Why I Moved to Greece: Living the Greek Dream 🇬🇷 | Living in Greece as a Foreigner

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and I know it sounds romantic it's a romantic idea right to pack your bags and move to a different country and start all over again it is a romantic idea but what's the point of living life if you don't have this romantic ideas what's the point of living life if you don't have a vision of what you really want to do with your life this video is about the vision that I had and hopefully this will inspire you to pursue your own goals and dreams of moving to Greece or visiting Greece for the first time and if you've been flirting with that idea of going abroad I want to share my story of why I live here in Greece after living in many many places and why I choose Greece as the place to grow [Music] old Kalisa aotao now I want to do this short video to show you why I live in Greece and why I moved to Greece and I've been living here for 14 years now the main reason is this this beautiful blue sea and blue sky and the first time I came to Greece was back in 2004 at a time I was living in London with my wife at the time she was my girlfriend and we traveled from London all the way here to Greece for for for a holiday my wife is Greek so what a great idea to come to Greece for the very first time so I went to an island called Milos and I just fell in love with Greece immediately now while we were in Milos and we were swimming in the beautiful sea I saw this Yaya this old Yaya going for a swim early in the morning and I could tell that she was a local she was not a tourist and I can see her going for a swim and I noticed a pattern of old people that are local to the island going for a swim and then going about their day and I can almost picture what their life looked like I fell in love with the idea of me growing old here in this country I want to be like that Yaya and like that Baboo going for a swim in the beautiful sea it was a vision and I told that to my wife back then this is many many years a ago okay I was in my mid 20s back then I'm going to be 50 next year so it's a long time ago that was a vision that I had of myself that you know I want to grow old and I want to have that lifestyle you know Greece was foreign to me all I knew about Greece was the same things that probably you know about Greece as a foreigner but the mythology very basic information about the culture if you will about the weather about the beautiful sea but that's all I knew now now that I live this lifestyle here and obviously I'm not a papoo yet but you know we're all going to arrive sooner or later you know time is going to pass that's for sure the question is where are you going to be and that was something that really resonated with me that that thought that idea that even though I live in London with my wife I have a beautiful life in London you know a very successful life if you will I've lived in different countries right I grew up in Venezuela I have lived in the states I have lived as a kid as well in Canada you know in my 20s I went back to the place of my birth which is London England and that's where I met my wife so my life has been one of traveling quite a lot and growing up in different places experiencing different cultures uh different backgrounds I speak Spanish English and Greek now Multicultural is something that has been part of my life but I adopted Greece as my home I love the culture and I love you know everything about it of course I love my wife I love my kids I have two beautiful daughters my eldest daughter was born in London and my second daughter was born here in Greece so as you can imagine in my house we speak speak English of course we speak Greek because we live here in Greece but it's a mix of of different languages right and I'm still learning Greek I'm pretty good I've been told that I sound like a foreigner I sound like a Greek that has lived abroad and has come to Greece after many many years so that's a compliment for me right there is hope for you if you don't know any Greek and uh it's such a fascinating language in fact you already know plenty of Greek words because we know that many words in in different languages come from the Greek language but what I want to say with this video is that the vision of living here was something that was really strong in my mind and I know it sounds romantic it's a romantic idea right to pack your bags and move to a different country and start over again you know it is a romantic idea but what's the point of living life if you don't have this romantic ideas what's the point of living life if you don't have a vision of what you really want to do with your life now I know that a lot of people do not have this privilege here in Greece okay because there are natives that have a different lifestyle like in any country and their lifestyle is completely different than than mine I happen to work online I work from home before it became something fashionable or acceptable right after after covid so I've been working from home for for many many years in fact the reason why I work from home is because I relocated from the UK here to Greece back in 2010 right in the midst of the Greek crisis I became a stay-at-home dad and I was looking for ways to earn money online and that's my humble beginnings as an entrepreneur online but that's a story for another video this video is about the vision that I had and hopefully this will inspire you to pursue your own goals and dreams of moving to Greece or visiting Greece for the first time and if you've been flirting with that idea of going abroad I want to share my story of why I live here in Greece after living in many many places and why I choose Greece as the place to grow old hello hello I'm approaching now the end of this path I've done many many videos from this beautiful path at the end is karatha Beach being in this beautiful location it means everything to me I mean I can't help but but share about this location so there has been many ups and downs of course you know living here in Greece and yes Greece is not perfect of course not every country has their own issues and have their own positive and negatives I'm not going to be here just spreading either negativity about the country that I live or be completely naive to just say that everything is beautiful and that everything works the way it should because there's always room for for improvement and I found that to be true as well while I was living in the states by the way and even in in England in London but this is not a Channel about politics or or governments or anything like that but it is about culture and it is about lifestyle for a reason that I named this channel my Greek lifestyle okay because this is my Greek lifestyle and I want to share as much as possible uh with you about my life here in Greece as a foreigner and I'm actually working on my Greek citizenship very very soon you know I've been living here for such a long time now that I can actually apply it to be Greek so who would have thought about that right I already have a dual nationality right I'm British because I was born in London I am Venezuela because my family is from Venezuela both my parents are from Venezuela and I grew up in Venezuela and now I'm going to apply for my Greek citizenship because I've been living here for many many years in fact I've been living here more years than I have ever lived in either the UK the states or Venezuela for that matter which is crazy because I grew up in Venezuela but I I lived in small pockets of time few years in Venezuela then in Canada then went back to Venezuela and then in the states and then you know the UK and now here in Greece and Greece has been the the country where I have lived the most for a long period of time without having any Interruption and I'm very passionate about this country and I want to spread as as much as I can the positivity towards this beautiful country and and share how I live my life and why I choose to live here and how can I put something back how can I give something back to Greece right I mean even though I work from home and in a way you can call me a digital Nomad if you will because I earn money in US Dollars and again I'm going to talk about that in a different video because I don't work here in Greece I don't I don't depend on on Greek employment in order to live here but even though I live like this I still pay my taxes here I'm in the system and you know I want to give back you know I'm very happy to contribute paying my taxes living my life here raising my girls here my two beautiful daughters here I want them to be part of this and I live in a very small community so I want to be part of this community I want to share this community where I live you know it's 15,000 people that live here in naville it's a very small place and but this is my Greek lifestyle okay my my years of living in a big city in a big Metropolis it's a Greek word for you by the way Metropolis uh are over you know I'm in a different season of life and I want to live a quiet life a simple life with very basic things simple things in life the Sun the sea just a path where I can walk and share these ideas with you I hope this video finds you well my friend go and watch the other videos that I have here on the channel don't forget to subscribe and you know it will mean the world to me [Music]
Channel: My Greek Lifestyle 🇬🇷
Views: 76,920
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Why I Moved to Greece, Living the Greek Dream, Living in Greece as a Foreigner, greece, greek language, living in greece, nafplio greece, Nafplio
Id: dvHvdvMakbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 39sec (759 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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