Building SharePoint O365 Forms and Workflows March 23

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clothes using nin Tech's model so one thing I wanted to do today is thank you for joining and also show you how you can ask questions today since we have we have a relatively good size group here I'm going to try to go through the PowerPoint presentation as quick as possible just to set some context and let you understand what this product is capable of doing but one of the things is there is the question window down in your lower right if you take a look at your panel on your right you can ask questions I'm the only one running this webinar today so I'm going to be checking back and forth with the questions as we go one thing I do want to point out is down at the bottom of the screen here that is my email Alex V at net woven comm I want to make sure that you have this so that if I don't answer any questions or you come up with other questions related to possibly like something like pricing or you know building out a proof of concept for your organization you can let me know and I can help you with that so with that I'm going to go ahead and get started here and introduce you to who net woven is and why are you talking to net woven so now woven is a count as a solution provider and we are the number one in Tech's partner on the west coast so one of the things we do is we work with a lot of different companies as you can see down below and a lot of the companies or I sorry the employees that I that I work with did come from Microsoft as well so I did put in my time there as I'll show you in a minute but one thing here is you know like I said we are our number one partner we deal with everything SharePoint CRM we do have a lot of offerings around technology and solution consulting and in staffing as well so something to be aware of that we are a relatively good size company and we can satisfy a lot of needs that most individuals have now one thing I wanted to point out here is Who am I I am a dedicated nin tech solution architect so that is all I do when it comes down to creating anything in SharePoint anything outside of a SharePoint that it's an in-text related I'm someone that you can turn to as you can see I did spend a lot of time working for Microsoft and other companies in the Silicon Valley here so one thing I want you to take away at the bottom is that we do have exceptional NIM Tech's customer references so as you start to evaluate this product and you think about moving forward I can put you in contact with other customers that have had great success with this product so one thing I wanted to cover today is I wanted to go over how an infamy information worker spends their week so what you're looking at the bottom if you take a difference in the view of yellow versus blue here we're talking personal productivity in blue and also in the yellowish color we're looking at collaboration and so you may not be aware of this but a lot of your information workers spend over 40 hours a week and this is kind of how it breaks down after looking at surveys of how people spend their week this is basically what they do and one of the things we want to be able to do is bring in this timelines as far as making people more productive and making it so they don't have to spend so much time so in in the situation like trading documents ninh Tex has the document generator action that can actually help you create templates fill out a form and that form will actually create a workflow that will generate a document from that so you can collect data from different disparate data sources and actually create different documents you know being able to do searches across SharePoint being able to do forms there's just a lot of different things that we can do when you take a look at what nin Tex offers to really bring in these timelines to make everyone more productive and moreover keeping you from losing time and money because that's basically what it comes down to when in information workers having to spend a lot of time doing things over and over and over again when you can automate that process and these are kind of the everyday processes that did take a lot of time and this kind of sets on the heels of the IT pro the IT pro is usually the bottleneck for this and what we'd like to do is eliminate it with this tool that can actually make things a lot easier and doesn't require you to write code so that's something that you should take away from this and again I think the biggest thing here is in the upper left of really reducing administrative costs but along with that comes a lot of other things as far as risk when you when you look at HR onboarding or something like that of being really making sure that you're doing the right thing and making sure that no one slips through the cracks as far as not signing a document or not doing a background check there's just a lot of different ways that workflow can ensure that you have this kind of compliance and that things are accurate and everything that they talked about here as far as expedition of a process and then boosting customer satisfaction or employee satisfaction so what I'm going to build today for you we're going to start from scratch building it automated leave requests with Nintendo for meeeeee and also a custom workflow and if you take a look at this workflow the user an employee submits a request to take time off once that happens it goes over here to the right to the manager the manager will either reject it as you see on the left hand side and we'll send a notification back to the employee to let them know why it was rejected or if it's approved will actually go down and send a notification but another thing we're going to do is we're going to update a central team calendar for the manager so the manager of these employees knows when these people are going to take vacations and what they're out for and the last part on the right inside I'll talk to this but we're not going to set this up today is being able to actually you know connect sa PU or ADP these are simple things to do as well but we're going to focus on pretty much its upper half up here and go through this whole process now one of the reasons that you see this branch right here called you know set reminders and alerts and enable a lazy approval I'll talk to those as we're doing that but the whole idea here is we want to make sure that your managers can actually approve different requests that come through using email so they can just respond either yes I approve or no I disapprove or okay yeah any kind of term they want to be able to use up here at the top I say automate a leave request this is basically any request so when you take a look at the pattern that we're going to design here inside the product you'll be seeing that everything follows the same pattern whether it happens to be a leave request expense reporting requisitions multi level approvals this is just one level approval I'll kind of talk to how to do multiple level approvals and this is something that I train a lot of people on how do you do the more complex workflows where you might have a situation where it's you know three or four levels of approvals and things can go back and forth between requiring more information and requiring a more more input from a user so we'll take a look at that one thing I want to point out here is NIMH Tech's is not a developer's tool we're not writing code we're basically using four components of the Nintendo 3ds of those and you'll be able to on the Left you'll be able to see some of the things we're doing and I'll touch on Nintendo is I want you to understand what this platform is capable of so let's go ahead and walk through these different pieces and then we'll get right into the demonstration of the product so let me go ahead and move to the next slide here the first part is developing the workflows we do that inside the browser it's not a tool like InfoPath where you need to install a product we basically do everything through the browser again this is a no code solution we have the ability to see where we are with the workflows at an individual workflow level at a list item level or we can even see it at a much higher level so what's going on within the enterprise and get different types of reports that are going back all this is built on top of SharePoint workflow as well and that's what makes this so stable and makes it so that we don't have to write code is that we can actually batch a lot of the different SharePoint functionality into a graphical environment and that's what makes this product so unique and powerful like I said we can automate almost any request this is basically the pattern so in a leave request at the top workflow starts and is initiated based on the settings that you set so when we kick off a workflow a workflow is started by a couple things either a list item was created inside a SharePoint a list item was modified in SharePoint or someone went in and said I want to start this workflow manually so in this situation we would auto start based on a newly item created that would start an email sent to the person that had sent in the request then we go and assign a task to the manager and the manager can approve or reject this is a very common pattern of about 80 percent 80 plus percent of the kinds of things you'll do when you're automating any type of request so you know the requests over here you can see that the workflow ends after 6:00 just separate steps here and it makes it very easy to be able to drag and drop from the left hand side you have all the different action items that you can drag and create on this server and pull off some pretty incredible and significant work flows without writing any code so that's one way of doing the workflows this is a simplistic one that starts from the top assigns a task to someone to approve or reject but we also have the ability to get more complex as well so when we start going in here notice that the workflow that I'm showing you here is almost identical what I wanted to point out here is the ability to do something called lazy approval I talked about that in the previous slide so the whole idea here is we don't have to be chained to our desk I can have my mobile device from a manager or someone that's doing the approval I don't need access to SharePoint all I do as a designer is click on a checkbox to say enable lazy approval whenever that manager or the person approving this process will be sent an email and then they can actually respond in the email and it will take on from there this is one of the number-one features that managers love about this product is having the lazy approval feature so one other thing I was talking about was doing multiple level approvals so in this situation we have a requisition and if anyone's interested I have this workflow too you know we supply templates to you free for a bunch of different ones that we've worked on so you're not starting from scratch so basically someone submits a requisition it goes through a sea level approval to either approve or deny it this can be done with lazy approval then it goes to the finance department finance department will look at it the requisition and see if it looks ok approve or deny it then it moves to the next stage or we actually have two individuals here that are going to approve but we're going to do this based on value of whether the requisition is greater than $10,000 or not it'll go to one individual versus another and then at the end we actually have the approval and we send notifications out now what is something like this which could be what you'd perceive as being a more complex type of workflow with three levels of a what that looks like inside of this product is something called a state machine so here's a workflow designer again we have all the actions on the left-hand side that we can use but what I want you to notice we have something that's very unique to ninh tax workflow is something called a state machine a state machine allows you to translate these workflow diagrams like I was showing you here on the screen into multiple branches so you'll see that we have the initial submit from the user we do a bunch of actions then we move to sea level approval we ask for approval here then we move to finance approval and we eventually go to that final approval that had the condition of if we're greater than $10,000 either yes or no and we assign these tasks and eventually we're done and we send out notifications so again what you're looking at on the screen is something called a state machine it makes it very simple to be able to do multi level or multi stage approvals this is something that's normally very hard to do in any other product we're in this product by using something called a state machine we're able to do it very simply by dragging and dropping what action should happen for each branch or stage that we're in so the sky is kind of the limit of what you can do here and again this is very unique to the product if you need me to go deeper into this in a private session you can email me and I can talk to this to let you know how you do stuff like this the next part of it is developing forms so again we're developing forms but the uniqueness of this product is around being able to create forms for any device so you think about creating a SharePoint form that's one thing we can do but we can also create forms for tablet and mobile as well this is all part of your inclusive license so there's nothing extra to buy which is really unique about this product is being able to create multiple applications on different target devices and being able to have those devices be mobile we can push them out also to the cloud so we can push our forms out as anonymous or authenticated forms to the Internet so think about that I have a form that I want a partner a business partner to be able to fill out but I want to do it in a secure way I have that ability to push that form outside the firewall as a URL link without giving that person access to our internal site and they no don't in they're not included in Active Directory or I can push it out anonymously let's say I want to do a survey I can create a survey form I can push it out as a link and email it to a bunch of customers have them give me their survey they fill out that form that data comes all the way back into my SharePoint lists without again without them having to be authenticated all they need to do is have the link and we can gather that information so some pretty cool things here we can we can cover every mobile device that's out there as far as creating forms I'm gonna give you a demonstration of that as well today we'll take a look at at creating a mobile application so this is what the form designer looks like what you're applying notice is that we have all these different columns in a SharePoint list that show up on the form by default so one thing that NIM Tech's is really unique in doing is creating a default layout so that you're not starting from scratch most other products that you use they'll give you a blank canvas you have no no idea where to start what they do here with nintedo nACCHO on the form but the whole idea is on the left hand side we have all different kind of form controls that we can put in there repeating sections is very common for doing you know expense reports or travel requests we have a people chooser so I can choose from Active Directory who the managers should be for approval different things like that so you can see we have a bunch of different controls we have a bunch of list columns that are all the list columns one thing that's unique as well if you're familiar with SharePoint is sometimes you're developing solution and you need an extra column with information so all you need to do is go up here and click on create column that'll bring up and automatically insert a SharePoint list item for you without having to go to SharePoint so that makes it pretty unique in that you can see at the top where my or my laser pointer is we do have all the mobile devices we can target as well I'll show you that and we can import-export different forms so we can share forms this is one of the ways that I was talking about that I can give you some samples or as some templates for things you might want to create and you can just import those and have a starting point without starting from scratch okay ninh tax mobile so if you're on your mobile device right now have it nearby you could go to your store and search for an in-text mobile so let me tell you what nin tex Mobile is ninh tex Mobile is an application that is installed on any mobile device it's a free application so if you go to your store regardless of what device you're on you install this application and what this application does is you put in your username and password into this application and any forms that you have access to inside of SharePoint that have been published as a mobile form will show up on your mobile device so think expense reports help tickets doing mobile surveys where you need to go you know I don't know your scenario with your with your company but you might have the situation where you have to go out in the field and do stuff and you need to do a survey you want to have the ability to have these forms on your mobile device and do it live we can also stay productive even when we're not connected so even if we don't have even if we don't have a mobile cellular service we can still fill out the form so I can be on a plane I can be on my cell phone on my mobile phone and fill out my expense report and then once I hit the ground I can hit submit when I have a signal some some pretty cool things that you can do here with Nintendo I do want to say when you do when you do mobile development nor creating mobile applications cost you know anywhere between 50 to $100,000 entry-level this was all included with Nintendo you have to do is download this client application onto the device and push your form out as a mobile form in Earl automatically show up on the screen and I'll be showing that to you today this is what the screen looks like for the enterprise version so you can see on the left hand side we have our mobile phone where we can look at down at the bottom all the tasks that have been assigned to you the forms you have any drafts that you fill that while you're disconnected or you didn't submit what you sent what you have in your outbox on the right hand side is a tablet view so the tablet view basically breaks it up into the the menu items being on the left hand side but you can see they're showing all the tasks here if I wanted to show all the forms I had access to I would have that as well and lastly here before we get into the demonstration is having NIM Tech's live so nin Tech's live is a services that's included with this it gives you the ability to connect to a bunch of softwares or service offerings to be able to push and pull information so if you look on the right-hand side this is just the tip of the iceberg as far as things that you can connect do but the whole idea here is we don't you know you're not going to just be connecting to SharePoint and stuff that's inside your firewall you might be connecting outside the firewall and have to push and pull information so someone drops a file into Dropbox or box and you have to pull that in you might want to buy it and have to do some some kind of approval process so we can basically do this so ninh techs live is this basic gateway for being able to do a lot of these different things as far as external communication without you having to do anything within your firewall or basically setting up any kind of topography that deals with the security of this this is all built into the product as well so let me go ahead and get into this demonstration and let's go ahead and take a look at what I wanted to do so what I want to do for you today is if we take a look at this leave request I'm going to build out this leave request that I talked about earlier here's your SharePoint list and if I were to build an add a new item this is basically what you get default out of the box you don't get any customization you don't get any dynamic dynamic rules that happen here so what we want to do is we basically want to take that and make modifications so what I want to show you is we have the different we have the different titles here so we have title leave type start day and end date these were all the things that we kind of added in here some of the other ones are by default but what I wanted to show you is this is basically where you go in and create your columns for SharePoint and that's where you basically get your columns here title leave type start date end date description so let's go ahead and start with creating a form once you've installed this product you'll you'll end up with an icon up here called NIM Tech's forms and I want you to notice it does a default layout for me so here I am in the product I'm in the browser and you know this is just a title that I could eliminate if I want to input and skin it any way you want to it's up to you how you want to be able to display these forms but this is a default form here's the title I can go in here make modifications so I can move stuff around I can go in here and say you know I want to move end date over here I might want to move you know any anyways I want to move things around I can do that luckily I have control Z here so if I want to undo anything I can do it and well and get back to my state that I was in so here's some cool things that we can do to just kind of show you the power if I wanted to come in here and create another column again I told you we can come in here without going back in the SharePoint and actually create columns for you know if I wanted to create something else that was related to this process but this is for the leave request process and I'm doing right now all I want to basically do is make some modifications here notice that we get attachments as well so that we can have expense reports in a situation with the expense reports I might want to have attachments so I can take a photo with my phone of my receipts and attach it to expense report I'm not going to do that so we're not going to use attachments here I'll just delete that and we're gonna take a look at moving stuff up and another thing I want to do is I want to see if we can do something dynamic I only want a description if the leave type is other otherwise I don't want to show this information so what you can do is you can do something called a rule and on the right-hand rule I'm going to have a formatting rule that's going to say I want to hide this control if there's a certain condition so let's take a look at creating a dynamic condition I'm gonna say if the leave type does not equal other then I want to hide this control so let's take a look and go into the Ning text previewer and I want to preview this and make sure that it's doing the correct thing as far as that rule that I'm using so notice I have this preview mode no data will be submitted this gives me the ability to play with this I can input information I can see my leave type this was a choice control that I set up in in a SharePoint column and so if I set it the other I want you to notice that I can come down here and dynamically have that set up so I'm only required to put in a description if it's something of other and then I can save so I can basically see that that rule is working once I'm happy with my form I can actually come up here and I can publish this form and so I publish that form and then it becomes available one thing I wanted to point out here as well is I talked about Ninh Tech's live what Ninh Tech's live will do for me as well is I can go in here and say publish this to NIM text live I want a shortened URL and I possibly want to have either anonymous access or I want to have someone outside the firewall they can actually have access and notice that is the bottom here I can do a wild so if I want everyone from another company to be able to access this form I can do that I'm just gonna make anonymous access so you can kind of see that that this works here and we'll go in here and I'm gonna say save and let me just show you what anonymous access basically does for us when we publish this i'm republishing this and what we're gonna see is that now this form can be published outside the firewall so in a second here it'll be done publishing and I'll be able to actually go in there and access this form from outside of my firewall and gain access to it and it's by taking a second here because it's accessing an in-text slide but it's going to confirm here you know one second normally it doesn't take this long so let me republish real quick if you have any questions go ahead and ask me now while we're kind of waiting for this so normally it would not take this long I don't know with my business here we go here we go let me go ahead and publish that took egg normally a long time normally it doesn't take that long so let me let me show you this I'm gonna in a new window here's that publishing TuneIn text live I was just talking about so if I open this URL in a new window basically where you're going to see here is a form that's published outside the firewall so I can put in a title and just so we know this I'm gonna say outside the firewall the leaf type I want to take is something other my other time off and we'll just leave the dates there as a current date so if I say save I've actually submitted this from outside of the firewall so again the URL is not pointing it's pointing outside of our internal intranet also when you take a look at this form now that I close and bring up the new form what I want you to notice is I can come up here and I can go in here and here's the actual form so any information I'm put in there I'm gonna put in a bunch of X's just for the relative time here we'll make this floating holiday and we'll say save so now you're gonna see this down here what happened to the one that was submitted outside the firewall they usually take two to three minutes to actually show up because remember this is that's coming from outside the firewall so you're gonna see outside the firewall show up here in a minute or so so what I want to do now is I want to kind of jump now that we're done with the form I kind of want to jump to how do we do that actual workflow associated with that so what we do is we can actually go let me bring this up let's go ahead and let me hit refresh at this list let me show you how we create a workflow so we actually go to workflow settings and we create a workflow with Nintendo now the green is the start and the red is the end of the workflow now what we're gonna do is we're actually going to come in here and tell it first off how do we want this workflow to start what is going to initiate this workflow so I go into workflow settings and I'm gonna say I don't want this to start manually I only want it to start when items are created so notice you have different ways of starting workflows you can start what up you can start manually you can start when the items created you can start the workflow when an item is modified so you can have multiple workflows one that works on newly created items and other workflows and only work when something is modified you can do different things like that there is one other way to start a workflow and that's by setting it to be scheduled so you can create site workflows that are scheduled to run you know once every hour once every 20 minutes to actually do something to go to a list and query and look up stuff I'm just going to do it when an item is created so now this green will start whenever we add a new item and the first thing I want to do is I'm going to come up here on the left-hand side here are my different action items over on the left-hand side I'm gonna send the manager a message saying that someone has submitted time off and you need to deal with it so let's go ahead and see what we can figure here when we assign it first thing I want to do is I'm gonna assign this to the actual to me because I don't want my real manager thinking I'm going on vacation so I'm gonna play both roles here I'm putting in my name here but you have the ability to come in here and basically get information from Active Directory so you have you know in the different lookups you can get information they an initiator initiators manager I could have put initiator in there because I'm the initiator we can do internal searches against Active Directory there's a bunch of different ways to be able to do that but basically it's smart enough to know who you are and it'll actually resolve the name for you now remember I told you we have the ability to do lazy approval if I want lazy approval all I do is I hit this checkbox here now I can respond the the person that's being responded to can respond with the actual email by saying yes or no so we're gonna go ahead and go through this and here's a task description we're gonna say time off reporting that'll be the name of the task but one thing I want you to notice here is in this task as flexi tasks is super powerful the task notification that's going to go to that person you can actually set what they're gonna get as far as a message go so response required for and we're gonna say and you'll see that I have all the different item properties here for leave type and I can set that in there and I can put a dash in there leave type for a certain individual so I can come up there and I can actually say the initiators display name so this is a dynamic string that you're gonna see at the top here let me go ahead and actually let me let me redo that I didn't do that so it's gonna say response required for and then notice I put the cursor at the end now I can come back in there and do initiate errs display name and then I can put a dash I'll put a dash in there and the item property is going to be the type of leave they're taking so we're gonna take leave type so now that I've done that god it's not doing it right but hmmm I'm gonna leave that for now but just understand that you can do a dynamic string in there for some reason it's not typing in there and you'll notice down at the bottom we get a custom email down here as well so in regarding the item down here again we can do a dynamic item another thing too is that we when we have to remind people so when we assign a task to a manager we want to remind them how many reminders do we want maybe we want three reminders in the next few days so we can do that as well and the biggest question comes from people about escalation what happens if someone doesn't respond we can delegate the task to another individual or we can auto complete the task and we can say you know what the outcome is we're rejecting this because no one responded in a certain amount of time so you can escalate this and we can also have the task form sewn in Texel aoz you to actually go and modify the task form I'm going to leave the task form in the default mode so it's going to show us all the information that we have around the list item properties and we're going to be able to approve or reject that so I'm just going to save that and once I save that now the task form has been saved as well so we can go in there and we've made all these different modifications and now I can actually go in there and say save so you know we're going to send this to the manager who I'm gonna play that role now what I want to do is I want to send an email to the person that actually we're gonna approve for so I'm gonna go ahead and say configure now this is how easy it is to send an email again I'm gonna play both roles because I don't want my manager to think that I'm doing anything here so this is a vacation or time off request has been approved and I'll say have a good time off hopefully they're not sick but you get the idea that we can put in any message we want to so we're basically we could set it to high priority as well so basically setting it to that individual and I'm gonna save that the next thing we're going to do a little more complexity is I'm going to come up here and I'm gonna go ahead and create an item in a shared list like I was showing you so I'm gonna go up here and I'm gonna configure and we're gonna say where do we want to create the item so I can create items in different lists but I want to create it in a leave request calendar and the content type is an event right so what I'm going to do is that we're going to set this to a value we can come up here and I can actually say time off for and let's go ahead and set this and make this unique hang on let me let me do this in here and I'll kind of show you the value of being able to do dynamic things so I can say time off for we're going to take the initiators display name and then and then the type of the type of requests are taking is going to be leave type and so this was what I was trying to do before it was kind of show you we can do dynamic things so the title for the calendar item is gonna say the name and the leave type the start value we want to use the value that they put in there so we're going to come in here and say the start value is going to be the start date and then the end value is going to be the end date that's how long they're gonna take off so there's end date and we can also add something else let's say that they're taking some kind of other I want to put a description in there as well so we come down here and I can actually go in here and do the list look up and say I want to put whatever comments they had put in in the description and I'm gonna say save to that so what we've basically done is we said that once a manager approves we're gonna send a notification to let that person know that they read their time off has been approved but in the team calendar we're actually going to go in there and update the team calendar I can copy this item here just to make things simple over to this side under rejection the only thing we need to do is configure this and say time off has been rejected sorry so make that simple you can think of anything that you'd put in there but that's basically what we're doing so now I go ahead and publish this and this will take a second we're going to call it time off time off workflow and I'll say submit so it's going to publish this workflow and now if everything is working correctly when we actually run this we should see all the messages start to come through so let me go ahead and we'll go ahead and take a look at that and and watch this once this is done publishing so it's been published now what we can do is we can go to leave requests let's go ahead and add a new item in here I'm gonna say Alex's time off the leave type is going to be other let's go ahead and take a significant amount of time off maybe we'll go to something like June I'm going to take a really long sabbatical and say long time off and say save now remember that workflow is gonna work someone else got in there and actually did this by using the URL but you could see we actually did outside the firewall so now what's going to happen is what we should see is we're gonna see a we're actually going to see a workflow message come in in a minute so here it is coming in right here so a task has been assigned to your regarding this item so when I go in there notice that lazy approvals down here is allowed but here I can go in here and I can go actually and take a look at that task item so what I want you to see is now that form that we created for the task now I'm the manager so I can go in there and say approve you know have a good time and you can see this is Alex's time off leave type was other description was long time off yes I'm approving that so I say okay to that and now what we should do is me being the employee I should be able to see that this workflow is completed so here's the workflow that I've completed and now what's gonna happen is I get that message that says have a good time off and you can see the time off has been approved so we went full circle there and you know this would even work outside the firewall or whatever we end up doing so some pretty cool things we can do also I talked about looking at the workflow history I can come up here and I talked about the governance of this and notice everything in green is the path that we took so after the manager approved we can go and see that a notification was sent we can see what time it was sent and we can also see what time we put that into calendar let's take a look at the leave request calendar here's my leave request calendar that I created an item with and if we go in there and take a look here's a description I need a long time off I could have put a location if I wanted to but now here we have our team calendar with all that information now think about this I created this workflow and apply under 30 minutes once you understand how to use this product this is the the speed at which you can do these kinds of things and create these these workloads to be able to do stuff like this and this one's a pretty simple one that can have tremendous value across your organization to really help you understand how you can automate all these processes that bog a lot of people down now one thing I wanted to jump into here let me take a let me take a bring this up here is kind of looking at how people are using this product across the board for being able to do different things here so there was a question came in I'm going to take this question real quick so how does security work on these task forms like when Alex's manager is emailed is that form only Oh only open for him or her to approve or let me read the rest if someone's forwarded that email can anyone open it no so so if the email is forwarded you're not going to be able to do the respond so what you want to basically do is a delegation and that actually you know what I have to think about that one because since it is going to the individual you might be able to do a response but the problem is is the response from is not going to be a response from so now that I think about it no that won't work you won't be able to do it what you would be able to do is you would be able to delegate it so if we have a delegation set up you could delegate it to someone else they would get that notification and the process would start from the point of them needing to actually get a lazy approval and that whole thing so that's how that would basically work because the reply to you won't be the same reply to so looking at the automation of business processes across all the different departments I just covered one my new one right this what you're looking at is when you look at the different departments that you're dealing with is how nin text is being used within our current customer base so think of the thousands of people that are using nin texts right now these are the top five within each individual department that you see so this was based on survey done with a lot of nin techs customers one thing I'll also point out here is that when you purchase an in tax this is something exclusive to net woven we actually give you a lot of different templates for you to start with so regardless of whether you go on to office 365 SharePoint online or whether you do it in SharePoint on premise 2010 2013 or 2016 we have a bunch of different templates from stuff that's been built that you can use as a starting point so you can either use it as a reference to understand how we did something like a DocuSign document how did you do that digital signature you can also take a look at different ways to be able to do a lot of these different pieces of functionality so you can enhance them or you can just use them as reference so this is something that we offer that we offer nin Tech's obviously it is the number one product right now for doing forms and workflow essentially since you know InfoPath is sunsetting and the fact that you're not having to write any code the fact that we can separate code from actual forms it's something that InfoPath can't do and this is you know way more advanced way of doing this of separating the user interface from the actual forms if you take a look at if you take a look at all the different customers just from an in-text perspective you know worldwide this products being used in a bunch of different organizations so if there's some line of business that you're interested in if there's some kind of proof of concept that you need to see because a lot of things I didn't touch on like being able to do template document generation being able to configure and talk to different back-end systems as well these are things that if you want to contact me I can go into a deeper drill down of that capability so one thing I wanted to point out here again is please take my email down Alex Viet net woven comm I'll be sending you this slide deck I'll be sending everyone the slide deck so that you have it for your reference but also I want to inform you that if you need to have me answer any questions in great detail around some business process that you're trying to solve within your organization feel free to reach out to me I'll give you my contact information when I send out this slide deck and we can schedule a meeting now one of the great things about nin texts is they do offer you a free 30-day trial so a lot of times what I do is I help customers get on that 30-day trial and and use it within your organization and find out whether you're going to have the kind of adoption and what people think so I can help you do those kind of things without it really costing you any any kind of significant amount of money my investment in time is hoping that you know you'll see the value in this product and move forward with it and this is something that will help you with with installation and also prescriptive guidance around how do you move forward with this product and and be the most successful you can so with that I'm going to leave the line open here for any questions that you want to type in there but other than that if you don't have any questions I thank you for your time and and I will send you this slide deck by the end of today okay thank you very much you
Channel: Netwoven Inc
Views: 2,121
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Keywords: Nintex Workflow, NIntex, SharePoint, SharePoint Workflow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 5sec (2945 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 24 2017
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