Building The Browns 2021: Rookie Minicamp (Ep. 4)

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I wish more teams put out similar videos

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 108 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Dave_Matthews_Jam πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I’m a Ravens fan, but this show is my guilty pleasure.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 65 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Binnni πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This show is the best, would love to see other teams do offseason shows to this level

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Ed_The_FF_Analyst πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I'm glad to see that after the Browns started to put these out it's growing to other teams, but BtB will always be the best

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/unMuggle πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

We’re lucky to have guys who make great content like this. I hope other teams eventually follow suit and put as much effort into making content similar, because it’s so freakin special/cool to get an inside look at how our team operates and to get to know the players better and relate to them more. It’s the ultimate fan content experience, save from the actual games etc.

I understand why they don’t though, because each team in the league probably watches every singe episode and studies every moment a player is on screen in order to gain as much of an advantage as possible. 11/10 I bet people like Bill Belichick watches them or has someone/a team that does, along with many other teams/people.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lilhippieboi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Crocs gang, you closed top supremacists better watch out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 21 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I get lost in Stefanksi's eyes. They are so intense.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 11 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/FrequentPangolin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

So that's where Callahan is now. I guess he's doing a good job. Browns had a good line last year.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mrhimba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 23 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Legit one of my fav tv shows

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/thebestguy96 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 24 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] today was the first day these guys are in the building it's our primary onboarding day where guys come in they meet some of the staff some of the guys for the first time get to see the building okay so super easy all right so i'm gonna come up yep just go we go through all of our physicals and then with me uh just onboarding from a player engagement standpoint uh getting them organized financially uh just putting those guys in their first introduction to the nfl learning their new environment it's crazy like it's like we're freshmen all over again um so you know we're definitely all in embracing that especially me and you know um obviously like you said i got drafted in the first round they speak highly of me but at the end of the day none of that matters um because now we're all at the same point um obviously going first round was you know a goal of mine but now i'm trying to throw that through the window and at the end of the day um it doesn't matter where i got drafted um and i'm just trying to you know keep that chip on my shoulder all the time and just show guys that you know i am deserving to be on this nfl team so greg we've seen a lot of these guys coming in with uh crocs on what's what's the story with the crocs i mean i'm just i think i was a trendsetter though they're a big versatile shoe like if you got to go run or something so i just think they're bursting and then i can go in the shower if i need to and yeah so i just think they're a versatile shoe man i'm trying to get everybody in the crocs man um you know i think like i said crocs is the most versatile shoe out there you know i just can't wait to see everybody in the building and have them you know an orange pair of crocs or something like that so i ain't got a i ain't got a smile on this is my rock it's my roster right i think you should smile but you don't have to my roster picked i don't know i'd like to be kind of everything so i like to be mean though all right i know my mom gonna want me to choose a smile i think we should go smile we can go smile hey cross like come get you come get him please come get me like i'm your biggest advocate like i wear them every day just being around the guys and around my you know new class we're definitely all similar into the realm that we're just going to put our head down and work and whatever the coaches need us to do that's what we're going to do to the best of our ability this is awesome to see my name on the back of the jersey i've been waiting for this since i was seven years old so just being able to see this you know i finally got my foot in the door which means a lot man it was it was amazing you know just walking up to your locker grabbing your helmet throwing on that jersey throwing on the helmet like it was just so surreal because you know i've just been waiting for this my whole life like you said realizing my dream you know i'm i'm never going to forget that that's where coach callahan be at that's me i can tell by the board i'm excited man it's just a blessing to be here in cleveland man you know being an ohio kid you always dream of stuff like this you know my entire family are our cleveland browns fans especially with my dad cause my dad is a has been a die-hard cleveland brown fan since the day i was born just seeing his reaction to see how he reacted you know it was great i can't i can't even put it into words what's going on coach how are you doing i'm good how are you man yes sir god damn how are you feeling i'm good i'm great are they taking care of you yeah yeah okay so we're gonna get together right away tomorrow morning okay for sure and then we're gonna get on that field here welcome i'm happy to be here all right ready to get to work family good yeah they're good okay awesome all right i'll see you a little bit yes sir best of the best right there you just got drafted and you just came in the building like who are all these people that's a lot to take on you see a lot of faces and names and places and you haven't been here ever you're going place to place the platform start with them slowly in each department and in here i mean they know they're going to come down here okay this is where i'm going to go to get my clothes and my shoes and my equipment and the footballs and how cute how everything works before they get here we spend a week and a half getting prepared for them coming in the building every little detail like what they wear and shoes and helmets and shoulders everything so when they come in it's here it is it's what you like to do this is what you've worn it might have been a different color helmet different colored face mask but let's get the feel let's get this right give me my little flex throw the visor on there that's all i need but cleats clicks make the whole drip it feels good though every place hold up that's a really nice thing about them these are an excellent pair right here cool we got a great orange pair here you want to try those all right straight forward up and down for me left and right it made it very real you know when i got drafted it was really real but you know to be actually you know to put on the gear to put on the cleats and put on the issue gloves and things like that the helmet uh you know it's a certain pride that comes with that you know i like this it makes a big difference man it's crazy man just to see how you know amazingly blessed that we are to be in this position to be able to you know further our careers and uh pass the collegiate way and you know just coming here and work every day now i just i feel relieved i feel ready to work i'm ready to go yeah okay y'all putting me watching this appreciate it yeah too tight down my side that's cool uh you're gonna get a guy that's gonna come in and work and compete for a spot and i'm gonna give cleveland everything i have to head up and down it was kind of surreal man i i felt like the first day of school you know i walked into the quitting room and i see all these you know i see the helmets and everything i see my helmet with my my sticker on it it doesn't feel real but it i mean but it's here i'm happy to be here happy to have you you never get a second chance to make a first impression so we want to be around those guys we want to get to know them we want them to get to know us and they got to get to know their teammates and how to get around this building i mean a lot of it was acclimation to the way we do things and i thought we accomplished that i think the guys understand who we are here at the cleveland browns smell like football [Music] okay welcome to uh you know our first meeting together here at this mini camp all of this is your job we have some guys that were draft picks on here we have some guys that were undrafted we have some tryout guys we have some guys that are eligible to be part of this mini camp you're at this rookie camp your goal is to make the team okay your goal is to make the team i wish we could keep everybody andrew barry wishes he could keep everybody that's not the case so your goal is to make this team first and foremost and then lastly that's what we're about we're about work in this building okay that's what we're doing here tonight that's what we're doing here friday saturday and sunday we are about that will be safe and i'll see you guys in the morning coach what's up 2-0 put your glasses on yeah man did they give you super powers b lynch they give you super powers right hey they definitely do that chain does yeah very different than past years so in the old days you'd bring in your draft picks your undrafted guys and then a lot of tryout players that would come in for the weekend so you could try them out see see what you got and there were many guys over the years that you find in those rookie mini camps because you have a roster of 60 players so really we honed in way more on individual instruction so think of a player like james hudson he's there one on one really one on three with bill callahan scott peters john decoster and he gets individual specialized instruction lower your center of gravity kick that foot outside your knee how many times can you keep the left foot at least three kicks for me keep it outside your knee when you kick i want it outside that knee okay i don't want to kick and have this knee rolling out you're gonna roll over i mean you're talking about a master class you know coach callahan coach peters working with one guy for hours and hours a day i mean this i don't think you could buy that on the street so he wouldn't be able to afford it that's like such a great lessons he's getting and it's just one-on-one teaching it's incredible you want to hear great news you can take your mask off oh you can just got a memo is that exciting so the cdc came out with their guidance the day before about masks indoor and outdoors so a lot of the coaches were asking me should we still wear these outside and we hadn't heard anything from the league so we just felt to be in compliance yes you got to wear your mask out and word came out via joe sheen that the nfl had said you could take those masks off that was a good feeling to take that thing off and coach your guys and and not have to have them you know hearing you through a mask [Music] [Music] look all right super bowl sunday stances great stance all right you do not move until the green ball okay this drill deep tackles obviously you got to keep the ball we don't have a man for you to keep here we go don't fall for the hard count let's go jj get him going oh dude i just think walking out onto that field and seeing the coaches instruct and seeing the players taking it in even if it was a very slow pace some of those walk-throughs i'm standing back there and the coaches are making corrections and the guys got the rep right the second time and and that's just the the maturation that occurs with young players making mistakes is not a problem to make a mistake we want we don't want to make it twice so that's what we did with these guys we put them through the drills made sure they understood what they were doing if they made a mistake we just corrected it this is the route you and i were talking about right this is the one and coach o'shea's already talked to you about being under control like when did it go to fifth gear when to put in the fourth you know yes sir because i promise you the corner's in a sweat when you're aligned there so then it's just using your speed to your advantage and making sure that you're nice did you feel when he came off you felt the speed so you got oh yeah i like under control yeah i like it you just be under control their coaches are giving them so much information right now and they're taking it in and they're going slow but i just think that's the way you have to start come on everybody water's warm think about this so you just had a good uh work day right had a good mental work day out here physical work day gonna get another one tomorrow okay guys there's so much information coming at you you have to study so you got to put the time in right now and you got a bunch of coaches here that want to help you with that time all right all right what's the most important word around the cleveland browns can you see it up there works a good one team okay so what we're gonna do when we break down i'm gonna say team on three one two three and we clap we don't even say it all right because when we clap in unison at once that's what we're saying we're about that team okay so here we are team on three one two three nice job let's see all right aye aye aye let's get rolling let's get rolling so we're gonna talk some real stuff my goal fellas is to give you guys what i've seen honestly over the last six years being here with the cleveland browns organization as it pertains to just ways that you can maximize or minimize your potential some of the things that i'm going to say to you will prevent you from taking some missteps as you start to work towards your your goal and your nfl career all right so that's a quote from lebron and you guys know lebron at some point he was also a rookie right the reason i pulled that quote out is because there's really no difference as it pertains to what he's saying when it comes to you all right every one of you guys have a certain set of tools you got a certain set of god-given ability and then you got the opportunity and some choices that would allow you to make something brew has a unique role with our players as a director of player engagement he kind of answers a lot of questions for for our young guys he's that guiding force for them early in their career and kind of showing them what they need to be doing off the field what they need to be doing on the field so he plays a huge role in our player development some of you guys were drafted some of you guys weren't but every one of you guys have been taken from wherever you were and you're right here in cleveland now this is the end goal this is where you're trying to get this to me is not the goal it's the byproduct and guys make the biggest mistake in a career when they put the byproduct before the product the interactions that he has with the players is something that's private you know i know coach will be aware of any significant issues that come up but i think those guys having somebody outside of their coach where they can talk to him if they have any personal problems he's developed a great relationship but i think guys don't have any fear of going to see him i always ask him every time i say i'm like am i the only one blowing them up with questions because i feel like anytime i think something i asked him like in terms of like where to stay what's going on here what's going to happen stuff he's been very cool with it and very just very informative with it i feel like i could talk to him for pretty much anything again i have no other goal no other desire than for you to have complete success in the nfl in cleveland that's my number one goal in desire there you go nice and easy so ease right into this today we kind of wanted to assess and see the guys move a little bit as far as like their flexibility um where their balance where they might have some weaknesses once we take them through all these drills we can kind of say hey you know this guy his hips were kind of tight or this this guy's core was kind of weak or you know just kind of figure those things out give him some kind of a direction on you know where it is that we want him to go like anything what you put in what you get out focus on we're just going 10 yards those knees stay down low you're about one inch off the ground they creep up on you your hip will come up too keep that tension through your core i'm not going to get too deep into this because we're going to share all of our thoughts with you as we go through the next few weeks but we train movements not muscles the one common denominator for all the good players no matter how big or strong you are is at this level you have to be able to move you got to be mobile and you got to be fast when you do it there you go right over the top good good hips right there got to be able to bend at the hips got to have strong hips got to be strong between your chest and your knees i'm not looking for a great athlete i could care less about a great athlete i need you to be a great football player so you can jump over this building in a single bound but if you're offensive lineman you can't block the guy in front of you it doesn't matter how great an athlete you are you got to be able to do the job that we brought you here to do we're not going to waste your time doing a whole bunch of bs just so you can look great or feel good or whatever we're challenged with making you guys great football players and that's what's going to help you do what you came here to do who we're going to have called up today hey dog man you got to redo that dogs on three dogs on me one two three we're rolling and when you go lock your elbows so arch your lower back lock your lock your elbows right there and just go like you know what i'm saying like this and once you're locked here you're going like this you feel me this is my elbow yeah just lock your elbow so you move from your shoulder like everything's right there yep well for me at the rookie mini camp it's really just evaluating the guys that you got so you really want to evaluate them just to kind of see what talent how much talent they have what they're capable of doing and that's why we move them around the different drills put keep your feet apart keep your feet apart oh yeah it's down eyes oh yeah there it is get tight tight hands good run everybody's boom nice job nice job good job jeremiah keep your feet in there try to root try to anchor as fast as you can right on content get there with all the speed put no tension in the body and there was plenty of mistakes but you've seen guys start to get it and get better each and every day i watch um all the tape so after the first day second day third day it's just really exciting exciting to see those guys get better every day yeah that's because as you went to throw your hip you didn't get all the way around so your foot hit out here and all you got was one cleat i'll show it to you on video and it slid so get your hip as tight as you can that'll bring your foot all the way around you want it as tight as you can but hey slips are good where's my receiver here i'll get it all here there we go tie down with the lack of bodies we didn't really have a scout team in a lot of these scenarios so it was all hands on deck and we had strength coaches and coaches from our performance staff and you name it lining up on offense to give a look to our guys and it was walk through which is a good thing for those guys because they would have gotten run over if it was a team drill so we grabbed everybody equipment guys video guys you know i was playing the quarterback but we really wanted to put together a full offensive unit so we could run plays and give them some run plays some pass plays so we can see him naturally react um to like a more of a live situation so it was fun to do i found my little rusty all right here we go oh one on one ready let's get it like 18. [Music] oh i got it with the fake oh my god you was gone we felt like the young guys picked it up so much that the walkthrough we had today we just mixed all of our coverages that we put in and we gave them a run and uh passes and they handled it really well so this is exciting to get back until more of like a game plan in a normal practice field good work so we was getting after it we got better today offense we got better today that's some good good young talent feels good to be on the grass man because everything is like more robotic now because they're learning but you can see you got some some stuff to them it's hard to get away from the db's man i'm itching man i know well yeah i'm a db coach at heart i really feel good about the talent of the dbs you know we had three corners in the safety um i know everybody asks about greg i thought he did really well the thing that stuck out to me about him is very competitive very smart picks things up fast but i think it'll be really good for the group just how hard he works and how much time he puts into it obviously with with jock you can just see the athleticism you know another very competitive guy and he was coach tarver had him over there i had to go over and tell him hey get this dude a water break but you know he was working hard didn't want to stop you can see he's going to fit into the group very well and then d-line position just you know all the guys malik to tommy to marvin to all those guys over there romeo they were all doing a great job so the rookies they're really with us for the next six weeks and it's it's time in the meeting rooms with them it's time on the field with them again it's them being around their teammates and getting to know each other you know because we're always trying to get the camaraderie just the guys interacting and you know you know the veterans are looking at these guys wondering how good they are the young guys are looking to veterans wonder how good they are you know it's really about the cleveland browns not you know if you're the new rookie or you're the veteran you guys are in such a spot where you are so lucky with the time that you're getting with you with these coaches because you're going to be showing up at management at train again you're going to be ready to roll okay because you're putting the work and i appreciate that uh jay okay break this group down [Music] hey team um
Channel: Cleveland Browns
Views: 360,399
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleveland Browns, NFL
Id: oQfhN_8pIl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 8sec (1328 seconds)
Published: Sun May 23 2021
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