BULLET TRAIN Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch! | Review & Discussion | Brad Pitt | Bad Bunny

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[Music] welcome folks I am jabby KOA joined by Steph Sabra hello we are in our new space this is supposed to be our main space I don't know when this video is coming out so it's like it's our first video in this space but it might come out like in two or three weeks after we've shot several videos here you guys we are watching bullet train thanks so much for joining us I have been anxious to watch this film if you guys haven't already please hit that subscribe button Bell icon all notifications and pretty please vote this up let YouTube know you're enjoying what you're watching and that's if you're watching this on YouTube which also means you're seeing a cut down version of our reaction because we can only show you a limited amount of picture-in-picture but if you want to watch the whole thing with us no cuts no interruptions no compromises you gotta go to our patreon page patreon.com or become a member of this channel so you can watch the whole thing with us but you will need your own copy of the film we are watching this through Netflix so you can open up the movie in an adjacent window to our reaction we'll give you a three to one countdown sync and it'll be like you're watching with two of your favorite Pals from the internet my mouth is dry I can't do that he's parched it almost feels like John John wicking away at the beginning yeah oh never mind oh I love him I need to watch that still yeah you totally do ever since the last time right this dude has been like the go-to Japanese guy yeah he's he's goaded in the Japanese world foreign what the heck transition oh I see what you're doing ladybug's supposed to be lucky don't have bad luck really my bad luck is biblical [Music] one angle take a gun oh is that hero from uh Heroes a goldfish biscuit I don't I don't understand [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] I could be wrong but I think like having a gun in Japan is a very very rare thing yeah oh you messed up yeah no [ __ ] way I'm gonna find one brief what is important are the 17 dead bodies we left getting you back from the Triad that kidnapped you with the plans to Ransom use your extremely psychotic [ __ ] up father actually is 16. 16 kills mate is six seven you're starting to get my [ __ ] tits 16. I'll smash my [ __ ] into a brick wall maybe that'll help your memory because the [ __ ] is wrong with you man it was 17 God damn it I want to [ __ ] strangle you don't mind if we do this right now don't worry about it [Music] oh my gosh two and three they fly so high five guys playing poker oh my souls and swords I get it [Laughter] [Music] looks like it's fun for a job okay how about a wagon wheel oh that works foreign to kill people like you he needs a reason not to does he have one this is tattoo that's [ __ ] confusing hello do you have white dead Son Well you mean this Decker with a silly face tattoos yeah he sat right here yes of course I've got the case [Laughter] we need to find in that case maybe you're right maybe my lucky story oh oh it's Bad Bunny [Music] Prince is that what it said I want you to go in there and to kill your boy's name again what are you right right kill water she's diabolical yeah he wants my name when he gets you off the face of the Earth in one single night I made an Empire worthy of the white death you know that you had a wife well he had a wife yes she was the most important [ __ ] thing in his life and she died drunk driving accident or some [ __ ] and now he's at the compound he ain't left since we asked for the best he asked for the two responsible for the Bolivia job oh my God [Music] first his wife now his son that's a lot of white deaths whoa what a shot no that was cool [Music] fun Joshua Tree [Applause] [Music] oh no oh my God [Music] that just becomes his outfit [Laughter] stab me all my life killed my wife Nice flare the flipping of the case I don't even know you hey oh [ __ ] oh my God [Music] whiskey um uh okay it's such a weird movie the tone is so bizarre it did look like it was Brad Pitt who bumped into him at the wedding go ahead that's fun you know that was there didn't I mention I've always been lucky [Music] it was then that I took a long hard look into the mirror and you know what buddy I didn't like what I saw nope hoping to watch that this is so busy cutting off our arms instead of cutting off our fingers it's like Thomas the Tank Engine always says simple is better get you yes I learned everything about people from Thomas everything really so I can read people like you so well and you are diesel [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my God ouch professionals without the courage to listen what a funny character Brad Pitt's playing he's the worst at hot hitting not the worst mom I believe it's the shot of the white death to the twins idea when I said white death death I'm like MacGyver oh my God no absolutely not yeah nope no go ahead you guys oh so they put the Venom in that shirts I wonder how he'll do it maybe a pillow to the face be honest ly um [Music] some of me when all finished you're going to sit here and you're going to go through every combination until you open up that case no no it won't where's your twin Tangerine arms tangerine lemon's keeping the case safe and the White dead Sun yeah he's there he's a [ __ ] happy Champion eh but uh I've got a pop on the train you know 10 seconds left so to rock will stick to the plan to plant Kyoto do us a favor get the [ __ ] off my back will ya I love his suit they're all covered in blood shoot first come up with the answers later great advice [Music] we haven't actually seen what's in the briefcase yet foreign [Music] [Music] I'm just making things interesting did you know that there have been 31 attempts on the white desk life from within his own organization each one he executed with their own weapon do you see what I'm getting at here all right let me see what I did there you're really proud of yourself aren't you geez they're usually so polite here lady I'm sick oh it's cool [Music] you know what do you have uh anything sparkling with bubbles boys I think that's right yeah where the [ __ ] is eating he's on the training oh Madison just stopped the train oh yikes probably ought to get that could be important yeah what you want the way this is to get off it next up holding the briefcase but he will kill everyone on that train okay yeah I can make it but uh lemon is a little tied up by now both of you this time with the kid or everyone dies they even know what lemon looks like wow you two do look like twins oh that's funny have you opened the case you know what I never asked for the combination your main keep it safe yeah so no one gets greedy [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] they're like bad luck storyline of him is so good what was that why do you even bother trying I'm trying to sell it well does he know in the market for [ __ ] dildos and panties ah but they were buying it they were oh I've had him within that wall is a door I'm finding it very hard to follow the story my point is that door is closed this man he kidnapped me and he said that he's going to hold me for ransom Common Sense tells me that this old shaky Geezer here's the one in charge but I'm really good at reading people and something tells me you are just not right yeah so let's see here I mean okay stop one well if I don't answer this phone you call to kill whatever free [Music] oh my gosh [Music] I thought it was gonna fall asleep before killing anybody yeah me too I got uh what a stun oh really damn that's right [Music] oh so you came to kill a hornet I was waiting for something like that to happen uh uh hey [ __ ] one little prick from miss you know what happens yes your blood congeals clogging your leaves [Laughter] I was promised my money by who I don't know it was all alive they said my money was on the case The Hornet sings big lady you can have the case oh but you've seen my face [ __ ] oh oh but it didn't it didn't push oh 30 seconds before the venom does its thing foreign first oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] man do you have a backup what do you think I don't have another one you gotta be better prepared the man explaining a man's playing again I'm sorry oh my God yikes irony man [Music] wait a second hmm doesn't have a bulletproof vest didn't he say he didn't wear one though oh he said he doesn't wear one yeah Oh I thought he's okay I must have misheard then [Music] let's do a little shot is he doing a real meditation thing I don't get awful dude what the [ __ ] you like you're free to go yeah yeah yeah it's like I don't know what you're doing here anyway hmm he was right it's been a diesel she finally gonna die and it was you though [ __ ] time you dirty little diesel hey lemon blade lemon never bleeds oh my God no way weeks he said that he's going to kill you and blame everything on you he also said that someone waiting for us at Kyoto station someone's scary that would hurt me oh God leave it let's go let's go we gotta go right now the only lady no no no no please come back no don't let's just move grab me back oh no well that's a snake would you know where my son is what do you say antidote in his system right I think so he is going to help me kill the white death at Kyoto station couldn't even do that so he's dead they are both dead my grandson was pushed off a roof what makes you think I would leave him unprotected yeah I was wondering about that earlier when she walked by she walked by earlier and I was like oh I bet she's dangerous [Music] I'll [ __ ] kill him myself I'm going to tell you a story now no I'm good it's short really I'm fine now it's very quick no no it's a good story for you I think cool [Laughter] asked me meaning not to trust this man he told me I had lost my mind but neither was I damn [Music] [Applause] do you know what they call a ladybug in Japan yeah 10 too much as a boy I was told there is a spot on his back for each of the seven Souls holds all the bad luck so That Others May peace me too twice [Music] I told you he's got a bulletproof vest on what I told you but he said he wasn't Dead He's oh you drank the water oh brother dang it's like Romeo and Juliet yeah I'll kill my brother juice talk to me I'll shoot you enough you I should have put a bullet for your [ __ ] arm when you point a finger in someone in blame there are four fingers pointing back at you three that's weird [ __ ] yeah [Laughter] let's go you're a plum it's not Vision the hungry man but the farmer who planted the oh God we prepare together what we die alone that's all I was trying to say technically his brother shot himself kilos from all countries but he has no idea my son and I are on this train the driver car and get us oh it was odd yeah [Music] I was like who's this actor whose face they're hiding right the whole movie not yet [Music] a uh fellas I'm looking for Mr death got his case here hey I heard people hurt people [Laughter] ah ah sense makes um I came here to kill you kill me [ __ ] do it uh good news is I have your case because now it's got the news the shadow buyer um who bought all their contracts got us all on this train at me the Hornet the Tangerine lemon why do you do what you do you know I've been asking that very question if it's so safe why didn't he just open it what if it's a bomb and it blows up in our faces the massacre and protect us laughs you never get dialogue like that the henchmen yeah it was an assassination attempt on me but fate it was my wife in the car that night not me thanks put my wife in the hospital a piece of red piercing her heart had your own kid killed oh yes okay I decided the piece of [ __ ] that's right I told her not to leave to wait for me but she promised it was the last time we would ever marry him out of trouble I will come I will always come for you well she taught me a valuable lesson if you do not control your faith it will control you so I took control I brought them all here to dying but now there is only one left Mr Carver [ __ ] her the man who murdered my wife oh my God are you for real oh my God bro just open it fine you happy I'm not Carver oh that's sick yikes get him this music is amazing so good oh nice get him thank you he's like who's the last time right now Tom Cruise oh nice Aida I've got this stop the train what whoa [Music] what's up oh my God holy sh h wow right we're gone I got it oh my God we're on the wrong track I wonder if there was like a physics simulation that was done to figure this out yeah or if they're just like Ah that's what happens by fear you have the one thing deep dumb you cannot control how they get out of the sword situation yeah but I got another brother now really well that was the best way to go I guess oh [Music] [ __ ] it oh ew [Music] foreign [Music] oh my God [Music] no way oh my God huh not again oh how did that survive ah come on just let it go bro follow me bro okay holy [ __ ] foreign wait what you need some suggested reading if I may surviving borderline personality disorder what you record tangerines is that Karma farewell Dental mushy girl wow [Applause] Sandra Bullock no you're right you were the greatest most wonderful Handler that I could ever have ever ever do you think maybe there was a little head trauma maybe a little bit yeah next time take the gun don't listen to Barry okay simple a bit nice car yes it is try not to breed them how do you know it's a bad thing huh really see what I'm doing I do turning that upside down I do this is working yeah oh my God [Music] Android [Music] I like that a lot I just thought it was long yeah yeah I was like this this could be a shorter movie I thought it was really fun I love the tone of it it's I I was expecting I didn't know what it was going to be like I've seen movies where there's one setting like trained to Busan or the other bong Joon ho film that they made a show about yes no piercer I liked how this is like a totally like sarcastic sardonic Twisted version of that I love the character work I thought each of the characters like if you read their descriptions I as an actor I can imagine being like oh hell yes it seems so fun I just love the tone but I I do think it was a little long but it was fun that was the main thing I was like well we're still going here like we're just getting started on some of this on some of these story beats I'm like holy crap you have all these characters that are well defined and they each have their own like roadmap apps that they're following and you you can see that so for me it felt kind of like snatch on a train with martial arts if that makes any sense because you have all these different characters that are all vying for something at once and it's like instead of a diamond it's the Briefcase full of money in Gold so to speak like that's at the center of it but then it's even bigger than that because there are vendettas in place that was something that I guess snatched didn't quite have that made this very very interesting also Brad Pitt his character was so much fun he had so many interesting character moments one-liners and just little things it's like I remember um what was it oh goodness I forgot what it's a Burn After Reading I think is what it was called if you haven't seen the movie yet I'm about to give something away his part was quite small because he dies early in the movie I remember when he was being held at gunpoint over a bicycle it was like the guy holding him at gunpoint thought it was a particular kind of brand and Brad Pitt's character laughs like you think it's that like the way he laughs at it he has this way of taking these real things and injecting it into these moments where it's like why would you do it there you know like he's in the middle of this conflict of life or death and he's got the finger analogy and he's like wait a second that's weird because he messed it up and it just feels very real in the way that like any one of us might mess up because I'm always like self-conscious about like potentially messing up a phrase or how you're supposed to use a word and then I'll sit and think about it for a second they're like this awkwardness in my brain and his character just externalizes I thought that his character was like one of my favorite types of characters I've seen on screen where what I thought the script was so well done in terms of like using what it had like with his character you have like the luck thing and being unlucky and then you intertwine that into everyone's storyline and then just with the train itself they made it where they upped the Antics like with the one minute to exit and enter and then there was the quiet Zone and then there was like the just like a few different things like that that just added so much to it so even though we were only on the train the whole time it felt like there was a lot to lose yeah they did a good job of varying the different and carts so that it didn't feel like one location it felt like a variety of locations because like you had the bar and you had this the the I don't know that anime kind of with the the girl inside of the costume and then you had the the train that we started with that was more normal and I guess formal looking I guess it's because it's different classes but all of it felt so varied that if you know it didn't feel like one spot even though it kind of was but it still felt very very epic like all things especially with that ending it's like the effects were bananas I really wonder what the budget was on this right because it felt like a much bigger budget film than I was anticipating and the cameos were also cool the cameos are great I love zazzy beats Bad Bunny that's funny to see like an artist actually and he was actually really good I love that Montage of him I thought that was well done I love those little cutouts that they did I think that was like stylistically unique and well done well as far as like the fight scenes go that's like something I paid a lot of attention to obviously there's a lot of combat going on the first two that were there I thought were quite good as especially the one between him and the Mexican guy and that trans like the way they were using the briefcase and the way Brad Pitt was like he was he had this flare with it that he would twirl it around and in between everything but the thing that was neat about it even though he's in this dire conflict and the fight is intense he's still maintaining how his character would move and behave he's kind of running away and he's got the briefcase over his head like he's deadly but he's amusing to watch in a very Jackie chan-esque kind of way and so the second fight that was really cool where they're in the quiet section it was a very obviously Jackie Chan moment where Brad Pitt gets kicked in the shin and he goes oh and he like rubs his shin really quickly that's straight out of a movie called who am I well that's fine where Jackie Chan and this guy are kicking each other's shins and then they both start rubbing their shins and going oh [ __ ] that's really funny it's a very Jackie Chan thing yeah General and I thought that was cool a cool way to approach this character it's like he's in the middle of this life and death situation but he keeps trying to Zen out and find philosophy in each moment and have an opportunity to have dialogue and close the gap between him and his enemy he's like no it's a there's a wall in the window for opportunity right I thought all that stuff was really cool you know it makes them a very different and likable character totally from the beginning his first line to his last line you're like this character Rock I mean for a two-hour Journey he's just fun to be around right and the funniest thing is whenever we moved away from him I missed him you know I just wanted to be around around him again not that the other characters were not interesting I thought they were all well defined it was just like I miss Brad Pitt's character let's go hang out with him again he's just so much fun to be around yeah for the movie you know yeah the third fight scene one with the English guy I forgot his name who played um Tangerine so the spot with the food that fight scene was kind of messy to me it wasn't as nice as the other two like there was there was an Artistry and a creativity to the other two fight scenes that I thought was super cool and I felt like it was kind of lost in that third one maybe because the actor fighting Brad Pitt was not as equipped and so they had to sort of like get in coverage you know like close-ups and Fast Cuts and stuff like that to make up for his otherwise you know missing skill and then the other one was the sword fight scene with Last Samurai guy and uh I forgot the name of the actor from who plays Zod Michael something I know it's Michael something I'm sure of it that sword fight scene I was like the emotional conflict there was quite interesting and I liked the stakes it was that the choreography didn't live up to the emotional Conflict for me it was just like I was expecting like something super cool with all that has been built up because you have all this super cool well-defined characters and this backstory and whatnot with the Yakuza and how this Russian guy Rose through the ranks he was shown to be a crazy badass in that flashback I want to see that I know he's older first off and the actor is not a martial artist I get it there was a lot that was like you know what I mean it was built up and then for the build up I was like okay the emotional payoff was strong and there were some cool surprises like when uh the English actor I forgot his name I think he played Kick-Ass he was also in Godzilla if I'm not mistaken Quicksilver too I love that moment when he passes the girl and he sees the sticker and he sees it yeah diesel I thought that was a cool moment and then you find out that fast just still alive like the Romeo and Juliet sort of thing totally I thought that was neat the bonding and the dialogue all that stuff was cool I thought the the only thing that was a little bit much for me I think it was trimmed it could have made the movie a little shorter was and I know you're probably gonna disagree with me I just wish that the there was a little bit less dialogue between lemon and tangerine I just it's like after a while I'm like I've seen snatch it was better in Snatch that's that was the feeling I was sorting sort of getting I don't know if I'm the only one but when you've established someone as so as fun to be around as Brad Pitt and then you're giving me this dialogue that is a copycat of snatch it's what it feels like let's just go back to Brad Pitt like it was so much fun to be around you know what I mean that was what I was getting okay yeah I I love the dialogue I love the dialogue in general between them I thought where it could have been trimmed is like between the back and forth of like all the suitcase work there could have been like three scenes trimmed out okay which ones I don't know oh exactly but I just feel like it's hard to say because I loved Ozzy beats character in there and and bad bunnies but it's like were they really needed you had to know that the lady inside of the costume uh it was something was a Nostalgia like you just had to know that right like because I saw that and I'm like there's something up with that character that's not there on on accident she was trying to hold on to the case so I was like okay there's something there yeah I like the the Mexican standoff with like it fell in Brad Pitt's hand right and he took it and he jabbed her with it and he was like waiting for her to grab the the EpiPen or whatever it's called the antidote like the timing of it before he shoved it in his own throat like I like that stuff I thought it was super creative like the way they handled a lot of things me too you know it was just long it was just long yeah but they probably like saw every scene where like God it's just so fun if you watched every scene alone I would say they're all solid scenes yeah and then it's just in Continuum like that's hard to trim the fat there when you're trying to have a fun action film with characters that you can easily understand we have films where characters just show up and they're bad asses and but you don't know anything about them yeah whereas here you know something about everybody involved yeah I guess the the byproduct of that is the film then ends up feeling longer I don't know what they could have done differently to make it not feel like oh God we're still here I'd have to sit and think about it for a while and let the movie like simmer in my brain for a bit or watch it again because there is something like that is missing in the film where you just start to feel a little bit exhausted and I'm not sure exactly why maybe it's because the style just sort of wears you down after a while but I do like the style it's weird it can be seen as a negative or a positive it's kind of like your Brad Pitt's character being like oh [ __ ] yeah again yeah true and so it kind of puts you into that mode where you're like damn I really feel you like you keep being drawn back into it when you think you're almost done I think you might be onto something with this as he beat it's prolonging the time until the Epic third Act of the movie which itself is very big and involved overall I enjoyed it I had a lot of fun I thought the action was great and it's like better action than you get in most action movies you know even with the stuff that I didn't like as much I think it's still better than a lot of what you get in general yeah and I love the I mean every anytime you film something in Japan I'm like I want to go it's such a pretty site yeah you know when I was watching the commercials I was a little concerned about lack of Asian characters in a movie set in Japan yeah and while watching it I was like I guess they covered their bases I mean they did have vocal characters that were Japanese yeah and I think part of it was like playing on the fat like the white death is kind of a funny character it's like you and all of his minions like you guys are not Japanese you're in Japanese Mass trying to be like the Yakuza and it's like kind of ironic but everyone's scared of them it's like you guys are super appropriating yeah yeah there was that one moment that I thought was interesting where you had the two guys who were like why doesn't he open the case why is he making it oh yeah that was cool because it was another yet another thing to make the movie longer it was a dialogue that we never see it's like you always have these henchmen in movies who are just following orders who are but not interesting because you don't know anything about like you don't hear them talk it's just they're nothing they're literally just muscle uh yeah they're just muscle they're uh cannon fodder right whereas here you actually get to hear them talk and think and like is this the right move it's like you don't you don't know their names you don't know who they are but it's an interesting moment yeah you know yeah totally I like that touch yeah and it almost made me wish that this was even though it's one location it almost made me wish that this was like a mini series on HBO as opposed to a movie because it's like that that exhausted feeling maybe it's a byproduct of us just being in this generation of watching cinematic television and so we're used to it being broken up yeah but I wonder if like you could have gotten everything that was on The Cutting Room floor and had like a four episode thing for hdmax that could be fun totally yeah I know TV's made me change the way I view movies like it's like we can't help it yeah I appreciated all the surprises the twists and Turn Style the like the visual style of it was so cool we're watching this on an OLED TV that might be helping but it just popped you know the saturated colors and the contrast I thought all of that was really nice kind of out of Quentin Tarantino Vibe like the music mixed with uh yeah yeah yes the soundtrack was definitely interesting and the mixture of or cutting things to music or just finding interesting facts to underscore things in an ironic way I guess kind of like Tarantino him and Scorsese are the ones that really really uh push that anyways you guys thanks so much for hanging out with us hopefully you enjoyed that do subscribe Bell icon all notifications pretty please vote this up let YouTube know you're enjoying what you're watching if you're watching this on patreon or memberships thanks so much for supporting us here I'm jabby Coe this is Steph Sabra peace out
Channel: CinePals
Views: 168,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N5rmua1A8sQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 52sec (2992 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 04 2023
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