I MADE Minecraft’s COOLEST Biome in LEGO…

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i designed custom lego models and today i'm going to build a minecraft lush cave in lego form and then try and connect it underneath this lego minecraft creation i built earlier to form the ultimate minecraft chunk out of lego will this result in both of the builds breaking will i even have enough axolotls will an aether portal ever work lots and lots of questions so let's just get started now if you live under a rock a lush cave is basically if a jungle in a cave had a baby it's a cave in the game that has a ton of vines moss water greenery and axolotls and legends themselves have never actually made an official minecraft lush cave set so this is gonna get interesting now in order for our cave to fit seamlessly underneath our last minecraft build we're gonna have to build it in the same dimensions aka 16 by 32. i grabbed the correct base plate for it and got ready to start the build now the main blocks that we're gonna have to build in lego for this or stone because it's a cave moss blocks water and clay because lush caves are actually filled with clay blocks and are part of what makes them so unique also the axolotls they are very unique for all of the blocks we're going to build them in my go-to scale of one minecraft block equaling a two by two brick five plates high aka a lego perfect square now to resemble the stone we're gonna use dark grey instead of light grey like they used in the sets looks like grey is actually gonna be used for the clay block since it's the closest color to clay that's affordable lego equals affordable what okay now for the moss blocks we're just gonna use the perfect cube in regular green but you know how i said all these blocks are gonna be five plates tall we'll scratch that because for the water blocks they're just gonna be a brick and a tile on top because in the game water is actually slightly shorter than normal minecraft blocks and my amazing vision caught that instantly now that we have our initial block designs established we're gonna need a lot more of these so i went to an online lego store and ordered a ton of pieces to use for this we're getting the mother lode but i still have enough pieces to start designing the cave so let's get going i started on the left side experimenting with our blocks and i used this image as our main reference while designing this and i noticed that lush caves also have dirt blocks so i made sure to include some of those as well a little building hack that i used was combining two one stud wide bricks to form a two stud wide one it's basically lego on a budget which still costs a lot yes all of the pieces we ordered previously have finally arrived let's crack them open flight test after opening up the package and drooling all over the new pieces i got back to building the cave with new reinforcements and high hopes the first thing i did was grab these trans blue bricks and finish up this little pond that i started i also tiled it off for the most part but included some exposed studs so that later we can add some more special things now one of these special things are the drip leaves they're super common in lush caves and necessary for this build to build them i took some inspiration from this design by cheesy studios where i grabbed one of these new bright green rod pieces and attached a leaf piece into the hole but to make it a little more detailed i added studs on the top and the bottom and added two of the drip leaves to the build as well as the lily pad on the side okay following that i started to expand out the cave on the other side where i added smaller water patches with much more elevation because minecraft isn't flat never mind i also made a realization that this is a cave and i need to add a bunch of oars otherwise what's the point of even going to a cave to kidnap some sea animals to social distance to make a secret hideout no one will know about no we need fully stacked diamonds so we need to add some oars i have to modify the light grey ore design that lego uses for their sets to a dark gray version but that was a really easy fix and it looks so good okay but to continue on building the cave i came up with a five step plan step one continue to elevate the build step two add more water patches step 2.5 fill up the backside for more structural integrity step 3 repeat step 2 and add more oars and step 4 build a sick looking waterfall but after doing all the steps the build is already looking super sick but now we need to complete the build by adding the back walls and just adding a ton of height to the build so it can actually look like a cave i flipped the cave around and started from the back so that we can give it strong structural integrity for the walls i used a bunch of these tall panel pieces i just ordered and oh my god these pieces it was love at first sight i mainly used stone for the walls but i made sure to sprinkle in some more oars because they are literally everywhere in minecraft nowadays i mean have you been in a cave finally i built the right side up to the max height i wanted the cave to be at but it was very challenging to get the minecraft geometry correct by using a mix of plates and bricks while still conserving parts i also included some of these bricks with studs on the side so that later we can add some block section sticking out and curving into the top to make it have depth and look like an actual cave then i moved to the other side and pretty much repeated the same steps except this time i included this clay pillar that extruded out of the wall to add more depth then after elevating the cave completely i added our first vine underneath this plate that stuck out of the wall it's a small one but we're gonna deck this spelled out with those vines and make it really look like a lush cave later on but moving back to the clay pillar i made the executive decision to build a lava waterfall drooping down this pillar because minecraft caves have lava even when it's a lush cave minecraft makes no sense but it don't matter because after building the lava waterfall it looked amazing and really completed the inside of this cave now to finish up the walls i added in some more diamonds and built these large block formations that i attached to the walls using the studs i left exposed and they really made this build feel like a cave that was enclosing on the top and just added a bunch of depth so it really looked like a minecraft cave now before we add the ceiling and the vines drooping down it's time we give this build life in the form of axolotls and some other aquatic mobs i cracked open two copies of the only lego set that has axolotl mobs built em up i got myself a ton of new aquatic mobs including six of these awesome lego axolotls that are way slimmer than they are in the game but it's time to introduce them to their new home we're also gonna throw in one of these glow squids because i actually found one while exploring a lush cave for this video i released them all into their new home and oh my god they look great to finish their habitat i threw in some more drip leaves and i realized that i forgot to include azalea blocks azalea blocks are one of the staples of lush caves and i have to include them in this lego version so i grabbed some of my newly acquired green plates and some studs in magenta a very cool color and i designed a pretty accurate recreation of an azalea block i added three of them to the build and i think the inside of the cave is finally done so now we can build the ceiling with the vines and try and connect the other minecraft build to the top of this if they break i'm literally gonna quit life the building technique i'm gonna use for the ceiling is building the entire thing with bricks as a wall and then placing it on its side to do this i needed to implement a way to build sideways so i lined the back of the cave with snot bricks so that i can attach the entire ceiling section to those now to build the actual wall i just stacked a bunch of bricks together and i also included some snot bricks there so that i could use the exposed studs to add vines to the bottom and i also included exposed studs facing the top so that they can act as holding points when we attach the other minecraft build to this now we're done with the ceiling section meaning it is time to design and build the actual vines i grabbed a bunch of these tiny leaf pieces i own along with my case of lego studs this is my ultimate flex right here and i got designing on a bunch of these vines using this simple technique where i attach a green stud in between each leaf and keep repeating that process and to represent the glowberries i also included some yellow studs in the mix okay but after a while i built a bunch of vines in various lengths and now it's time to attach them all into the ceiling okay we got this okay now they're all in but before we attach this to the cave there's one more addition that we need to include another iconic part of lush cave a spore flower i ordered one of these magenta flowers earlier but it's a really weird piece because it has exposed studs on the back side so to attach it to the ceiling i used this illegal building technique and shoved a stud in between the studs of the piece and then another transparent round piece to that construction so that the whole thing can attach to a snow brick on the ceiling now it's the moment of truth let's attach our ceiling yes it attached smoothly meaning that the build finally looks like a complete lush cave except the build still needs some characters so i grabbed my bin of lego minecraft figures geez that's a lot i picked out some figures to populate the cave i added a skeleton a baby sheep a baby chicken a baby slime and our hero bob fully dripped out in netherride armor mining in the cave okay but finally our lush cave is complete and it's the moment you've all been waiting for we're gonna use the studs i left exposed on the top of the cave to connect the other minecraft build on top of it and form the ultimate lego minecraft chunk i carefully grabbed the other lego minecraft world unless you so placing this on top doesn't break both of them that was easy it surprisingly fit in perfectly and the cave was actually strong enough to hold it up and yeah we successfully built the ultimate lego minecraft chunk featuring so many awesome details throughout the house on top and the awesome lush cave on the bottom that's what i call a w for bob thank you all so much for watching please subscribe these videos take a while to make
Channel: Sacred
Views: 1,851,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SK7mc8OgK0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 05 2022
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