Busted Bobcat, Why Won't It Run? Lets Find Out,

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hey guys how's it going hey we're going to continue on this Bobcat skid steer I bought about two months ago a quick backstory on it we already have one video looking into it the previous two owners that had it remember somebody had but the last two owners neither one can get it running and they kicked it to the next person they kicked it to the next person and then we got it well anyway the last video we figured out why it wouldn't run and the fact is the engine is pretty much cooked it's got no to low compression we did a compression test on it it was 140 I think 120 40 and 120 is what we got for compression diesel should be you know 300 something like that between 250 and 400 and it's nowhere near it so there's not enough compression for it to uh fire off so uh other things I kind of found out since then originally so the machine is the Bobcat 642 this is a 641 642 and 643 well the one in the three both of those were diesels and the 42 it was a gas so this used to have a Ford Industrial like 32 horse four-cylinder gas engine in it and somebody put like a reefer unit Kubota three-cylinder diesel in it that is now cooked I don't know if we're gonna try to fix what this one has if it's savable or not but the plan is we're gonna start and we're going to try to get that engine out of there tear it down and see what happened to it so without further Ado let's turn on some wrenches looking under the machines like they were nice not to rch a hole for that anyway okay right there big old nut we looked and gave you an assessment the first time around there we go the oil is over full a lot of people were worried that if it started it would have rained on its own diesel yeah we got push-packed by the Rings and rain on it which it could do but that's nasty huh all you got to do is you choke the Air Supply off to it [Applause] trees are ready to go you make it just in case make it easier to dump right you hate when you fill the tray up to the very top and then you gotta walk away with it I will let that piss out for a minute yeah put the plug back in all right let's see what we need to do to get this thing out of here we'll probably just get rid of the battery they made this linkage for the throttle coming up before you bolt it right there we'll mark where it was we got a wire for the glow plugs I already disconnected the fuel for they had wire nuts on it I disconnected the fuel pump so when the key was on it didn't stay running you got some starter wires down there I will guess these charge wires go somewhere fuels one side's already disconnected there should be a return somewhere there it is that little hose right there that should be a return back to the tank coming off of it and I don't know my ideas we're gonna try to get in there like with the fork truck blade maybe like right here try to lift up and slide it out of there has a package we'll see how that works out maybe we may have to take like the fan and the muffler off to give us more room but before we get into that let's get rid of some of this other stop and get a better View tight they looked apart though pretty beat a throttle looks like it's got a bunch of adjustment let's just kind of give her a little witness mark where it was a little dot in the center too there we go about the guitar wrap we'll pull that up out of the way to the side Kubota Engine so why don't we label things with Kubota orange tape so I think I have all the cabling and wiring disconnected from the engine I'm not I'm trying to figure out what the best way to get it out of there so I see they took the Cradle this original cradle here is probably what this engine came with and then they modified it to fit my guess is this is the original cradle that came in here and looks like they welded a plate there welded a piece of angle there and then the block is just kind of sitting on motor mounts height you know that's how much room we have to work with I'd say that's probably eight inches between you know that and the muffler and we would have to they even welded it right there welded and bolted it I think we can cut it slide it out but the oil pan still drops down another we got three or four underneath there so that's gonna be really skinny so I'm thinking maybe we'll try to take it with this whole plate as one assembly out of there I don't know how we're gonna be about getting the forks underneath it if we can get like after we both it will like pry it up and see if we can get the forks close to being in there and just I don't know walk it up let's um we've got to figure out how it's tied to the hydraulic pump we're going in hold on all right so let's see what we got for a coupler back here I don't know if any of that is like a slip fit I see a universal right there I guess we can take those um let's go pop the light somewhere will that turn well the engine's gonna have to turn because you'd have to get those four Allen bolts off of that cap I wonder if it'll split right there on its own you guys got a better area than I do so far I don't know what that coupler is just presser yeah presser pressure holding it let's um let's get the four bolts motor mount bolts off of it we'll see if that plate will slide forward and see if a gap opens up if not we'll have to try to figure out how to uncouple that in some fashion things nasty I'm never gonna complain about working on a gas engine ever again it's all just packed in Greasy oily two inches thick at crap stuck on the bottom of there get those four bolts undone did they go out the bottom hopefully yeah they do okay those four bolts are out let's pry on a little bit see if it's uh oh yeah slip forward about an inch I got an eyeball back there let's see if it um pulled off that coupler it did come forward so so I put a pry bar on it I think the camera was not on but I went to go pry on it and it slips forward with the four bolts out not that much I took a peek out back there's a like a spline that's in kind of like a dry shaft and that is um coming out so we don't have to worry about uncoupling anything we got to figure out if you could pry this up high enough we'll get like a two by four maybe in the middle and I'll be able to get the fork lift forks on each side of it let's give that a shot [Music] [Music] watch your fingers big mouse trap a little higher I don't know you got room to work I wonder if we can get it come forward a little more oh we get two of them going [Music] so you can get off that coupler oh I don't want to leave its home I'm gonna take a peek back there see how it looks feels like we're getting hung up on something [Music] it's coming back but not what if you get a pry bar right on there maybe it will push on that shaft a little hmm and if we need a room that's giving kind of Swing to push I'm gonna get a block of wood behind it [Applause] too bad put our foot on there it goes all right just rusty here watch the radiators up above I can keep wiggling on that until you get it to pop forward worst case we're going to wrap a chain around it hook it to the fork looking back up it's coming out just doesn't know it [Music] there it goes I think that's all the way yep she dropped all right let's go get our fat fingered friend over here you just slip it in all right that made life easy didn't it what a mess that's in there look at the mud looking pretty tiny now now we got out of the hole stop it oh you got going on in here there's a big pump our valves the um cage kind of flips up you can access that stuff underneath the seat it's got It's like going separate access to it until he needs a bath though huh and what we got for a couple of there looks like it's got crusty and Rusty and we got on this end a little four bolt five bolt flange attach it looks like it had a pulley on there one time huh you got belt pulley I guess maybe that's what ran the reefer unit maybe that probably ran across to the um the AC pump yeah it's the numbers on a d662 what'd I say before six two two all right so at least I still have to spread it spread it split it from that motor mount you gotta be able to get the oil pan off the cylinder head off of it the exhaust off of it I gotta stand over there let's um I'll back the forklift up a little bit more and we'll see about getting a um a stand hooked up to the end of this and we'll try to lift it up off that keep it on both of you here we'll lift it right apart out of that pallet possibly hopefully and now we can kind of spin around and work on a little bit all right let's get that operating I'll give her a couple of marks as we take stuff apart just in case some stuff is keyed in a certain way you know that looks homemade it's torched out is that holding that on there too I don't know if it went yeah went through that look they made spacers for that to work I think we could leave the I don't know can we leave the flywheel on I know we got to get probably this bell housing lock their rub off there let's get the starter off and yeah because we're gonna need to be able to bolt of that anyway I don't know if we're going to want to spin it anymore we can always go back and put stuff off let's get the flywheel off get this plate off they the same size nope let's mark that how would we Mark that from the center out for one of them in case it has some kind of balance you're getting these are a little persuasion foreign bolt back in it's coming it doesn't fall on our toes so what do we got I think this plate has to go it looks like all the hardware huh it's like this holds the this section of motor mount but these are holding it to the block just trying to figure out how we're going to get it in a stand you know like what we're gonna pick off of yeah we're going for our executive decision we're going to leave it on the forklift for now we'll keep picking away at it see if it's even necessary at some point I would guess we have to get the oil pan off of it but look at some of the other crap off we'll get the exhaust off it looks like it's got just six bolts holding it here all the cobbling and Welding it's been on that and we'll get like the alternator off and you know that kind of thing foreign it's getting smaller by the minute I'd say probably well this break this is what was holding the radiator up let's get the alternator it's like two bolts one bolt one's missing one bolt out there we'll take that whole bracket assembly off and one bolt going across here this whole assembly should pop right out of our way yeah that'll fall out of there a couple of washers should come out get the belt off of it nothing hold me you forgot one no you forgot one guess you gotta take them all out huh there we go well I'd like to get to the point you get the cylinder head off I'm looking so the brake is right here between the block and the cylinder head and the camshaft the leaves down below looks like we have a bunch of head bolts look like they're all accessible looks like they cut a mount off here off of something and it has a front timing cover on it I was hoping to get like get like this pulley and stuff off I think we split the water pump right there but this looks like there's a whole front timing cover it goes all the way down and around one Bolt it's one bolt there to get that neck off but I don't know if that's going to be an issue Force I think we might be able to break it we may be able to take the head bolts off and just lift that head right off of there when you get an idea of what's Happening do we need to take the Rockers off see if there's any bolts that are hidden underneath now we might be able to get in between them I also take the Rock Assembly off anyway it's gonna I'm undecided yeah those are going to fight us so we'll take that rocker assembly off we'll lay that out the way they were and then I'll drag the head bolts off we'll see if we get that cylinder head lifted right off of there without taking that front cover off I don't know if anything goes through it I don't see anything right away I guess you're gonna find out right hey let's get the Rockers off [Music] foreign those um valves had a lot of play in them too so I'm not quite sure what we're gonna find what's your guess write it down now I I'm kind of doubting blown head gasket I think it overheated and I want to say it burned up the Rings that's my guess but again it's still just a guess we gotta take the um the glow plug strap off too to get those bolts all right let's see if we can get this out of here and try to lay them out the way they came apart like ridiculous valve clearance like a normal valve's got like yeah seven thousand ten thou these are like 70 000. so I suspect something is kind of boogered up in there that caused that to happen hey we got to get this strip off foreign er down in there I gotta go crack those loose you guys are talking about when did a compression test you're supposed to do it through the glow plug location I did through the ejectors plus to do it through the where the glow plugs are to check it my thought was I screwed up but my thought was it's like some diesels do not have glow plugs they don't need them so I would think all of them would have just gotten checked through the injectors live and learn all right let's get a gun and start buzzing a bunch of those out of there so you can get the pot free actually we gotta take this hose off first it's still connected the upper and the lower sometimes one like one bolt will have like a a pinch down it would be like an oil Passage [Music] [Music] okay give them a quick look see if anything any of them look different like sometimes they'll be a little skinnier one and I'll they'll use that as an oil passage look pretty decent I'm gonna go pop all them out I'm just trying to give yourself a quick look some water on it one too many in the hand all right let's go get ourselves a little rubber mallet give her a couple of TAPS to see if it pops off yeah yeah I heard you I missed one [Music] nagging me how about now all right we'll go sometimes you get a hidden one too though they'll take something apart and they'll be like there's one more bolt under something that holds it down I think we're gonna pry on a little let's try to find an area that's um might be a little forgiving there it goes attempting a little dowel pins holding them am I see what we got well what'd you think head gasket or other issues let's go flip the head over first as y'all put it on the bench let's get ourselves a rag see if you can see any damage I need the head gaskets mostly stuck to the bottom of the cylinder head because this is just like the um the little coating the little aluminum coating that's the oil passage right there sends the oil up let's um we turn it by didn't have much of a pulley you put the flywheel back on so the center cylinder had 40 PSI so we saw let's go um get ourselves a little light and we'll check out that bore let's go take a peek at the board see what it looks like all right now I believe these are sleeves so you could take them you know you pull that whole sleeve right out and put a new piston in it with it I must say I didn't expect to see a little worse than that because they had a lot of blow-by too let's um for cracks in the piston what is that across the center is that that's just a casting mark I was looking at whatever that was right there I think it's just a Mark that that's what's left of that triangle because they all have it and last one looks a little chopped on the end it's that right there yeah let's go flip the cylinder head over take a peek at what's happened on happen on what's happening on that on that yeah let's give her a flip okay because you would think with Blow by so blow by would be compression leaking to the bottom of the combustion chamber I don't think get that off of there without nothing obvious yet or we can get behind it with a little camera do we need I kind of want to not destroy it so we can see if anything happened there you go nothing obvious I don't see it like blown across from cylinder cylinder again this was the one that was really beat and the valve clearance was super high on it hmm close look at the light it looks like hey I can see I know it's optical illusion the intake valves the intake valves are always bigger looks like this one is sunk down more than that yeah these are more flush this one's down a little more than the others but it had a ton of blow-by e so my guessing is um you know the Rings what else can cause it to have low compression yeah I can see like maybe jumping time like the the cam timing and the valves are just kind of doing the wrong thing at the wrong time but I don't think you would get Blue by for doing that yeah I'm just talking a lot trying to think it out as we're going along like I see you know something there right that's probably just from taking it apart that little missing section right there so that would be hmm let's go look back at the Block I think you kind of do twos you're gonna rock the piston and see how much side to side they have let's um throw the flywheel back on and we'll spin it real quick I want to see if it leaves my guess is just that the cylinders are beat that one looks kind of funky doesn't it yeah we get the flywheel back on it we kind of turn it over a little better that's better now we can turn it injection pump still pushing a little bit of oil out it does look like [Applause] there's so much antifreeze on it I'm trying to look at the patterns it's leaving behind it is some of them are like that one leaving a big score like a dirt stain that's wide hmm well until we get a couple of connecting rods off of there push a piston up and take a look we're not going to know are we can we can we lift a skirt up out of it sure they get tapped out for the sleeve rather you gotta get Tapped Out From the Bottom all right so we gotta try to figure out what we want to do let's um I was thinking about trying to spin it with the starter real quick I'm gonna cup it says you [Music] try to see that kind of vacuum you get you know okay so that one's good that one's got good vacuum it's also wet with water too though that one again I think I'm just leaking it says you excuse you it's gonna suck if we don't find anything I hate to admit it but one thing I should have done before I jumped the gun which is coming well actually because you had to blow by though that's that's what kind of steer me I was thinking we should adjust the valves before we tore it apart just to see what that would have done you know the valves open and close a little bit more could breathe a little bit better I mean they were opening the the valves it wasn't like they didn't open at all I'm just trying to all right so we gotta get the oil pan off of there so that means all this apparatus has to come off well let me go see what I can do about getting that in a stand and we'll bore you with the uh attempt of whatever that's going to take do we need to take this plate off does it go into the oil pan anywhere like does it get in the way don't know I only got it by three of them just the bolt pattern is so tight try and letting it down [Music] let's go unbolt the the mounts on each side of it get those plates off of it foreign [Music] I'll leave those Forks down it should just kind of the whole plate should just like slide right down if nothing's attached there you go on the engine is going to spin when it gets free nothing's holding it I'm turning all right I want to let that flop over and let all the fluid piss out of it let me yeah back the fork truck up oh roll it towards you foreign oil pan and lifters are falling out it's not good we kind of want to know where they where they go let's give her a tap foreign I don't think so you get out a block of wood foreign not terrible for diesel price like sludge I don't see I don't see your parts laying down there it's a good sign all right let's um try to set that Center rod it's got a bunch of oil in it let's go flip it back over and let it piss some oil out I'm gonna back you up a little I found each of my lifters as they fell out I found out what they fell out from like I'm lined up the Pistons have a bunch of oil in them [Music] let's let that pee for a little bit I'm gonna take a punch I'm gonna Mark the top of the cylinders and pistons where they are just going to go column one two three I'm gonna put little dings in them just indicating what they are we're going to call the one closest to the water pump number one let's see the oil pickup out of our way yeah it's a little tight that'll give us a clear shot to the connecting rod and again that middle one I believe is our lowest so we'll pull that one first Let's see we got going on put that together you o-ring or anything it's already on it okay I'm gonna wheel this whole assembly over to one of the operating tables just kind of so we can lay things out a little bit better look at them getting all fancy with those Rod cap bolts I don't know if you can get that with a 12 point socket maybe you'll prior to it I don't know if you can see it the glare is kind of getting it they're not just like a regular bull head on them let's see what I got you and you hate when you get right to the Finish Line yeah don't have a socket that fits that that's uh I think it's a eight millimeter 12 point I gotta go hunting for one well it's a few days later and I went to a swap meet swap meets uh flea market for automotive stuff and at England Dragway I picked up this it's a funky looking set it's kind of weird because I've never seen a socket set that had metric and standard on the same socket so I don't question how it's gonna work out the R12 point so maybe they're meant to kind of like have some kind of funky technology that grips on the outside or something like that and there's no there's no quarter inch extension that goes in the middle you've got to grab it by whatever that outside I'll show you okay so if you pop one of these up off of here it's just Hollow in the center of it so I guess like if you have like a long bolt or something that you're trying to get over it and then you need to put a wrench on here to get it to give a turn let's see if one of these will fit okay on those Rod bolts that's what we got the seven and the eight F7 just doesn't quite go on yate goes on because it's got a bunch of play in it go figure right see what happens let me go grab a wrench to fit that nice and snug and that would be half into our 13 millimeter see give him a crack stripping hopefully that went I think it did that whole set was only five bucks so good for the future itself even a weird bolt huh he's even got like a a weird pattern underneath it let's get the other one out [Music] and stay still wow magnet where'd you go foreign get a ratchet on there something I can kind of support my turn better probably should Mark that cap before you pop it out of there so you just put a couple of scratches on that cap on that side did leave a mark hey what a paint pen let's go Mark that side real quick all right you might be able to just gotta grab that cap and lift it right up out of there yeah see how the bearings are actually look remarkably well me let's go push that piston on out see we got I'm gonna back you up and one of you would kindly catch that piston when it wants to go fall out oh it's gonna push real easy go yeah you're almost there there's a ridge on top that's stopping it foreign should be using wood instead of brass but should be okay let's even get right on it and it's like one ring is let me um I'm gonna rotate the block so that it's not going to try to fall out yeah that's what I wanted to come out I just love it when a plane works and finally a piston it looks like the compressor rings I don't know if they're stuck in where they're wore out or they're broke or all the above let me go wash this in a parts washer see how this Oil ring here it's got It's kind of like springiness to it it's kind of stuck there too and these are just jammed all the way in let me go wash it that's better yeah so I think our assumption was correct as far as it overheating now as you see half of this Oil ring is floating still you kind of push it in with you now it's got some spring to it and this side's Frozen in still it's frozen pretty good so that whole ring should be floating and be able to kind of spin around and the same with these compression rings they should also be right now out of that Groove and floating so I don't know if it was carbon that built up and kind of locked them in their place or kind of find the break on the upper one where is it one thing that kind of looks good is so that must be the diameter of the cylinder how far the Rings are pushed in so you can see how far the Rings are worn if this Gap right here was like this wide then that would be the Rings themselves the surface of the outer surface of the Rings wearing off and they keep trying to Spring further and further out to make contact with the wall so that part of it didn't burn up just the Rings locked up it was just blow by that's when I was cranking it over where the blow by was coming from the compressions up here and the fire is up here but it's escaping past the Rings down into the bottom of the crankcase causing that smoke to come billowing out of the uh when we had the valve cover off so that's definitely what the issue was with um no compression ah they sell a rebuild kit for them and it comes with pistons and jugs and everything Let's uh quick take a little wipe down of that cylinder take a peek what that looks like hey it's time to get up personal with it [Applause] now as far as I understand like I said I think these bores pop out of here I'm a positive of that but what I've seen real quick on the kits they come with this the sleeve so you have to worry about boring the engine out get up in there and check it out yeah you see some right there was no oil in the coolant there was no coolant in the oil so I'm not worried about it kind of bridging a gap or crack those liners hmm you would think you would see more of a you know defined sleeve right there I'm gonna take a wire wheel I'm gonna go clean a little bit of this surface up real quick and see what we got [Music] I don't know I haven't seen much of a definition of a sleeve there that's for sure I thought most diesels were sleeved engines kind of looking like it's one in the same there too much light for you let's go flip the block over we'll take a look at the other end of it usually I'm looking right down like with it supposed sleeve would and you would see you know it wouldn't be a perfect line up to the base of the engine actually looks like it's just all one piece sure that or it was cast in there yeah my assumptions may be wrong oh let me gather my thoughts and then maybe we'll uh have a chat all right so this engine that came out of here was a 662 and it has 650 CC something like that and I think the horsepower rating when I looked it up is somewhere between like 16.9 and 20. the original tractor had a gas engine in it it again was um call the 642 whose numbers are going to get me and it has a 641 and a 643 are his two brothers this was the gas version with a 32 uh horse gas Ford industrial engine and then the 41 to 43 were both diesels and both of those were up around 28 to 32 horsepower also so whoever repowered it already repowered it with a smaller engine than what it kind of came with and my thoughts are it'll maybe move the machine around but if you're gonna go stuff the bucket into a pile and try doing some dirt with it and you bear down on it it's just going to stall the engine out it's not it's just not going to have enough oomph you know it roll itself around move material around but I think it's going to be under underwhelming underperforming and although I wouldn't mind buying an engine kit and trying to bring it back to life and clean it all up and you know get that engine operating I think while we're at this point it might be more indicative for us to try to find something that's a better uh comp to the power source and you know again a diesel I want to say like 25 horse or something and so there's a seven two two seven six two something like seven seven two which is like 750 CC's it's it's getting you up into the 20 horsepower and then there's a four-cylinder engine a couple of those I looked into already and most of the time they come on like gas power um diesel powered generators like a whole house generator that was set out in your yard I think I showed in the last video up top I have one I really don't want to tear that system apart because I want to try to get it operating as the generator anyway so I'll look into those the problem with those engines are the they are meant for constant RPMs I don't know what they use for a governor if you could take that automatic Governor that tries to maintain maintain I want to think I think they run at 1800 RPMs and if you were able to make those so that you can have a throttle on them like this machine would use those seem to be about the most available that and the ones out of reefer units which is again with this engine that we just took out of here was out of and you know try to find a larger one of those so that's where we are I'm not quite sure how it's going to end up I've been chasing stuff on Facebook Marketplace um it's it's a company like around a thousand bucks or so hopefully for a good running engine and the rebuild kits are roughly about 600. where is it going to go from here I'm not quite sure I already got you know decent money invested in a machine that's not worth anything not running so it's in some fashion I have to try to get something uh back in and running and see people were asking about this little diesel we did I don't know about a year or two ago that we got and this is you know even smaller people would think it was a three or four cylinder that's not it is a z z stands for two cylinder D for three cylinder and V for four cylinder and it is 12 and a half to 13.3 horsepower and again it's just not gonna that's 29 uh cubic inch engine although it ran good again it's just too small for what we need to use it for yeah hopefully you'll find use in something and here's that big generator I was talking about that we can possibly pick the engine out this one's still a three cylinder but it's a d1703 and I want to say that one's like it's a 1.7 liter I forget what it said for um CC's but I think this one's around probably 30 horse more comparable to what we need but I think the governor set up on it you know right there is electronically controlled just to try to maintain RPM I don't know if we can just take this throttle linkage right here that's locked in and maybe this is still functional on these I just don't really answer to that but that would probably be more along what we need and again I really don't want to cut this unit up I'd rather try to get this thing functional but anything's fair game right I went into this one for 200 bucks and I think it's got an hour meter Mount yeah right there 581 hours on this system so hmm well guys I think we've gone as far as we can on this one but we got an idea of what we're working with I'm going to take a little bit of time I think and prep everything some fashion and engine is going to go back in here whether it be gas or diesel whatever yeah here's the different models of the ones so that was the diesel diesel and this one's the gas one they all look roughly about the same as far as their uh physical size what they can do but again just being underpowered yeah definitely needs a bath that's for sure it's got you know good two inches of just like greasy muddy crap on the bottom all scraped out and then it looks like up there it gets even worse it's like four inches worth a greasy crappy stuff so I'm gonna go prep all that stuff ahead of time I'm not sure when we're gonna come back on this kind of thinking on the engine setup I wonder if those kits are made for you to bore the block out and put those sleeves in and then you'll go forward I just don't know the answer to that I have to do more homework but I don't even try to find you know maybe the correct gas engine that was in here and go back with putting that in there probably that is you know somebody's already ripped out all the motor mounts and brackets and modified all that kind of stuff so you have to you know it's not like you just plop right back in again undecided I tell you well we had to take the engine out and tear it down because it definitely was uh not gonna fix itself with us trying to go screw around with it and we have our answer all right guys with that I'm gonna sign off and thank you all for hanging out and doing some wrenching with me and trying to breathe life back into this old junk till the next one I'll see you
Channel: Mustie1
Views: 328,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mustie1, skid steer, bobcat repair, bobcat repair and maintenance, bobcat skid steer, skid steer wont turn over, bobcat fix, bobcat no start
Id: -VfAyk-I_Es
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 23sec (3443 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 04 2023
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