OBS Green Screen Tutorial 2020

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if you'd like to record videos like I do with a green screen behind me well this is actually another green screen this is a gradient background but you can see it is because I'm using a green screen or maybe you want to see how I share my screens this way that I'm at the right corner without a books behind me just transparent um on my screen the stay tuned because I'm going to show you exactly how you can do this too and even more with the free program called OBS so stay tuned I'll be right back hey guys team for our and welcome to this training where I'm going to show you how you can record professional videos like I do with everything included I got a lot of questions from people asking me hey Tim how do you do that how do you record your videos you have high quality videos how can you do that or how do you do that well today I'm going to show you how you can do that too for free with a program which is called OBS you're seeing it right now in the background this is a program called OBS and you can get that from a website which is called OBS project come simply go there if you can find it simply type in Google download OBS and here you can download the Windows Mac version and Linux version yeah so that you can install this on your computer now when you've installed it this is the program that you're going to use and maybe you have used it before maybe you have no idea how to use it but I'm going to show you how you can use this in a very professional way now first let me explain you how OBS works oh yes when you look at OBS here at the bottom you see you have two sections you have the scenes here and you have sources now maybe this is a bit confusing but it's very simple actually within the scenes you're going to create different scenes that you're going to select during your recording so when you see the start of this video you saw me in front of the gradient grounds that was one scene then you saw a video intro video that was another scene then I came back to you that was the first scene again and then I shared my screen which was worth which was the third scene so all these different kind of recordings or how I'm in in the camera that's called a scene and that's what you're seeing here you got an intro an intro video different background screen share now within each scene you need to specify what kind of source issues you want to use so that could be your camera that could be a screen share that could be an image that you want to share that could be a video so I think the best thing to do is just show you how it works and how you can do this in OBS yourself so let me go to OBS and let me show you how it works so first you going to create your scene here at the left side if you open OBS for the first time you will notice that there are no scenes so click on the plus button here and create your own scene so this is a new one just call it new and you'll see here there's a new at the bottom now but what we're going to do is we're going to click the intro you're going to create an intro scene like I'm having here and then you're going to add your source so when I click on plus here I can add my source now these are all the different kinds of sources that I can choose from in OBS that I want to use now in this case we first want to add our camera right we want to be in front of our audience because we want to use our camera so you need to have a video capture device so you select that one and you can change this to your webcam or whatever camera you have and you click a little K now right now you need to choose your camera your device so I have two options my CD 922 or my face cat FaceTime camera so I'm going to select the C 922 and their M hello this is Tim and then what you need to do is which is really important if you're going to use green screen video that is you need to change your preset to this is because green-screen needs a high resolution to filter out the backgrounds so let's press ok as you can see this is me now in front of my green screen now what is very important when you do green screen recording that you have a green screen that is the same color of green everywhere so this is even not the perfect green screen that you're seeing right here because this has a darker spot this has a lighter spots you see a line in here but that's because I'm very limited in the situation that I mean right now maybe you have something like this this is a ceiling that that is too small in your location but that's not a problem I'm gonna show you exactly how you can crop your screen etc the most important thing when you want to do green screen recording first of all is that you have a green screen of course and the second thing is most important while doing screen a green screen recording is that you have the right lightning you need to have gute lightning so take a light box buy a few live books put them on your face so that you have a good lightning that the background has a good lightning and the most perfect thing is if it has all the same green backgrounds so so that filtering your background becomes a lot easier now as you can see here there is my chair also I can move that more to the side so it's gone but you still see the shadow now if you're in a limited situation I'm gonna show you what you can do now first of all you need to crop your screen to do so you press the alt button on your computer and you're going to drag these to the inside as you can see now I'm dragging this and you could also drag the top so right now you can see this looks very good the background is green and then what we need to do is we need to filter out the back the green background so to do so you're going to right click on your webcam and you go to filters and this will open a new tab for you or you can apply filters now you can play with this by putting all different kind of filters the one you need most is the green screen so you're gonna hit the plus button the bottom one to add the filter and you're going to add a chroma key so just press ok and right now you can see that it already filtered out the background so you see it's great it's at four hundred when I put it back you see it becomes green again so it needs to be a gray background so this looks pretty good we still have the the black spot here at the right but we filtered that one out so when I press close you'll see voila I'm already filtered the background is already filtered now OBS works similar to products like Photoshop where you work with different layers so what we want to do is we want to add a layer to the background right so to do so we're gonna hit the plus again and here we're going to add an image so here you see that image we're going to select an image so we can say okay image we can call his background I'm gonna say okay and now we can select an image from our computer so already stored some on my computer so let me browse here let me go to my downloads and then to my images OBS and here we're going to use the gradient black let me say okay and boom there it is you see that so right now this is the the gradient that black background black blue background that you saw at the beginning of the video but the problem is that I'm not on top of this video and that's what I said it's similar to photoshop so what you're going to do is you're going to change these layers in here you need to drag the the webcam on top of the backgrounds or the backgrounds below the webcam and boom there it is do you see that so right now I already created the first scene that I opened this video with and you could change this background to any kind of backgrounds you like so what you also can do is you can simply let me open another one then on the background so I'm going to click on plus and now I think it's called media source let me try that and let's say video backgrounds because you can do all different kind of things with this so I'm going to select my media source and now it's a background loop so this is a loop video now look what happens now I'm gonna say this video needs to loop so you have different options and it needs to restart automatically when it becomes active so when I press ok you see now I have this backgrounds on top of me now again we need to put the webcam on top of it so we're going to drag this layer and look what happens spoon there I am on top of these video backgrounds and it looks very professional right so imagine like I want to let's say I wanna I want to promote a specific product or I want to talk about the product or I want to talk about whatever then I can add transparent layers on top of this scene also because this is a scene remember I we're still in the intro scene and what you can do is you can hit the plus again and you click image and press ok and now we're going to select our products so let's say this is our product image look what happens I'm gonna press ok so this is a product image i'm going to skill this and look what kind of picture we have now so I can talk about this product it can say hey guys welcome to this review of this amazing product I want to talk about this product now here we also see the eyeballs let me see if I can zoom in here so I can show you you see these video backgrounds you see that eyeball I can also deselect that deselect this image boom and then it's out of there do you see that so you can select this unselect this and you can do that with every scene so I can also disable my webcam as you can see so these are all different kinds of layers that you can put on and off and let me show once more you see I'm this is the backgrounds right now boom I can take the immature way and that's how you work with these kinds of layers now this is the first scene let me get this way let me get the video background and this is the backgrounds that we just started with so hey guys it's just if you want to create the same videos like I do then the second scene that we want to do is a bumper video right so what you're going to do is you're going to select the second scene as you can see you don't see me in the background anymore because that is a different scene that we have selected so to do so we're going to hit the plus button and here we're going to select media source again press ok and now we're going to select our bumper video or our intro video so let's say this is my intro video I'm opening this this I don't want to loop this video because I only want to use that once now look what happens you see this is the video that is starting right now so what I do normally is I switch between scenes so you can say hey this is me welcome to this video and I'm gonna show you exactly how you can do this and that and blah blah blah and then what you can do is you can switch to the next scene boom there it is you see so first you got your intro you're finished talking you click on intro video and then you go back to your intro you gonna talk further about the subject and then you want to share your screen also so how do you do that now one thing I want to mention during this video the recording of this video you see that I do everything in one screen so the best thing to work with OBS if if you have two screens so you can move your OBS screen to a second screen where you can select your scenes etc and you can share your desktop like I'm doing right now so this is the second scene where you can add a video and then the third scene let's say I want to share my screen you can create a new scene so what we're going to do is we're going to add a new video capture so I'm going to add my camera again so maybe I can even go to my intro video and I can take my webcam gonna copy this go into my screen share I'm gonna paste that in here boom you see my webcam is in here so that's the most easy way so you don't have to apply the green screen filter again and then simply what you need to do is make yourself smaller like I'm doing right here and put yourself at the right side of the screen now let me put myself off of this screen so otherwise it will be double so you can see I'm right now at the right side of the screen and the only thing that you need to do is to add your desktop now in this scene you're going to hit the plus button again and then what you need to do is let me see which one this is so we got window capture and with a window capture you can select a specific window on your computer if you want to scare your complete screen then you need to let me see which one that is you need to window capture let me see what it is display capture so this way you share your whole screen but the most the the best way to do is to take the window capture simply select ok and here you can select the specific window that you want it that you want to share so let's say I want to share my window my OBS window my open broadcaster software window as you can see here and I'm gonna hit OK so right now you can see that I'm sharing my screen so this is my screen and I want to have myself on top of these so again I'm going to move this layer here to the bottom and now I'm on top of the of the screen so right now you can see you have the exact same videos like you're always seeing that I'm doing while I'm doing my reviews etc by simply filtering my background loop myself on top of it and now we can share my screen I can talk about this software I can just mention it and also during my according I can move myself also so this is this is me I can also select my webcam and I could move myself to the left side of the screen if I liked you this is all life while I'm doing is while I'm recording this and that's the easy thing off OBS now another cool thing that you can do for example is if you want to ask people to subscribe to your YouTube channel so what we can do is we can duplicate this scene in here let me see if that works it should work no more normally normally you could duplicate your screen let me see the problem is that I'm also using multiple screen recording so fur is right now oh there it is your screen share - I didn't see that so what was I trying to tell you oh yeah that was the subscribe so I'm gonna rename this to subscribe this scene now you can see this is the exact same scene so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a layer again a media source okay and now I'm going to hit my subscribe to YouTube this is a transparent video I can say okay now look what happens subscribe to my video to get notified so while I'm sharing my screen so look what I'm doing here so let me zoom in too to show you what I'm talking about so right now I'm switching scenes in here so you see this is the SUBSCRIBE temp that you're seeing here at the bottom this is subscribe this is my normal screen share but when I hit subscribe in here you will see boom boom boom this appears on the screen now let me zoom out and let me do it one more time so what you're seeing here is this is my screen share and when I ask people to subscribe to my channel I switch scenes you see that and I'm doing this all life so while I while I'm doing video recordings I never have to edit my videos at the end because everything that I'm doing I'm doing life um sweetie life I'm asking people to subscribe to my youtube channel I simply share my different scene I simply hit subscribe and boom that video starts playing I want to go back to my intro screen ok I'm going back you see that so I'm switching so let's let's say I'm doing a video like I'm doing normally I say hey guys is this team for that welcome to my channel and today I'm gonna talk about this and that I'll be right back in a second boom there is my video and then once that video was gone hey guys thank you for watching welcome to this and that and then I'm going to share my screen so I'm gonna talk about my product do you see that everything that I'm doing I'm doing a life right now and I'm saying at the end hey and by the way if you liked this video don't forget to subscribe to my youtube channel and don't forget to hit that notification button to stay updated with my latest reviews so basically that's my video and thank you for watching so I hope you have a good idea how you can use obs to create different scenes and you could add all different kind of layers on top here you can share whatever you want you can share your screen you can share different backgrounds you can you can change your backgrounds let's say the video background boom there it is it's all life and that's how easy you can work with OBS and that's my video from today I hope you like it and by the way subscribe of course to my youtube channel give this video a like if you got some value out of this video and if you have any questions feel free to ask and by the way I have a more in-depth training also about settings etc because yeah you also need to have some settings correctly to record your voice etc if you'd like to know more then there's a link below that this video that will give you a full course on OBS that I've created you simply need to subscribe and then I will give you access to that full course where I'm also going to show you how to set your settings in OBS etc so make sure you click that button also don't forget to like this video and thank you for watching and I hope to see you in my next video I have an awesome day it's awesome bye bye
Channel: Tim Verdouw
Views: 260,080
Rating: 4.9457574 out of 5
Keywords: obs, obs green screen tutorial, obs tutorial, obs 2020, obs tutorial 2020, obs green screen
Id: Q086hifySGk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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