Creating a Simple Workflow in SharePoint

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now I happen to be in a bright worksite and as I mentioned brightwork being a project in portfolio management solution in SharePoint we're seeing a SharePoint site in brightwork that is organized and set up to support project management activities and content including goals and objectives schedules hours or tasks lists like this this being a list in there issues as well as status reporting it also provides a way to easily see how the project is doing by presenting this information with key reporting elements that are built into the site so you can immediately see how this project is doing later on we might be able to look at and a higher level site that's rolling up this information as well but what I want to focus on now is in the document library as I mentioned before you have the ability to create a workflow and their out-of-the-box workflows that don't require any other special skill other than to know where they are and turn them on so I'm going to go to this project document library and over here we're gonna see workflow settings and we're going to add a workflow to it now these are built-in workflows and you can see that there's an approval workflow there's a collect feedback collect signatures and a disposition workflow now I'm gonna use the feedback workflow but we could simply use any one of these but I'll select that one and I'll give it a unique name document approval notice we're not having to create any kind of code or set this up it's already preset ready to go we just have to assign it to this document library and then we're going to use workflow task split a workflow task list for the tasks that get created and we'll have a history list for how it how it is performing now we could start this workflow manually but we and also have it start when a new document is added to the library we click Next and here's the preset form that's already built into this workflow and it can be pre-populated or left blank just the way it is we can have one stage we can also enter add a new stage so that there's more to the to workflow but let's leave it like this so we can have an assigned to and then we can decide how the items or this particular task is going to go out is it going and go out and serial or is it going to go out in parallel so you could have multiple people reviewing the document then down here is what where you can put your message and add a due date and a duration for the for the tasks to be accomplished what are the units days hours days weeks months and if you want to copy anybody on this and if you want to cancel the workflow if the document has changed before the workflow is completed so if somebody does an update that'll cancel the workflow and you'd be starting it all over again so we save this form and our workflow is now here document approval and it's ready for use so if I come here and I'm just going to upload a document here and see let's go to webcast here and I'm just gonna put in the slide deck that I'm working with today click OK and now that's gonna start over the workflow but what we want to do here is start it manually so that we can assign it out so I've highlighted the item now I can go to this workflow tool right here and start the workflow so there's our form again I'm going to go ahead and assign myself to this add it in and then I'm going to add my message please review I'm going to put a I'm gonna put a due date in here and say I need this done by tomorrow and I'll just make this a one day task so then once I click start an email is going to come to me and here it is I'll bring it up here to ask a sign of Scott foot like due date 7:25 collect feedback started please comment so I can go to the tab ask open it and and do my completion here's a link to the document itself so you see how the workflow notifies you what's going on and takes you to the document that you want to work with now another thing you can do is while it's in progress you can go over here to the workflow document approval it's in progress and we can look at it and see that this task is out to me and it's not completed yet so you even have a visualization of where it is now that was all done through a prepackaged workflow that's just that's built into SharePoint that you can add to the document library
Channel: BrightWork
Views: 45,706
Rating: 4.6923075 out of 5
Keywords: SharePoint workflows, create workflow in SharePoint, how to create a workflow in SharePoint, SharePoint workflow tutorial, workflows for project management, SharePoint automation, SharePoint task management, BrightWork, BrightWork PPM, BrightWork SharePoint, SharePoint project management template, Free SharePoint Template, How to manage a project with SharePoint, Manage a project with SharePoint, SharePoint 2019, SharePoint 2016, SharePoint 2013, sharepoint designer
Id: 5bjYjAPEnG0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 33sec (393 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 22 2019
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