulator's didn't kill sheriff Brady to protect McSwain but to arrest the killers that had killed John Tunstall this is the grave of Sheriff Brady buried on his own range the sheriff was 48 years old on the 4th of April 1978 the regulator's tried to arrest a man called buckshot Roberts they found Roberts in this building in Blazers mill about 40 miles south of Lincoln they thought that Roberts had took part in hostels murder although there's now doubt that he had any involvement at all before they was able to kill Roberts he had managed to kill the head of the regulator's dig burr now this is a picture of George Cole years later showing his finger that Roberts had shot off during their attempt to arrest him the regulator's was without a leader when dick brewer was killed they did manage however finally to kill Roberts and the town folk scared Roberts up the hill a short distance from where he had died and buried him he had been a Confederate soldier so later on they erect the confederate tombstone they also took dick brewer up the hill and buried him next to buckshot Roberts the man that had killed him in July of 1878 Alexander McSween gathered up a small army of farmers and ranchers and rode into Lincoln he fortified his home next to the tonsils McSwain store and his men took up positions throughout the town these billions have been down this street was heavily fortified with McSween men including the regulator's the new sheriff George Pippin who had been appointed to replace sheriff Brady was also a Dolan man sure peeping enlisted some of the most notorious outlaws and New Mexico along with the federal troops from Fort Stanton close by after five days of shooting up and down this street left several people dead on both sides now the red X is McSween's home next to his McSwain town sons and store and it's showing were McSween and some of the regulator's were fortified McSween's house was cross the street where the empty lot is now located the Dolan faction with help from the Army had finally managed to surround mix wing and some of his men into his own house then come up with the idea of burning the mount as Benny and a few others managed to escape through the hill of bullets McSwain and others were killed although the army did have a Gatling gun they never used it after the house burned it was left to empty lot McSween's body was taken behind his and tonsils stored and buried next to his friend John Tunstall this is Eugenia say czar he was one of the regulator's and a close friend of Billy the kids he was left for dead at the McSween home shootout but he recovered ironically after the standoff at the McSwain home the Lincoln County War was basically over with because McSween and toss ttle were both dead and large Murphy was in Santa Fe dying of cancer James Dolan was the only leader left later after Billy's death James Dolan had this house built in 1888 directly across the street from the tosco McSween store in later years Dolan bought the town stole store and also the Tunstall ranch James Dolan will end up serving as Lincoln County Treasurer and then as a senator in the territorial government until his death this is another look at James Dolan they say that crime doesn't pay unless your name is James Dolan before Dolan's death he had already sold a headquarters building to the county and by this time Lew Wallace had been appointed territorial governor by the President of the United States who wanted governor Wallace to clean up Lincoln County from its lawlessness once and for all however by this time there wasn't much left to clean up except to prosecute a few of the regulator's that was still on the run for murder the governor was so determined to restore law and order he offered a pardon to anyone who participated in the Lincoln County War except those that had murder warrants against him like Billy the Kid for killing sheriff Brady now this is a picture of Governor Lew Wallace however governor Wallace did agree to meet with Billy at Judge Wilson's home in Lincoln if Billie would agree to testify against James Dolan for killing a local attorney when Billy was working for Dolan the agreement for Billy's testimony against Dolan Billy would only have to serve a few days in jail and then be pardoned by the governor Billy kept his part of the bargain he testified against Dolan and they actually got an indictment against him but the district attorney who was a Dolan man refused to prosecute they helped Billy for a while but not hearing from the governor Billy decided that the governor was not going to honor his bargain so while he was being loosely guarded he walked off and escaped this is a newly appointed Sheriff Pat Garrett Pat became sheriff on the promise that he would clean up Lincoln County now this is one of Billy's closest friends Charlie Beaudry and his wife Mennella Charles had moved his family to Fort Sumner and sent word back to Pat Garrett that he wanted to go straight however owned 18th of December Garrett and his posse surrounded boundaries home in Fort Sumner Charlie had moved into what was an Indian hospital when it was an old army forward now Fort Sumner had been purchased by Lucian Maxwell one of the largest landowners in the country when the government closed the Fort Lucian had turned the old fort into a small town he was one of the wealthiest men in the West Sheriff Garrett had learned that boundary had been harboring Billy and some of the regulator's in his house they surrounded a place and they almost caught pili in the shootout and they did kill tunnel foyer now this is the house of Lucian Maxwell and later his son Pete Maxwell this building was once the officer's quarters and Maxwell had turned it into a 20 room mansion it's also the building where Billy the Kid will later be killed now this is one of the billions at Fort Sumner you can see the soldiers these buildings will be turned into shops and houses when Maxwell buys it this is Tamil foyer when sheriff Garrett's posse killed Tom they took his body a few hundred yards to the old military cemetery to BB Billy and Charlie got away and hit it south about 40 miles from Fort Sumner to a place called stinking Springs on December the 23rd a few days after the raid on Bo Drew's home the posse caught up with Billy they were in this little Adobe hood at stinking Springs now notice that there's no windows and only one door Charlie Beaudry was shot and killed when he stepped out to check on the horses it's possible that they thought he was merely the kid Charlie's body was taken back to Fort Sumner and buried close to his pal Tommo foyer Billy soon gave up and it's believed that this is the posse that captured him at stinking Springs on the left is believed to be Pat Garrett next to him is believed to be deputy Bob oranger that Billy will kill while later on trying to escape jail it's believed that Billy is the one on the right and notice the deputy holding a gun to Billy's head the posse took Billy back to Fort Sumner where some folks said that they saw pauletta Maxwell kissing Billy before they took him down to Messiah for trial for killing cher Brady in April of 1881 Billy was found guilty in this building the courthouse at that time and this building were later be turned into a museum on a 28th of April 1881 Billy had been taken back to Lincoln County to hang sheriff Garris town collecting taxes he left two deputies in charge of looking after the prisoners and Billy this is outside the Old Courthouse Murphy Dolan Museum in Lincoln downstairs when Billy the Kid was held here was the courtroom on the right as you go through the front door and on the left this little room was the post office straight ahead was the original safe that can be seen in the sole photograph we're now at the back of the courthouse building we're all in April of 28th 1881 deputy JW Bell who had been guarding Billy brought him out here to the outhouse so he could use the bathroom deputy Bob Audigier had taken the rest of the prisoners across the street to the whirly house and restaurant to feed him as was customary now the toilet was located somewhere in this area and prisoners had to be taken out several times a day Billy was escorted out the back corner door the white plaque is for Deputy Bell will fall and die after Billy shoots him now this is the inside corner door where deputy Bell will bring Billy back through after he has used the outhouse after Bell is shut he will stumble back down the stairs through this door the jail is located on the second floor upstairs so Bale had to follow behind Billy now some people believe that a gun was left in the outhouse for Billy to find by his friends but now this is Billy's story of what happened next he said he managed to slip one of his hands out of his shackles and when they reached the top the stairs he swung the shackle and hit Deputy Bell across the forehead as bail staggered backed Billy jumped on him and grabbed his gun Billy said he told bail to hold his hands up but instead of that he turned and started running down the stairs Billy said I had to shoot him he said he regretted that because he lacked bail and really didn't want to do it Billy said he then turned and ran into this room where the gun room was or the Arsenal where the sheriff kept all of his weapons one of the weapons kept in this room was a double-barrel shotgun that belonged to deputy Bob Audigier Billy get sole injure shotgun and loads both barrels after Bale was shot he continued to stagger down the stairs and out the door he then started around the building but fell when he got under this window he died where the white stone markers located Billy said it really bothered him that he had to kill bail because bail was good to him but he didn't man killing Bob or injure at all Billy knew that deputy Olinger probably heard the shot over at the Worley house and would be on his way Billy took colanders shotgun and scrambled through this door now remember Billy still had his leg irons owned and at that time this was not an open room like it is now the rooms were mostly partitioned off and this part was the sheriff's office but there was no one there at the time he was trying to get to the counter winter where he could see deputy odor coming from the Worley hotel Billy had been kept in this counter room with his shackles bolted to the floor and all the other prisoners were kept across the hall in another room when he got here he had to open the window they have the actual leg guards worn by Billy and a poster explaining what happened here with a picture of us deputy marshal Bob Olinger this is the double-barrel 10 gauge shotgun that was Bob's and is the one that Billy used to kill a deputy with this is a picture of James Dolan's and Bob Olin Jers standing by his side Bob olinger was actually one of Dolan's men now this is the way the Lincoln County streets looked back then when really fired a shot not only all adjure heard the shot but so did the town's folks people begin gathering across the street from the jail and courthouse wondering what was going on this is across the street and we're now looking at the whirly hotel where deputy ole injure was feeding the prisoners and come running out when he heard the shot we're now in the porch of the hotel looking towards the jail across the street Bob comes running out of the hotel and crosses what was then a dirt street he was headed through the bottom door not knowing that Billy was waiting at the upper winter we are now inside the window and seeing what Billy could see the trees weren't there at the time and it's been said that the groundskeeper had spotted the body of Deputy Bell and came running around the counter calling to Deputy Hollinger that Billy had killed Bell when deputy Olinger got to this point he knew Billy had killed Bell but he didn't know that Billy was waiting in the window Billy looked down at Bob Bollinger and said hello Bob and pulled both triggers Bob fell dead where the white stone plaque is located now this is the way it looked then without the trees now Billy has to get out of his leg arms although it was said that he was in no hurry after Kenan Dollinger finished walks down what was this hallway to the door Billy said he quickly went into the Arsenal room and got some guns and then he went out this door to the balcony he comes out on the balcony and hollers to the people standing across the street give me something to break his shackles off and they did remembered there was no outside stairs to the balcony at that time and he told him to stay where they were and not to come across the street people say that they could have killed Billy at several different times but they sort of felt sorry for him he asked for a horse and they brought him one saddled they brought a pick to him to break his chain on his leg arms when he tried to get on the horse the first time with his leg arms and holding a rifle he fell off then he actually had someone to hold his guns for him so he could get back on the horse they say that he comes back through these doors from the balcony and then he goes back down the same stairs where he shot bail there's a bullet hole in the wall at the bottom of the stairs they claim went through bail and into the wall when he gets out and gets on his horse he promises to send the horse back to whoever he belongs to Billy then rides off towards the west everyone says that he was in no hurry also a couple of days later the horse comes back with a rope tied around its neck so they didn't know if Billy sent the horse back if he got loose and came back on his own or Billy fell off and it came back this is the way Billy rode out of town it was discovered later that he went to the home of a Mexican friend that helped him take off his shackles two and a half months after Billy's jailbreak on the 14th of July 1881 sure Pat get received word that Billy had been spotted in and around Fort Sumner at first Garrett didn't believe it surely Billy had headed for Texas or Mexico but he kept getting these reports so he gathered up some deputies and headed a better way now this is where Old Fort Sumner was located all the old forts shops houses are all gone including the Maxwell House where Billy was killed but they do have markers where everything was located and this is a picture of Pete Maxwell standing in the center Pete stay at Ellucian Maxwell had passed away and turned over all of his holdings to his son Pete people was acquainted with Billy some folks say that he actually liked Billy however they also say he knew and liked that gate this is another picture of peach sitting down is also being said that Pete did not like the idea of his younger sister pauletta being involved with someone that was wanted by the law like Billy several people knew of Billy and paul-etta's involvement now this is a picture of pauletta she always denied any involvement with Billy the Kid and only a few months after Billy's death pauletta married a wealthy man but she was wealthy also they had a son and two daughters it is said that marriage did not last because her husband ran off with another woman now pauletta stayed in and around Fort Sumner the rest of her life and spirit in the same cemetery as Billy is this of course is pauletta later on this is Dell Vanna Maxwell del voto was a full-blooded Indian the Maxwells had adopt Dale vada and she served as their daughter and also was our housekeeper she was close friends with Billy the Kid she always hated Pat Garrett when Pat died she said that she was glad that the killer of her little boy that she always called Billy was dead now this is the Maxwell home at Fort Sumner the counter room with the window to the left of the man with a horse his word Pete Maxwell's bedroom was located and on July the 14th 1881 peep was in his bedroom around midnight with Pat Garrett Gant had come to ask Pete if he knew her Billy the Kid was and it's possible that Pete was the one that sent forget Gant had left two deputies outside the fence waiting for him it was reported that Billy was sneaking from a friend's house possibly a girlfriend to the Maxwell house to get a slice of meat or bacon that Pete Maxwell always had hanging up in his kitchen others say that that was just a tail from the Maxwells to protect paul-etta's reputation and he was actually on his way to paul-etta's room when Billy spotted the two deputies he backed into Pete's room it was a warm night and Pete was sleeping with his door open Pete's room was dark and Billy asked Pete kiss or who is it who's those two men outside Garrett recognized Billy's voice and began shooting Billy fell dead without even seeing his shooter it's been said that Dale vana and pauletta helped to identify his body at the white plaque on the ground that's where Pete Maxwell's bedroom was located Billy's real name was Henry McCarty and he sometimes went by the name William Henry money this is the pecos river that flowed right behind the Maxwell House after Billy's death they took his body over to the carpenter's shop and laid him out on this bench to prepare his body for burial years later governor Richardson tried to have DNA testing but they were unable to extract enough blood from the branch Billy was taken only a few hundred yards to the old military cemetery this little tombstone has been stolen several times so now the heavy din a small cage he was buried next to his two pals Charlie Bao tree and Tom Oh foyer there's a cage built around their graves to protect it they had to wait until Billy was dead to put bars around him that could hold him [Music] you
Channel: Jerry Skinner
Views: 799,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Billy the Kid
Id: YcDru7-7xQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 12sec (2352 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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