ALUMINIUM Sheets and Casings LOOP! In Satisfactory

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what's going on guys and welcome back to another satisfactory video well last time we grabbed our bauxite mixed it with some water which created alumina solution that then feeds into these refineries with the addition of petroleum cork which is making 400 aluminum scrap per minute and that's per each machine but the petroleum cork needed heavy oil residue that's why we built these refineries where they of course consume crude oil but also send out a byproduct of resin which needed to get turned into plastic because if we didn't the resin would back up and then that will mean the heavy oil residue won't get produced either so we can't make petroleum cork okay so the first thing I want to do today is I want to start sending this scrap to another machine to actually start producing an object what we've got to be careful as well because we are sending out a byproducts of water from here so we need to make sure that both items that do come on the output get consumed so what we're going to do is throw the scrap we're actually going to put that into a smelter to actually make alternate pure aluminum ingots and that's going to be quiet 60 scrap to Output 30 aluminum ingots but then the water needs to go into another machine and if we look where this Ingot needs to go that's going to go into an assembler and if we go to an assembler go in here and then scroll down and see I'll cut aluminum sheets that requires copper ingots and alumi and your aluminum ingots I'm getting tongue twisted here so this is going to produce the ingots from the scrap and then the water is actually gonna go into a Refinery which is going to make the pure copper ingots so what I want to do is I want to find the the total number of water that all of these machines are outputting and make sure that the exact amount of refineries are going to consume that amount of water so we are going to need quite a bit which means we also need quite a bit of copper ore and that's where I've turned to the grasslands because one it has our uh Highway running through it and yet it's not known for the best purities of the uh always but what we want to do is the main target is to consume that water and to be honest the safest way to actually use or consume the water that's been as sent out as a by-product he's just using the wet concrete because one we need concrete a lot anyway and two it takes up a lot of water so there are multiple things you could do with that I could even package it if I want to and send it back over here or even send it around that machine but I thought what I'm going to do instead I'm going to actually put it into some copper so I built this little Foundation here got a radio tower down as well so if we go over to our map we can see we've got quite a few little copper ores around here and yes we are going to use the one that you have not seen yet because it was meant to be a Christmas special which was going to be the Christmas trend which right there that's as close as you're going to see to the Christmas fight treat that I built which I've not released or maybe I will do maybe I'll release it for Easter or maybe Halloween I don't know I don't know so what I'm going to do is I'm going to disconnect from here I'm gonna grab them two copper over there because that's all leading up here and I'm gonna grab this and take it up here I'm gonna train stay oh oh new enough nearly died not gonna lie to you um so I'm gonna bring them coppers up here but then I'm also gonna head into this direction and this should also be some coppers just over here down there you can see the tippity top of the one of them right there and we are gonna grab a another from this general direction as well so I'm gonna get that place down and get that ready to be sent over and I think I might come up with the blueprint design for the support it's not for this but the support of the extended uh bridges that I'm going to put out here in a second so let me build a blueprint and I think what I'm going to do is I think I'm just going to do a super super simple one and yes I'm not going to touch signs I'm not going to use any signs with this build because as we know well with what happened this one it knew enough corrupted our saves or other people's saves and causing massive FPS so if you are watching this please don't use signs as decorational pieces but what I do want you to do is I want you to go into the description for today's sponsor raid shadow is what it's not that oh oh it's this oh that was so cheesy that was such easy ignore me and apologize I'm a spoon okay but you can get yourself some uh new merch that coming out satisfaction Kickstarter version two has now started do you remember the whole time they released the whole doggos and the the cups well they've now releasing the Hogs and they're also releasing something else which is super special and I'm super glad I've got it so are you ready are you ready he's a big boy it's a ginormous Bean he's huge look at him he's absolutely massive he's huge you he wants to inspect your factory was that the sound he does I can't remember if that's the sound he does but yeah on this new Kickstarter is obviously the bean the hog a new mechanical pen and also the build gun as well the build tool so if you want someone that go over the bucket but also there'll be a second link which will be my referral link to the already open store if you want to get yourself a doggle a cup keyrings all that kind of stuff um the employee of the month mug that's available and if you want to go either check that link in the description there's two links like I said and that will support me as a Creator because there is 15 off on some items 25 off some items and also 20 off which is I think permanently on the replicas yeah the replicas but anyway I'll pass you back over to sell this Factory bits right now and I will uh I will see you when I see you next okay that was cheesy as well isn't it you know it's cheesy of that nonsense it didn't even tell you about the album he dropped what an absolute spoon well I guess it's best time for me to tell you because it's an auto save right now but yeah Link in the description if you want to check out my music it's dmca3 you're more than welcome to you can just pop it on in the background I'm not gonna talk much more about it but if you want to go and listen to it Links at top of the description so what we want to do is we want to do something just super super simple and I'm thinking about just going with the new foundations that will received which are these and we've got these little Corners so I want to try and find the center which is right here and I'm thinking I've just oh but it's just default first like this and this and then we're just gonna do that I think I might just do this soup simple uh any of yours can do it you know I'm gonna I'm just gonna put this uh let's play Four let's put it six yeah no let's put it let's take two off that let's make it four high and then I'm just gonna you know do that do it on this side wait why is it Go vertical why would you want to Zoop these next to each other I don't know I don't know I'm already losing my marbles but how about a crazy stream today and then things are yeah yeah yeah anyway Let's uh continue what we're doing so let's um yeah I think I'm gonna go with that hi moth hello hi train um but let's go with this it's just super super simple Corner little pieces no fancy lights on it or anything I think I'm just gonna put this down on the bridges like I said I'm gonna do like you can see that bridge over there's got like nothing on it it's got no supports I think we can just put them down on it but yeah let me get to that and I'll get back with you so there we go we can now see the pillars are now underneath the new bridge that I've added but also this Miner right here is still in the same place which is still grabbing the ore which is being merged with the one you can just see through the legs right there but as we can see I've added a bit of an extension here as well which is going down into the Creator in the grasslands which is grabbing all of this copper ore right here with the addition of grabbing all of this copper or on this side of the highway which feeds in to the train station so overall we're collecting four 480 lines and one 270 line and if you're wondering why I need 270 that is just the excess overflows of the ore that I'm already bringing over here and then the train station line joins onto the highway here so yeah you've guessed it it does go over to the megabase and we did add a new train station which unloads the copper ore right here even though it's called Mexico City it doesn't need to be called all end up changing that I just don't know what to yet but it also means we have a little bit of a new problem because we've got so many trains backed up because we have a signal problem so every single one of our trains are backed up on this line and just waiting for one of them to move and they're even backing up way over there as well okay so after about an hour yes an hour I figured out what the whole problem was I was rattling my brains I was stressing out so what I did was I just removed all the signs and only to find out that this one right here this this is a path signal that's why it looks a lot of different if you've never used it there was actually a block signal inside of this path signal yes it's not supposed to happen I think it's a bug but yeah there was a pass signal inside the block signal which caused the problem so uh what I've basically done here is if we describe ourselves a past signal we can see that oh this is a white block right here right so if there is a train coming down this line right here and enters this white block and there's a train coming down this line if this train that's coming this way is not going to turn that way it will go straight on and this signal right here will tell that train hey up you can go through this white block right here because that train has no business turning right into that Lane right though if that makes sense that's what path signals do and that's what they you know that's what they're programmed to do it's just so much easier um what pass signals do tend to slow down trains a little bit before it reaches a signal just so the in-game mechanics and all that kind of stuff can it's like it's think of it as a a roundabout or a giveaway signal right so this is basically a giveaway sign um so you you know you look before you actually turn right most kind of thing I'm just rambling on you right now on it you guys know what I mean hopefully hopefully hopefully okay so back to the topic at hand as you can tell I have added the copper like I did say and this is all gonna go down to a new floor down here so what we need to do is we need to get this water from here and I've already figured out how much it was but I've totally forgot how much it was so I have wrought it down on my notes so what I'm going to do is I'm going to visually show you so we have nine machines right here I'm not gonna do that last one that that tenth one because I'm going to show you why in a second and that nine all these nine machines are sending out 140 water so if we do a calculator 140 Times by nine is 1260. and then we have this one which is an undercut machine just because the amount of uh aluminous solution it's making because it's a one-to-one production right and this is making 80. and also obviously if you do 1260 plus 80 is 1 340. and in a uh refresh binary a alternate pure copper ingots require 10 water so if you think about it if you do 1 340 1340 divided by ten that's not right is it oh because I didn't do a zero at the end I didn't do a zero at the end there we go so that's gonna be quite 134 and yes we only did the calculated thing just so people who visually can understand it so that's 1 340 um water divided by 10 is 1 134 refineries so we need to put down 134 refineries to consume all of this water with well this byproduct water um which will then uh be able to constantly spit out the aluminum scrap which will get sent to some smelters which I'm gonna probably gonna put in that general direction over there so as you know me being me I will be using an under flooring to connect all the cables connect all the pipes and Butterbean butter Bosch yes I've added them so what I've done is I've actually instead of adding all the amounts I needed which was 134 I've added at 67 and what I've done is I've just overclocked them all up by 200 to give me that additional machine in each one so each Refinery is technically you know producing as if it was two refineries so as you can see 200 clock speed is producing 75 copper ingots per minute which is going to require 30 uh copper ore and 20 water and that's what it's like I mean all of these as you can tell the red lights are still connected because I've not done any power but what I've done is obviously I've got uh 480 maximum lines right now and I've gone down each line 75 75 uh so 150 other two more that's 300 add another two more that'd be 450 so these are going to be 450 filled lines on each of these ones right here I didn't want to do any form of load balancing uh because I just didn't want me so these are all 450 lines yep and that's all duplicated on this side as well so this is going to be doing exactly the same it's just like the conveyor belts this side uh well this time are actually coming towards them and they will be heading underneath here and they will be going to their destination but I've not done that yet because I want to talk to you about the water and I'm going to balance it out a little bit so as you know each of these machines are sending out 140 water and each of these machines are requiring 20 water so if you do 140 divided by two that is seven so for every one Refinery and every pipe coming out of here that's going to go into seven machines so what I need to do is we're going to start right from this end right here and this is actually outputting 80. so I divide that by two that's going to mean four machines so one two three four is going to come underneath here just like this oh God I need to remove this don't I ignore this I will remove it okay okay there you go and Bob's your uncle I've now removed the pipes that was not meant to be there because I was doing some science and experiments and with some stuff and trying to make a bit more of a complicated setup uh just to test myself a little bit so um as you can tell now this is the water that's gonna be coming out and this is going to be the 80 water coming down here so I need to grab myself a pipe and then I'm just gonna go up boom bring this down and try and get this lined up but right now if we got a horizontal and vertical uh there was an issue I don't know if it's been fixed uh but we'll find out we can actually push that back a little further so I'm going to grab one of these I'm gonna place that there remove that remove that pipe and then bring that to there just like this and then what I want to do is I want to do exactly the same on this side oh there we go that was the bug did you see that it's a weird bug right now so every time you go for like if you're using the horizontal and vertical build mode with the pipes it's doing this weird thing I don't know why and it places it like that it automatically goes on like a 45 degree angle instead of being stood up which is super strange so hopefully that gets fixed soon but you can actually fix that manage using Auto instead um so what I'm going to do is I'm just going to line this up here hopefully that's fine there it's not so I'm going to push you back I always over compensate you know I mean the pipes and I don't mean my pipe okay um so I'm gonna put that into there and then what I want to do is I want to create a a junction right here so that's one and I want to line this up here once you've got the first Junction down you can just line the other ones up super super simple uh two uh well sorry three and four and then all I'm gonna do is I'm gonna grab this pipe around here and this is just going to connect up to this this Junction right here but I do need to reconnect this right here so let's just bring that down to though and then just bring all these pipes down like so and then because we are bringing 80 we don't we only need a Mach 1 pipe so we don't need to go to one white two so we can just leave this as it is like that and then that uh 80 water right now we can kind of hear the machine roaring because it is starting to send the water down here and because that is the same distance in drop than that that water should technically reach their machines um So eventually this will fill up do its thing uh and what we're gonna end up doing uh just as a safety precaution I always do it I I still end up putting a pump on all of my lines because as you know there's a lot of technical issues with liquids we've gone over this multiple times it's all over there even uh satisfactory devs have mentioned it on the thing and all this kind of stuff um so I'm probably gonna put a pump there and on each of these lines I'm going to do a pump so next thing I need need to do is I need to do this for the same one right so this is the next one right here and this is gonna be sending 140 water down so if I just jump up here grab this one 104 140 140. so that's going to go to seven machines this time um because I've overclocked them overnight so this is going to come down here I'm going to do that for all of these and get it all done and then I think I'm gonna um Power it and then I'm gonna show you the results so there we go you can see I've now connected pipes up to all them down there and all these down here and what I've done is I've just put a Mark II bump on each side just to give it a bit of uh thrust and what I've found out recently you should you should not really and this is where we did a multiple experiments and multiple uh some other creators have done it and some viewers on my community have done it as well is we found out if you put a pump on the horizontal part of the pipe you don't actually have them random um water uplift issues um and what I mean by that is when you put a pump on this bit here and then you'll find out sometimes if you're selling 600 water to to uh 600 water required machines if that makes sense the end ones don't normally get the water but what I found out is if you actually put the pump on the horizontal bit because what's happening is is if I was to put a pump there for example the water because this is not being pumped right this is actually catching so this water's coming up here but it's still coming up pretty slow until about here until it reaches the pump right and then it's going to push on it it's super weird I know you just have to have to trust me on that but like it works it's weird but if you put your pump uh pumps on okay I don't know why I'm saying pump like poops and stuff uh this video I don't know I've got farts on my brain apparently today uh but yeah if you put your pumps horizontally it kind of just makes it a lot easier and you'll find out there's a lot more um consistency with your water going throughout your build so like I said I've done all the pipes and all that kind of stuff but I've also brought down the um the lines here with all the aluminum scrap or aluminum scrub which is going to go to the smelters which might is my next project I've also added the power to uh just like the simple under flooring which I've done for years now since the walls and underflowing got connected uh and uh well got connected got updated into the game uh and all of this is now in here so what I normally do now is I like to stress test uh and what I mean by stress test and if you think about stress testing a PC you want to overclock your PC you want to test some games you want to Benchmark your games you've got a stress test right and my form of stress testing is in this game is getting all your lines that you have moving and filling I don't know why this one's not filling yet which is why windy stress test is We're Gonna Fill all these lines and then I'm gonna put down the corresponding sinks for each line so we have uh how many lines on this one six and then we've got six on that side so that means I need to put 12 sinks down I'm going to connect each of these lines up to 12 different sinks and then run it and then I want to make sure that everything especially the copper is running uh smoothly and that all of these machines are not being backed up by water issues or the incorrect amount of uh copper it also checks that our train is bringing enough copper copper or in as well uh so it's a good way to actually stress test your build especially if you're doing large builds it's a good way because technically now I could send that to this smelters and I could bring in the scrap to mix with the um the aluminum ingots later down the line but then I find out there's an issue with this and I've misjudged the number or there's a number that's not right or anything like that and to find out I've got to remove all of this to fix this issue so it's a bit of a pain so I highly recommend stress testing uh different checkpoints throughout your build to make sure that you run efficiency and you don't have any of them problems okay so I've been working on the next little bit of projects and as you know we need to get this scrap moving and grooving out of these uh refineries right here because if we don't send the scrub elsewhere the water is going to back up which means these will not get fed water so that means we're not going to make any copper ingots so in each of the machines it's actually making 400 aluminum scrap and we have nine producing 400 which if we do the maths again 400 times 9 is going to be 3600 and then 3600 plus okay uh two two eight five seven so uh plus two two eight point five seven is gonna be 3800 3828.57 and if I grab a myself a smelter right here because that's what it's gonna get sent to to make aluminum pure uh ingots and that requires 60 and if we do the maths on that if we go uh three eight two eight five seven uh three eight two eight point five seven divide by sixty oh divided by 60 is going to be 63 machines but we're actually gonna put 64 down on the 64th machine is going to be overclocked to 80 so if we go around here and head around this corner and then head around this corner you can still see a meal a a I prepared earlier and yes this is all of the 64 machines it's a simple manifold setup with an underfloor of the scrap coming up here which is gonna go along these into each of the machines which have been uh just set to standard uh clocking recipes which are outputting 30 ingots and then here it's doing the same so this side and this side emerging together to make the um how many is it per each one I think the end ones are on under clocks I believe oh please uh no these are these are all 60 as well okay yeah so if we've got uh seven that means 14 14. Times by 30 is 420 so that's gonna be 420 ingots going onto this line and as you can tell I've been uh stress testing these machines right now that's why the sinks are on the end like I said stress testing is important and I've just done that all the way along here and then on the Underground you can see I've added some ceiling mounts which I love since the recent update which is bringing in all the aluminum scrap so the reason the scrap's not coming along here right now is because the ingots have nowhere to go and that's where the next step is going to come into place because we need to send these ingots and copper into an assembler to actually make the final product of today's episode which is going to be oh the aluminum sheets and Owl clad casings so for aluminum sheets we're gonna need 30 uh aluminum ingots per line and then 10 uh copper ingots so if we think about it right 30 ingots that requires and these are outputting 30 ingots per each one we can kind of understand what we kind of need to do here which is going to end a output 30 uh our clutch sheets per minute as well which does mean we are massively over producing on copper ingots but that does not mean we can't use them for the future so we will send the ingots to the um what they called assemblers and the rest will go to the sink so we can keep the water constantly moving and being consumed by these otherwise like I keep saying they will back up into them refineries which then won't produce the aluminum scrap alright so as you can see I've been busy I don't know why I'm out of breath like I don't know why I'm out of breath but you can see that the smelters are now directly feeding with uh ingots going straight into these assemblers which the assemblers are obviously like I said before requiring 30 aluminum ingots and uh 10 copper ingots per minute to produce 30 alkaline sheets and they're actually coming up here and then just going and wait oh yeah no sorry the alcohol cheats are coming out this side which are currently being stored into these and once they've stored I can then just get them into sinks I've already stress tested them and that I I left it for about two hours uh so all the manifolds can kind of just get heated up and all this kind of stuff on stream whilst I was starting to prep for the next episode which is episode 14 which I'll tease you about it it's gonna be radio control units so we could start heading towards blenders start heading towards drones and all that kind of good stuff so we have the casings on this side and we can see we're making 480 on this line with a bit of load balancing over there and then on here we think I have about what is it a plus sign though with exactly the right amount on it 55.5 per minute on this line and then we have a 480 line which right now is just being sunk and these ones are being stored here and being sunk just we can kind of keep things moving because if anything on this whole line here backs up for example if this stops that means the ingots will stop being produced which means the copper the uh scrap will stop being produced and if the scraps stop being produced it means the water's not going to get outputting which means the copper won't get produced and if the copper is not going to be Juiced it won't come to the assemblers here with the ingots to make the casings again it's one big round trip one big round circle so and it's kind of very much like that when it gets to these stages in the game you're gonna start making sure that things are being used because of byproducts and all this kind of stuff so hopefully you guys are finding it okay especially if you're new to the game if you're ogs to the game you know what I mean I don't need to explain any of this to you but uh but yeah and then just for people who are curious this is what my under flooring looks like this is why I use on the flooring and I've always used it it just makes things so much more cleaner and you can see all the Copic being sent up there into the sinks to keep the copper moving because like I said if it stops everything else will start stopping and then all the Copper's coming down these lands and yes they are meant to have gaps in them because they are bringing in 450 per minute but I'm leaving it running for now just for uh just for stress testing purposes to make sure that they are exactly sending 450 down each line and on the top shelf here you can see that you can see all the scrap coming down here at 400 per minute per each line going towards the smelters but also because the lines are backed up inside the machines back where the refineries are all this right here is just excess scrap that's not being consumed so these are just temporary lines which goes along these belts right here up these lifts to all of these sinks right here just so everything can keep moving because like I said everything needs to keep moving for everything to work so as we can see this building is starting to get larger and larger and that now is the aluminum floor done on that ground level so we can cover it start decorating around it which we'll start doing in the next episode so thank you so much for watching and if you've enjoyed this video remember to like subscribe and also leave a comment even if it's just an emoji and as always keep smiling and I'll see you in another video
Channel: Bitz
Views: 26,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Satisfactory Update 6, Satisfactory, Satisfactory New Update, Satisfactory Game, Satisfactory gameplay, Satisfactory how to, Satisfactory guides, Satisfactory Update 5, Satisfactory update 4, Satisfactory update 3, satisfactory pipes, satisfactory train, satisfactory update, satisfactory tips, sat3, satisfactory update 3.5, Bitz, Satisfactory New Game, Satisfactory Guide, Satisfactory Lets Play, Satisfactory Update 4, Reaction, Satisfactory Reaction, Tips and Tricks, ItsBitz
Id: OZvPvxivI2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 23 2023
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