Busting Gordon Ramsay Cooking Myths (Gordon LIED!)

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👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/kjpksc 📅︎︎ Aug 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

No more Trevor?? This makes me sad.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/theeLizzard 📅︎︎ Aug 09 2022 🗫︎ replies
So you pulled out a spoon to just grab it with your hands. Okay. Meatballs are a hand food. And I believe that. all right. Also, most things are hand foods. That's true. Every chef knows there are unbreakable rules in the kitchen, but what happens when you actually break those rules? Does Gordon Ramsay pop out from behind a sous vide machine and go, "Oi, wanker, "what are you doing? "Come on, no, donut!" Or are they just arbitrary myths peddled from chef to chef, just waiting to be busted? To find out, we've assembled this highly trained team of serious culinary professionals to put them to the test. 'Cause this is Myth Munchers! Myth Munchers, are you ready, oh hey, Lily, you're new. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Congratulations to me. Yeah! That's exciting Yeah! Do you feel prepared to munch some myths? Yes, I'm ready. Do you feel prepared to take a bite outta Gordon Ramsay? Yeah, go Gordon Ramsay. You wanna go to work... No! No! Boo! No! We don't like him. Boo, boo, boo, boo. Anyways. Wait, wait. Okay, me and Nicole have these dope new shirts. You can actually find this shirt on mythical.com. Woohoo! All right, let's check out the myths. No, sorry, wait, this is from my personal archives. Okay, let's get into this. What? This is food mascots I'd want on my family feud team. We got Tony the Tiger. One, got a big old Doritos shaped body, big chest, I like having that girth in there. Also, he's been in a lot of families. We got Lefty from Hamburger Helper. You know, he's out there, he's willing to help. Lefty's always had the advantage in sports, I really like that. Sun-Maid maid, you know how I know she works hard? She's always carrying around a basket of grapes. And my backup would be Pop, which I'd really want him on my team but he is problematic. He did get canceled about three months ago. Who's that? Why are we not on this? What? Talk about the owl. Where are we? 'Cause those are my real friends. All right, Gordon Ramsay myths. Ow. So, oh my God, are you okay? Geez, lord. Are you hurt, That hurt my soul. or are you scared? That hurt my whole soul. The reason we're busting Gordon Ramsay myths today, one, we all know I've had a lot of problems with him in the past. He's had a lot of problems with me in the past. He has no idea who I actually am, but he is one of the most respected chefs of all time. He's also the biggest TV chef of our era, and we've all grown up watching those food TV shows where they're saying all of these truisms as if they are real, and today we're gonna test some of them. So we actually went through a bunch of Gordon Ramsay cooking videos, and we found four claims that he makes, and we're gonna put them all to the test. You ready? Totally! Ready! So first up, he said that room temp cream will whip faster than fresh out the fridge cream. He says you need to let it sit for 30 minutes before you do it, but if you let it sit for 30 minutes, it's not gonna get to room temp. Anyways, we're gonna test various cream temperatures and how fast they whip. See if he's right or wrong on that one. Next he said, this one's absolutely bonkers, he said that you can take a hot spoon and actually use that to brulee a creme brulee if you don't have a blowtorch. Which the image of just lighting a flame to the spoon, conjures up a lot of things, I watched The Wire. Next, we've got, we have some meatball myths. An explosion. He does not use whole eggs in his meatballs. This one actually really blew my mind, 'cause I ain't never seen this before. He just used egg yolks, he says that the eggs will actually make it spongy. We're gonna put that to the test, Gordon you, let's see if, can we even say, or is that hardcore curse word in British? Yeah, high-key. Anyways, Say winker. Gordon, you plonker! They say plonker, that's the fun one. He said that if you cover a braise, that the meat will get gray and be flavorless, so we are gonna see if that's true. Are you ready to take Gordon down or lift him up? 'Cause he sure doesn't need any more lifting up, I mean, he's really got a lot of money. You know he said he wouldn't leave any money to his kids? What? What? And everyone is like, that's a good thing! How many kids he got? But also, he just, you know? Bill gates said that too, right? I'm not leaving my kids anything, Jone is on his own man. So we're gonna write down What? Does he have a kid or not? our guesses here. I have two fur babies. all right, so we're gonna write down our guesses. You ready to do it? Yeah! I'm ready! Vi, you know can be honest with me, right? Yeah, sometimes. You know you don't have to hold anything, wait, what do you mean sometimes? No, all the time. When do you lie to me? Never. How do you feel about Gordon Ramsay, like actually, how do you feel about him? He's not my favorite person, to be honest, his energy's too much, Yeah. and like, if he held a sandwich to my face, I'd honestly punch him. Yeah, that turns out that was a comedy bit, though, that he did, that was part of a sketch, so... No, she was crying man, she was so upset, poor lady. Listen he is a bit much, he yells at people a whole lot, Yeah. but he is a really incredible cook, and so when he says something, it holds a lot of weight, and I tend to believe him. But this one for me was a trip. So he said that, quote, "Room temperature cream whips faster and better than cream straight out the fridge." Room temperature cream whips much faster than cold. So you'll need to take your cream out of the fridge 30 minutes before you want to whip it. We got cream that's been sitting for 30 minutes, we got cream that's actually at room temp, and cream that is straight out the fridge. The cream that's straight Love that. out the fridge, 39 degrees. The cream that's been sitting for 30 minutes to get to room temp is at 44 degrees, not a big change. And that one? Now we got, this is just Burbank room temperature baby, That's 73 degrees right now. Oh my God. So we're gonna time it, we're gonna use the same model of hand mixer from the Walmart. Not a sponsor, they cost like $18, they'll probably work. Just to get consistency to see what happens. So, Vi, you ready to add your creams? I'm ready! all right, what do you think is gonna happen here? Um, you know, stuff? I've always been told that the colder the cream, the easier and better it whips. And to me it makes sense, Okay. 'cause I think proteins bind better when they're colder. It's like in sausage making, I believe that 100%. so I don't know, dude, I think the cold's gonna win, but let's see, you wanna just, Let's see. okay, fire this all the way up to five. Five, okay, Let's get it going, I'm gonna dual wield. Yeah. Nicole, start the timer in 3, 2, 1! 2, 1! And we are going for soft peaks. Okay. Wait, you know, this room temp cream's already kind of getting there. Yeah I know, my cold one isn't really doing anything. Holy crap! I'm tryna, Yeah, but I mean, it takes a while for cream to go. Yeah it does. But like, I'm kinda going. You kinda look like you're already there. Hold up, Hold up. Oh God, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. 30 minutes out ain't doing anything, cold ain't doing anything. No, it's not doing nothing. It's still pretty, It's a nice Chantilly cream. Dang it, Gordon. It's still pretty loose over here. I'm super loose. Keep going, go faster. I can't, it's at five. I'm in soft peaks now. We reached, okay, cold, let's test it. That's a nice soft peak. Yep. That's a nice soft peak. What are the times? Lap one was, uh, I mean, the first one was 1:22, Lap one. and then the second one was 2:33, and then the third one was 2:35. Gordon Ramsay officially said that room temperature cream will whip faster, which he is absolutely correct. Yeah. But he also said let the cream sit out for 30 minutes, which only rose the temperature by five degrees. So if you wanna get your cream to room temperature, definitely gotta leave it outta the fridge for more than 30 minutes. But then you're also playing with food safety a little bit. I suppose, right? It depends on how much your stomach can handle. Yeah, if you like really play it by the books, you don't just wanna let dairy sit outta your fridge. But that said, the room temp cream Yeah. whipped like way faster, which I was shocked by. I gotta Google the science behind that, now. Super shocked. You win this round, Gordon. Dang it, Gordon. We gotta tell Nicole and Lily. Yeah, yeah, yeah, hold on, I have something. What's up? You know, since I guess it's February in the summer, I have this beautiful card. It says, are you Gordon Ramsay? Because you're the only ram I see. If you want to take it to the dirtiest extent, this is really messed up. Hey Lily, we got a, Yeah. we got a Valentine. Oh. What is it, July? Yeah, it's a little late. What does it say? Are you Gordon Ramsay? Because you're the only ram I see. Are they calling us rams? I think this is related to Ramesses II, the Pharaoh in Egypt, Oh. but room temp won, look at that. Hey cool. I could have told you that. Just kidding, I had no idea. So we are going to test out the Gordon Ramsay myth of using a hot spoon Okay. to torch a creme brulee in the event that you don't have one of these guys. Take an old spoon that you don't use. Put it on the gas flame, get it really nice and hot, and stick that lightly over the sugar, and it'll caramelize it instantly. Get it too hot, then you'll destroy the cream. So I'm just gonna turn this bad boy on. And then I'm just gonna torch the top, kind of from a distance, we want a nice even kind of torch going on. We don't want any black or brown spots. We want just a nice caramel color. Torches are fantastic culinary instruments. Yeah. It's not a necessity, I would say, but if you want some drama in your life, buy a torch. I just got one, and I use it for everything. Yeah? Yeah, it's one of those things that, you know, really adds to the drama of a dish. So that looks great. As you can see, Yeah, it looks amazing. it's sizzling. Let's try the hot spoon with it. Okay. This is such a unique thing to do. I just don't like the idea of putting a spoon over a live flame. It's a little dangerous. Yeah, I feel like it just, something like, it's just not good for you. Yeah. I don't know if that's real or not, but I just, there's something about it that I just don't like. Like, do you see the color changing on it? I think it's gonna ruin the spoon. Yeah, like once you do this, you're probably never gonna use that spoon again, right? You might as well invest in a torch. Yeah, yeah. Okay, I'm gonna Yeah, that spoon has changed color. give it a go. Yep. Okay. Okay. Huh, that's kind of sick. It's smoky, oh, it's in my eye. Oh. That is not a pleasant experience. But honestly, it's working. Honestly? It kinda works, but it's also low-key stuck to the spoon. Pick up the spoon. Yep. Do you see that? Show one of them. I don't know, what's your names again? Yeah. William, do you see that? Also show the other side of this spoon. What? It ruined the spoon. It also kinda ruined the creme brulee a little bit. Yeah, it's, okay. Let's let it set up. While we were waiting for our two test subjects to set up, Yes. we decided to bring in a method where we kind of hover the spoon over the top, so we don't get super messy, and it's not as dramatic, and it makes a more even crust on the top. Okay. So we got our spoon a lot hotter. Yep. And we're going to hover on the top lightly, and see what happens. Okay. Let's try this out. I think we're hot. Yeah, that spoon is blue. It's definitely hot. Yeah. A little bit closer. Hm. It's definitely not doing any... What if I told you that's not doing a thing, whatsoever? Let me get closer. So the official aim is just hold the spoon lightly over the sugar. I mean, So we're holding it lightly over the sugar, we're not making any contact. No contact. It's not doing anything. This isn't working. No. Maybe it's a language barrier thing. I think it might be. Maybe our English is wrong. Maybe his English is wrong. I mean, he did create English. Are you serious? No, man. Of course not. Okay. Let's test the cracks of the two that did work. Yes. Here you go. Obviously one looks better than the other. You wanna start with the hot spoon? Sure. I mean, that's a crack. Hey! It definitely has a crack. Mm-hm. It's a little bit uneven, but... Get a little bit of that burnt cream. That's a creme brulee. If you don't care what it looks like, it tastes like creme brulee. And if you don't care about an even sort of torch, if you're not, you know, a presentation person, for sure. Let's try an OG torch. Nice crack on this, yeah. That's pleasant. The sugar's more even. Mm-hm. It's a better mouth feel. If you're not a stickler for desserts, Yes. Hot spoon is fine. Yeah. So if you don't have a torch, you can use a hot spoon, but make sure to make direct contact, and move fast over the creme brulee Yes. whenever you do it. Should we tell the guys? Yeah, let's tell them. Let's tell 'em. We got a Morgan message! Ooh. Vi, look, look, we've got a Morgan message. It's Morgan! Read the message! It says, "Sorta." Last time I got a Morgan message, it was to serve me divorce papers. Man, Gordon's two for two, but now, Vi, Yeah, ugh. we gotta talk about Gordon's balls. Yeah, we do, but not his real ones. Not, no, definitely don't talk about that, Vi. Yeah, he might come after us. Or his doctor With it hanging out. All right, so we got, you should get them checked, though. I mean, you should, every, Yes. especially over 50, if you... Get your prostate checked. So, we are making meatballs right now. Yeah! Gordon Ramsay said that if you add egg white, which is to say a whole egg, to your meatballs, which I've always done, that it's gonna become spongy It sticks together a little bit better? and weird. He said, well, no, he says it's spongy. He says it's worse. Just the yolk, not the white, you'll make it too spongy. Just the yolk? You want the white, it'll make the balls firm. You don't want a firm ball. So we're gonna try it. So add the whole egg in there. Okay. We have weighed out the exact amount of just egg yolks in here, as the whole egg, so that way we're at least keeping the liquid consistency somewhat the same. And we're also using Gordon Ramsay's recipe that he kind of used in this video, which is really simple, just like some oregano, little bit of black pepper, salt, bread crumbs. Run by what you're doing. Yeah, yeah, just follow me, Cause you're not in order. And now we're just gonna gently toss 'em together. Okay. Wait, I need more salt. With pure egg yolk, you're gonna get a lot more fat. This is like when some people add whole milk to their balls. I add milk to my balls. I don't always add milk to my balls, but I do egg. Egg, I egg. You could already definitely see that this is just pure sliminess happening. Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, the thing is, so whole egg, the egg white, right, that's pure protein, basically. Yeah. So you do get a spongier consistency, but I thought I liked that? I like me a good spongy ball. You know, like when there's some give to him, you can feel it kind of bounce around your mouth like that. And so, Maggie be a professional, come on. I always just thought it kind of just helps, you know, keep the ball shape a little bit more. Yeah, yeah. I don't know. So using the same amount of weight, I mean, this ball with the egg yolks definitely looks a lot firmer. Yeah, 100%. 'Cause you're getting a lot more fat in there. I'm gonna go ahead and use this little ice cream scoop. That's better. Just gonna try to keep it consistent. That's better Yeah, that's definitely balls. That's better. I'm a man who makes, puns aside, I really do make a lot of meatballs at home, and this could actually change my meatball cooking game for the better, but I don't... No? What am I gonna do with the egg whites, dude? 'Cause I refuse, listen, no matter how much of a gym bro I become, Vi, the minute you walk in here, Is that what you're called? and I make an egg white omelette, I need you to just, like, Big Brother me from 1984, just, like right to the back of the head. Why? Are you guys, is that Right to the back of the head. what you're not supposed to do or what? No, it's just, dude, once you start making egg white omelettes, you've given up on enjoying anything in life. That's not true, you could definitely enjoy . Oh, you're an egg white omelette girl. I am! I know you are, I know you are. I am. I try to balance out myself, Oh, you put it like... because I get it from my pops, he has high cholesterol, we only had egg whites in the house growing up, okay? I'm sorry, Dad, to call you out, but I also only use egg whites one time in my meatballs, just for him. This has been brought to you by Cialis, the cholesterol medication. Wait, what's Cialis? All right, so we got our meatballs rolling up. We got the pure egg yolks mixed into this. We got the whole egg with the white mixed into that. And we're just rolling 'em up, and we're about to pan sear them off, I'm ready. to see which one creates a better ball pleasure in your mouth. Ah, yes, that sounds great. All right, Vi, in three, two, one. Sear those balls! Those balls! Wait, you gotta oil me first. There it is. Yeah, I'll oil you up a little bit. I'd get those balls in there quick. Okay. This pan's hot. We're gonna sear them. Gordon Ramsay recommends pan searing them. And then he kind of does like a nice little butter deglaze and baste. Again, we're using it directly from one of his videos. Oh, we're gonna get these pans searing. I'll say that yolk-y ones Ah! look way more pleasant. Ah! But those look like my balls, and I like my balls. Ah! So we're gonna let these sear, we're gonna flip 'em, get some butter in there. Yeah, I'm ready. What, why did you take off our gloves? You just touching on me again? I don't know. Why was I wearing gloves in the first place? Because your hands get scary. I wanna do the blink-182 album cover thing. Your hands are scary. The like... No, no. All right, so we cooked these all the way through in the pan, we just gotta add our butter right now. You wanna drop it in? Yeah, I love butter. I like butter, I've never buttered my balls like that, but that's cool. I haven't, either. Very French, I think, very Gordon Ramsay. Didn't really learn anything while cooking. I think the egg yolks held their shape a little bit, just 'cause, with the whole egg you're getting the liquid from the egg white in there. Yeah, that's definitely the main difference that I saw, was like, that is still pretty bulky. Yeah, neither of them leaked a bunch of albumen. Neither of them leaked a bunch of fat out of it, or whatever. All right, you ready to pull? Yep. I'm ready when you are. All right. So what Gordon Ramsay does is, I always braise my meatballs in sauce, just 'cause I really like that, but we're just gonna sauce on a plate, It's like making a steak, but balls. Yeah, man. Steak balls. Steak balls. Why is no one devoted, like you got Steak 'n Shake, we should have a restaurant called Steak 'n Balls. I'm gonna give myself a nice little slather and sauce here. Okay. Right over the top, lovely. Oh, look at that, oh so beautiful, come on, gorgeous, come on, will you? You got me? Have you ever seen any, You got me? when have you ever seen anything like this? You got me? You got me? Come on this is incredible, I invented meatballs. My name is Gordon Ramsay. Do we need cheese? Boopity blah. You want cheese? What, no, we don't need cheese. Oh, that's fine with me. You're gonna be all farty all day if you have cheese. All right. I'm glad you're so considerate of my stomach. We're trying the whole egg first? Let's try the whole egg first. Yeah, let's do it. So you pulled out a spoon to just grab it with your hands. Okay. Meatballs are a hand food. And I believe that. All right. Also, most things are hand foods. That's true, okay. Wedge salad? Nope, it's hot. Hand food, all right, cheers. Mm! That's a good meatball. Yeah, it's slightly tough. Gordon Ramsay said it would be spongy, I don't see that. which, I guess, it's kind of do that. But I mean, it's a good meatball. I love this ball. Oh God, oh no, that's my bad, dude, that's my bad. Let's try egg yolk only, see if it makes a better meatball. Okay. It is equal amounts egg yolk as that was whole egg. Mm. Ah, man, that one's better. It is way better. Dang it, Gordon, you've gone and got us again. I'm gonna start making Yeah! just egg yolk balls, and then, This is way better! so I don't waste food, I'm gonna start eating egg white omelettes. Dude, I hate that Gordon Ramsay changed me so much in, what, like 15 minutes? Shoot! Now you have to tweet at him. I have no convictions. I would be so susceptible to a cult. I'll be like, the first cult leader to approach me, That's all you, 'cause I'm not like that. I'm in. Nope. They're gonna be like, "We play a lot of indoor volleyball at night," and I'll be like, "It sounds great!" We gotta tell them. This is my meatball dance. I'm round, I'm round. We do a lot of interpretive dance. Yes, I'm calling them right now. They feel me. There's hot butter, shouldn't do that. Full interpretive dance, guys, I'm really moved, I dunno. Nice. Thanks, I watched a lot of Kate Bush music videos before it was cool. All right, so guys, right now Gordon Ramsay is batting three for three on myths right now. Our last chance to stick it to him is covered versus uncovered. He says that if you cover a braise, the condensation is going to rain up, then rain down and make your meat gray. Now don't cover it. When you cover it, all the condensation comes off the lid. Your lamb becomes gray, all this effort and that exciting spice gets washed away. No lid and in the oven for three hours. Unfortunately, this is a myth that I very, very, very strongly believe in. I never cover my braises, I agree with Gordon. Nicole and I have gotten in fights over this one. 'Cause every time I see her covering, that's why I throw away all the lids, 'cause I like to get the extra browning, I like to get it reducing, but Nicole's a staunch lidder. Lidder. Lidderbug Lidderbug. All right, so, I'm a litterbug. we're making osso buco right now. We got our veal shank sous'd off. Y'all wanna light up those pans, we're gonna drop in our mirepoix and all of that. We're using the same exact recipe. One's gonna be covered, but we're gonna make sure that the water levels Thank you. are the same at the end of it. Tell me what to do. What? Mirepoix. Cook the food, man. Mirepoix, mirepoix first. There's an order of operations, Josh. It's called teamwork, dog. Yeah. So typically, in a braise, you take your meat, you sear it, and then you start adding your aromatics. That kind of gets in what's called the fond on the bottom of the pan. That's where a lot of them flavor crystals are. Then you're gonna deglaze it with something. That white wine? Yeah, white wine. Looks like it. I was chugging that over there, man, I thought it was Gatorade. Oh no, same colors. That explains a lot. We got the veal shanks nestled in there, we're gonna pop it into a 325 degree oven. Uh, someone, where's the lid? Right there. Josh has an aversion to lids. I don't even see them. He also told me he's face blind the other day. What is that? Yeah, I'm face blind, I don't recognize people's facial features. It's incredible. That's why, when like Annalise is right there, I just get very confused. You see the same people every day! We're gonna put the uncovered one in there, along with the covered one. And then afterwards we're gonna reduce the covered one, because you're not gonna get as much liquid loss, so we wanna make sure the flavors are just as concentrated. And then we get to eat some fancy ass Italian food. I'm so excited. Yummy! Love it! Look at us. Just like at the Olive Garden. All right, so we see the covered one here, we see the uncovered. The water levels are the same right here. The meat, I don't know if I'd call it gray, but it's definitely less appealing than the uncovered. Right? Sure, this one's prettier. Even the vegetables, they're so much larger, and they're not, Oh yeah, that's a good point. they look waterlogged almost These guys they're like fully shrunk, and they look beautiful and jammy, almost. There's, though, a fine line between waterlogged and juicy. That's why I prefer sweatpants that say waterlogged on the butt, instead. You're silly. God, that's a terrible bit. Where do they sell those at? All right, we're taking some gremolatas, this is what, what is it, like, lemon zest, garlic, parsley. It's really good. Yes. We're just gonna add that there, 'cause that's what Gordon Ramsay does. And gremolata, what a lovely condiment. What should we go for first, friends? Let's try the covered first. Let's try, yeah, yeah, let's see where this is at. Here, someone, no, I insist. Aw, you're so... Oh, whoa! Oh! Oh, damn! I'm cutting pieces for everybody. Oh, yeah, okay. I'm literally making little noodles. Here's the thing, osso buco is a hand food. Okay, go for it, I wanna see. I wanna smell it. I would like to. Oh, you wanna see this, Lily? So hot, it's so hot. No, you trippin'. That's a bone. Yeah, that's... Ew, don't spit it! Are you okay? Oh my God, it worked, I didn't think it would come out. Are you okay? Oh dude, I just took a, oh man, I took the bone marrow to the dome, that was good. Uh, cheers? Go away. Hot damn, that is so good. Oh my God. Wow. Wow. I mean, you taste the cruelty, 'cause the veal, but like, God, that is a delight. Shh! Mm-hm. Stop talking about it Sorry! so much. It's a reality of what it is. It is. This isn't a reality show, it's a cooking show. No, it's a reality show. Okay, but I mean, are you guys missing the brown flavor? I don't know, I mean, I'm not missing anything. I can't imagine anything better than that. Slightly. Like it's like that sear, right? That nice extra crunch? Yeah. What about you, Lily, how do you feel? I like it, I mean for a braise, I'm not really looking for a sear, so... Totally. True. Yeah. Yeah. Well, God, should we go to the uncovered? Yeah. Hey, someone bring it up. Last time I did it, it was troublesome. I used the same spoon. New spoon, please. New spoon, please. Oh, I'm sorry. New spoon, please. Spoon. Bro. All right, just break that side, Lily. Are you taking a shot? Yeah, I'm just ripping bone marrow out here. This is not safe. It's okay, is it ever safe here? No, that's true. I will say, this meat is a little tougher. True. Garcon, more bread! Gaston? Garcon. Gaston. Holy smokes. Are you just eating? Can I just, yeah, he is, he is. He's just having a good time. Enjoy, Josh. You've been working so hard, you deserve a nice little lamb break. Thanks, brother! So hard, with your hands behind your back. Sprinkle. I'm enjoying my appetizer. Fine. A little sprinkle. Is that bread? All right. How dare you bring bread? I love bread. Piggy feet at the trough. Oh, thank you, thank you. I can't see. Wait, wait. Now, hold on. Just hold on, Josh. Ready? Yeah. Cheers. I put a lot. The texture is a little different. Texture's definitely different. A little bit tougher. I wanna try and get some of the crustier parts. Almost as though the flavors in the covered one, even though we did add more water to the uncovered one, the flavors are a lot more pronounced. True. The uncovered one is still a little bit muted. I think it's a more delicious dish when it's covered. Interesting. This really bizarre. So the uncovered, you're getting more of those deeper, caramelized flavors, but the covered one, you're getting a more harmonious flavor in it. Mm-hm. Yeah. You know what I mean? Totally. 100%. I agree. This is interesting. This is not what I expected, 'cause I know which one I prefer. If I had to eat either of these, I know which one I'm going for. Do y'all? I do. I know exactly which one. I don't think I would be able to tell if my eyes were closed, like, which was which. Really? Yeah. Wait, let's try it. 100%. Close your eyes. Okay. Well, we know. No, no, we gotta test it. Oh, Josh is under me. Sorry. Get more spoons. Scary! This is messing up the . Lily, close your eyes. This is like Wait, is it just Lily, or is it all of us? Where are you? Where is he? Just Lily. Nicole, is that you? What are you doing, you don't close your eyes. It's me, it's me, Vi. Okay, okay, okay, okay. Okay, hold on, hold on. Are you feeding all of us? No, just Lily! Aw! But everyone needs to close their eyes. We all made it! I thought we were all getting this Why you? What the heck? special treatment! What the heck! We all made our decisions! It's okay, Lily's new, she deserves Yeah. a little bit of fancy treatment, it's fine. He's being nice for once. Yeah, he's being nice. Ready? Here, you blow on it, it's weird if I do it. All right, there, airplane coming in the hangar. She can hear it. I, yeah, I can. The first one, I already know. It's okay, it's okay. Airplane two. Oh, it's by Harrison Ford, it's gonna crash! Okay. What? Harrison Ford crashed an airplane, he has a pilot's license, he almost died. I know, but, Oh, sorry. why would bring that up? Was the first one covered? Yeah, what gave it away? I think it's the texture. Yeah, it, It's like softer. It's sopping, and I like my braises sopping. That's what you want in a braise! Yeah! Harmonious, meaty, delicious balance, cover does that. I would say that this myth is busted, that I think you should cover your braises for longer, reduce the liquid down afterwards, right? Do y'all agree with that? I agree. 100% You're cool, I owe you an apology. You have for a while. And I don't owe Gordon Ramsay an apology, 'cause your myth got munched, bro, you suck! You don't even know how to cook! You're out here not covered your braises, you stupid idiot, oh my God, I'm such a better cook. No, he, someone was once like Josh will never be half the chef Gordon Ramsay is, and I'm like, duh! I failed at a chimichanga popup, Jesus Christ. Munchers! Today we, oh, gosh, sorry. We found out that room temp cream whips way faster than all the other ones. We found out you can use a hot spoon to creme brulee if you're in a pinch, it's a little bit janky. We found out that the, ooh, just the yolks in the meatballs, God dang, that makes a good ball. And then we found out that, actually, covering your braise the whole way through makes a nice, sumptuous braise. So Gordon went three for four today, but what did you do, Nicole? Hey, I said cold, torch, whole eggs, and covered. I unfortunately only got one out of four, but covered won. Woohoo! I really owe Nicole an apology on that one. Vi? Cold, torch, egg yolks, uncovered, Gordon Ramsay face. I also only got one, which was the egg yolks. Dank meatballs. Dank balls, Gordon. And Lily? Room temp, torch, whole, uncovered. I just got one right. Which one? Room temp. Eh! Yeah. [Josh, Nicole, and Vi] Eh! Culinary school did not pay off for me, so. Suck it, culinary school. Hey, Josh. 'Sup? What did you get? Cold cream, torch creme, yolked balls, uncovered braise. I also got one for four. I only got yolks right, and that's weird, 'cause I do whole eggs in my own meatballs. So I forsook that. So we all suck, we all got one outta four. We all got rocked by Gordon Ramsay today. Probably a reason you got all the Michelin stars, and we only have one in the Mythical kitchen. It's from the actual tires. It's for the tires though. We sell tires? Stupid joke, stupid joke. Yeah, I know. All right, well what have we learned today? [Vi, Nicole, and Lily] Gordon Ramsay's right. Yeah, he's pretty smart. He's pretty smart, huh, but that's it. Yeah, no, ain't nothing doin' but to do it. Put egg jokes in your balls. Do with your balls whatever you want to. The real balls were the friends that we made along the way. And so from all of these Myth Munchers out to your munching holes out there, we salute you, and Gordon Ramsay, the offer to come wrassle me in a Burbank parking lot of your choice? Well, now it takes on a bit of a different tenor, but I'd still like to do it. We'll do it covered in egg yolks. Thanks for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes for you every week. We got new episodes of our podcast, A Hot Dog Is a Sandwich, every Wednesday, wherever you get your podcasts. Hit us up on Instagram and TikTok, @mythicalkitchen, with pictures of your mythical dishes under #dreamsbecomefood. We'll see you all next time. We'll send Gordon an edible arrangement for congratulations. I hate this. Exactly, we spite him. Get the spicy new Live Lunch to the Fullest tee, now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 493,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: ONu74f0L4yU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 31sec (1591 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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