Build Freeze Frame Intro with DaVinci Resolve 15

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today we're going to be working on a couple of elements to build a freeze-frame intro sequence similar to this one [Music] [Music] so a member of the community actually requested to make a tutorial honest and I've never seen Brooklyn nine-nine so I asked him to send me over a intro and he did so let's just take a look here at the elements that built this so it seems like this is what's used to just show each person that's a part of the show and there's a couple of like little elements here that you can see let's just take this one frame by frame so the first thing is that it punches in and once it punches in obviously the colors add it and they're cut out and then we have these are you know each one of these is a frame they have a bar that goes across and everything has motion blur on it so as a bar that goes across and the name is split in the two pieces so there's like three flying elements here any for each one so same thing here they're all pretty much the same it crops in and then three elements come across and one thing that I did notice is how the elements are cut so this one it's just the arm that's cut if we come back to here nothing's cut and let's see your nothing's cut there his arms cut here and it looks like in this one actually there's a little bit of whatever this background color is coming through on top of this element so each one's done a little bit differently it seems like this one here this mask is controlling the cut out of this so let's actually do that so here is the shot that I'm gonna be working with today it's just a guy coming up and let's just bring this right into our project and we will cut it hello we will cut this up alright so he's coming up and I think like when he throws up like that actually right there I'm just going to make a quick cut there and that's actually the frame that we'll be using let's a little bit here and a little bit there and then we'll open this up and I'm just gonna zoom in here and I'm just gonna use my arrow keys and come in one frame and cut there as well and then once I cut there I have this little piece here I'm gonna just right click and come up to change clip speed and then click freeze frame and now this will stay indefinite however long I stretch it it'll stay as that one frame so I don't know how long these are on this video but I'm just gonna make mine two seconds one two so that's how long I'm gonna make mine bring it in here stretch it out take this bring that back in okay and then on this clip here I'm just going to right click new fusion clip just so that we have our frame numbers start at zero I'll make it a little easier and then I'm gonna come into fusion and let's close that and bring this up just a little bit and we can close the media pool as well all right so we have that the crop in which I'll actually leave for the end but then we have all of the little elements that we need to throw in here so the first thing we're gonna do is just take this media in I'm gonna copy it then I'm gonna paste it and this media in I'm going to cut out our character here so I'm just gonna come in here I'm gonna bring a mask over into here and now we obviously don't see anything because there's no mask so I'm just gonna shut off the mask for now now make this a little bit bigger and now I'm just going to work my way around the character being sort of precise but we don't have to be perfect we can hit control and mouse wheel in to zoom in a little bit like I said we don't have to be absolutely perfect but close enough it's not on screen long enough to spend hours and hours and hours so you don't really have to be that precise but for something like this just because the background is such a drastic different color we will want to make sure that we don't have that color bleed through so we might add some like softening in here then almost there then when we get here and we're just about done and we need to connect this you can click there but if you're struggling with clicking it cuz you might have a lot of them together you can also click this button right here and it will close it for you so now that we have it closed if we turn it on and double click now we can see how we did we didn't do too bad down here obviously we could clean this up a little bit so you could click on these and bring them in just a little bit fat all right so the next thing we could do is we could soften this just a little bit and whoa hello all right so these holding down control you can get finer adjustments so I think something like that is pretty good I think that that looks perfectly fine for what we're doing here just because everything is so quick so now we have the let's go to windows here so we can see everything we have that and then over here we have the whole thing so the next thing we could do is we could bring in a just a background and this will be the color that we're going to throw on top and we're gonna just bring this over here so then once we have this here we can pick different blending modes but I think I'm just gonna turn the blend down just a little bit so something like that just so we can see it through just a little bit and then if we were to connect this up and then play it it's kind of where we're at so far so not too bad and I just need to now work on the elements that come into here so the first one I'm going to do is that bar that goes across so I'm just gonna come over here we'll play this over here and then we'll just get read they bring it down a little bit and we will just grab a rectangle bring that over let's go back to one bring this up bring this in and slight tilt okay like that let's connect this in and see how we are looking connect these two together hello whoa bring this up just a little bit alright so how is this alright it's hard to see everything but uh so that's our bar going right there let's just make a different color for now so I think I would want to actually move this up maybe just to his like shoulder area and close it up just a little bit just something like that you have to remember that we're also going to be punching in here so I think that looks good so let's go back to a a similar color that we had so something like that okay and the other things that we had to add in was some text so I'm just going to add in some text right in here just like this bring this over bring this up and then I'm I just want to keep all of these elements together so I'm just gonna pull them over just to keep these elements together and we'll just view this so bring this in bring it up here I'm gonna come over and rotation rotate it just a little bit so we have it in there and then we need to add some animations to this stuff so let's just I'm gonna I think I'm gonna start these at like frame six so the first one is this rectangle moving so I'm just going to keyframe at six the center position and then come up to let's say ten keyframe here I'm gonna come back to six and then I'm just going to oops I'm just going to move this off the screen I would say that would be fine okay that looks good the other thing that I wanted to add in here is obviously you see on this edge here it's coming in it's quite sharp so because I'm doing the move with this mask I'm going to add in motion blur there we go now I have motion blur on there and then the next thing that I want to do is animate the text so I'm actually going to animate the text on this merge here so when this is like halfway through so let's do like nine or eight I'm good I'm just going to keyframe the size and the position and then come up to let's say frame twelve keyframe there as well come back to eight and then I'm just going to increase the size and also change its position so let's just have a come from there so there we go there's that one and you could add one more in here I'm just gonna connect this to the end here just keep everything just looking like this may get a little easier and then for this one I could just put I don't really have a second part so I just put sure let's view this and bring it up here and we can also do the rotation on this as well it may be a different type of font there we go and maybe up here I'll just keep keyframe its center position and then keyframe here as well and then coming over it here I'll just have it move with everything there we go obviously you could spend more time on these and make these look a little bit better but because I did a move on here also going to be doing the motion blur and on here the motion blur okay so our elements so far they're coming across and then we have that one coming in from the top and that's looking pretty good so the next thing that you will notice is when all this stuff comes over it's all in front of our character because our character currently has our character is currently coming in as the background now we could set this all up so that the this is placed on top but I wanted to show you to use a mask that we already made so this mask is cutting ivory everything out obviously what we could do is we could come from this method let me just move this down so it's easier to see we could come from this mask that we have that does the cutout and we could bring it in to this merge because anything that we affect on this merge will affect the foreground so if we bring this in right and then in this merge come over and then we apply mask invert now it sits behind him and everything that zips around let's come back everything zips around is all behind him if you can see that there so let me actually change the color of this there we go looks a little bit better so yeah so I think our animation is pretty much done the only thing that we have to do yet is at the beginning here we just have to do like a punch in and our animations start at frame sit or six yeah they start at six but you don't see them until seven so let's come back to five and we'll just have a small punch in here so coming from this merge we'll do a transform so now everything that we have that comes into this point is going to be affected so instead of having to put it up here putting the transform up here changing the size and then having to change the size on this media in and you know resizing everything to fit we could just bring everything into right before we spit it back out onto the timeline just in this scenario there might be a situation where this one worked but for what we're doing here it'll work perfectly fine and all we have to do is then just increase the size of this to something where everything will still look good here so let's see okay so there we go it'll punch in and it'll have the color and everything will be great so let's come back over to here and obviously we have like six frames before all that happens but we can cut a little bit so I'm just going to let this I'm just gonna let this cash quick and then we'll play with it a little bit more alright so here it is it's rendered out we take a look at it we have pretty much everything something I noticed I think it's zoomed in maybe just a little too much animations might come on a little too fast maybe like two or three frames but there was one thing that I noticed that looked a little off if we take a look at the video that we're referring to is that in here there are two different punches there's a punch in let's come back there's our first one so there's a punch in and then a second punch in right punch in and a second punch in so there's two sets of puncheon's to really sell this and that's one thing that I was missing see there's there's the second set of punching so first one it's light and then there's a second one that gets a little bit bigger so we would actually end up adding that on to just this normal clip here and then have our little animation here so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to come back over to the fusion page and make those animations just a little longer and maybe not have it zoom in as far so in here maybe have this zoom and it like maybe 1.5 so something like that and these when I come in here my spline tool click on here let's a little bit more space here and I'm just going to increase these by just a couple of frames so grab this and just increase by a couple of frames in here as well all right all right so there is that okay let's come back over then I just need to I think on the video it's already in a flash or it's already frozen yeah it is okay so we just need to use that same use one frame and so let's take all this well just I really don't need the audio but I'll bring that over okay so then we can just cut this here and then turn this into a freeze frame just bring it up a little bit and maybe make it three frames sure and then just do a little punch in here inspector zoom in there we go then click here we'll bring that back let's see how it looks now that works I'm not a huge fan of the font but kind of sells the the whole thing if we wanted to could obviously make the animations just a little bit longer but I feel like overall we kind of you know got it to work and I don't know what happened afterwards maybe just cuts oh yeah it just cuts to a different shot so then you figure out how long you want this to be so like let's say right there and then you would just have it go to the next shot and not to here but this is what we have so far boom boom and it comes back and maybe net afterwards I can cut to something else but that's kind of how you would make a freeze frame ish thing similar to the Brooklyn nine-nine intro let me know what you guys think about this one if you have any ideas suggestions leave them down below again my name is jeon thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 37,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, davinci resolve 15, fusion, vfx, freeze frame, rotoscope, intro, step by step guide, free davinci resolve, video editor, video editing, Brooklyn Nine-Nine
Id: fqmPKq3KTF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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