The Old West - Wild Bill Hickok (Documentary) - tv shows full episodes

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James Butler Hickok better known as Wild Bill he was a folk hero a wagon master soldier spy scout actor a showman a lawman a gambler and a gunfighter some of the stories about him are true some are fabricated and some of the stories that he supposedly told about himself are clearly fictitious but they continue to add to his legend and his fame howdy I'm Bob Terry thank you for joining us for the Old West James was born in Homer Illinois may 27th 1837 to William Alonzo Hickok a farmer and an ablution estándar Hickok he was the fourth of six children and it said that his father used their family home as a station for the Underground Railroad James was raised on a farm in northern Illinois at a time when lawlessness and vigilante activity ran rampant his father died in 1852 when James was only 15 years old James Butler was a good shot from a young age and was recognized locally as an outstanding marksman with a pistol photographs of him make him appear to have dark hair but Hickox hair is said to have been red in 1855 at the age of eighteen he fled Illinois following a fight with Charles Hudson during the fight they both fell into a canal each thought mistakenly that he had killed the other Hickok moved to Leavenworth in Kansas Territory and joined Jim Lane's Free State Army they were jayhawkers while a Jayhawker he met 12 year-old William Cody and their paths would cross several times in years to come Hickok had several nicknames duckbill for his long nose and protruding lips and he was also known as Shanghai bill because of his height and slim build and he was also called Dutch Ville from 1858 he started using his deceased father's name William and he was also known as William Haycock during the Civil War most newspapers referred to him as William Haycock until 1869 he was arrested while using the name Haycock in 1865 he afterward resumed using his given name James Hickok military records after 1865 list him as Hickok but note that he was also known as Haycock in several articles his name was misspelled as Hitchcock in 1857 Hickok claimed a 160 acre tract in Johnson County Kansas on March 22nd 1858 he was elected one of the first constables of Monticello Township in 1859 he joined the russell majors and Waddell freight company the parent company of the Pony Express in 1860 was badly injured by a bear while driving a freight team from Independence Missouri to Santa Fe New Mexico according the Hickox account he found the road blocked by cinnamon bear and its two cubs getting out of the wagon he approached the bear and fired a shot into its head but the bullet ricocheted off its skull this infuriated the bear and it attacked crushing Hickok with its body Hickok managed to fire another shot wounding the bears paw the bear then grabbed his arm in its mouth but Hickok was able to grab his knife and slash the bear's throat killing it Hickok was severely injured with a crushed chest shoulder and arm he was bedridden for four months before being sent to Rock Creek Station in the Nebraska territory there he was to work as a stable hand while he recovered the freight company had built the stagecoach stop along the Oregon Trail near Fairbury Nebraska on land purchased from David McConnell's on July 12 1861 McConnell's went to the Rock Creek station office to demand an overdue property payment from Horace Wellman the station manager McConnell's reportedly threatened Wellman now there are many different counts as to what happened that day McCandless was said to be a quarrelsome and dangerous man a former sheriff of war target County North Carolina he was known as a local bully and was said to have argued with Hickok before mikanos at least the cabin and well on the east side of Rock Creek to the Russell Waddell and majors Freight company to be used as a relay station for the Overland Stage company and the Pony Express Mail service the company had hired horse G Wellman as the station agent in April or early May 1861 23 year-old James Butler Hickok arrived at the station to be a stock tender it is said that he quickly became a target of harassment by McConnell's who teased Hickok about his slight build and his long nose and protruding lips it is also reported that McCandles and Hickok were friends and that no quarrel between them ever existed it said that the freight company was behind on paying its payments to McCandles so on July 12 1861 mcconnell's went to the station with his 12 year old son Munroe his cousin James Woods and another man named James Gordon McConnell's demanded to see Wellman about the overdue payment there are several different versions of what happened next in some versions McConnell's was met by Wellman's wife and Hickok at the door who told him that Wellman was either unavailable or unwilling to see him other accounts suggests that Wellman himself was present for the confrontation at some point either by invitation or by force McConnell's entered the cabin and there was an argument McCandles was in shot woods and Gordon liked McConnell's were said to be unarmed and attempted to flee but Hickok stepped from the cabin and wounded both with his pistols the two men were then killed by other members of the relay station at the time Hickok was not reported as wounded during the attack McConnell's son Munroe said he escaped by running through a dry creek bed in another account that was published around 1882 by SC Jenkins and SJ Alexander who had arrived at the ranch within two hours of the shootout taking place and before the bodies were removed according to them David McConnell's brother James was a southern sympathizer and had tried to persuade Hickok to join them and turn over the stage company stock Hickok had refused and James threatened to kill him later that afternoon David and the others arrived with the intention of carrying out that trip in 1883 the young Kelsey published our pioneer heroes and their daring deeds which contained a biography for Wild Bill supposedly based on Hickox own words in this account he says haycart claimed he had killed six of the 10 members of the McConnell's gang Hood rushed in after using a log to batter the station door down two of these he claimed to have killed in a knife fight after he was wounded he is quoted as saying I remember that one of them struck me with his gun and I got hold of a knife and then I got kind of wild like and it was all cloudy and I struck savage blows following the Devils up from one side of the room to the other and into the corners striking and slashing until I knew everyone was dead the remaining four attackers in fled and Hickok picked up a rifle and shot one dead another died later of his wounds the dead according to Hickok included David McConnell's brother James and Jack Leroy McConnell's however according to records Jack Leroy was still alive in 1883 and was living in Florence Colorado an account by Munroe McConnell's appeared in the Fairbury Journal on September 25th 1930 Munro said that he had gone with his father to the station to collect money and that they had been unarmed he stated probably the motive for killing was fear father had told mrs. Welman to tell her husband to come out the Wellman's were the folks who lived there and kept the station she said he wouldn't and father said if he wouldn't come out he would go in and drag him out I think rather than be manhandled he killed father the following morning the hell be brothers Frank Thomas and Jasper arrived at Rock Creek Station gathered up the bodies of mcconnell's woods and Gordon and buried them mcconnell's and woods in a wood box in one grave and Gordon in a blanket in another Hickok told Frank he'll be that they killed these men in self-defense Frank he'll be said they found the body of McConnell's lying on the ground where he fell backwards out of the cabin they found woods around the corner of the cabin with several gunshots in his body and his head crushed and Gordon about 80 rods south of the station filled with buckshot and no guns near any of them giving support to Monroe's account that there was no fight in the cabin or outside and that three unarmed men were killed Buffalo Bill Cody's visit to major Israel McCreight at the wigwam in Dubois Pennsylvania on June 22nd 1908 is a notable event in history munroe McCandles was their asthma crates houseguest Monroe told Buffalo Bill about his father being shot by Hickok Monroe McConnell stated that at the age of 12 he was standing by his father when Hickok shot him dead while behind a curtain this was the first time Cody had heard this alternative account of the incident and declared that he would include this story in his autobiography this has made the McConnell's event a subject of controversy and debate by Old West historians this savage incident was one of the first that contributed to Hickox reputation as a gunfighter and a man to be feared years later Harper's monthly sensationalized this event according to the writer Hickok single-handedly killed nine Desperados horse thieves murderers and regular cutthroats known as the McConnell's gang in the greatest one-man gunfight in history the story goes on to say Hickok was armed with a pistol a rifle and a bowie knife and he himself was shot 11 times whatever happened at the station changed Hickox direction in life and he would be referred to as Wild Bill from this point on James McConnell's filed for an arrest warrant for Dutch bill and the others charging them with murder the case was brought to trial but the judge would not permit Monroe McCandles to testify even though he had been subpoenaed to so the court heard only the account given by the station employees the judge ruled Hickok and the others had acted in self-defense the DeWitt Times News was told by the foreman of the company stations at the time of this affair I was at a station further west and reached this station just as Wild Bill was getting ready to go to Beatrice for his trial he wanted me to go with him and as we started on our way imagine my surprise and uncomfortable feeling when he announced his intention of stopping at the McConnell's home I would have rather been somewhere else but bill stopped he told mrs. McConnell's he was sorry he had killed her man then he took out $35 and gave it to her saying this is all I have sorry I do not have more to give you we drove onto Beatrice and at the trial his plea was self-defense no one appeared against him and he was cleared the trial did not last more than 15 minutes in April 1861 Wild Bill became a teamster for the Union Army in Sedalia and soon became a wagon master but in September 1862 he was discharged after being discharged he joined General James Henry lanes Kansas Brigade and Buffalo Bill Cody was now serving lanes brigade as a scout Hickok became a detective in 1863 in southwest Missouri his work included discovering troops in uniform who were drinking while on duty confirming hotel liquor licenses and tracking down those who owed money to the Union Army buffalo bill stated that he saw a card disguised as a Confederate officer in Missouri in 1864 in early 1865 Hickok was hired as a scout by General John B Sanborn in June he mustered out and went to Springfield where he made his living by gambling Springfield is where Hickok and another gambler named Davis Tutt met even though they had served on opposite sides during the war they became friends and spent time gambling together as a result of their playing cards together Hickok owed Tut $25 so Tut took bills watch for collateral this embarrassed Wild Bill and he warned Tut not to humiliate him by wearing it in public now because of the warning to not wear the watch would suggest that Tut was afraid of Hickok Tut wore the watch and when Hickok saw this on July 21st 1865 the two men faced off in the town square of Springfield at about 75 yards away they each stood sideways and drew their pistols and fired thus the fast-draw legend of gunfighters in the Old West was born touch shot missed Hickok but Hickox bullet went through Tut's heart Davis called out boys I'm killed then he collapsed and he died the gunfight has since become one of the best known in the Old West the gunfight on the square in Springfield made Wild Bill Hickok famous after a few days Hickok was arrested for murder the charge was reduced to manslaughter and Wild Bill was released on $2,000 bail on August 3rd 1865 he stood trial after all the testimony judged some peroneus H Boyd told the jury they could not find Hickok acted in self-defense if they thought he could have reasonably refrained from the gunfight but if they felt the threat of danger was unavoidable they could apply the unwritten law of the fair fight and Hickok could be acquitted the jury voted to clear Hickok which resulted in much public criticism of the verdict later Hickok gave an interview to Colonel George ward Nichols the journalist credited as the creator of the wild bill hickok legend the interview was published in Harper's new monthly magazine titled Wild Bill Hitchcock the story told of the hundreds of men whom Hickok had killed and other exaggerated or fabricated adventurous deeds the article upsets some in places where Hickok was known in several Western newspapers disputed Nicholas's sensational stories Hickok ran for city marshal of Springfield in September of 1865 he came in second so he left Springfield and was recommended for deputy federal marshal at Fort Riley Kansas this was during the Indian Wars during this time Hickok sometimes served as a scout for General George Armstrong Custer's seventh Cavalry Hickok recruited six Native Americans and three Cowboys to accompany him to Niagara Falls in 1865 there they put on an outdoor show titled the daring Buffalo chasers of the plains the show was outdoors so he couldn't get people to pay to watch which made the event a financial failure included in the exhibition were six Buffalo a monkey and a bear disaster struck during one performance when a buffalo did not perform as it was supposed to this made Hickok frustrated and he fired his pistol into the air this angered the Buffalo and panicked audience members causing the animals to break free of their wire fencing and they chased audience members some of the audience got trampled it was rumored that Bill was a hater of Indians this does not seem to ring true though because of his being willing and able to hire Indians in his show the rumors were probably just more fabrications to enhance his reputation as a scout an Indian fighter while working as a scout at four Karkar in Kansas on May 11th 1867 Hickok was attacked by a group of Indians he shot and killed two of his attackers and the rest fled in July Hickok told a newspaper reporter that he had led several soldiers in pursuing some Indians who had killed four men near the fort he said they had returned with five prisoners and killed 10 of the Marauders witnesses confirmed that most of the story was true the party had set out to find the murderers of the four men but the group had returned to the fort empty-handed newspapers reported in December of 1867 that Hickok was a resident of hey City Kansas he then acquired the job of deputy US Marshal in late March 1868 he arrested 11 Union Army deserters they were charged with stealing government property Hickok was instructed to take them to Topeka for trial he requested a military escort from Fort Hays he was sent William F Cody a sergeant and five privates arriving in Topeka on April 2nd then Hickok remained in Hays through August 1868 Hickok was in Lincoln County Kansas in early September and was hired as a scout for the 10th cavalry also in early September Hickok went to rescue some cattlemen in the bayou Creek Basin who were surrounded by Indians and he was wounded in the foot in October the 10th Regiment arrived at Fort Lyon in Colorado remaining there for the rest of 1868 Hickok returned to Hays in July of 69 and in a special election held in late August he was elected city marshal of Hays and sheriff of Ellis County Kansas this must have been a tough job because within the last 18 months three other sheriffs had quit records indicate Hickok was acting as sheriff before he was elected a newspaper reported that he arrested someone on August 18th and the commander of Fort Hays wrote a letter on August 21st praising Hickok for his work in half pretending deserters Hickok killed two men in September of 1869 the first one was Bill movil who was rampaging through town drunk and shooting up mirrors and bottles in saloons people told Moe V to be careful because Hickok was Sheriff Baldy scoffed and stated that he had come to town to kill Wild Bill when he saw Hickok he leveled his rifle at him while Bill motion to the crowd behind movi and yelled don't shoot him in the back he's drunk movi wheeled around to see who might be trying to shoot him in the back and it was at this moment that Hickok shot him through the temple the second man was on September 27th Samuel straw hunt a disorderly cowboy causing trouble at 1:00 a.m. in a saloon when Hickok and his deputy Peter Lanahan arrived straw hunt defied Hickok and Hickok shot straw hunt through the head Hickok stated he'd tried to restore order there was a coroner's inquest into straw hunts death with witnesses against Hickok but the jury found the shooting justifiable the regular County election was held on November 2nd 1869 Hickok was running as an independent and lost to Peter Lanahan his deputy who was running as a Democrat this must have not set well with Hickok or Lanahan because each kept their former positions of sheriff and deputy respectively on December 9th a cock and Lanahan both served legal papers on a JV Macintosh accusing him of irregularities and misconduct during the election and the newspapers acknowledged that Hickok had guardianship of hay city on July 17th 1870 Hickok was attacked in a saloon by two troopers from the seventh cavalry the Jeremiah Lonergan and a John Kyle Lonergan pinned Hickok to the floor while Kyle pulled his pistol and held it to hit God's ear and pulled the trigger the pistol misfired this gave Hickok the opportunity to pull his own pistol he shot Lonergan in the knee he shot Kyle twice then he quickly jumped through a window armed himself with a Winchester and found a good place to hold up just in case revenge-seeking troopers came to town looking for you well Lonergan recovered kyle died the next day this true exploit was once again something that writers sensationalized one rider claiming that Hickok had been in a fight in the saloon with fifteen troopers killing three of them and being shot himself seven times and the general Phil Sheridan had ordered Hickok be brought in dead or alive and that Tom Custer had taken troops to hae city for revenge to kill Hickok Hickok was not re-elected at the next election Lanahan took over for Wild Bill and on the night of July 16th 1871 Lanahan went to stop a fight in Henry dog Kelly saloon when Lanahan tried to stop the ruckus he was shot twice he died two days later bill became marshal of Abilene Kansas on April 15 1871 he replaced Tom Bear River Smith who had been killed on November 2nd 1870 in early 1871 John Wesley Hardin arrived in Abilene at the end of a cattle drive Hardin was on the run and was a well-known gunfighter having been reported as killing at least 27 men in his 1895 autobiography published after his death Hardin claimed to have been befriended by Hickok the newly-elected town marshal after he had disarmed the marshal using the road agents pin Hickok later said he did not know that Wesley Clemens was hardens alias and that he was a wanted outlaw he told Clemens to stay out of trouble in Abilene on August 6 1871 Hardin his cousin Gipp Clements and a rancher friend named Charles Cougar stayed the night at the American House Hotel after an evening of drinking and gambling Clemmensen Hardin shared a room and Cougar stayed in the adjacent room sometime during the night Hardin was awakened by loud snoring coming from Cougars room he first shouted several times for the man to roll over and then being irritated fired several shots through the wall cougar was struck in the head by one of the bullets and he was killed Hardin had violated an ordinance prohibiting firing a gun within the city limits realizing this half-dressed and still drunk he and Clements exited through a second-story window under the roof of the hotel just in time to see Hickok arrived with four policemen Hardin wrote in his autobiography now I believed that if Wild Bill found me in a defenseless condition he would take no explanation but would kill me to add to his reputation Hardin claimed later he had merely wanted the man to stop snoring in the room next door and that he had not meant to kill the man the Bulls head saloon in Abilene had been established by gamblers Ben Thompson and Phil Coe the two men had a crude pitcher painted on the side of their saloon to attract attention it did just that citizens of the town complained and wanted Hickok to do something about it Hickok asked Thompson code to remove the painting they refused so Hickok altered himself this infuriated Coen Thompson Hickok was standing off crowd during a street brawl on October 5th 1871 he saw Phil Coe fire pistol twice Wild Bill told Coe he was going to arrest him for firing a pistol within the city limits Coe claimed that he was shooting at a stray dog but then turned his gun on Hickok who instantly fired at Koch killing him bill then caught a glimpse of someone else running towards him and quickly shot accidentally shooting and killing his deputy marshal Mike Williams who was coming to help bill this event haunted Hickok for the rest of his life there is another account of the Coe shootout they'll file us little the mayor of Abilene and owner of the town's lumber yard recorded his time in Abilene by writing in a notebook which was ultimately given to the Abilene Historical Society writing in 1911 he detailed his admiration of Hickok and included a paragraph on the shooting that differs considerably from the reported accountant Phil Cole was from Texas ran the Bulls head saloon and gambling den sold whiskey and men's souls as vile a character as I ever met for some cause while bill incurred COEs hatred and he vowed to secure the death of the marshal not having the courage to do it himself he one day filled about 200 Cowboys with whiskey intending to get them into trouble with Wild Bill hoping that they would get to shooting and in the melee shoot the marshal but Coe reckoned without his hosts while bill had learned of the scheme and cornered Colt had his two pistols drawn on Cole just as he pulled the trigger one of the policemen rushed around the corner between co and the pistols and both bullets entered his body killing him instantly in an instant he pulled the triggers again sending two bullets into COEs abdomen coal it today or two then whirling with his two guns drawn on the drunken crowd of cowboys and now do any of you fellows want the rest of these bullets not a word was uttered soon after the accidental killing of deputy Williams Hickok was relieved of his duties as marshal there were also several other claims of misconduct and unjustifiable shootings in 1873 Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack invited Wild Bill to join their Acting Company they'd already had much success it is said that Hickok did not enjoy acting and sometimes hid behind scenery it said during one show when the spotlight focused on him he shot it out he was released from the group after a few months in 1876 Hickok was diagnosed by doctor in Kansas City Missouri with LA coma at only 39 years old his health and marksmanship were declining Agnes Thatcher owned a circus that visited Abilene Kansas in 1871 and Agnes met the town marshal of Abilene Wild Bill Hickok in 1873 her circus was performing in Rochester New York coincidentally while Bill was there too in the Wild West Show with Buffalo Bill and Texas Jack Agnes continued to operate the circus until her daughter Emma eloped with Gilbert Robinson of the famous John Robinson circus van Agnes sold her circus Agnes husband Bill Lake Thatcher had been murdered in 1869 by a man he was evicting from the circus hood entered without paying Wild Bill and Agnes apparently kept up correspondence but it wasn't until February 1876 that they saw each other again Agnes returning from a visit to San Francisco stopped to visit friends in Cheyenne Hickok was in town preparing to leave for the gold fields of the Black Hills on March 5th 1876 in Cheyenne Wyoming territory mrs. Agnes Lake Thatcher and James Butler Hickok were married the Cheyenne Daily Sun in its first issue March 8 1876 noted Wild Bill of Western Fame has conquered numerous Indians outlaws bears and buffaloes but a charming widow has stolen the magic wand the scepter has departed and he is as meek and gentle as a lamb in other words he has shuffled off the coil of bachelorhood following the wedding the couple honeymoon in Cincinnati for two weeks agnus stayed on to care for her daughter Emma who was about to deliver her first and only child Daisy Robinson Hickok returned by train to Cheyenne in time to complete arrangements for his trip into the South Dakota Gold Fields with Charlie utters wagon train bill wrote letters to Agnes from time to time in the last when he wrote pet we will have a home yet then we will be so happy another which read in part Agnes darling if such should be we never meet again while firing my last shot I will gently breathe the name of my wife Agnes and with wishes even for my enemies I will make the plunge and try to swim to the other Shore Martha Jane canary Calamity Jane she claimed in her autobiography that she was married to Hickok and had divorced him so he could be free to marry Agnes but no records have ever been found to support this Wild Bill and Calamity probably met for the first time after she was released from the guardhouse in Fort Laramie and joined the wagon train going to Deadwood the wagon train arrived in Deadwood in July 1876 Jane confirmed this in a 1896 newspaper interview but she claimed she had been hospitalized with an illness rather than in the guardhouse Jack McCall was drunk at the bar at Nuttall and Mann's saloon and Deadwood on August 1st 1876 when one of the players dropped out of a card game that included Wild Bill McCall took his place McCall lost several hands and was soon broke Hickok offered McCall money to buy breakfast and gave him advice that he shouldn't play anymore until he could cover his losses McCall accepted the money but it was reported that he obviously felt insulted on august 2nd another poker game was going on at the saloon but this time Hickok had his back to a door while bill was in the practice of always sitting in a corner so he could watch the door it is a mystery why on this occasion he strayed from this cautious habit a resentful and drunken McCall entered behind Wild Bill and shot Hickok in the back of the head with 45 pistol shouting take-back Hickok died instantly McCall ran from the saloon and attempted to steal a horse but the excited animal bucked him off McCall was soon found hiding in the back of a local butcher shop and apprehended Charlie utter Hickox friend and companion claimed Hickox body and placed a notice in the local newspaper the Black Hills pioneer which red died in Deadwood Black Hills August 2nd 1876 from the effects of a pistol shot JB Hickok Wild Bill formerly of Cheyenne Wyoming funeral services will be held at Charlie utters camp on Thursday afternoon August 3rd 1876 at 3 o'clock p.m. all are respectfully invited to attend almost the entire town attended the funeral and Charlie utter had Hickok buried with a wooden grave marker reading Wild Bill JB Hickok killed by the assassin Jack McCall in Deadwood Black Hills August 2nd 1876 hard we will meet again in the happy hunting ground to part no more goodbye Colorado charlie CH utter an impromptu Court was called to order for McCall with prosecution defense and jury made up of local miners and business men on trial the next day in McDaniels theatres McCall claimed his actions were in retribution for Hickok having killed his brother years ago in Abilene amazingly after two hours McCall was found not guilty and was set free the verdict brought the Black Hills pioneer to write should it ever be our misfortune to kill a man we would simply ask that our trial may take place in some of the mining camps of these hills McCall was understandably afraid so he left and traveled to Wyoming territory where he bragged over and over again about killing Wild Bill Hickok in a fair gunfight the incident drew attention from Wyoming authorities who refused to recognize McCall's acquittal on grounds that the court in Deadwood had no legal jurisdiction because Deadwood was not under a legally constituted court system they argued that McCall could be tried for murder again the federal court in Yankton Dakota Territory agreed and declared that double jeopardy did not apply and set a date for a retrial McCall was tried again in Yankton for Hickox murder and was quickly found guilty after spending almost three months in jail he was hanged on March 1st 1877 at 24 years old it also appears while Jack McCall had several sisters he had never even had a brother McCall was buried in Sacred Heart Cemetery in Yankton County South Dakota a cemetery which was moved in 1881 when McCall's body was exhumed it was found to still have the noose around its neck Hickok is known to fatally shot six men and is suspected of having killed a seventh he was buried in the Ingleside cemetery dead woods original graveyard this cemetery filled quickly and in 1879 on the third anniversary of his original burial Charlie utter paid to move Hickox remains to the new Mount Moriah cemetery charlie supervised the move when Hickox body was exhumed it was discovered while perfectly preserved he had been imperfectly embalmed as a result calcium carbonate from the surrounding soil had replaced the flesh causing petrification Joseph McClintock one of the workers wrote a detailed description of the event he used a cane to tap the body face and head and found no soft tissue anywhere he knew that the sound was similar to tapping a brick wall and believed the remains to weigh more than 400 pounds which made it difficult for the remains to be carried to the new site the original wooden grave marker was moved to the new site but by 1891 it had been whittled away by souvenir hunters so it was replaced with the statue souvenir hunters chipped this marker away as well and it was replaced in 1902 by life-sized sandstone sculpture it becomes and was then enclosed in a cage for protection this statue was also badly - faced a new bronze copy of the original statue was created by David our young in 2001 and placed over Wild Bill's grave Hickok was playing five-card stud when he was shot he was holding two pairs black aces and black aides his up cards the identity of his whole card is a subject of debate in 1877 Agnes came to Deadwood and made arrangements for fence around Wild Bill's grave Hickok stepdaughter Emma was a circus performer and sometimes used the Hickok name she performed with several circuses including with Buffalo Bill James Butler Hickok favorite guns were a pair of 36 caliber Colt 1851 Navy model cap and ball revolvers they were nickel-plated with ivory grips and were nicely engraved with JB Hickok 1869 on the back strap he wore his pistols but forward in a belt or a sash when wearing city closed or buckskins and seldom used holsters he drew the pistols using a reverse twist or cavalry draw at the time of his death Hickok was wearing a Smith & Wesson model - a newly-released 5 shot single-action with a 6-inch barrel blued finish with varnished rosewood grips Wild Bill is one of the more famous figures of the Old West we can see how he dressed see his very distinct features because there are many photos of James Butler Hickok there are even a few photos that were taken in Deadwood with him and some of his friends a lot of actors have played the part of Wild Bill in movies and TV shows William s Hart Gary Cooper Bill Elliott guy Madison Richard Dix Robert Wilkie and Jeff Bridges just to name a few when the Old West is referenced James Butler Hickok is one of the first people to come to mind there's countless legends stories books articles about him but one thing about Hickok that seems for certain if he was threatened or felt threatened he would immediately pull his pistols and he would shoot to kill my name's Bob Terry we want to thank you for joining us here for the Old West we hope you'll join us again here next time have a great day
Channel: WesternsOnTheWeb
Views: 229,556
Rating: 4.8025851 out of 5
Keywords: The Old West, Wild Bill Hickok, Documentary, tv shows full episodes, biography, history, western, outlaws, gunfighters, American West, Red Dead Redemption, James Butler Hickok, Lawmen, Deadwood, Movies, Westerns On The Web Productions, The Westerns Channel, Bob Terry, television, Calamity Jane, West, Wild West, Outlaw, Cowboy, America, Gold Rush, Gunslinger, Gun, Frontier, United States, the real Wild West, Wild West documentary, full length, complete, watch, free, online, John Wesley Hardin
Id: 5NghhYXjb90
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 56sec (2576 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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