Build your live stream with Microsoft Teams NDI and OBS Studio

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hi there i've been doing a lot of testing and kind of messing around with the new teams ndi feature and um i think i've got a solution now to a common scenario that i keep running into with microsoft teams live events as you know microsoft team live events are fantastic for being able to have more control over what is on screen at what time the producer has a lot more power than they have in a typical teams meeting but one of the challenges that i keep running into is having more than one presenter and i keep getting these groups that i go in to advise them about teams live events and they keep wanting to have a panel or have two hosts of a show or something like that and they want both people to be on screen at the same time well now with ndi in microsoft teams i'm able to accommodate that along with some other cool tips and tricks and uh more branding more visual appeal that we can add by using an external encoder now so i wanted to kind of run through this scenario and build this in obs to show you what is possible with ndi in microsoft teams so to start out here's kind of our scenario we've got two presenters dr mario and peach they do a weekly show internally hosted for the employees to watch at contoso and they want to be able to both be on screen at the same time so i'm being tagged as their producer we've got the three of us as this production team and the two presenters and myself the producer we're going to call each other on team so we're going to have just a normal teams meeting together peach is going to be a presenter with her microphone and her webcam on so she's going to be just one of the hosts and then dr mario the other host is going to be using his webcam his microphone and he's going to share a powerpoint so we have some kind of content to show up on the screen previously with microsoft teams live events we could only have one of these speakers next to the content and then me as the producer i would have to switch out which presenter is on screen at which time now with ndi i'm going to bring all of them together the three pieces of content peach's webcam mario's webcam and the powerpoint that he's sharing they're at their helm you know remotely not in the same area and i'm gonna bring those together in obs and uh lay it out on a screen that doesn't look like a typical microsoft team is meeting so you know the the audience won't know that we're just in a meeting together we're gonna take that we're going to send that over rtmp to microsoft stream because it's going to be viewed in yammer before i could have certainly done a teams encoded live event we could have hosted it in teams sent out a link or we could have hosted it in teams done the encoding in teams but even displayed it in yammer with the new yammer feature where you can choose external encoder or teams encoding what we're going to do now is external encoding with obs we're going to use rtmp with great audio great video quality and it's going to look a little bit cooler this time so here's what we're going to do over here dr mario's laptop he has his and peach's weekly show it's already on the calendar ready to go so he's going to go ahead and join that meeting just a regular team's meeting he's going to join that there he is with his you know gray wall sitting behind him he's got his microphone to go ahead and mute it so we don't get any feedback and he's going to join the meeting so there's mario by himself in the meeting over at peach's house she has it on her calendar the weekly show she's going to join the meeting as well so we're going to go ahead and click on this and once it loads up she'll join that and right over here on my table there's peach sitting there ready to uh to join the meeting with her webcam i'm gonna mute audio again so there's no feedback and we're gonna join that so as soon as she joins we've got peach and mario together right here they're just chatting pre-show stuff and mario can go ahead and he can share his screen so he's going to go over here he's going to share their powerpoint slide deck what's coming in microsoft teams sounds like a pretty good topic move that out of the way and now peach on her screen what she sees is the two of them talking to each other and the screen that's being shared now me as a producer i've got my microsoft team's client over here off screen i'm going to also join this meeting and because i'm just the faceless producer i'm not going to be on screen i'll be muted and i'm going to go ahead and turn my camera off i don't need to be sharing my camera with these uh with these folks and once that connects here in a second show you what this looks like so we'll go ahead and move peach off the screen and me as the producer there's my view i've got my two presenters right there and i've got the content that's on screen now with the team's live event i would only be able to show one of these people at a time side by side or i could i could even use obs i could capture this window i could trim off the the top of it if i wanted to and send that over rtmp so they see literally this team's call that's going on i could certainly do that it would be nice and easy for all the presenters that are involved but i want to go a little bit above and beyond because now i have the power of ndi i can split these three elements apart and rearrange them on the screen however i want so let's do that let's go over here to obs i've got just a blank show with the screen plus the hosts and i have no sources at all first i've created a little backdrop so rather than having just a back a black background i've got this nice you know weekly show with a contoso logo cool picture i found from unsplash and the next step is to add those three elements on screen and rearrange them in the back here i want to put the screen really big in the middle so everybody can see the content it's kind of the main focus of this show so i'm going to hit plus and we're going to add an ndi source if you don't have ndi in obs studio you're going to want to make sure that you install the obs ndi plugin you can find that from the obs website so we're going to start with the screen and hit ok and in this drop down you'll see that because i have ndi running on my local install teams i see all of the people who are involved i see the active speaker that would swap in and out depending on who's speaking at the time i've got the dell laptop behind me that's actually mario right there i've got megan who's in my virtual machine that's the little peach icon that's right here and then the shared screen whoever's sharing the screen will be in this little variable so if somebody takes over the screen sharing in the meeting it will automatically swap out that content so we're grabbing the screen we're going to select shared screen right here and that should just come up right here looks great i think i'm going to make it just a little bit bigger and put it in the center make it look nice so that's going to kind of be our backdrop right there and then i want to put the hosts in the corners right here side to side so we're going to go ahead transform we're going to center that horizontally there we go so now we know it's all lined up that's great now let's go ahead and add peach in so we're going to do peach as an ndi source i'm going to hit ok and then peach is really logged into megan's computer so we're going to do meghan bound and hit okay and there's peach looking great looking fabulous we're going to put her in the corner um yeah we'll just leave it there for now and then we're gonna add mario so ndi source dr mario and we're going to grab him he's logged into my laptop behind me so that's this device it would say their actual name in a real scenario and there's mario right there they're not quite the same size we'll fix that we'll resize it here in a second so this doesn't look great we're gonna make it look cooler but the most important thing to do when you're doing ndi in obs is to lock the sizing of the window the aspect ratio the size of the of the source as your internet fluctuates and as the call fluctuates up and down um it dynamically will change to maintain the um the latency the quality of the call so you'll see the ndi source can be variable it can shrink down it can get larger it will change as your internet um fluctuates right now i'm on google fiber i just installed a a unified network in my house so i haven't been able to get it to shift up and down but i promise that it will so you want to do these steps as soon as you add an ndi source in obs always right click on that source go to transform and hit edit transform then under bounding box you're going to want to change that from no bounds to scale to inner bounds the the third option down scale to inner bounds and hit close we're going to do the same thing for peach edit transform change no bounds to scale to inner bounds and even for the screen so every ndi source you're going to want to go to transform edit no bounds change that to inner bounds see how that kind of changed a little bit so now i can resize that screen make it nice and big so it's prominent um this will prevent that resizing and that kind of like pulsing that that ndi can do again i'm going to center that horizontally and now i'm going to lock the screen in place so i don't accidentally move it i click that little padlock and then now that i've changed this transform for these two i can go ahead and resize peach to kind of be the same size as mario so i'm going to hold down shift and i'm going to kind of make her a little bit smaller they're about the same size now go ahead and drop her into the corner right there so now the last step that we can do to make this thing really look awesome is it would be really cool if i could cut these people out of their background and have them on top of their content like in the lower corner so i can see this great background that i designed behind them and the way that we can do that traditionally you'd send them a green screen those are really hard to find right now so we're going to use the awesome intelligence in microsoft teams to replace their background with a light green or bright green background so that then i can hide that green background in obs so we're going to go ahead and do that in dr mario's laptop so i would send him a green background and he's already got it pre-loaded so what we're going to do is he'll go into the meeting he'll go up to the top and hit apply background effects and he's got this great bright green background that i sent him previously what i did is i just grabbed a slide in powerpoint i put the brightest green color i could find and i saved that as a png and i just called that green screen so we're gonna hit apply he's got this nice background he's all cut out now we're going to get him off screen megan will do the same thing she doesn't have it loaded yet so what we're going to do is she's going to go to apply background effects so again we're on megan's computer right now she's going to hit apply background effects right here and she's going to hit add new right here in the top corner laptops at like 94 cpu right now so she hit add new and then there's that green screen bg file that i sent her she's going to hit open and now if you scroll all the way down to the bottom of this background settings area there we go there's her green screen she's going to select that and hit apply and now that will make her background all green as well so there's peach it's all green that looks great let's go ahead and hide that and we'll hide this one now on my screen in the teams meeting i just see two green backgrounds with people in it and i see the powerpoint in obs i now have these horrible green backgrounds that are super obnoxious looking we're going to go ahead and get rid of those by using something in obs called a chroma key so we're going to right click on dr mario and under filters right here we're going to add a new effect filter called chroma key as soon as i hit enter right here that green will vanish from behind dr mario same thing with peach we're going to right click on her add filter hit plus and then under chroma key as soon as i hit okay boom her green screen is gone now and now i've got my two hosts i can move dr mario over so he's kind of just over the corner move peach over a little bit kind of make them so they're the same height and all that cool stuff and there we go now we've got the two presenters just their head and shoulders on top of the content that they're talking about with a nice corporate branded background the logo the name of the event all that cool stuff the only thing left to do is to make sure that the audio is okay another quirk of ndi is that you'll find that um oh my gosh you'll find that all of these audio mixer sources right here are the combined audio for the team's meeting so what that means is as somebody starts talking even if one person is talking all of those audio feeds will jump at the same rate if you leave all of them unmuted what you'll find is that you'll end up with this audio doubling it's not quite an echo because it's so fast that um that it doesn't like reverberate off of itself instead it will sound like this weird stereo effect where there's more than one audio source it's very easy to tell that this is happening so to combat that we need to just realize that teams ndi like skype ndi has the entire meeting audio coming in on every single channel so all we're going to do is we're just going to mute everybody except for one of the sources so i'm going to go ahead and mute the screen by clicking the little speaker icon and i'm going to mute peach but we're going to leave dr mario unmuted now i will only have one source of audio from the teams meeting coming into obs after that this is just as simple as going into the settings pasting in the rtmp url that yammer will give me which will allow it to send to microsoft stream then we'll start the event we'll hit start streaming and then we'll actually start the event in yammer so that everybody can watch their show so i hope that that kind of explains the cool stuff that ndi allows us now with within microsoft teams we don't anymore have to have a skype consumer account get some executive to go sign up for a personal microsoft account they can go ahead and use microsoft teams in just a normal meeting so there's no pressure on the presenters all the pressure is on you the producer to practice this and do all the layout on the screen and you can see as i explained it this took maybe what 10 15 minutes so if you're methodical and you go around and and you build your scene beforehand you can get up and running real fast as kind of a pre-show do your sound check make sure everything looks and sounds okay and then you can go live with confidence that it's going to look really awesome so i hope this helps out if you have any questions along the way or if you think of something cool that you can do with ndi let me know in the comments below and i will be happy to try out some other things with ndi and learn this cool new tech together thanks a lot for watching i hope you have a great time
Channel: John Moore
Views: 39,042
Rating: 4.9641027 out of 5
Keywords: Microsoft 365, Office 365, O365, Microsoft Teams, Teams Tip Tuesday, Teams Tips & Tricks, Microsoft Teams Tips & Tricks
Id: ngLfEVU46x0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 02 2020
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