Building And Installing Ladders Accessing Lower Levels Of Mine

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we're going to give this new flashlight a try out in this mine this is the through night catapult Pro USBC rechargeable this uses a big 26650 lithium battery and this is a thrower this is like a pin spot a shaft Blaster this is for looking at stuff far away real narrow beam and this thing is insanely bright insanely focused [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] building some mine ladders out of some construction site leftovers and I'm doing a little testing here that is more than strong enough now I'll just chop these up into 15 inch increments can do four at a time I imagine I sort of made a jig here and I'm using ringed palette nails the ones that don't come out [Music] it's pretty damn strong I tested it out I jumped up and down on it and yeah it's could put some screws in it if you don't trust the nails but nails are strong they're what hold all these old mines together we got to carry these things down like 300 and something feet in this mine so I'm trying to build them as light and strong as possible and um these are pretty good I might put some braces across the back three new quick and dirty mine ladders okay we gotta get these down there's three of us one uh ladder for each one of us to carry down and this is going to be an interesting experience the struggle is real man it is at least there's a ladder here though the first section I put up there's nothing we had to go down like 200 feet all right here he comes the boss you ready there's Matt working his way down because the other thing he was talking about you know a raise that went up into artery in the far back of War Eagle lived up three other levels better before we pull it up let's climb up nah that's too logical man there's a connection to the other line thank you foreign you know it's not about how many subscribers you have it's about how many views you get don't matter to me one way or the other really well some people it does matter too though I mean when you have a ratio of 0.1 when you have half a million subscribers and you get like a thousand views 2 000 views you're like majorly unhappiness Within the uh how are you doing this for the subscriber reviews powers that be well some people are some people and some people some people all they do is boast about the numbers but not not the real adults they don't care about stuff like that if I want numbers I got an easy way to get them really yeah I just uh do do a video with Wonder hussy and uh my numbers go through the roof because she's got Mega Power Mega Power okay we're at our destination tell us what we're doing here this is the destination the final destination's down there where we are is on 265. we're gonna throw this rope down this pass and I'm gonna go down this rope with these ladders and eventually at the bottom both these letters together and drop them down another section so it's going to get much more vertical where we need the ladders this is just hand line stuff okay go for it which side of that Timber want to go around oh [Music] we're just going to do this on our riggers belt which just to back walk it and make it a little easier why'd you pick the left side that's where the track store remember okay plus it's a seizure to get up over there oh you want you like the other side [Music] okay give me an extradited for that kind of because he went to Canada right yeah yeah all right yeah December's not moving so far what's up did I screw you up no I don't care did you say my name or something lastly okay all right we made it into here and this is where the ladders are going down here past here yeah drops at the bottom of this so where the ladder is going to be sticking up right here is this the top of the ladders let's see all right this is called a meat anchor this is we don't have any thing reliable to tie off and this is not totally vertical so we're gonna meet anchor here and see what this looks like before we drop the ladders down Cena he calls that a meter anchor I call it uh the two most Expendable guys so he's gonna go down look and see we're gonna put that ladder section because it's not quite the way I remember it Alzheimer's disease I gotta go in here I guess CRS foxy this is the part right here that needs to be laddered I can't even tell it's totally vertical I can't really tell how far down it is here's the ladder and I'm hanging on rope we got a meat anchor up there we are attaching the two sections of ladder together [Music] I'm the meat anchor usually say that I'm thinking Archie Bunker talking and once we put these two pieces together we're going to send both sides and go from there are they too long enough or do we need a third one oh let's see we need the third one but it'll give us a little comfortable room to work with let me get down here and see actually that's almost 16 right there oh yeah so yeah I'll see this yeah I mean if we drop it straight vertical this would do it if we wanted to lean it on a bit more of an angle which I recommend we'll attach the third section we can put the third section sort of Maybe screw it at an angle so but that might cause it to bow out I don't know yeah leave a ladder right there but take rope with you is safe I mean my camp yeah okay okay now you're gonna lower the ladder okay sure okay ready yep you got it oh yeah I got it I'm trusting my knot which makes me scared it's never comforting doing that all right first two sections of ladder on the way down I'm still here as an anchor what's that there's the load off of you yeah perfect oh we get it all right here we go there we go it's installed it's installed kind of in a scope here right yeah okay okay let me dig down a little bit here and get it positioned so it's safe all right the boss is checking it out this top one needs to be anchored though you want the vertical one yeah okay good I'm not sure if it's over there straight down look at that cribbing thank you now if I was making a video of a mine in New Mexico that the title said something different I would focus on cribbing because New Mexico has cribbing like no other state has cribbing check out that metal ore chute metal or shoot runs up way up there very cool very dusty thank you it looks like I finally worked my way down to a drift level but it's hard to tell but this definitely 565 are these levels in 65 increments yeah this yeah that was the end you could see what was above the ore chute this is definitely a drift level I am on a level I think 565. 00 I would not come down there that's too steep ly oh yeah here's a rail right here here's track so does this take us back to the main shaft oh yeah where the big girls at oh yeah it's clean right here clean clean drift trying to get my mask back on there we go wow I'm I'm underneath all that scoping we just came down through now 565 drift not far I don't know about this really I want to talk to my m-shar rep about about the dust dust abatement thank you foreign night Pro and uh looks like our our main shaft here chokes out this is what this light is good for well it's hard to see but it looks like it chokes out right there with debris the dust just kills it I don't know I can't tell but it definitely gets tight down there looks like wood wood structure yeah that's what this light is good for they call this a shaft blaster it's insane let's go to hot let's go to uh super bright here I don't know if we should go down this way or if we should go to 17 if I can stop yeah I can't tell I mean it looks like there might be something at 100 feet it's hard to tell you might be able to get through that so you think that's the way down I'm going to try it I mean the Davis I made it as some sort of a I tried going through that what's that I'm just talking to this Fergus primer [Music] oh man anybody bring a lighter could smoke that Matt slept on some rocks fell down put a hand down for a handheld felt something kind of soft and Squishy oh hands on all right this is just an orange shoes can we go through it the drift should is the drift right there yeah okay okay where here's the drift what yes I remember I think it was two ways and the trans woman gives birth yeah and I just wanted to show him this is the end of it is that's not a torch no it's what is it it's for oiling mechanical things oh Tom yeah you're right one of those huh totally blank in here everybody makes torches in here that's another way we gotta go through this apparently well it looks that way built out of like dynamite crates and stuff look at this we're starting the inter-flavor country yeah we climbed up here from the lower level 765 is down here oh God the miners put that up there so it's probably 45 feet to 765 77.65 okay now the next one is really crappy really crappy so keep now keep your foot on the outs come on down step down to keep your foot on the outside of the rung they're breaking in the middle yes so much dust you coming down yeah [Music] that looks like that was intentionally placed so [Music] long foreign looked like it had a bunch of stacked in it yeah some people got no respect what was it what is it underground Explorer litter oh this is nice oh it looks like maybe we have a ladder in the main winds or Shaft or decline maybe that's the one we came up went up it was a website that had like all the stuff in SoCal like abandoned um theme parks and hospitals back before the the value of property was so ridiculous this is the sump huh this is the Bach that's probably this is can smell your cigarette do they smell burnt oh yeah I hope your happiness it was more ladder because I think that might be how we got it YouTube hurts there's only one rocks in a nap so we both stayed over there foreign oh look at this thank you here's a skip skip car looks like it foreign it keeps going down oh yeah here's your here's your equipment car right here do you want to make orcart ride I could be coerced yet now what else do we have down here uh until we get down to the end of this with the uh big head frame on the sump is not a whole lot well Timber car not a mine's hammer [Music] we're gonna make it a party train okay [Music] [Music] Devin was much faster no dude I'm on the back squatting [Music] forever [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] it's hot and steamy in here it's from the uh the drift coming off the uh let's go down to the mile long drift is down below us um thank you GE 100 watt lamps crap I want to take a look we gotta go back okay oh here's another here's a real skip right here [Music] oh wow so it's got an it's got an internal winds interesting and here's the [Music] foreign foreign and it's very warm and it's got an industrial chemical smell it's not bad it's just like vintage sandwich spread before it was mayonnaise sandwich spread how does that go are there any drift levels down there there's the one that goes back to about a mile off to your left real hot and human makes this little milk drill bits I'm just doing a pile of oh the drill heads the removable heads more drill heads here than I've I got up top in the museum install pilot here invoice they were disposable item here's something over here another can of the bits over there [Music] all right hold up flip the switch let's see if it works thank you there we go so this time we'll go down the other way you want to go that way and I'll give you a ride I got to go back to the backpack anyway yeah I want to go back on it that I can push you back that way no no go that go that way because that's uphill this is yeah of course whoever did this wasn't very smooth with the Jim Crow there are some really jerky turns in this track [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] too far to move it breaks the surface way up there and it's going to stop on a screen debris in the fire so we are 765 feet below the surface right now a little more African thing of that incline and but up until the fire in the 80s this would have been clear and paid dollar left could just walk the man way down but Grizzly yep I think I need a hot creamy Benzene injection thank you good I gotta say I've gotten worse I've gotten worse I've I'm I'm I'll do physical stuff and take risks now that I wouldn't when I was 18 or 20. um I'll do way more hardcore stuff way more cardio flavored to go with that wrist you want to just do it well when when it all falls apart the weak people are gonna go bye-bye they're going to go on the recycle bin and get rolled out to the curb anyway uh people don't what are we we're 765 vertical feet down so we've and this is an obstacle course this is not a clear-cut ladder or rope this is Shoots and Ladders and stops and climbing up waste rock and sand and the the um physical part of this mind exploring is really underestimated when you start doing the hardcore stuff like this so when are you gonna buy your own abandoned mind map and start your own museum [Music] it is in the books though right yeah yeah long-term goals yeah I'll have come over here you go there you go you you got to become a YouTube personality first before before you own your own abandoned mine and then you got to sell your house and all your motorcycles and your car and everything to fund it Firestone what kind of slowly working our way out of here no rush goal is to get out by dinner time cool to get out it's a carbide in there is that where Matt went up put everything down I think here we go straight out here up over there you're too far man oh this is where we're just in this for like 300 feet I like to make pictures and video to make happy for my following Instagram social media I want to be a superstar I want to I want to be an influencer say hi Matt how do you feel Matt how many calories per hour are you burning a hundred a hundred is like sleeping idling my partial corpse level s or shoot or shoot this tube right here this pipe yeah I went over and looked into that working our way out we're back to the ladder we built and installed it's still here nobody stole it while we were gone looking good there yeah foreign you want the hand ascender I'm thinking about it definitely drop a letter down this section though hey you okay all done all done not as hot outside as I thought you got enough dust in your lungs though to start an ant farm that was a good line though how
Channel: Mine Explorers
Views: 22,116
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Yk4yrnFYnaU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 47sec (3107 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 25 2023
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