Bustling Athens: A Weekend In Spring | Greece Travel Guide

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Happy Spring weekend from Athens I thought I would come down and show you kind of how busy it is already here in Athens and show you what the weather is like here uh it's a little bit strange at the moment as it usually is in the spring we get like wind which you're seeing now and then yesterday it started raining I was going to go to poros today and it rained all evening and I thought there's no way and then this morning I checked to see if I could go later today and the fairies were actually canceled in the morning I kept looking to see if maybe I could go later today to poros but uh the wind is not as bad but I didn't want to take the chance that I would get there and be stuck tomorrow because of the wind um I could take the bus back but that still requires a ferry from poros to galatas so maybe next weekend the line to get tickets is quite I mean it's long I think for April the line if you already have tickets super short and so if you don't have your tickets in advance before you get here even if right now because it's the off season you could probably go on in the morning and buy your tickets for your time slot and then you know come back later you don't have to buy them like days or weeks in advance at this point like they even have QR code so you could get here and scan it and buy it while you're waiting in line but Lo is the line now I'm going to walk down the pedestrian path to the other entrance and then walk through Theo back into the Agora area and just see how it is in these places as well the line to get into the museum is quite long as well so come early to the museum what I would say is if you want to miss a lot of the crowds of the Acropolis you come and you be there when it opens at 8:00 and then afterwards you come here the line will still be long here but it won't be as long as it is at the Acropolis last night they brought the Olympic flame to the Acropolis it spent the night up there uh but because of the rain and I wasn't really sure of what hour that was going to happen I didn't even attempt to go I mean it wasn't just like a light sprinkle we got like pour down rain I could hear it uh and it's dropped the temperature today not where it's cold or anything but it had been really warm and when I woke up it was like 50° outside so uh it felt great it feels great now uh it's like warm but there's a nice Cool Breeze but it was trying to rain on me when I left the [Music] house the one thing I will say about if you come early in the morning in the spring you're probably going to need to have layers cuz in the morning it's going to feel very cool and then going to get up there and it feels really hot there are a lot of people up here as expected and the line is definitely long wow okay so that's the start of the line and then it goes around so this is just for people who haven't bought their tickets in advance so now I want to go walk and see how long the line is just to get in cuz even though you buy your ticket in advance there could still be lines okay it's not long at all I think what they're just doing is checking to make sure you're entering at the correct time but the line is actually shorter down here if you have the time ticket than it was at the other entrance which I find shocking let's go see what the rest of Athens looks like I'm also going to be going down to parus if you want to see my video about buying Acropolis tickets in 2024 I'll link it down in the description box lots of things have changed now one thing that is no longer correct in that video is the combo ticket originally the Combo tickets were going to go away and then for whatever reason they decided to not do that so now the Combo tickets are available till October or through October double check the website if you try to book the ticket it just won't let you so I know it's coming I just don't know when before I head down to pus I thought I'd walk a little bit through PLA and see how busy it is there are lots of tourists right here but this is sort of the way you come down from the Acropolis so that could be why okay I'm down at the Roman Agora now which is not as popular as many of the other sites but uh let's see how busy well pretty busy for a April day but not too bad the real question is do I eat now cuz it's like 2:15 2:30 or do I go to parus and eat down there I'm getting hungry now so it may be that I eat here it's definitely busier down here near mon Rocky and hen's Library which is every here to my right let's go look and see if there are people in [Music] here not many but that's pretty typical for this site for some reason I have decided that I'm going to eat in Paras because everything down here is super touristy and I think if I try to eat now it's going to take hours and hours and hours here okay maybe not that long but I don't really have that much time well monasi is popping but it kind of always is anytime the weather is nice I am going to take the metro down to Paras from monaki the question is which line do I want to take because from monaki you can take the green line or the blue line now which is how you would do if you're going from the airport I think I will go on the blue line so I can show you guys what it looks like to take it if you're you're going to the port from the airport so no matter where you're getting on in the Metro on the blue line if you're coming from the airport or in the center of Athens and you want to go to parus you're going to look for this sign that says deoo theatro airport if you take it towards deoo theatro that is going to prus I took the Metro yesterday for the first time in a while on a weekday and I couldn't believe how crowded it was and it wasn't even like during Peak rush hours I mean it wasn't jam-packed but it was very busy so at monaki you have to be careful you need to make sure you're standing on the correct side of the platform because here one side goes to the airport and the other side goes to Paras so just [Music] FYI it's pretty easy you just get on and sit just takes a long time uh the ride from both the center of Athens and the airport all the way down to prus takes quite a bit of time so I'm going to walk around a little bit uh go look at the fairies cuz that's what I like to do and I'm going to eat and then run my errand if you want to go directly to the fairies go out the coast exit otherwise you have to cross the street it does drop you like further down the street so if you're going to to like E7 or E8 you will have to walk back which is back that way which is where I'm going to walk anyway blue star naos is here and it leaves at 5:30 it's like 3:45 now so probably start letting people on here in a little bit not super busy usually the morning fairy in my experience is the really busy one uh especially during like on a Friday or Saturday morning but kind of surprised it's not busier to be honest now that I'm down here I wish I had just booked the afternoon fairy tomorrow and come back tomorrow uh you know but decisions we make right to be honest now that I'm down here I wish I had just booked the afternoon fairy to poros and come back tomorrow uh you know but decisions we make right not as busy over here but that could be because this fairy isn't leaving for a while uh usually that doesn't get visy till like an hour hour and a half before the fairy leaves and I don't know what time the ceranic fairy goes I'm really only really good with the fairy texos and if you've been watching my channel for a while you know what that is uh I'm going to make it there this year I haven't been to nexos yet this year and I didn't go all last year because of me being sick so I am determined to make it I do think that the morning fairies are the really busy ones cuz everybody you know they're here they want to get on the ferry and go and start their time on an island so but that could not necessarily be the case all the time I don't think I've ever left on an evening fairy it is time to go eat though because I was hungry hours ago and it's still you know I haven't eaten yet so I'm going to go eat at the place that I always eat in pus which is actually behind the Ikea which is where I'm going today the place that I like to get down here is called toi toi it's right near the Triton Hotel um it's you know doesn't have the best view but the food is good and usually there's live music now someone else is playing live music it's not here although they do have their live music people so I know some of you watch my last video and we're like Tiffany you still sound terrible and you may be hearing that I don't sound great today but feel much better I'm not coughing as much it just seems to be after I talk for a while that my voice starts to go I decided to order a lot of food cuz if I eat enough now I don't have to have dinner cuz it's like 4:30 so maybe this will last me we'll see or I can just have something really light for dinner okay did my Ikea stuff in case you didn't know there's a tiny Ikea here in forus it's not a full-size one but it has some basic stuff in it so it's a good place to come and do a little homegood shopping that's going to be it for me today so I'll see you guys [Music] tomorrow good morning from Saga Square I am down here because I have come down to watch the ceremonial Changing of the Guard that happens at 11:00 here every Sunday and I thought it would be a good idea because it will kind of tell me how many tourists there are now I'm here it's almost 10:00 so they're doing the one at 10 that's not ceremonial and I'm going to show you how busy it already is so I hope you can see but it is quite busy over there lots of tourists coming to watch the changing the guards are just coming down now there's a tour bus that has stopped on the street to give like you know their little spiel about what's happening so I got down here early because I've gotten down here too late before and not gotten a good spot so I'm just going to go sit over on the uh bus stop bench and and wait a little bit it be inter to see when the traffic starts to stop I can't tell if they've already blocked it uh from other spots I've been down here when they've been blocking it off but I don't remember what time that happens I'm really glad I came down here at 10: cuz it's now 10:20 and this is how busy it is already and there are people standing next to me and they've all figured out that this is the place to stand so they have not stopped the traffic yet they made us move back so we're now back on the Square side it is almost 10:45 and the traffic is now stopped so we're just waiting for it to start the pigeons get the best view though [Music] what [Music] always amazing to see the big ceremonial exchange on the Sunday I don't do it often enough I should come down here maybe in the winter because even though it is not that hot out standing in the sun isoo it's intense and my feet are starting to hurt and this is how crowded it is so definitely get here by at least 10:20 and I still feel like you know people came and stood in front of me even though I had been standing there so you know you kind of have to fight for your spot and look at this oh my gosh the minute they let us move everybody rushed over cuz they're still doing part of the ceremony they have to you know get into their positions I wasn't going to rush over there cuz I don't want to be down in the heat anymore I would say that be prepared for it to be crowded this year because when I turned around and saw how many people were watching this I was shocked and how busy it was now granted I don't come down here on a regular basis and watch this cuz it's very crowded and you know I don't need to see it that often so I don't know if it's that's normal or not but I imagine it's only going to get busier and busier as we get into actual summer and wear a hat I wish I had brought a hat because like the sun was just like beating down on me and I should have wore the white shirt that I wore yesterday oh also I did talk to some Americans that were there and their next off is Santorini so Santorini is already going to be busy as well so it's going to be a busy year back over in pla to see how busy it is and shockingly already busy I thought I might stop and have a coffee but I think I'm going to walk on I don't want to sit around this many people I keep trying to find a place to stop and have a coffee I thought I would stop here at Daphne's even though it's kind of touristy but I thought it would be a nice place to sit and watch people but every single outdoor table is taken I might end up having to go back down to my neighborhood to have a coffee which is fine I may do that finally found a place to sit it's on macani so a little bit touristy but I needed to sit down after stand for over an hour a feet are hurting even though I'm wearing sneakers so that marble is hard to stand on and I get to people [Music] watch one thing I wanted to mention to you guys is that you may have not noticed but I have open memberships on my channel so if you want to support me in a different way cuz some people have asked you can now do that there should be a joint button under every video now no pressure though nothing's going to change all my videos are still going to be up everything there that I offer is something that wouldn't be on this channel anyway so it's just like an extra bonus so you can go see what those are below I've come down to Moni Siri so that I can get something to eat and kind of see how it is at night and Subway was absolutely packed could not believe it and mon rocki is also insanely packed so it's busy all the time it's so funny because yesterday when I was out it really didn't feel that busy and today is much busier so but I'm going to turn around and walk the other way from here now man I walk for 1 minute away from monoi and it's a lot less crowded and crazy I am going to a place called Selena which is like a h/ Hotel they have hostel rooms and then they have private rooms I've actually stayed there before but they have an amazing rooftop uh and that of course overlooks the Acropolis so that's where I'm heading today plans swed there's an event I thought there was something happening cuz when I got down here there was more music and I thought that's unusual cuz there really isn't anything around here what am I going to do now eventually I decided to go to the MS Roof Garden because I hadn't been up there before and I thought I might be able to see the sunset from here but I could not this would not be my first choice it was very loud and that is not what I wanted I wanted to have like a nice relaxed and quiet evening so I will eat my dinner which I'm not even going to show you cuz it's probably not the greatest food uh and then go home sorry I was looking at everybody over on the hill across from the Acropolis the sunset which if I had eaten dinner that's where I should have gone although there are lots of people over there too it's insanely loud down here and the food was actually better than I thought it would be in the M&S uh food Garden thing and uh it's just it was just really really loud and I was hoping for a better view but if you wanted food you had to sit down on the lower floor anyway sometimes things just don't go the way you want them to I think I'm going to walk over the hill the Acropolis Hill and walk home from there uh just to kind of have some quiet cuz if I get on the Metro it's going to be loud and crowded and I just don't feel like that right now that's what I came down here to see was the sunset looks like it's going to be great if I walk fast enough I might make it up to the hill to see some of it I made it up to the top of the hill and discovered that the Temple of hus is lit up already look how stunning she looks over there the wind is kicked up so I'm not going to go up to the top of aop pagos hill because it's getting cold and I'm not quite dressed for that I did bring a scarf but it's almost jacket point but wow how stunning is that Greek Sunset never gets old and of course always the beauty of the Acropolis Hill and the Moon is sort of shadowed in some beautiful cloud and I think maybe that's a sign that I should sign off this Vlog for the week I hope you enjoyed this guys hopefully the next season video will be summer and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: A Girl and Her Passport
Views: 4,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Solo travel, Female travel, Greece, Athens, Athens Greece, greece travel guide, athens greece travel guide, athens guide, greece travel, athens travel guide, greece travel tips, acropolis of athens, athens city guide, spring in athens, spring in athens greece, greece in spring, athens in spring, travel to greece, travel greece, athens travel vlog, athens travel, athens greece vlog
Id: nVrI0jM-wQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2024
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