I TROLLED My Friends With a WELL in MINECRAFT! (Diamonds)

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minecraft is back things have calmed down a little bit on jelly server as a lot of you will know me quark up and jelly has started new lives in a little village on a distant island far far away from all of that stuff and things have been going well you guys hit your like goal for another episode and here we are if you want me to upload another video where I play with jelly and quibble cop on this world then let's hear a hundred thousand likes again and that's when I'll upload another one anyway today it's just us on the server and I've got a sneaky idea we are going to build the world's first troll well it's gonna be cool trust me doesn't sound that cool but it will be I know the other two have been playing a little bit while I've been offline so we're gonna check some of that stuff out as well and anyway let's get into the video ah good morning is a new day in jelly server well it's not really jelly server anymore I guess we're all friends so it's our server that's got a nice ring to it isn't it so today we have a plan a very sneaky plan that I'm gonna tell you about now we go outside I think a few things have changed Joey and jelly have both been playing while I was offline looks like the farm was there a farm last time there is a farm now and it's pretty big which is great because I need bread and I'm gonna eat it anyway we're gonna be a good neighbor and replant it don't worry I'm gonna go ahead and assume Jordi made this this is a little bit too good-looking for jelly to be honest all right that should be enough for us for now we'll leave the rest we're not gonna take too much oh look at this off video I made myself a mailbox over here and Jordi's put a little sign post thing you've got mail Oh more bread and a little poppy that's so cute you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna put it in a plant pot I don't have a plum pot what do we need for a plant pot again clay okay I know I said we've got something sneaky to do but I first of all I need a big make a plant pot for George's gift just what I'm looking for clay perfect wait what is that up there seems like someone is built a little house on the hill okay we're gonna have to go and check that out a little bit later in the video alright let's shove this stuff in here get this cooking while that goes I'm gonna explain a little bit what we're doing today over here you see there's some water in in the ground we are gonna build a well but not just any well this well is it's gonna be a little bit sneaky long story short it is going to steal items from people that's all I'm gonna say for now oh yeah and the mine is looking pretty swanky I mean it doesn't go down very far I mean it's pretty basic but look at it this good looks pretty good I actually built this ah jelly's got a chicken that laid an egg wait we lost all of our name chickens we should name a chicken again so what we're gonna do is we're gonna build a little chicken pen over here and this is where I am going to name a chicken every episode after one of my viewers I'll be picking a viewer who comments on this video to be named after this chick really hoping I'd get chicken from egg everyone look away especially if you're a jelly snitch I don't want to hear it okay alright Carl you're getting a new life follow me come on Carl there you go so drop a comment on this video of what I should get up to in the next episode and if I pick you this chicken will be named after you completely a new chicken it's never had a life before think our stuff bricks should be done cooking why do I feel like I've messed this up hang on oh no I didn't there we go flowerpot where should we put it oh there we go just by our bed so this was the gift for him quelle cop how shall I put a sign there gift from pebble cup okay I might remove that sign but it looks good for now so first of all I'll explain a little bit how this well is gonna work while I'm building it so the idea is I'm gonna build like a town well basically that we will be donating stuff to in order to appease our made-up gods so hopefully the begin of the next episode I will be able to get the guys to make a huge donation that will then fall to the bottom of the well and let's just say I'm gonna be the one that is gonna be taking these offerings so at the bottom we are gonna build hoppers basically there pick up items those hoppers will then deliver it to a chest below my house where I can collect it all now as long as nobody stitches on me we should be able to keep this up for a while we're gonna get very rich off of this wait until we start getting diamonds and stuff like that and we can make diamonds offerings and they won't even know because I will be making offerings to so they'll just think it's completely normal oh yeah we're gonna have to dig the world pretty deep I'm guessing or unless we figure out a different way to do it we'll go this deep for now and we can start building sort of the I guess surrounding part of it so I think we're gonna build it out of cobblestone I think that's gonna look best we're not trying to go too crazy with the designs here we want to keep you know like a small-town feel so I would say we're gonna get the four core I think like something like this is gonna look good so we'll have staircases here and then we'll have fences going up or maybe we'll have the whole thing stone oh wait I want to use this for for smelting some iron I mean oh look the iron that I smelt it is here great oh look at that some cobblestone in the Community Chest just what so I need it I'm gonna replant these saplings because I'm a good member of this community there we go look at that alright so we're gonna need a few more staircases like so well that's good and now let's build up okay I'm gonna first of all grab some of these couple stone walls see how they look as well as grabbing the fences that we had so this is what fences look like okay and then this is what the walls would look like that looks kind of good actually what if we had it going all the way down no that looks silly what about if we did stone then oh okay that looks that looks pretty good actually I think we're gonna go with that so cobblestone wall around the base and then a fence on top perfect I guess we'll go up one more or is that gonna be too high I think that it's good be good if we could find some like darker wood though don't know if we're gonna get that on this island I think we're a little bit too far away I know there is some snowy areas over here the Sun is going down though but we can have a quick look Oh actually is that snow we buy over there alright all we'd have to do is head over to that snow we buy them though and we can get some darker wood perfect well we got to do this before the Sun goes down there's so many walls over here I so badly want to get a pet wolf but I know we have to do it all at the same time all right come on treat I need your wood we need to do this before it gets too dark 2000 years later all right 25 that should be enough Sun is going down got to make sure this tree falls Combee connects to another tree okay there we go oh it's getting dark real quick ah there we go home no creepers please no creepers Oh who left this floating tree there okay we need to burn that down home okay we made it good job good night all right new morning let's keep going with the Builder and I got myself stuck actually before we do that let's get rid of that floating tree I need to find me some gravel ah gravel just what I was looking for all right gravel give me Flynn give me flesh give me Flynn okay yes there we go now we're gonna use literally our last remaining resources to build a flint and steel to burn this down don't come back here ever again floating tree this will be the end of you Oh what the hell oh no no we vex then he said Julie's house on fire stop stop stop stop ah whoops how did that where did that zombie zombie set this place on fire great now there's a hole in in Joey's house we don't have anything now okay look it's not perfect do you have the would the other end as well I'll get a plank on it all right look it's a patch job we will definitely remember to fix this okay anyway now that we have our spruce logs let's build those into some planks now the idea is gonna have basically the top bit be dark wood I'm thinking maybe this is too high I think we're gonna go from this level like that let's have a look let's just build it and see what it looks like okay so that's the outside and then use the fat ones in the middle there we actually that doesn't look very good we should still use the slabs here like that all right I actually think that looks looks pretty good I'm wondering if we should make this the lighter wood instead yeah I think that looks better I think that looks much better actually I like that next up we're just gonna attach the road a little bit I think I'm also gonna replace this level I think actually will go down quite a bit with some stone I think that'll look good we'll go down three layers I think I mean we could make the whole thing cobblestone actually that might look kind of cool we'll do that for now we'll do that for now all right nor the dirt but there we go that's that I think that looks pretty good so now we're onto the tough bit beyond to you I'm not doing this as a guide or anything I'm just kind of doing it myself but all I know is I need for hoppers and I think I'm gonna need more than oh maybe people have enough what we'll see so first things first we need to build for hoppers so we need four chests because you need a chest to build a hopper we're gonna need a lot more chess than that actually but this will be good for now can we build for no the two I in a way all right well looks like off to the mines we go trying to get some more iron remember the good old days when we had like a billion trillion die to think all we'd have to do is go back to jellies base and we'd be rich we're not gonna do it though we're not gonna do it whoa we made it down to lava this mine is king real deep look at that I got some lapis as well whoa look at this place is crazy huh Wow okay just blew up the I knows about again I got one I can hear so many zombies around here what where are they wait what oh we found the umm we found a zombie spawner thingy look at that hello oh hey guys oh you have a sword okay that's pretty cool alright let's get these we can get some cool stuff in this chest this is actually quite close to home we might be able to build like a an XP farmer ow out there so be cool a few inches later alright we're in time to secure it no one messes with it and I think that's good okay there's a lot more to this cave but I think I'm gonna end it there alright double chest you don't see that very often thorns okay and more armor okay that's pretty cool alright let's loot all of these and then we'll get going so think what I'm gonna do is I'm going to build out straight above this thing and that way I'm always gonna know exactly where it is there we go broke through to the surface where is this thing right by us anyway let's head to bed I think that was a pretty successful trip 29 or let's check that in there and get some sleep alright iron is all done while I was waiting I have replaced the floor with the darker wood trying to look a little bit different to these guys so I think it looks pretty good we're needed to take the floor up anyway for what we were doing oh yeah a stone sword I said I was cleaning up my chest as well see ya don't need you anymore so first of all we do need a fresh shovel and you know what we're gonna need a fresh pickaxe and a fresh axe at the same time now we just need to build one last hopper I think we're probably gonna need more than one more but that's what we've got for now so in terms of how this is going to look it's pretty much gonna have signs like this right there this is gonna mean that the water that we put down on top of it is going to float let me show you so put one there and we put one there I mean may require more than that hang on there we go as you can see now the problem is with that as you can tell is that's pretty visible that you can see those signs so pretty much we're gonna have to put it as far down as possible where it doesn't become any like visible and then we're good alright there we go so these are the hoppers that we'll be collecting the items at the bottom as you can see they are all connected together and then feeding out in this direction and then here I'm basically gonna build a tunnel there goes all the way to my base so that I can get here and collect all the items but make sure it's sneaky alright and there we go the chest is now fully functioning we'll test it in a little bit but first we need to build a tunnel going back to our house so all we need to do is look at our yxc 7 8 9 and we just need to know to build towards 79 when we get back up cool before we do anything let's test it we'll drop a cobblestone there and then boom cobblestone it works so now we just have to get going on our entrance this is actually gonna be a proper working basement that I'm gonna be building but for right now I'm just gonna build the tunnel that is going to be to going towards the well alright there's my little basement done now I need to build the tunnel towards the well eventually this will be a very very very secret door but for now we're pretty much just gonna block out by doing this so that is all done now we can block up our super super secret tunnel and all we have to do now is finish up is it night outside yep now we have to do is finish up the water and we'll be done so the tough part about figuring this out is being able to hide these visibly from the top but also have it so the water isn't thick otherwise if the water is super thick everything will just float to the top now I could just say that I'm gonna put the water like here and say that's because otherwise what excuse me all right there we go we had to just use full blocks wait I just realize everything that we're trapping is going straight into the hoppers it's annoying don't mind me just collecting all the materials dropping into my secret well so there we go so that blocks the water off now so any item that falls in there now fall straight through and into the bottom now the question is could we put these signs a little bit lower but then it still drop all the way through yeah that still works okay so that means we could equally do that at the bottom all right there we go so I made it to at the bottom as well now the question is do things still fall in or do they float okay well they drop the piece of dirt down and there we go it worked there we go the well is done I'm gonna throw my bucket in there just to test it so that's gone down there then let's run into our base go to our basement have a look is the bucket gonna be in our chest the moment of truth yes it works we did it leaking a bit but it's fine so there we go let's block that up and I think we're gonna call that a date our sneaky well is complete also we need to give Geordie something cuz he gave us a gift you know what we got to horse armors last time so we'll give him a little gift of a horse armor I think they'll be cute there we go we'll put it in some iron as well gift from slow go there you go jelly on the other hand he can have some dirt it's all yours buddy enjoy anyway that's the end of the day for us we never did go and see that thing on the hill maybe we'll check it out in the next episode but anyway guys I hope you enjoyed the episode and I'll see you next time good night
Channel: Slogo
Views: 6,474,861
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, minecraft, playing minecraft, troll, jelly, kwebbelkop, well, trap, how to build
Id: HVwssNHvqZM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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