My Triplets Were Separated At Birth *emotional*

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this make sure that you and the triplets are always safe I love you I love you too she's fully dilated how dare you keep this secret from me you wouldn't let us beat s sorry Mom I love her if you don't leave now you don't see a dime of your inheritance you understand me and I'll make sure she never sees those children I'm gonna do what's best for the family he'll be okay wait no don't go I'm gonna be in the waiting room get out you got this yeah I see baby one number one keep pushing for me keep pushing he's baby too Twins very good very good maybe three no they're here they're here oh my gosh she's so beautiful my baby doctor can you take a photo of my babies and put these bracelets on them of course yes thank you I have triplets triplets really we're a family now and there's nothing you can do about it yeah well you made a big mistake [Music] my son can't raise three children we'll take this one we'll come to Grandma you can get the other two adopted ma'am I need medical stuff in here now seven years old oh hi you must be married here to adopt Rebecca yes thank you so much for accepting my application I know I don't have a lot of money but I promise to love her and just give her the best life I possibly can I have to say your application was very heartfelt and I believe that is why they chose you to be her mom so Rebecca she has a bundle of energy she prefers Legos over Barbies kind of a tomboy one more thing Rebecca's twin got adopted at Birth and we thought it best not to tell her until she's at the right age sure yeah so would you like to meet her yes all right this way Rebecca can you take off your headphones I'd like to introduce you to someone this is Mary and she's here to adopt you oh my gosh I love your bracelet I don't like jewelry except for this well I thought maybe on the way home we could stop and get you a new basketball what do you think of that yeah okay Mary can you finish signing the paperwork right there give us a quick moment Rebecca I know she's not your real mom but she loves you and she's gonna do the best she can to raise you okay do you still have that photo from your mom whenever you get sad I want you to hold that photo like you always do okay I'm gonna miss you don't get packed we'll get a new basketball today Mary's right over there 16 years old oh yeah mom what are you doing here you don't have to clean up I said I do it after school oh my God I have to talk to you are you sick no okay no I'm not sick you know how I've been working three jobs to pay for all your basketball travel and everything yeah Mom and you don't have to do that I really appreciate it one of them let me go I'm sorry Mom I can get a summer jump I don't have to go to Camp pudium I can start pitching in for all of this no honey I'm the mom your job is to be a kid and enjoy yourself I promised I would give you the best life I possibly could you have I mean it doesn't matter that you don't have a million dollars you've done everything for me I wish there was a way I could pay you back actually that brings me to what I want to talk to you about next which is summer like Camp booty who mom now that I think about it I can be a camp counselor they can pay me this year to go no I actually want to go to a different Camp Girl Scout camp Troop Beverly Hills what I went when I was your age and some of my best friends I have now I meant there are you serious they like paint their nails and gossip and have pillow fights like that's not a real Camp they don't learn life skills like you do I think it'd be good for you to be around some other girls why exactly even if I agreed to go to this Camp it's like ten thousand dollars there's no way you can afford it actually we can I applied for the scholarship and you got it yay just do it for me I'm gonna hate it look honey I got you a gold-plated beach cruiser bike like you always wanted Daddy I wanted a rose gold beach cruiser what is this it's very similar it's gold why is my credit card not working I tried to buy clothes at Gucci and it declined I'm sorry I've been wanting to talk to you about this I talked to the credit card company we had to put a ten thousand dollar a week limit on your credit card I'm sorry do you think maybe you can find that some ten thousand dollar shoes no what am I supposed to prove because you're adopted I want to have as much time with you as possible okay would you please come with me to the kitchen I had the chef prepare your favorite treat because it's our last night to get it fine thanks again for dinner no problem mom besides I found ten dollars on the street so Booyah when does this camp start tomorrow tomorrow serious that's like summer it's not gonna be that bad let's talk about something else like what you're gonna do while I'm gone I'm gonna find another job or what about like a guy to hang out with I mean it's gonna be lonely without me my daughter I don't have time for a guy you're my priority let's just play this game if you had to pick three qualities in a guy what would they be he's gonna have to love you as much as I love you um I love the outdoors like hiking okay what else audio books that's it it can't be that hard to find a guy like that it is I'll clean up you should go oh yeah for Rich Girl Camp I forgot excuse me I heard that you want to take a seat in your favorite chair I got you your favorite snack from when you were a little girl churros used to love these ew these taste stale Daddy I'm sorry honey the chef cook those from scratch like 30 minutes ago well maybe you should hire a better Chef how about some cookies you love these fine you know what I am just so excited for camp this year but I hope that the steam room is actually working because that was so annoying last year you're right honey I'll make some calls I'll make sure the steam room is working oh I wanted to tell you about something this year they're gonna have a scholarship for some underprivileged girls to allow them to experience the camp what those girls do not belong at Camp it's Beverly Hills troop but honey wouldn't it be nice to give them a chance also no they don't even minor clothes they shop at like Walmart I am not hungry anymore I'm gonna go pack how did I let my mom talk me into going to a spoiled rich girl camp pretty sure this is the last time I wore pants can't better not change me oh my God you will not believe what my daddy just told me I guess they're giving away scholarships to poor girls for Camp I know we need to make sure whatever we do we get those girls to leave they do not belong there I'll see you tomorrow don't forget your Chanel perfume bye there is no way those poor brats are going to be ruining my summer camp an indoor Camp that's all pink this is definitely not Camp hootie who you must be the scholarship girl you don't even know where your handkerchief goes yeah why is it on your head you don't belong here poor girl your mommy literally had to get you a scholarship to be here now let's go get our pink bougie tent with the electronics and coffee maker okay don't listen to them they're just rich girls all they care about is money so they mess with you too oh no they don't mess with me my dad owns a bank so I'm fine if she says one more thing to me poor girl tense in the back welcome to True Beverly Hills where everything is fabulous now we're gonna go upstairs and have our diamond encrusted luncheon is there a separate meal for the scholarship girl no honey everybody here choose the same all right come come I do not like that girl in the pink glasses me either if this isn't Farm race I'm gonna never had a Danish at Camp oh my God it must be we're not eating McDonald's it must be weird not being spoon fed by your butler he's on vacation otherwise he totally would okay can you guys just leave us alone and eat your own lunch fine they're so annoying I know that pink glasses girl is the one starting at all do you want to get a reaction from scholarship girl so then let me try it slipped out of my hand just leave it it's not worth it God you know what this doesn't look like it was Farm race time to take it to the trash [Music] [Laughter] sorry that your butler can't be here maybe I [Music] aren't you serious are you serious [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen who is responsible for this they started it it wouldn't have happened a scholarship girl was in here you have ruined my diamond encrusted lunch if this happens again and I find out who is responsible you will end up in the timeout tent do you understand yes now let's head downstairs for the camp challenges you lost your nose now it's time for some real true Beverly Hills challenges and to help us with that is Noah hey guys I'm gonna help you out with some challenges today that I learned at the Boy Scouts yes finally something fun yeah what are those oh these are our camp crickets does anyone know what they like to eat fruits like strawberries and blueberries yeah exactly all the foods we threw at your face actually I meant spoiled fruit spoiled like you enough ladies now it is time to pick our teams you're going to squeeze a sponge in whatever color you get that's the team you're on I better not be on her team pick your sponge excuse me excuse me three two one yes we are definitely gonna be able to beat them we got this TV the poor girl whichever team wins the most challenges this year gets to sleep in the pink tent what yeah no we get to sleep in the pink tents every year that's not fair I guess darling we're doing it a little bit different this year the pink tents are so bougie this year they have Wi-Fi connect new iPhones new iPads and a coffee maker oh that fits in a tent oh she forgot about the foot massager Fair let the games begin this is the sleeping bag relay race each teammate has to go there and back first to finish that wins I've done this at camp in a potato sack good because we've never done this before although spoiled girls are about to lose why are the Crickets by the teacups I think you should worry about the challenge and not my crickets on your mark get gently in sync yeah well you're still gonna lose it looks like the team blue has won on the challenge two yeah that was that I'm sorry I lost stop talking we will do whatever it takes to get those pink tents this is the donut eating challenge first team to eat both donuts without using your hands wins I'm gonna take my donut and share with my crickets scholarship girl your shoes untied are you nervous about eating carbs time starts now okay is there spicy done yes come on it's so hot how did you eat that so fast get out of here looks like red team just won whoo well now I can't have carbs for three days but it was worth it this is the archery challenge whichever team gets closer to the bullseye wins know what this is not approved I mean maybe for the boys but not for Troop Beverly Hills well if the boys can do it the girls can too yeah that was gross and this is not safe you're actually standing in the least safe place right now I've shot a bow and arrow since I was 10. great so you're just gonna hold it with your left hand and pull back I got it okay just remember that whichever team wins this gets the pink tense did you hear that if we win this challenge then we beat those spoiled girls and we get the pink tents I can hear you you know give it to me you sure you got it yes that scholarship girl that's what I hit the first time I shot a bow and arrow listen all you have to do is look at the Target pull this back make sure it's aimed and then take a deep breath before you go I got this stare at the bullseye yeah I got this whoa I mean I'll go you got this not as good as before but guess what wait what oh yeah congratulations blue team you get the pink tents yes oh no what's it gonna be like sleeping without blanket we are not getting away with this oh my gosh this tent is so cool a coffee maker and a massager there's not even a soap pillowcase I'm gonna go to bed all right I guess I will too this is definitely no Camp hootie who but I guess it's not so bad now that they are asleep we are going to make them regret ever sleeping in our pink tents totally I have a plan [Music] thank you [Music] do it again [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hey she sleeps just like you ew no she doesn't now when she wakes up she's gonna have a surprise let's get the other girl everything's all fit now we'll definitely know when they wake up [Music] [Applause] [Music] Rebecca you did this you can't prove that guess you shouldn't have slept in the pink tent you know what Rebecca no we have to get back together eight hours of beauty sleep Rebecca it's fine it's fine fine look what they did it's not our fault we won we shouldn't get mad we're gonna get even [Music] hey wake up they're still asleep here are the Crickets you put some down in her pajamas put the rest down there this is what happens when you mess with a scholarship girl you did this you can't prove that I guess you shouldn't have slept in the White Tank if I were your parents I would have given you up take it back no really yeah bye now I told you what would happen so you two are gonna get in that timeout tent and you are gonna stay there until the two of you can get along no no get in there you should she started it I don't care oh you smell like Walmart and you're a spoiled brat I do not want to be in here with you I don't want to be in here with you either but the only way we're gonna get out is if we get along well that's impossible because we're so different well I'm just gonna stay in here all day all Camp oh my God you stole my bracelet break this look your bracelet's right there okay I didn't steal your bracelet why do you have the exact same bracelet as me my mom gave it to me my birth mom I was adopted I was adopted too and this was from my birth mom I don't really know much about my birth mom my dad adopted me and he doesn't tell me anything about my birth mom I haven't really shown anyone this but this is all I have of my real mom I think this is me at Birth I know it's just a photo like how broke of me it's all I have this is all I have from my mom but we look identical and we both have matching bracelets and this photo must have been taken at the exact same time what's your birthday February 27th what time were you born 11 38 wait no it's not possible there's no way holy twins the photo it doesn't go together that means the person in the middle must be our mom I've always wanted to meet her I notice on mine that there's numbers on the back there's numbers too if we find the missing piece these numbers might be my gosh my dad has a lock box in his room that he says he keeps adoption papers in I bet the missing pieces in there we have to get it but how do we do that we're at Camp I have an idea do you trust me privilege separated a birth program but I'm a twin are you sure that this is the right program Maddie yes Rebecca you just need to get back in but I'm a twin okay you better get this right that sure is nice to see you two finally getting along yeah it just feels like we've known each other our whole lives could we please use the stop restrooms to get cleaned off I don't see why that would be a problem just no more fighting any more fighting like that and you will be expelled for 24 hours of course not we won't fight of course you won't all right have fun now are you sure I have to wear your necklaces the only way we're gonna pull this off is if we look like each other and there's no way I'm looking like you I'm gonna pucker up Gucci or coach uh coach and are we right-handed or left-handed right exactly and finally what is the one thing that I say to my dad when I really want something you're not gonna make me say this right do it Daddy per party let's go get expelled I hope this works you know what poor girl you should have never come to camp in the first place well you're just a rich girl who can't win you take that back no I'm not taking it back hey come on let's be calm like crickets here that is it you are expelled from here for 24 hours it's not fair I'm so sorry Noah work like a charm do I really have to wear your clothes yes if we want to convince my dad that you are me then you're wearing my clothes are so tight just stick to the plan you distract my dad I'll sneak around the back and open the box there's no burping okay let's get it out how do you even breathe in one of these Chrissy my little angel how are you I'm good dad that's so great to hear oh I'm so sorry honey those underprivileged girls at Camp they should have never let them go to Camp you were right this place looks really good dad it's huge I worked so hard to I want to provide for you I want the best for you thank you for saying that yeah you want to take a seat in your favorite chair you know what you work so hard for me you should sit there I'll sit here I've never sat here before this is nice have any snacks you want you know whatever you want I told him to move this box it is so ugly here it's locked whenever he talks about my adoption he talks about time like a clock there has to be a clock time oh my gosh I found the code for the Box three four one one in the launch I have a genie Genie oh my God I have to show Rebecca right now I'm talking to my lawyers they're gonna get you back into Camp no problem you'll be back at camp tomorrow uh so yeah I talked do you like those churros yeah why wouldn't I they're like super fresh and you're eating with your left hand I hit my hand it's bruised so I've been having to eat with my left hand so I talked to the legal team and we're gonna get back to the camp I'm so sorry that happened but did you just burp Rebecca I'll be back okay so sorry okay are they actually gonna pull this off or do you think the dad knows do you mind taking over I'll be right back are you kidding me oh okay Dad I'm sorry that you're oh God to me I told you not to but you're not gonna believe what I found well I can't show you here come to the bathroom is it a picture of her mom certificate of birth triplets or triplets I know then who's the other girl I don't know how are we gonna find out Chrissy can I speak with you say hi y'all take care of it okay what is it Daddy honey were you Whispering something to me no honey look I just wanted to say thank you so much for being more appreciative today it really means a lot to me okay did you change clothes yes now get out of here oh that was to think I thought she changed okay now we need to get back to Camp so we can figure out who our triplet is what did you say to my dad just say nice normal things all right so the way this game works is you pick up a water balloon you toss it back and forth and every time you toss it you take a step back go ahead and get started we need to figure out who our triplet is that's impossible she could be anywhere don't worry about ladies I'll get you one okay are you serious guys you got my wristband wet sorry boys go I say we go back to our tents you guys water balloons are like so lame did you see that he was wearing the bracelet but he's a boy a boy could be our triplet do you think it is we have to talk to him okay then uh what do we do hey Noah can we talk to you yeah sure what's up you seem like so calm in Zen yeah yeah it's the The Crickets they keep me calm so like nothing bothers you no no not really so like does that bother you uh no what about this no no not at all nothing like this oh I guess I'm stronger than I thought I was it's fine I was actually a little hot so that was really refreshing what about a wedgie I guess I need my pants hiked up seriously nothing you know what would happen if I dropped the giant water crickets I might load up whoa whoa are you serious not my crickets oh my sorry skies in heaven yeah the two of you I would expect something like this but not you Noah shut down the Crickets and the three of you get in that timeout tent now no no no give me the Crickets just make sure they're safe and by the way Noah we will not be getting your help and hands badge why'd you guys do that I'll never make Eagle Scout now are you adopted no I live with my Dad where'd you get that preset from well my dad said that my mom gave it to me when I was born so do you know who your mom is I never got to meet her my dad said she died when I was young she died so we're never gonna get to meet her am I missing something we think you're a triplet that makes no sense what are you talking about is this a photo of me when I was born and this is a photo of me I I have one just like that this was me it is that means you really are our triplet the number on the back the number on the back what do you think the numbers for there's only one way to find out this number was written the day we were born it'd be impossible for someone to be on the other side it's ringing hello to my beautiful daughters and beautiful son I've recorded this message before you've come into the world but already you are so loved by me and your dad your dad will tell you the full story if for some reason something happens to me I want you to promise me that your dad finds true love again he deserves it and I want you all to know how much you are truly loved I love you with everything your mother that was our mom we're now we're gonna get to meet her but we could still meet our dad but we're still at Camp how are you gonna meet him no no I'm gonna lose another badge come on give me my crickets right now I lost my glitter in mind three of you you are expelled for 24 hours Noah I'm gonna have to call your father dang it fine I'm back what took you so long don't worry about it what happened Rebecca found out that she has a brother this is your house yeah I'm gonna go inside and talk to my dad you guys go sneak around the back you're finally gonna see our dad for the first time what happened you got expelled from Girl Scout camp I'm sorry Dad Chrissy can you believe that that's our real dad seems great you don't have to go there I know this badge is really important to you but you can spend yourself with Dad you know we can go hiking listen to audiobooks my mom also loves those things I just really wanted that badge I was having fun there I know you grew up without another figure and I feel I feel really guilty about it maybe that's why you're doing this this is what's going on no no he blamed some soul for everything he has no idea Rebecca what was that uh hi hi a girl wait did you prank no is this your girlfriend I don't know Dad it's your girl I have a girlfriend whoa you brought two girls out you Dad no it's nothing like that come over here girls you have to sneak around my house I'm Noah's Dad what's your name Rebecca Chrissy it's really nice to finally meet you what do you guys like to do for fun I love basketball archery shopping that's a pretty diverse amount of things to do for twins well we're not exactly twins I mean it's complicated the book exactly the same actually all three of you oddly look a lot alike but you should probably get back to Girl Scouts yeah it's great to meet you me and Rebecca are gonna meet you Rebecca yeah me and Rebecca are gonna go okay why did you make us leave we finally got to meet our real dad for the first time because it was awkward and he didn't even know that we are his daughters okay well he seems really nice yeah I think there's a way we can help him how remember the message our birth mother left she said if anything happened to her she wanted us to help him find true love well my adopted mom likes the same things as him I think they might be the perfect match because have to figure out a way to get them to meet together I have a plan what the heck guys I thought you were supposed to be hiding back there we worried about Rebecca I had to burp I'm sorry Noah can you please make sure that your dad comes to the talent show at 7 pm I thought it was five yeah come on what hey I need to call my Mom hey Mom hi honey hey I totally spaced out and I told you that the talent show starts at five but it turns out it starts at seven that's weird the flyer says five I guess the flyer was wrong anyways can you make it yeah of course I can okay great and oh uh they said that there's a dress code here you're supposed to wear something really nice okay I'll see what I can find see you then bye okay it looks like she's coming I just really hope this works welcome everyone to The Troop Beverly Hills talent show Beverly Hills we're fancy we're classy and a Little Bit Sassy true Beverly Hills True Beverly Hills we're Flawless we're pure check out our manicure true Beverly Hills oh welcome everybody to our fabulous true Beverly Hills and we do so hope well most of these girls do come back next year true Beverly Hills two Beverly Hills is everything ready yeah it's all set up I just need your guys help to bring it out okay hurry they're gonna be here any minute Cheers Cheers Cheers ah hurry hurry okay listen you guys my mom and your dad will be here any second and you guys know the message our birth mother said she said to make sure that our dad finds love no matter what and I am pretty sure if they are perfect for each other we need to make sure everything goes Flawless Noah you are serving them food we'll take care of the talent okay my mom's coming you guys get back get back Mom hey you look so beautiful here have a seat thank you I thought this was a talent show it is they're trying something a little more intimate anyways look how pretty you look thank you I guess you were right about Girl Scout camp it really was the right fit for me Rebecca hey yeah you're the twin right twin meaning like we all wear the same thing here at Girl Scout camp uh go ahead and have a seat this is my mom Mary my adopted mom not my real mom but single very available but like in a good way anyways I will be right back for the talent show to get started okay I'll be right back hi hi do you think they like each other they just met well this better work have you been to one of these before no this is my daughter's first year at um Girl Scout camp my son Noah's actually helping out this Camp he's trying to get a badge cool yeah one of my favorite audiobooks just released do you like audiobooks yeah it's a good thing to do while I'm like hiking on my own so you like hiking and audiobooks yeah you like that as well I do so weird they're getting along I think it's working it's really great I've been loving it to spend time with the girls and now I got to feel like I had a sister or two because I I never had one but felt good to spend some time and he's gonna ruin everything he's getting so awkward uh anyways um talent show is starting soon you guys enjoy I'll just be back here thank you Noah okay it's time for the talent show remember we do not want them knowing that we are triplets okay right now it's all about making sure that they fall in love we're gonna go over here welcome to the Beverly Hills troop talent show I will begin with a magic trick and I will transport my body in three two one wasn't that a cool magic trick we'll just wait because I'm gonna do it again in three two one [Applause] thank you thank you I hope you enjoyed that now enjoy your entree served by Noah grilled chicken romaine lettuce do you think they realize we've weren't the same person not at all but I do regret getting expelled so much we could have done so much better what do we do now wait and let them get to know each other okay just trust me they're perfect how'd you like the magic trick pretty impressive I feel like I've seen that one before Rebecca's so smart she you know she's my everything my son Noah's my everything as well I would literally do anything for him I always wanted a daughter but never mind oh no your Dad's getting upset our dad okay save it uh is the food all good that that dude all good you okay we're here for the talent show the talent show no it's not the talent show the talent show ended an hour ago Noah I am just beyond myself what is she doing here I don't know what she's about to ruin everything we have to do something you have screwed up everything this week everything I've rocked you were here for now I just I know I'm sorry sir you keep your mouth because this boy is going to be fired I'm calling them because I am just so over I don't know what are we gonna do well we can't go out there but we can't let him get kicked out of Boy Scout we have no choice we have to do this it's not his fault it is his fault it was our fault we did it do you mean you did it Rebecca I'm sorry I'm sorry I got so I need a moment mom I went to camp and I found out that I had a twin I'm sorry I never told you yes you had a twin you realized we had the same bracelets and we each had photos that our birth mother gave us it's all we had but there was a missing piece and so when we took the photo together we thought that maybe our mom would be in the middle and we would get to meet her but it turned out that we had a brother with the same bracelet which means that we're triplets no no I think you're confused your sisters died at Birth no that these are my sisters we were adopted at Birth if you're trying to tell me that these are your sisters and my daughters your grandmother my mother she told me I had to leave that delivery room on the day you guys were born and she told me that you guys both died and you're the only one that survived even that hospital was the hardest thing but it was also the biggest mistake and I regret it every single day I'm sorry it's okay I gave up the inheritance I have nothing to do with her I don't speak with her this is a lot to handle I still don't understand why you guys did all of this we all had a photo from when we were born when we put it together there was a number and when we called the number there was a message from our birth mother before we were born and she said if anything happened to her to make sure that our dad found true love and so we just thought I don't know we could have a happily ever after I'm sorry if that's the message my wife left I know she meant it you seem like an amazing woman maybe we take a shot at a happily ever after and keeps his family together you wanna go on a second date sure really [Laughter] I cannot believe that I was a triplet I was one of the triplets separated at Birth that was emotional Okay zamfam click and watch this video right here it's another program and let us know you came from triplets separated at Birth stop crying man leave me alone
Channel: Rebecca Zamolo
Views: 5,017,997
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: triplets, seperated, birth, separeted at birth, emotional, birth to death, Rebecca, matt and rebecca, Rebecca Zamolo, matt, rebecca, ben azelart, Lexi Rivera, Brent Rivera, lexi hensler, pierson, sofie dossi, kat hixson, MrBeast, Faze Rug, Carter Sharer, Dhar Mann, Alexa rivera, troom troom, 123go, royalty family, lankybox, sssniperwolf, Jordan Matter, Anazala family, Zadie
Id: rvibVNHnZyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 09 2023
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