I unbox Huge TV's - Inmar Smartlots.com Pallet Unboxing - Online Reselling - I give profit Numbers!

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hey everybody Heather from hooked on pickin I have got this awesome palette to unbox let's see what's in it alright so I am actually partnering with a new liquidator and I'm super excited smart lots calm I have this palette and it has flat screen TVs on it I'm super excited about that and so I do know that you can buy single pallets or you can buy pallets by the truckload so this is actually an example of one pallet you get in a truckload from a big box store and there's a lot of pallets a lot of different varieties and categories so let's go ahead and just jump right into opening this it looks like the top is a little bit of a different than the bottom the bottom is six flat-screen TVs and we're gonna actually see what kind of condition they're in I think we might unbox one of them right here on camera and then but this one is just a little big variety so we're gonna go ahead and just use the box cutter kind of get the plastic off of this and see exactly what kind of condition everything is in and then just kind of gauge if it's resellable or not and then on the various platforms how much do I think I can make so I see Dirt Devil I see mr. coffee shop vac oh that one looks precarious we're gonna be very careful with this make sure I don't die by Box deck all right I'm gonna pull this off this is looks like just a generic big box store but alright let's see what's in this so this might be something that's repackaged so this is actually oh a printer that looks like it's still completely sealed so let me see sealed here sealed here sealed here this has never been opened a hewlett-packard Deskjet maybe yeah it could have been the one that they didn't want and so so this palette is actually considered excess warehouse box box damage average retail value of most pallets are around $1,500 and you can buy a pallet anywhere from 500 to 1500 depending on what's in it and I think their truck loads are usually 10 grand or more somewhere around there yeah so like yeah we're gonna try to maybe consider a truck load we got a buddy who said that we could store some of the stuff at his face so but like I said this is from smart Lots so I'm excited that I'm opening up to new Liquidators I'm just trying to yeah get it down all right let's see if we can get this little plastic piece off and get rid of this one I think we might be able to get it off yeah so so far this is awesome we're gonna scan that in a minute and see how much we can resell that for shop-vac oh okay so this is probably why you ended up on a liquidation pallet because of the damage on the bottom of the box but the top of the box looks fine so you know what I'm gonna do is since this is already open just gonna slice this into this not into the item put into the box let's see to me it looks new just damaged box so clearly I couldn't sell it new where they're rolling off the table all right so this looks trying to see how do you open it no even the filter is totally clean no cuz look it's brand-new it was just basically I think put on this because of the damage of the box so so we will get that back in the box after the fact I'm just gonna leave it all together so we don't lose it so so far two things that are in good resellable condition this will probably Facebook market play place the other one I'll look to see if I can't put it on Amazon and we've got some more smushed boxes oh my look at the side of that box not sure what happened there it does smell like glass is the craft broke I'm gonna leave it like this so that it doesn't fall out on me yeah the coffeepot craft is broken so let me just pull out there you can see in there so the coffee pot my guess is still works and sometimes you can actually buy a replacement craft yeah I'm not going to pull that out cuz I will cut myself you can buy a replacement craft and then sell it in open box condition clearly I'll have to sell it without that box but see well this one doesn't sound like broken glass so that's okay so this just has damaged side box so we're just gonna go ahead and open this since the box is already damaged I can't really resell it in this box but this box gives me information about it so that I can Reeboks it in a brown box probably sell it in a Reebok Seng situation like on eBay as a pre-owned even though it's never been used I'll probably still sell it pre-owned just because it doesn't come in the original wrapping usually when people want things that are new they will want the original packaging as well so I think this is a pretty good condition I pull the whole thing out okay all right you come down here it's cute a little red one I like it so that's definitely in great resellable condition in a basically open box scenario so we're gonna stick that back in there I'll keep the wrapping with it and I'll Reeboks it better but I just kind of want to put it back in here so I don't tip it over and break it so we're gonna set that down here for now so far I am liking the condition just simply because I think I can resell it now is it brand new no but it's in good condition I'm gonna put it over here something spilled on it what's this is a box of detergent great value ultimate fresh laundry detergent and there are six in here this one is open if you get real close right there so that's the only one that's opened the rest of them look sealed so I've got five of the six that are in good resellable condition this this one I'll probably just keep in use and then these ones depending on how much they sell for sometimes real heavy stuff doesn't sell well and so the fees are too high because it's real heavy so I made us keep it music donate it to the local food pantry but we will see what the dollar amount is on these we'll go back through and kind of scan through some of these things and see how much we can actually make all right oh yeah this is six flat screen TVs I'm super excited about can you tell I'm excited it looks like yes so they're TCL Roku built in Roku 4k 55 inch TVs we literally just bought one of these about 6 months ago a 50-inch one of the same brand for our kids kind of TV room their hangout spot and so basically I do know that in order to buy from smart smart lots you have to be a reseller a legitimate reseller to buy from smart lots nope it's not it's okay so it's a a Glade thing sprayer with a scent and so this one is got a cracked cap that's the only thing that's wrong with this one I mean the little sprayer still works I have some of these in my house I'll probably just keep this one but this is the little like apparatus you stick it in there and then you can press this top the top and then it just does a little and then now that room smells like clean linen so this one in this one crushed boxes but I probably could resell just the apparatus if I took it out of the box probably just keep those but these are in great condition so you can see these look like they'd sit right on the Shelf because they're in really good condition but this box got crushed so that you can see why this ended up on on you know a liquidator kind of box so two out of the four are in good resellable condition and we'll scan those two and see how much there let's see what else we got on here is another one like it what is that look at this box it's seen better days but well let's just rip it open single burner oh look at it it's like it's not like a camping temperature control space-saving design yeah like if you got an efficiency apartment it's basically a little stovetop burner so I don't know if they're meant to be for camping or if they're meant to be for household use probably household use so they just have crushed boxes if I actually took this one out let's see if the actual apparatus is damaged or if it's in good shape looks fine to me yeah it's not even dented it looks perfect so just the boxes are crushed is all so definitely resellable um and that one it would be a judgment call I probably wouldn't send us in on eBay or on Amazon because of the crushed boxes but I would definitely resell it on eBay or my own website so we're gonna just set these here alright doing pretty good a lot better than I thought because when I initially looked at the top of like ah that's a lot of crushed boxes but I've been pleasantly surprised at the condition of the things inside the boxes so this is another red coffee maker broken craft so probably the same condition as this one here but if I can find replacement crafts or you know old water yeah we'll see if it's worth it and then this one doesn't look in horrible condition it actually looks better than most I mean it's a little bit crushed but I don't hear anything broken so I think that one's gonna be like the other one in good resellable condition but not brand new so here is a this one is a dirt devil power Express okay it's got an open box side here and I have actually sold quite a few things that have boxes that look like this for whatever reason I think it gets stuck on the edge of a pallet or the edge of a box and the Box gets destroyed but the item is fine so it doesn't look like there's even any scratches on the plastic it looks brand-new it's still packaged like even the cord is all wound up still just like it's new see and even still tied up and so um so basically if you want to order from smart lots you know they have I dunno they have 18 separate locations so that's gonna be really cool so you can get actually really nice shipping fees um you can actually filter for the location closest to you which is awesome and you can also pick up from them which is really awesome so oh my goodness that weights a lot I'm hoping it's just that's an entire grill I'll probably hurt myself just okay and then this one's got a crush box it's a food food processor or chopper yeah food processor we're gonna open this box because I'm curious with this mangled front if it actually is functional because it has a plastic like basin on it and so I'm wondering did that get smushed that's kind of the most important part of a food processor well that part's good that part's good no look we're still in good shape here here's the blade so another crush box crush box good product great that's awesome it will take some Ginga getting all that back together but I will make it happen I will probably Reeboks that with all of its contents into a much nicer box with it alright okay what's next here's another coffee maker that one's not broken so the cool thing about getting multiples of these is that if one of the actual coffee pots itself doesn't power on I can use some of the crafts from those two to add to the maybe the ones that have broken crafts I can also look up what kind of a craft it needs sorry another coffee pot now let's see okay they're packaged in twos that one had a crush side this one's great that's in like Amazon it's never been opened that's great that's a great box alright okay these two right there you can tell I think this one's in good shape though yeah same situation so this box is crushed and destroyed but I don't hear any glass rattling so my guess is that it still works and we will test something to make sure they do and then the other ones in great shape alright so let's see if I've got the muscles to get this grille off here so clearly it has a crushed box but they're usually pretty sturdy it's very heavy there we go use your legs folks use your legs alright so I see a little piece sticking out here but why don't we just open this let's see what actually the condition looks like and we're gonna get right in in here because the box is demolished so I'm not worried about opening it okay so it looks like we've got a few scratches here just on the support brackets not a big deal because that's not the functionality and once you bolt it in you're never gonna see that expert grill it looks like the rest of its in really good condition it's got all the pieces so my guess for me is if I was gonna resell this oh there is a ding on the top here if you want to come in and just see that but that's not going to affect the usability of it you know and if somebody wanted to they could touch up some black spray-paint or something so what I would probably do is build this take a photo Facebook marketplace that's how I would sell it but we're gonna um we're gonna definitely come back to you with all the numbers we won't do a second video of the numbers because we don't have a ton idols in this video so we're going to actually come back to you after we get this palette done and give you a total number but TVs six TVs this is awesome let me get my box cutter and cut the boxes this is amazing six flat-screen TVs Roku TVs sorry the thick piece there alright okay I don't want to go all the way down I don't want it over on me so a random bat okay I'm just super excited about these TVs are having to move this okay second so really it's kind of a double stacked palette look at that HDMI TCL Roku flat-screen TVs the only issues I see right off the bat is a little bit of crushed in the corners here but I do know when you buy these TVs they have tons of foam padding in here so we'll probably go ahead and open and open up one this one looks it's this one's already kind of the worst condition so why don't we pull that out I think we'll be safe just to slide it out you think thank you can get it out so we'll pull it out and then we're gonna see the condition of the actual TV and then we're gonna come back to you with numbers I'm so excited can I get it out see how strong I am oh we're caught on this there we go heart me I don't want the other ones to follow it's your mom yet oh my word it's enormous all right yeah it does well shall we see if the screens broken I'm definitely gonna lay this down let me move this grill keep myself workspace here look at that thing 4k 55 inch yeah this thing's never been opened here's the feet for it here's the remote in the power cord see if we can get it out sorry guys they give me a minute if I just pick it up and kind of slide it out you think it's a good idea they started going yeah okay we got it out look at it look at it there's no cracks or Nothing alright what I want to do is we're gonna scan these and find out how much everything is gonna cost and how much money we're gonna actually make on these pallets so I'm gonna come back in a couple minutes and then tell you exactly how much we're gonna make out all these pallets look at it it's awesome alright so here's the breakdown I'm gonna be able to sell about 20 of the items so let me walk you through what we got so the laundry detergent because of the weight and the size I'm not even gonna really try to resell that that's gonna be donate to the local food pantry or use myself these two really good condition Glade boxes are gonna sell for about 750 apiece 15 bucks total I can make on that then these seeing single-serving burners I'm being very conservative 10 bucks apiece so 20 dollars total there then this Dirt Devil I'm gonna sell probably locally $50 in the used condition well I'll call it used but it's basically just open box condition this grill is gonna be about 50 bucks new ones are selling for around a hundred but I'm gonna sell it locally for about 50 we're gonna skip the TVs for a minute cuz that's my big bopper number this hewlett-packard printer about 50 bucks I'm gonna make on that this shop vac another $50 now the mr. coffees three of them the boxes were in fantastic condition so he makes $35 on those ones so that's times three used ones the ones that kind of had a messed up box but everything was still good $10 a piece on those times too and then the other two because used ones are selling only for $10 I'm not even gonna try to replace the crafts on the other ones and so those are just kind of you know they are what they are so $125 on all the coffee makers then if we wander on down here we've got the Hamilton bee each food processor $15 and I would I would say that's a conservative price I may be able to get more but because of the box condition I'm gonna say $15 then of course the big boppers the perfect condition because of the packing flat-screen TVs they're basically gonna sell for around three hundred and forty dollars a piece you might be able to get more locally but 340 is a conservative number two thousand forty dollars just for the flat screens alone twenty items that's not gonna take me any time to sell twenty items I'm gonna make I'm gonna sell everything for two thousand four hundred and fifteen dollars so roughly I'm gonna make around two thousand dollars on this palette it's gonna be awesome so um if you want to buy it from smart Lots click the link in the description below signing up is super duper easy I really think that this is gonna be a great option for me to be able to increase my reseller income for 2020 I'm super excited about this liquidator and so hopefully it's been helpful to see what you can get from a palette from smart less calm and remember in the end Jesus wins hey thanks for watching I hope you learned something if you'd like to watch more of my videos just click on them here and if you'd like to learn more about the reseller world subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos thanks
Channel: Hooked on Pickin' Amazon FBA Seller
Views: 84,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ebay, ebay shipping, selling, resale, postage, usps, united states post ofice, Jesus, reselling, labels, Bulq.com, amazon, haul, bulq.com pallet, bulq.com unboxing, ebay store, ebay business, reseller, Amazon, amazon fba, Fulfilled by amazon, Fba, Picking, Sales, Hookedonpickin.com, unboxing videos, pallet, unboxing, sold, profits, bulq.com, liquidation, collectible, Amazon FBA, Heather, Hooked on Pickin’, Hooked on Picking, Raikin Profit, Rockstar, Tv's, tcl, smart, lots, smartlots.com, smartlots, inmar, walmart
Id: v6NEk9OAYpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 18sec (1518 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 11 2020
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