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huh but things don't always go as planned [Music] so all of the decking is it decking what do you call it ducking boards all of the diamond he doesn't know he's in la la land you can tell he's not paying attention a lot of things all of the decking boards i guess you would say are completely done the decks finish the deck deck um we're going to do a bit of an overhang and also install railing but um the stuff that we need for that is special order so it's not here yet we're just waiting and we'll start that whenever it comes in in the meantime we're going to start working on like an under deck roofing system which we'll get to in a bit but first we've conquered the port because we know rain's coming right we're under a um a threat of severe weather and we don't want i don't want to dig holes again by hand because we're not going to run a machine and get it back out here so if these holes get ruined that's going to be us and they're manually surprisingly has not rained since we actually put these sound tunes it's it's actually surprisingly dry here so i'm worried that we actually are going to end up getting hit by this i'm not so much worried about the high winds or the potential of large hail that they're calling for i'm worried about digging those holes up i'm not gonna digging them out by hand and fixing them so we're going to knit that the butt and go ahead and pour concrete yeah the thing is i can't do that after that decking experience i just like i need i need some recovery i do i have mad respect for people that build decks put sheathing on roofs hang drywall all those people that's still the hardest job two to this day is sheathing that roof right there every other job we did that's definitely the most i'm kind of i got a scary cat and comes a little bit of height so hang outside the house putting it up it was a little terrifying plus it was just i did it it was physically like getting we pushed up a lot of those sheets we even used like two by fours or something to push those up yeah oh yeah it was a lot of work probably not the safest strategy but it worked [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] so each of these deck puddings are about 10 inches by 10 inches wide for the sonnet tube and then they're going down about four and a half feet roughly four and a half depends on which one roughly so we're mixing around four bags of concrete pour i guess per i guess a little bit it's close it's not quite enough so we're going back and having to mix just a hair more to to top them off but we're moving along pretty quickly and in case you're wondering the reason why we're not pouring directly from the concrete mixer into these sonotubes is because they're they're 10 inches i guess in the mix it's huge they just pour out everywhere so yeah we use the tractor in the bucket we ain't growing that thing over here that thing has no wheels it does it's torn off but whatever it's a great it's a great machine i love it it beats the hell of a shovel in a wheelbarrow yes so it's seen us through a lot of projects a lot [Music] [Music] [Music] so all four of those deck footers are successfully poured without rain believe it or not so that feels really good to have that checked off our list because it's kind of been hanging over our heads we got everything started and formed up obviously but we were also in the midst of the deck build and we didn't want to stop what we had already started we were rolling with the deck build we wanted to get it finished rather than just jumping back over and doing concrete but at the same time that's kind of time sensitive with weather obviously and then we kind of backed ourselves up into a wall right here where we potentially are going to get a big storm this evening and that could have messed up all of our work and we would have backtracked don't know it's just it gets kind of messy sometimes when you're trying to tackle too much at once that's i guess what happens when you're building a house [Music] [Music] all right yeah that worked that great looks good yeah so we started rain grabbed those buckets i saw that i got my fit so put on there and first josh a bullet with that it was pouring it was but those actually fit perfectly yeah who knew they could be uh concrete form covers worked out good the footings for the deck turned out great so now we're ready to get started on the roofing system for underneath the deck but before we do that i wanted to introduce you to the sponsor of today's video my medic my medic has a variety of first aid and trauma kits that are put together and nicely organized into one compact kit i'm sure it is no surprise to you all that we keep a first aid kit on us at all times not only are we just a little bit over an hour away from a hospital but we're building a house we have kids that ride four wheelers ride dirt bikes we're operating farm equipment and other heavy machinery we're cutting down trees we are literally an accident waiting to happen the my fac advanced kit that we keep on hand is jam-packed with everything that you would need in a first aid emergency the kit allows us to keep life-saving tools in one place all neatly packed into one durable bag which makes it easy for us to keep on us whether we're at home or on the go plus it's super organized and perfect for a range of situations from bleeding to airway to burns hydration and more access to proper first aid equipment is essential for everyone and my medic's goal is to prepare people with training and equipment to handle unexpected emergencies whether you're building a house driving a car going out hiking it's so important to have quick and easy access to all of the essentials to handle emergency situations if you are interested in checking out one of the mymedic kits like the myfak advanced we have a link in the description box below where you can save 20 off your order now let's get back to the build so we're going to put a gutter system under here because we're going to have a towards a diy what's it called like an under deck roof yes sort of if that makes sense yeah so when it rains wonder here we got stuff stored in here four windows or whatever have you um the rain flows away it's dry here hits the gutter goes on out yeah so we there's systems that are made for this like uh trex makes something i think it's called rainscape very very very expensive especially for a deck this size like maybe it would would work for a smaller deck so expensive we're going to do it the west virginia way it's going to be just as good it's going to work it's going to save me a lot of money yes and it'll be fun to experiment and see how it works out i mean this deck is a honker so like we're not going to drop that kind of money on that you know i mean josh's knees are going to start buckling when he sees the price tag on an under deck roofing system for this yes so we're going to do it diy style yeah all this metal roofing and some gutters yeah and we're going to bend some flashing and we're going to pop that thing up there and hopefully we get a good old-fashioned rainstorm to see how it goes in the doghouse it's raining so this is rugged metal flashing um so we have the black facing up the white facing down we actually chose black roofing so you look down to their cracks you obviously it's black um bottoms me white so it's all going to match but i'm going to say the obvious here i'm going to get it you should've done this a long time ago if you didn't know about all this uh guys trex rainscape stuff until after it's too late um we're gonna fight this a little bit i know that you know that yeah i realize that just by looking at it so we're gonna fight a little bit wrapping it around the beam but it's gonna be well worth it we should have done it before we did everything else but no we didn't by the time we knew the thing was too late so now we're doing it we'll make do with it and we'll make it work yes but if you're building a deck do it first do it first yeah but now you get to watch us fight it [Music] if it meant on your end yeah there's a way to go into the engine down a little bit here with the hammer [Music] here we go [Music] right here we're good all along here this hat i'm gonna put these back on we'll screw these back in the same holes at the same locations right there um before we screw the there's a plate back into the beam we're going to take more of the flashing put it underneath and it's actually going to l out like that and that's when the rain comes down it hits the beam it's not leaking through the beam it comes down it flows down on the flashing and the flash is going to kick onto the roof and the middle roofing is going to be ribbed so it flows into where the rib is the rib won't let the water flow over and out it's going to flow in and just flow on down towards the gutter now i hope it happens [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] okay so these outer edges of the deck on this side and the other side are being done differently than the center three beams the reason for that is on the inside we obviously want to keep everything dry so we're wrapping the flashing all the way up and around over top of the beam but on these ones we're just yelling it because we're not worried about water here obviously we're only worried about it here and then we're putting some roofing caulk along the back side of it just to seal everything up and then reattach the uh hangers yes and those are the easy ones it's taking take some time um the ones in the middle are kind of a pain because the joists are sitting on top of that beam like this so we're getting up in there don't show it up lifting it up just a smidge to push and work them in to work them down and work wrap that metal around them drop it down and some of them are tighter than others yeah some are a lot harder to push up not sure why maybe probably the bow is in the lumber i have no idea yeah but we're getting it done so it's uh 7 45 down i think getting late [Music] so we went through and we bent six sheets of the flashing last night before it was too dark and we called it quits that way we could just be a little bit more efficient today instead of like bending and stopping and then installing and bending stopping installing we could just put caulk on each individual piece and get it up there there's only one beam that we still need to bend for that's it but all the rest are they're all bent we bit them all last night we did them all i said we did more than six then we did no yeah we did i think we did uh there's four actually we did ten yeah ten left we did them all we did them all all we're done so we're actually in a better position than i even thought yeah i'm the reason why i pushed her through the night last night like now i don't think i went inside last night i had like extreme brain fog like i don't even know what happened it's all kind of a blur everything's blending together i'm like tired so i'm tired too but we'll bang these out and we'll get all the metal roofing up yeah that's gonna be a task we're gonna need the kids to help on that i think yep carter and haiti yes [Music] all right this is gonna be tough a lot of these [Music] so some of these are a little bit tighter than we would like this beam seems to be causing more problems than the wrap it's heavy it's heavy that's all go through that thing and push it up we're gonna slide him up and get a hammer beat him up a little bit he's gonna raise this up with some hair so wait yeah all right take this guy down take him down this is all going to come back down yes right where we're supposed to be at we'll leave him up maybe leave him up too because he's going to slide in a little bit then if i put him down we're going to overlap with my we'll see we're going to pull this guy down and that guy down leaving him in and we'll see we could do it through the front side we might need to i'm probably going to have to do it again yeah take him out put him over there and get that side jacked up just a hair yeah so keep in mind so we're all we're going to go up just just a smidge so we can slide this under [Music] [Music] okay so we are on the final stretch now i think we're going to be getting the hard part but the the i'm excited about this part yes but it's the hard part do you think it's gonna be that hard yeah it's 19 feet long gotta double them up and pick it up pick it up lifting it's going to be heavy wood on it too but assembling it's going to be easy because it's basically going to be two by fours um turn to this way four feet apart all the way down with a metal roofing on top screwed down then the hard part of lifting them up there it is but then we bring in the muscle the boys and then we're gonna put up some hangers to attach everything and there's gonna be a slope on it which i think you explained earlier did you explain that yeah eighth inch per foot so like roughly two and a half inches i think from edge to edge roughly yeah a little less not a big deal that's water so it flows down correct so so four bays yes two boys yep you and me we'll get it done you look enthused i'm just you look worried are you worried i mean it's 19 feet long yeah so am i being optimistic here and thinking that it's not going to be as bad as you seem to think i don't think it's going to be as easy as you think it's going to be now that's where i'm at but you know here's the thing you know why because we need to could we lift one end up and like lift the higher end up and get it on there something like that i think because the issue is we want a kit from edge to edge right all those boards would be straight okay yes so we just straight up all we do is put that metal roof down we uh measure it all screwed and now we have super close guys right but i was trying to pick that everything up and work it all in there so it's on both sides and with the hanger so it's gonna be tough getting it in there but with your sand a second ago we need to put a board back there that's the highest high end this is the low end or we do didn't matter what's how we do it first but get a board going underneath the beam screw to the bottom of the beam here bottom beam there we pick it up we put it on top of that thing yeah that's where the other for the actual the i guess the wood hanger is going to be out and originally it's going to sit right on top yeah i'm going to pick this side up and work in place yeah but things don't always go as planned [Music] [Music] so are you here to help she has two shoes on again they're both in the wrong feet i love that you know that's one of mommy's favorite things about you right yeah look at that hair [Music] [Music] one two three though [Music] we're actually hanging down low like that too much i actually put a screw in each one so it could kind of pivot a little bit so start going back this way and start working its way up once we get everything up in the air up in the air we'll probably we'll go ahead and come back this way and get everything locked and work way back down okay that makes sense yeah yeah we've got the whole crew here i know family meetings so the metal decking on this side is done we have it in place so we're going to test everything out um i'm curious about this like this flashing right here is a little bit shorter than that side so i'm gonna get this thing soaking with the hose um preferably contra on this area here it's gonna float off of here but i'm worried about it just flashing me a little too close to this edge right here and splashing out to see so haiti fire it up it works okay so you can see that it's spilling off of the end of this so it's actually working it's coming out eventually there's going to be a gutter here so it's not really going to be like that um but it's not coming out of this area right here it's making its way all the way down to here this over here is the opposite side which we have not done yet and this is the side that has the roof on so this it's not coming down right here it's just coming down the opposite side yet so obviously that was a hose not an actual like natural rain so there is a little bit of a difference there you're not going to have so much concentrated in one area with a natural rain as you would with a hose where the whole spout is just pouring directly down on it but it gives us a good feel for how it's going to work and if it's going to work and it looks like it is yeah are we moving these over the other side start over [Music] [Applause] [Music] but that one looks like it's it's low which one that one right there where your hands at lovely the way it held to rise [Music] oh [Music] you
Channel: Wild Wonderful Off-Grid
Views: 426,250
Rating: 4.9601898 out of 5
Keywords: concrete, concrete driveway, wild wonderful off grid, life uncontained, tiny house, tiny home, foundation, building materials, wood prices, concrete demolition, concrete demo, lumber, lumber prices, lumber price, family, construction, travel, siding, roofing, skid steer, wild wonderful off-grid, wild wonderful, wild and wonderful off grid, jack hammer concrete, massive deck build, finishing a deck, 2021 deck build cost, under deck roofing system, rainscape, pouring deck footers
Id: l8B9iJPjJZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 5sec (1745 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 02 2021
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