FINISHING Our Massive Deck Build!

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[Music] we took some time to tie up some of the loose ends that we have around the deck build things like finishing up the ledger board and completing the steps from the lower level of the deck up to the upper main level [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] with those completed it means that today is actually a pretty big day for us because we are going to be installing all of the decking boards on the main level of the deck and finishing the deck the end is near it's almost done the end is near [Music] so [Music] so i decided to go ahead and plane this portion right here we had three boards sandwiched together some of the boards was a little bit bigger than the other ones a little bit smaller so we went ahead and made everything flat i know they do shrink we'll look at the deck boards here in a second but uh these also i've been sitting for a few weeks now they all did shrink they strengthened together but they get i guess the height differences never change so we took the planter plant everything flat so the i guess the picture frame we're going to do that's going to lay on top they're sitting on top they're flat and not like this or that in certain locations so it's all nice and flat now let's check out the deck boards real quick so you can see there's a gap here now if you guys remember we use that camo tool it gives like a i think like a 16th of an inch gap we send everything as tight as we could knowing that it's all wet it's all pressure treated lumber so it's gonna shrink when the sun hits on and starts drying out so now we have about three eighths of an inch gap we did the deck stairs the same way and those are actually shrinking over the past couple days so now the top deck can do the same exact way we're going to slam everything tight when it's all said and done or about a 3 8 gap between them the good news is we're using the camera tools you can hide all your screw holes yeah like don't need they're good that way you ain't gonna see it all right i see how today's going josh [Music] [Music] so all right have this guy match up set him in stone go screw this guy down um work this 45 into him get him set and then uh we'll start working our way down screwing it in because this you know this board is kind of like this or they come like this or maneuver it a little bit they're not straight so let's get this guy in set in stone put him in place get him screwed in and then we'll start working that side down back and forth and put more screws in okay all right we're taking a quick break from the deck build because our box from bright cellars just arrived and i can't wait to see what kind of wines are inside in case you guys don't already know bright cellars is a monthly wine club that matches you with mine you'll love and then delivers it directly to your door it makes my life a lot easier trying to find that right bottle of wine is always a guessing game for me it never really turns out but with bright cellars seven question quiz we just answer a couple of questions about things like what type of chocolate we like and how adventurous we are and then they select the perfect bottles of wine for us plus we get to taste different types of wine from all around the world and date nights of win every time i'm trying to decide whether we should go with the sprig rose or the world line tonight this one's going to be more like cook out and this is like night in with friends which actually since it's date night we should probably go with this one because this is more anniversary the wine education cards that come with each bottle give you information on things like the proper serving temperature what type of food you can pair the wines with all kinds of great stuff for people like josh who are not really wine connoisseurs i'm almost there but wannabe bright cellars is giving our subscribers 60 off their first four bottle box just visit the link in the description below take the quiz and get started today let's get back to the build [Music] i need you to pull back and i need a slight that way don't push me that way a little bit move it do it [Music] so [Music] so [Music] we're moving now we are yeah we're taking we're they're all 20-foot boards so we're just taking them up to the deck two at a time cutting them installing them like an inch and a half per one we didn't want to have uh we actually couldn't find anything larger than 16 feet at lowe's right so we actually special ordered these from 84 lumber so because i think it's roughly 20 feet obviously you're cutting half off so there's no seams anywhere which is it's nice yeah that's our thing no seams with everything oh we did the same thing in there we did so i mean it looks better it's more aesthetically pleasing through the eye yeah it's sad because everybody's out on the deck he wants to come out so bad i'll get him you get you gonna carry him out [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's an easy task but it's very time consuming yes it's very time-consuming all the stairs with all the screws and then put in the next picture frame it wasn't that bad but just hundreds it just takes and there's so many screws and there's so many steps back and forth like to go get the boards and bring the boards up and then measure each of the boards and then cut all the boards and then put all the boards in place and then and then do like a million screws on each of the boards it just takes like forever yeah but it looks really great it's great all day long and it feels so good and it's it's fun seeing chuck he's super excited he's just been staring out the window all day wanting to come on the deck with us it's super cute it's not safe he was a little scared going down the steps a little bit yes he wasn't sure he just he doesn't see well i mean he's almost blind so he can't really be up here unsupervised we don't want anything to happen to him we got to get the hand rails and stuff up first and then yeah he could be up here no definitely not oh all right we're almost halfway there yes let's go to the halfway point we'll finish that little portion up and uh keep on cutting so can we get done before nightfall no not sure what time it is like five six o'clock now 6 30 probably um we got two and a half hours left probably mm-hmm i doubt it wouldn't get done two and a half hours you hold it oh man yeah it's better so now we're exhausted you look tired yeah i feel tired stuff being bent over on your hands and knees all day you know and i get it girl [Laughter] what are they doing guys is this seriously the turkey yes yes that's the turkey they want to make sure she doesn't get eaten by the fox they're gonna put her to bed she was too far down in the pasture [Laughter] i really can't i think it's probably 45 pounds a turkey i know i think as heavy as convey the things that go on around here i mean i'll tell good look you all the good things you still have cause there will be another there will be another one something new to fall into it'll be a better one there will be another there will be another one [Music] so nightfall came a little bit faster than we would have liked yeah i got that a little bright huh so the plan is to call it quits so we don't mess up any cuts yes but we are going to get ourselves set up for a good start tomorrow by getting all of the boards actually up here on the deck so they're ready to be cut and get installed and so we have i think 21 boards left to install it's it seems like a lot i i we've gotten 30 something installed today plus the adventure stairs took all freaking day i know i know it definitely did i i was kind of disappointed when we looked and we counted and we realized that it was like 20 some boards left to install because i thought we were a little bit closer than that apparently not 20 boards is going to take a long time it takes so much longer than it looks like it should take i don't know why 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 it's 32 screws for 32 screws per board so good math a lot of screws a lot a lot [Music] [Music] our kids are unhappy because they're on construction site cleanup today however i think a couple of hours of building the deck and the hot sun will straighten them out so yeah you know we're going to be on that that's good it's good for kids to go come outside and help clean stuff up yeah nice yeah and you know what look nobody's gonna be complaining around here because i woke up feeling like i got hit by a truck that drove over me once backed up over top of me and then hit me one more time i'll just meet him at night actually oh that's pretty good huh okay but the deck build kicked their butt yesterday was a long long long day yeah we did a little bit of the math and we did well over a thousand screws yes yesterday so you guys are you ready you ready to get this thing done we got 21 boards to install is that correct 21. the last one is going to be screws with the going around the thing to hold the face down for the picture framing but yeah we're moving dude i think we'll get them all cut real quick slam them all in call today be done before you know i'll be out here making margaritas that's what i'm talking about yes exactly yeah [Music] foreign first [Music] i predict we have one two three four five six seven eight nine ten two boards left i think so i feel raindrops dry yeah all right let's burn let's bring this stuff up real quick [Music] okay [Music] [Music] [Music] all right [Music] on to the next board is [Music] last board last 32 screws i still did a little picture frame on the side but we're about done this bad boy i can't believe it [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Wild Wonderful Off-Grid
Views: 759,663
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: concrete, how to finish concrete, concrete driveway, wild wonderful off grid, life uncontained, tiny house, tiny home, foundation, building materials, wood prices, concrete demolition, concrete demo, lumber, lumber prices, lumber price, family, construction, travel, siding, roofing, skid steer, masonry, wild wonderful off-grid, wild wonderful, wild and wonderful off grid, jack hammer concrete, pouring a concrete pad, massive deck build, finishing a deck, 2021 deck build cost
Id: 00S89HacfbY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 23sec (1103 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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