Busting Gordon Ramsay Cooking Myths

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Do you think you could beat Gordon Ramsey in fight? Absolutely. Every chef knows that there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen, but what happens when you actually break those rules? Does Gordon, big, swinging ding-dong, Ramsey call you an idiot sandwich to your ugly mug? Or, are they just arbitrary myths, pedaled from chef to chef, waiting to be busted? To find out, this highly trained team of serious culinary professionals, is going to put them to the test. 'Cause this is. Myth Munchers. One myth we've already munched, Josh can do accents. Really bad. Yeah, pretty bad, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. Do you have any constructive criticism? No. Just stop it? Yeah, just don't do it anymore. Yeah, what are you gonna do? All right, let's get into it. So, today we're doing Gordon Ramsey myths. But, first up, New Year's resolutions. Come on, new year, new me. Number one, listening to more Ukrainian folk techno, Go_A, really fantastic, I'm trying to vibe my car Ukrainian style. And then finally post to OnlyHams, I'm sitting on a gold mine of armpit content. I really need to get that up there. Teach Pippin how to take out the trash, I just don't wanna do it anymore. I'm sick of it, it is not serving me. Try and top up the habausage, I mean, it's been a while, we gotta wrap more pork props in more pork products. Probably leadership, a little bit more harder. I feel like we could all, you know, I've kind of been slacking on that. I agree. Yeah. I don't- I'm gonna build some secret tree house compounds in the back of Rhett and Link's yards. I just feel like that'd be good so I have a good vantage point. Nicole don't mess up your nails. Don't! As a good leader, I, that, don't do that. All you gotta do is just stop making slide shows of your face, you'll be fine. More Gordon Ramsey myths. Last time we did this we found out that Gordo actually kind of knows what he is talking about. Save for the little creme brulee spoon myth that I don't think worked too well. It's not doing anything. This isn't working. No. We're gonna try again, we're gonna try and get him, because eventually we're gonna. Gordon says you gotta score the skin on your salmon. I don't do that and I'm the best cook. He also says that when you're whipping eggs and sugar together for cake, you should do it for a full 10 minutes. Seems a little crazy to me, Gordon. Finally, not finally, what does the word finally mean something? This is penultimately. Thirdly, thirdly. Thirdly. Duck breast starting in a cold pan to render versus a pan that has been preheated. Y'all cook a lot of duck breasts at home? No. No. Almost never, but I'm excited to do it today. Finally, fish and chips. We are coming for Gordon Ramsey's homeland right here. He says, "You gotta rest your ale batter," I don't know that's necessarily true. But we're about to put it through the ringer and finally we're gonna deport you back to Scotland. Myth Munchers you ready to put these myths to the test? Yeah! No, say it more Britishly. Oi. Oi. Oi, oi. Oi, in it. Let's go do it. Oi. All right, all right, we got the cards here, lets write down our best guesses, and then loser has to do a dramatic monologue from "Bend it Like Beckham." That's a great movie. That's the best piece of British art. I've never seen it. Oh my God. Soccer movie. I was gonna say Macbeth. Nope, Bend it Like Beckham. Best piece of British drama ever written. You think you could beat Gordon Ramsey in a fight? Absolutely, fist fight? Yeah, well, street fight, no holds barred, no gloves. Just like, Yeah, he's gonna- Mortal combat like. Yeah, yeah, you're here, but then he's gonna like do the splits and punch you in the- Speaking of Gordon Ramsey. Hey Gordon. We're testing scored salmon versus non scored salmon. You cook a lot of salmon? I, you're gonna hate me. I don't cook a lot of salmon 'cause I don't like the way baked salmon tastes sometimes. I eat too much sushi and raw fish that now it kind of messed up my taste buds, but I do enjoy it though, I'm not gonna lie. I think this is actually a really good salmon recipe. This is Gordon Ramsey's salmon recipe. Okay. Which he uses Cajun Spice. What up Tony Chachere's, we're coming back. Gordon says that you gotta score the skin on your fish, that way it, one stays crispier and adheres to the pan better, and two, it actually cooks quicker, which I guess makes sense. All the heat gets in there quicker. Exactly and you're creating steam coming through that. But I don't know if that's actually gonna make a better piece of fish. I've scored salmon before, I don't personally do it in my kitchen. I take it, I press its flush against the pan. We're gonna see if Gordon knows what he's talking about. Okay. Because me and Gordon have similar accolades. Do you? Let's get this, we're gonna be cooking this on a medium heat throughout, this is never going in the oven, we're gonna be basting with butter. So I'm gonna take a knife, what Gordon Ramsey does is he kinda like plumps up the fish here, then he just drags the knife. Yeah. Softly through the skin. That's nice, that's nice, that's nice. Dragging it softly. Oo, plate slide. It's so crazy to see you concentrate. Wait Vi, hold the plate. Okay, okay. Hold the plate. I hold plates very well. Thanks. I put it on my resume, did you see it? It slipping around, yeah, yeah, yeah, a professional plate holder. Yeah. This is not going as easily for me as it is for Gordon. Mhm. All right we got our salmon scored nice and shallow here. Oh no, not yet Tony Chachere's Tony Chachere's. Yeah, what are you doing? Come on man. You made me question myself. Okay. Did you just gaslight me indirectly? No, man, you're gas lighting me. All right, let's get some oil in the pan, we're gonna drop the salmon at the same time. Okay. It should be on a nice medium heat, I'm gonna drop the salmon, we're not gonna touch it, 'cause Gordon says you don't have to. Okay. When you drop that, I'm gonna press on it with a fish spatula to get the skin to adhere. So we're going skin side down. Right. 3, 2, 1. Go. Gentle sizzle and then bing bang boom. That was not gentle. You see the fish? It's interesting, 'cause this fish does seem to want to buckle up, whereas this one doesn't, so I guess Gordon Ramsey's correct on the fact that- Yeah, this one kinda curdles like this, it does this. You look like. Do the salmon. You look like you really gotta go to the bathroom. All right Vi, Yeah. These are about ready to be flipped. 'Ima Tony Chachere's the top here. Tony Chachere's. So we're gonna flip it, we're just gonna cook it for about a minute on the flesh slide. Okay. Gordon and me, two culinary visionaries. They flip it and then cook it for about 45 seconds. Ooh, skin's getting nice and crispy. We're actually gonna finish it on the skin. Can you palm heel strike the garlic right there? I would love to. See if we can see anything interesting. There it is! That was close, you okay? That didn't happen. Good job. That one didn't happen, Wait, wait, wait, wait, hold on. We're gonna drop some butter in there, we're gonna let the butter melt, and then we're gonna flip the salmon and actually continue to let it like slow cook in that skin. Okay. With the butter and this is- I think this is a good salmon recipe, this looks dank. All right, we've been basting for like five minutes. Wow. Let's see where these are at temp wise. All right, we're in like 130 range, which is mid red, that means we should pull it out. Okay, looks like both of these are in that like 130-140 range, we're gonna pull them. Shall we pull them? Yeah, yeah, see. You kinda already kinda see the like visual differences, this one look like it broke a little bit from it being scored. Yeah, it really did. All right, let's pull these out, see where we're at. We're gonna let it rest. Ooh. Always serve your salmon skin side up, that way you're not getting steam when you plate it. Are we supposed to let this rest for a couple minutes? 'Cause I'm not in the market of burning the crap outta myself today, man. I've done it too many times for this show. Is this not enough for you? Can I have a utensil? Yeah. Let's dig into this. Yeah, spoon guy. I know you like spoons. That's what's up. All right, let's dig into the scored salmon. See how it's cooked. It's a beautiful medium on that cook. Yes, it is. We're just mauling it, not cutting it. Yeah, it's pretty fine salmon, it needs a lemon. Was part of it that the seasoning was supposed to be like, like it gets into the deeper parts of the meat when it's scored? Not really, he said it would cook quicker. It did cook slightly quicker and that makes sense, you're getting more heat penetration. Yeah. The skin is absolutely not crispy though. No, not at all. That's interesting, these were cooked with the same method, this one was pressed down, this is what I do. Sorry. You just took the whole thing. I didn't mean to. I just like to eat it like a little chip. Going hands. Sorry, I touched that one. All right wait, I don't normally eat that too. The skin's significantly crispier on this. Yeah. He's right, the scored cooks quicker, 'cause you see- Right. This is a better cook on it, this is more medium than this one. Mhm, I do see that. This is almost on medium rare. If you were going for crispier skin on your salmon, I would say absolutely do not score it. Don't score it. I think Gordon Ramsey was wrong on this one, 'govna. Dang it Gordon. Why? Why have you forsaken me? We gotta let them know. The people that, How are you gonna- The two with the hair. The other ones? Oh God, Oh God, get it , he's touching my bathroom area. Well now it's time for cakes. Yummy. Yeah, I'm really curious to see if 10 minute whip will actually make- Guys, it's kinda hot though. Like I was saying, I am really curious to see if this myth is gonna hold up because as a cake person- Yup. I'm curious to see if 10 minute whip will do anything. Yup. Especially with the flourless chocolate cake. Yeah. Whisk it all beautifully, light and creamy, and the color changes to a light yellow. The more you mix the eggs and the sugar, the lighter that texture in the center of the chocolate cake. All right, let's get to mixin'. Sugar. Egg yolks. And two whole eggs. Are you a fan of Gordon Ramsey? I don't mind him. Me either. I feel like he's a good dad. You think he's a good dad? He seems like he teaches his kids how to cook. Really? That's nice. Hmm, I don't care much for his parenting style, like I don't care about that. Yeah. I care more about like, I think he's a really talented chef, and I think he has really good ideas. Oh. He's quite creative- Yeah. But his attitude leaves much to be desired. Yeah. You know what I mean? That's fair. Yeah. Start the clock, two minutes and ten minutes, let's do it. All right. I mean. It looks pretty- They look way different. Yeah, it looks pretty damn different. The air you've been able to incorporate in ten minutes is like incredible compared to the two minute whip. This is a lot lighter. I mean, I just wanna feel the texture on that. Can I taste it? Is it bad for you? I mean, yeah, but do it. It's fine. It's like sabayon. It tastes exactly like sabayon. I mean it feels like sabayon, and it tastes like sabayon. Yeah. It is sabayon. But the sugar granules have almost completely disintegrated. Yeah. Which will probably maybe make a lighter texture. Let's try, Yeah. Let's touch this one. Also, you know, it is quite disintegrated as well, but this just feels foamier. Yeah, it does. And sexier, and more luxe. Mhm. Which will make a better cake. This might make it dense, which might make it more delicious. Mhm. But let's find out. Let's keep adding some more ingredients and see, see what's going on. All right. Now let's add our chocolate ganache mixture. Yeah. Which is the best part about a flourless chocolate cake. Just how chocolatey it is. Do you like a flourless chocolate cake? I'll eat any kind of chocolate cake. Yeah. I'm not picky. You know? Yep. Fantastic. And now- Our meringue. We gently fold. Oh. Oh. I'm gonna gently incorporate my egg whites. Me too. Yeah, you too, huh? They look pretty similar now. They do. They do now. Okay, fantastic. Do you tap your cakes when they're flourless? Uh, yes. Does Gordon recommend we tap tap too? He does recommend it. Okay. Get some of the air bubbles out. Okay. So weird because he said we have to incorporate in, but now he wants us to get bubbles out. Yeah. Weirdo. Pretty good. Yeah, looks good. Okay, let's throw it in. I'll put mine on this side. You put yours on this side. Okay. Sounds good. Well, Lily, look at our cakes. They're looking dense. They're looking dense, and one of them is cracked straight down the middle. Yeah, it is. And thats the 10 minute one. Yeah, that is, it's way more delicate. But the interesting thing is, when we were mixing our batters, yours was darker. Yep. But once it baked it became lighter. Yeah, that's, it reversed. It reversed. Which is really, really weird too. I wonder if that has any merit in the taste Yeah. Or the texture or anything. You wanna decorate? How about you smash- Okay, I'm gonna smash this. And I whip? Go for it. Yeah, get your aggression out, girl. No, not that hard. Not that hard. Don't get it in your eye. I'm sensitive. This is relaxing. I'm not gonna cut a piece. Okay. I'm just gonna kind of dive in. Hmm. Welcome to my Tuesday night. Okay. Hmm. Chocolatey, dense, intense. Mhm. Almost like an undercooked brownie. Yep. Which is not a bad thing. It's pretty good. How do you feel? I like it. I feel like it's like a little dry. I don't know. Almost chalky. Yeah, a little bit chalky. Maybe the 10 minute one. Let's see. Immediately my fork is having more trouble. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. I actually like this one better. I didn't think I was going to. Me too. You know why I like it better? Why? 'Cause it's lighter. Yeah. 'Cause it's not as dense, 'cause it has that fudginess, but also this incredible lightness to it that makes you want to eat more of it. With this, you have one spoon and you're like, ugh, I'm done. Yeah. It's very like rich. Too rich. Mhm. But this, the eggs being whipped up with all that air. It's actually legit. It's good. I like it. It's good. Yeah. Gordon, even though it broke in the middle, high key, I'm taking this piece for myself. Yeah. Even though it's a really crappy like structure and form, it's really light and really delicious, so. You're a good dad, Gordon. You win this one. Good daddy. You win this one, daddy. No, please. No, I have a family. Oh, please. 10 Minute won. Okay. Just so you know. Great. So Gordon was right? Okay, great. Gordon was right. Yeah, okay. Do you need help? Yeah. Maybe later. I'm like seeing where this is gonna go. Oh, okay. Please, no. Should we have helped her? All right, so right now we're doing duck breast myths. Hot versus cold pan. A thing that we've never tested before. I don't think we cooked the duck breast on this show. I like duck. I'm a fan of duck too. Okay, so right now you wanna salt and pepper up the duck. I would love to. On both sides. So Gordon Ramsey says, "That you have to start duck in a cold pan." Skin side down. It feels and sounds a little bit weird, but if we put them into a cold pan and turn the heat up gradually, it starts to release the fat. If we put them into a hot pan, it seals them in and the fat stays in there. We want to render that fat down. So we'll see. Again, this is more Gordon Ramsey territory than me territory. I'm more of like a busting onion ring myths kinda guy. Oh, that's hot right there. You know? It looks like a tornado, a dust storm. That's nice. That's nice. All right. Okay. Hold on. Hold on. Gimme two seconds. You got it, you got it, you got it chef. Two seconds on the duck, chef. You are slower than my gran and she's quite slow. What's a grand? I can't do it. Like a street? What? Gran? Yeah. Is grand a street? Like downtown. Grand? Yeah. Okay, so we're- Grand. So we're gonna let this come up to temp- Okay. See if this renders, we're gonna watch this, make sure it doesn't burn. Okay. Flip it in a couple minutes. All right. So we're gonna flip this real quick. But if you wanna look, the one in the cold pan definitely did render some more fat. Yeah, But this one still rendered. You wanna flip it? See what it looks like? Yeah, just kind of shriveled up a little bit. It kind of made it tight. But it looks crispy. Interesting. Both of these are looking pretty crispy. Oh that one's feeling crispier actually, than the cold pan, which is interesting. But the cold pan did seem to render some more fat because what I'm- Yeah, for sure. What I'm thinking on the hot pan one is, even though it's getting crispy, that's just from all that heat being blasted into it. Yeah. It kind of just keeps it to get like stuck. It doesn't just render out. Yeah, yeah. So what Gordon Ramsey does, he says to like "Mark it, sear it on this side-" Uh huh. "For like a minute," and then we're gonna flip it back over on the skin. Continue resting it to the oven Okay. Until it's like, I don't know, like a 130 inside. Quack. These are the same duck, they look the same. The cold pan, hot pan. Look the same. Exactly the same. Let's feel them. Ooh, that one's super crispy. Dang. The hot pan feel crispier than the cold pan. Way crispier. And this one cooked a little bit longer in the cold pan. And in theory that should have rendered more fat. But like we literally have the pans here, the same amount of fat rendered from both. There's a chance though that the one of the hot pan did not render the subcutaneous fat Mhm. As much as the one in the cold pan. But we'll see man. Let's get some- And that's the fat underneath the skin? Yeah, exactly, exactly. Right. Look at that, look at- Didn't you take Latin? I took two years of Latin in high school. Why? I don't know. 'Cause I should have took Spanish. I don't know Spanish. Yeah, I took French. It doesn't make- That was dumb. No sense. You want some organic tomato balsamic vinegar? I was gonna say, what was that cologne you had over there? So I have hot pan in my right hand. Cold pan on my left. Uh-huh. These are- This one it looks like it cooked through more on the cold pan. Yeah. Maybe. I don't know. Wait, hot. Wait, what did I say? Hot pan on my right? Yeah. Okay. Thank you. But the skin, they're, I mean cold pan, hot pan might be crispier. Let's taste it. See what- Wait, which one are you doing? Hot pan. This is in the opposite hand. Right hand is hot pan. Yes. I'm so dumb. Why would you switch it? Okay, let's try it. It's in my gap. Skin's super crispy and rendered though in hot pan. Right? A hundred percent, yes. Definitely. Like flat out. I don't think the cold pan's gonna be any crispier or more rendered. Oh. Let's try it. Okay. Oh, that's nice. It is tough. Very similar. I'm not seeing any difference, right? Yeah. Super similar. Which to me makes sense because if you start in a cold pan versus a hot pan- It just cooks slower, you know, slower, all the fat renders and it goes through more. I kinda like it though. It doesn't necessarily cook slower though because it's about like total amount of heat over time that has gone into it. Mhm. That's gonna happen in a hot pan or a cold pan regardless. The pan being cold when you start doesn't have that much to do with it. To me, if these are similar and this was cooked in a hot pan, Okay. This skin is just as crispy. The duck's just as juicy. I'm calling this myth bust, and you don't need to start in a cold pan. No, you don't. Control your heat. Don't jack it up all the way high like I normally would. Yeah. Just watch it. Don't burn it. Let it get crispy. Get yourself a bottle of organic tomato balsamic vinegar 'cause that's good on duck. I'm having a nice time. I don't care. Oh god. Is this guy bothering you? Yeah, actually. Did you murder it? His last words were hot pan. Whose legs is that? Is that Trevor's? What leg? You should probably lay low for a little bit. No. I don't, we can't hear Sorry. No, he's good. So we're testing out Gordon Ramsey's fish and chips myth, that you gotta rest the batter. The secret is to make that batter the night before. The more you can let it rest. It becomes so crispy. He says that it'll hold up better. It'll cling to the fish better. I don't know about that. I've never done that myself. Y'all got any theories? I think the unrested is gonna be better. 'cause the bubbles. Me too. Did you say buttholes? Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles. Bubbles. You saying you're losing carbonation in a rested batter? Yeah. Yeah. Why are you using a beer batter if you're not gonna use the carbonation to get that leavening in it? Exactly. I agree with that. So let's try it. Lily, you wanna mix up that batter? We got six ounces of a nice English lager right here. And then we got one egg and then some flour, some salt. Pretty simple recipe. Gonna go over there. Yeah, don't drop the rested ones. I'd love to. You make fish and chips people. I'm not the biggest fish and chips girl. Where's the rest of the beer? Yeah. Where's the rest of the beer? Okay. Daddy needs a beer. Batter looking a little thick? Yeah. Yeah. Let me add some more. Let me get it lit. Okay. Smells like beer. This batter looks awesome and it smells really good. Very nice. I do love a good beer battered fish and chip. I've never been one to order it at a restaurant. I did have it on a cruise. Yeah, I like that. In England. Like that. Yeah. In jolly old England. Yeah, Lily. Yeah. Use it. Use it. What's going on here? You're having fun. She's getting buff. What are you talking about? Okay, time to pull these guys. Looks lovely. Do you want me to salt it? Salt away. Okay, Tony Chachere. No, no, please. no. Tony Chacheres. Eat it, Gordon. Taste of America. Gotta do the swishy. Oh, I'm losing it, okay. Yeah, that one slipped. All right, I mean, This looks like- High five. First impressions on the fish? Unimpressed. Okay, what an impression. All right, we're gonna let this fry out for a couple minutes and pull it. The unrested batter simply looks a million times better than the rested batter, right? We can all agree on that? Yeah. Mhm. Looks like real fish and chips to me. The rested batter. Gordon, you jackals, you sycophant, you nincompoop. Sorry, we haven't tasted yet. Let's try it. Let's try this. Gimme something. Take one and pass it down. Do you put your hand up on your hip? What'd you do? You dropped a whole piece, Lily. It needs a nice slice of lemon. Little bit of malt vinegar here. Yeah. Aye. Oh, that's nice. Gotta be a Liverpool you scouse. I'm great at accents. I don't know what you're talking about. All right, let's try it. We'll never know until we try. My mouth is hot. Aw, crap. Looks crispy. It does look crispy. Oh, it looks very crispy. Nice and flaky. Yeah, it sounded crispy. Does it make a noise? It's so flaky. Because nobody can- Son of a biscuit! Gordon Ramsey, you done did it again. This is good. Dude, there's just, the fish is flaking and dripping and dropping. I'm having a great, I'm having the time of my life. Look at this big piece on the floor. Eat it. Stay there. I'm gonna grab some. We got malt vinegar? Do we have lemons? I need vinegar. I need some malt vinegar. I need lemons Josh. You need to stop- Are we- Ben, what's your seasonal vinegar selection Are we still rolling? looking like? I found some sherry vinegar. Gordon, you done did it again. You devil. You handsome, devilish man. No. You good father. You, jack of all trades, No. Renaissance man. You polymathic chef. You, Dang. With the good hair. You don't even give us that many compliments. Eh? Wait for your interviews. Well that one. So I guess it's time to tally up the results. Myth Munchers. What's up? Yeah! Today we found out that not scoring your salmon is actually a better way to get crispy skin. And Gordon was wrong! We found out if you're making a nice little flourless chocolate cake, man whipping your eggs together for 10 minutes, it really does make it nice and fluffy. For sure. Gordon, you did it good. Proud of you. We found out that when you're cooking duck, cold pan doesn't matter. Hot pan's gonna transmit just as much heat over a long period of time. You don't need to start your duck in a cold pan. Gordon was wrong! And then we found out fish and chips, the national dish of wherever Gordon Ramsey's from, I forgot, like- England. That one? No, he's not. He's Scottish. The one that's shaped like- United King. It's shaped, it's the boot. It's, he's from the boot. Italy? Italy. I don't care. Found out that resting your batter really does make a difference, does make it crispier. I think it's cause all that carbonation gets out so it's not getting all the air in there. Good for you, Gordon, you did it. But, let's see if this was good for us. Lily, how many did you get right? I said score 10, cold, unrested. I suck Josh, I only got one right. That's okay. I'm sure you're good at other things. I don't know if they are, but V, what'd you get? Score, two minute, whip it, cold, rested it, sad. Uno. Same as Lily. Yeah. Pretty bad. Pretty bad. Nicole, where you at? Hello, lovely people. I said no score. 10 minutes. Cold pan and unrested. Three outta four. Wow. Miss overachiever over here. And my name is Josh- Josh, how much did you get? How did you get- What'd you get, Josh? I'm guessing no score, 10 minute whip, cold pan and unrested batter. I just did that accidentally. I also got one. I'm also pretty dumb. Good job. Yeah! Yeah. Now that Nicole's a smart kid, let's bully her. Yeah! So she hides her gifts from the world forever. What?! You bend it like Beckham. Nerd. No! All three of you have to recite it at the same time. I'm the class bully. Do it. "But gran, I want to play football. I don't want go to accounting school." "Oh, oh. But I just wanna bend it like Beckham." What we really learned here today is that Gordon Ramsey has a lot of accolades. He has a loving family. Lily seems to have a weird emotional relationship with him. Nicole doesn't seem to care for his attitude very much. Maybe she can give him an attitude adjustment. But what we really want is for Gordon Ramsey to come here and wrestle me in a kiddy pool filled with orange marmalade in a Burbank parking lot. And I think if we all band together and comment, "Gordon Ramsey, please wrestle Josh in a kiddy pool full of orange marmalade in a Burbank parking lot", I think we can get him over here. Thank y'all so much for watching. Thank you all for busting Gordon Ramsey myths with us. If you're not subscribed to the channel, please subscribe. Tell a friend to watch. We got Myth Munchers and Fancy Fast Food, all over the next couple weeks. It's gonna be a good time. We'll see you there or see you not. Cheerio 'govna. A new mythical kitchen creature approaches. The pizzacock is here and available on a brand new apron. Come face to face with a mythical kitchen pizzacock apron, now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 612,631
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: vy9aO8iLnLA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 58sec (1498 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 12 2023
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