Every Second I Become Less Poor 🤑

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it is time for me to no longer be homeless why the games do this let me mute the sassy music if I mute the noise then I can't uh hear this guy drink out of the Goblet guess I have to mute this stupid game anyway this is a get rich every second I'm at 130 coins and what do I do with these bags can I pick them up no hello oh I can claim okay give me coins please thank you do I just run over here and just start oh I can't go in here would you like to buy VIP maybe but not yet okay so we have a massive Tower here jump Tower 100 coins times three jump power of course it costs bobuck am I am I getting jump power every second or no I don't think I'm getting higher here what about upgrades next level 100 do I have like a jump maybe I just stay homeless for the rest of my life oh you know I do get more jump power every second ah look at this guy here who is he please give me money no what about this place so get all upgrades to level 2 to unlock the next area Okay so let's upgrade my pets my clothing my speed my hat and then I have to get a house and gear so I need about 150 more dollars and then I can upgrade it but you know what I am going to spend a bobuck and make everybody mad in the comment section ah thank you let me in haha see you later all you homeless broke idiot I'm just kidding I I love you guys but you're also homeless and we're all idiots so it's okay anyway I need 200 coins and then I can get to a level two which should make me no longer homeless even though I'm sassy poor oh look my server's filling up yay I want to fill the server up with a bunch of sussy cringe fans I now have 300 coins so let's upgrade uh my house and my gear yay wait how do I actually use my sword oh see now I'm poor I'm no longer homeless I'm just sassy poor I also have another reward thank you wait uh can I use this uh Amazon box no okay well you know let's try this Tower suddenly I can jump really high when I get close to this Tower come on let me up here you stupid wait what's my pet even do I don't know how to check and what is this farming land out there I don't know all right you know this is uh taking too long let's head on over to the poor Zone yay we have a sleeping bag which I can't roll up and use how much does this coin give me oh that give me just two okay and we have an Abby 25 coins as you know I'm the greatest at Arby's in the whole entire world rank one so let's do this first try come on and Bam give me 25 coins easy I don't want to do that again that's kind of boring oh look four times coins am I gonna need this oh of course it's about 500 bobuck stupid scam and the Sprint cost 98 times 3 jump is how much oh 250. all right come on let's just jump up this Tower I bet I get a lot of coins for this one but you know it doesn't say what my uh jump power currently is so I probably just have to sit here in AFK well let me okay finally it put me up here actually you know what my jump power seems to be increasing pretty quickly actually maybe it's your coins maybe your coin amount is a jump so I'm currently at like 500 jump power that's my guess come on yeah 500. so how much will I get when I get up here maybe I need like 525 okay here we go and yep that's what I thought all right give me my reward I got 200 coins for that so is my jump power super good now or oh no so it's not based on your coin amount because my jump power has reset crazy it all upgrades to level three to unlock the next area let's take my gear to level three it's 750. oh that's so much all right let's just do pet and then clothing and speed oh my gear is already at level three I must have clicked it twice without knowing or it was this a random upgrade skip actually that's what it was I see wait how do you bring the weapon now I want to Plank with the nail someone tell me how to bring my my weapon out maybe I have to grab it somewhere let's head back this way oh it's all F4 okay my Game just crashed just kidding I'm not stupid uh anyway how do I get my weapon please skip gear okay this is all skipping stuff that's Boba oh look we have houses where's my shack hello do I have to like claim a plot I would like a shack please oh here we go my shack no one can come in here hey get out of here with your stupid weapon kid I can claim 1.5 000 coins so bam and now let's upgrade my home I want something better I'm slowly becoming and not homeless I actually have a roof over my head can I eat the chips please no all right you know what we're gonna upgrade my home actually no we're not we gotta get everything to level three and there we go everything's level three okay now we upgrade my house boom I'm trapped oh help oh okay I'm just on the couch everything's good oh I got a cat bed look at that yeah I'm moving up in the world what am I now oh I'm taking a crap hold on I am now affordable no longer homeless no longer poor well actually probably still poor this idiot is uh definitely homeless no one's telling me how to bring my weapon out it's really making me sad let's go to the level three Zone and here we are we got little cute mushrooms we have gold on the ground that I can't pick up which would help me to not be homeless and over here we have another hobby that I'm going to complete first try so I'm the best in the world so come on out ah yep look at that just skip that one don't hit the lava skip a roux skip again oh my gosh just amazing at Arby's here let me pick up the diamonds please scam so we get 700 coins when we finish this Tower so I basically just have to sit here and AFK until I can uh jump high enough I want to sign like that wait eggs are for eating not hunting true I'm slamming the one key it's not oh my gosh all right can I jump up this stupid Tower already come on I've been AFK for like two minutes come on now ah yeah easy all right so I got seven other coins for that I still could not pull out my weapon which makes me angry because I'd love to bash some of these kids it all upgrades to level four do I have enough no I still need hats and gear to level four which is weird because I'm not wearing any hats I also have no ever see everyone has a sign this isn't fair stupid hackers let's go do the Obby come on let's just jump ahead okay I hate my life anyway Let's uh maybe we just do this instead how much do I need I need 1500 coins in order to move forward why doesn't it say my jump power it's kind of annoying I guess I miss you here for a few minutes just waiting for my jump power to increase I'm almost to the top come on give me my 700 coins thank you it's still not enough to get to the next Zone but you can upgrade my hat which I can't see because I have a massive brain but if I complete the Obby then I'll be able to move on to the next area so let's just uh not fall this time and there we go so now I can get the final upgrade yay I'm now a normal person so before I was affordable but now I'm just normal and then we have another Obby for a 90 so let's just skip half of the Obby and not die and there we go wait did I actually get 90 I don't know I wasn't uh paying attention let's do it again okay that that's lag not player skill I have another reward a random upgrade skip yes which one did it skip oh the hats it costs 1500 to upgrade oh my gosh the game's getting scammy I might have to spend bow buck and get the 4X coins how much is it oh my gosh 500 we won't do that yet let's just AFK so I can uh get up to the top of this Tower and I finally jumped to the top of this oh well I was FK a little too long there give me my uh much deserved money thank you we gotta get to level five so pets and I only got one upgrade from that okay this is how they get your money I have to get Forex coins or else we're gonna be here for 12 hours trying to no longer be poor so thank you pay to win idiot now I'm getting about like what 25 coins uh every every time that's just crazy I wonder if it's Stacks with 2x coins well let's find out I think I got scammed I don't think it's stacking or whatever stupid game give me my new clothing the problem is that I have so much muscles like my I'm so ripped and Giga Chad that any clothes I get aren't gonna fit on my body anyway let's try to jump up the tower again actually no that's gonna take forever I don't have the patience let's do the Obby I just okay I lagged not my fault dude I can't see my stupid pet is in the way and then this homeless kid okay so that uh I did not get four x coins for completing the Obby that's cringe let's continue or and by continue I mean AFK at the tower can I finally jump up the tower I need more money just have to sit here for another five minutes and I'm making a lot of money I can actually upgrade let's get more speed a new house and gear all right I've now made it to the next area oh I'm I'm no no longer normal I'm a wealthy idiot let me just die because I'm tired of being poor and let's go check out my house oh look at this modern house built with cheap Chinese material I can't wait for it to fall apart in six months can I sit at my stupid desk no can I use my bathroom oh this is the balcony where is my bathroom what if what if I have to take a crap okay so my house doesn't come with the bathroom but it has a couch and a big TV that is a modern living this homeless idiot is still sitting under the tent let's head back I'm getting a lot of money now how much is the next upgrade 37 150 wait wait let's go back to my home I'm gonna upgrade the house oh yeah I upgraded my house actually got smaller but at least it has a grill outside does it have a bathroom that's the most important part oh I have a piano okay but a bathroom so I can take a crap hello I still have nowhere to crap I have a Jacuzzi at least and I can jump onto the roof but I still can't take a crap the homeless tent you can just take a crap in your uh your fire here and this wooden house it has a bathroom right here see I'm taking a huge crap all those protein shakes I'm really upset about my new house I'm getting about 40 coins every single second that's because I'm wealthy this jump Tower will give me 2500 coins I already have a lot of jump power my issue is that doesn't tell me how much jump power I have so I have no idea how strong I am I'm almost strong enough to go to the top so we uh just have to wait a few more minutes I took a giant crap even though I don't have a toilet so I should be able to get up to the top now there we go I now have 20 000 coins let's upgrade everything else to level six so now I'm not wealthy I am super rich can I not Farm any of this uh stupid stuff here why can't I pick up the coins the the safe why won't it let me collect what's rightfully mine anyway we have the tower jump Tower 5 000 coins for this one but I don't have any jump power I'm almost at the end two more zones or actually one more zone so what's after super rich is it like Jeff Bezos that's actually what I should say I should say Bezos above your head I also have no idea what the pet does there's nothing here that says but here we go we got an Obby 650 coins okay let's try not to lag this time stupid server dude server I must have really bad ping come on now don't fall you're really close don't lag I mean there we go an easy 650 coins which I get in about 10 seconds imagine spending bow Buck for coins how much is it for one upgrade it is five thousand dollars so I'm going to reset and let's go to my home so let's get the final house upgrade it better have a toilet that's just crazy is this my door oh okay so here's my new home let's go into first person mode we got a decent kitchen here a little island do I I finally have a toilet but the toilet is so I can't even sit on it so it's definitely going to get clogged when I take a crap but let's head upstairs now we have um no guard rail here so children can literally just fall off and break their neck we have a bedroom here excuse me sir can get off my bed with your grimy toes all right let's get out of here the door is way too small for my really broad muscular shoulders let me into this room oh here's my bedroom yeah this bed uh barely fits me I'm steroided out of my mind I cannot fit in that bed but oh I have a second bathroom here let me get in the shower please excuse me let me in hello okay I'm in the shower my body's actually above where the water comes out yeah that's not gonna really work for me okay this house is a scam I think it's a house for little people can I even upgrade my house again no my house is at max level next up let's upgrade my gear even though I can't bring my stupid thing out oh I have a VIP Zone I totally forgot that I paid real money for this so I should probably be using it I have no idea how much each coin is giving me I think it was like two or three but I'm about to get five thousand and Bam I can upgrade again so let's get my hat to level um Next Level can I actually see it no rain is too big IQ is too high I have another reward I can get a random upgrade skip this is perfect bam so what did I get now I got my pet to max level oh it's literally a rainbow Doge head that's right ladies and gentlemen the final pet rainbow Doge we shall call him balls come on balls we must get to the final Zone come with me balls yeah sorry for no sound effects guys this game has no no way to mute the music so unfortunately it's just gonna have to be quiet I have two more upgrades and then I can finally get max level and everything I'll no longer be sassy poor maybe my dad will come back when he sees how rich I am so it's time to just sit here and let my jump power stack I'm getting coined so quickly I need 10 000 coins and I uh reach max level oh there we go it's done okay let's get clothing and speed yeah I'm Mega rich I'm not Bezos but I'm set for life come on balls let's go to the end of the map rebirth what do I need to rebirth are you sure you would like to rebirth all upgrades will be reset but you will earn 50 more per second I need 25 000 coins to rebirth time to AFK again Canal jump to the top give me my 10 000 please thank you now I just need a 4 000 more coins until the IRS takes everything I've earned so in the meantime let's try the ABI I'll get 1 000 coins if I don't lag come on now let's not lag let's just finish the stupid thing come on balls help me out dude okay I blame balls you're not being helpful balls come on okay this lag is just too much for me okay no balls all right here we go okay you know what I just said 25 000. you know what that means oh no the IRS they finally caught up to my schemes oh no oh no the IRS they took all my money I'm homeless it's just like real life foreign [Music]
Channel: VitaminDeliciousTV
Views: 340,523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: pHjo15t5SNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 11sec (791 seconds)
Published: Sun May 14 2023
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