Stormworks Advance Plane Tutuorial

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[Music] hello everyone and welcome back to another storm works video in today's video we're going to be going ahead and creating a tutorial for an advanced plane here in storm works on the crates of Ireland now pretty much we're going to be going ahead and telling you all the co different components that you're going to need I'm going ahead and popping up the advanced engines along with connecting all the controls for actual plane itself hopefully by the end of the tutorial you should have a basic understanding of how to go ahead and actually build your own plane advanced mode as I said we all provide all the knowledge that's needed for this video and then you should be able to go ahead and create giant plane to ping on the size that you want to build that all said we'll go ahead and get started so we're back here in the workbench and the hangar of the crates of Ireland now as you can see on my screen here I have the expert level that pretty much just means everything are placed on one side the plane is going to be duplicate on the other side it's gonna just build the speed up the process building a little bit and help us at the end you can obviously disable as if you want now the first thing we want is obviously to control the pen or something but now we're going to be hearing ahead and actually using our pilot seat and we'll get that placed on that's going to be able to control the engine itself along with all the different Finn riders of the plane itself now next up what we want to do is obviously placed on our engine now we need some Express engine down on width so I'm just going to be creating a little bit of a frame for the engine and as you could probably call it the fuselage of the plane blocks so once we have a place down we can always go ahead and place a engine down now the angel I'm game using this tutorial and I've useful all of the other tutorials is going to be the aircraft engine I find the power output for it compared to its mass is the best of the moment until they go ahead and actually add in our different engines like the turbine engine here in advanced mode you can obviously access the turbine engine with the normal mode however in advancement you only have access to the aircraft engine the large engine and obviously the smaller angel so with that said we've added that on the next thing we need to do is obviously start adding all the piping up for the engine itself now as always we need different components the first off is obviously going to be a radiator for the engine so I'm just going to go ahead and build a radios is just underneath all playing itself let's go find the radiator it's gonna replace it down there quite as simple as I said earlier in this tutorial it's not gonna be anything pretty it's just going to be a very basic way of getting everything working once we've done that our the next component we're going to need is going to be obviously a fuel tank to fly our plane with so I'm gonna use a medium fuel tank just going to place it just over here just make sure yup the holes underneath there right and then the last thing where we want this obviously is going to be a battery because we're in advanced mode we need a battery to power everything so go ahead and just replace a battery there we can go ahead and start deleting that now once we have all the components down for the engine itself then just delete any extra blocks we don't want the next thing what we need to do is obviously just build our fuselage a log before we start doing the popping now to do that I'm just gonna do a simple frame bring it up from the ground that same is how we would probably do for a helicopter so just like that just so that it actually clears the pilot seeds and you can imagine that this windscreen will be coming up the front here going along here but then we're gonna bring it arts to go to our actual tail which will just be to about there once we've done that we can go ahead and actually just add the tail itself so we're gonna add the main fin here and then we're gonna go ahead and also add two on the sides fantastic and then we also obviously need to add our wings to the plane now for this tutorial I'm going to be adding the wings to the top side of the plane you can obviously do it underneath you can do in the middle wherever you want but as I said for this tutorial I'm just gonna be adding the simple wings just going along here pretty simple pretty basic now the next thing we want is obviously we have to add some type of landing gear for the plane itself so for the rear here I'm just gonna go ahead and just build this down like this and I'm going to be adding just a plain old we all coaster the rear and then towards the front I'm just gonna go ahead and on the wings themselves just go ahead and bring a couple blocks down just make sure we clear the actual yeah I'm pretty happy with that um I said it's not gonna look pretty at all I'm just going to be to get the fundamentals done so we go ahead quickly in just once and see how it looks Jessica so you can see the plane there it's starting to look a little bit like a plane as nothing fancy guys just a basic basic design here if you've got all that done now we can start actually going in and doing all the piping for the engine so the first thing I want to do is obviously give air to the engine itself so go ahead and select our airport here once we have that place down the next thing we want to do is obviously put our propeller on the plane so for the story I'm just going to be using a a propeller and in the front here we don't need a clutch and we don't need gearbox for this tutorial obviously you can go ahead and add that if you wants I'm not going to get into that to this tutorial next off we're gonna connect our fluid put sorry our coolant for our engine I'm just obviously in out there I'm just going to go through the radio and then come at it should provide sufficient cooling for us for this tutorial next thing is you obviously have to exhaust on the aircraft engine itself I'm just going to be bringing them straight out of the engine itself and then lastly obviously have is going to be the fuel so we're going to go ahead and connect that to our rear fuel tank I'm just going to be bringing it on underneath the plane itself and bring it along just to hear and then lastly we're just gonna go ahead and actually connect that up so that's all our parking done for the engine itself the next thing we need to go ahead and do this our logic and obviously add our fin rudders so I'm going to start adding our four nodes to the plane itself don't worry I'm just deleting a whole lot of locks at the moment so I'll go ahead and explain exactly why I'm teaching those blocks so first off the plane itself we have different controls up and down it's going to control the throttle the engine our left and right it's going to control obviously of the plane steers left or steers right what ws is going to control our pitch so whether we dive forward or we rise we angle up and then our LD is going to be to roll the plane now first off for you obviously need to pitch the plane itself but we're going to be using fin rudders for this tutorial so these controls here at the rear if we give it upwards on that's going to obviously let the plane go down or up as an pitching fashion we're then going to go ahead and add two here now the purpose this is going to be that when one goes up one goes down it's then going to roll the plane either to the left or to the right and we can what we'll do is we'll add a new book called inputs inverse block so we inverse one of these and then last we obviously want to plan to go left and right and this is going to be by using a simple left and right off the rudder here towards the rear now obviously you can get a little more complex with this you can obviously go ahead and set up different logic and so on and so forth use larger rudders really up to you as I said there's the basic tutorial just to actually get it up and running and working now with that said we can start connecting our logic up so first of all we want to do is obviously turn the engine on so I'm going to be using the hot key from the engine I'll keep one and connect it up just be aware that by default is on a toggle mode so you go here toggle that was the vault engine you obviously don't want to toggle button to start that because when you press it it's going to constantly be turning the agent over until you turn it off so push button will be more enough just to get the ignition going the next thing we want to do is obviously the throttle as earlier we're going to be using our up and to control the throttle next thing we need to do is obviously go ahead and control often orders now then first one we're going to do is WS which is going to be pitch of the plane itself I'm just going to be connecting it to our two rear pitches at the back next you have a India this will be settled again with the roll so when one goes up we want the other one to go down so you can do this in two ways obviously you could either go and place us in opposite way or you can go ahead and actually just use the numerical inverter I'm going to be using left for this tutorial it's gonna let place it on pretty much any way you can find a space so we're gonna go is once we have the these connected we can go ahead and actually just connect this to our new local inverter and then take that value in connected straight to the other fence so once we have that done the last thing to connect as OVR left and right and we just go here to the party left and right connected all up now what we're going to be doing now is going ahead and spawning this in and just make sure everything is actually working the way we want I jump into the pilot seat and also start testing our controls so the first one is going to be our pitch so when I press W one thing I have forgotten to do is connect all the electricity I always forget to do that are and as I said in a lot of materials that's one of the most important things you need to always go and double check as soon as you add any more components or anything you need to always see double check your weight lectricity connected here in advanced mode spawn the back in now click top of tower plane and now check so hold on double you can see the plane angles down all done it yes goes up fantastic roll left perfect left ones go up right ones go down roll right opposite way perfect and then last two mini checkers are left and right press so we just need to go ahead and invert that because I'm currently putting right and it's not telling us left and so on and so forth so it's going to go ahead and invert the real ones and just by placing down a once again the more miracle and puts takes arts I just go ahead and connect that all up perfect and now we can actually go ahead and spawn our plane in and see if we can actually start get to work so we're gonna go ahead and just give a little throttle not much go ahead and get ignition to the engine itself until we actually get this to turn over there we go now we can use our left and right just angle the plane as soon as we actually take off here and there we go we've now taken off and that's pretty much the plane itself as you can see you can go ahead and obviously change the sensitivity of the engine itself one thing I haven't done is actually you made the throttle of the engine sticky so it's obviously instantly cutting out now so I'm just gonna go ahead and hold down our ford key and you can see here if I want to roll to the left to press left also right for the right you can check as then you can change the sensitivity of this to how you want up and down it's working and then left and right so we can actually go ahead and try and do this and just start flying towards itself and let's see if we can actually go ahead and just try and land I'm not the greatest the flies so if I'm a complete follow myself turn it off for me please try my best so we're trying this go ahead and line just over here I'm just gonna start lowering throttle I said because we haven't actually gone ahead and toggled that it obviously automatically kills the throttle when we let go of the up key so we should start running now I said you can go ahead and change the sensitivity of all these controls and there we go not the greatest stuff landings but that's pretty much the basics of its I'm gonna go ahead and toriel there I've hope you enjoyed it and found it somewhat informative and useful as always don't forget to hit the comment button below and let me know which would like to go ahead and see in the next video as said in the previous video we are probably going to be starting a weekly episode that's going to be covering the top five creations of the week that I mean submits to the workshop we will go ahead and go into an in-depth look into each one of them and kind of do a diagnosis and trying to figure out how people actually building these creations so I hope you guys are going to enjoy that and let me know below if that's something you want to see as always go ahead and go check my patreon page art if you're enjoying the videos and you want to contribute something towards the channel I always helps us and obviously it brings me one step closer to actually doing this more regularly than what I'm doing at the moment and then as always hit that like button and subscribe for any future content and we'll see the next one
Channel: MrNJersey
Views: 62,711
Rating: 4.9276409 out of 5
Keywords: Stormworks, plane, advance, step by step, guide, tutorial, creative
Id: -xzmh14tUYE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 17 2018
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