Top 19 Zapier ChatGPT Automations [Automate With AI]

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zapier just had their zapathon and they shared a bunch of workflows that you can use to automate your work with AI now as the guy that does the most AI automations and does the best AI automations I was dying to know what was inside this webinar so I'm just going to show you the coolest things and by the end of this video I will compile all of them into a document that you can download at the end you don't even need to sign up an email or anything like that let's here's an AI powered automated personal message workflow never sleeps never makes mistakes and is always ready to get to work so let's kick things off in the Asana roadmap picture this a project manager gets assigned to a project with a detailed description and then voila we tag it in our AI driven zap swings into action on screen you'll also see our safe filters and sharing this sap sticks to its Lane our projects and not anything that's unrelated next up meet our secret weapon chat GPT the AI Wiz who dress up our project briefs based on our prompts it dishes out an articulate brief and all we have to do is ask because cat GPT has an attention span yes even AIS do we've set up two separate prompts to ensure We Gather all of the project details the grand finale our set turns out a Google doc in our PM AI folder and pulls a new project from my project template plus it uses Zac apis to find the usernames of the PM and the sponsor it's like magic lastly it compiles all of that information into a lovely slack message now for the moment of true way we'll switch gears to Slack right here you can see a message tagging the project sponsor and the project manager serving up the name of the project along with a link to the brief the schedule and some other info and it's all happening automatically and with just a click of this link boom you're looking at the generated project brief take a little bit of data from this and from this end from this and from this and then packages all into a slack message it's like formatting plus a little bit of Messaging Plus a little bit of summarization all into one massive Time Saver here's how to create your own custom AI chat bot and custom AI workflows to make content a lot more efficient my meta description bot takes care of writing the boring SEO description that has to accompany every blog post you write all you have to do for my bot is copy paste the text of the article that you've already written and give it a keyword that you're going after for SEO and it will generate a meta description that's the perfect length for Google the results are not revolutionary but meta descriptions honestly shouldn't be my blog introduction AI chatbot lets you input a quick summary of an article that you're about to write and then spits out inspiration for an introduction to that article in the style and voice of a zapier blog post my goal was to inspire zapier content writers to push the envelope and make sure they're connecting with their audience right from the jump my social media content bot is designed simply to speed up the content creation process all you need to do is take the blog URL that you would like to use and the bot pretty much takes it from there creating as many LinkedIn posts as you like or you can specify how many posts you would like the bot to create for you wow I would love to try to do this exactly with a YouTube video and create it into multiple tweets LinkedIn posts tick tocks Etc My article summarizer is designed to read any articles that are on a website and take the key takeaways and feed them back to me it uses the power of zapier in Chrome extension so whenever I go to any article that I find online and I just don't have the time to actually read through it but I know it's interesting to me I just click a button it feeds all of that information into openai takes the main takeaways and then it sends it back to me it's given me so much more time as a leader to be able to make sure I'm taking key takeaways that I think can help me in my job this one I kind of use already some great examples there here are four AI workflows for task management we use zendesk at the zapier for extreme on a lot of our support functions uh and while it's great it can be difficult to figure out exactly what kind of the topics of those conversations are so this app you can see the trigger at the top here that's coming directly from Zenda so whenever a ticket moves to closed it kicks off a web hook which kicks off this app from there I have a code step where I format the conversation finally I send it to open AI The Prompt here nothing too magical okay it's categorizing it under all these four parameters all the contacts that open AI has about the features that allows my team to see the number of conversations around a specific feature the number of Engineers who are involved in those conversations and that lets me track how much time our Engineers are spending supporting each individual feature over time my zip is designed to make life easier for two user groups first user group is managers on the data team so this is a data org to do add items to team that can create to-do tasks for our team just by simply putting a reaction on a slight message and all the information gets automatically recorded in a structured way so we extract the folks that were Tech to extract the deadline we extract the core of the message this enables the people to directly get a structured list of what needs to be done and by when and who is it relevant for so they can get directly to executing rather than having to keep track of this information themselves this is a huge one right I think a lot of people have sent email else and the communication is like one page and then you're like so what do you want me to do I also use the same type of workflow in chat gbt where I kind of ask for the action items that I have to do but here you can do it automatically what my job does is it basically takes all the Twitter mentions from both my personal my business account and it puts it all into one slot channel so that I can read all the responses all in one spot and it basically does this by triggering the Twitter search mention for both those accounts and then takes an action by just setting it to the slot it saves me a ton of time because I can basically see all the replies across all my accounts in one spot saved slack messages can often contain a lot of information and be relatively verbose this app allows you to Pare down the text to a single actionable to do item when you save this level with the prompt provide a brief title or a to-do list item based on this slack message it then provides a one-line task in a designated folder in todoist I found this particularly useful working in a busy Global work environment once I've identified the conversations that need my attention it allows me to easily triage and organize these items as tasks to tackle in my day-to-day if you're bad at productivity and you're wasting a lot of time it's not your fault maybe there's just too many things going on so here are some AI workflows that you can use to boost your personal productivity my Spanish face generator provides me with a daily dose of Spanish via slack message it prevents me from receiving duplicate phrases by extracting the phrase each day and storing it at a table if that includes all of those previously used phrases in the openai prompt with instructions now repeat itself it's helped me maintain a consistent daily learning habit with minimal effort so I manage all the things I need to do across my teams using a kanban board in Trello and with my day being so filled with meetings so this girl was tracking her accomplishments I often don't have time to fully read a long slack message and parse what there is for me to do there but if I can scan it and realize quickly that I need to come back to it I can at least like add a quick Trello react G and then chat GPT we'll read it in more detail summarize what I need to do into a short to do title and then add that to my backlog in Trello so this we see a lot summarization action step and then actually doing that and I think that's such a good way to use communication right like just breaking it down to exactly what you need that power by open AI was designed to quickly add short summaries of my work accomplishments to a dedicated space and notion where I can keep track of my wins for one-on-ones growth calls and quarterly check-ins with my manager by reacting with the specific Emoji mine is Incognito swag cat to a slack message and a public Channel open AI then summarizes that into a concise message for me and adds it into my database and Notions by using this bot I've been able to say goodbye to my old very similar consuming process of digging through three months of slack messages handwritten notes and Reporting documents before writing my check-in I use zapier interfaces to host a chatbot that's powered underneath by chatgpt and I instructed that chatbot to explain the concept that we provided and why it's important to someone with a college level education but with no computer science background I also tell the chatbot that it should write concisely enough that the answer fits on a flash card to help it simplify the answer once it provides an output I add a button that saves both the prompt that we provided it and the flashcard explanation to our dedicated page of notion where we keep all of our key terms this lets us review technical Concepts as we're reading papers reading blog posts and also gives us a starting point for how we should explain these ideas to our more business focused audience and that's one of the best parts like take this hard to understand thing and turn it into this easy to understand thing is what chat Bots are really really good at nice app helps me keep track of my expenditure and where my money goes it watches for email alerts anytime there is a spent on my credit credit card spend sorry then using chat gbt it extracts the amount in vendor it then decides what category the expansion falls under using the vendor information and sends these details over to my Google sheet where I create my charts and get inputs amazing way to keep track of your budget and if you could train it on your data you can maybe even say how much money do I have left for marketing this month or profit expenses this one is really cool here are four zapping Integrations back to back quite fast that all have chat GPT inside of them the analyze free text sentiments app analyzes the sentiment of each row in a spreadsheet and adds its assessment to the row this app allows me to easily chart what percentage of the survey responses fall into the sentiment categories of positive neutral or negative and it's a quick way to summarize a large data set and communicate its meaning to my team I built a custom button on the customer record in HubSpot the sales and success teams can click that button to look up information from looker such as recent support tickets and titles of live zaps of the customer within use chat GPT to summarize the support tickets and guess that the customer's main use case based on their zap titles we take all of that information and create a note in how spot on that same record that the sales and success team click the button on so they have all that information in one place without even leaving HubSpot my AI teammates zap is powered by chat GPT and Ali it can be invoked by writing the AI names between square brackets anywhere in our team Channel it then keeps track of what happens in threats where they are invoked the zap is designed to help the team leverage AI in a familiar way and to provide an additional source of information when necessary so this one is so cool because you just have it in slack and you can ask it hey what do you think about this and then put their name in Brackets and they will actually write in slack I call summarizer robot is designed to summarize sales and success calls and bucket those calls into use cases this app initiates from a web hook push from Gone From There we have another API call to gong to get the transcripts from the call next we do a formatter step and we remove the beginning parts of the call that are typically small talk using openai a prompt request for a summary to be provided in a bulleted format and bucketed into a use case we have a lookup step that then looks to find the contact that attended the gong call from our CRM and provide the link to the contact object into the zap last we create a slack message with this summary the use case a link to the call and the CRM object with the ability to summarize calls people from all over the organization can have better insight into our customers without spending hours watching lengthy call recordings the status page message generator bot is designed to increase the speed and efficiency of creating public-facing messaging about outages that's happier this automation starts with a type form which asks our incident lead a few questions about the outage Behavior that information is then sent to chat gbt where the AI creates a message around a specific set of language rules once the message is drafted it's posted to slack for approval and with the click of a button it's automatically posted to our status page we want to provide an adhesive and streamlined experience for our users with the status page message generator we no longer have to spend extra time pondering over the wording our messages are clear concise and consistent like all of these automations save anywhere from you know one minute all the way to 10 minutes but it's just the ability to not even have to think about it anymore that I'm striving for in most of my business don't use chat gbt use your own custom chat bot instead today I'm going to show you how to build a press release generator that is customized to your company building an AI bot sounds intimidating but it'll take about 30 seconds to do we'll spend more time tweaking and perfecting your directive which we'll get into so the first step is to log into your zapier account and select interfaces on the left hand side of your screen from here you'll click create there are tons of different types of interfaces you can create but we're going to scroll down and select zap chat you'll see the screen as the interface is created it may take a couple minutes but just be patient and don't refresh when your interface is created it'll look like this you'll be able to connect tables and zaps to your interfaces as well before we do anything we're going to customize this page we're going to customize these fields to our project so let's call this zapathon this will update the URL for our press release generator and the name of the interface in zapier so it's easy to find and organize save those changes and it's going to take you back to the main screen we're going to click on our new zapdot page then we'll hover over the text and click the edit box that appears on the right hand side you'll see all the fields that you can customize for your Bot since we're going to be building a bot that will write press releases I'm going to name this press release generator you can also customize the gradient and prompt placeholder next we're going to write the directive which is what the bot will reference when generating results this is a lot of text but here's a template that you can use to give your chatbot very specific instructions that usually these things have a lot of good information that you should write or tailored to your company I like to start by giving it a job and telling it was the main task to complete is and then tell it how to generate press releases based on some industry standards then I get into customization I tell it who to Tribute quotes to what our brand attributes are and that way it will weave those throughout the press release I also include key message these things just save so much that the company wants associated with itself let's take an example of a real company so you can see these in action I'm gonna do one that everybody knows Disney we're gonna paste this into our directive in the AEI bot we're almost ready to give this a try but first let's customize our URL and Page name so it's easy to locate later just click on the settings and here you can adjust those settings including the name and URL if you own a custom domain you can also use it here we'll click save changes and we're ready to try to give it a whirl we're going to click on the link shown on the screen this is going to open up the page that users will see and interact with I'm going to use a real announcement from Disney so we can compare the results here's our prompt I'm giving it a few basic facts and let's see how it does we actually have a quote from Bob Iger it gave us a quote from the CEO of make a wish and it scattered our brand attributes throughout it also linked out to make a wish's correct website without me telling it to do that it's pretty cool now you'll also notice that I hallucinated a contact name and information at the bottom since I did not provide it with that this means it made that information up completely that's one reason why it's important to still have a person review and edit these releases now yeah the jane.smith compare it to the actual release not too shabby Disney's press releases are much longer than 400 words so this is just a sample of the actual release that you can find on their website but you can see how this will take you from a blank page to your first draft in about 10 seconds I want to build a zap chat based around all of my previous YouTube videos so I can eliminate dumb comments forever hey what's that AI tool that you talked about 10 videos ago that you probably remember that you only talked about for one minute well if you have that question ask my chat bot this app is a game changer for any salesperson or anybody doing deals hey everyone my name is Nicola and I work on the sales team here at zapier and I built a bot that allows me to prep for my deals in an easy way so one of the problems that I was trying to solve was we get a ton of different customers here on sales and in order for me to better prepare for these calls I need to go to research each and every customer to learn more about them to make sure that the solutions that I'm prescribing fits the challenges that they might have so I built this app that connects app spot chai GPT and slack and the way this app works is that for every time there's a new deal that gets created within HubSpot we have a delay step that allows the HubSpot automation to happen through data enrichment I then continue if this deal is assigned to me and I have some steps here to split the domain so I can use that within a link later that I'll show as well as grab the custom user ID within the HubSpot so it makes it easier for me to masquerade it now for the chai GPT steps my prompt says can you tell more information about the organization DraftKings and I gave it some instructions as well so I say hey you're a helpful assistant helping me research my leads your goal is provide me information that will help me in a sales rep I want to make sure that the information is clear and concise and that if there's no information about this customer since it was founded up for 2021 just let me know the second thing that I asked the bot is hey can you please give me challenges or what are some of the top challenges a company like DraftKings might face and then how my automation solve those challenges what's unique about this prompt is that I ask it for every challenge presented please provide a discovery question that a sales rep could ask after that what I do is I take all the information from this app and I send it to me within slack in one single message so here I can say I have the contact information I have the company size from steps five and six from above I can enter in DraftKings to fill out the domain inspector link as well as the account masquerade link with the custom user ID this was something I added just a few days ago where I also want to see how many zaps have been created within the account and then finally I have information from the chat GPT responses so to give an example of what this looks like I had a customer recently that I worked with from Global Silicon Valley here I can see just some high level information about the company such as their Venture Capital firm and they focus on edtech and then down here below I have information around what are some top challenges that we see for my face right communication and collaborate operation lead management data entry and I have some solutions such as integrating collaboration tools and Discovery questions about asking them how they communicate today all in all like this app allows me to prep for all of my calls in one single place versus spending a bunch of time looking through various locations for this information if you have any questions about this app please let me know happy to help I have to say that this opened my mind like having all the information in one place allows you to just sit there with the data and meditate on different ways to find problems your customer might have and then solve them with Creative Solutions so this one is a game changer so if you want to try out any of these apps I recommend checking out the link right here to get all of these summarized into a nice little document also if you want to know my AI automations that I have on a weekly and daily basis check out patreon in the description down below but I hope you got some value from this I you use some of this to save you some time and that's it alright see you in the next one peace
Channel: AI Andy
Views: 78,223
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zapier chatgpt, zapier chatgpt plugin, zapier chatbot integration, zapier chatgpt automation, zapier chatbot, zapier chatgpt twitter, zapier chatgpt wordpress, zapier chatgpt 4, zapier chatgpt use cases, zapier chat gpt outlook, zapier chatbot tutorial, zapier chat gpt calendar, zapier chatgpt shopify, zapier chatgpt chatbot, chatgpt plugins, chatgpt, gpt4, openai, google bard, microsoft, bing ai, midjourney, palm-e, ai, artificial intelligence, auto-gpt, gpt 4, gpt 4 plugins
Id: fX4kdifyUbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 25sec (1285 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 23 2023
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