Greatest Trick Plays in Football History

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Spent a long time scrolling through this video to find the play in the thumbnail and it wasn’t as cool as I thought it would be

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/thicknheart 📅︎︎ Nov 02 2017 🗫︎ replies
points today from Hauschka [Applause] Garry Gilliam little minute motion little takes the swing pass Edelman's gonna throw it downfield [Applause] it was they're not even close easy indeed that is julian edelman first career attempt and one not forget again tremendous so for the second time New England overcoming fifteen seconds to go in the first half make it 14 clocks running third and 20 for Dante takes the snap a better pass protection scheme this time Dante rolls out to the right five seconds to go in the first half Dante fires deep to the left at the 11 [Applause] possession of Randy Moss woodwind team in and gets the football in the second half after he's gone in and looked at all those pictures you see him looking at every time they put [Applause] and it looks like the seats headed for a second maybe the volts touched it first they touched it first so it doesn't matter oh yes it definitely goes 10 I'll see if the football did come back out Jim it bounced off the hands of Hank Baskett and then for a second Rhys habit and escorted out of his hands basket went back in to try to get it [Applause] in the end Jonathan Casillas comes out with it for New Orleans Wow and they'll take over at their own 42 he had to sit in here and halftime and with all this 4:30 Ryan thought to get away Austin [Applause] the ball has drifted to the right look at the Seahawks chasing it even faked our cameraman out that is great preparation by the special team [Applause] [Applause] Doug Baldwin did a really good job of pulling up copy before he was ready because he was under pressure but a perfect spiral the perfect rotor Russell Wilson check out his form and throws well under pressure hoop by Francis and it's fielded at the bowline and they're going to throw it back across now committee on taking solace was laying down the end zone that was a very interesting attempt at a decoy he was camouflaged blue jerseys all blue tops and bottoms were Issy in the end zone with the Blue Hens oh and there he is but you don't see me you'll see me oh I'm all bulimic [Applause] [Music] here's a fake spike j-chip Moreno go back and take a look at the previous play prior to that one for the touchdown they've been throwing it out wide Antonio Brown this timely sneak James looking like he's going to block they get the game there they come back they face they fake the spike Antonio Brown one on one outside on Leon Macbeth what a throw by Roethlisberger in the pittsburgh jean anyone Don struck but the Harris even laterals to Nathan the old 31 30 seconds ago I believe me we know they are going to fight it but the kick was never needed the fake spike proved that Marino was most lethal as soon as a defense dropped it that's my best chance right there my best shot an explanation is [Music] [Applause] to grow peppers top your screen now they'll handle off the peppers he's going to fall back to stay stay looking down but Jessica's got that one's back to Spain the Ju Chesson they give it to win and win throws it to Kelsey Kelsey's gonna score [Applause] street play by the Bearcats 37 yards Cincinnati back on top it starts with wait winds gonna jump pass to Kelsey what a fake they actually hand the ball off first of all much of it goes under center they get heavy they pull a guard it looks he self he is open the line of scrimmage gets vertical the lefty with the jump ball pass what a gutsy call a great execution not missing the layup by George Wynn and Kelsey McMahon's fired up not the first time Butch Jones in the offense for Nader Mike - jakey - pulled that one out style of water once again takes 8 the rest to trickery from the coast [Applause] of course had a bags inside the five [Applause] tagore go ahead and roll it now watch he's gonna flip it over to look but keep your eye on Frank Gore because the Titans defense they take their eyes off of to the tight end but Florida in great position to make the play once they took Leonard fournette out the offense stalled and now they gotta settle for three this guy hasn't missed yet this will be a 33 yard attempt for domain and it's a fake the throat is go man he bobbles it and their heads [Applause] 75 yard drive well watch Darrell Williams the running back this is called design play Craig Thorpe the backup quarterback is going to put the ball down and raise up and throw it Williams is out leading the block and don't make the kicker goes from kicking it go ahead field goal to scoring it go-ahead touchdown for LSU we told it a fourth quarter was going to be fun this is craziness the kicker caught it three times and from 16 yards out gives the Tigers a touchdown lead extends here but with Pete Carroll on the playoff sometimes you can expect the unexpected and here you go here is a snap to shed and as Sean sheds got a first down Pete Carril a little January magic and DeSean Shen picks it up on the ground and they continue the drive he's not scared it's not scared and they always have those types of things within your within your offense as far as what you're going to do in these situations if you're going to go for it the fake punt it snap the ball directly to shed got blocking out in front of them and then he picks up the first down just a great job of execution by the Seattle Seahawks in a very critical moment this game penalty at the 9 yard line pump fake Statue of Liberty he catching this he got me touchdown Oregon it was this a beautiful player whether they were waiting on the outside for Stewart to get the ball watch this the right-hand side of the defense are waiting for it watch Stewart waiting for Stewart he doesn't give it to him he's going to keep it and come this way earlier they ran the Statue of Liberty where he did give it to it what do you call this cruise - [Applause] now the field go right you know I'm again I'm going to stuff right now put the ball now make that first and quarterback artha wake up and do something bill position clues put pressure on set up the try one [Applause] he's going to throw it they gather franca they got trouble underside no signal now touchdown you [Music] [Music] Williams is deep for Dustin Cole quits kick well I think this is the touchdown a gutsy call by Andy Reid Dave Tobi's special teams coordinator well he thought better of it all right didn't he when they lined up to go for it on fourth down in their own territory to start off the second half as you see Wilson just take it right up the middle [Applause] Wilson being the short back letter the protector just the direct snap to him 55 yards you years ago we talked to Tom more than an Indianapolis yeah busting play here that man's Sanchez gets hit the ball is loose and it's alive I have never seen this before in my life watch this Vince Wilfork is gonna throw Brandon more back into his quarterback he's going to fumble the football this is what Reggie White used to do to people forklift him and just lift him off the ground Mark Sanchez not expecting it and it was the backside of brandon Moore that knocked the ball out
Channel: Jaydon
Views: 63,022,750
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sports, nfl, football, ncaa, fake, field, goal, field goal, fake punt, punt, dan marino, fake spike, fake knee, fake kneel, trick, play, trick play, trick plays, football trick plays, football trick play, nfl trick plays, hook and ladder, lateral, nfl laterals, football lateral, best trick plays, best football trick plays, best nfl trick plays, trickery, coolest trick plays, wild trick plays, foot, ball, endzone, fumble, statue of liberty play, flea flicker, halfback pass, double pass
Id: Fj8G9dGuNkU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 38sec (818 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 21 2016
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