POWER BI Tutorial From BEGINNER to Pro Level - HR Power BI report - Power BI Desktop

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[Music] amazing here welcome to my power bi tutorial right here on this channel today i'm going to teach you how to create this hr dashboard in power bi you know bringing in your data from a clg file down to transforming the data in part query and actually analyzing data creating a very nice visual just like what we have right here everything is just very dynamic we click on the particular visualization so all the other visual that has linked to this particular visualization we get filtered and this is how beautiful it could be i'm going to show you how to create this from the scratch so let me take you to the um file that's generating the csv file so it can be some kind of a little bit scary but do not worry what we have right here is that we have every single data we have in one single column and some kind of that like what the heck is going on right here don't get strict because it's very simple to be transformed with a simple uh machine built inside power bi and even in exa right here if you've got that advanced so we have power query that we can use to transform any data you want to transform at all so i'm going to show you how to do that in a jfe so right now what we can do is just for we to go back to our power bi environment so we're going to go back to our power bi environment right here so here we are in the popular environment so the first we're gonna do right now so we have other pages so we can actually click and actually navigate through that other pages we have right here now we have this detailed page as well so we'll click it we can actually navigate through the page we have right on this and everything is very dynamic we'll click on any of the visual we have other visual to actually you know some kind of uh filter down to that particular video being clicked so now guys it's very simple easy to be created let us add a new uh pop yeah so i'm gonna click on new so let's just get into the new file so right now it depends on the speed of your machine it's gonna take a little while to actually come up so let's just give it some time all right guys here we have it if this is your first time when you start up a pub yeah this is what you get but you might not you might not have all those files right here uh because i have a lot of you know what's opened and all of that previously before now that is why you actually see what we have right here right now so you might see data recent is actually all these and you want to open all the reports and stuff like that so now i'm just going to close this to show you uh from the scratch what you can do to get this to for the purpose of those people coming in from excel and all of that all from any other analytics software background so right now let's see what the interface is going to tell us so i'm just going to talk a little about this particular part right here get data so when i click on get data this is what you're going to see you might not be having the same visual as me so i'm going to click right here and actually collapse this and see this is what we have right now so now let's see what is gonna happen so give you this particular zoom in so now if i go to get data right here right now i have a lot of way to get my data inside power bi all of that so you can see all this so if you don't have what you really wanted from there you can actually click on more and it's going to take you down to get a part of it so it's going to take a little while to actually come up let us see what it is so now this is what we have right here we have a lot of way to get data those are all the ways and if you want to be specific you can click on file you can click on database uh power platform azure online service and all this so you can click on this so if what you really want to get data from like like i think right now they are not that some kind of getting data from uh from youtube so we have a connector a connector that you can buy online and actually connect to your data on youtube if you're a youtuber and stuff like that so right now when i get data from text csv i'm gonna actually click on text csv right here and now click on connect so we're going to connect to the file so right now here is our file on our computer so we have this file right here on our computer that we can actually get our data from so it's actually taxi as you right here so this is that i want to get to transform and stuff like that so i'm just going to double click it and it's going to take a little while to actually get it right here it's connecting so let us wait uh wait for it to connect and get our data right for us okay here is what we are looking for it's actually on a wrong limit right now i can correct it and we have a data transform the way it should be but because i want to show you some steps so i don't want to do that i want to have it on this particular rung uh the delimiter right here because the limit the limiter should also have been some kind of tab delimiter so i'm not going to have it on it right now instead i'm going to actually click on transform and i'm going to load this into our power query right okay here we are on the power query platform it's a different machine entirely built in bot excel and power bi to help you transform data the way it should be no matter how rough the data is and as you can see we have 35 column being you know some kind of stock inside one single column right here as you can see it right now so but how do we do this it looks some kind of scary like what am i going to do if it is the first time and you have not been taught how to do this before you might get scared away and don't like i don't want to do it right so now you can either click on transform or you click on home edit one you clicked right here you're going to see uh split columns so right now i'm actually on a transform previously now i'm on home i still see that split column right here so i'm going to click on the split column and you're going to have this right here called by the limiter this byte limiter is what we're going to be using i'm going to click on that limiter and see what we have okay now we have this particular one right here so which is going to be uh split column byte limiter so i'm going to go by tab this is exactly what we need to use previously we have it loaded with by what by i think by comma so which is not actually by comma it can't find commas so it's kind of suppose split or separate it for us so now i want to use by tab so i'm going to leave it right there and let's see how many columns we have right so go to advanced option right here click on it and you're gonna see that we have what uh we should have um what the heck is going on i'm gonna actually go on full screen so we should go right on we're gonna use by column so we'll click on by column what we're gonna have is actually okay we're gonna click on my column right here so now we have 35 columns to be loaded inside our power query and split inside i want to go say by each occurrence so one click on buy each occurrence right now it's not giving us how many columns we have number of columns to split into is 35. do not change this else if you change it something else is gonna happen so i'm gonna leave it this way and what i'm gonna do right now is that i'm cool with this make sure you don't change the settings it's actually on columns don't go on rows but secondly if you click on it like this it's gonna actually default to something else and it's not gonna work the way it should be so make sure it's on column and don't click out else it's gonna actually be some kind of rubbish so i'm gonna click on okay right here now let's see what happens so it's just happened now you can see the 35 column is actually been right here for us can you see this no extra column being added this is what we have but we're not really some kind of code with it so what is happening so we don't have the header properly we have column 1.32 1.53 and stuff like that so but we want this year and roll and stuff like that to be on that particular column like the attrition the age the business travel and daily rate and stuff like that to be our column header how do we do that go back to home right here and we go back to home we're gonna see this particular part right here where it says uh use first row as header can you see that so i'm gonna click on that right now and look at what happens so now we have our header right here and the beautiful thing about power bi or power query and stuff like that if you have a packer in excel and power bi is it's almost the same thing so you're gonna see this particular part right here where it says apply steps so now the changes you can make right here is that if you're having some kind of mistake or you want to make some amendments stuff like that you can always come back and click on this particular setting icon and you go back to that particular aspect and make your changes and stuff like that so now you can time travel into what you had done previously and you can actually name this part to actually some kind of like keep it very easy for somebody who's going to inherit your report and stuff like that so going back right here right now we are almost done from here and for now um uh in a little while we're going to come back here to do some other things so right now we don't want to do anything else for now we're going to actually make sure we load this into our power bi module so how can we do that so just open this and actually say close and apply so it's going to take a little while to actually be applied right here let us give it some time and see what it is okay we just have it loaded right here as you can see we have the hr analytic data right here so if i open it up right now this is what we're gonna have and if you wanna go to from what this is what from this is a report view right here so i'm going to go to data view so if i click on data view right now what we can see now is the whole data that had been loaded inside this particular machine so now we have all of them all the columns right in here and we can go to the relationship view or module view so if i click on it right now we only have one table we can't see any active relationship right now because it is only one table we have we can do a lot right here as well but in my subsequent video i'm gonna be showing you step by step or it depends on the kind of data we have how to actually utilize every part of power bi so right now we go back right here when i go back to report view i'm gonna give you some kind of full screen right now and this is what we have the first we're gonna do right now is to take care of this particular environment where we are going to create our repos so the first we're going to do is for way to make sure we change what we take the background the background to what we really want so we don't want to pure white background i'm going to go to background right here here is my background i'm going to click on it so right here we have the background i'm going to change the color of the background to something like this but as you can see it's not reflecting right on our background so what is happening so what you need to do is just to make sure you actually uh get the transparency reduced i'm going to put it on zero so now we have the background the way it should be that's beautiful so the next i'm gonna do right now is just like okay now i want some cards right here how do we get that so i want to get the card right here the way to do that is actually go to what i'm gonna go to insert like excel so go to your site and actually go to what go to shape right here and when you get to ship we'll actually get this and here we go we have something like this so we're going to take care of the size of this right now i'm going to move it down a little bit and actually space it and i'm just gonna make it some kind of smaller [Music] i'm gonna have a card of this size i'm gonna bring it down so can you see this right now this is what it is this is the card we just got right here but it's some kind of to curvy i might really want to reduce the curve of the cat and actually i'll change the color of the cat so let's see what we can do i'm going to actually click on it i'm going to go to the fill color and right now i'm going to give you some kind of pure white like go for this particular white right here and when we go back right now it's standard from the background and this is what it is so we are having some outline so we want to remove the outline from mid so let's see how we can actually get the outline be removed so click back on it right here and actually go back and you see outline you have to turn it off from on to f all of that so you have this and if we go back right now we don't have the outline any longer but right now i want to have some shadow right on this to make it some kind of standout so you can see where we have the oh look at where we have the shadow so we can set it as well because we have some being cut out first so i'm just gonna actually make sure i have my arrow double click and actually shift it to open for us so now i'm gonna turn on the shadow now if you go back right now we can see we have a shadow right on it and beautifully it's standing it's standing out the way we really wanted it but sometimes but you might want to play around with the shadow and turn into something different maybe you don't like the kind of shadow you have applied just have to open right here and play around with all this particular part you have right in here and that's gonna look some kind of very beautiful on your work and stuff like that so we don't want to touch anything right here because we are really okay with what we have and the next thing we're gonna do right now i'm gonna have this clothes because i don't need it i always love to actually make sure i close this and i collapse it every single time i want so that i can have a little a lot of space to teach so this is what we have right now so we just want to make sure this is actually this way i'm gonna actually have to bring this down somehow so we have something like this and the curve is not what we have actually touched so i might not try the cup right now but i'm going to copy this and ctrl v i'm going to have it pasted right now what i'm going to do is just to make sure i have it kind of a little bit smaller i'm going to draw it down to this end so now let's see how we can actually make this to what we really wanted so the first i'm going to change now is the ship so the curve is some kind of too much i'm going to leave it on some kind of nine and see what i have so on nine we have something like this i'm not too satisfied about the nine we have which is for the curvy pad right it's for the shape curve and stuff like that so i'm gonna go go back um i'm gonna put it on something like seven and let's see what we have right here so the seven is actually really okay i'm gonna be going down with this out of that so the next we're gonna be doing right now is to resize our shape to what we really wanted and actually fix it into where we want to have it fixed um and i'm gonna go with something like this let me give it a full screen and we want to have like four of these right here so let's see how we can actually do that now to have it duplicated what you can do ctrl c will help you to copy and ctrl v we paste it for you and you can actually drag it down to this particular end and when you see this particular red uh ruler whatsoever you have it released and you paste again and you drag it down to this end again and make sure it's actually right on it so make sure you have this particular red showed up before you actually do that so i'm just going to remove and actually get this right here and now i have it so i'm not some kind of two-sided with what i have right here all i'm gonna do right now is just to make sure i actually move this a little bit like i'm gonna move it twice i'm gonna actually get to move this twice again i'm gonna move this twice i'm gonna give that space right here now we have something like this being created i'm gonna actually arrange this actually i'm gonna come back to you to see what it is that we can do okay we have gotten this page open and this is what we have but if i go right um zoom in right now you can see what we have as cards but we are not some kind of quiet okay with the color of the cat so we might want to change the color of the cat i just have to do it just to click on it right here and go and change the color of the card right here so let me just click on this one to change the color of the cat here and see what it is that i'm talking about so now what you can do is go to fill color and what we need to do is just for me to apply some kind of transparency into this particular part right here so transparency is going to be some kind of uh we're gonna add transparency of 29 so we're gonna put 29 right here tonight transparency i'm gonna have this so now this is how we wanna go buy this so this 29 transparency is really okay so what we need to do right now is that once we have gotten this i can actually just click on this and go to this and have it opened so once i opened it i'm gonna go to home you can see my format painter right here so we can apply it to every part of it we start with having to do the same thing over and over again i'm just gonna have to apply this for this right here and this is what i have so we are almost there the next step is to have this cockpit again once i copied i'm gonna paste it and actually move it down right here i'm gonna have this piece as well as this i'm gonna have to make bring it down and here we go so we have to extend this this way this is how big one actually create this i think i'm gonna be cool with this right now so the next i'm gonna do right now i'm gonna have it go up here and actually paste it and actually move it all the way down to this particular expert and once i have it moved so i'm just gonna actually make sure i make it some kind of smaller just this way out of that i can actually make sure we go this way as well so so then right now i'm gonna copy this and actually bring it all the way down right here so i'm gonna copy it and bring it all the way down okay if i find my position i'm just going to bring this down and have it open out there so this is what i have so what i'm trying to do right now is just to make sure i have those copied i'm gonna have it pasted so we drag this down right here so once we have it dragged down so we can actually create what i want to create from here i can actually make this a little bit smaller and uh some kind of i think i have to make sure i bring this all the way down here so we're going to go on shift a little bit so i'm going to go on my arrow key and shift it down to that end i'm gonna shift this as well so you're gonna do a lot of work to actually get what you really wanted from here out of that so you might not have something too perfect for me right now but don't worry so once you start to create this yourself you'll see how you know how how swift it is to actually have it created it's very simple i'm just going to make this smaller and i have this right here okay fine the next i'm going to do right now is just to make sure i copy this and actually have it drop down and i'm going to create some kind of giant one right in here out of that to actually get to visualize something okay so you make sure you take it down all of that so you have all this right now so if i actually make sure i actually close every part of it and this is what cards you really have so you can just play around to see what it is that you have and make sure it's actually right you know centralized the way it should be out of this so you will definitely have a very nice visualization okay the next thing we're going to do right now is to add a text that actually tells what a dashboard is all about or what the report is all about so i'm just going to make sure i actually turn this back on and right you have to be um insert so when you're on your set what you're gonna see in this particular text box right here click right on it so once you click right on the text box you're gonna have this and now you have the opportunity to type in here i'm gonna type in my hl dashboard in here so now for you to have this formatted so what you have to do is just to make sure you highlight it and if you don't highlight it whatever you do it's not going to actually have any effect right on it so now you can go right here and change it to what to whatever you know uh font type you want to have right on it and actually change this particular font is f type into this particular pad here i can make it bold and out of that i can apply color so you want to make sure i have it right on this part of it's kind of you know black color so now once i'm done i can actually resize it to what i really wanted so i can actually leave it this way and go back right here and make sure it's been centralized so have something like this is good so very great so i'm gonna have it down here so i'm gonna have it down here a little bit so i'm gonna have to copy and have it pasted and once i've done that i want to have something else right on this i'm gonna make sure i move it here as well move it a little bit down so we have to change the text we have right in here uh there's going to be some kind of full full insight so the fall inside needs to be some kind of matcha the way we wanted it so now some kind of board again and i'm gonna have to reduce this to something like 18 and that is beautiful i'm gonna change this particular part to some kind of oh something like this so i'm might be some kind of cool right now not too cool though but guys don't worry you can do this so do it yourself and actually find how beautiful it is you can actually get from others so but it's some kind of looking sweet and stuff like that so what we can do right now is just to make sure we click on it and now click on make sure we highlight all of them but and we go back to open this particular part here and we see the background we're going to turn off the background and we will go back right here we're going to find something like this beautiful can you see this this is what i'm talking about so we have just created something like this and you can actually go ahead and do a lot of things and get this particular part being transformed the way you wanted it so now if we are cool with this the next we're gonna do right now i'm gonna go back right here and go to this particular circular space here and add this particular circle right at it so here we have it so we can now transform this circle into what we really wanted so i'm going to go back right here and change the background the fill color of the circle i'm going to change it into this particular this particular color right here so pick this color and for the outline we don't always want any outline for it to remove the outline and we come back here and actually make sure we hold down our shift key and actually make it some kind of smaller so keep this shift key held and make it smaller as this i'm going to move it down to my dashboard array right here and this is what i'm gonna have i can actually still feel like let me extend it a little bit so make sure you always hold on your shift key while doing this else it's gonna get some kind of weird like this so hold on shift key you're gonna have it done the way it should be okay guys here is what we have so we are about to start to write a logic to actually help us to get what really wants from here so right now it's not that complicated i'm just gonna show you what it is that we're actually trying to do i'm gonna go back to the full data for this full one we're actually trying to replicate so we want to get a total employee you know most of the mail and the percentage and all of that and get it visualized the way it should be just like this so going back right here how can we do that so we're gonna go back and actually click on this particular aspect to have a data shown so now we have the field shown right here and now i always love to do something all my measures i need to actually crowded them up in one single table so how can we add a new table right now so all we need to do is just to make sure we go back home and once we get back home right now we can now see we find where we have enter data can you see that right here enter data so just click right on it and you're gonna see a new table just been popped out so we have something like this so i wanted to do is just to rename this i'm going to rename this you're going to be seeing this a lot in almost all my tutorials i'm going to click on i'm going to actually type in new measure new measures something like this new measures i get it right so after doing that i'm gonna actually have to say load you don't need to edit anything so it's gonna take a little while to bring itself in right here okay now we have a new measure right in here so what it does is that we're going to start to write out our logics uh our dax right in here right now so all you need to do is just right click on it and you're going to see this particular new measure right here so inside a new measure i'm going to show you many ways to do this so now we have to go back to the top level right here because now new measure is going to be inserted so let's see that so we just got a new measure inside it so all we need to do how many employee do we have in the organization don't forget it's about hitchhike so i'm just gonna say total so we just have to click inside here so i'm going to say total elp for employees so i'm going to say equal to and now to get the total employees that we have one single employee existing in the database is not doesn't have any duplicate so all we need to do is to use what we call controls so controls is going to help us to do that so now what is control looking for is actually looking for table just like what we have right here right now so what is the table is hr analytics data so we have it so i'm going to hit on my top key to get it right here i'm going to have it closed and hit enter so now i've just gotten my total employee right in here and the next i'm gonna do right now is just that i need some kind of uh comma separator right and it so once you click on that you're gonna have it so let's see the next logic we're gonna create right now i'm gonna have it created before i started to some kind of visualize my data so the next thing is going to be some kind of how many ml and it's percentage how many female and percentage i'm going to say male so equal to right here so now how do we do this don't forget that we just created a measure and the measure is this measure right here total employee which is total em e m p so now what we need to do right now we need to calculate use the function called calculate right here calculator subtotal employee i'm gonna actually have to set this total employee okay we have total country don't rename total let's go back and look at what we have named it okay it's total employee so we go back calculate sorry for that please guys we need to locate where we have it okay guys let us do this again so i'm going to start a new measure so i think it's just a little mistake so i'm going to start a new measure right now so let's see what the measure is all about so we need to actually get a measure rating here so we have a new measure so we just have to say a male so equal to calculate calculates so what calculate does is that is going to make us to reuse the measure being created we want to get the percentage of the calculated column and now before we get the percentage of calculated column we need to actually get how many mail that we have in organization and how many females do we have in our organization stuff like that so now once we actually do this i'm gonna say total so now this is exactly what we are trying to get right in here so i'm going to actually have to get this right so now i'm going to put on my commas asking me for the field the field is actually the column of the gender in our data right in our data table so i'm just going to say gender so once i actually click on gender just like this what's it also type in gender i'm going to go down and say h analytics data this particular part i'm going to actually have to say okay now this particular parts you have right here from here down to here it's actually the name of our table and this is the column existing in that particular table we have just pulled in right now and this exactly what we need to do i'm going to say equal to so now we're about to space be specific you can you can have like items different types of things right in your it's in a single column and you can filter that one single item you really wanted and it will get it pulled away from the other part of it so so now if i start typing mail so now what power bi is thinking is that oh you're about to actually get to use another uh function whatever so we don't want popular to think about that so instead we're gonna use this particular double quotation the same thing that happens in excel is what is actually happening right here right now i'm going to type all my mail and here i have it so this is exactly what you need to do so you just have to close this right here and once you hit enter it's just going to serve it's uh it's just gonna get itself calculated where it should be and now we have done this the next we're gonna do right now we want to get for female as well you can put a separator should you have it more than your thousand you have a separator on it and stuff like that so what i'm gonna do right now is just to copy this i don't have to revenge the will again and go right here and say new measure so once we add a new measure right now we just paste it and just tweak it a little bit and we have our total female now we just have to go right to this particular expert here and just change this to female [Music] female and we change this particular title path right here towards your female as well and we are just down from here and once i hit enter right now guess what's gonna happen we're gonna have this and the next we're gonna do right now is just to create the percentage of the grand total of both male and female and we create a very nice visualization so guys we go back right here again add new measure and you have to understand that we have a calculated column that can do this for us but we cannot use calculated color because when we use that it's going to make our file to be very heavy but there are some time we don't have any choice than to use it so right now what we can do right now i'm going to say percentage mail so i want to have a shorter you know description stuff like that i can now say okay now in this particular aspect what function can i use we have what we call divide so this is going to look for denominator uh non-numerator and the denominator so what is it the way i want to apply for it so we always divide the smaller value by the bigger one to get a percentage i'm going to say mail and once i type in mail i have the measure i created for mail right here and once i hit my comma so we go for the uh the second one which is the grand total so now here we have it i hope you understand what's going right here please use the comment section to ask any question you really have i'll really be very much appreciative so now we hit our comma again and this is some kind of option but sometimes it's very very important should there is any error it's going to default to whatever you actually tell it to do right here i'm going to put in my zero right here what is the alternative in case there is no thing to divide it with or maybe some kind of hundred percent the end is gonna be zero right here and that is why we have this alternative right in here so once i'm done i'm gonna have to close it that is all we need to do hit enter and you have everything you really wanted don't worry on the visualization you will find it some kind of like wow this is what he was creating so now i can actually copy this away from here just copy because i don't want to do this twice again so now make sure you click on this percentage sign right here to have it on it and we want to have it on the zero decimal and we just have to turn this to zero and that is all you need to do so we can write it into zero decimal so here we go so now we need to add a new measure again and once we have entirely new measure the next we don't be creating now is the female gender so we just change a little part of it so we just return this into a female so for female percentage we just change into what just highlight this particular aspect when once you click on earth it's gonna go right on it and you hit enter you have this so we are almost ready for our visualization nicely so what you need to do right now is just to make sure we go into percentage and after we might have done this the next thing is just to make sure we remove the extra disk map from it because we don't want any decimal point right on it so we are done from here right now so let me give you a full screen to see what is going on and now here we go if i close this right now this is where i have all my major right on so i'm gonna go right here on this particular column expert i'm gonna have it removed i don't want it we're gonna have to remove this from here so i'm gonna go clear on delete from module and we're going to have it out because we don't have the need of this so we have to remove it away from here so now we have all our measures right here so whatever you want to do you can track your measure please if you've not used this particular technique before just go ahead and use it and if you're new right here this is what you should be using it to be very easy for you to find any measure you want to use so right now we can now go and click on this particular total employee right here and it's going to default to some kind of uh graph we don't want that so we want a card so we're going to look for a card so we're going to pick and pick this card right here so it gives out the total employee we have right in our organization but i'm going to tell you for real that you know i always love the format to my test so i'm going to go right on the formatting right now so let us see how we can format this go on this particular painter or format or roller whatsoever and go underwater go on the label so once you click on the label we have it on the black color so you want to change it to this particular type of color right here because this is the lid the lid color of our dashboard and once we've done that we can come down a little bit you see this particular one right here so you want to crank up the words crank up the size of the text of the figure right on it so now we have to display our word again okay we're gonna have to bring this down and we are the font family needs to be changed and what i'm going to do right now i'm going to actually have to go to the top level right here and use this particular area black so we have something like this being popped out and this is what we really wanted so after we might have done with that i can actually zoom back to the top level and have this particular label been closed and now for the category this is the total employee i want that for now i'm just going to turn it off and i'm going to turn off my turn on my what my title i'm going to put title on it so let's see what the title is gonna be like so if i go right here right now look at the top level right here we have nothing on it so we're gonna go on title and now we're gonna actually have to customize our title so it's gonna be total employees student employees so right total employees you can pick on that oh i think we have it twice in on it so now we have a total employee right here so we need to some kind of go ahead and centralize it i'm gonna go down i'm gonna centralize it so i'm gonna have to change the color to something different like i'm gonna go with this particular kind of color so we have something like this and i'm gonna actually have to go and crank up the font a little bit so i think something like this will be very cool okay we are almost done from here so now this is what we have so we can just make it some kind of smaller just like this so once we actually make it smaller like this what we need to do right now is just to make sure we have this closed because when i remove the background away from here i'm gonna take it down to the top level right here and i'm gonna go ahead and close this now we'll look for where we have the background and we're gonna have to turn the background up but before then i'm gonna actually have to take it to where i wanna have it so this is where it belongs so it sits tightly right in here and after that i go ahead and actually go to the background level here and go and turn up the background so we don't want any background for it so i'm going to turn it off so now here we go we have it fitting into the uh into the part of our dashboard just like this so we are almost right there so it might look some kind of simple but not too much if you're new right here it's gonna take a lot of time to actually get it done so the next we're gonna be doing right now is just that one actually uh we're gonna actually have to do this once and for all ctrl v we have it pasted right here and i'm gonna have to bring in my two top mill so i'm gonna go for mail so i'm gonna have the previous formatting right here i have to go right here and go to what go to my data label and i just have to make sure i have this in some kind of maybe like 20 let's see we'll have 120 2 little we're gonna have this on 40 and let's see what having 40 okay 40 is going to be some kind of okay we're going to use some type so you can actually guess what cities that you have to use to make sure you get what you really wanted so i'm going to use that it and once i've done using that 8 i'm going to actually have to make sure i bring some kind of you know down like this so what i wanted to do right now i'm gonna have this clothes i'm gonna go to my title and i'm gonna make sure i give it a very nice title which is gonna be some kind of well mail just like this mail we have to use mail and we make it smaller and i'm gonna have to copy this down and ctrl v will help me get this down as well so it's not copy yet ctrl c ctrl v we just go down right so we have to select this and bring in our watch bring in the percentage of our mail and once we have this right here what we need to do right now is just to go back to what go back to this particular aspect right here i'm going to put this on 10 or sorry on 20 so we have it on 20 and we change this particular color to something like this so we have a black color like this and we just have to go back to the title expect here so with the title we have to turn off the title because we don't want to title for it already we have it tied to actually guides us about what it is so now we can make it some kind of smaller and make sure it's sitting right in the middle of it just like this so we have something like this all we need to do is just to make sure we hold on our control ctrl c and ctrl v to copy and we just have to move this gently down to this particular aspect right here uh to create our female gender and that is all we need to do so after we have done this we just have to click right inside here and change it to all the female okay nicely formatted just like this so now the next we're gonna be doing now is that we need some images right here so how can we get those images right in here so all we just have to do is just to like go right here and bring some icons go to insert and from inside you can see this particular image and once you've done that just navigate to your computer where you have the images writing so i'm just going to go on this particular path right here i'm going to scroll all the way down because i know the specific place i have my image so i'm going to give you those images to be used all of that so now i can actually make this smaller to fit into where i really want it to actually sit right so i'm just going to take it down here and give it some kind of a better trick i think he's come some kind of cool with what i have right here now i'm gonna let it be like this so i'm going to add a second part of the image for the female gender i'm going to go all the way down i'm going to pick this i'm going to have to resize this as well so just quickly resize this to what it is that you can actually get used there um take it down to this particular expert so if you actually have it seated right in here so you have your image that actually talks about both the gender magentas so make sure it sits and actually align right the way it should be so you might not get it i might not get it perfectly right now but once you're doing this on yourself on your own so you just have to make sure you do the right thing so click on this and actually get to see where it is so here we have it so we need to have a separator right here i'm gonna have my comma separator right on it and here we go so almost there okay guys we have it so we have a tile separator right on it so which is very very important for you to actually have it because it's on thousand and we have something like this we can see the percentage of our mail and our female organization and stuff like that so let's see the next level we can actually create because this is getting much more interesting so if we come right here right now you see not due for promotion and default promotion both the values and the percentages so how do we do this but if we go back to like i'm gonna click go right here i'm gonna actually make sure i drop this down to understand what it is that i'm doing with the transform and click on transform right here and we're gonna go for the promotion column right here that is here since last promoted you are going to see what we have right in there so um okay i think here is now what i'm what i want to show you i'm gonna have to close this and go to the main data that you're actually using for this right now so i'm gonna go right here and here we go we're going to click on this transform right here i'm going to actually take you to the year column where that is promoted and we once we actually hit that so the column highlight is actually the year since some of the employee got some kind of promotion in the organization despited some of those particular employees have been working overtime years so now if i click write it right now what you can see is actually the actually a lot more to see if we have more of it so we have people who had never been promoted over 15 years 14 13 12 11 and stuff like that but now what the manager uh what the hr management is actually looking for right now is that whoever had not been promoted since last 10 years to 15 years should get promotion so and they want to know who are those people in the organization because they can't really think about it but they have the data that back them up so how can you help them with this analysis right now so i'm going to click on ok right here or cancel it and now what you need to do right now is for you to actually add what we call a conditional column right on this so now i'm going to go to what i'm going to go to like add column so from add column we have conditional column i'm going to add this conditional column right here so now the conditional column is coming up in a while so now we have a conditional column right here so what you can see now is that this is some kind of a little bit confusing right but don't worry so the column name so the new column we're about to create because we want to add a new column using a particular now or yes it's like promoted column so i'm going to type in promotion [Music] permission status right here so permission status so right here the column i want to actually get some kind of to condition is what i need to actually search for right here so all we need to do is just scroll all the way down and you will definitely see uh what we are looking for okay i think this is it here since last promotion so you click on it and we have that here so anything that is actually is greater than or equal to is what we're going to use the operator type we're going to use is this so we're going to be using many of those operators to keep creating so just keep watching now ten years ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen to fifteen that is we have maximum fifteen right so it's going to be some kind of knitting promotion so when i say deal for promotion oh sorry promotion yeah do for promotion and any other number is left so not due is what i want to use for it so we just retested things two options okay fine we are done with this that is exactly what we need to do i'm going to show you how to add more clothes in in the subsequent part of this dashboard so what will it do right now just say okay right here click on ok and we have all that being created for us can you see that how that be created first so if you want to verify if this if this is really okay no matter how good you think you are sometime you need some kind of verification right so let us see um i'm gonna click on select right here i'm gonna click on uh i'm gonna click on deal for promotion i'm gonna click on okay so now if you have every person that i do for permission it's between age 10 to 15. i can see right here if i click here what you always see is from 10 to 15 that is exactly how we had conditioned it so i can actually go ahead and cancel this right now because this is what we really wanted and it's actually uh it's done for us so now if i weigh you because i don't want to have a very huge file size i can go ahead and remove this right now because already we use we've used this column if we have new data coming in you don't have to worry about it popcorn is going to take care of that for you that's better you have this column turned off so i'm going to go ahead and click on delete on my computer i'll have that go away so now we just have to load this and actually get a quick uh visualization right now so i'm gonna close uh close and apply it's gonna take a little while to actually get itself applied right in here so i told you it depends on the speed of your computer but now we're gonna have it okay i think we just have the column right in here right now but we can't see it yet but if we go in right on this particular expert or we can make it search to some kind of promotion status we have it so here we go we have it right here deal and not do and stuff like that but this is not what we already wanted so i can actually get it off so the same thing we had done previously is what we're gonna do right now i'm just gonna clear the promotion status away from here i don't need it so i'm gonna have it some kind of uh we're gonna have it closed so for now we just have to actually start to create a logic in right here and uh i'm just gonna show you this for the last time i'm gonna have that logic created behind the scene because we're gonna be using some kind of sim techniques over and over again to get this created and get it visualized so we just have to right click on it and actually add new so in case in the previous one you did not pay attention i think right now it is time to pay attention to what we are doing right now so i'm going to actually zoom in just let you see what i'm about to do and what i'm going to do right now is just going to be some kind of deal for promotion promotion so how many persons i did for promotion and the percentage how many percent are not different promotion and each percentage is what i'm looking for right now so for you for promotion now what you need to do is to just say okay calculate use calculate function and once we use calculate function what is going to be the next is the total employee so with the total employee column that we've just created that was the measure this is the measure we have right here so now once we use this i'm going to put in my comma so i want to bring in the column the new column we just got created in part here is what we're gonna actually move right here so i'm just gonna say promotion so once i actually click on promotion so we have that particular promotion status right in here so we're gonna have to bring this right here and what column what particular part of this particular uh permission status that we're looking for um i'm gonna have in here my double quotation uh due for promotion so i'm gonna say due for promotion so mind you if you don't have this parent correctly you would have to check very well because if you don't have it correctly it's not gonna work so i'm gonna hit enter right here and that's exactly what we need to do and the next thing we have we have to do again now is i'm gonna actually have to copy this away from here because i don't wanna create this over and over again so once i have it copied so what i'm gonna do is just to make sure i create a new measure so i'm going to have it copied copy it so go ahead and create a new measure and once you've just created a new measure you just have to paste it right uh paste it in right here and actually track it a little bit so now we just have to say not default permission for promotion so not do is exactly what we're going to have and here we're going to have to use that particular pad of not do not not do so now we have to bring all this in right here so let's see what let's see what's gonna happen so we cannot go and check it out to see what we've just created if they are right so we just have to check it out and see so we just have created not due i'm gonna click on not d right now and see what it is so if it is working we're gonna have it on card and c on this particular card so we have it on our card right here and we just have this so what we're gonna do right now is to create a percentage uh that is actually going to particular to that so what we need to do is just to add a new measure and i told you we had done this before and i'm showing you again and i'm gonna actually i'm not gonna show you again to create the ipad but i'm gonna show you how to visualize all of them so we just have to say zoom and actually go and like okay now for this not deal not deal so to create its percentage right now i'm going to say divide so divide not deal so they might not do by what by total total employee and the alternative is gonna be zero i'm gonna actually have to put my comma and now we have a percentage right on it so can you get this right now okay i think we already have noddy right here before formula before now and what i'm going to have right now i'm having some kind of trouble to get this back right on it so all i need to do is just to make sure i differentiate it with percentage right just so that we don't have the same thing over and over again so if i now hit enter it's gonna be some kind of accepted and after we might have gotten this uh some kind of you know uh right on on a measure table we're gonna have to put it on percentage and um we just want to leave it on one decimal point right now we are called with one decimal point and that is what we need to do and the next we're going to do right now is just to make sure we copy this and we don't have to reinvent the world again as i always say i'm in tutorial so i love being lazy around so go ahead and click a new measure and paste this right in here and create for deal for promotion that is what we need to create for right now we're gonna have to paste this right here uh it's gonna be percentage of what percentage of uh deal for promotion so default promotion so right here we just have to come right in here and just type in do so go for default promotion when i hit enter you can see how fast it is to actually get it done all you need to do for the first time is for you to understand the function you're using and how to use them appropriately that is all you have to do so i'm going to click on my percentage right here and uh don't forget about one decimal point just have to do that and now we are set to get to visualize our data the way it should look like i love that so now we just have to give it some kind of little formatting i know that all right we've just gotten this part done so it's nothing uh it's not nothing it's not too much so you can do it i'm just gonna have to replicate and actually duplicate this uh i'll bring this down right here so and after bringing it down all i need to do right now i'm gonna have to change what we have right here and actually you know apply some kind of formatting and you'll see what it is so do here it's going to be not due and right here we're going to have some canada for not do forward for percentage of not do is what we need to look for right now i have it right there so i'm gonna have the percentage right in here so uh we can't have the percentage and we have this particular one being removed so i'm gonna remove it so not the percentage it's gonna be there's gonna see that it's a ninety five point one percent that was why it was getting high so what means for this for this kind of this one right now we need to have a separator right on it so we just have to click on this deal and go right here and add this separator right on it for me to have it on some kind of tile separator and stuff like that okay nicely once you have done this this is the next level we're gonna go into right now so we have to visit our power query again to actually get something transformed and create what we have right here but before then we don't want to have something like this because we don't have anything that separates them to show that this is what this one is for i love that so i'm just going to go back to insert and from insert when i go back to what to ship and from shape want to take this particular line right here and we have the line in here so i'm going to bring the line down to something like this so i'm going to have to like make sure i move the line right in between this particular architect here and once i've done this what i'm going to do right now is just to go to my line outline color and choose the color and go for it and i'm going to go for this particular type of white color look that's it white okay i think i have a separator right now just have it let's get it i love this right so now the next thing i'm gonna do now is this so you wanna create a service here right here so how do we create this service here is for you to go back to home and from home we have to choose on transform data and we are back here every most of those particular part of the dashboard of our data that we have been given is some kind of numbers and it looks weird when i have some kind of visualizer so we'll have to scroll down till we have the service here right here all of that okay here we have this particular uh year at company which is what's harvest year which is the how many years has our particular uh employee be in our organization stuff like that so right now we are going to be doing something very different so what we need to do right now is this so we are going to be doing something different from what we had done before now so we just have to go to what go to add column and you can go you're going to see this particular column from example so you just have to save from selection so once you have done that you're going to have this so we have this empty one right here uh i'm gonna type out a heading i'm gonna type service here service you right here i'm gonna come right here we have it we have them on numbers so what are we going to do to actually have with where it should be uh the way we like so now this is what we're going to do uh here at service the one we have on highlights is what we want to use so make sure you click on it so this is the one we have on highlight so right now i'm going to click on six right here and once i've done that i'm gonna type in here years six year six years and uh that is exactly what i need to do if i hit enter right now what you're gonna see that we have all of them right here so now we have all of them transformed for us so we can click on ok that is what it is we have it we have it that is next one so we have it so now we just have everything we really wanted and i've told you once you are done with what you want to do you can go ahead and truncate that particular part of the column that is all you need to do and the next we're going to do right now is the level job level so we have to locate where we have a job level right in here and actually add to transform we have to transform that as well to get it used and stuff like that same thing again we have our job level right here and we only have numbers right in here and to visualize this is kind of going to look some kind of world and the same thing we have done before is what we're going to do again so add column we're gonna i'll say from uh from example and if you want to go on all and you selected some pads some particular columns and all of that so i'm gonna show you how to use this in subsequent videos so i'm just gonna go right here and we just need to add some kind of levels right in here i'm gonna say job level job job levels so go in here i'm gonna say level [Music] so type in level here so and what it is check this column this two and hit enter just say okay guys we are almost done from here for now so all i want to do right now is just to make sure we go to home and close and apply just say close and apply it's going to take a little while to actually apply itself right in here so we've got our service here right here so we need to do is just to make a search and all that so we have a service here i'm just going to click on it so we have a service here right here for us so here's our service here and what we're going to be visualizing the service here which is just going to be some kind of uh i'm going to zoom into this expert here so i'm going to go by words service here and we're gonna look for total so total employee so we bring total employee right here so we have them right in here so the next thing is gonna be some kind of chat so we need to use it on a chart so we go for this chart but right here now we have this chat to be used and once we've just gotten this we're just gonna make it some kind of a little bit smaller i'm gonna make sure it sits right in here for us so i'm just gonna make this to actually sit with itself right here very much so go to actually extend it this way and um i think thought we're cool so we won't have to remove this particular service here and the total employee from here all that so we don't we don't need the y and x axis right on it so what can we do to have that done so we have to go back and go to this particular format right here for the y axis right here so we just have to go scroll all the way down and turn off the title so we've just gotten the title being turned off so we just have to go and close it back again before we go for the eggs so we're going to go for the x axis right as well so we just have to scroll all the way down so we scroll down and have it turned off so when i want to turn this off guys it's been turned off so we scroll all the way down i think we just have to verify if all of them are off so i think we have all of them being turned off right now and the next thing we're going to do right now is change the color of what we're going to change the color of the um of the chat itself so we go to data color and once we have landed on data color you just have to click on this and what do you want to use for the data color right here so i this is our leading color right here so we just want to use this particular one for the data color i think we are going to with this so uh if you want to add some kind of detail about writing it so you have to always close whatever you have opened close it so the title bell is right here so you just want to turn it down turn it down so we have something like this all that so let us check well and see the next thing we have right here so you can see we have position so we're going to go on position where you want to have it so you want to have it in the middle inside there is it's going to be like can you see that so it looks kind of so tightly well on it so now this is exactly what it is so there are so many formats you can do but right now we're gonna like stop it right here right now and just go ahead and actually see okay now the next we're gonna do right now is just for you to actually say the title we need to be changed i'll go for the title and for the title uh service here is what we just want to use for service here so that is exactly what it is so we have to go back right now and actually go ahead and actually bring this here over the service here when i actually make sure we're consistent with what we're consistent with our formatting just go right here and actually have it right on this so now can you see that so we have this um we have just lost one of our formatting so we just have to go back and put back that particular uh italian bill on so so we've lost this particular title bit right here so we just have to turn it up turn it down again so we just have to so did the tele bell is still on it the reason why we can't see it is that it changed the color for us so we just have to change the color to what we really wanted so i think we can actually go with this particular kind of color or we just want to make it some kind of more white chat on that so we want to use something like this it looks fine so nicely we have it so now we can you see this so we have to call two tips so if we hover over it want to know how many male and how many female in this particular uh five year range of like how many people are actually uh on saturday so five years ago we have 196. so i want to go down go back here and uh if i go back here right now we can see the tooltip right in here so i want to go right here and actually make sure i deselect this and now i can actually go for mail and bring my mail gender right on the tooltip so not the percentage expert so i'm gonna go ahead and actually say for my mail i'm gonna bring it down to the tooltip level right here and for the female i'm gonna locate it and go look it for the female i'm gonna lock it and actually bring it down here and i wanna go back and actually bring you for promotion how many people do i do for promotion uh on that particular expert so do for promotion again uh not different promotion so i want to bring it to the tooltip level right here so and if we go back right now hover over let's see what we have right now can you see that we haven't been break broken down for us so now this is exactly what it is this is what we really want to see so you can see that service here five years if you've got people that have spent 10 years is 120 84 to be male 36 to be female deal not due to be what to be 120 all of that so we have something like this nicely and we can go ahead and visualize that particular this particular aspect as well which is a service here all we just need to do is just to search for sorry a level job level so we decide for the job level right here and once we have gotten the job level the next we're gonna do right now is always forward to actually search the total so i'm gonna put it on the total right here and once we go back right now we can actually see what we have and we can go back and visualize it the way it should be i think i'm going to go ahead and use something like this to get it visualized out of that so what you can do right now is just to make it some kind of bring it down so and make sure it sits right on this particular aspect here so to actually apply this information right here for it just go back and go to the top level right here and pick this particular format painter and stuff like that and have it here and we get every axis being remote for us but we might not be some kind of cool with the color we have on the chat if we want to actually extend um just extend our formatting out of that total employee by job level might be some kind of an ideal you know um ideal header for us whatsoever okay right now i want to change the data color so i want to click on this and change and give it the kind of data color i really wanted so i'm going to click in right here so and actually go to more and actually paste in a cold i have just copied somewhere and i'm going to paste it right there i've just changed the data color to what i really wanted if i go back right now this is what i have as my data color right in here can you see this right now this is beautiful and very awesome so can you let me just give it a full screen and let you see that what we have is actually making a lot of sense so now if i click on this right now like job level so we want to format this particular aspect right here let's see how we can actually get it formatted but before then we can actually now filter through uh level one you can see what we have five four three is what we have done playing level one and for level two when we talk about or have a level two we are actually you know filtering out that our data in our reported stuff like that and is working very very well guys if you are not too saturated on which one is y axis and which one is x axis keep turning this on and off you'll see watch here and see what it is though right now if i turn it off right now you can see this is off and all of that so this is why we have to actually touch and actually get to see what it is that we really wanted so all we just need to do is just to make sure we go right down and see where we have this particular size of our text size so we're going to turn the text size to something like nine now we have the text has to be text size to be nine now we have it down it's kind of ten okay we have the text size being changed and i don't know why it's wrong i can go okay if it is not working for us let us just change the font family into something like um gonna go down all the way down i'm gonna use something like this so this particular ui bolts so i'm gonna use it for it so now i have that what i really wanted is actually what it is so right now i can actually go down right here as well and make sure i click on this so once it's been highlighted i'm gonna make sure i use the same thing go down straight and actually use that for it so it's going to make it pop out of that so can you see that now so now it's out so we can see it better than before now so now if i actually hover over this i don't have any tool tip right here it's only giving me this it's only this particular aspect we have tooltip and if i click on this right now it's just gonna filter all other part of my dashboard can you see that now it's filtered down to the level of the data we have just clicked on out of that so if i click on this as well it's gonna do the same thing right here out there so you can go ahead and add in two tips right here and you'll be fine so for this expert right here the company want to retrain some work has from service and stuff like that and we have our data to actually get to do what it is that we should do to actually get this particular kind of visualization done and all we need to do right now is to head on back to power query to get the level of retrenchment and people who are going to stay in organization to keep working and people are going to go and all that so and we're going to get that visualized right here so now let us go back to power query to get things done okay here we are at the right column to be used for that and we always have numbers right so here at company so the company want to go on retrenchment out there to return some people due to someone accidentally order maybe things are not uh fought coming in the company and they will actually remove uh reduce some kind of cost and stuff like that so what can we do right now so to help this so what i wanted to do is what we had done before uh we just have to go to add column and from out column add under conditional column and see what it is that we can do so the conditional column is just coming up and we can name the conditional column to be some kind of retrenchment there is a retrench men's status so returning my status so we go down and we just have to select year at company so go all the way down and look for year at companies so go back again and cite for it so until we get to where we have yet company i'm so sorry for that please guys so we can scroll through and uh here at company here we have it so make sure you select the right column so is greater than or equal to 18 people who are spending 10 years needs to go and the people who are spending above 18 years needs to go so it's gonna be some kind of retrained under trench i'm gonna use um something like i'm gonna say on well be retrenched i can just okay just use anything just to make sure it tells my story will be retrained we'll be returning it so so the left number the real number is going to be on service and service so those people are still gonna stay on service this is gonna be working for us but people at that particular that have spent like 18 and above would definitely be retrenched and stuff like that so can i click on ok and i'm going to add my new column it has just been added for me guys so we're just going to go back and actually go ahead and actually close and save and actually go back and close our save our server click close and load for sure ever so i'm sorry for that i'll close download and it's gonna be loaded so it's loading gradually down to our power bi so now we've just gotten it loaded right here guys do you know we've not saved what if something happened so we just have to save this into our computer so what we need to do right now i'm going to go to file and show you i'm going to show you how to save and we need to click on save right here so we kind of go ahead and save right now and now it's not actually detecting any folder yet so i'm going to go right to this particular desktop and i'm going to locate today i'm going to save this into i have my power bi dashboard right here here's the folder we're going to be using for a lot of power bi you know stuff like that and i can actually go ahead and save this work right in this particular co-star hr data right here and right in here i'm gonna say youtube that is youtube youtube lesson so youtube lesson i'm going to click on self it's very simple to be saved very simple and easy so it is now saved so guys i told you the same thing we have done right here and right here and here here before is what we're going to do so behind this i'm going to do all this and get it visualized for you guys and you'll see what it is that i've done right now i've just gotten this created for you guys so what we need to do right now is just highlight this and this and actually copy paste it and actually bring it down right here i want to show you something that is very much important for you to actually get in about because we're going to be encountering a lot of errors like blank and stuff like that so you would definitely know how to get to you know walk around that so if i actually click on this right now i want to change this to what to some kind of on service right on service so i'm going to click on service right here oh we can't do that so i'll just likely just select this right here i'm going to click on service so when we click on service right now we have to be to be some kind of blank so we don't have okay the blank right here is gonna be maybe uh due to some kind of we are not really uh maybe we don't have the correct some kind of the correct um of free phrase or words for it right here but we can actually go ahead and actually make sure i'm gonna expand it make sure this particular blank here has been turned into something else instead of blank we want to see something else so how do we do that so i'm just going to go back ahead and actually go on where we have this on service right on here so i'm going to make sure i have it zoomed into let's just see and before i kill it we're gonna use if and is blank so i'm gonna say if so i'm gonna use this particular function again it's called is blank so if it is blank so we have to say with these blanks i'm gonna copy this for now i'm gonna show you what i'm talking about if it is blank copy this and i'm gonna close if it is blank right here comma what you need to give to me is zero so you can actually use some custom you really want so if it is blank give me zero else what you gonna give to me give me this oh this whole thing that was i have it copied and you can close it and hit enter and let's see what is gonna happen once we have this committed so it's taking a little while so let's just watch this right now and see what it is if the blank is some kind of uh notch error so now we have it we just have this problem because it is blank it gives us this so we have to check this out and see what it is but now we still have to go and verify if the blank is not as a result of error so we want to know so now all i need to do is just to hook on to what up onto the data what data view right here i'm going to go to my refreshment patch here so on services oh my goodness we have on services and what we just used right there is actually on service so we just have to go ahead and change it back to what on services right here so i'm gonna go right here and change it to services so we go here and say so we're gonna have uh we just have to add s right here the services i'm gonna hit enter unless what's gonna happen right now though we have solved that problem i'm gonna show i've shown you i'm just showing you how to solve that problem and you've just gotten to know what it is that you need to do once you encounter such a problem right so now can you see that so if i go ahead and expand it right now we have this right here so now we just have to control z i'm going to take it back to the right position so once i've done that i can now move this right here i'm gonna have to move this right here and expand it down to this end so i'm gonna have to move this right here and expand it to this end uh so we just have to click on it and go to this particular format printer right here i'm gonna go to title uh we go have to say on service [Music] so these are the people that are going to be on service so the next one i see we have to get a percentage of people are going to be on service right here as well so to get a percentage right now we just have to select this one so we have to locate to where we have created on service percent percentage so here we have it so we have it 92.0 percent people are going to be on there so now we've just gotten this done right now and this particular percentage we want to make sure is just uh cutting this kind of color i'm going to go right here and actually make sure i have it all of that so i don't want anything that i just below this particular aspect to be overshadowing the top level right here so that was why i did this so i'm going to hold down my control and ctrl v we paste it i'm going to move it down to this particular particular aspect right here and now we just have to change the story i'm going to click on this and go forward go to this um retrenchment will be retrained so oh we just have the percentage right here i will be retrenched not the percentage but the value so here are the just these numbers of people with the retrench so now we just have to go change the type header so i'm going to say restringed [Music] retrench [Music] retrench so i just want to create something like this right so retrench i think i'm cool so you understand this so now we just have to put a percentage right here for the retrench so we just have to select this and we'll verify percentage will be on it and this is what we have so right now it's very beautiful so if you want to check in level one how many people will be recharged and how many people be on service so once you actually click on this right here so it's gonna actually filter down to how many people is gonna build strength so we have 0.6 percent of people that are going to be retrenched on this particular level right here can you see that and we have the percentage of the male and the female out of that so if when i got people who experienced five years ago they have many of them so none of them so the same problem that we just encountered previously is still the same problem we just encountered right now for the last time i need to show you how to do this in a speedy way go back will be retraced so because nobody it's actually default to zero so just first of all to make it simple copy from here down to this calculator expert right here copy it down after you might have copied i'm gonna copy it so well make sure it's copied all after we have copied you come right here and type if so hit your top key to have it closed i opened that is the open bracket i'm gonna say okay if is blank if it's blank so come down right here and close this close default bracket hit on your comma so if it's blank what do you really want if it is blank letter is blank what you want is actually give me zero and if it is not blank so just give me all the form calculation we have right on it so i'm going to hit enter right now so once i hit enter let us watch what's going to happen right here so we're going to have something like this [Music] all right it's taking a while just let it be so it's giving me zero point zero percent because it's not there's nothing and the reason why we're having this zero uh hundred without the percentage is because we have to extend it and all of that so can we see that so we have to extend this and make sure it covers so i will have to do the precaution for this again in case we have a high percentage right here it's gonna it's gonna show up all of that so now this is what it is that we need to actually get now about so guys i hope you've learned something right on that so this is what it is beautifully when we actually you know filter through any of this particular aspect right here we get to see what it is that we are looking for so now you can do this go and do this for this particular default promotion and you have a very nice work i've shown you how to do this let this be assignment so go ahead and do that and actually clear that out okay right on this visual right here what we need to do we need to check the distance from home to work like the distance from home to work how do we know that don't worry we have a data that's gonna actually take us to that so go and actually go back to what go back to transform the other right here so we hit back on our pi query and here we are we have to look at the column that is actually carrying distance from home to work right here so now let's check that i think we have this column taking that this time from home out there so we just need to add a new calculated column and i'm going to show you something new right now on that particular expert so add conditioner column or i said in composite columns sorry guys conditional column is what i wanted to say so right now we have it so we're just going to say this 10 status so for distance status right now we just have to locate the column that is carrying these tens from home so here we go so if it is what okay now that we've gotten this column right here so we're gonna see right now if this particular operator right here so if this stance is greater than or equal to 20 so 20 so what we're gonna do is there's gonna be some kind of uh we're gonna have to this okay say people that i are staying 120 miles i don't know how to actually explain this to you guys to understand but don't worry you understand what it is so right now i'm going to say very far so they are still very far from the organization or from the company so whoever is written 20 are living very far whether it's rating between 20 and above are very far from the office or the organization so we're going to add a new clause right here so i'm going to still use the same column again so this time from home to the office so now we're going to go back again and say equal or greater than what's 10. [Music] so we're gonna say okay there are some kind of mirror so it's gonna be some kind of close see that close and now the rest people is gonna be some kind of very close very close can you get this right now we just need to add this and we go back here and just add this so once we've just added this right now can we see that so all you just need to do go ahead and remove the column you just have to go ahead and run the curve of the column so right now we have to come right here and change the data type so change data type from here to what to text because it's not right on text you have to change it to text so change this one to text as well else you might have a problem as time goes on on your report so make sure you change everything to text to text right here so you just have to change the data type to what to text data type right here so now we've done this so we have to hope back to what hope back to power bi and see how we can get this visualized it's very simple it's very easy we're gonna create a very simple chat to actually get this visualized for us and now we're gonna have to go right here where the heck are we going okay it's still actually committing itself right in here so we have to give it a little while so it's gonna loads so that is exactly what it is so we can now go right here right now and actually select our weight so we're gonna select distance just press the is so we see the distance started right here so we're gonna click on the distance status and we want to visualize the distance status by what by the heck is going on okay i have you know i want to select any card before you do that so i'm going to select this and once i have this deselected so we don't want to select any empty so i have it selected and go back right here and actually click on it oh this time frame i don't want to use this i want to use the new created ones i see have my other column right here i've not removed it so you go ahead and remove it if you have it right there so i'm going to move that particular distance right here we have distance right in here right now i'm gonna go for this particular type of and i'm gonna go right here so can you just see it we just have very close close and verify i'm to go right and select my total right on it so total employee so can you see that this is what we have so we can now go ahead and make sure we don't want to actually have anything this uh filtered right now i have to play the whole fit that we have right on it so we can see it better so now we have something like this so i can actually go ahead and make sure i have it this way and go right here i have something like this this where all that so we just have to make sure we actually sit right through here don't forget don't don't worry about how it covers so because we're gonna have to remove the what remove the trunk the body background color from it so now to have the background color removed and i can actually choose any one right here and actually copy the formatting and have it for it so let me just give it this formatting right here and we'll cover this but we cannot see most of our text don't worry we can walk around with that and see what it is we can do to actually have it back so come right here and call right to the label data color for now we're going to go for the label i want to choose a color that is going to show up on the label i think we're going to go for this particular color right here we have it fine nicely showing up so for us so we beautiful we go so so what if we want to have this particular one at the top level right here what do we do so we just have to go back to data legend go for legend and show the legend at the top can you see that so we shown the legend at the top right now it's actually giving us the full view of this and i want to turn off the title of the legend and we have it so what if we actually show it at the top middle which are top center so we centralize it so beautiful we have something nicely like this and we're not too cool with the color we have for this chart so one color to be some kind of um uh correlate with our color on our dashboards we're gonna have to use this can you see that so we change this color as well to something different so i'm gonna change this color yeah we're gonna have to change this color to something like i'm gonna go for something like this a little bit stand out so we have something like this so if i give you a full view of your dashboard right now so this is what we have just done nicely guys if you have watched this and you're a hero because you've just learned a lot about power bi right now popular parkway and stuff like that you know go smash the like button leave a comment hit the subscribe button if you've not done that and share this with your friends on facebook and twitter any of your social media at how because it's going to be getting very much interesting in the next video we're going to have to create more awesome part of the dashboard i'm going to show you what it is that you need to actually know about in a mini dashboard all of that and how simple how easy it is to use power bi if you want to know guys you just have to keep following me everywhere i go because i'm going to be giving you guys a lot a lot of things that you need to know about analytics using excel power bi and i'm coming with my sql tutorial don't worry guys it's gonna get very much interesting so if you love this video don't forget to leave a comment thumbs up share to your friends as i had said earlier because i love to do amazing things design is my way and i love logic so if you love logic 2 if you love design you have to follow me anywhere i go so keep filtering through this data are you going to see how awesome it is so to create this very awesome dashboard you know what it is you have to do is just to get a data set and actually follow along as i create from the scratch you would definitely understand what it is that we are trying to try actually trying to get into so guys i see you i know i hope you see me too because i gotta go right now so stay blessed stay out of trouble and always obey the protocol of kobe 19 because i want you to get ill
Channel: Data with Decision
Views: 2,351
Rating: 4.875 out of 5
Keywords: Power bi for beginners, data with decision, data decision making, advanced power bi dashboards, advanced power bi, dax in power bi tutorial, dax in power bi desktop, data analyst, data analytics, data analyst interview questions and answers, microsoft power bi, microsoft excel, excel dashboard, sales dashboard in power bi, power query in power bi, power query advanced, power query, ms power bi tutorial for beginners, ms power bi overview, ms power bi tutorial, Hr dashboard
Id: 0BKlUySopU4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 79min 28sec (4768 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.