$3000 Freshly Rebuilt Dirt Bike Blows Up After Two Rides

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all right so you didn't have the part yet nope I just pulled the motor I was gonna send it in to get it redone okay and yeah I said what do you think is wrong with it I don't know I really don't know this is my first bike oh really blew it up three days later it was brand new no way brand new everything he said motor was fully rebuilt what'd you buy it from yeah really yeah oh folded like bottom on top bottom and tapping you know wow that sucks how much do you pay for it three grand oh dude you know that sucks remember three days until she it was really clean I just haven't washed it I mean blew it up pulled the motor in and I looked up I started looking at parts and called up my motor guy he said 600 just to tear it down and look at it put it back together and then that's my backed out oh yeah because on the parts another grand yeah I was like I ain't gonna be four grand into this thing minimum yeah wow yeah there's the rest of it's in here okay hang out right here it's tight I do not know what's wrong with it [Music] oh boy but now my buddies say it could be as simple as the Piston was in backwards and it got hot locked up he said or he could have spun the crank then nobody knows but he could tell how new these gaskets are and everything on here I mean yeah so what happened when it locked up like I was going straight right around here I was actually headed right there telling the woods and all of a sudden just around no bang no pop it just like it ran out of gas what mix were you running in it uh 32-1 I think it was almost what he told me to run wow yeah it looks clean looks like all the parts are nice yeah he put all the graphics on it looks like too yup and then I I just when I took out the motor at all these parts I just put them in the bucket so I didn't lose any all the motor parts I didn't take nothing off the motor this is just all installed okay you weren't tempted to take the the um the head off touching it I don't know nothing about him if I was gonna do it I'd send it up to the motor guy and let him take care of it or sell it and call it Morgan like I said he said 600 to tear it apart and put it back together and huh that is when I said what the coolant look like when you check it out well I might just sell it over here no oil in there or anything nope did you drain the oil out of the engine yet or no um I did what did that look like I didn't leave oh my I do not have that was it white by chance or no there was no chunks that's really weird expecting to have something cool follow yeah give you an idea of what's going on at least huh yep yep you put a new pipe on it too looks like new seat cover I mean yeah the way the bike looked when I bought it Shine Like No Other yeah it ran great it's got the original carb too that's good looks like it so it ran good until it didn't until it didn't oh second kick never had to kick it more than twice wow like nothing ever did it shift pretty smooth too never even clutch was great never yeah I mean I've owned quads before and I so I know a little bit about it a little bit but I'm clueless on this one huh shifts move still that's good hmm yeah it could just be piston and cylinder failure or like you said rod um did he say what piston he put in there no no he didn't have anything okay for me on that he didn't say if it was bored over at all I know it's not moved over because it's not more okay okay stock four hmm all right and you said 13. yep except the absolute lowest will go I'm already losing my ass on it yeah I hear you it's just it's gonna need I was looking up cylinders on the way over here I'm like oh come on on eBay it was you got the offering no I mean yeah I could do probably 12 12.50 but I can't go below 12. otherwise I got a guy that wants to trading a Jeep oh yeah oh boy it's a project Jeep yep not a bad trade if you get it running though yeah you know help when I can't I can't believe cylinders are what 400. yeah 500 I think with like shipping that sucks I wonder if you can have it replayed it or uh renick is sealed you can how much is that Country Sports does it about 200 bucks and it's all said and done that's not too bad yep got a new piss and I guess that's not too bad 150 bucks for a piston probably if that yeah and then new cranking rod probably 400. and then you begin doing well two grand yeah how many do it three and then I mean everything's brain everything's new it was just what's the clutch new too did you say yep really I mean it ran like a dream yeah because it didn't pop bang make any noise besides what his final shut off so was it uh instantly hard to kick right when it did that when you tried to stir it back up I wonder if he forgot to drill those two holes by the skirt a lot of people forget that another person and it gets hot right in that skirt piece and I have no idea all right well I'll give you 12 for it all right perfect look over the rest of the bike here one two two I think it might be a 2001 though three according to the frame I think it's a 2001 not a 2003 I have no idea he just uh okay he had it listed as all three huh that's weird I wonder why it'd be engines in 2003 because yeah there's just a one right there all right well we've got the bike in pieces here heading back the guy said he bought the bike for three grand as you guys heard in the video and then silver to me for 12. originally it was up for 25 then you marked it down to 17. and then I offered um LPA he came back with 13 and then I went there and we decided on 12. so I got the bike for 12. um the whole crank was redone the Piston was redone the whole top end was done the clutch was done he said by the previous owner and he said he wrote it three times and uh it blew up so we'll see what was going on with it he's got the old gas and the gas tank yet so we'll see what that looks like too maybe he just mixed it wrong we are just going to piece this whole thing back together just to make sure all the parts are here and just kind of see what this bike will look like when it's finished up and then we'll start digging into the engine to see what went wrong I went over the bike when I was there I found out it was a 2001 not a 2003 you can see the 10th digit one two three four five six there's a one so it was advertised as a 2003. I told him that when I was there and he said the guy before him sold it as a 2003 as well so yeah it is a 2001. tires look pretty good it looks like they were new at one point looks like the guy that sold it to him probably put those on there they're pretty beefy yet looks like he was riding on the road um sprockets are pretty decent pretty squared off yet so those look pretty newish all the graphics were new when he bought the bike it looks like all the Plastics were brand new really really nice Plastics looks like the pipe was new it's got the FMF fatty pipe Gold Series a couple small dents in there though I'm wondering what those would be from it's got the FMF shorty pipe as well on there it's got a newer chain and then it looks like the guts uh seat cover it does have the original carb yet I made sure of that so that looks good I'm wondering if this thing was jetted wrong or if the fuel was incorrect in here but yeah it looks pretty decent got the Pro Taper bars I wonder why he didn't have uh matching grips on here that's kind of strange after redoing a whole build and you put two different grips in there air filter doesn't look too dirty I thought maybe it was a dirty air filter getting sucking things in through the engine that caused it to lock up but doesn't look too bad we'll take a closer look at that in a little bit one thing I did notice was the adjuster is stuck in the swing arm right there it's a pretty common problem on these bikes this is aluminum soft aluminum and when they drive back but out a lot of times they get Frozen in there so that's not good we'll have to get a new one of those but the one on here looks decent so only one of them was stripped out both brakes do work frame looks good no big dents in the frame or anything wiring looks good so everything else on this bike looks pretty decent pork seals are not leaking at all the clothes were redone as well and like I said before the guy paid three grand for the bike and you only wrote it twice all right this bike looks pretty sweet I can see why I paid three thousand dollars for it I think it's super clean look at this thing that's an awesome looking bike look how clean that thing is yeah all the Plastics are brand new Graphics are brand new yeah it's looking pretty good this is definitely worth fixing up so all the parts were there and I have to get the guy props he did a great job of tearing down the bike and putting each bolt back to where it was supposed to be and then he organized them all in the Box it was really really nice putting this thing back together it took me like zero time at all to do it because the guy took it apart so nicely so yeah it's all there looks good he wasn't missing any parts which is very rare so yeah pretty cool looking bike all right so we're going to start by going through the gas tank first just seeing what's going on with the gas see if you mixed it rich enough so we're looking for oil in the gas hopefully he remembered to do it he said he ran 32-1 which is plenty of oil for a two-stroke I usually run 41. yeah it looks like he's got plenty of oil in here pretty dark mixture there so I don't think it was a fuel related problem looks like it's getting plenty of oil to the system you know it could have been jetted too lean we'll have to check that in a little bit but at least that checks out that looks good doesn't look like any water in the gas you drained out the coolant I don't know if you guys saw in the video but he showed me the coolant and there was no oil in the coolant no imperfections in the coolant so the coolant looked perfect um he said the oil was not milky at all but we're going to Quick Check It just to make sure let's see where is the oil drain bolt in this oh well that sucks well he lied about that that is a big bummer I asked him if you drain the oil out and he said he did be pretty tough to do when it's JB welded shot I was looking for the drain bowl and I couldn't find it somebody just JB welded that thing huh so how are you supposed to drain the oil I asked him you guys can hear him in the video I said well did you drain the oil he said yeah this is how they look it wasn't milky nope he's like I was expecting to find some chunks in there and didn't find any how the heck do you drain the oil with the uh the drain Bowl gone unless you just dumped it over or drained it out of the clutch area I'm not sure huh well that sucks oh man yeah well he didn't tell me about that is there anything in there see if it's milky it looks like it might be a little bit milky actually doesn't that yeah that looks milky pretty sure so that looks like it might be a water pump failure hard to tell until we drain that oil out but there's definitely oil in it it was not drained out at least drain some of it from there you can see that's dented in and it's leaking from here as well a little crack in there see that so that either needs to be repaired or replaced foreign here's the oil coming out it's just very gray I don't know if I consider that milky or not might just be from the clutch plates he also said there's a new clutch in here does not look like a new clutch foreign you can see it does not turn overhead off completely locked up so that thing is solid tight on there if we can [Music] yeah I would say that oil is gray so probably not milky I think it's just from the clutch but uh either way we'll check the water pump seals and make sure those are good but looking at the oil so far no metal shavings at all so hopefully it's not the crank and hopefully it's just a piston all right so maybe we'll get really lucky and just something dumb that's messed up with this thing but I highly doubt that he said he was riding it and then all of a sudden it lost power and then it locked up on them see what the spark plug looks like here looks like a newer plug a couple carbon deposits on there looks like it was running okay wasn't running too lean so I wonder if something was installed incorrectly on this bike and the guy said he didn't have the top end off so we'll see what's underneath here oh those were pretty loose 100 those are so loose that's not good that is not good I'm having a bad feeling how bad could it be though you will find out right now these were almost hand tight on here foreign those are pretty loose I'm gonna drop anything in there all right here we go Moment of Truth see what's in here [Applause] looks like maybe the head gasket failed see that got pretty hot right there hmm head looks good all right so far so good head looks really good so if it was bad you see a bunch of things right here heating up that metal so all right so that doesn't look too bad all right we're just gonna put a little oil down here maybe it'll free up on its own here the cylinder honestly doesn't look that bad what the heck let's take a closer peek in there I can see a little chunk of the Pistons off but looking in here not seeing any big scratches or anything super weird right here I can see like a little chunk off the Piston see if I can zoom in here see in that corner there's like a little chunk missing right there but there's a little chunk missing the Piston point in the right way it's hard to tell I can't see an arrow oh yeah I think there's an arrow right there [Applause] so it looks like it's pointing the right way huh I wonder if it's crank he said top and bottom and it was rebuilt but maybe the bottom end wasn't power Bells yeah everything's in here too it moves up and down see if those are moving power Bells look great in there [Applause] there we go now it's free floating definitely didn't take off the cylinder so I'm pretty sure he had off the head and then didn't go any further than that I'm looking at the gaskets they're all green so it was rebuilt at one point weren't super tight on there we have expected them to be tighter [Music] foreign let's try to get the cylinder off if the Piston's not stuck in there doesn't feel like it oh what the heck cylinder feels pretty good huh I don't think there's any scratches on the cylinder all right cylinder looks pretty decent see the Piston right here is pretty true though looks like it was getting chewed up on the top here looks like little pieces of sand were in it you know what I wonder I wonder if when they honed it out they didn't clean it up enough and that whole new material just ate away at this piston looks like it was sandblasted definitely rebuilt the top on there brand new gaskets on here foreign is completely stuck on the piston silver piston definitely got hot something scored it right there at the back of it I'm just checking right now got the little circlipsor in there because maybe one of those came off and Lodge everything up both circlips are in there let's take off this cover and see if I can rotate the engine I think I might be able to maybe it's not a rod bearing wishful thinking let's just see it looks like a piece of metal from the pissing at lodge in there let's try going the other way with the ones foreign oh yeah she's moving something's crunchy it's definitely crunchy [Music] [Music] yeah it looks like bad bearing and the bearing up here too both rod bearings [Music] something got hot something happened all right piston coming off see what the bearing feels like up here oh man that's toast this roller bearing does not roll at all look at that locked up completely something wasn't getting lubricated there's a hot rods crank in there so I think it was rebuilt what the heck look at that wow yeah something just got too hot huh both bearings are just shot it looks like it's brand new brand new cranking rod in there oh man does that suck all right taking a look at the piston you can see there's a bunch of paintings on the top it's really pretty bad surprise that cylinder didn't score look at that big chunk out of there ring stuck this thing was in the right way but it looks like they never drilled the holes I believe you're supposed to have these holes drilled let me go check and see if there's a skirt on here that could be part of the reason yep so you see that skirt right there if you have that thin skirt they're supposed to drill holes on the exhaust side of the piston so it cools it down so that's part of the problem I forgot to drill those all right another problem we found you can see this stud it's supposed to be really tight in there it's just loose see if the other ones are loose that's pretty tight so this one was loose all right let's start tearing into this thing see what we find here so so far it looks like maybe when you honed it out he didn't clean it off very well that's one thing the other thing was uh the stud was loose and then the Piston was not drilled out for the skirt so let's see what else we find [Music] oh nope there are different rings in there [Music] looks like he's got some carbon fiber going on see reeds are really nice no chipping can't see any light through it so they went with the carbon fiber reads on here a little bit chipped off right there you can see not all the way through but yeah those look pretty good foreign [Music] [Music] looks like that [Music] nut was just forced on there you can see it's all stripped out in there popped it off flywheel looks pretty good where each bolt went and let's see if it bolts so this one goes in the top left tap right bottom housing looks good [Applause] propeller is still attached moving the uh shaft here so everything looks good there okay foreign able to drain the whole thing pretty clean everything's looking good basket's like perfect everything looks really really clean water pump bearing feels good I was thinking maybe that was locked up or something or it wasn't moving and cooling down the bike but that looks good starter gear spring Vinnie's making noise right there all right comes out bearing there's a push rod in there right on it so far [Applause] [Applause] washer foreign take the shift Rod out take this off too because it'll probably get in the way washer in there all right let's install these bolts off of it holding the cases together foreign get this lined up foreign right there should be a fairly easy split yeah I would think because it was just redone at least it looks like it this back ends are always a little stubborn [Music] maybe we didn't [Applause] all right no metal shavings or anything down here which is really weird there's the JB Weld transmission looks pretty good not too much wear and tear on there [Applause] here's the crank we'll get that out of there check out that rod bearing see what that looks like all right check that out that crank bearings toast listen to that that one's bad those all feel pretty decent but yeah crank bearings toe so you can see the rust actually on the bearing so that rust is pretty good in there I'm kind of thinking you didn't replace the bearings when you did the new crank or Rod I don't know if it's a new crank and new rod or just a new rod yeah this crank bearings toast as well really bad all right yeah that that ride bearing those are completely gone in there they're just completely flat note it's really bad it got pretty hot so crank looks pretty good yet we'll have to see if we can clean up the threads on the end here before moving on but yeah I think we just need a new rod rod bearing so we pretty much walked out here the whole top end was pretty much fine except the Piston so that was all good um so really it's just the crank and the case halves that need to be replaced um so we're looking at probably a thousand bucks for the whole repair not including labor which is my labor so it's free um but yeah it's a nice bike and I think it'll be worth putting another thousand bucks into the bike to get it to to where it needs to be so once we get that engine rebuilt this thing's gonna be like a brand new bike so definitely worth it to me um I paid 1200 bucks for it and we'll have about a thousand bucks into parts so we'll have like maybe 22 right around there into the bike by the time we're finished but it'll be a cool bike when it's all finished up anyway guys that's the video for today I hope you guys enjoyed the buying and tear down of this bike and stay tuned for next video when we hopefully do the first ride until next time foreign
Channel: 2vintage
Views: 109,096
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: suzuki, suzuki rm125, rm125, dirt bike, dirtbike, 2vintage, 2 vintage, dirt bike fix, 2001 suzuki rm125, 2stroke
Id: pSjF_59rU-A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 1sec (2581 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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