Learning how to make unique effects
really help setting your videos apart. In this tutorial, you will build a two-in-one
title and sliding door transition that can be extended with all kind of
features and visual effects. And this will go way beyond what the
Barn Door built-in transition can do And even more, you will practice using
Expressions, Custom tools, anime curves and saving all these as a template. Let's get started! First, we want to thank
everyone watching our videos And if you haven't subscribed already?
Think about doing so. The transition that we are
going to build is a great base for you to practice and
develop your own features but for all of you that also
want something ready to use with a clear custom
interface, we will have an advanced version available
in our store in the next few days let's jump into DaVinci Resolve! The first thing is to add some
footage to our timeline and there's a few ways to do so. If you prefer to keep it
lightweight and minimalistic start with two color generators. But if you like your effects to be
created on something a bit prettier choose two random
photos, or in this case two clips that will be used
as placeholders for the template. As we are building a transition,
one good starting point si to add a Fusion Cross Dissolve In your effect library,
under fusion transition, add a Cross Dissolve to your clips. As usual you need to trim both
clips so there is enough frames overlapping over the
length of the transition. Now, we can edit the transition
by either doing a right click on it and choosing Open in Fusion Page or by clicking the little
wand in the inspector. This gives us 2 MediaIn to work
with, MediaIn1 and MediaIn2. We also have a dissolve tool inside
this group, that we can either delete. Or better we can replace it with a merge tool
by dragging it over the Cross Dissolve and replacing it. This keeps our medias connected to the
flow, but unlike with the Dissolve tool we need the MediaIn1 to be
connected to the foreground It's easy to fix by either doing a
right click on the merge node and choosing Swap Inputs.
Or by pressing [Ctrl] + [T] Let's arrange the layout of our
template for maximum clarity. This merge will be our output node and I'm going to rename
accordingly by pressing [F2] Properly naming your
nodes is a great habit and makes working on complex
effects or collaborating much easier. select MediaIn1 and click on the
Merge icon to add our input node I'm going to immediately rename it. So that's our input. This node will also have another
job towards the end of the tutorial. And I'm going to do the
same thing for the MediaIn2 by adding our second input. Now, drag 2 Transform
tools into the nodes window and connect the Input
node to each of them. This will send our MediaIn1image
to both Transforms in parallel So we can manipulate it separately. And you will see in a moment
how powerful this is. Let's rename them for something shorter This one is going to be Tr2,
and you guessed it Tr1 Disconnect the Input node from
the Output and add a new Merge node To which we are going to
connect both Transform nodes and connect it to the Output. Now we are going to prepare those
two Transform tools for animation and as we want our transition to be
compatible with any kind of frame rate we are going to use Anim Curves. We need to extract the X-axis by
creating a simple custom control For this... Right click on Tr1 and choose Edit Controls This is not a custom control tutorial so I am not going to explain
every options in there. That said, if you would like us
to make an in-depth tutorial about all the custom controls that you
can use, how and why to use them. Please let us know in the comments. Name this new control "x axis" press tab Press tab And notice how the
space was removed for ID This is very important! For type, keep number. Choose Controls for the page where
we want it to show up in Inspector. Input Ctrl: Slider control And give a default value of 0.5. Right now, this control does nothing,
but we're going to change this by doing a right click on
center and choose expression Expressions are bits of Lua
code that is case-sensitive This means that be very careful
when you're writing them as even just for getting a capital
letter would be enough to break it This expression defines the
coordinate for the center point and instead of 0.5 for the X-axis
we're going to write not the name but the id of our new control. So in this case, "Xaxis" without space. And now, I can move the Transform tool
along the X-axis with our new control. To reset, double click on the name. We have to do the exact same
with the second Transform tool. I could simply copy
and paste the first one but as I have all my connections
already nicely laid out I am just going to do it manually. So again, right click on
the Transform tool. Edit Controls X axis Number Controls SliderControl 0.5 But what I can do is copy
the first transform node Select the second one Right click on the name
and choose paste settings This will automatically create
and fill up the expressions. Why did we do all that? Well, to be able to move two
instances of the same image independently. Next step is to add a mask
to each Transform node to be able to create
a sliding door effect. Drag a rectangle into the nodes window
and connect it to the first Transform node. Set the Width and the Height
to 1.0 to cover the whole image. Now we need to offset the
mask a half screen to the right and link it to the Transform
so they can move together For this, right click on center.
Choose expression. And here we're going to
change the value for the x-axis We're going to type the
name of our first Transform so in my case "Tr1.Center.X" for the x-axis And because we want to offset for
half a screen I'm going to add "+ 0.5" [Enter] And now, deselect and reselect You can see that the mask
is offset for half a screen. Copy that mask and paste it. Connect it to the Tr2 And here, you just need
to change Tr1 for Tr2 or the name of your
second Transform node. and instead of + 0.5, "-" To activate the masks select
the two Transform nodes and go to settings, and activate Apply Mask Inverted
and Multiply by Mask. Same for this one. To animate our sliding doors with
the first Transform node selected Right click on the X axis
control that we created Choose Modify With Anim Curves We can now switch to the modifiers
tab to set our animation. We'll start by adding
some Easing to our curve. Set In point to Expo and
the Out point to Sine. Scaling let us define the direction, scale
and starting point of our animation I'm going to set Scale to -1.3 Offset to 0.5 Time scale to 1.3 and time offset to 0.5. Doing the same for the second
Transform node is going to be really easy As before, I'm going
to copy the first node. Go to the second Transform node. Right click on the name and choose paste settings As you can see, it added
automatically the Anim curves and all the settings
in the modifiers tab. The only thing that
we have left to do is to remove that minus sign I'm going to set back the viewer to
our Output and play the sequence. Look at how well this is working. Adding more elements to our composition
is going to be a painless process Starting by the text. Select the input node Click on the Merge icon To add it neatly to the flow. Drag a Text tool into
the nodes window And connect it to the merg. Format the text to you're liking. Let's play it! And see how the text is
now splitting with the image If you prefer the text to appear behind
the sliding doors, it's really simple. Connect it to the merge And just like this the text now
is appearing behind the door and you would just need to adapt
your animation so it starts earlier. There's so many ways
to make the text appear like having swipe from
the side for example. And in this case, you would apply the exact same animation
technique that we use for the transfer node For this one, I would
rather go with the fade-in and we could go to the Shading
page and animate the opacity But if you need to apply this
effect to more than one element. Using this merge node Blend
controlis going to work perfectly Right click on Blend Choose modify with Anim Curves and switch to the Modifiers tab. And I'm just going to
set the Time Scale to 10 and the Time Offset to 0.1. Let's play it! And this is starting
to be pretty nice! We could stop here or we can step up
our game and add some visual effects Still here? Let's start by creating some
parallax with a shadow. This will give the impression that the
doors are floating above the second clip Select this Merge node. Type [Ctrl] or [Shift] + [Space]
depending if you're on pc or mac. Type "Shadow" and
add a Drop Shadow. In the Inspector, I'm going to
change the Shadow Strengh to 0.6. The Drop Angle to -100. The Drop Distance to 0.06 and the blur to 0.4. Next we're going to add the line that
slices the screen just before the split. And I am not talking about the ugly
border from the Barn Door transition. Add a Background to the nodes window Click on the Paint tool and connect it to the Input node. well that's an interesting look for sure
and something that you can easily do if you add a transition
in front of a single clip For now Let's fix this by selecting
the Background node and bringing the Alpha to 0. Select the Paint node Rename it to Line And click on the Polyline Stroke icon. Add two points on the screen.
You don't have to be precise right now. Click on the Select All icon. Right click on one of the points. Go to PolylineStroke: Polyline Publish Publish Points You might have to select a different
node and go back to the Paint node for those points to appear. For point 0, I'll set X to 0.5. Y to 0.0 For point 1, X to 0.5 And Y to 1.0 Just like this, we made sure that
those points are perfectly centered. Open Brush Controls and choose
Circular or Square as a Brush Shape. Choose a size.
I'll set mine at 0.004 And to animate this line,
open stroke controls. Right click on Write On. Go to Modify With Anim Curves Switch the Modifiers tab and
fill up all those values as you like I'll set Time Scale to 4.0 and Time Offset to 0.26 to
match the opening animation Another one down,
last one to go. For our last effect, we're going to make the underlining
clip brighten up as a door slide Select MediaIn2,
make some space Type [Ctrl] or [Shift] + [Space] and type Corrector. "Corr" Add a Color Corrector and in inspector, I'm going to choose Brightness among
the numerous ways to darken an image. Once again, we're going
to use an Anim Curve by doing a right click on the name Modify With Anim Curves Switch the Modifiers tab and once again, adjust all
those values as you see fit. I'll set scale to 0.5 Offset to -0.5 Time Scale to 2.3 and Time Offset to 0.5. It takes some time getting used
to how this control behaves depending on what
effects you want to get. So take the time and
experiment with them. Our transition is now complete and we
just need to make a template out of it Making a basic template that you can
use in the edit page is pretty simple I am going to show you quickly
the specifics for this template but if you like more detailed information,
we do have dedicated tutorials and you'll find links in the description. They both have chapters that you can
use to jump to the part that you need. You need to select all your nodes
except both MediaIn and the MediaOut. This is actually a very important
step as the order of selection will define the order in which
all those different controls will appear in your template. Before I save my nodes, I see that
I forgot to rename this merge node which is our input2. And I'm going to make
sure that I'm selecting first Input Input2 and Output Then Text Line and Drop Shadow I can then select all the other nodes except
MediaIn 1 and 2 and the media out I'll make sure that we have
everything that we need selected. Right click Go to Macro Create Macro In this list, the most important
is to make sure that for input I have Background selected. For the Input2, I have as
well Background selected And for the Output: Output. Otherwise, just select all the controls that
you want to access in the Edit page. Once you are done,
give it a name I'll name mine for example
"Floating Doors" And click on File and choose Save As Group if you want
to be able to edit it in Fusion later on. Go to the Fusion folder and choose:
Templates\Edit\Transitions and click Save Close And after restarting DaVinci Resolve your template will appear in the Edit page. And I have here a version of this transition
that I can add then to anything. And customize in the Inspector. Gonna do something like this I can then change
the color of the text. Color of the line
and different settings. Let's play this! And there you go... You have a Swipping doors transition customizable that you can
extend with your own features. If you liked this video,
leave a thumbs up! And click on that bell to be
notified of our future tutorials And we'll see you... in the next video! See ya!