Can It Be Saved? 1983 Suzuki ATV

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hey guys how's it going another friend of mine shop he ended up picking up this 1984 is it a3 83 suzuki 125 three-wheeler that he grabbed from a pick a couple weeks ago yep and i'll let you tell the story yeah so i was over uh an estate and i went over to look at some cars and i was walking around a bunch of different barns and stumbled across this under a bunch of junk and the old farmer used to use it check his fence line he's got 2 300 miles on it so he used it and he got too old to ride it parked it in the barn and it sat there for about 20 years and then you came along made an offer and then yeah now you own it no cars you getting cars from the pick you got no cars it takes up less room but you were brought it back you were able to get it running the fuel was all crappy and everything you pulled the carburetor twice but now it's kind of starves yeah it's weird it it seemed like an idle jet issue to me but it it when i first got i started on starter fluid you know check for spark and fire it up so then i took the carb off because it wouldn't idle and went through and cleaned the car put it back on same problem took it back off and went completely through it and then put it back on same problem so i'm missing something he called me over to to look at it and see if i can help figure it out i said how about i throw it on my truck we bring it back to my shop put it up on the operating table and uh see if we can get it ourselves running and we'll make a video of it what does three by six mean i have no idea yeah that's odd yeah i'm sure the comments will answer that one but anyway it looks decent the tires actually they're like the first thing that go and look like their originals and they're not all cracked and busted up yeah they're great shape yeah for something that yeah again is a great shape it sat indoors you could definitely tell it was not out in the weather like most of the crap that i i dragged home anyway so you made a video of it actually you got the the pic one and it's in there and then i'm going to do a video of this uh it's on drive analog and yeah so i mean the video of the we'll have all the cars and everything will and it's okay i had a video of this finding this in the pile of junk in the corner so i'll put a link to his uh channel if you guys want to see the beginning of where it was at that property and if you've got a video you're putting together trying to get it running i'll just link it to this one all right guys let's go throw it in my truck and uh see how we can make out let's see we got it doesn't look too beat you know other than that it's stuff that's you know four wheelers three wheels they just get written hard it's just the nature of them the area around here is real rocky and hilly and trees so they definitely take on some abuse i think he said they used this one on a farm and for what 39 years old it's really not that terrible i guess we should probably do maybe we'll fire it up and we'll get a quick list and see what it's doing if it'll fire up and we kind of you know see if we're getting better or worse as we work on it we get you sit up in a stand let's have at it let's give her a couple of pull up on the choke it says it's on i don't have any other switch besides that hopefully it doesn't rip out of our hands i smell yes let's kill that what's a quiet one we'll pop the seat off we're just gonna go over everything i'm not it's kind of a bad idea to trust what somebody else does and then it has a tendency to burn you so we're just gonna go over every item and see what we come up with first let's go actually it says choke there but i see a separate button it might be cable operated let's go pull on that cable see if that comes out now it might help give her another couple ganks just in yeah case how you like stuff for the electric start all right let's go get a urine sample out of the gas tank see we're working for fuel i know we should have changed it i don't know if you can clean the tank though you know let's let that settle out for a second i'm gonna do one more i'm gonna try to make sure i get all the way to the bottom of the tank just in case there's water in it if there is it'll settle out in the fuel all right it doesn't look terrible if you had water in it at the very bottom you would see like a uh well i'll show you i'll put a little bit of water in it the camera's picking that up but you can see on the bottom the water was dirty would definitely show up more but you see how it's got two different levels to it so i think we're good with that not saying that there's not in the float ball let's go and let's plug out of it we'll check what we got for spark yeah it actually looks pretty good it kind of looks fairly decent a little carboned up not bad of course the pull starts on the other side let me hop up that looks good i'm just waiting to hook a drill to it to spin it over instead of trying to pull start it shall we put a little bit put a gas in the cylinder and see if that'll fire off first get the plug back in it and give her a tug choke's off so here's the throttle [Music] yeah runs and then dies it is definitely starving for fuel let's crack that the bowl drain open see if we get anything out of it it's a middle of february we got a warm day let's cut no i won't exactly call that a bunch of gas and nothing in the float let's pull right out just in case that's clogged the fuel tank on this is lower that would do it huh is lower than the the bowl so it's got to have a way to pump fuel up to it let's get this plastic off out of our way and kind of see what's going on underneath it yeah it's definitely enough gas to run we got on this looks like one two three four maybe something else let's get that skin out of our way see we can find underneath what does that go to there we go that's what's happening in there it's a warm a rare warm day everybody's got their motorcycles out in the middle of february so it's got a fuel pump so let's break the lines going down oh this is a guard right here this is in the tank we have the line that's going to be the feed going to the carb this is one of them is going to be the line going into the tank to draw fuel out and something has to send a signal for this to work these are like diaphragm fuel pumps or pulse pumps and it takes a pulse from the engine as the engine runs it's not a constant level there i don't know the best way to put it it as the piston goes up down the crankcase kind of changes up and down and the same thing with the carb there's a there's a pulse to it well that pulse signal you run to a fuel pump that fuel pump will run a diaphragm and have the diaphragm move slightly in and out up down and it'll supply you with fuel i don't see maybe this line all right so we got one here uh it's kind of a weird area for it i wouldn't think that would be it might be generally it's kind of that might be a gig i was saying it's going to be on somewhere on the the venturi and if you look at it you actually see inside the carburetor the boss goes down that might be just a vent for the float ball though i'm not sure yet actually right there there you go it's got a primer on it so that's probably it right there maybe let's go give that a couple of we still have that screw out of the carburetor i think so now before initial start up yeah the screw still out right it's loose nope i tightened it let's see if that did anything let's leave that right out we'll give her a couple of shots a little different system when i'm used to gas smells kind of rocked there you go yes little manly pushes it in there but wouldn't you think that screw go i should be able to fill that float bowl up though right with that i also know there's a prime setting should be a prime setting on the it's not reserved off that prime or on that's on it's off no it doesn't have a prime off reserve and on so leave it on reserve i get you there's a lower pickup on the fuel bowl let's go so it seems like it's overflowing the bowl i get a better idea when we take that that off of there what it looks like and do we have enough fuel should i fill that bowl now it's a little different than i'm used to all right uh guys that are used to this already you're making comments how stuff works let's i wonder if we should pull a fuel line off so there's got to be three lines going to this it might have one going straight this way coming off the tank and this one would be the the pulse where does that go it's got two areas i'm suspecting right now one is either the float is so the float is so off that no fuel is allowed to get into there or the pump is not working so i primed it the best we can let's see if we can go kick this thing on its side and that should be full of fuel and if it is then the primer part of it is working plus i want to look in there anyway just to see how things are and we got to figure out why the pump if it sounds like it'll run it'll prime what he was saying but then it just doesn't take over and start pumping fuel to it which could be just the pump is just junk you know again sitting for 20 years [Music] a lot of you guys are lucky you're able to get fuel easy it doesn't have ethanol in it all this stuff made in the 70s and 80s it's just not made for acne and older than that that's got plenty of fuel but that fuel man looks yellow too let's just see what we get we can get it like airports you can go to let's just see what we got going on in here on the cloudy side let's um run that primer yeah shoot right over there so we know at least the flow is good going to it just whether the pump is doing anything all right in here because he also said it didn't idle he would get it running and it wouldn't idle so there's a main jet and an idle jet i'm going to go pop the let's go pop both of them out real quick and just make sure they're functioning correct it's nice it's got a plastic gas tank keeps it really getting cruddy that's going to be the jet not the whole thing i hope nothing's going to crack loose and let's get the pin out it'll take the float right off too i want to see if that uh float sunk brass floats have a tendency to crack and fill up a fuel i'm just going to give that a quick i don't feel anything juicy going around on the inside stop it so again this is the idle and i gotta get a pair of pliers for that hard to say okay he had it all apart we suspect it's clean but again just want to check everything what's the last year of uh three wheelers i thought it was like 86 87. they kind of beamed them and outlawed them yeah you look underneath the uh microscope real quick we'll see we got that looks like it's got kind of some kind of scuzz on it huh i don't think it's our problem but here's what i used to look at things you wait until you're over 50. so that's got some crap on it i see some whatever that is right there i just peeled off and then down the center of it right a big dirt stain going down the side of it don't mind my tool don't mind my dirty tool i hope that shows up or not there is some crap the center hole is open but that crap around the edge knock it off i'm gonna go clean that up i don't think that was any of our problem that is on the main the idle jet looked okay uh i think this would be an issue if whoops this would be an issue if you had to run out to choke on and it was kind of running lean i would suspect the main i don't think we have an issue there hey it's back on let's go prime it up that football fill up we'll see if it fires up a better idea we're working with all right she fires up [Music] give her some choke [Music] yeah it runs for a second dies [Music] [Music] runs and does runs and dies uh let's prime it up and then let's go pop that fuel line off and we'll see if it pumps fuel by itself we'll see if that system is even working all right so a few lines hanging right there we'll see if that sputters out gasps if it does then we know the delivery's working i want to stay that's good enough we'll see if gas just pisses out figures right i'm going to pop it back on for a second and prime it feels like it's all the way full [Music] so i'm not seeing anything coming out of that [Music] [Music] yeah we got nothing so something's our way with that fuel delivery let's go look at that i'll sound like something else is screwed up but that's the start for us all right we know the primer button works and we're able to draw fuel through it so we know the fuel is coming out of the tank through here and up through the line when we work the primer but either the pump has got issues internally or we have a vacuum issue which this wasn't in our way we'd be see a little bit better we gotta figure out where that vacuum signal is going let me go get this fuel line out of our way and maybe we'll even unscrew this kind of pull it back a little that is fuel or vacuum and who knows the order of these is correct we got one two three how would that operate so i'm just popped off so that one's wet let me go label them we'll pull some stuff off and get a better idea of what's kind of happening in here maybe there's some writing on here that kind of says what they are yeah on a garden tractor it'll be behind the pump it draws it to the center of it let's go just call this one one dot one dot two dots two dots and that will be three that one looks kind of crappy on the end there too all right it won't spring is three it's not gonna stay on there because the gas again we know gas does go through it though because we saw a with the primer not saying it's in the right order though still kind of suspecting that pump but [Music] all right so my guess i'm thinking about it more would be this is out to the fuel pump one of these is going to be reserved one of these is going to be the odds so once higher one's lower in the tank and i still think we have something that runs this pump from behind and we knew fuel was going through it so i don't suspect any of that being clogged get that pump unbolted and yeah there's the vacuum pulse same as the tractor it comes in from behind that's what fires the thing let's go see follow that which light is this one so where does that one goes to fuel out it doesn't make sense hold on so where's this one go all right this is our fuel line fill in the carb i believe and this one was going to there that seems like a strange place that just goes right down to the float ball what is all right what is what's that going to nowhere that's not it that would be that's an intake leak direct intake leak so that line needs to go to there and that would be the pulse i was talking about and then this should just be a vent that drops down along the frame and just lets the flow ball be able to breathe and it might be causing two problems in one not letting the float bowl breathe because it got locked into the pump so the air level couldn't change in the float ball like when the float bowl fills with fuel it has to dissipate air and that's probably a vent for that it dissipates air around some other areas too but i think that might be part of that cause let me go get those hoses swapped around possibly we could fill the fuel bowl up we'll try to fire it up we'll see if this thing uh pulses fuel out of it like it was we're gonna button anything up i'm just gonna put all the lines back on where they were i think we will trim back that one that one this one this one has a pretty big kink in it i'm gonna trim that one back we'll pop that one on so these are the two gas in one's reserve one is run or on let's go clip that one off this is the one that is drawing fuel from those two through the pump and then out of this line to that one so we just leave that off right there yeah we'll just leave that off right there we'll see if fuel comes pumping out of there i hope there's enough gas in the carb to fire up we're looking to see if fuel comes out of that if it'll start oh yeah [Music] [Laughter] there's your problem all right i definitely think we found our initiative or one of them anyway i'm gonna go put all that back together again now that we got fuel doing at the fuel pump still i'm glad the pump works and we'll see if it kind of maintains itself and how the idle part works i ended up changing up that fuel line the one that we cut the little end off because i think it was a little too short and i don't think it was routed i don't think it was meant to be routed around the outside like that just seems like it would be in harm's way i think it went behind and got a straight shot along with these other two because before that it had a pretty big kink to it so i flipped that around and we'll make that reserve be the fuel on we'll give it a fire up and see what it does if it stays running and what do we got for carb adjustments there should be an idle speed and air fuel mix so that that that one's our idle speed and that's air fuel mix right there probably for idle and we can leave this one off so it's gonna solve two problems one that being open on top that was the vacuum leak that was going to cause it to run very lean because instead of it drawing instead of it drawing air through the carburetor and then mixing fuel with air to draw in instead it takes a shortcut if that port is open it's going to suck air in through there not mix with the gas so essentially it's getting more air than it is gas and it's throwing the mix way off and that would cause it definitely have run issues also we'll leave this off for now too see we get let's fire it up [Music] we prime it one or two just to fill the float pole in the system yeah no choke help we turn it to run idle [Music] [Music] good so turn the idle speed up just a little for now we'll let it warm up a minute and then we'll adjust that air fuel mix put the boot on too the drag of the air cleaner kind of helps also almost dies [Music] not terrible we'll play with that a little bit too as it kind of runs got a little idle do you hear it like popping back martin a little bit [Music] make sure that choke's all the way off look at that weird two knobs set up a choke [Music] we see where all right it's half one one and a half two should be right around there no promises but [Music] it takes a little while to settle down seems like it's off a little so [Music] [Music] [Music] it's too far out right now you can tell by that that popping back but when i run it in i'm not finding a good window for it to operate i just leave it right there plus sometimes if you bring the idle down the other thing too is you're going to bang it in here it's got an automatic clutch so you don't want a high idle do somebody justice they got to hit the throttle a little bit because there's a slide inside of here you just kind of want to lift it up and let it set back down on itself again so that it it's at its resting area instead of trying to just do it by adjusting the knob that's not terrible also inside here if i find i have a big problem just see if i start riding it there's a needle i can move up and down the slide lets a lot of air in adjust it how much air goes in the needle allows how much fuel goes in if i watch you like you'll play with them you got to run it a little bit you take it on trails and you get all the way up the temperature and you find out it kind of settles in a little bit different that's why especially on this older stuff that screw right there it's knurled on the side of it you can actually while you're riding a bike and over you know temperature winter summer hot cold you can kind of tweak the idle speed up and down a little bit as you're using it this isn't hurting anything this is just a breather that went down to nowhere so that being open is not causing any issues that sounds pretty good right there you tilt it off a little bit though by when you rev the gas and you let off how fast it goes back to idle [Music] actually it's pretty good it hangs up a little bit and then kind of drop down you know you're awesome it's good i'm gonna go fun uh butt up a bunch of crap on it and uh you know what's next throw that on there that's the fuel line that i took off let that just kind of generally there's like a little hole or a valley in the back of the frame that they run down probably that that hole right there it's all right that's stuff for him to fix up we're not restoring it our job was just to figure out why i wouldn't run right well other than the seat everything seems to be back on let's go fire it up and do the gears it's a little rocky see if we can do this without launching it off the bench so she starts out too cold start a little bit [Music] it's kind of weird all the gears are down he's got a lever for reverse not the wheel or the axle [Laughter] what was it i think she's pretty quiet on huh you'll probably even come down that isle a little more so i said like after it runs a little bit we're gonna be able to dial in and fine-tune it pretty good that's my bench like what's the rattle this i think purrs huh okay like a kitten is where we hurt ourselves reverse the idle speaker probably come down a little bit and stop that grinding see what it does in the forward gears these things suck at turning you got to kind of get your weight off it'll be a 16 point turn let's just do that okay remember they're all down and look at the gears going the wrong way tire pressures aren't even give it gas it goes to one side [Music] wrong way guess we should check the brakes yep this thing needs nice loose gravel to play in i bought you up there gotta kind of let the inside tire come up the axles lock together go scratching [Applause] be hard if you go from one thing to another you know you're used to one biking the gears are all up wrong way ah this is money back here let's get out of here yeah especially every time you turn you want it on two wheels back tire's about eight inches off the ground right now maybe it'll turn on there's no suspension the tires so laughs well it was 70 yesterday and it was it's twenty nine was it nineteen last night eighteen it was in the truck so yeah give her a shot see what it does i don't know about the choke i would just we do double choke yeah that was a weird setup i didn't quite understand they call it the uh retarder or something i don't know the choke limiter we say over 40. under 40 use it see what you get you have to prime it there you go uh i'll give it a little bit of gas how's that all right let me just turn maybe that one doesn't oh there we go yeah it's immediately shut them all off sorry i smell it's fuel yeah we flooded it just let it warm up a minute that does light a lot better yeah it's supposed to runs good though it seemed like it was coughing a bit at first and then it kind of went away i just let it warm up then i dialed the carbon he makes out to tweak it a little bit but we'll see what we get let that warm up for five minutes and yeah i'll let you be the nice idol though test dummy [Music] okay my turn running out of fuel first time on a three-wheeler maybe the last time well that works a lot better he's leaning the wrong way lean to the outside [Applause] go the opposite direction it's counterintuitive like you want to make it yeah let that tire come up and it'll turn there you go yeah [Music] [Laughter] i told him he's going to take out his left ankle and his left knee because he's going to put his foot down and drive over he's right close to it [Music] leave me the other way [Applause] that's so weird now you gotta easily in the other way so you pick the tire up yeah you're right i know what you mean because it's locked you know it'll just push if you don't yeah it pushes it forward yeah so you gotta let one of the time the easier tires the inside tire will lift up which is weird sucking under there yeah i had it way out yeah i made the comment that's you know i wish there was an indicator up here can you turn that choke off now it'll idle down oh wow so it'll be easier to shift too if it's not who doesn't hurt revenue little kid hold up please [Applause] all right how many think is it gonna take how it's got it can't be more than two and a half gallons oh we can see that much i'm gonna say one point one point three i'm gonna go with 1.6 what if you're gonna make it so it clicks off but then you get to keep filling it and dump it on the ground what yeah see you're gonna make it so it gets there it actually it could take a little bit more yeah i'll go with that oh wait is it on is it on yeah i don't think it will start in here choke off yeah you don't need that i'll see you [Music] [Applause] [Music] make a great thumbnail i starting here [Music] tomorrow [Music] oh yeah this might be a good dumb idea i think it's a great dumb idea [Music] yeah oh yeah i don't [Music] don't lose my three-wheeler oh no [Music] they melt from the outside in don't they yeah that reverse works good it's cracking [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] yeah oh that'd be perfect out here yeah [Applause] it's sticky [Applause] oh [Applause] looks like too much fun [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] now he's in trouble a little bit over there delta guys [Applause] so uh [Applause] what the heck is that sounds yeah it's totally worth it so guys i hope you enjoyed this two middle-aged man having fun on a 14 year old's toy spinning around and bringing back our our childhood a little bit it definitely was fun i hope we get about an inch of snow or so uh and kind of putting around a little bit of traction it'd be awesome you can do a little uh truck times on the ice and hopefully i'll get the four wheeler going and even when i can get hurt together all right guys with that i can sign off thank you all for hanging out doing a little bit of ranching a little bit of fun little wheeling for the next one i'll see you bye
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 241,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 18sec (3498 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 27 2022
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