Building The Browns 2021: Back To Work (Ep. 5)

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Realistic expectations for this season: 20-0

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 89 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Jocosity πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Having a top free agent signing come over from a successful team and praise our professionalism is honestly pretty surreal

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 62 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ViewsFromThe614 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The defensive line game had me in tears πŸ˜‚

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 56 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/bigmikevegas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Building the Browns is so good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CodeNameBen πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Its been soooooo long

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 32 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/lutsius-memes πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Jarvis and Odell mocking DPJ's dance is the best thing I've seen all week.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 28 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/reverse_edge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

love what I'm seeing.
Love the emphasis on work and team, love how people seem to click and vibe with each other.
Looks like they're all on the same page, and have started to come together

Side note: it's great to see an NFL head coach who is 100% assertive - but without the over-the-top aggressive barking all the time.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/HighTower_55 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œDon’t forgot our breaks. Break, break, break break break”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ViewsFromThe614 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 17 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/CrunchyDreads πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] yeah i thought the guys did a great job with the voluntary otas they came in with the right mindset they wanted to work with a lot of defensive guys out there that were hearing some of those coaching points for the first time on the field and you know we've done a lot of zoom and i think we've gotten pretty good at it but to get those guys on the grass with the coaches making calls breaking the huddle together i just saw great value in that and i was really appreciative the guys got really good work in while they were here hey let's roll gentlemen let's roll let's roll let's roll two notes for you ready here's the first one [Music] okay just so you know here's the second one all right you good all right well what's been great is just being able to be around each other and learn our verbage and being able to work together you know even uh jacob phillips he really didn't get an offseason with us what's been really cool is whatever drill we're in watching our guys communicate because it's about us they've been great i can see hand signals every play and that's been really cool because that's what goes a long way when it really does turn up to full speed when you get to camp and into the season you guys know the drill feet run shuffle break there it is lead step drive through the tackle wrap squeeze good feet run shuffle break lead step there it is good j wrap up feet run shuffle break good eh walk there it is wrap it up and rise feet coach he's been great really as a you know technician right now the energy that bloom and uh tar bring is uh you know obviously second to none um i'd say we have to calm those guys down sometimes like hey hey hey relax now but it's uh it's all good you know we're we're getting better i think he's uh you know one of the best linebacker coaches i've had remember i'm wrong we'll roll quicker just in case we get the slow down ball there it is go bring now break down jeremiah hey your drop's outstanding the dig was right behind you but break now break break jay break go right break break break break break don't forget our breaks break break break break break otas is for teaching and um you know coach tarf has really been teaching us how you know how the defense is supposed to look and the techniques and the ins and outs of the defense the you know the the studying of the defense and just trying to put all the pieces together so by the time we get to minicamp and training camp and you know we get to the season now it's all about game plan and then you know putting the work in jeremiah as your jeremiah as you're getting a drink here so you got bunch but nothing really went out right so all you got to do is just think about this yeah you don't really need to hinge if nothing's vertical so as you go through yeah i felt you do this you can still see fine from here because now i can get my feet and start to melt back in right because he stayed away the whole time it was like an instinct it was if it is though i get it but just start on your with first and then you'll you'll see it you'll feel when you've got to flip okay you want to be what we say is a one-time correction player so a coach or us together we can see it correct it and then from then on you got it and we're seeing some of that in our young guys so as a coach that's what you push them to try to be as a one-time correction guy but also that's what excites you when you see a player hear it once see it one time and then the next time and the next time and the next time it's exactly right and you watch their confidence man that's what it's all about jlo all the way out mac oh you gotta get out there it is oh got it guys you're good all the way out right because j.lo all the way out to buzz remember sam will always go ahead guys once you ran out you were good set up we have great competition we have a lot of guys all our guys can play and they know it but now it's about being right and it's about pushing each other and then it's being in the right spot making plays it makes coming to work great and when you know you have a lot of guys that can play uh it gives you not only hope but confidence that we're gonna end up in the right spot no matter who's in but then we can also put in who's ever best for that situation based off of how they've performed so yeah it's going to make it their job is to make it really hard on all of us to decide who's in that's that's the player's job and that's what they can control by doing their job and doing it to the best of their ability here we go here we go no jacob has it hey elbison three one two three lb's okay in the red zone in the red zone let's see what groups we got yeah so um this past weekend june 12th was my second annual jarvis landry building winners uh foundation celebrity softball game and uh it was amazing turnout you know sold out for the second time in a row which was amazing yeah i'm really proud of the guys when they get out there and get in the arena and are raising money through charity or we're working with different groups and raising awareness and i think jarvis had a lot of fans out there at his softball game and generated a ton of interest generated a ton of money for what his causes it's important to me you know because i didn't really have that much support in my community my neighborhood when i was growing up and that was probably one of the main reasons why i wanted to start a foundation that's probably one of the main reasons i've been so active in communities that i've played in i just think it's so cool that he wants to give back he wants to be a part of the community here and i told him i'm proud of him i think it's a great thing [Applause] all the guys that showed up were studs we had darius garland from the cleveland cavaliers travis kelsey baker mayfield odell beckham miles garrett kareem hunt david nijoku the list goes on you know of guys that were there that that i'm extremely grateful for yo you better do something you gotta do something you wanna do something bye bye uh oh stop standing like that you not ken griffey you not ken griffey hey heather's out here to look good i mean uh i had a little friendly bat with uh odell and baker honestly and uh um i had to watch out for baker because he actually did really good to deep center way out of here dang bait got lucky i don't care what he said but odell he's we're athletes you know we always gonna have a little competitive nature it makes it fun you know i be old so don't matter baker had an amazing swing i tried to keep up with him for as long as i could he ended up winning a home run derby i think that that was one of the bigger highlights of the softball game that brought a lot of energy hey hey i'm a slugger dawg where i'm at we had six you at six we got juice at four come on i mean you have travis kelsey tell it he would say my team was stacked but i did not know that all the guys that were on my team you know had as much baseball history that they had which is the reason why we won 22-7 i guess what where the donuts at who got donut man i'm in the hole [Music] i heard bases loaded and i was up to bat so in my head i'm going okay it's your time to shine this base is loaded as soon as something comes across the plate i got to send it over graham slam so pitch came pretty slow i waited for it and hit the right one and then it went [Applause] let's go let's go let's go you know it's a good feeling you know fun i pretty much put the icing on the cake on the game right there please appreciate it you know it was great you know not to you know have masks on and seeing people you know back to normal [Music] hey good to see y'all i love you too i can't say enough about the support from the fans and everybody that attended it was it was a great time definitely won um in my book forever [Music] nicer too man does it look nice yeah yeah you look like you can play a little bit of football i'm trying to at least those are new jerseys uh throwback throwback yeah really exciting year ahead of us here with the with the 75th anniversary of this this great franchise and we will have some throwback uniforms this year i think it'll be a nice representation of our history and i think people will be excited about the uniforms for 2021. i think every detail is cared for with that uniform and that's something that you know it's going to be special i know to the legends that have played and more these jerseys before us and you know and how we make a statement in them this year for years to come right you're right let's go too got to be a go-to all right good evening everybody let's get started it's what we're about let's get to work okay january 17 2021 that was our last game so the last game of the 2020 season ends on january 17th okay so we show up 87 days after that game we show up on april 19th and we start the off-season program and we say we have to do what we have to improve as a team a unit and as a player we have to improve number one goal second goal we talked about was teach and re-teach our systems third thing we talked about was developing and strengthening relationships all right so those were our goals of the off-season program that includes this mini-game okay so that's your 59 days that ends on thursday june 17th and then guess what yeah 87 days until september 12th a bunch of those 87 days are gonna be time off but we're away from each other so the work doesn't stop all right it never rests so over the course of this mini camp how are we going to improve as a team how are we going to improve as a player how are we going to improve as an offense to defensive special teams we're going to work it's as simple as that i appreciate you guys looking forward to seeing everybody over here tomorrow morning have a great night is literally like a mini training camp you know it's not as crucial with the reps we're not out there as long there's no pads come here yeah we really wanted to make sure that we worked hard and we really wanted to make sure that we work smart so when we're out there the players are only in helmets they have no protection on their shoulders so we felt like that it was better to take a teaching pace to things and make sure that we did that the focus was on the teaching and the learning as soon as you see it okay the first thing is is that we love to compete and so having the full roster here we get to compete with who our offense thinks is their best and i enjoy that we all want to be the best and so we want to be able to see what we got against uh the best competition oh yeah greg newsome jumps out to me he's a rookie you know he's first rounder high expectations you know he's listening he's coachable he's a sponge grand delphi is coming off of injury him and greedy they've done nothing but just work no complaining so i think the professionalism in this organization is just second to none we trying to be the best we trying to be number one talking about top five i'm trying to be number one something that i that i've been really noticed with what john is and appreciate is his ability to connect with your you know really everybody he's connecting with that whole db room oh that's good defense that's good defense yeah john's been great for the young defensive backs seeing a guy who does it the right way who studies at his craft i think he's going to be a really really nice addition to that back end good job guys being a leader i think it happened naturally and i think today if mini camp with everyone being here it kind of like came out a little bit hey y'all wanna know what a wise man once told me every third down like the super bowl bruh if you're the weak link on third down you're not gonna last long in this league that wise man was actually lamarcus joyner he doesn't say much but it's one thing that i took from him my rookie year with the rams you make the biggest plays on third down when the offense needs you you may not make a spectacular play but you gotta at least do your job we're gonna break you're going off this field in order to get back inside there's bottles set up on the tables over there you gotta get one bottle flip before you're allowed inside okay hey team on three one two three i'm about to double flip mine or something oh my god we like to have some competitions as they walk off the field some challenges for them just one more shot before they go into the building before they hit the shower before they get to the training room we want them to just think about competing one more time the bottom line is this game is about competing and we want to make sure that in everything we do we're competing how many are we doing [Music] yes sir keep trying it's good to see what guys are made of not only physically but mentally who's going to be a leader who's tough who's hard-working who's really going to get after it and who can you rely on i see you mj you know i'm i'm hoping that nobody in the training camp i can trust you know each and every one of those guys in my life as soon as we step on the football field we'll take care of the other beer and be a brother's keeper hey let me see what you got this forgive yeah that's a high energy group over there you you hear them before you see them as as they're working and they're pushing each other and that's the fun part of this and i think adding some of the guys we added to the mix you see them pushing each other in individual drills you see them pushing each other in the weight room they really want the best out of each other so i think coach kiff coach garrett they have a group that is ready to work they're ready to compete and it's exciting to watch [Laughter] what's [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] miles looks awesome out there he's um bigger faster stronger if you can believe it i mean every year he just keeps getting better i think he's really excited for the next year coming and trying some new things as far as pass rush goes and you know really taking that next step in the leadership role in the locker room and every year is a different year and i think he's really excited about the 2021 season that was good work today right there's a lot going on there's a lot being taught there's a lot being learned we're throwing a lot at you on purpose so young guys especially first second year guys you gotta take this craft seriously you gotta work at it okay we work so hard in the weight room you work hard out here you have to work hard away from this building understand what we're asking you guys to do does that make sense all right and obviously we need the vets to lead the way when it comes to that team on three one two three no we know we have a great group on paper but you know we have to be able to do our job and uh if we go forward we are where we're supposed to be and we're gonna be very tough to take on [Music] it it's a tight window though it's like good throw tougher yeah man i gotta look at it but maybe i didn't i didn't run i didn't run out of it hard enough jarvis is as smart a guy as i've been around from a football intelligence standpoint he knows ball he knows defense so it's fun to watch him operate it's fun to put plays in for him and he adds savviness to every route that you give him and i just think the guy is is really off the charts from a football intelligence standpoint [Music] it's fun you know it's fun seeing seeing everybody it's fun catching up and then i obviously get you get the opportunity to go out there and step on the grass and run around here for a little bit so i'm excited we just finished up some walk-throughs and things like that so it was good to be around the guys and have that football feeling back in my gut again you know so it's uh it was fun oh my god hey when we get back here for training camp it's going to be hard it's going to suck actually okay it's not gonna be fun and that's part of it it's gonna suck together okay so while you're away work you have to work like we talked about this morning hey way to work appreciate you guys team on three one two three they gotta get ready for training camp because it's going to be hard it's not going to be easy it never is but that's part of hard work that's what we do [Music] you
Channel: Cleveland Browns
Views: 277,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cleveland Browns, NFL, browns
Id: XMiaknFyVNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 3sec (1323 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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