Fastest Deck Railing Ever Installed?!

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this right here is the fastest railing system I've ever installed you want to learn why keep on watching let's get [Music] started I've installed a number of different types of deck railings and most of them consist of the same properties and installation methods however this system is completely different than any other system I've installed and it significantly reduced the amount of installation time needed compared to any other railing system that I've installed there are a lot of deck railings out there but this specific one stopped me in my track when I saw it at the international Builder show this year it is called the RDI elevation rail from Brett outdoor living and the reason why it's so unique and different is the fact that it comes with this stainless cable kit system where you actually slide it into place into the post which saves an extreme amount of time when it comes to the installation process I'm really excited to try this out for the very first time but we need to get to post first let's get to it as far as post layout is concerned there are multiple different types of posts generally you're going to see end post mid Post Corner Post and end stair post if you do have stairs the first post that I'll be installing on this project is this mid post and you might think that this is actually a corner post but it's not because it's going down the stair wheil and not turning at a 90° angle because we have a picture frame deck it's actually extremely easy to Center these post brackets right along the perimeter of our deck boards and once we have it positioned properly I go around every single corner to Mark every single fastening location with our holes located I then pre-drill every single location to guarantee that we have as secure of a hole hold as possible without splitting any of the structural Lumber below once our holes are pre-drilled we can move on to fastening and for Fasteners I'm going with a structural wood screw by fasten Master these are 6-in long screws and they're extremely strong and durable perfect for AR railing plus they're specifically designed for decks so they're perfect for exterior use just like this application you certainly don't have to use these specific screws on your project but if you're interested in finding them I'll make sure and have a link in the description box below one of the most important elements of the installation process is to make sure the post is properly leveled perfectly and that means leveled on all four sides once the post is determined to be perfectly level I then cut off any of the excess with a very sharp utility knife or in this case a multi-tool and once it's cleaned up we can install our cover plate each cover plate comes in two identical looking pieces and the only thing is needed is to push these plastic plugs in on the underside of our trim plate once in place I then slide it onto the post and we can now move on to our next post which is this corner 90° post this is a very beefy post and it actually requires six connection points instead of four with the midways I personally found that the fastest way to line this up properly is to just take two speed squares and go right up against your deck then evenly disperse the spacing in between each sides and once that is positioned properly you can start highlighting your fastening locations and then pre-drill all the holes and once the pre-drilling is accounted for you can fasten down your post as needed but as you can see I don't screw in all these screws all the way down until every single one is in place and that way I can guarantee that I have everything lined up properly and our post is perfectly centered right along our border of Our Deck I check for levelness and this post was perfectly level the very first time so I didn't even need any shims along the way so I installed installed our cover plate and moved on to the next post shims were needed for this next post and just to clarify these black shims are included in the packaging for each post but these shims were good for accounting for large discrepancies in your post but for small thinner discrepancies I suggest a thinner shim for this particular deck I do have quite a few Corner posts because it's such an oddly shaped deck but on most projects you're probably going to see the majority of your post being in Midway how however you are going to eventually have some end posts and the end posts are positioned right up against your house because only one side is going to get a rail system while the other side has a nice flat back to it with no seam now that I have all my corners and end post installed on this one stretch I can start moving onto our Midway Post and these are posts spaced out evenly between our end Post in our corner post and the max span for each one of these sections is going to be 68 in or a little over 5 1/2 ft and that's from the face of one post to the face of the next post one extremely key element to keep in mind is to make sure that you're measuring from the face of each post not the actual bracket below because if you measure from the bracket below it actually might turn out where you have uneven spacing in between each post and that's obviously the last thing you want after you have all your post installed with these Midway locations you will have to beef up the framing below in order to make sure you have plenty of structural support for our Fasteners which I did do in a previous video on the deck framing of this project one of the main reasons why we're so particular about the leveling portion of this project is because of these midways and that's because these midways are connecting these posts together and if these posts aren't perfectly level it's going to kick the post out One Direction or the other and you're going to easily see that discrepancy at the very top of your post once you install your handrail once we have all of our midways installed on this entire stretch we can move on to our stairs by taking a measurement at the very bottom and then correlating that measurement to the very top I can guarantee myself that the center slot on both of these posts are going to line up perfectly one element that you do have to be aware of when installing this system is that I'm having to use a corner post at this location because it's going into a 90° angle once it gets from the stair to the side of the house on this side and that means I'm having to use this larger post bracket which kicks everything out slightly if I didn't do a picture frame deck I highly doubt that anyone even notice this discrepancy but I did want to make sure that people were aware of this but I also want to suggest that if you do want a picture frame deck while also still utilizing this system you could always go with a wider board around the perimeter which would make this railing kick out much less visible in all honesty I am very nitpicky about stuff like this but now knowing how everything looks in the end I barely even notice it and I actually know of this circumstance versus people that have no idea about it which are much less likely to notice it we can finally move on to our final two posts which are stare end posts these are very similar to the end post that we previously installed but they are angled slightly at the very top of this post once the fasting location is determined I then pre-draw our holes install our fastners and our cover plate and move on to the next side where we can install our final post with that last one fully installed we can focus our efforts now on our cable rail which is the real star of the show we have our post in now it's time for the real Innovation portion of this entire system which is our C rail assembly it comes exactly like this and we slide it into the sides of our post and the beautiful thing about that is that it saves a tremendous amount of time and energy when trying to assemble these wires because normally you have to feed every single one of these these wires individually section by section and that takes a very long time to do trust me I've done it a number of times so let's get one of these installed and see how fast this system really is to install our level cable guide kit system comes with two spools of stand still wire just make sure you un loosen them with a good firm grip on them because they are highly tensioned with this velcro grip system with the black brackets positioned at the top of our c guide I slide the first sleeve into our post and then immediately start pulling the second black sleeve away from that post in a sawing motion I have plenty of extra cable on both sides so once I pull far enough I can then slide the second sleeve into our corner post and then pull the cable tot once tot I then take a measurement from post face to post face and burn a/4 of an inch this means that if I measure from face to face 4 45 in I now have to cut 44 and 3/4 of an in simple enough and that's because our internal bracket that's installed within our handrail has to slip inside the top bracket of our cable guides which is why we have to burn A4 of an inch and with that in place we can move on to more bracketry this is called out as their level tensioner and it's exactly what it's named for it tensions the entire system together but it's also specifically four level surfaces I thread the wire I thread the I thread the wire through on one side and pull as hard as I can physically then I do the same exact thing on the opposite side making sure it's threaded through properly and then pulled tot once at this point I grab a drill in a 9/16 in socket attachment and then start tensioning the wire as needed I do the same exact thing to the opposite side and then push down on the very top cable basically providing more tension at the very bottom like so which technically just brings up the loose tension from the bottom up to the top then I tighten it down once more with my drill and move on to the next section one key item to note with our level cable guide system is that one side has the cable coming out from the very top and the other side has the cable coming out at the very bottom the first one that you install should have the cable coming out from the very top once both sides are in position I then take my measurement go over to my miter saw and burn a/4 of an inch off of that measurement then install our top beam bracket that we installed previously on the opposite section once that's in position thread our cable wires through our level tensioners tension them down properly Place further tension on the top stainless steel wire runs then make sure you drill down even further to make sure that we have as much tension on those rails as possible and move on to the next section this entire system is truly gratifying and satisfying because of how quickly you're able to install this entire system in one foul swoop but one of the most important things to keep in mind when installing to make sure it goes as smoothly as possible is to make sure you spread out that coil wire in a straight orderly fashion because if it gets kinked up at all it really does make the process of trying to pull those wires apart from each other much more difficult once I had multiple standless Steel wies sections fully installed I then went back around to cut all the excess off with some bolt cutters which made quick work of The Cutting process any of the excess fits nicely into the channel and once fits snugly out of the way I can start installing our top rails this is the cap that goes over our brackets and really does SNAP into place quite easily and efficiently once our top rails are installed properly I then grab our top cap and install that right on top of our post which TI si in the entire system together perfectly most of these rails and top caps fit in perfectly with just some hand pressure but you may need to give it a few love taps with a rubber Mount this is now the perfect time to say thank you to the sponsor of this week's video Brett Outdoor Living they have been a sponsor in the past and the real reason why I've wanted to work with them for so long was because of this specific product this RDI elevation reel I saw at the international Builder show and I couldn't wait to use it on a project so much so that I took on this deck project specifically because I knew it' be able to use this railing I'm extremely impressed with this railing if you want to check it out for yourself I'll make sure and leave a link in the description box below now that we've made it to the stairwell it's time to introduce a new piece of Hardware this is the stair cable guide and this particular unit is specifically designed for elevation differences like this around a stairwell most principles about the this unit are quite similar compared to our level cable guide but there are a few specific differences number one being the bracket at the very top of our rail is slanted in different directions so it can accommodate the elevation difference and there's also a bolt that you have to push through at the very bottom of our post and that actually holds our stair cable guide system in place so it doesn't move up and down at all during the tension process I grab the top rail clamp it down to both posts that way I can align it perfectly with the very top of our post but it also provides the angle that I need I strike a line on both the top and bottom post guaranteeing that I have the exact measurement needed and bring it over to my miter station I find the perfect angle based upon the line that I drew cut it and move on to the other side this will be the perfect angle for our top beam bracket but this actually won't be the perfect angle for our top rail so keep that in mind and we will have to cut that at a 90° angle eventually but that's only at our top post and we need to get our Hardware in place first before we even get to that step with our top beam bracket in place we actually secure it fully down with two screws that come with the kit now these are metal tapping screws so they should penetrate the aluminum channel without any pre-drilling so make sure you have a screw at the very top and the very bottom and once those are in place we can move on to our stair tensioners and this tensioning system is slightly different than the level tensioning system that we previously installed there's two Springs that come with the kit part A and Part B and just know that the part B goes on the lower section and the part A goes on the higher section but with our cable fed through properly it really is the same exact scenario where as long as we're trying to get as much tension out of the system as possible with our hands prior to drilling it should tension perfectly with a few love squeezes in the middle during the installation process with our cable properly tensioned we can now move our efforts to our top rail just keep in mind that the very top portion of this top rail needs to be cut at a 90° angle before you start installing just as you see here and that's because of this guy this is a cap adapter which is attached to our top cap that is noted right next to our stairwell all you have to do differently with this product is just to insert one screw on the inside corner just as you see here and it will fit in perfectly at the very top of our rails as for the very bottom of our rails we have to install this end cap which I did need to provide a few love Taps as you can see here but it fit in quite nicely and once in position you then start installing two screws on the very front and since the screw heads are powder coat black with the same finish they blend in extremely nicely as you can see our last and final steps of this entire project was to thread in our stainless steel wire cable system into our final two runs get those tensioned properly install all of our Hardware our rails and eventually our caps and with that complete we are done in just the nick of time because I'm also running out of daylight the very next morning I come back to our deck and luckily for me I not only have plenty of light but I also have a beautiful dry day which puts a perfect cap on this entire project this railing really did provide the perfect Finishing Touch for this entire project and it really
Channel: BYOT
Views: 141,288
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: deck railing, deck railing installation, deck railing post installation, diy deck railing, cable railing, diy cable railing, deck cable railing, rdi railing, rdi elevation rail, rdi elevation rail installation, How to install a deck railing, byotools, diy, do it yourself, how to, bring your own tools, tutorial, start to finish, byot
Id: pCm8ccRtBH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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