$1 vs $1000 LEGO MYSTERY box...

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this week I copped a one dollar one hundred dollar and one thousand dollar Lego mystery box and for each one I open I'm gonna challenge myself to take what I get and build my very own Lego creation so anyway let the challenge begin okay so for the one dollar box I'm in this Lego store with my boy Marcus right now while I'm not looking he's gonna buy minifig and surprise me so here's your dollar my boy I'm gonna go run real quick all right so I got this doll right here I gotta pick something that he's not gonna expect honestly oh it's right here maybe Minecraft Steve right here thank you so much I then had him put it in his giant Lego head and now that I'm back in the crib let's see what Marcus got me okay here we go okay and he bought me a Minecraft Steve I like Minecraft so we could definitely make a cool build for this minifig but first we need inspiration so I went on to Minecraft to play for a couple hours [Music] there you go boys and girls I just made my own house it's a small place but it gets the job done and I want to make this house in Lego for our boy Steve but before we do that here's a bunch of diamond armor so he's got that drip now it's time to build our home so I grabbed a face plate and laid out the foundation okay before we build the walls let's add the inside I then went ahead and added some flooring a crafting table furnace chest full of random Loot and a bed to the interior looks good then I kept building the walls adding glass windows and a custom oak door I built it doesn't open sadly but with my editing it can open now with time to finish the house with a roof then add some things outside like I made these bushes and lanterns and on this side of the house I'll make a tiny garden with wheat potatoes because your boy loves potatoes and a pumpkin and boom we took a single minifig that's worth one dollar it gave him a custom build to live in but we've only scratched the surface of what we're gonna review in this video so get out my face because now it's time to review our 100 box for this next box I'm gonna need my boy Riley yo what's good my man what's up okay so I have a hundred bucks I'm gonna give it to you go buy whatever Lego you want surprise me with it all right here you go thank you I'll definitely spend this on you and not myself yeah don't buy any v-bucks or anything like that one week later it came in the mail oh what's that okay I'm already seeing some bricks not really surprised by that okay I'm getting jungle Vibes right now lots of plants in here different colors too one bag had a bunch of completely random Parts in it oh okay there's a lot of animals in this bag there's a monkey crabs fish squirrel Birds snakes spiders I think Riley's trying to scare me honestly and even a dolphin I love Dolphins he sent this minifig with a bunch of bruises on it not sure what happened and in the final bag came some larger animals there's two lions with a cup and there's a giant snake yeah so Riley gave me a bunch of animals which gives me the idea of making a Lego creation to put them all in so how about we make a zoo but before we start building the zoo let's talk about the sponsor of this video which is lukeboy an app that helps you score top tier gaming treasure and exclusive surprises through Quest or at a great price it's free on all these platforms here and essentially you collect loot coins to open free packs all that for free in just a few clicks I then proceeded to get even more free loot or you can collect diamonds to open Premium Pack that you can also pay for there's always new exciting ways to earn in-app currency there's even weekly comics and a new chat radar feature where you can chat and play with other pogger Gamers that share the same interests as you but most importantly I've teamed up with loot boy to donate to charity so there's three exclusive Lego packs on the site right now each one gives you these virtual Lego bricks our goal is to collect 10 million of them by January 15 and by doing so all of these items will be donated to the United Nations International children's emergency fund and currently they're helping relieve people in Ukraine the first pack is free gives you one virtual brick and all this other loot the second pack is three dollars gives you 25 bricks one free mystery Lego game better Loot and a chance to win this Lego Millennium Falcon set and the third pack is 16 but gives you 200 bricks one free mystery Lego game even better Loot and even a bigger chance to win the Millennium Falcon so click the link in the description use my code and download lootboy to get a juicy starter pack with tons of loot also check out the charity event let's get those 10 million bricks baby but anyway I'm getting attacked by this line right now so let's go back to making the zoo first off we need to figure out the different exhibits we're gonna have okay I say we have one for The Aquatic animals one for the tree animals like the squirrels one for the land animals and one exclusively for the Lions because if you put them with the other animals they're just gonna eat them let's start with our aquatic exhibit Riley bought me some of these colorful plant pieces so I went ahead and used them to make coral and other sea plants then I added crabs fish and our dolphin when I say a bad word I need you to cover it and as a final touch I'll go ahead and add glass pieces around the build to make it look like one giant aquarium our second exhibit can be for our tree animals so I say we make a small jungle I'll add two trees one palm tree that I made using glizzies and for the remaining space I'll add a bunch of undergrowth plants so it looks really Lush so just like that we can move in our squirrels monkeys and our Birds our third exhibit can be for the snakes and spiders so I'll add a few rocks for them to sleep underneath a water bowl and then we can add our animals what would happen if this guy got bad whoa that's sick and in this last spot I'll add our lions and their cub and I'll have this bruised lady feeding the Lions because this is probably how you'll look after doing it and it looks like our zoo is open for business so time to start adding some Minifigs here's people taking pictures here's a tour guide spitting facts about squirrels this guy's cleaning poop this guy tried petting one of the Lions dang bro I'm dead and this guy's listening to an audio guide the female usually builds at night and just like that I think that completes our 100 Mystery Box build but I don't give a crap about this anymore so get out of my face because now we're going to review the one thousand dollar mystery box and for this final box I sugar daddied sacred with my credit card and let him spend a thousand dollars on any Lego he could possibly want maybe this was a bad idea but anyway let's see what he's doing right now yeah I just hacked into Tyler's bank account I blew all of it on fortnite skins but there's a thousand dollars left we're gonna surprise him with the Lego Mystery Box okay so my plan is I want him to basically build a roller coaster I think that'd be really cool so we're gonna have to buy a bunch of track pieces that he could use but we can't just do roller so we also gotta confuse him a little bit we already know he likes his glizzies we're just gonna buy a really random sticker sheet let's also get him a front of an airplane for literally no reason let's also buy him the butt of an airplane there are gonna have to be people riding in the roller coaster so we're gonna have some Minifigures over here we're gonna pick out some really cool ones we're definitely gonna have to get this burger person that's the name now we have to see how much all of this stuff costs and if it hits a thousand dollars the first card is already 500 geez all right the next card is formed okay here's the next card get the random plane pieces and all of these are gonna be super useful okay with tax this is gonna be around a thousand dollars worth of Lego we needed 10 different carts to fit this many pieces hopefully you can build something cool with this and this reaction is gonna be insane one week later it came in the mail you think you can surprise me say Coretta I'm watching you you know I could do a lot of things with a thousand dollars I could be in Disneyland right now I could have bought the new iPhone okay here we go Seeker let's see what you bought me [Music] whoa what's this oh my gosh he sent so many roller coaster tracks yeah there were lots of tracks there was also a lot of random stuff like this sandwich with eyeballs a Minecraft ghast Moana random printed brick this bag's full of black glizzies and this minifig that's literally a USB stick oh that's I didn't even know Lego made these also just a ton of random Parts okay he he just gave me part of an airplane I guess I think there's a sticker packet in here that literally looks like is this anime what is this and there were some extra Minifigs super emo kid taco man and there's a piece of chicken you see sacred as a man of class this is so much Lego I feel like I'm in Minecraft creative mode right now now the big question is what am I gonna make with all this okay you know what he gave me a lot of these tracks so I say we make a roller coaster like a big one first off I want to mess around and see what I can do with these tracks okay here's experiment number one there's 22 tracks let's push it and see what happens okay go have fun kids okay this roller coaster had some serious stability problems so it was time to rethink and design a better one that also was more exciting and not just a straight wiggly line Lego has already made several roller coasters sets so I can't just be an NPC and make something basic I have to outbeat all of them and make the best Lego roller coaster I possibly can and we have to keep this roller coaster as exciting as possible so after three hours of building I had a finished product and here she is this is something that I always dreamed of doing as a kid okay so we got the boys all strapped up let's see how this roller coaster performs [Music] only problem is I forgot to add something to stop the ride so if you're the front passenger then you're gonna get knocked unconscious so to fix it I went ahead and added some Wheels there you go it stopped also there's no track taking you to the top but I don't think people would really care about that also it's just a waste of Parts but this roller coaster isn't done just yet because there's a few final touches I want to add using some of the parts sacred gave us like we can't forget about the black glizzies guys look how many people are in line to get their glizzies this guy's even dressed up as one sacred also gave me Flags so we can go ahead and add those around the ride or these satellite dishes for extra color I'm also going to add one of those cameras that take your picture on the ride as well as Burger person this guy's eating chicken on the ride and for a chef's kiss I'll add a broken rotting plane on the ground to make this ride look extra scary and just like that I think our roller coaster is complete so now it's time to FaceTime sacred and see what he thinks hey what's goody wait yo Saker what is that be predicting how the build's gonna look you better watch that mouth young man all right this is what I built with your thousand dollars I was just like punch it right now okay but are you happy now or you will do that to your mom big thanks to my boy Marcus Riley and sacred for helping make this video possible and also big thanks to lukeboy for helping sponsor this video make sure you click the link below to download the app and get that juicy starter pack anyway I'll catch you guys in the next one so thank you for watching peace out
Channel: TD BRICKS
Views: 11,634,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lego, legos, lego set, lego sets, lego ideas, lego creation, lego creator, lego minifigure, lego minifig, lego tutorial, lego meme, lego memes, lego star wars, lego minecraft, lego moc, lego mocs, lego house, lego tips, lego tricks, lego tips and tricks, lego city, lego mystery box, lego funny, lego stop motion, lego builder, lego movie
Id: ustAcdkHNl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 17 2022
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