Building The Perfect Starter Factory In Foundry Lets Play Ep.01

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I have been really enjoying Foundry so I thought you know what let's go for it let's start a let's play whilst we wait for satisfactory 1.0 so today we are starting a whole new world it's going to be the mega factory and we're going to use the seed that we started with our live streams recently over on total eclipse so it's 61 36491 one and we're going to we're not going to do it in creative mode because we want to build a mega Factory and here we are on the moon surface now the whole point of this series is basically whilst we wait for 1.0 to be released I thought why not see how far we can push Foundry and So the plan is to do a mega Factory and just see how optimized the game is for that and show you all the tips and tricks along the way but first of all I need to get through the tutorial so we're going to jump through that really quickly and then we'll get started on building the first factory I'm just getting the miners on the go for the time being but once we've got through it all I'll be able to hopefully redo all of this because the the the tutorial doesn't really incentivize us um planning ahead which is what you really need to do in this game given that the resource nodes at least in the early game run out after a a good few hours of playing and we're going to be needing a lot of resources by the way if it is your first time checking out Foundry it's a fantastic new first person automation game very similar to factorio um blended with Minecraft so very different to satisfactory I would argue um if you're interested in knowing more about this do check out my recent video on my my first impressions of Foundry but I'm hoping Hing to share everything with you in this let's play along with plenty of tips and tricks to really get the ball going in your factory when I'm planting these or building these drone miners I do like to dig down into the ground I just find it look so much cleaner um but I'm getting the basics running for both the technium and the is it IGN no it's the Xeno farite or goodness me I wish they'd just call a like a kettle a kettle you know call this copper call that one iron it's so confusing uh regardless we're going to get this up and running producing a little bit when we're going to do the same over there and then once we've got some plates and rods being produced we'll scale all of this up and start building the factory uh another cool thing if you dig all of those um pieces out like I've done you can actually use these for your your base later on if you're wanting to place everything on a a higher level we've just built the emergency beacons okay and we'll turn this on here we go boom fantastic saves me some work and we'll just place that here for now and now we have this cute guy at the moment we have two little Factory areas we have the technno or here and we have the Xeno farite ore here now that we're producing Xeno ferite plates and the rods we can start automating the base foundations which is actually really important because you don't want to be building your factory right on a node because as the node depletes you're then going to find that you have to bring more resources into that area and if you've sprawled out it makes it very difficult to bring the resources over so my first plan is going to be to remove this area of foliage and rocks and then build foundations over it flowing all the way in that direction from here we're going to just bring the resources onto that area and then we're going to start doing our smelting this is really going to help with scaling up your factory and maintaining productivity versus building on the nodes don't do this it's not satisfactory plays totally different that's better so we now have four of each of the smelters produced using the resources which means we should now be able to start automating the foundation so that's going to be useful I also want to automate the conveyors but we do need to do some more research really to automate the the items we do need a second spaced loader but I am hoping from this angle you can see how this is useful we're bringing the resources from the nodes to the Factory and then from here we're going to smelt it and then move it along to the right so that we can use it in our production this means that any other resources that we eventually add to this other Z xenop farite or or technium from this um side of the map we can just run it all the way across to here so it should allow us to easily scale also speaking of the smelters I think if I remember rightly it mentions we can run eight smelters per single conveyor line so we're going to double these up as well before I get started on the production lines I just wanted to show you the basic infrastructure that we're researching this unlocks um first and foremost the or scanner which allows us to find iium and from there we can use the burner generator this allows us to automate our power from the get-go but the other thing that we wanted is the loader second lane that's going to allow us to build manifolds and really get our production ction on the go we're going to just run the resources through here so that's going to be the output and we are going to produce the foundations let's just copy that and paste it there with a second loader Lane it's going to be much easier because we can just run two lines along one side but for now we need to split the resources oh speaking of which we don't have a way to split the resources at the moment uh so we will run this through here and this allows us to run our Zeno varite plates along here so if we run the first line around here then down to there not the most efficient setup possible but that should mean that we will now be producing using the blocks nice we have unlocked the or the IGN ore and more importantly we're now able to automate our power oh we're going to have to dig for this hopefully it doesn't look that deep ah here we go this is it so this will allow us to automate our power I'm thinking probably for now just because I've got no biomass and I don't really want to be getting more what I'm going to do is just build if we can what do we need oh uh we've got techn num rods back at the base I'm just going to grab you know 20 of these and hopefully that'll be enough to I really wish we could jump too high um but if we head back we can just get this basic burner running and then we'll connect the power afterwards oh fun fact uh if you right click your resource in your inventory you don't need to put it in your hot bar you can just get it running and build it from your inventory which is so cool um we actually won't have these here permanently I'm going to move them once we've started harvesting our resources because I really want this all for the uh the smelting and production for the time being I have been working away here trying to get this uh nice and clean and what we're going to do here is just add two of our miners when you're merging belts though you can merge directly onto another belt so for example if you had one belt going this way and then another one going this way this belt would merge onto this one but it can cause some break within the the line so it's best where possible to either use balancers or connect them to the end of a line so that's what we've done there I'm also going to now send the resources up here and here we are we now have the two generators running so that's going to make life easier for me and I'm just expanding this out uh next I do need to get onto production though because we need science packs being automated I think we're also close to doing the red science packs so that is the the next plan of action perfect if you're wondering why I was obsessed about unlocking the second space loader well you see this setup here it's taking up quite a bit of room and it makes it very difficult to scale with multiple assemblers so what I'm going to do is using the second lane loaders we're going to set up a manifold of two the same system as this and just compare that really quickly as you can see here it's the same setup we've just got the plates and the rods going into the assemblers but it's much more compact so I'm going to tear down both of these and rebuild this further along and get started with all the other production lines for now what's important for us is the building blocks are automated the conveyor um mark one o didn't mean to press that um possibly the loaders as well would be good to have as well as the assemblers probably smelters as well and then once we're done with that we will go through setting up an efficient science pack line I think that should be enough to really get a starters maybe drone miners as well okay this is just the start but you can see we are now producing those Foundation pieces we've now got started on our conveyors and the conveyor balancers and I believe the conveyor ramps as well more importantly all of this is also being sent to a little temporary storage area here this is just holding the item so that we know what we're needing um to run those lines this isn't a huge Factory it is just the start but what we're going to do now is hopefully double up the outputs for the the smelting and from there we're going to look at doing the blue and the red research you can see we've doubled up this line here so we have one full belt of um Xeno fariz is it called and then we have a second one over here that just allows us to split the resources off because we're we're a bit overwhelmed at the moment with that resources so the next thing that I'm going to do is start working in this section here we're just laying the blue science line and you can see we've got our machine parts here and the technum rods so everything should run quite nicely there we go so that is the first the next thing that we need to do is uh grab all of these and I'll place them here and then we'll run that blue science around to them I had planned on turning this into the red research taking some of the the foundation pieces from down here but unfortunately you can see we're not getting that many resources it's only just reaching the end of the line and so either I have to rework all the logistics which I don't really want to do or we can unlock conveyor Mark 2 so that's what I've decided to do I'm going to handcraft you can see I've already got started and uh then we're going to just feed these here for the time being and then once we've got conveyor Mark 2 unlocked I will hopefully be able to to rework everything and get some red science on the go I did end up taking the foundations from the storage or at least a half of them so we split them off you can see we got two assemblers here working on producing our red research I really recommend anyone who's starting off to really push for this before you build your your starting Factory because after here we have or refinement and this is going to be really useful in fact I'm going to unlock that and we'll talk about that next I did say we'd talk about or refinement next so um here we go one more percent and make sure there we go we've got a Crusher as well so what I'm going to do is just H for this demonstration I'll I'll place it here now what's great about this is if we take our insert here I'm going to set this to xenop ferite ore and what this does is it removes the impurity which is the rubble so let's just run this around oh yeah and we've uh upgraded to tier 2 belt and then from here we'll take a few of these and deposit it and then we'll take the 15 here and compare the recipes so the rubble using 20 xenop farite ore per minute and produces 20 xenop farite plates per minute however with the purified one takes 20 xenop farite or and in place we get 30 xenite plates so that's an increase in oh of 50% is that right yeah 50% increase in uh efficiency so what we want to do if I jump to our overhead view is instead of bringing the ore straight into the smelters what we're going to do is set up a refining line either side so where the techn more is and also where our current grinder is it a grinder I think it is um where those are and so those are going to refine the or and then we're going to run it to our two lines of smelters except I'm going to rework them as well in fact I'm going to rework all of this now just really quickly because it's going to take us a lot of time uh but I will show you once it's finished so I'm going to jump down and do that and then all of our ores will hopefully come from this section here run into our refinement area and then from there move on to the smelters and that way our or notes both of these are going to last longer because we're improving the efficiency of our refinement rate so I've done enough for four of the xenop farite and also four Mar 2 lines of the techum um ore as well and what I've done with this one is just lead it straight into the smelting line and I'm thinking we can repeat this on both sides um and I've also torn down the Xeno farite smeltery as well so the hope is that we can have it just follow on this line but that does mean that I'm going to have to get rid of all of this foliage thankfully we've also unlocked explosives so it's going to be hopefully quite fun we get to Chuck these around and then if we uh do that course there a nice little hole this is actually going to be really good for doing like tunnels underground but for now we're just going to clear out all of this area think we need to be a little bit closer we don't want to destroy our own stuff though like that typical uh so a little bit further across from it um I'll clear this up and then hopefully I'll be able to uh blow all of this up and here we go well I'm still going to have to do a bit of uh drilling we can fill all of this in and get started on that smeltery now I do stress I I know this is quite big for a starter Factory or I think it's quite big but I have to stress how important the smelting section is because all of our or nodes at least until we unlock fracking are finite and so we've got to have a scalable solution and by building it like this we can ensure that all of our resources come from one end and then flow down through the factory and we won't have to rebuild this again hopefully but that is why we're spending so much time on this and then the rest of the factory is not going to be as important but I think the vast majority of people who come into this game thinking that it plays like satisfactory which it doesn't it doesn't play anything like satisfactory are probably going to start building and trying to do efficient little factories around the nodes that's not going to work for this you need a scaling solution which is why you need this in your perfect start a factory okay so we have the the the refinery section um here ready what I've done is I've prepared four lines and we'll only be using two for this Factory initially so we have those two and then the two over here for the or these two for the tchum or the the rest will stay um dormant until we have the resources being sent through and and then we have the smelters all uh in line you know what I haven't done the maths on this I know that it's 20 to 30 and I've calculated for the output line so it might be that we have some resources spare I'm going to remove all these and then replace the sections we're only going to produce the base resources I will probably not do it efficiently because I haven't got that many resources left we have a a couple of hundred of these um a few SM which we don't actually need now um a handful of these red assemblers but that's that's about it we are starting to run dry so I'm going to focus on getting them up and running and then uh I'll show you the finished starter Factory okay we are almost there we've got the Sciences done we've also set up the conveyor stuff so we have tier 2 conveyor the mark 1es and then the um the inserters as well and then it occurred to me that all of the buildables are built with the same items and that makes our life so much easier oh and if you're wondering why it looks quite clean it's because I'm sending all of the resources Down and Under to head to the storage but if we go over here you you'll notice um if we look at these items they all start off with the the same kind of Base components and then they gradually get more difficult you have xenop ferite plates and the Machinery parts and then down here we have the xenop ferite plates the Machinery parts and the electronic components you have down here the The Miner the assembler the um smelter The Crusher the storage all of them require xenop ferite plates Machinery parts and electron components which I found really interesting yes it's different amounts but it does make also our life so much easier because we could potentially run the lines across produce the items and then bring them up hey wouldn't it be cool if we actually built inside the mountain at some point um so I'm going to tral that here I might have to rejig some of these around but I've Got a Feeling we can make this work by just sending everything along and then to the left I've done it and I'm surprised but it's working really well um so you can see we've now got a steady supply of all the items slowly going to the storage back there so I'm really happy with this we've got the assemblers being produced the smelters The Crushers the the storage all of that works perfectly and you can see how we've managed to overflow the items using the balancers and then just run the items across the top when we're not using them anymore this means that we can always pull them back down whenever we want and I'm really excited to see how this works on a grander scale so yeah this is perfect for your your starter factories um I haven't gone into too much detail with this in this video because it is our let's play but if you do want me to cover this in a video guide do let me know in the comments and perhaps we'll do that or join in on my twitch streams which are Mondays Wednesday and Saturdays but guys we will leave it for this one I hope you found this video interesting and if you're wondering what to watch next why not check out my video on why Factory games huckus uh special thanks does go to all of our amazing supporters on patreon most notably our solar Clips patreon five fless as well as our Lunas the Calamity Ben and star and our blood moon of the day which today is the San husky until next time as always ciao for now
Channel: TotalXclipse
Views: 30,205
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building The Perfect Starter Factory In Foundry Lets Play Ep.01, Foundry, Foundry Lets play, Foundry ep.01, Foundry ep 1, Foundry gameplay, Totalxclipse, Totalxclipse foundry lets play, Totalxclipse Foundry, Foundry the perfect Starter factory, Foundry guide, Foundry factory layout, Foundry Factory Build, Foundry Factory game, Foundry lets play, Foundry review, Foundry layouts, Foundry factory layouts, Foundry Totalxclipse
Id: X4winSRXwLQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 58sec (1378 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2024
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