Adventures With Maya & Sodapoppin

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welcome streamers and cars this is maya that's chance can you guys even see chance in the back i don't even know who cares all right so first things first we're gonna buddy you guys up with some coffee good i'll be needing some bad this is my second car guys that i drive it's bugatti i woke up in i kind of do want that porsche oh the red one yeah it's a good car like i want it but i know i'll literally never use it yeah but i will i will you think about your roommates in time like this man i hate nice cars i don't get cars you were talking about it this morning you don't get it not at all okay but think about like a really shiny horse mine what's good horsepower on horse i mean it depends what you're looking for yeah they're strong but you do lots of different things with horses you know i i've been driving the same truck since i was 16 and i if i didn't need a new truck i would not get one i'm so upset that i have to stop driving it but you can still keep it no i am keeping it you're going to use it to like lock these around yeah i love that let's listen to this right listen you hear that like i hate that [ __ ] i i i don't know i hate loud cars well that's not that loud that's just powerful this car is so loud it's crazy all right yeah it stressed me out it is very loud it is yo that car is going to be broken within the month by the way by the way you should hear my truck when it gets stuck in the mud yeah that's a lot what kind of coffee do you get um we like to get amaya thank you um my natural body produces enough energy to keep me awake and you know my high testosterone levels all right she's drinking crab is this coffee this is caffeine free dumb [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] so we were gonna get you some nice um do you like starbucks there chance your europe all right we just said a nice starbucks and when we're in the starbucks line we can figure out what you want what we want to eat dude i oh you already know i dude i spent the day yesterday with the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] in the world like i literally asked them what they're like they're like interesting dynamic gingerly vegan chat streamer in the same car as the most wholesome streamer on twitch nmpl okay so i hung out with some of the biggest [ __ ] [ __ ] i've ever met i asked them what their like aspirations in life were like so what do you want to be doing in like five years they should have said i want to be [ __ ] in vr i'm like okay what about in 10 years same thing they said they want to [ __ ] until they die and that's all that they care about [ __ ] vr yeah well maybe they want to [ __ ] real life too just vr is just easier she wants to know how you do it oh how do you do it yeah oh you can get a level there's two different ways there's one phantom sense that's the cheap way but you have to develop the ability to it's like losing a limb right but you still feel the limb is there it's like that but in vr you kind of feel things people claim to have phantom sense i do believe it phantom sense is real second way is you get a love sense and that's a literal toy that you can like you put something like say for you and your vagina and it's like a dildo and the guy can kind of control it a little bit and then the dude will have a fleshlight version of that and they'll be synced together so it'll be like you guys are [ __ ] through the toys that's a lot of coordination yeah oh it's not too hard to just have a bluetooth that's a whole new world for cheating isn't it yeah that's tough yeah it is so they just [ __ ] all the time in vr uh this is a slime girl i told her i wanted to climb inside of her and start decomposing well i'm sure maya if you want to learn chants can help you out he seems like he's an expert no it's i'm not an expert no maybe rob is not well yeah he probably knows more he definitely knows more than me he's i'm a novice in this world i've been to a couple of orgies but i haven't like are you serious yeah in vr yeah you've gone to orgies where people are actually like actually [ __ ] in new york are you serious and it's not like it's not ironic it's like one of my good friends from there that is where i've met figures if i did not go to that orgy diggers and i would have never met damn so that's what you're going to say at his unit yeah it's true and he probably loved that for his wedding that's crazy silence number 43 you lost to hamlets know your place all the girls said that all the girls everyone hated me no one liked me but i think that's just because i give up this like villain but i was just trying to be funny if i was really trying i wouldn't want it well listen that whole world is above my pay grade i don't know it's not it's below your pancreas sure it's just not my thing but you know my seemed interested milan is definitely into it so this car is so loud i can't hear you this car is very loud it's a supercharged v8 that it is it's supercharged it's like a horse day um would really like to have like a an atwood quarter horse just like a red brown pretty low to the ground i dropped 20k on an outward quarterback kind of like red and white whereas if it's original um that one is in california those are nice horses i really like horses too no you don't you're right i'm already admiring you i look great also malayana hello i'm more of a donkey type of guy why cause donkeys just seem way more chill can you tell sunder that i bought one of his plushies facts i'm sure he could hear you i also don't care he doesn't care you wasted your money i'm kidding that's cool but my aunts and uncles sell horses for seven figures what do they call someone or my aunt and uncle um just i mean those are horses that are in the olympics is so desensitized to texas now autoblog there's nothing she hasn't heard at this point it's not true well there's some [ __ ] out there like the way you can uh you ever heard of the coin challenge no yep i have yeah have you put in your dick stop you put it in your foreskin if you have foreskin you see how many coins you can fit inside the little like extra flap that's different i i thought you were going to say like in oh inside yeah that's called sounding yeah i have heard of that um yeah that's not so bad if people make fun of my hobbies like cars imagine being a loser and liking vr chat i don't like vr chat no one likes i'm not talking about you i'm just saying in vr sects how do people decide whose rainbows will open up to accept the other person's flowers i heard it is called red vining i wonder if there's ever been a situation where a guy is actually putting it inside of another land of the penis like literally [ __ ] a dick like a vagina i'm sure i don't know if it's ever happened unless like they had surgery or something i feel like that's happened there's i'm sure that's happened somewhere even this is a little bit too pogo for me like you sound yourself like something really thin and you see eventually like like a gauge like earrings you just get bigger and bigger until it's massive you do that with your penis hole it's kind of like fisting what is this conversation i think it's a lot worse than that so um we absolutely should get all this talk out now before the stream after this yo let's just go to coffee bean i know where it is yeah it's okay yeah we got a pet supply we to petco coffee beans let's go to trash literally there it's the same thing but better this is new my friend used to work there well sir we need to go through drive-throughs i know coffee has director i go through it all the time so you don't get banned for looking at chat however he looks a little unprofessional i think we should just stick fields you do look like an uber driver thank you that's what i'm going for no you don't thank you i wasn't going for that do you think code made people more vague i think i think a lot of people who've been locked inside are extremely horny so we're going to coffee bean speaking of horses soda play rdr2 no that game sucks ass i know why didn't you give me the year what'd you say maya red dead are you saying it like that we're gonna say something after red dead or just saying it kind of funny okay all right is it is that you rob she looks more like me it does look like yeah looking guy right now what see now i mean yeah maya where is it at chance it should be to the left over here where's it at bud take a left i don't think you're telling the truth i swear to god it's been a while since there is no cue for that place right now yeah whatever let's just try something new i used to go here all the time when i lived in my parents i bet 50 is not there anymore because that's right there no no no that was there before you're gonna decide if it's not there yeah i will be be thankful that i'm giving you content all right you have to [ __ ] how long have you been in a car for just two hours all right a school bus all right did you guys take the school bus i know i've never been in a school bus where is that my mom dropped me off and it escalates this way it might be the next shopping center but it's definitely over his or somewhere yes bro this is straight cat bro i think you turned in too early for sure that building right there the black one might be in it no right it's not that says lamp post coffee i think it got i think it did get removed mate i think it's gone chan's gonna cry it's gone it's gone yep your friend got fired and it's no longer here that that is that is the building right there and it's gone so we're gonna go back to uh wow here we'll take a quick pause right here chance and look okay let's try lamppost coffee they replace them they must be good too look they have a drive through and you notice how no one's in the drive-through neither no one was in the starbucks either [ __ ] yeah three people were no you said that the queue was empty you know chasing coffee here and i'm gonna go let's go lamppost coffee man maybe they just rebranded maybe they just rebranded yeah all right we'll give it a go i can't wait till you get it it's literally dog [ __ ] yeah what is all right let's get some overpriced coffee here yeah this is this is where my friend used to work here for like three years i want to see him every morning your friend no longer works here i'm sure this is like when i would actually get in the car and like what the place what was it used to be called coffee bean all right oh give me a oh hi did this place used to be a coffee bean no did this place used to be a coffee bean this building it did yeah few months ago that's crazy my friend's friend used to work here he reminisces about it okay stop talking just okay um can i have a monkey muffin a monkey muffin and a caramel avocado and a frappuccino and a caramel frappuccino do you have that i do not have that i don't know what i don't have no fresh um you want to give me a caramel um so my friend i was telling you about he's ordering things that don't exist here he doesn't because he hasn't been here in a while so i'm not sure what to order sorry just give us two seconds to read the menu yes sorry just keep it whatever you know what can we have what you said can we try that again can we try what you said yeah yeah let's do that one just one of those okay yeah sounds good that's it all right thank you welcome chance yeah how are you going to complain about going to starbucks and then go order starbucks drinks at a different place that's that's starbucks oh that's the starbucks thing yeah no coffee bean had it melinda universe not a starbucks thing you say oh okay [Music] 866 yeah he was working it was like four years ago or something like that no actually like eight years ago i'm an idiot yeah so it's been it's been a year it's been a minute yeah it's i haven't been down here in a long time so nice what are you all doing now uh what do you mean huh what do you mean what are y'all doing down here oh we're just driving around we're trying to get some coffee to be honest you guys all live here in the area yeah yeah well here's the muffin tip sorry did you want to leave a tip on it yeah yeah uh three three dollars yeah no this is your fault he's like you guys look here yeah it's like no you said no that's horrible it's chance's fault dude i'm trying to be normal guy he's just trolling my friend worked here eight years ago wait no last year no the four years ago hey that wasn't that bad it was so bad i got this muffin monkey muffin a monkey muffin it's a banana [Music] i like it no eat that muffin [ __ ] are you kidding me you don't want them we could've had our starbucks we're going there this is eight this is this is 11 cause you tip three i'm 137 that's big jesus christ all right all right here you go thank you yeah you have a good day see you next time bye we are never coming back nope you can be your new friend chance you can start coming to this one nope hell no he was like what are you guys doing and you're like what do you mean you should have been like i've heard of your chat that's where you should have been like you should have gone about that i don't know i don't know what to say to that like what are you trying to have a conversation okay can you we're just getting some coffee hanging out that'll be crazy okay because legally we're streaming right but it's just like no you don't say we're just right yeah we're live yeah we're live stream on i don't know i don't want to tell them the truth it doesn't matter like what a weird question to ask somebody like what are you doing like no he meant like okay chance said he hasn't been around here in a long time so he thought we were visiting oh he thought he didn't live here anymore and he's like what are you guys doing down here what are you guys doing down here be specific oh my god like that's his fault hey leslie's pool supplies that leaked that place and displays this place and three places right next to each other wow whatever reason thomas jahenry 50 million what i'm talking about the billboard oh yeah that that i hate to say it now but now there's a queue at starbucks it's massive now i mean we need to get coffee like we got [ __ ] up let's get some sushi i agree how about you sushi what's the one place they used to get sushi from downtown sushi is bad um downtown i think it's just uncultured oh my god look at this cute there was three people in line chance oh [ __ ] there's a line now all right hey two hours gotta meet that timer dog so how is that coffee though it's not that great it's really nice it's a milkshake yeah why do we get a milkshake at a coffee joint you asked him for one what you asked for ma'am he said i can make you an expressive milkshake he said yeah can we get that i should take two shots man called it a day you're right we should go back home and take shots man shout out to espresso oh you wanna get drunk i'm down no i don't want your truck i guess stuff i'm putting it in park chat you see my ferrets that is [ __ ] adorable and i want to play aren't they so cute do they smell bad like people say or no they smell bad if you're right up next they're like musky yeah but like the house does not smell like ferret yeah that is so adorable nobody would eat this in one child yeah he would kill them you know bite those [ __ ] in half they have little i like yours because yours have little white ears it's not just like a full color yeah so it's like sticking out like the uh the features are emphasized by the colors i love them you got the the alerts or what but the alerts are good for awkward time uh what's awkward time nothing thanks i'm great do you like my hat no why is it like that on your head it's not you're supposed to wear hats no one likes my hat huh bro i hate this coffee man i'm gonna get some starbucks he said where do you go now meaning where do you get coffee did not say where do you say that he didn't say that no you're even less socially aware than we are i always didn't hear it because my engine's so loud wow you're really playing that villain arc pretty well huh i'm not a villain y'all are the most lovable socially awkward people i've ever seen out in the real world dude i yes socially awkward but also lovable i'm different i'm honest but still sane i am not socially awkward neither am i you've seen me in real life you guys were both just i was not socially awkward at all you look like a failed tick-tock rapper are you born to this chest i don't know what that is okay i am not i am not like no one likes me hey maya do you race your horses no no in california i'd wear cows on my horse um like sorting and stuff like that but not in texas i don't have cows anymore i'm going should i have really yeah would you want to yeah i'd do it nick how are you feeling tonight i'm good but i feel like this backpack's gonna overheat soon sean said you passed me up i don't know what that is it's great it's a great show so we have to do this video what is squid game uh it's not as good as doom patrol it's a good show mike it's not all right no we shouldn't over we're good for that i binge the [ __ ] out of it wait but it's not a game it's a show yeah yeah it's a show um i'm not gonna tell you these boys the premise is basic it's kind of like it's honestly like a br a what uh battle royale okay so a bunch of people go into this facility and one person comes out with money and everyone dies but they play kids games little kid games to like the hunter games yeah but it's like hunger games is like one ongoing battle it's like kid game do they survive yes or no and then they break time yeah uh can i have a medium um caramel frappuccino please and then uh whatever my girlfriend wants here she is oh can i get a frappuccino i'm sorry i can't hear you can you order a nick can i have a frappuccino avocado stop caramel macchiato yes can i have a birthday cake what's a birthday cake pop do you have something called a birthday cake pop i do have one of those give me two of those yeah did you want sex terrible uh iced can we can we make it two birthday cake pops please whatever my girlfriend wants uh can i have a venti eyes decaf americano can i take that out yeah can you add pumpkin spice and two pumps of sugar for vanilla i'm sorry i didn't understand any of the last one can you add pumpkin spice and two pumps of sugar-free vanilla yeah absolutely and also just some two percent milk okay and you want that in a grande as well venti place and do you have a uh mozzarella tomato canadi i do i'll take one of those no that's it thank you now i will save elena that was mad complicated so what's worse chance not being able to read or your order that's like 45 things long chance camp king nick pacquiao and you know what i said that and she said oh a caramel macchiato sure you said frappuccino frappuccino but she's monkey yeah but she knew what i wanted i think she just missed her mine was not complicated it's a it's a it sounds complicated it's a large decaf coffee with sugar-free syrup and milk it sounds complicated honestly i i bet they don't mind that at all because you're like speaking their language they know exactly what you want you know exactly what you're saying so it doesn't matter she knew what i was saying i just i just didn't say one thing though if you really want a good show to watch you should check out uh hbo max's doom patrol uh season one two and three are streaming now on hbo max is it like paw patrol uh yes it is so exclamation point uh there's a show called i don't know what that is paw patrol for kids oh no this is a little bit better than that but uh if if you chat wanna know more about it uh click the link below the channel to check it out oh i love that shoe it's very good all right what were you saying chance so squid games is better [Music] i'm kidding i'm kidding i just typed it to you so if we're going uh we're going to be doing this do you want to compete against nick on this why are you always meddling milano how fun would that be just stop meddling for once in your measly little life my life is measly because i'm dating you i don't even know what the [ __ ] going on man okay so yo wait yo nick i shot a gun bro really i shot a gun where went us onto this gun range stream i was there you shot it i shot it once and i never want to shoot a gun again really it's it's it's not just scary it's like well yes it is scary i will say that but that's not my reasoning my reasoning is like it just felt too powerful like this [ __ ] like you take a gun to a gun range it's like ah it's like a toy for the time being right it doesn't feel like a toy it it really feels like a weapon like a not good i'm like i'd prefer archery a million times over it felt like a better are you strong enough to pull bow back yeah i can pull a bow back it felt better to pull like to shoot it it felt better like viewing experience because you can see where the arrow goes you see exactly where your shot lands it literally is just more fun gun range felt stupid as [ __ ] what gun did you shoot some really high caliber pistol revolver like that yeah that it could fit six bullets yeah i know you fit more than that it had a full-on mag i think you need to stop being a [ __ ] because you've never shot a gun in your life that's rich why do you hate me i treat you so nice i've never shot a gun i work at the ground you walk on you shoot a gun and you will be like crazy you kinda went poof after taking a fat towel i've already talked about that bro welcome to the stream you're [ __ ] late and a [ __ ] and your parents don't love you and no one asked get owned thanks for the money [ __ ] you they're using this phone charger why is your finger up like that elena it's an l no change your name to popping if you plug it in it might [ __ ] shrink things up and because you're trying to talk to me why are they talking about myself because you put your donation to minimum lenders i did not actually do that well it's actually crazy because even though everyone hates me i am one of the most donated to channels on the on the platform yeah they donated uh because i just compare myself to everybody else yeah everyone does when i watch streams hey maya you own horses i'm pretty sure we have a queue right now or i was just holding them back oh hey nick thanks for always reminding me of how i wore my hats in middle school okay i appreciate your told your cat does it fit around your head right it does oh yeah can we switch spots because i'm in the camera like and i'm on the stream all the time i'm cozy here what does it matter the camera's in the middle who cares please do something about your beard that joyful is mad patchy and terry's aboard spot showing on your double chin okay please turn the ac down like the cold i know it's kind of i proposed to my girlfriend she said we aren't even dating sanch that is uh illness yo nick timber here wearing your hat like tyler the creator head as he is rich you are poor maya i love you what's up timber nick you're actually really funny and i'm sure molina loves you thank you dude my map is uh broken no snot it's broken uh dude look take a right right here what do you say no snot how can it be broken look it's working now yeah we need a place to piss ark dang nick words can't describe how handsome you are today but numbers can three out of ten okay i wasn't my first nick i am fascinated by the thing on top of your head my hat is so one way you know why the [ __ ] is this thing so broken dude we got something right there but it's not drive-through so it doesn't matter what is it what is it it's chick-fil-a we just see you go back in park it doesn't have uh it does not drive through it doesn't matter frick you can go right here right no it's one way how do you know that you like crocodiles i just found it okay i know we have to all the way around could just park here all right we gotta go find that sushi do you not know what you're doing right now do you need directions you want to stream for free chance i feel your pain my pp don't worry number 43 i got you got some spare over from my did you have a what here michael i i was drunk here once i remember a strong i was drunk they've all been drunk here oh it's terrible to be drunk here [Music] our house dude i remember we were all at that party and then all the guys were just sitting in the one and one so can if you go more than 15 minutes without water hello mate it's reserved is he dumb does he think it's yourself he's isn't reserved oh wait all these are reserved oh no are you actually just chasing the car these are all reserved well these are bank customers only so um those aren't reserved over there these are all reserved reserves wow reserved reserve oh here we go these aren't reserved that's been actually just john solzing behind us these are all reserved why would we ever come in here this one's not on your left oh you're right it wasn't i was broke no so if a one vatican poop cubes and an echidna has foreheaded gingerly why are humans so low here case in point nick wait a minute maya what we should just give you the car do you think at home why am i even parking i can leave yeah no she wants to do do you want i do kind of have to pee can i go pee in the venue yeah we parked it okay we're parking here then i gotta readjust do not open the door are we not effing i don't know we're not asked no that's surprising all right we'll pay you back you might have to get up and walk around every now and then but you don't have to like play kickback it's not a physical thing didn't we yeah it was fine you made it pretty far wait we shouldn't left it's max service let me grab my glasses out of here yeah i can buy the car keys did we actually we're at max service oh hey guys look where we are we're downtown [Music] where's s-van [Music] yo yeah where are you okay i'll find you bye bye all right so we're downtown and we need to find out is that rob it looks like it kind of does here well backpacks damn is that your girlfriend should be so it didn't have at all huh what a great backpack if only rob could use this one that doesn't have even parking decks he is using this one oh okay all right all right we gotta find s man he's downtown so we're not gonna we gotta find s fan and then we'll get some food okay is this the exit shut the [ __ ] up [Music] he'll show up let's give sacrifice bubble hearthstone keep doing it i can smell him there he is bubba bless your freedom you can't the street though what [Music] that's her and her mom she's 13. she's going to ballet what nowhere dude i can't tell him hey what's up guys dude there are so many hot floors downtown dude i was saying the same thing i told him that it's crazy yeah so what are we doing nick you see the domino's pizza we're gonna slice all right until the other stream goes live no we're not then we're getting i don't know what to tell them mate you know why because dominoes is not brisket actually you know what we're not gonna go to domino's we're gonna go to that unnamed cafe across the street over there i mean if you want nick i can go in and get food and come out it's okay there's a cafe over i haven't been there [Music] elena what was the age was the age i didn't look twenty okay god dang all right we're here we're downtown yeah we are downtown maya where are we downtown downtown we can go all right cheers how do i look my drip you look good man don't look fat we're all just hungry yeah oh yeah and i gotta pee all right here we go over here we get some food there chance that's your shot nope we're working right now [Music] maya that's a massive bird what is this place look at that bird you fit you sit is it hot take a picture nick i don't have a phone on me she doesn't want a picture i already asked her to lay a screenshot in my head chance there's like 20 girls and they're all their bmis are like healthy what are you talking about behind you oh yeah they're just following you and they know you're so stopping who would look behind you what the [ __ ] what's [Music] all right yeah they do look ordered [Music] um hi i'm good how are you can i get three chomp chip cookies kidding uh that's all we're getting now that's all we have no okay give me a sandwich away oh that's cute you take a picture of yourself in your phone hang nick told me to go away i can't aim the camera that way so i'm staying you can see if you want to sit here i want to see where maya was you could aim that way okay this response there you go they're about to start concert here oh my god is that going i got invited to a concert by someone [Music] i don't know yeah it looks like there's music things i mean there is always a music thing going on everyone dressed up godspeed thank you what'd you order did you get my career boy uh i don't know cookie my cookie no thank you bro no one wants your cookies dude are you kidding me i'm quiet oh you feel good i don't want to oh my god no you're missing out bro i will punch you in the stomach wow you want a cookie why do you always make that face and miles around i'm tired of it she makes me angry too ah what does that mean it's uh i don't even know what's going on i have no clue what's going on i don't know either but we're doing an event that's gonna have a lot less people you actually like the cooking really great good soft and crispy that's gonna be very soft in the so we brought maya and we're forcing her to pay for parking my gets to pay for parking and wait for the sandwich by herself and eat it by herself no i can wait here with you i'm kidding okay okay i'm probably not even here you spit on that yeah all right guys some people like that oh you know what so this is like a festival right like a drink a lot of people can drink and then and the people who are older and 18 get wristbands that say they're older 18. so it's actually a life hack for you no 21 so they can drink i can see when they're legal yes oh my god that's an actual issue that's an issue yeah i can't tell ninety percent of the time am i wrong well that's true these girls they do this like oh i wanna make myself look older it's like well now it's like it's called it's called jailbait that's not cool why do now i'm in trouble it's the opposite of when i'm hiring work when i work i want them young because that way they're they're still like you're not gonna get hurt they were talking about two completely different things yeah but like also you can pay him less you're right child labor's bad because i shouldn't even be working anyway so now no um i want i want there to be like you know like you have like wedding rings to show you're married there needs to be like a ring or a necklace that shows you over 18. that is 10 years i i guaran listen i understand where he's going damn you're 10 years old in 18. yeah that's a decade actually how old am i wait am i 28. i don't even know how are you 26 bro i actually i have to check let me check my license you're 23 you're 27. i'm 27. i'm 25 and you're two years old all right i'm telling you like what the it's but okay maya if you played a game or 18 or younger you're like yes or no you pick you would lose that's fair you would that's fair it's not cool what these girls are capable of i say girls because they're not women they're not even girls kids suck you guys what so i mean like i said i i truly think that there should be a ring that you were required to remember the issue we had in l.a when we sat in the car and waited for those burritos and i said that uh nick doesn't eat beans we're doing the same thing right now for the same thing nick doesn't eat beans yeah the brand were asleep but they were not sponsored right now dude i'm not i'm making no money i'm getting free lunch how's that brand written nick is not caring about us on stream i think that's brand friendly hey i don't want to be a pedophile isn't that like that's not brand anyone it's like everyone's so scared of words it's pretty effective it's powerful we're not scared of word we're scared of the outcome of the words that we have it's true we're just waiting for our food she's hot why are you telling me like you know more than what i know when i'm talking to twitch oh you have an issue yesterday it's like it wasn't a stream key thing they so twitch for the nfl like there's likable stuff they change the back end of how each channel works like with ads and this kind of stuff and they're like you have to restart your stream i don't want to restart it they just broke my channel but i happened to meet one other guy oh so it wasn't even just you it wasn't even just me it was me and one other guy i get mad whenever like an issue is happening that's completely out of my control and everyone starts telling me how to fix it tonight like there's nothing i can do i literally can only kill you i think the first thing i didn't try the stream yeah i'm like no it's not streaky [Music] blew out the back end but we figured out how to fix it it's good my phone's dead i need a charger now and i am thankful they didn't just bail out so at least there's that because like who didn't bailey because they were badly trying to fix it my sandwich in there yep and whatever my order i don't know which one mine is chicken salad club thingy what am i getting the first oh this is mine i think it is there's grapes in here they put grapes in a sandwich did you get anything else or is that a that's it where is fried chicken and then mine is like this it's like grilled chicken in here with a bunch of i don't even like it that looks really good one of those mayas yeah are you sure maya didn't get the one without chicken maybe you're right did you get a chicken sandwich we're like where'd you go i got the there you go your food's here which one is yours do you know this one is eggplant that's eggplant eggplant yeah yay it's not chicken um essentially what's going on here we are just waiting for the go-ahead for for the next stream they're stalling worse than we are so kind of in limbo here there's kids right behind you yeah interlochen no balls go for it no yo do you guys like lamborghinis no balls no tits no legs you should do a social experiment on your stream go around ask the girls how old they are you should do that go around ask girls how old they are figure out like the median age of the women walking around here see if it's worth the risk uh it's not because all it takes is one you know what even my fifth you look like your mom dressed up for school they light up you look like first day of school dude really yeah you do with like the toddler shoes if you were single when i was single would you talk to me no look at those tyler's shoes i'd talk to you definitely be friends you didn't order me the board dude i can't believe it because it's time time time does it look like anyone else around here cares about time yeah you know how frustrated i get when people don't follow the time i would like to point out i was the first streamer here this is crazy actually that that has happened like one other time so and you know what good job i'm glad all the bullying we did of you finally like caught up to this no it's okay i don't know what eggplant is i used to be late all the time too the purple day i didn't think i'd wake up really how did you know that i called they came in and he said i'm gonna go call her a [ __ ] she was wrong so that's why i'm grumpy so you're responsible for my mood whatever my fault i just woke up on time and you bet against me and nick said i'm gonna go call a [ __ ] for not believing in they're all wearing bikinis oh my god she's wearing uh leggings with like gold on it she's literally in a bathing suit where over there next to the tree probably go downtown oh what the hell see that this is a festival it's a festival it's a system awesome city limits all the water is up there they're absolutely gonna do like shrooms can you give me some uh richard's rain water she's getting ready to take a bath non-sparkling an ice bath outside she's a streamer it's fine true dude i wonder what concert they're going to because there's been 200 girls walking past us and not a single guy it's really nice you should go pretend to be like their like friend you know and then go in the bathroom with them what the [ __ ] i agree and then they'll be like i'll [ __ ] open my mouth like pepper why is it open because she opened it fly mr cosby you should not be giving away everyone call me mr cosby as soon as you go outside there's all these things just running out of your mouth dude it's great out here i'm telling you there's so much more going on in like the open world in a controlled environment like a video game there's a bug in my face sorry i'm stuck to the chart things don't work and we're trying to stall we are downtown yeah we're here on time this is not our fault that's what [Music] you can say as much as you want dude go ahead go ahead ask me go ahead let's remember how red pieces are not good in teaching oh my god jesus see that's what happens when you don't allow him to talk he just gets angry it's good you know what it's fun you know what you just scared me gracie went on a tangent or a rant with me basically when you play with it's like yo red you know i was you know the second highest rate and this is the problem chad whenever i sit around a chance all he talks about is wow you can't talk about anything else and then what happens is he's like man every time i talk to s-man i only want to talk about wow or he only talks in a while but it's because he's the one bringing it up wow all i'm doing really give me a lemonade how much how much do you think it costs to have a building here a whole building per month oh a whole building or an apartment like this store right here the store yeah like 35 40k a month yeah rent i mean it depends if they bought the property and then the mortgage or buy it i i don't know i don't know if you can just rent something like this gave him i know in congress it was like 35k like five years ago all right guys um this was all literally just a stall because now we're gonna have some fun we're doing something on chipotle's channel it's a mafia stream everyone's going to be there except for maya she's going to go home and be awesome and great hearts for maya for coming out thank you so much for hanging out you're awesome we love you you're weird thank you s-man who's streaming is monday uh what are you doing on monday you need to apologize they went offline okay guys we're not going to go to chipotle's channel just yet guys we're having some technical difficulties um we're going to be here for a little bit longer check out the fresh air downtown downtown downtown we'll all be there monday all right yes wait what's it called when you do a wheel with your handstand i have to poop what's it called guys we're gonna be waiting just in case guys
Channel: Daily Dose of Nmplol
Views: 117,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nmplol malena, nmplol cooking, nmplol dreamhack, nmplol greekgodx, nmplol sodapoppin, nmplol and malena, nmplol best moments, twitch, twitch girl gamer, twitch gods, twitch fails, twitch girls fails, twitch dancing, twitch rage, twitch gaming tv, twitch moments, twitch perfect timing, nmplol review, nick and malena review, couple goals, nmplol and malena cooking, girlfriend teaches cooking, nick and malena cooking, cooking, twitch clips, sodapoppin, soda, maya, mayahiga
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 15sec (3915 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 08 2021
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