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want to make sure you never miss a kindly Keon video again be sure to subscribe and hit that Bell to turn on notifications given teenagers jobs for the first time I will fire you if you do a bad job I'm a great boss though I'm very very understanding do your job well [Music] hello everybody I am kindly Keon and welcome to the wide open road what does that even mean this is roblox and this is gas station simulator that's right we're gonna run our own gas station I think this is my gas station here I have no idea what I'm supposed to do what does this guy do this guy's just keeps talking Hey then wait okay wait wait wait you have a cool car by the way very nice nice ride Oh daytime six a.m. walk up to the gas pump then touch the fuel hose okay it this one hello I touch it oh okay got it what okay hold up hold up give me instructions slower then touch the fuel lid in the back of my car okay okay did I do it right hello no I didn't do it right hold up oh there we go okay and then come on give me that give me the next set of instructions it's my first time on the job okay I'm still learning how to pump gas what do I do now is it oh I'm making money look at this I'm making Bank oh this is glorious this is fantastic wait wait wait wait wait it's not weird what's the what's going on with that oh he left holy moly he must have sped off real fast okay construct new buildings excuse me buy and sell fuel here by perks buy money there's so much of Spawn cars what do I do with whoa I run really fast running gas stations is so much more than I ever expected of what what would spawn car oh you guys spent money for that no but kinda like I kind of oh my gosh a two million dollar spider I I have 58 dollars I got a long way to go before I start spawning two million dollar cars what is this why a jet pack I mean maybe maybe we'll invest in a jet pack teleport where does this take me oh uh oh you can go to other people's gas stations interesting the competition but we need to set ourselves apart from the competition what is this stuff over here this is probably stuff that I should not mess around with it looks dangerous there's the smoke coming out of this yeah I don't love that okay let's wait person you left I was gonna give you gas and then you just left he's probably going to the competition we can't have that we can't allow that anymore we need to do a better job let's check out the construction thing here oh we can build oil wells at our gas station that's typically not the way things work but sure Conrad can you get out of the way please thank you okay I'm making money oh it does go I was worried that like the your number gauge thing on the gas pump wasn't gonna actually do anything but I appreciate this is actually moving around so we made a hundred dollars that we got we got a long ways to go so we can start getting more gas pumps at one point mm that's kind of crazy but like do we run out of gas eventually does like the gas station run out of gas I'm confused manage what's going on here oh here's our gas I don't want to sell my gas I want to keep my gas that's a weird sentence but yeah like I don't want to give that up okay so just plop that in there okay so what what's the shop Oh times two cash no I don't want to do that right now I'm okay with the way things are going right now but whoo there's a lot there's a lot to run in a gas station a lot more than I ever expected but it's okay it's okay we'll figure this out so I see this gauge going up why is this gauge going up am I getting gas from somewhere oh is this thing giving me gas is this what you are hold up I got to give this guy gas and then we'll talk about that whole situation back there okay you you're good you're good buddy man that's some very dark tint on those windows hello are you FBI are you like Secret Service are you protecting the president in there hello Wow amazing who would have thought we have a hundred ninety one dollars that's not very much just just gonna say yes that's not very much is this the sign to our gas station it does it yes kindly qian's gas station three dollars and ninety cents do you think we can crank up the price on our gasoline but then people won't want come here right like they'll be like I'm going there that's too expensive that gas is way too expensive what would you say you should connect the gas uh yeah I know I know how to pump gas get out of here this is my shop don't tell me how to run my shop all right so I need to figure out what this thing is I wanna okay so this is in here right no it's not it's an oil well yes it is okay so this is producing gasoline for us and then this is actually storing the gasoline for us so as you expand oh I lost a customer [Music] so as you expand you got to add in more storage and whatnot oh this guy's got an SUV you know this got well is that an SUV it's more like a hatchback isn't it yeah it's not really an SUV I was thinking man that's a gas guzzler right there this guy's gonna be back in like a couple hours he's gonna spend give me all that gas money okay so let's go this managed thing here so you can see we're at maximum gasoline so like if I sell it no I don't want to sell all but like sell half how many gallons do I have that's why I want to know what's half of the amount of gallons that I have I have 250 gallons okay so let's sell 125 see what happens we make 243 quick bucks that's I mean pretty good I don't know who I'm selling it to am i selling it to the other gas stations around here maybe there's quite possible I wish that the cars would make noise like are all of these cars hybrids hello like they're so quiet and I'm getting hit by a car right now I just wanted to see what was gonna happen this is what happens I'm fine everything is totally fine I'm actually a superhero no problem just another day on the job okay so I really want to get to the point where we can build another gas tank her gas pump that'd be pretty sweet so then we can get multiple cars rolling up oh this is this is really cool I like this game so what do we do next I think we just wait but let's check out our gas here so you can make money selling gas to other gas stations I guess I have no idea or can make money obviously filling up gas takes in cars you have two options that's I like that I like options multiple streams of revenue that's that's nice alright so pump that okay and so like what you could kind of do is go hard in one direction right like you could build like oil wells and get all crazy and start producing tons of gasoline and selling it to other gas stations or you could go hard on like the actual gas pump situation and just build a bunch of gas pumps have people pulling up loaded up those gas tanks making that Bank you have options like I said or you could like kind of balance both which might be the way that I end up going but it's kind of slow going right now to be honest with you so here's what I'm thinking we can buy times to cash we could buy tanks three cash I'm gonna go for it because I want to see how big we can make this thing go okay so now we're getting times three the cash that we used to get so this will make things obviously move a lot faster I'm making nine bucks for every tick on the gas pump wait a second does it up the price on the sign no it doesn't it should that should be nearly $12 I am disappointed everything's okay though okay so can we sell the gas that we have yes we can let's let's sell like 200 200 yeah I think we can get away with that now is this gonna give me almost 1200 what it literally gave me 390 but I have times three money's why am I not getting the times three money excuse me game I'm incredibly disappointed with you right now that's okay though because that we have 1200 gold or 1200 K or dollars they're definitely dollars right which means we can build another gas pump and I guess should we do it in a line or should we do them next to each I think we should do them next to each other so now we can start pumping multiple cars at the same time I want to see this happen come on oh we got our first customer with the new pump is he going to the new pump no he's not going to the new pump he's going to the old pump trust me dude you want to go the new pump it's so much cooler it's actually the exact same thing don't tell anybody okay I'm gonna sell this hard cuz I've spent a lot of money putting this pump in okay you you pull in here right here this is your spot oh you're gonna be so happy with the gas that comes out of this pump I guarantee it it's the best gas ever does gas really matter I mean I guess like you got like unleaded and super unleaded and Meg unleaded I don't understand all that stuff I know certain cars can only run unlike super unleaded or premium or whatever it is I don't know enough about cars okay I gotta be real with you guys when I was first learning how to drive I would avoid pumping gas like the plague I don't know why I hated doing it so much it scared me I thought I was gonna blow myself up okay III know I'm a crazy person right so like I would actively go out of my way not to take the car when it didn't have enough gas when I first started driving I was just driving my mom's car and I if she was kind of getting a little low on the gas gauge I just would like walk to work which took a lot longer and probably in hindsight was not the smart thing to do and very inconsiderate for my mom because then she would have to pump the gas that I I spent man it's terrible child but anyways now I'm a very successful gas station here is that is that a thing I own and run a gas station that is clearly making money hello could you drive any slower up to this gas pump come on hurry up you need to spend your money here you go sir I'm there you go but that's the thing about gas stations so like I live in California in case you guys don't know and pretty much every gas station at least every gas station that I've ever interacted with you got a Do It Yourself you got a pull up to the gas tank or the gas pump you gotta get out of your car you got take it off things stick it in the gas tank and turn it on and do all those doohickeys and press all those buttons along the way but apparently there's these mythical gas stations in other states that I'm unfamiliar with where people actually do all that for you I I can't believe it I need to see that with my own eyes so that's what we're running here we're running a gas station that does it all for you look dude anything else sir would you like some beef jerky from the concession stand that I don't actually have that's what we need we need beef jerky we need chips we need all kinds of snacks that's that's like the second purpose of a gas station you're driving on a long long distance trip right you got a load up on those really really unhealthy snacks Slurpees we need Slurpees Slurpee stat we could also clean his windows with our feet that's that's a specialty of mine cleaning windows with feet there you go you got nice clean windows and a couple of footprints but ignore that check it out people we got 1,200 I mean actually we have 1,500 so let's build another gas tank oh oh it's beautiful I love it oh we're gonna get three at a time now now this is an interesting little conundrum what is our gas situation like now oh we're still keeping up with the amount of gas that we're pumping out so like we have nothing to be concerned about is basically what I'm getting at we should just keep selling the gas because we're never gonna run out at least not with three pumps I'll be straight up with you this game is rad really really liking this I love it oh I'm almost thinking about starting my own real life gas station that'll probably never happen but I have a little bit of experience in a video game doing it which it probably is nothing like the real thing but we're getting there you know we're getting there oh my gosh this is gonna be like a Costco have you guys ever gotten gas at a Costco it's insane there's like a billion people waiting in line that's what we're gonna do here we're gonna have the Costco gas station of this world it's gonna be glorious and then maybe we'll start a Costco can we build a Costco right here people need massive quantities of toilet paper in a bundle I guarantee it everybody needs those giant bundles of toilet paper we need to provide this service to people this is imperative life-changing stuff here Costco oh you hey there you go look at this look at the money is just coming in oh I love it uh so we can build more do we want to build like an oil well or do we want to build storage because we are running we are filling our well yeah we're okay I was gonna say like we're kind of filling our gas storage quickly we're not that is not happening at all I think what I'm gonna do is save up for another oil well so 2.7 K and then maybe we can start like really selling oil or gas or whatever it is I don't know I know what's the best way to run a gas station I I imagine most gas stations do not pump their whole like there's a lot of process going through from getting oil out of the ground to gasoline at a gas pump there like a lot of stuff has to happen before that happens but we're doing it all right here amazing unbelievable should we hire a worker we have the option to hire a worker you know what let's go for it let's do it so oh oh he handles a gas pump look at that oh my gosh that's so cool oh man okay well what are we at as far as gas let's sell let's sell 200 take it give me the 390 easy cash okay so we can do some more construction and we can build an oil well Oh should I do it or should I not I don't know I don't really know oh I gotta get this guy going here get you there you go all right and then you got this good job there Sonny it's his first job yeah I'm helping out the community giving giving teenagers jobs for the first time I will fire you if you do a bad job I'm a great boss though I'm therapy very understanding do their job well all right yeah all right everybody's happy everybody's having a great time there you go get your gas and get your gas here and you better great job kiddo keep it up champ alright here comes your second customer excellent okay we got money we got money to spend I just don't know what to spend it on that's the thing the gas storage is filling up yeah you know relatively quickly but I don't know I feel like the real moneymaker is the actual gas pumps that's I mean I think that's the way to go so let's just start building more gas pumps we've got a full line here a four of them but what we can do is we can start adding in gas pumps like this and actually I think that it's probably better to finish this front line first because the cars are closer right maybe I don't actually know but I'm gonna go for it so now we have a total of one two three four five six pumps that's magical that is fantastic I don't know if I can manage all these because I'm scary I don't know about this I might need to wait what'd you say did you is there something wrong with your pump sir there's something wrong here look at this I'm making $26 per tip that's amazing that is fantastic but well I was gonna say is that I might need some more employees but remember they're taking 40 bucks from me every hour and hours go by real fast in this game so it kind of worries me maybe I mean this kids doing a great job keep it up Tommy yeah that's his name okay we've got a very very slow driver here see look at this guy he pulls right up and then I get him his gas this guy taking a sweet time you're costing me money here sir here let me wash your windows with my feet of course that's the premium service right there you're welcome oh hey no no come back Oh God oh no wait no I know I know what to do I know what to do here there you go all right doing a great job okay everybody's happy I hope I hope everybody's happy uh you know what actually now that we have all these pumps no we're still not running out of gas I thought that we would be running out of gas a lot faster we are absolutely not running out of gas a lot faster hey no don't leave wait did I already give you gas maybe I did happy customer goodbye enjoy the rest of your trip whoo this is quite a job you know what I'm gonna do I want to do some exploring so I as an experiment I'm gonna hire workers for every single pump this could be a bad choice because I mean think about this we're spending $40 per hour so that's a hundred and twenty dollars per hour to get these guys working and I'm gonna do one more and I'm gonna get this guy so these four are gonna do good work I don't know if we're still making a profit though it's hard to tell there's no like there's no graphs here explain hey you know what what our economy is looking like I'm gonna sell some of this gas and then I want to go a little bit like exploring maybe and actually let's build another oil well we've got just enough so let's build an oil well right there and then that should start filling up our gasoline storage much quicker and so while we're out exploring we can still sell our gasoline although oh these guys aren't getting pumped you know what let's get workers for all of this I'm going for it I'm going all in on the automation okay you guys are doing great the boss is gonna go camping or something I don't know I want to see what this radio tower is up here to the radio tower and while we're making our way over there well we'll just periodically we'll sell what we got here hopefully we don't oversell it doesn't look like we're losing gasoline we're definitely gaining gasoline very quickly so we'll just continue doing that raking in that cash but ultimately ah what is this tower up here can we go for a swim just hanging out at the lake do some fishing while our boys are doing all the work at her gas station that's amazing oh my gosh what is happening I'm come first swim sure why not look I'm a dolphin I'm sorry for that I'm sorry I couldn't resist myself alright get out of the lake you weirdo we're going to the big old radio tower I want to go the top of this mountain my gosh how do I run this quickly it's incredible okay so am i making money I mean I think I'm making money it's really hard to tell to be honest with you let's keep selling this gas this extra gas that we have and I mean it looks like the numbers are going up they're obviously going up right now but then you have to account for every single hour we're spending like 200 and I don't know money math all that good stuff so it goes away it goes away but does it come in quicker then it goes away that's the question can I get in here you guys gonna let me in you're not gonna let me in I can't get into the radio tower that's very rude do you know who I am Oh [Music] mmm that fence was broken hmm very nice okay we climb Oh Oh to the top of the radio tower because why not oh here we go that's what I'm talking about look at this view hey I got a badge sweet I'll take it where's my gas station I think mine is right over there it's that one see you right there cuz yeah cuz we have to swim across the lake wow this is just a big old circle of gas making millionaires sure weird there is a tunnel where's that tunnel I want to check out the tunnel whew that was quite a jump I'm pretty sure I am a superhero I mean look at how fast I run I can get hit by cars and have no problem not a scratch and I can jump off of giant radio towers and be totally fine just continue on my merry way pretty amazing let's see if there's anything inside of the tunnel though well first let's check to see if there's anything on top of the tunnel it doesn't really look like it it's just the hill fascinating look at the topography of this hill what am I even talking about there's nothing up here but there is a big giant beach it's a nice place also the moon the moon the mune is enormous is what I was trying to say until I said moon really really weird hello mune your glorious into the tunnel let's see any kind of secret access no nothing here just a normal boring tunnel hey can you take me to my shop here can I just no I can't ride on these cars no I can let them push me right who needs gas oh oh I thought I thought that there we go there we go ok I'm just gonna hang out with you alright thank you thank you for the ride this is the weirdest uber I've ever taken I gotta say oh we're done all dead just dead you didn't make it okay so clearly I should not be getting ran over by cars where's my gas station I should go the teleporter I can just teleport straight to my gas station there it is boom number three I'm home how's it going boys we make money still looks like we're making money not as quickly as we would be making money if we didn't have all these workers obviously if I did it myself you know it would go a lot faster I'd be making money faster but I wouldn't be able to make awesome trips to the top of a radio tower or get ran over by a car inside of a tunnel see the give-and-take of capitalism man I really wish I could build some of this more expensive stuff but holy moley 3.5 million dollars are you kidding me that's too much that's definitely too much but we can build more gas pumps which I think we should do and I don't necessarily need to man them or have you know someone working at them I can just work at these three myself I mean I was handling all of these before I was handling no problem I thought I was doing a pretty good job if I do say so myself maybe gas station here is my calling this whole YouTube thing this blows over I know what I'm doing next get guest stationing professional gas station er can I put that on a business card cuz that's the only way I'll do it hello sir hi why do you look so weird you look like you don't even look like you belong in this game who are you where did you come from you're freaking me out okay you need to leave why are you standing on my customers cars that do I need security am I gonna need security for this place I may need security at some point let's get a jet pack before we end this episode because it just seems awesome yes please I will buy the jet pack Thank You jet pack okay yeah well how how do I use this thing I don't know how to use this thing please oh oh my gosh it's beautiful I am officially a superhero now jump off giant towers run super fast and get hit by cars and survive and now of course I can fly who doesn't want to get gas at a gas station where the owner of said gas station is actually a superhero I dare you to go to another gas station no one wants to go to a different gas station everybody wants to go to kindly Kean's what what is even the name of our guest kindly Kean's gas station very creative but there you have it guys we've built our own gas station empire and we could take it even further but unfortunately I am out of time for today but maybe if you guys really like this can come back to it in the future see what kind of shenanigans we can get into with the whole like pumped pumping gas and I mean gosh spending millions of dollars on oil wells that seems insane but hopefully you guys enjoyed this if you did be sure to hit that like button and of course if you'd like to see more you can subscribe to my channel by clicking on that little circle with my logo in it right below this window you can also watch more of my videos by clicking on the sides of the screen but otherwise thank you so much for watching and I will see you guys next time
Channel: Kindly Keyin
Views: 3,182,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rolobx lets play, kindly keyin, roblox video, play roblox, roblox, gas station, roblox online game, weight lifting simulator, lets play, no swearing, roblox family, roblox simulator, roblox youtube, family friendly, gas station simulator, roblox games, roblox game, kid games, lifting simulator, kid gaming, roblox roleplay, roblox gas station simulator, roblox gas station, roblox gas
Id: zuYQpml0H_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 2sec (1562 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 26 2018
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