CONSTANTINE Movie Reaction! | First Time Watch | Review & Discussion | Keanu Reeves

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[Music] welcome to Keanu Reeves fan club no we if you don't like Keanu Reeves I feel like that you have the problem yeah there's been a complete like re-up in love of Keanu not like it ever left but I feel like it's higher than ever and today we are visiting a movie neither of us have watched before which is Constantine I'm Steph's abroad joined by Andrew Flash Gordon what's up and we're excited about this one I love vampires I love DC I don't know why I've never I love Keanu Reeves but I haven't seen this movie we're excited to watch it with you today since you are on YouTube you will be seeing a cut down version of our reaction because we're only allowed to show you a certain amount of picture-in-picture but if you want to watch this entire movie with us no cuts no interruptions and you can do that one of two ways you can either become a patron at or a member on this YouTube channel right here if you're already a member or patreon thank you we appreciate you all you'll need is your own version of the film we're watching it on HBO Max soon to be Max whatever um so you'll just put it up and in a side-by-side screen next to us and it's like we're gonna be watching the movie together which is awesome before we jump in make sure you hit that subscribe button Bell icon all notifications and vote this up and thank you editors for listening to Andrew and I rant about Keanu for I don't know how long before we started this video he deserves all the praise he gets such a good human being Outlook in there without a flashlight no I'm not sticking my hand in any random hole without a light yeah I agree oh hell no colors it's not the Chicago Bulls oh but with that damage a car like that hitting a person oh shy he's marked all you have to do is touch this thing no ritual nothing what the heck what the heck oh oh hell no foreign do not look someone's gonna work [Music] jeez told you guys what to do what's wrong with you [Music] whoa boss [Music] oh no don't let it out later oh my God she's okay I mean she's gonna need she's gonna need psychiatric care the rest of her life but thank God she's okay [Music] yeah Constantine's a boss [Music] whoa I would literally be passing out right now I'm afraid of heights but she's dreaming yeah yeah [Music] the shot that was [Applause] a scary dream yeah look I know it's hard to accept sick Angie there was security cameras interesting that chica was able in Her Dream to see her mm-hmm like doing that hold the door keep going down I wonder if I can help it damn cold world [Music] oh my God damn everything dies around him I really need to speak with him it's very important first come first whoa he's still trying to buy your way into heaven what does he want from me only the usual self-sacrifice belief you smoke 30 cigarettes a day since you were 15. and you're going to go to hell because of the life you talk so much damage okay so he's got abilities oh so maybe that's why I couldn't read his acting I'm so sorry you see Constantine damn she saw him in the elevator at the church and now on a video on one day having coincidence [Music] whoa hey buddy got a light whoa what ew probably looks like he's fighting himself right oh Beetle Screech [Music] [Applause] oh yep step on them yeah that crab's gotta go something's coming spooky oh expression okay not Christmas Glover make my entire night I'll make your night I'll Deport you sorry I swear [Music] you know the rules of my house one year you will abide by them it's like the Continental in general what I didn't catch [Music] I always love shots like that in movies with strobe lights it's a really good effect Mr Constantine I saw I remember kiss me I'd like to ask you a few questions oh are you all flirting I thought you said she was murdered well Isabel wouldn't have taken her own life yeah what kind of mental patient kills herself we should go girl close your eyes why yourself [Music] whoa [Music] whoa damn they came out in grew wow that was cool Constantine is awesome yeah be careful with that cat 's like what is happening whoa you've got to go girl that's cool zian Hill wow oh my demons ew can he physically be harmed if he's not like if he's just [Music] whoa that was trippy that's crazy oh so she is a twin okay makes sense why it looks exactly [Music] wanted he's steaming is that just because it's so cold or is it it's definitely cold in there but oh my God [Music] do you need like alcohol oh wow nothing's coming out weird um ah what's happening uh okay when I was a kid I could see things things humans aren't supposed to see oh God that's so freaky I mean it's freaky for adults but for a kid my parents were normal you did what most parents would do put you in a psych ward you try to kill yourself I didn't try anything officially I was dead for two minutes when you cross over time stops oh that's why she kind of froze and that Angels and Demons can't cross over them so instead we get what I call half breeds those with the Demon's touch those part Angel ah they call it the balance I call it hypocritical the guard spotted and broken the body then he ran across the street came in here and he had to go at the entire stock he'd drawn himself in alcohol in under a minute damn he was drinking okay he just didn't feel it oh just like this is just like the sister on the uh on her wrist this is certainly not good the sins of the father would only be exceeded by the sins of the son whose son but he can't cross over be impossible to cross over whose son God's son no the other one oh no there it is this is a sign of my mom this is the devil trying to cross over it says uh Memon has no patience for his father's rule and yearns to forge his own kingdom oh it's the devil's son yeah okay let's cross over my mom would need the help of God the help of God oh no I know you've never had much faith never had much reason to but that doesn't mean that we don't have faith thanks [Music] ew oh my God ew oh God John on the spot such a gentleman Keanu it's such a weird feeling getting into a bath with shoes and clothes on I know what do you mean lie down as long as it is [Music] okay there's a rubber dust I know oh does she have to die oh wow time's out of standstill [Music] whoa girl oh she's got the steam all over her too oh it's like the coin guy what was that bath at the bowling alley or was that constant okay because I thought they were at Constantine's place it was his [Music] yep the coin [Music] she's like like a search dog yeah what about the balance Half Breed to the scales when he started killing my friends I'm just adding some counting weight [Music] oh that's whoa [Music] I'm coming with you you're staying in the car she's not staying in the car [Music] I was born of this opposed my mind crosses over you [Music] that's better [Music] yeah she's getting out here girl you need a new weapon uh you're not dealing with Mortals yeah you said to her that's not gonna help yeah oh like okay [Music] oh yikes those are sick ew he's like a big booger but the yeah but the makeup is terrific terrific what are you doing reading you that's right spam me if you're a major incantation in the name of the father and the Son and the Holy Spirit whatever God the Son of God will give birth oh he looks so gross okay so Balthazar is not the son of the devil yeah so I was wrong totally wrong about that she was my only mission and you brought her right to us idiot oh [Music] please whoa where's the animal I don't know I must have left it in there I don't know I just feel ah [Music] oh my God damn that's cool well they need her alive right to get the son of the devil but girl like the bulletproof vest necklace and you were like no I need to use the chair [Music] you're the only one still playing by the rules midnight and I see beaming are you where your friends wants to remember oh I need your help I consider it a last request cold little flavor cheers [Music] Bottoms Up [Music] do you electrocute himself [Music] damn [Music] is that him just now at the balthazar's office oh [Music] damn whoa whoa he's just turning everyone into [Music] [Music] that was such a cool effect so you wouldn't happen to have one of those Enchanted crosses sitting around here in a cabinet or something maybe we could take with us look John no offense I I just don't think that it's a great idea you know you're going to solo Mission you save the world that's that's what I that's my vote right stay ready you're getting back oh hell no who are you it's not Manuel is it girl he told you that wasn't gonna work [Music] oh he's gonna like put the sprinklers on that's awesome you are in violation of the balance or I will Deport you all of you oh poor people really reminds me oh it's melting their skin [Music] Epic oh [Applause] oh hit him Shia LaBeouf yeah hell yeah okay so it seems like the sister knew what they were trying to get her for to release the son of the devil and she gave her life up instead yeah oh yeah yeah yeah yeah like exactly what she would do for her yeah when she's like I would switch places with her is that the son of the devil [Music] oh no is it too late she's gotta go after her oh it's this guy uh John oh no he's possessing her this kid better not die I don't see shell above's character dying like can you date after this Angela what is it what yeah [Applause] [Music] [Music] where is it though well that is because this is Kramer Chaz Kramer oh no do not kill you [Music] what no wow so I guess I was way off on that call or he said he wasn't gonna pass why is that correctly oh no so that you may rise above it oh so that those of you who survive this reign of Hell on Earth will be wild ing Gabriel you're insane yeah seriously [Music] hmm I'm comfortable don't cut your wrist I can't with those grosses me out oh God oh man son of Satan I am oh hell no [Music] stand still oh my God [Music] that's not Isabelle is it they had the spear our destiny [Music] wow so cool [Music] time to go home son I will smite thee you know he is honor looks like somebody doesn't have your back anymore whoa [Music] you're going to hell Gabriel bummer you know you're well respected and how when the devil offers to light you a secret you're willing to give up your life so she can go to a heaven fine it's done [Music] in and out [Music] what oh this is long oh did you take out the cancer I think so be the hand of God it's your choice it's always been your choice hell no I'm going to heaven Baby yep oh that's a nice shot oh she's never used to oh yeah it's never felt pain damn that was a nice shot too you could have shot me John why are you giving me this so don't hide it in the ground right I'd like that I wonder how high they have to turn up keanu's mic for his whisper mysterious ways some people like it some people oh he's chewing naked he's gonna say his first shot in the film was with a cigarette and his final shot oh Francis Lawrence did this is great director and his final shot is with yeah interesting I wonder if is there an after credit oh what's gonna happen oh Jazzy's he's got his wings that's cool nice that's cool deserved yeah for sure okay that was awesome what are your thoughts I really enjoyed this film uh again I'm not a Die Hard Constantine fan terms of the comics or the lore but I really like this I like the World building I like the character John Constantine I just like that no-nonsense don't give an f attitude uh and I thought he actually had was really fleshed out throughout the film in a methodical and interesting way and I thought Keanu Reeves just brought a lot of Gravitas a lot of Charisma to the role uh as he usually does in general but I really liked his interpretation of the character uh what'd you think I thought it was really I really liked this movie I've heard that mixed reviews from me and I thought it was a really cool demon Supernatural story I love the cast I thought everyone was great even including like Satan played by Peter Stormare I thought he was so creepy and gross and disgusting I thought the the way the demons look books were great this came out in 2005 and I feel like it's better than a lot of the extra CGI doubt stuff we see nowadays where I'm like okay that's clearly CGI like this felt like really gross like it felt like there was actual like mucus and pus on these demons faces is disgusting I saw that it was rated R which is interesting and I wonder if that's because of the biblical stuff because I don't think that it was super R rated Vibes right I mean there were some horror elements but I mean I feel like this film could have passed PG-13 for sure anyways I thought it was great like I loved Constantine and Angela Dodson Rachel weis's character I thought that they had great chemistry and I thought that it was an interesting telling of her integration into his life it just was well done in that sense and I thought I love the film Noir style that they had I love those green lights that they had the yellow lights and the hints of red in there too kind of gave me some Daredevil the way that Daredevils apartment was more of those Reds and yellows and blues and then as always Shia LaBeouf his personal life is a disaster he is a great actor and I I thought his character was great and I thought the character got Justice at the end which was nice to see that's some interesting comparisons that I actually really agree with in terms of the the lighting like Daredevil and all that with Matt Murdoch's apartment but I I was throughout the film thinking you know during the visual of when we were seeing scenes of visual uh effects I was like this is really good in 2005 a lot better than a lot of the films we're seeing nowadays they weren't going overboard with the CGI but they were using them in certain sections and they made a count when they used it Exposition is a very hard thing to nail down as a screenwriter do I show do I tell do I do both I thought this film did a very good job especially with the World building like the scenes where John was explaining to Angela about you know how what the rules are and how this world exists I just thought it was executed so well from an actor's perspective in terms of Keanu Reeves uh to Angela the way he explains it to her I just thought the right of this film just did a good job nailing the exposition overall in this film not all movies I think deserve or I would like to see a sequel but I do I would want to see a sequel in this universe I I really do dig what they've created and I think now with like where screenwriters are and things and seeing like the MCU play out seeing the dceu play out we're learning a lot more things like you see Marvel kind of taking us like they're slowing down because some of the stuff they were doing wasn't hitting as hard as the past so there's so many like tools for sequels being used correctly now and with what they've already planted I feel like go for it probably would not be connected to the new DC but I know they have the the DC where it's not connected like the Robert Pattinson Batman films and they're gonna have other films that are just not connected not totally which I think that you could do that because I do get like if I'm James Gunn and saffron I'm being like okay now we're introducing like religion and an entirely different like part and it's kind of like with the internals like you introduce the internals it's like where the hell were the eternals during everything else right and they gave some excuse it worked for me it didn't work for a lot of people I see that being similar oh you have all these demons you have all these angel half angels around one of the villains came right so I I get that but I do think in a separate entity yeah it could really work but who knows yeah in a separate entity I agree with you that a sequel could definitely work and I'm like I'm fully invested in this universe and the characters I would love to see them do a sequel obviously that's not related to the DC that they're currently doing kind of like again what they're doing with Robert Pattinson's Batman I would definitely love to see that I really enjoyed that I'm glad I watched that it was a super fun watch and uh I would look forward to a sequel if there was one let us know in the comments your thoughts on the film itself but also on the idea of their props being a sequel for Constantine and don't forget to subscribe like leave a comment as I said and turn on all notifications so you know when we drop more videos like this and we have a whole bunch of other videos on this channel as well I'm Steph Sabra this is Andrew Flash Gordon much love
Channel: CinePals
Views: 134,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tcXAx_sNYx0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 40sec (2200 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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