Building a HIGH SCHOOL in The Sims 4

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So with the new High School pack for The Sims 4,   you can actually build a  functional high school in the game. I've been building fake high schools and  like, pretending that they exist in The Sims   for years so the idea of being able to make an  actual one that works is really exciting to me. Real quick, I just want to thank the EA Creator  Network for giving us early access to this pack. Last week, I had like, four days  of special early access with like,   a special version of the game that only had the  base game, the new pack, and the newest update. It's kind of a weird version, it like,  can't access the gallery, it's got a weird   watermark and stuff floating around it,  but we did get to play a lot of the pack. So just so we're clear, I'm not like,  being paid or sponsored or anything,   I literally just got the pack  early and only for a few days. And with those disclaimers out of the way,  let's start building this high school. So in the High School Years pack, there is a  giant 64 by 64 high school lot in the game. And this lot also has to be a high school,   you can kind of see the grayed-out high  school lot type because it's stuck that way. Basically the high school will only function   on this lot, it's also got a few special lot  requirements and I made sure I followed those   very closely because I didn't want the  high school to break when I bulldozed it. It's got some pretty interesting like,  basic things, like, obviously toilets and   sinks and stuff, but also it requires some  lockers, you need the cafeteria station,   you need the whiteboards, you need  principal's desk, and the loudspeaker. And I played with the High School pack a lot  before I built this because I wanted to make   sure that I was really familiar with how it  worked and like, what you actually needed here. Because in my experience  with rebuilding these like,   special lots, you've got to be kind of careful. Like, for example, if you wanted  to rebuild the hospital from Get   to Work -- I am very wary of bulldozing that lot. The thing about those Get to Work lots,   like the science lab and the hospital and  stuff is that they aren't actually editable. So if you want to edit them, you have to use the  bb.enable free build cheat and there also isn't   lot requirements listed, so if you like, forget  to put something, then it's not gonna work right. So I am really wary about ever bulldozing  those, like, when I built the hospital recently,   instead of just bulldozing the lot, I actually  took out all of the useful objects, like,   the necessary things and just left them in  the corner so I wouldn't forget any of them,   and then I deleted everything else manually. But a huge positive of the high school  is that it's actually editable, like,   you can come here and you can  just build on it without cheats. And it also has those lot requirements actually  listed, so you don't forget anything important. So for a quick rundown of how like, the day  to day in high school works -- basically,   your sim gets here. All of the Sims kind  of arrive at once at 8am and sort of stand   in a crowd in the courtyard, and then  you've got a couple hours of free time. So you can go inside, you can study, you can  get some breakfast, you can go to your locker,   you can like, use some of the skill-building  objects, and then they have their first class. So the high school building has two classrooms,   the default one has like, one on the  far left and one on the far right. I have always been assigned to the  left classroom in all of my gameplay,   so I think that just everybody does. In that classroom, there's like, a bunch of  desks and a whiteboard and that's pretty much   it, and then your sim just goes in there,   they sit down, they watch the teacher do their  presentation for an hour, and then they leave. You can't actually like, do anything at school.  You can't like, take notes in class or choose to   nap in class, they just go to class, spend  the hour, gain some skills and then leave. And like I mentioned, the classroom is like,   kind of empty, there's not a lot of decorations  or like, I don't know, posters on the wall. Which to me is kind of a standard thing for  classrooms, so I wanted to add some of that   in these classrooms in this  building, but gameplay-wise,   you don't need really any other like,  skill-building or necessary objects in   the classroom, it's just the  whiteboard and those desks. And then after that first class you  get lunch, and you've got three hours. And so I wanted to make the cafeteria a little  bit better too, the default cafeteria is very big,   but it only has like, four tables, and  I found that it's not really enough. The only required items for the  cafeteria though are just that like,   food station where you can  go and buy food at lunchtime. So basically just like, the food  stand and tables, but in mine,   I wanted to put like, some extra trash  cans, maybe some vending machines,   kind of like, some more realistic  items to have some extra stuff. Then there's also a principal's office in the  default high school, and this one was kind of   weird because in the requirements, there's a  principal's desk that's required for the lot,   but it's like, specifically one of  the desks that comes with the pack. Now I didn't get a chance to test  if other desks work for this,   but I'm pretty sure that that desk is  like, the one that the principal uses   so when I made the principal's office in  this building, I had that desk be the only   desk of that kind in the whole school,  and I made sure it was in her office. And because I did that, it always worked, like,  the principal always went into her office,   she was always using her desk, but I worry  that if you use that desk again elsewhere,   it might like, mess up and then she  would like, sit at that desk instead? Again, I didn't get a chance to test that, but  it just seems to me like that's how it works,   so I made sure I only used that desk  in her office where I wanted her to be. I think that's kind of a shame  because the desk is like, a very   standard looking school desk, it  kind of matches the students desks. So to me it seems like maybe I  would put it in the classrooms   for the teacher to have that desk,  but then I didn't want to put like,   that desk in the classroom and then have  the principal go and sit there all day. I'll have to test that more when  the pack actually comes out,   I only had the four days of early  access before I lost the game. I'm gonna get access again in a couple of  weeks like, closer to the pack release,   but I don't have it right now, so  I can't like, check, unfortunately. But those things are pretty much the only actual   gameplay requirements functionally for the lot  to work, as far as like, rooms and stuff go. Obviously you need lockers and things in the  hallway, there's like, a little loudspeaker   item that you need that you can put up in any  of the hallways, it doesn't really matter where. But the default high school came with a bunch  of like, skill-building rooms and stuff. In the default one, there was like a gym  space in the basement, there was like,   a really small computer room and really  small chess room, also in the basement. Like, very tiny. All it had was like,  two computers and three chess tables   in two separate like, bathroom-sized  rooms, it was actually kind of sad. And then upstairs they had like,  an art room and a music room. In my actual gameplay, I found that I didn't  really use any of those things very often. Like,   I had a little bit of free time at  school, but I often just studied or like,   talked to friends instead of going  and like, painting or whatever. I did want to include those things  in my version of the school though   because I felt like it was pretty important. I just kind of like, switched around the  importance of them though, like for me,   I felt like a computer lab and a library   sort of space with chess tables were  really important parts of the school. I feel like the only computer shouldn't just  be in like, a back corner of the basement. So in my version of this school, I made a big  computer lab and a library on the first floor. You'll see like, the two front rooms, to  the left, there's going to be a computer   lab and to the right, there's a library,  and then both obviously have computers. And then like, bookcases and chess tables. I wanted to give a little bit more love to the  chess club and the computer club because this   High School pack comes with four different events  you can join, you can be on the football team,   on the cheer team, on the computer team, or on the  chess team and already I feel like the football   and cheer teams obviously, like in real life, get  way more attention, they've got the giant field,   they've got weekly events that just happen  without you having to schedule them. And that's no fun, they always get all of  the attention, and so instead I put like,   the computer and chess rooms as more like, main  features in the building on the first floor. I also found myself using them more often, like,   I don't really need to have my sim  go and use a treadmill at school. Sometimes they have like a request to if  they're on the sports teams or anything,   but realistically, I don't really need  to go use the treadmill at school,   so I put the gym space in the upstairs instead. I found that when I was playtesting this school, I  pretty much exclusively stayed on the first floor. Occasionally I would go upstairs, but I tried to  make sure everything could be on the first floor   because when I was actually playing, it takes a  long time for your sim to move around and like,   route to the different sides of the school and  I wanted to spend less time walking and more   time actually playing, so I tried to make  the school a little bit easier to navigate. I did have a lot of space upstairs though,  so I put a lot of skill-building rooms,   you'll see I've got that huge gym I talked about. We also have an art room and a music room like  we talked about, there's a conference table. I found that in the original high  school, there was like, a big,   long, skinny table in one of the rooms  and I was like, okay, conference room,   and so I did the same thing in my high  school because I had like, a random corner. I've never used it, it has never served any  gameplay purpose for me, but it is there   upstairs in a corner, but I also managed to fit in  like, a wood shop, like, woodworking table room. I wanted to have a lot of different  skill-building options so you can build   handiness, you can play the piano,  you can play the guitar, you paint,   I wanted to have like, all of that stuff available  if you wanted to use those amenities at school. And I think I managed to make it fit. There is one thing about this high school  that I built that I probably would change   if I were to do it again, and I think that  my cafeteria is a little bit too small. Kind of a main thing that I was aiming for with  this version of the high school to kind of like,   replace, was that I wanted it to  be a little bit smaller because I   felt like the original high school  was way too big and way too empty. So we had that problem of our Sims spending too  much time walking and not enough time actually   doing, and also it was just kind of empty, so I  really wanted it to feel a little bit more lively. So with this, I tried to shrink it  a little bit and then by doing that,   I felt like I couldn't fit  enough tables in the cafeteria,   so in my actual gameplay I've discovered  that you need more than three tables. The three that I put is not good enough,  I feel like if I were to redo this,   and I probably will when I put it on  the gallery, I'll probably expand the   cafeteria to make it a little bit longer out  the back and then fit in like, two more tables. I don't know if you can tell, but the  gallery icon is actually grayed out   on this version of the build. It's really weird, we have like, the  watermark, and there's no access to the   gallery or the library, so I couldn't  like, save this lot or upload it yet. So what I have to do when I actually  get the pack in a couple of weeks   is try and put this save file in my real  game and then really hope that it works. If it doesn't work, the build's gone and I'm  gonna have to like, rebuild it or something. It's always worked in the past, like with Snowy  Escape and Cottage Living and stuff when I had   this kind of early access, but you never know  because this version of the game isn't final   software, like, they're definitely gonna  change things and update things and stuff. That's why I had to get that really weird version  of early access instead of like, a normal kind. So if they like, happen to update  something that breaks the save,   I don't know, that would be very upsetting. I would probably cry if the build was gone. I mean, it'd be fine, I could redo it,  but I'm really proud of this high school,   I had a lot of fun building it  and a lot of fun playing in it. This high school area of the  game is pretty cool though,   obviously we're playing on the active high school  lot right now, but there's a second lot nearby,   like, kind of to the right that's like, an  auditorium, and the auditorium lot is really cool. It works kind of like, the special lots from  Eco Lifestyle if you've played with those,   the ones that are like, dynamic,  where you can vote to make it like,   a community center, or like, a maker  space, or whatever, and then it can change. So basically when you go to the lot, it's got the  default version that is just an empty auditorium   basically, like, kind of an empty event space, but  it's got four versions that are actively saved, so   there's like, the default one, there's a prom one,  there's a career day one, and a graduation one,   and you can edit all four versions of the lot  and then you can save that and I assume it'll   upload to the gallery with all four versions  saved 'cause that's how Eco Lifestyle worked. I just think that's so cool because  then you can like, edit prom. I think with prom I was kind of expecting  it to work like the festivals from City   Living or something, and maybe it would  happen outside, and just kind of appear. Essentially I thought I wouldn't be able to  actually edit all of the items and the builds   and decorations and things that go in there,  but you can, which is really, really cool. The high school is very customizable,   and there's also a ton of space outside  of the high school that is playable. This area is huge, it is like a giant campus. I  barely had my sim walk around it much because I   was like, so focused on spending time in the  building, but there's a football field out   behind the high school, and you can actually go  on the football field, like, the events happen,   like the science fair days and the cheer event  and stuff, that happens on the football field. And those things work kind of  like City Living how it just like,   appears with the items like a festival. There's also like, a little  amphitheater thing off to the side,   there's like, a bus ramp which you  can't actually use or do anything with,   but when your Sims get here at school, they spawn  next to the bus, so you can kind of pretend you   took the bus to school even if you didn't  because it's The Sims 4 and there's no cars. There's also parking lots all over the place,  one of them has like, painted parking spots. That's kind of a tradition at a lot of American  high schools where the seniors can paint a parking   spot, because if they've got like, their  designated one, they can paint the ground. I don't know, my school didn't have that.   I don't think any schools of any of my friends  had that, but I've heard about it before. It's kind of mean for them to put it in  The Sims though because we don't have   cars, it's like they're taunting us,  but whatever, it's very cute I guess. Overall this pack is very like, America-centric.  American high school-centric with like, the cheer,   the football, the parking spaces, even prom  and graduation and stuff is very American. I will say that I had a lot of fun playing it,   but obviously I went to American high  school so maybe a little bit biased. This whole pack though is nothing like  my real-life high school experience. I didn't join any clubs, I literally just  studied. I didn't have any friends, like. The stuff that is intended in this pack was not  anything that I actually did, let's be real. But like, maybe that's kind of fun. Maybe  it's kind of fun to have your sim like,   play as the cheerleader or whatever, I don't know. It's definitely different than I think  most of our high school experience is. I hate to say it, but like, we're simmers, okay? I don't know about you, but I spent all of my   high school playing The Sims  when I got home from school. Like, literally every day I would come home,  do my homework, play Sims, and then go to bed. Like, that's all I did. Granted, I was having a rough time, okay? I was mentally ill, my dad got cancer, like,  so you know, The Sims was a good escape for me. I feel like I had an excuse. And you know what, dare I say,  it worked out for me, okay,   because I started my YouTube channel when I was  in high school when I was 16, and look at me now. I play The Sims for a living, so it's fine. Anyway, I'm doing the gym now. This is one of   those things that I really didn't  know what to do with on the inside. How many high schools have treadmills  in them? Is that like, a thing? I don't know, I wasn't on any sports  teams in school, but I feel like that   just wasn't a thing that would have happened at  my high school, but this high school has them. The original high school had  them too, so I put them there. I guess it's good to build the fitness skill,  you know, but I don't know how realistic that is. Again, upstairs though there's  also an art room and a music room,   I tried to put, like I said, a lot of  different skill-building things up here. And again, like I mentioned,   I didn't really have my sim come upstairs  too much when I was playing with the pack. I was really focused on trying to make friends. I felt like when I had the  couple hours in between classes,   I really wanted to try and meet other  teens as opposed to just going up and like,   painting, but it is also a nice feature  to have, it's good to have the option. Plus you can come here after school, like, you  don't have to be here only during the school day,   you can spend time after school and practice,  you can like, pretend there's an art club. There isn't actually an art club or a music thing  or anything, but you can kind of pretend there is. And overall, I feel like this high school  that I built functions really, really well. I playtested it a bunch, like, I played through  two weeks of school in game so I was there a lot. I didn't run into any issues,  the only thing is that maybe   the cafeteria should be a little bit  bigger, and I'm probably gonna fix   that before I put it on the gallery  once I actually get the game back. I also like this version a lot better just because   it feels more lively than the one  that comes default in the game. I really felt like the default one was kind of  empty and it felt kind of lacking so I really   enjoyed having this version instead, it felt  a lot more fun to visit and more fun to be in. But with that being said, we are  pretty much done with the build here,   we're kind of just wrapping it up. I did film a tour, like a proper tour of the  high school when I still had early access   so we're gonna have to cut back  to past Simsie for that one. I don't know what I said in that video,  so maybe I'll repeat myself, I don't know. I also had longer hair because  I've cut my hair since then. A lot can change in a week, you know? You give  yourself a bad haircut with like, craft scissors. Your merch goes on sale, by the way --  I'm sorry, I had to do it! I had to do it. My merch is on sale right now, for this  week only, everything on my merch website   is 10% off, and if you buy any t-shirts or  anything, those are buy one get 50% off. We're doing a huge summer sale so if  you're interested in grabbing anything,   I've got a bunch of really cute stuff. I know I'm biased, but it is cute.  You can use code summersale on to get that discount. I'll have my merch website linked  down below and I'll put like,   the code and stuff too in case you forget. And with that plug out of the way,   I will send you to past Simsie and I'll  show you around the build more properly. So here is the completely  finished high school building. Couple things to note on the outside,  I guess there's a lot of big open space   kind of around the whole building and  that's because the lot is 64 by 64 and   I didn't want to fill in the entire thing  because then it would be like, too much. Sometimes you just don't want to  give the Sims too many options,   you got to keep their space a little bit limited. We also have this sort of big open courtyard  space in the front and that's because I've   noticed that a lot of the Sims kind of  crowd here when they first get to school   and I didn't want to like, fill it in too  much and then mess up with the pathing. But from there, they can go up the  stairs into the actual building. It starts off with this sort of like, entryway  space where the staircases are, there's like,   some trophy cabinets, there's like, a big  mosaic tile in the floor with the school logo. And then the building itself kind  of has like, one long hallway in   the middle of it and then everything  else is sort of branched off around it. I was really trying hard to make this  easy for your Sims to get around. This main hallway has like, a few  decorations, there's like, a clock and   some posters and diplomas and stuff,  but mostly it just has lockers in it. There's also two big bathroom stalls downstairs,   they're both the same just mirrored,  so there's six toilets down here. I put a couple of vending  machines right by the cafeteria,   and then back here is that main cafeteria  area, please disregard the dirty plates,   I've been playing in this school to  playtest it so clearly the Sims have   not cleaned up after themselves, but I'll  fix it when I put it up on the gallery. I think one thing that I've noticed  in my gameplay is that maybe this   cafeteria is a little bit small and  it could use a couple extra tables. So if I were to redo it and maybe next time  I make a high school I'd probably make the   place a little bit wider so we could fit  in a few more tables, but it does work. The sim stands back here to serve  food, you can sit here and eat it. This right here is the principal's office.  Something else that I noticed that I might   change when I put it on the gallery is that I  set it up to have this like, faculty-only door,   except then when you have to talk to the  principal and she's in here, you can't get to her. So I might change that to a regular door instead,   but it does function right, she sits  there at her desk, it all works. I also put a little staff room on the other  side of the building where there's like,   a little coffee maker and some tables and stuff. This room is also only accessible to  staff, it has that like, staff only door. And then to the left of the entryway, I've  got like, what I'm calling the computer lab. The original build had like, a really small room  for computers that I assume was for the computer   club, but it had like, three computers  and basically a closet in the basement. And that was no fun so I made a  bigger like, more proper computer lab. I have some like, posters and things  on the wall, I feel like this makes a   lot more sense. And there's also a lot  more computers if you need to use one. Over here to the right, there's like,   what I'm calling the library and it has  the chess tables for the chess club. On the two opposite wings of the school  are the two different classrooms,   and your sim just gets assigned to one of them. They're both the same, sorry, spoiler  alert, but they look like this. I think it's a lot more fun to have them a little  bit more decorated than the original one was,   and they still function the  same, so it works just fine. In the back of the building, I put some  like, picnic tables, there's a cheer mat,   I've got a couple more chess tables and some more  tables outside if you wanted to eat out there. And then upstairs, we've got a  lot more skill-building rooms. There's a little bathroom space right here  in the middle, and then we've got a huge   gym area in here, they also have some  more toilets and a shower if you need it. This is just meant to be a conference room, I  don't know, the original build had one of these,   I've never used it for anything, it  just fills in empty space basically. But we also have an art room,  we've got a music room, and   I had an extra room so I put in  like, a wood shop sort of area. So overall, there is a lot of  different places for skill-building,   it all completely functions like it should in  the game, and that is the finished high school. I hope that you enjoyed this video,  I think building the high school   was probably one of my favorite parts of  playing with the pack, it was so much fun. But I've also got a ton more early access  High School content coming for you,   so if you're interested in seeing  that, feel free to subscribe. And I'll link the past couple videos that I've  already posted down below if you want to watch   those, for example I've got a let's play playing  in this high school so I can link that for you. Have a great rest of your day, and with that  being said, I'm gonna catch you all tomorrow. Bye everybody. You know what, they are really  taunting us with this car stuff. There's a parking lot on both sides of the  school, there's a school bus in the front. I mean, it's getting ridiculous at this point. [ JAZZY OUTRO MUSIC ]
Channel: lilsimsie
Views: 681,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the sims, ts4, ts3, sims 4, sims 3, fixer upper, lilsimsie, kayla sims, kayla, gameplay, challenge, pg, family friendly
Id: 8t-ibAja4B0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 13sec (1153 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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