Let's Try: News Tower -- 1930's Newspaper Business Simulation!

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hey folks quilly here and welcome to let's try news Tower this is an early access business strategy SL simulation game about running a newspaper in late 20s early 30s New York I think it's got tons of character it's got a really interesting vibe to it and it's been a lot of fun to play it is an early access but everything feels really kind of slick and clean about it looks like they're really focused on um increasing content with this which I think is a really good sign hopefully for for the entire product uh let's go ahead and jump into the new game now I will say this this introduction which is a tutorial but also a backstory is quite good and even if you feel that you don't need a tutorial when you jump into the game if you pick it up I would definitely recommend doing it because it tells actually quite a fun little story that uh I think you should definitely see one time so we're going to get this loaded in the first thing it's going to do is ask us for the name of our newspaper I like these little postcards the a lot of the Back stories told through these postcards as well with our pockets light as a feather we had to start from the bottom we built a ramshackle news stand and sold others newspapers but paper by paper we started to build our own story we called our newspaper the quilan quotidian boom done three cents for a stamp excellent and yeah a sort of like flat kind of kind of art deco style is that right I don't really know but here is our office so I'm going to go and pause the game so we can look around here so we've got our our entrance floor over here for office which we don't interact with and then we've got our first empty floor over here we've also got the ability to add more floors which I'm going to do right away cuz I'm sure we're going to need a second one immediately so it's going to be $1,000 to add this extra floor to the building if we want to add more however the cost definitely goes up 2500 and I think it's 5,000 for the next one and so on and so forth we got a starter money over there we can also take out some loans which will'll probably do to accelerate things as we go so the flow of the game is going to be this first what we're going to need is we are going to need telegraphing stations so these telegraphing stations are what we use to um to find out to find leads about stories we sort of you know have some tip lines open or or something like that this is we how we find out if there's something going on in the world so let me go and drop those I'm actually going to drop it on the uh the second floor over here for reasons you can see here actually um there we go if I turn this off oh no I guess when you're placing you always get the noise or the um what are they call call this the Comfort View I hadn't realized that I actually quite like to run with this Comfort View filter on all the time because it makes it very easy to see what kind of issues you might have going on in these buildings these Telegraph machines are very loud they are generating some negative Comfort over here so the people working in and around these areas might get unhappy because of the because of the noise but we can counter that now I will say this we are probably going to want three of these telegraphing stations uh pretty quickly cuz we want to be able to find stories as quickly as possible but let's go go ahead and start with just these now we need a way to get to the second floor so we're going to go ahead and add some stairs to the building as well at some point we will also unlock uh elevators but we'll put a staircase maybe right next to the front door over here we'll have it cross over this way that's going to be fine so that is the first step to finding new story we're also going to have to hire some people but let's get to that in a second the next step in the new story is going to be reporters desk so this is where reporters will actually sit and once the story comes in we will be dispatching them into the world but until they leave they're going to be sitting at their desk furthermore the desk can be enhanced with a variety of objects to make them work a little bit better um there's a little shortcut here very handy for build accessories but also sends it to this category here so the only build accessor I currently have is a globe this will add plus one level to society uh research it also Buffs our telegraphers by one level so for example on our Telegraph stations if we give these guys a globe they will have plus one level and therefore they will find their the stories a little bit faster um and if we've got a society research uh reporter we're also going to want to give them a globe at that point let's go and slap down another uh another desk over here to get ourselves started and then yeah we'll be doing some moving around now after the they we find out about a story and after reporter's gone out and compiled a story about it they're going to have to come back to the office and get it ready for print so under production over here we have a type setting desk and an assembly table so first the story you can actually see the art over here converts report into a text slug these are old tiny little printing things right I guess they're taking I think these shelves have the actual like little wooden or metal stamps for each letter and I think they get assembled into this which is presumably the story and then the assembly table is probably where you arrange it on a page I actually don't really know the process let's start with one of each we're going to need to scale this up pretty quickly but we're going to go and get that started let me go and put them further back here um the reason I'm putting the assembly table on the ground floor is when the reporters come back they have to deliver it there uh or the reporter's desk could be on the ground floor either as well because they do have to walk out the telegraphers don't really have to walk in and out so lower to the ground things like the uh the type setting desk is good and you want the assembly probably not too far from that um and then the reporter's desk I think there might be some flexibility but maybe closer to the ground is quite good as well I don't know there's going to be a lot of foot traffic coming in in travel time definitely going to be something you want to optim around we'll see so for now let's go I'm just going to space these guys out a little bit here and a little bit here to get started and then what we're going to do is we're going to figure out um where things are going to move we're also going to need one more floor for our printing but we're going to go and wait until we can we can wait a little bit before setting that up so we need some stations some people to work here so if we click here there's three different categories for staff we can access that through this hiring screen as well but there's a handy shortcut over here I got to say the user interface in this game is pretty good there's one issue there's not even an issue there's one thing I would like to see um maybe if they can find a solution to make it a little easier would be very nice we'll get to that in a second but a lot of the UI is quite good so this telegraphing station it also highlights the telegraphing skill so these are all the possible production staff over here and we can see that Mary Griffin and Christopher green both have one level in telegrapher so that seems like a good idea we're going to go and slap you in there and Christopher we're going to go and put you at this telegraphing station over there while we're at it we may as well look at these stations so both of these have one level of type iography no one has a level in assembling what we're going to do is we're going to hire H over here I'll do a rroll there we go so we do have a limited number of rerolls for the week I just want to find someone with type setting experience Aubrey actually has a level in type setting or assembling and type setting sorry I meant assembling over here um they're all the same salary though I think when people have zero skills they come in 5050 I guess maybe if they're only level one skills they come in at 70 I guess we may as well get Audrey just because you've got more than one even though we really only need the assembling because I don't think they're going to take different positions okay and then we're going to need some reporters now the reporters are quite interesting because here unlike production right everyone's got three skills but in practice here they're only going to use their type setting or they're only going to use their assembling or they're only going to use their telegrapher with reporters it's quite different because we're going to send reporters out to cover a wide slew of stories so um they're have can have three different skills and it might be relevant now going forward maybe people become hypers specialized but certain certainly early on they're going to be generalists what we would like is some reporters where they don't overlap in skill actually if we look at Ruth and Anthony over here it's quite ideal because they have no overlap Ruth has got crime economy and entertainment Anthony's got politics society and sports with no overlap um I think those I think it's just the six categories as well so that's kind of Ideal and actually these two also don't overlap with each other that's quite nice now obviously there's some there's some overlapping between those but we actually might go and grab these four quite quickly to have maximum but let's pick up uh what was your name Ruth and Anthony over here to get started I mean you know we'll have some more options that go all right so we're ready to get started we do would like to make this a little bit nicer though because here these employees if I click on you and go look at condition so what's going to happen here is their comfort level is going to drop while they're in this area and getting these bad thoughts we can counter at by having them spend time in areas with positive comfort as opposed to negative Comfort or you know we could just eliminate some of the negative comfort in the first place very handy if we do click on the little noise icon it automatically brings up the building screen with the Comfort page and with all these categories minimized other than the noise counter which currently we're limited to just acoustic panels we will be unlocking more of these we can also see little symbols to see what gets countered so what I'm going to do actually I'm going to move this um telegraphing station in the corner maybe I'll I'll give you a little tile you know what I'll give you two tiles over here because we could fit something in there later on um and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to put an acoustic panel just off to the right of it you can see the sound drops to almost nothing and then let's bring you in a little closer and do this as well still a little bit of a noise complaint over there um if we spread these guys out a little bit more is that going to get rid of the warning not completely I suppose what I could do is move you out one more tile and we could flank you on both sides with some acoustic paneling maybe that's going to be our solve over there there go the other thing we could do um which would help with some of the noise is we could have each one of these little telegraphers desks in their own room with you know by putting a wall with a door between them that might help to muffle things but it looks like we're maybe okay over here now that got rid of the negative mood it would be great to still boost the mood positive so we go back to comfort we can see a variety of things so again we've got a bunch of counters for various effects um if there's a problem but uh oh and these places will generate some trash so this isn't going to do anything by itself but as people work they will generate trash and that will lead to uh negative comfort so we can give them all a trash can to get started maybe these guys over here too let's put one beneath everyone's desk that seems okay uh the general category here is just a general boost to comfort all the time which is great let's give them a clock everyone wants to know when quitting time is coming that's going to make them feel good we'll do the same thing over here so already we've got positive number and the thing is I think this is going to be good enough for now because as far as I know the only thing that matters like if the Comfort bar is is full we good uh and you'll see the brain is in green for maximum concentration I don't think we can boost it any more than this so as long as we've got a sliver of green everywhere it'll counter any random stuff that might happen now we'll get a few other complaints that that come up uh over time so first of all they will complain if it gets dark so let's give them some little Moody ceiling lips there there there and we'll give you something over here not a very nice office right now but we're trying to be a little bit minimalistic um well we'll get the print in a second I want to show wallpaper there are a few options we've currently have got just the standard wallpaper over here where nothing happens there's also this pink stripe which I think it costs us money per tile but I don't think it actually does anything other than looking nice to you and I some of these do do something though for example this tile background um reduces spell this is going to be quite good in bathrooms which we're going to have to set one up relatively soon we've also got this industrial background of just brick which is good for heat control I guess it's just I don't know better insulation or maybe the the plane brick wall is cooler so it's sucking more of the heat out um there's a bunch of different categories and again there's printing we're going to have to set up but let's go and get started for now so we could show off some of the story stuff so we're running at normal speed you can hold down the fast forward button over here you can also hold the right key we can see our telegraphers are currently hard at work and what's going to happen here on the globe is they're going to find some stories so these little uh light bulbs are showing that they're researching stories there's six more items to research this week not very many the first week which is why I'm not bothering putting down the third telegraphing station cuz I don't think it's going to be needed although we'll see we can also focus on a particular category but for now there's not really any reason to do that although I could so Anthony is exceeds at politics specifically and Ruth exceeds at economy specifically so we could focus on those and hope we get those stories because we do have the one extra skill forward and that might make some amount of sense all right we got our first story on the globe actually first two uh we got a crime story and we got a um ooh interesting a split story so Capital fire is our story and this has got a path there's two different ways we can approach the story we can look at it from a political point of view over here and visit the damaged office or we can look at it from a society point of view and look at it from outside of the US capital it automatically filters the list of reporters over here to the ones who are able to do the job you can also if you want if you click on a particular skill it'll filter the list to specifically show that skill and sort by that skill um Anthony over here could take either route but he actually has one level in politics so I think he's going to take the political spin over here and visit the damaged office so we're going to go and drop him in there so this one here is a detour so it's only going to be one route versus the other are you okay Senator and we start to see the headline and tagline start to develop so Capital fire we need better rules against smoking inside says Senators we got a quote right away from this and Anthony's going to take eight 18 hours to develop the story both a combination of presumably some amount of travel time and actually talking to people and so on and so forth so we do have the game pause right now so we can explain but of course you can do this All in real time we've got a story that has a split again of both economy and crime recession on the loose so we could visit the Institute of business and labor or the police archives well again Ruth over here and this might not be the most exciting way to pursue it uh I in my my other run I really focused on a lot of the crime stories because I thought that was the most fun so we'll probably see what we can do to get some uh some crime reporter experts relatively soon but Ruth is going to take a pretty dry route over here there's the Institute of business and labor session on loose economic hardship hits working class hard this story has a single tag single keyword which is economy as we go forward we're going to get stories with a large number of these tags these have a variety of effects okay so we got that started now what's happening now our telegraphers are telegraphers T anyway these guys over here are busy with the story until the story is completed all the pickup this line is in use so we can't develop another story so it may actually make sense and you know what let's try it right away we're going to go and set up a third telegraphing station now I actually can't do more than that you start with a limit of three of these stations at the start of the game you'll notice there's infinity symbol for most things but some stations have a limited number so we've got that we're going to go ahead and get there we go mild over here has got one tick in this so we'll start some extra research going we'll need extra reporters to be able to run those as well but that's okay now while that's happening we're going to let the game Run I will go and add a floor because we're going to start working on our printer so I'm going to take this door um oh I need to go over here we I I don't know if I mentioned it but we can get elevators later on sorry I dragged the wrong thing I want stairs and I'm going to drag it over this way rather than Central and the reason for it is I want this to be my printing floor at least for now we might decide to change our mind later on but if we go into printing at the bottom so for our printing we need an input module Wonder can I do it the other way around normally I was doing it left to right let me pause here because we got another story but it might be better to go this way if this works fine we need that we're going to need an output module as well and then we need the printer page module this lets us print the actual page of newspaper now I'm just going to slap one of these down for now and yeah make sure there's at least three tile Gap in between so we can do some noise abatement and then we have to run a conveyor belt throughout the whole process over here so paper feeds in here this is what prints the actual page this is what folds the newspaper as an output we're going to have more room for more printer modules I do have one more left in stock over here as well but I strongly suspect you know what I don't I guess there's no reason not to just slap it down what the heck let's go and do that let me move it one tile over put a three gaps just so that it's enough for the noise abatement in the middle now and actually we might want to do more than that now that I think about it um because yeah yeah hold on let me move I suppose for now I can move everything over quite a bit further but I just want to move this one a little further away from the door cuz you can see the noise and the heat is actually flowing down each level so I want to put um an acoustic panel over here there we go we're no longer getting noise complaint for going down the stairs but we still got a lot of heat complaint it's also quite loud up here if any worker has to come into this room and uh there will be someone that comes in here later to load paper they will certainly be complaining about these various effects so I'm going to try to mute some of the sound although it's still allow and too many of these close together you do get some diminishing return but I I don't have really any option for the noise management right now so you can see for temperature control we've got both heat vents and small fans that are available um so we'll go and put some air vents uh maybe I'll what I'll do is build what looks like almost a wall of air vents over here and then yeah you can see the bar s go down maybe one over every machine just conceptually feels pretty good still a lot of heat complaints though and that includes going down the stairs maybe what I'll do is I'll put a vent right above this staircase there we go you're complaining about some noise here there we go we'll dampen that noise a little bit the Green's also not overlapping to there um you know let's give you a an apple painting we only have the one let's put an apple painting in this room that'll keep everyone here pretty happy got a noise complaint going all the way down to the bottom huh I think that's still trickling down these stairs which is just crazy put an acoustic panel over this doorway all right got rid of the negative indicators except for here this room's always going to be hot and loud and honestly I I don't I'm not convin there's much we can do about that at all maybe spread some things out oh oh well hold on I forgot one thing we can do to help with the temperature control over here is the industrial background here we can also put up some cool signs but it does cost money so I'm not going to WR now um okay we're still good right now we are going to get some more complaints from our people for various reasons but I'm going to deal with those as they come in so we got another story here for sports however we don't have an extra reporter kick around so I will go and slap down two more reporter's desks here in here and we're going to go and hire we're just going to hire the last two including someone with a level in sports which is nice excellent and let's get ourselves just an extra maybe just an extra clock over here just so you have some green we're going to have to do more also you're going to be complaining about the lack of light so we'll go ahead and do that actually we'll put a light here and here so no one has to walk through a dark area I suppose there's no light on the top floor either try to make do with just the three okay and we're nearly out of money so that's great Okay click over here we're going to sign Ella Mason Boston Bruins win NHL record 14th straight game Cool wonder if those are pulled from Real History at this time so it is January 1930 I don't know all right so now we've got kind of nothing to do now the stories and progress you can watch them over on the right hand side we can see how they're progressing currently this is on the reporting stage it's predicted to take about 1.5 days now one day to finish the entire thing I think that's not just reporting I think that's the entire processes being um figured uh but there we go two of the reporters did just finish so the telegraphers telegraphers over here are back to work looking for a new story they've been freed up this one here is still busy monitoring this Boston Bruins thing and our reporters are back home they have a story so they're going to bring the story over to this type setting desk but what we're going to run into here is the issue that we've got two stories and this can only work on one at a time so we're going to scale up our production we're going to add a second type setting desk and hire yet another type Setter so that both these can work on the same time and we will need a second assembly desk as well they're idle for now but we may as well go ahead and get that hired assuming I've got the cash I mean just barely but yeah so we'll get another typ sitter's desk and we'll hire uh sorry not typ Setters that was a waste of money I'm going to sell you I suppose I could have just stashed it for later another assembly table is what I want and I want to hire Ella right over there okay so now we can process two stories at a time time while having up to three stories being researched at once so there still may be a little Bond neck but it's going to have to do oh the Quillan Quan has a new publisher you don't say well we better report on that immediately let ourselves be the story and then over here in Dallas we've got a parade okay now sometimes what will happen is we will run we will not have newspaper reporters available for these stories because they're going to be busy with another story it does happen and you know you can take a look at what requirements and maybe around who you assign where to make sure you don't kind of box yourself in I think we are going to take have to take out money cuz we're going to have to buy paper to print our our issue here now that's going to go to print on Sunday and uh we are you we're burning through these stories way too fast I think we would have been fine with just two of these desks right now there's just not that many stories available this week another story coming in both these type Setters are currently working so this extra uh story is just going to sit in the inbox currently and another story ooh crime museum display empty my gosh we'll visit the field museum over here rare raw Crystal looted SS conservator all righty now if we take a look some people we should be seeing some new needs show up here bathroom food or water so that is going to start to dip down we might want to go and get ready for that let's start with the food situation first so uh the water cooler counts as a again sort of quote unquote food it's you know obviously water not food but it did say food and water for the need I'm just going to move you over a little bit oh we can see some trash accumulating over there too so we're going to put down a garbage bin currently we don't have anyone emptying these we will have to get some maintenance going on but okay see there we go these uh typ Setters are currently not busy although new stories just came in perfect newspaper's going to be available all right what are we Thursday there's going to be no more stories coming in no more stories coming in there no more available for the week so the rest of our all of our journalists all of our reporters are just going to be completely idle but the office as a whole is still working moving some stories around there we go that's the one done the inbox it's going to go into assembly right over here and it is now Saturday and we have completely finished everything over here so yeah I think I overkilled it but that's okay it is now Sunday we are Sunday newspaper it's time to roll the presses you do have all of Sunday to keep working and the game will Auto pause right at the end of the day for your last chance to um put everything together but we may as well work on printing now cuz why not so we're going to do our layout we've got the ability to do two separate pages which is great we have exactly enough stories to fill all that so that's going to be fine um the this section over here is worth twice as much more of a big headline one so if we had a story that was worth more for some reason we'd really want to put it here this is our above the fold major headline um the way it'll work is we will sell more newspapers a the more stories we have be also based on their tags as well as a few other mechanics now these are all bronze level stories right over here so they're worth a thousand or story period if we go and put a story so if I put it down here it's going to be worth 1,000 bucks or sorry it's going to sell 1,000 copies it's currently we're paying we're we're we're charging 20 cents per so it's going to be there so it's going to be $200 if I put it over here this is worth double so it's going to be worth 400 bucks now you can also get points if you have any combination of keywords I think on the first day it's guaranteed to have one story of each type regardless so there's no way for us to build combos which is going to be over here but we also get no negative tags or anything like that just the starter day so it doesn't matter I think on this first day where we put anything because we're going to get uh the same amount regardless oh and there's there's my what I was saying the game just paused to give me my last chance to print so we've gone and laid out our newspaper that's good we're going to start this Printing and we are going to go I guess I guess our printer starts fully loaded on paper that's interesting so it's not broken it's got power and it's full of paper but we're going to have to go and make sure to uh get paper going forward uh if you don't have any paper in your office you will pay an emergency fee to fill your paper or presumably get some extra power or do emergency repairs on it but it's more expensive this way than handling it naturally go I wonder if the shound sound should be Lou or that's a very nice Bell that rings when that goes off normally we sold 7,000 newspapers you get some responses to it good sport story makes you want to run off to Broadway because of our art story lovely there's our price sold sales revenue no ad Revenue no hidden agendas and then we get a list of our expenses over here for our employees and yes it's gone up 100% I mean it's gone up Infinity perc really and loan interest we did take out a little bit of a loan but you know what it's pretty cheap paying 10 bucks that that's nothing of course that will go up pretty dramatically as we go forward now we got a whole other aspect of the game opening up we got our map of New York here this is our current office there but we want to be able to expand now what we can do is we can expand into these regions I actually don't know I don't know if expanding to a region increases the number of papers sold I'm not sure that that's actually mechanic but it does give you influence points it also will continue to expand this chart so for example it's going to be quite helpful to us to reach some of these buildings like the courthouse which lets us hire lawyers um the stadium here which gives us things like for example the sports clipboard over here this is a add-on this is something we can put on the wall next to reporter's desk which will make them better at covering Sports stories it also unlocks certain Comfort items like different plants new nutrition options like the gumball machine and so on and so forth now an the earliest one we'll probably pick up is this Mafia Hideout they work very differently so the back story story generally speaking is that uh the previous owner of the newspaper got themselves deeply in debt with the mafia so we're going to have to be a little bit involved with them but they will give us some special missions and some very interesting special missions once we unlock them to run certain types of stories or not run certain types of stories and they're willing to pay quite a lot for this extra Service as well as give us a bunch of influence but if we accept to do something and then we don't do it they can get quite mad and they can send some enforc over to your office to break up your machinery and intimidate your staff now I'm going to go and try to expand into williamburg so I'm going to select this District to expand here we got to run a a newspaper we got to run articles about crime and sports just one of each will unlock Williamsburg it doesn't even have to be done in the same week although ideally we'd like it to be done in the same week if we can just to be able to expand as quick as possible so we accepted that as a mission um and yeah later on we'll also be able to accept a mafia Mission but we don't have that access to that right now so we'll just go ahead and confirm so we know we want crime and we know we want Sports so what I'm going to do right away is I'm going to make sure to set a focus to try to increase the chance that the priorities so we're going to look for those stories first so that we can make sure to get them fully processed and ready for this week's paper there are up to eight stories out there we know we can actually fit we can only fit six in our newspaper with our current layout but that might have to be fine um the ones that don't get completed do stick around for the next week uh although they do get a penalty for being old new um and it gives us a little bit more flexibility for what sort of combos we might want to make uh but yeah so right now the next thing to do for expansion might be well it would be nice to maybe get another page printer but that is currently locked I don't know if there's any way for us to quickly find out how to unlock more of those like for example we are currently out of telegraphing stations right and how do we get more well I happen to know from noticing it on the map that if we go and expand our reach over to this radio tower it gives us the ability to unlock the fourth fifth and sixth telegraphing stations but I actually don't know where to go to get extra page printing I could probably just keep clicking through here assembly oh there you go industry City Harbor more page modules so that's handy all right so that'll probably be kind of the expansion plan maybe we'll stay in our current burrow this is we're in Brooklyn right I I don't really know New York um but we will expand down down here reach this industry City Harbor and is also conveniently on the way to this radio tower as well so that might be kind of nice so there's our mission we can shrink this down to get out of the way but otherwise yeah we're just going to keep things going the way we have been going we've got a little bit of money which is great because yeah some people are definitely going to have some extra needs um let's get an extra water cooler what well first thing I'm going to do is build a bathroom actually so let me move this for a second out of the way we're going to build a bathroom over here for our employees so toilet here now it is stinky so we're probably going to want it to be behind its own room to help limit that and then this smell can be offset by a few things including say a sink and we can put a mirror on top of it I guess it's going to keep some cleanness and there we go and then maybe we'll throw a little fan and a vent in here you know that seems reasonable there you go eliminate all the stinkiness in here so no one's going to get any negative thoughts from being in this bathroom now this could be countered by then going and being in a positive thought area but let's start with that all right let's pause horse virus okay there's a couple of different routes available what I'm going to do is I'm going to check the other stories no that's okay I'm going to check the other stories here it's just letting me know that we're still occupying this um telegraphing station even we believe uh and what I want to do is see if there's any one of these stories that only has one option cuz we want to make sure to like assign people to that before we go and split them up now we know we need to run a crime story and a sports story so we might want to do the crime here although currently we don't have anyone with that skill we do have someone with the economy skill we could send into here this also had a crime aspect which actually has a second tag for alarming which is very exciting however if we take this top route Gusty winds H hinder firefighters this top route will actually lead to a sub story over here which will add more tags so in the end if we follow the top part this story will have a society an adventurous and an inspiring tag and that might open up more combos although again here we've got the alarming did we have any double tags over here no that's all single tags what about the sports story all single tell you what let's do the sports cuz we know we need one so we're going to set Ella down to there take care of that done and then over here well let me do this crime cuz we know we need to do a crime and here there's just one tag each that's okay so Ruth or Steven what I'd like to do I think is take this top route okay so that's going to be Anthony he's the only one with Society research who's not currently busy so we'll throw you in there take this talk route to get maximum things and then over here we'll go ahead and do the crime story so doesn't matter no one's got any particular skill for Crime so we'll go and assign you over there good all right get that started that's lovely um so this time oh we do still have paper in the machine apparently you have 61 although depending on how many issues we may end up having to spend some emergency money to fill it in what I'm thinking about here is I think we might put in a paper order uh to do that so if we're going to do a paper order we can order paper over here let's order a medium delivery of paper 200 extra um I don't know reams of paper I I don't know I don't work for a paper manufacturer we'll get a delivery over here now the paper's just going to sit out on the front stoop to move it into the building and to move it into places that need it which includes the toilet which needs paper for some reason um we go into utility yeah the resupply desk over here so let me just put down the resupply desk say right here and hire someone to work there so Nancy's got the supply skill Roland as well they're both cost the same yeah Randy has or Nancy has literally no other skill so we'll get her put in there which not going to feel as bad done we're also getting some paper accumulating over here despite the fact that we do have some trash cans so it seems to me that we probably need a sweeping station so we'll put down a sweeping station over here and we'll hire someone to work there no one's got any sweeping skills uh so we'll pick up roll in now so they're going to go and pick up the paper and keep this area neat and tidy there we are we can see them take care of that for us which is great there you go there's our restocking person picking up the paper and they're going to go and delivered to the machines or the bathrooms as needed we we will also be able to build uh the storage cabinets so that excess paper and stuff and food as well when we do food order will get stored in the storage cabin instead of sitting outside actually don't know if there's a penalty to sitting outside maybe if there's still stuff there at the end of the week goes away I I I haven't actually ever experienced that but I think for now we're going to be okay without having to do that there you go one of the stor is being delivered oh so this is this is actually where I was sort of let me pause if you keep a sharp eye on the right hand side we'll see the little exclamation mark over here letting us know about things um but I do find that there's a few parts of the stories that it's not always obvious and it's easy to miss so I actually spend as we go forward I spend a lot of time with this sheet just open and sometimes double checking these stories to see how things are developing all right so we talked about we reported the fire we're going to go and check out the fire truck as well here and get some extra tags for this story which presumably is going to make it better there you go more newspaper reporters are coming in here and our telegraphers are going to be looking for more stories relatively soon although I think one just went for a restroom break over here uh staircases they take a lot of time having things split by floors is really not ideal but I mean you've got to do it at some point all right Steven you want to go and check out this Heist of an officer building a joke I don't know uh what was this this about right under her nose says irritated spokesperson H so we got four Stories being processed some of which only two of which are by reporters uh and the rest are currently in type setting but this seems to be okay I think we've got a good ratio again we can currently only put six stories so we're just looking for a best one someone needs a bathroom break take a look at your condition over here yep that's getting quite critical we only have the one restroom available we're going to probably change things around so that we can have maybe two of these toilets in this one room but there's not quite enough space over here might have to wait until we get another floor and and which might move some things around maybe we put the toilet on this middle floor for example probably going to want a second one of these water coolers as well maybe on this floor over here perhaps I'll do that now um employee needs or water cooler right there there we are excellent couple of boxes of paper still left but they're still being processed oh there we go food supply dangerously low although I don't have enough money for it so we're going to have to take out another loan oh breaking news employment Rises the employment numbers are out our department of labor says 1.5 million extra workers LST their jobs since the beginning of recession with no end in sight but hey tragedy sells right so we have a breaking news story we're going to want to try to resolve as quickly as possible so if we complete this it's a two-part story like double economics over here and if we do that it'll unlock that um economy stories are going to be the hot stuff and so we'll sell extra stories extra papers so we'll send Ruth to handle one of these sides right away Steven has got four hours left in this report we're going to try to get them um on this other side over here to try to complete this so that we can sell extra stories and then um this is to unlock Society or economy as being a Hy uh thing so let's focus on economy the gun here was in red there's no more uh crime to research so whether or not that was prioritized not doesn't matter but we're going to prioritize economy cu the hope is we can find more economy stories since they are the the hotness ex get some extra food resources as well and then what I'm going to do is oh see there's other economy store um do I want another economy reporter economic reporter I kind of do do we have room for you we might right here this might not be the greatest table but going to have to do there you go Dorothy over here has a level and E economics we got ver as an option as well but let's do that let's deploy you here immediately and then what we're going to do is wait for I think it's going to be steeven over here cuz I wanted to get the economic side there you go Steven do that more economic story and we've got new film on Broadway we can send Ella over there good okay oh there we go so this story here actually gives us a new item this gave us a crime board in addition to being story itself uh and a crime board and I like the new tag to show you there's new stuff crime board boosts your crime reporting skill and if we grab it it'll actually highlight every desk this is great UI it'll highlight every desk where there's a reporter who can do crime work now we might want to end up doing some hypers specializing later actually wasn't this highlighted a second ago let's go and do this and that so these two reporters can report on crime so we'll give them each a plus one actually you do Society research and you can do Society research as can you so we'll give you each a globe right now for the plus one level the level isn't has as far as I know it doesn't have anything to do with quality it just um reduces the amount of time it takes to research the stories which is incredibly valuable there we go so we finished both sides so now economy is this week's hot topic that is now unlocked and otherwise yeah the stories keep ticking along there's two more stories to discover no more economic ones though so I mean it doesn't matter if we have it focused or not the next stories will be found there's a second story in New York it's the sports one over here decades first world title fight so we're going to send Anthony over here although he's got a slight lack of focus which isn't ideal you're slowing down is this your desk here Anthony no it's not huh oh I'm realizing people um might be getting exposed to a little bit of negative thoughts walking up here into this bathroom also it's dark in this bathroom we'll get a light on in there there we go a little bit more green so people are passively regaining things little bit more paper a little bit more water stories are coming in these are both processing nicely yet no indicators everywhere so we'll just go and fast forward some oh new story another entertainment story now if we do send the same person out over you can see the Blue Tick this is their plus one level from their items you know then they can get level UPS in a category so you know trying to specialize people does make a lot of sense although it's still nice to have the flexibility from doing multiple things like so because you're you're going to need people in different areas okay it is Sunday we're not going to print until the last minute cuz we're going to try to finish as many these stories as possible they give us as many options as possible have to remember we want to print at least one crime at least one sports we do get an icon here and a tool tip letting us know we've got a story in the drawer ready to go which is great it also tell us that as we go into new week if we have any old news around when we're picking our little quests on the world map this one over here it'll let us know if we've already got a story in you know in the drawer again you get less money from something that's an old news which is a week late if something um after the second week that story goes away just too old to even consider printing so these food packages aren't being brought in I should have done minimal although I don't think these are full full doesn't look like it visually so maybe there's still going to be another pickup I mean the person from this desk over here is on the move all right last chance we must print now so again the game has paused we got our hot stories over here so these are worth double and presumably they get quadrupled over here let's see if I go there 400 yeah it makes sense base of 200 except it's 400 from the hot stuff okay so it just adds one extra multiplier so this is being tripled over here instead of doubled but that's fine we could put a second one of these on the front page which then we are getting ourselves our tag combo under operations which is good if we had another economy story we'd put it in here as well to get another tag combo um and we would love to run it because it is the hot stuff right now but we don't now let's figure out we've got we do have a couple of crime stories now here even though it's got a bigger area it's not a multiplier these are the same but we can get two crime over here we know we have to put at least one sport story so let's go and put this one in here cuz this is going to satisfy this District you can see all the green check marks and we got room for one more story over here let's take this one maybe with all the tags I think is going to be worth more cuz I think yeah bronze tags each one so we're going to get more bang for a buck by just running more of these tags or we could consider keeping these in case we get a quest that wants adventurous or inspiring and I think we look at the world map I think we can see ahead of time what they want so crime and sports we could see we could consider keeping some of these over here and I guess it does okay this does add subscribers as well that's what happens when you expand into these areas so it is quite nice for some extra sales but I think I'm happy with this printing we're going to do that oh we didn't have enough paper so we're going to have to supply some more 247 paper we got we do spend some extra for it but so be it let's get that going unemployment On The Rise 14,000 newspapers sold record sales personally I've never committed a crime that sounds like something a criminal would say so theoretically we're now going to have some subscribers giving us some regular sales regardless of what goes on but we completed that we got ourselves a little bit of influence which is groovy our expenses are going up but that makes sense still overall our profit should be okay we're paying a little bit more loan so the more loan you take out not only do you ow more but the interest rates goes up as well Nancy has just gotten a second level in resupply I wonder if you carry multiple boxes or just move around faster for that all right we now have access to the mafia I knew your uncle very well I'm saddened by a sudden dispence I hope nothing happened to my business associate this is a lot your business you see and it's time to see some returns everybody can print a good story but not printing politics this week might POS a challenge I don't want these so-called leaders fearmongering your readers so we are going to get a bonus for not printing politics this week we're going to get four extra influence and $500 and if we did print Politics as well the mafia would be upset so that's going to be the goal we're also going to look to expand now we could expand over here to Long Island we would need a tragic story an unrest story these are not primary categories these are subcategories that can happen on a story and you get hint as to where you might be able to find them which is really cool but we'd also need a silver tier statistic story and I suspect our ability to find that right now might be a little difficult um so my plan I is to expand to East New York which just needs a bronze crime that is alarming or well I mean any alarming story really but crime and economic stories could be alarming and then we could plan again to expand into Flatbush reaching the industrial City Harbor which gives us the option of maybe getting more page modules and keep working towards the radio tower for more telegraphing stations that seems like a relatively easy idea and again this is going to be a pretty easy category for us to satisfy uh we are getting the warning about no paper we're going to buy a big stack of it um so crime and economy are most likely being an alarming and we got no politics what I could do is I could literally set a priority on everything that's not politics like that just to try um to make it so that there if there are political stories we're going to find them last so we can focus on everything else first ideally we might want to focus specifically on crime and economy to increase our chance of finding an alarming story as early as possible which seems like maybe a good idea so we're just going to focus on those two until that has hopefully been satisfied uh and we're going to go and shrink these bad boys down and yeah we put in the food order or the um the paper order I notic this person's complaining about the food need but again the water cooler counts as that for satisfying it which is okay we got some blinking lights paper delivery is arrived and we're going to start doing some hauling yeah no paper again so you can do the emergency fund to like buy your paper when you need to print it but it is going to cost you more so it is not entirely desirable there's our first Crime Story it'd be great if it was also alarming well okay let's pause here so it's actually the first level is actually going to need Society research to do and then it splits off to the top Ranch here which would be politics with unrest but we actually going to be avoiding politics so we're definitely going to go down the bottom route over here but still first we've got to do some Society research now we have three people who can do it let's take a look at what other story popped in here it's another crime one o which happens to be alarming okay there's no overlap none of these guys do um Society research anyway tell you what Steven can do politics and we're going to be avoiding politics anyway so we'll put Steven on this job and then over here yeah I don't know we'll we'll throw in Anthony just at the top of the list why not check out that story and again we're going to want to take this bottom Branch later on we got another story oh more crime okay we'll throw you in there tell you what we've got enough crime I'm going to remove the focus here we're looking for oh we've and actually we've got our alarming story already which is a crime one so we were prioritizing crime and economy because we wanted to find the alarming one one um what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back and say we're going to turn on focus on everything other than politics if there's a politics story find it last cuz we'll probably just save it for next week we've got some stinky over here and we need I think a washing station to go and clean this room I feel like we need to add another floor to this let me just put a washing station here we're going to need to do a reorganization uh and Gilbert over here has a level in cleaning so we're going to do that Gilbert I believe you have to go there and clean this this place is also out of paper which is no good but that's why we've got someone coming in to haul some paper into the the base here the base the office pan over so we can keep an eye on everything there we go some cleaning is happening we do need a second bathroom oh there we go we've got an advancement over here so now we're going to have to pick a route we're going to go down the bottom route over here except that I don't have a crime person ready to go although Steven is just delivering the report now there we go so we'll do that now there's going to be a lot more things that happen as we go and progress down some more of these things we're going to find people who what is this symbol investigative nice it's a silver tag too that's going to be worth some extra money um we're going to find some of these locations have certain issues like some of these locations investigating have a risk of upsetting the mafia some of them have a risk of upsetting the police who can give you fines um some of them can get you hurt and your reporter will make spend a few days in the hospital some will create protesters that will show up your office and complain about things um in my other game my main game I've had requests from the mafia to run um fake stories stories that are outright lies for example and so on and so forth there's so much that can happen over here it's crazy so this is a political story we're going to go and research it we can always keep it in our back pocket for uh next week again it'll be old news but at least it can run I wonder do I need a second hauler over here wait I can move the paper I can manually load this stuff well that's news to me I wonder if that wasted any cuz it looks like oh no it went over I didn't know I could manually load this stuff oh that's fantastic maybe I don't need the paper loader then maybe I could free up a work site I know some amount of automation is good I didn't realize that that's going to save us a lot of time a bit of a queue for the toilet but that's at least been dealt with now okay new paper reports coming in another Crime Story lots of criminal activity this week so this has already got oh no it doesn't have a political tag this has just the defeat tag that's interesting they didn't have a story category so I guess I'll throw you actually I'll use step again because he's got the politics tag that we're going to try not to use so effectively we're we're treating Steven as if he only has two tags this week really so we'll have you go down there we'll get some more alarming stories which will let us build more combos as well with her stories that's good and more development over here no why am I oh I can do both sides of this oh this is a huge story Oh I thought it was a decision but no you got that what about sports yeah so only one person can cover the sports which is Ella okay so it doesn't matter who we were sending we'll send you there that is a big story but I don't want to run this week because it is going to have the politics tag and you want upset the mafia okay those stories are being completed there's two more to be found Society research gas explosion of Coline makes third in a year oh my we go throw Anthony in there and that's our last story for the week oh which just going to unlock a new item cool think we're going to come back with a poster which is going to be good for entertainments research you know what let's just order some well I guess we're good on the machine all these slots are full I don't know if there's a way to get a um an overlay for how much paper is in here other than when I was dragging the paper but i' basically filled all those up I don't think I need to order more now I don't think there'd be anything to do okay a little more cleaning going on I'd love to do a big reorganization here we can move things around for free whenever we want so what I've tended to be doing is every when my game playay sometimes every Monday or maybe every second week is before I start anything as a pause and then I move everything around you can stash things as well uh it shows up in this category over here so you can just go like there's the stash here so I could do that I don't know if there's an option for this it might be nice to have like a okay stash everything I want to do a recan but if it doesn't it's not actually a big deal okay let's go through the end of Sunday here last few stories everything's been and oh no oh I have to accept this for the movie poster so now we could build those there we go there we go these two people over here both do some entertainment coverage so we can give them those movie posters so they have a plus one level going forward again research a little faster just get to the end of Sunday so we actually haven't finished doing all the stories but that's okay we'll have again we can't fit everything everything anyway so that's going to be fine again we know we want to print no politics and we want to print the crime and this but this story here oh this does have politics yeah that's the big one but we're going to have to sit on it cuz it would be worth tons of money tons of money 2,000 bucks by itself but would upset the mafia so yeah we're just going to keep this in our pocket I'll run this one it's got a lot of tags silver tag as well for double value that's nice and then if we can combo with these symbols so it's got crime it's got alarming it's got Society it also has invest but we don't have any more of those here's another crime alarming story these are the old news so this is a negative tag so it' be worth negative money here um and if we don't use them then they do go away and they were not going to be there next week but it's not the end of the world we have another o crime and Society so that's another double combo over here this is actually a really good front page I think worth 3,600 bucks by itself no complaints there um the East New York is fully satisfied and again we haven't upset the mafia yet what can we build as a combo on our second page um maybe we run some old entertainment stories at least they would have the combo and then I could run something fresh with no penalty or we could burn this last one I think I'll just let this one go and then we'll put in a a little Society research over here as well on the second page all right that seems okay start this yeah emergency fee just not enough paper I think maybe we need to bring more paper maybe we can load more paper into the machines as it turns out but that's okay we'll spend the 500 bucks we should still turn a decent profit but maybe the paper on shelves gets used as part of the printing I'm actually not sure Still Still figuring that part out clearly there's a headline Banker kidnapped new record sales Society honors it's living conformist and its dead troublemakers and they really did research like never before there's our silver investigative they think that's great good money and yeah we got a few extra sales from the subscribers there you go SA East New York is open we want nothing but success for you in your paper see this way your debt will be cleared no time see just a man of business as your uncle knows I'm just a man of business so yeah we did that and we got more influence as well expenses went up not by very much as a percentage though and our income went up a fair bit so that's good our employees are developing now as they go up in rank we do pay them more but they do come out to be pretty good we've got some new connections including the ability to reach the police station and purchase things like the magnifier bookst which will will give us better ability to deal with crime we can also unlock the coat hanger which is just a generically good Comfort Improvement to boost a fair number of things which is nice uh including the prestigious star which is not yet implemented and then we could also unlock the security booth here which will give us the ability to deal with any mafia types that show up at our door to smash things in fact I'm going to go and unlock the security booth so I know for sure we have it available should something happen other than that I might get the magnifier bookst because it'll give plus one level to our um are uh reporters that are doing crime maybe I'll get the Cod hanger as well you know what I like all those I can't get the Persian tapestry right now that's okay but the mafia people want ooh they want some alarming stories they're going to pay $500 as a bonus for every alarming story we run cool some pety cop houses get hold of those dosier the city has the right to know about these dangerous these Crooks in their dangerous business don't you think yeah yeah yeah it's the cops you got to worry about flat push we do have a sports and a Crime Story in our back pocket ready to go of course they're not going to be fresh but that might be fine we want to look for a tragic story if we can as well likely be F in crime and Society okay so what I might do is I might say listen let's focus on crime and Society early on please uh to do that also we need to do alarming stories which are an economy so again we're going to prioritize those just to try to get those stories detected as early as possible we're also going to go ahead and order a bunch of paper ready to go we do have a lot of money sitting around could pay off some of our debt although I suspect if anything we might go into debt more to get another floor but right now we seem to be in pretty good shape and yet we've unlocked some new items like our magnifier bookst so if we bring this out we can see there we go you are doing crime research you are doing crime as well so we'll give you both a little plus yeah you've got the crime board already so these guys are getting plus two levels doing multiples of the same object doesn't uh stack but different objects does so Steven's got one Baseline crime uh skill but he's getting plus two over over here from the objects same same situation is going to be for uh whoever this is Ruth gray there we go she's actually at a zero still with that but uh cuz I think she's done more economy research but uh that will come as well in any case that's going to minimize how much time they have to spend doing this stuff anyway I think we're going to wrap it up here a little bit of a gist about how the game goes showing text oh yeah you're working on these stories still which yeah do have all the old story tag including this one this is still going to be worth a lot with all these combos which is going to be fantastic it's also alarming which is good cuz again we're getting bonuses for for doing alarming stories so that's going to more than offset the old news plus all these Combos and all these tags just great that's the thing with more tags the story by itself is worth more money but it's also easier to generate multiple combos so anyway still in Early Access but clearly clearly done nicely the UI is nice again my only thing is that sometimes I was having problems noticing when a story needed more input you know it does show up over here to be fair and again you can click on the glob I found it the easiest to keep the Globe view open while while it was an actual work day I would keep the Globe view open and usually do this just to see if any issues were popping up I still don't know if there's a way maybe to like do this better you can even route these through floors so you can have like your printers span multiple floors which I think is going to be important as we add more and more and more pages to this I don't have yeah I haven't reached this yet for more pages because we could support a third page of the newspaper very easily and we even have enough room over it here although I suspect something more will have to be done for the paper handling job which might include the shelving within I suppose what I could do is if nothing else I could when I put the storage shelf in if I put it near the printer I can still manually drag everything maybe onto that and then our employee can just be responsible for continuously loading things in but it looks like I can do it manually so I'm I am wondering about the importance of the resupply desk in of itself but I don't know still some mechanics I'm learning anyway that's it folks thanks for watch watching I'll see you next time bye-bye
Channel: quill18
Views: 24,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: quill, quill18, quill18creates, video, game, commentary, gameplay, footage, vod, fpvod, english, live, games, review, preview, strategy, tutorial, beta, alpha, release, official, walkthrough, playthrough, howto, mods
Id: OB8hgBdtusQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 59sec (3539 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2024
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