Track loader, new water pump and mow field

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Anyone notice the clip where his clone is helping him lift the trailer ramps?! I got a good laugh out of that edit.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/thedoctorlee 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2023 🗫︎ replies

He run over fencing material or wire cable or something? What a PITA.

So random in the middle of a field unless somebody just dumped their garbage on private property or the owner forgot where he stashed something.

Edit: Ah, I see dude is doing solar panel work. And I see delivery dude just plonked it down right off the road. Interesting.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/AtleastIthinkIsee 📅︎︎ Aug 06 2023 🗫︎ replies
This needs a water pump. There's the missing belt nothing wrong with that There is the issue. that's a bad water pump right there. This all comes right off. That's nice. Gasket scraper tool. Oh. there it goes click click Lined up. Good. Okay. Those are good. There we go Funnel filter there. I just had to change that one. I messed it up, forcing them together. They got these wear out, so you got to change them every so often. There’s Cody. It's hot. And these guys, would be running away, so they're going to stay here. Where's Blue? Cody, are you looking for groundhogs? Where's your brother Cody’s got a tracker on him, but Blue doesn't. People always ask me what dog tracker are you using? They had Fi, which was almost good, but is actually junk Blue why are you always at this guy's house? What is here that's so fun? All right. I'm on this job here today to do a little bit of mowing. So this guy wants to double the size of this solar field and put it right in front of it here. So they already got some of the racking delivered anyway, look, we got some trees in there that are probably getting 20 feet tall lets see if I can get all those knocked down. All right, let's get right to it. All right, All right. So that was fun. So that's what the guy wanted. He said mow the same size area as this in front of it. So, yeah, he's got plenty of space now. This ran good around nice and cool. And this brush mower. I have that mulcher too, but that thing is kind of junk. This has been a really good brush mower. I haven't had to do anything to this other than get barbed wire and stuff out of it Extreme Implements. That's where I got that from. It was pretty cheap too, you know, especially compared to the mulcher I'm curious how other people would have priced this. I told this guy 600 bucks and he jumped all over it. Meaning I may have said too low of a number. I'm just curious how someone else would have priced it. So here's all the framework for the solar. So here's the foundation they just drill these right into the ground. That's super easy and fast. Are these worth having? I mean, they seem to be going in all over the place. And this I think this is a private guy here who has this. It's not like a utility or anything. And I mean, geez, that's a pretty big setup. So it's almost worth utilizing the space underneath these things is a shed, too. I mean, I guess they must be worth doing to some degree if he did this and then years later is deciding to double it. You know, this mower, I wonder if they could have installed like a barbed wire cutter towards the shaft on the I've seen boat motors with rope cutters where if you get tangled up in a rope, it cuts it up instead of just tangles it and stops it and turns into an annoying thing. I bought a tractor supply brush mower, the first day. It was all dents from just rocks and stuff hitting it. Look at this thing. Still pretty much perfect. All right, well, we're all done here. Let's go do something else.
Channel: Andrew Camarata
Views: 550,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: gaI7kWav8SE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 28sec (2008 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2023
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