Another $50.00 mystery box from

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guys what is up YouTube is young boy they're getting production welcome back to the production guys now in the recent video two days ago a couple days ago in the gemologist video I told you guys that there will be a mystery box from weapons you know all that good stuff guys I did not lie to you this is the package that came it's a really big package it's actually bigger than the one that I did in my first unboxing video and yeah guys this just contains two mystery boxes next to open where's your the box where's the other box there is no what the box the other box is in here I think I don't really know so I don't really know what is inside since the name is called a mystery unboxing so what could be in here I paid $50 for football basically $49.99 free shipping the other item I paid $32.99 for that also in total my entire total came out to be like 80 something 85 or something like that about there guys because I don't know I am a big weapon collector and sorry for that loud banging guys there's construction going on outside in the backyard getting some work done so guys well that's just not even you know let's not even hesitate they just open you know I want to look jump straight into I'm very excited for this I hope you guys are very excited for this so yeah guys after I get this opened I will switch you guys out to a different angle which you haven't be able to see which you guys will actually see in the box but you'll have a different angle of seeing what was inside so guys like I said like I says I just jump straight through it I hope you're having a wonderful day and if you guys are having a wonderful day make sure to subscribe leave a like slice the like button I should say and yeah guys let's jump straight into it alright now I did order the 4 the 4 mystery sword box so I don't know what could be in here I did order a 12 pack an eyes if the video tends to be too long with just the sword because my last time the video with the swords okay might be like like 15 16 minutes long and yeah so this is a pretty big box I do see a couple items hard cardboard now yeah somebody's uh I do see a couple stuff in here now I'm kind of will right here is the 12 mr. Peck and I and I'm dropping this here's the 12 mr. Peck and I I'm I don't I'm not gonna look at what this side here I don't really know that's gonna be your turn later uh so yeah I there's four Oh what is it here uh yeah so uh like I said uh I'm gonna pause the video here guys I got to go around because I wish my cameraman was here but he's not playing guys I'm gonna pause the video here switch out to a different angle so you guys can see better and I'm gonna take everything out from this and so that I can put you guys better so I'll be right back alright guys so I'm back I got you guys in a better position where you get to see all the swords that came uh what we're gonna do is I've seen a video of the blue fury it's three piece it's a basically uh sukkah nine and one source so we're gonna actually do this one first so yeah I'm gonna put this one to the side so yeah guys so half of this stuff do seem to be but later I'm gonna have to look up the prices like I always do and like other weapons this I thought I buy now this is the mystery sword scratch and dent so yeah I don't yeah so basically this half of this stuff seems to be what should be from either scratched up messed up or something for one I like the coloring on that but when it does have an edge as you see this pierce right through it it's that nice blue to color to it nice handle the paracord uh try to see if there's any yeah there is a couple like there's dirt on it there's like one scratch like right here but you can't really see cuz this fade in it but other than that it seems to be like in good condition uh I'll put this in the case back that's pretty it's okay uh these are really small but they they do have an edge I won't bother taking this one out because of the fact that it's just gonna be the same thing so these are really nice really cool I'm a big fan of throw of knife-throwing know like that so I'm gonna put this one back in here with this one other than that I would say this is about maybe like 15 bucks right there fifteen twelve dollars right here worth of it I wouldn't say it's it's good I mean it is good because it's like you know it's all metal it's technically a basic you say it's full tang but you know the next one we're actually gonna get into is actually will do this one yeah let's see this yeah so this one seems to be basically the same thing as that one looks like basically seems to be the same as the other one where it's like in the inside don't give me a hard time so something just went out here what is this micro PAC in Hana okay move move let's see okay so this one make has a weird feel to it want to be careful now I don't want to cut myself yes see there is a bit of of dirt but that's all right that could be I don't really see any any scratches or anything but it does have a have an edge to it one you know the sound when I take it out yeah it's alright it's alright time it does have it does have a nice pretty good edge you know pretty straightforward one you know more for like stabbing and stuff but you know it's pretty it's alright guys you know I wouldn't complain about this right here is maybe worth 20 bucks right here you know so that's pretty alright I'm pretty satisfied with this I'm actually gonna put this one to the side I'm actually gonna I'll do this one the gladiator said I've seen this one now this one's yeah oops I kick the box but that's alright you know because yeah well this one just puff right open it so but that's right so oh and someone seems to be calling me and know I'm busy right now never know anyway yeah someone is calling you so we do have the gladiator set which is here I've seen stuff right here now this yeah like I said this one it does not have a blade like it doesn't have an it is this must be at least 3 centimeters thick so so it's pretty heavy actually this is really nice it does come with two this is just the sheets that he goes in this is yeah from for one sheet well this actually goes for two in the back you just put this on your back of them two of them go so I'm not gonna really get into that so I'll just put this to the side you know take well this seems to like when it was packages probably put inside the thing there you go all right I like the way it feels this will probably be a display I'll probably have a like crossed like that so other than that yeah so this thing this must be like three centimeters thick so yeah like I said before the only thing that it has on it so you know that's a good sound to it intimidate someone the thing that's actually good about it is because it has a tip like an actual sharp tip see now you can tell that where that dent and scratch comes in because this is actually been at the top which is actually pretty okay because this is just a prop you know so you know guys and so I'm still calling the guys during the video so this is pretty okay I'm gonna put this to the side and get to this one because I don't know what this one so this right here must seem to be at least made like 20 bucks right here it's not 20 I'll say maybe like you know there something like that I'm gonna move this trash to the side move trash we're gonna answer this one I don't know what this one is all right here oh I got a cancel which I really did want for a long time it's not my favorite sword well like you know what it'll be classy to just get one in the future you know hopefully they send me one in the mail and yeah so it does twist I like that little poker Jack like whatever cards skull design on it this will definitely be going on the wall on the side it is an actual cane cuz its parts rubber and stuff and this one paulie's not gonna have a tip either wall of late yeah so this doesn't actually have a blade and as you guys can see it bends so this one will probably not be something that I would like sharpen or use but other than that a really cool cane sword now I want to see bullying hello people hello nan GG open eyes yeah this is really cool this would definitely be going on the wall you know or on the side wherever see if I find some room the design on it is really nice with this giant stick like part of the King I'm thinking the blame would be more bigger because if you just do that or like right here it doesn't even go that way at least put it like down there so the other thing that's good is it oh it basically has a tip to it you know not much but at least I at least I'll have to look at the price at this because I know like you know this probably cost a couple of bucks so I'm gonna put this to the side guys I'm gonna pause the video here get to these knives because this one I can actually sit down for and actually I'm not gonna possibly do all have to do is use this so right here see the water not it makes things so complicated ugh I don't know other Doug many of you guys mr. e9 so this was supposed to be a two video this is Lucy two videos that were supposed to do separate but I didn't so I have a whole bunch of Black Legion that's a good brand put all this to the side some of it to the side right here um if I do have duplicates in here I will give some away so yeah so the first one we're gonna do is this little tiny little box which seems to already be opened so does is it gonna come out uh sir oh okay so we're off the bed this right here seems to be a nice little shiny knife it is well I'll just have to break it in oh this one has a nice blade too you know what I'm gonna use this one instead of this one you know push one because this is really nice you know you know I'll have to get used to like you know trying to break it in and stuff because new knives it takes time to you know like break in and stuff but yeah I don't really know the brand of this one but I'll have to I'll have to find Ali this is really like a nice silver one so yeah so I'm gonna use this knife I'm gonna actually do open this one so let's see there's this one just pop out yeah this is us okay so just the same knife they just sent me okay actually hold up but this one down quick so I can view this one oh and he said it has a bit of a kick to it you know the locking mechanism is really good this brand is named timber wolf so I look at the price at this one because most of these knives cost more than what you pay for so see now that's just nice see I like mean I like knives I love knives I should say so yeah you do need to assist this one because usually some knives like this one you have to like I could I could be able to do it with one hand but this one no so yeah this is a really nice knife and Oh believe really is sharp so yeah I like this one actually you know what I'm put this one to the side use this one so we're gonna get to this Timberwolf one oh okay so many good nice I'm telling you guys what is this one so now this one really is nice because if you guys could tell what the picture is it has Wolves on it and I guess that's a frame for something oh nice this one has a bit of scratch on it but you know what other than that I can easily get to have a pair oh and also it has like the same design from this side on the other side and I like the way this one feels oh and I can easily do it oh and if that one feels good too I like this one has a kickback to it so like you know this is pretty good I like this one this is actually pretty nice so you already know I'm sorry who's this one uh this one should be gonna pop out by itself doing yeah so let's see what we got going here this one is a fire fire to assisted pocket knife now this one is supposed to be used by police or not not police uh firefighters so this says fire department you know I have a have a there's an officer in this school or like a this oiled it seems to be oiled yeah this one needs to be broken into this seems to have oil on it so that's pretty good to keep the blade nice sharp well yeah that's pretty nice this one it's it's alright it's a nice matte black and I'm a big I'm not a big fan of this but you know still nice it's really nice I probably give it to probably the firefighter fire sir our school this one just popped right open this one is Black Legion there's nothing else that says to it just another black box don't put that to the side let's see what this is okay so this one is black on the side and blue on this side so let's see what this is yep there's a big knife so there we go so this one really is nice it this one is like a nice curve as you can see the blade is really huge this isn't the first knife that I've had that a blade has been this huge can I do about one hand yes I can't let's see how sharp I can hear that this is really sharp so yeah guys this is really nice I'll probably see like this one fire like milling $15 you know probably around that so yeah other than that that's pretty cool at the end of everything guys I'll put everything together this one should be just pop out like this yeah oh this is a nice mini one this is timber wolf again it's a handle is that handcrafted so there's a nice little mini pocket knife you know I like the way this one is nice put this gold camping and stuff like that you know you know this one you can't really this way if you loosen it up a little bit and yeah you could probably you know but not this one doesn't but other than that this nice wooden everything you know so this knife is really nice I do like this one nice handcrafted this is actually a real wood and yeah so this is a nice little knife like this one it's probably costing me around or like me like $15 I don't know a little bit of that all right guys so now we have this one which seems to have what's it colors this is another slit of flip so yeah okay so this one is gone from this side too so yeah guys so guys I'll be right back I need to do something really quick so I can it's about this so yeah guys I'll be right back alright guys so I'm back so you have to take care of something quick right here you know but this is enough also another flesh of flick knife so it doesn't have a lightning design on here this is supposed to be like the sky or something like that so yeah it's breathe nice knife you know probably cut some like cheese or something you know I don't know so guys that's really nice well that one was uh trying to see which one was this one this one's called tomahawk that's another I guess is a protect and serve so I'm guessing that this is a police variation of the same one of this where's it at oh right here so this is the exact same one but this one this one is a police variation this one is a firefighter and I'm actually I should actually give one of these with the firefighter the the police officer one two one of my like we're cool so yeah so the are the same exact things same blade same shape same everything like again that's pretty cool I can close it by myself like that it's one hand that's pretty cool you know same thing is the other one so let's get on to the next knife guys this one is called motion warrior so Japanese so I am a big fan of Japanese so this is oh my god this was my main knife so as you guys can see right here let me close this one oh it's nice sturdy this one has a bit of texture and like a design on here motion warrior it's really nice I like this one this is Japanese she has the katana in her hand and so yeah or he whatever each one whatever and not not even a kickback and that's exactly the way I like it now like the way it feels nice sturdy you know I like the way it cuts you know it would kill you know anyway so it's really nice to see visibly yes it does yes it does it it will cut like Doug Marcaida says dad this is actually my favorite one out of everything because it's Japanese and I love Japanese things under the neck oh but all this was a size say you guys you see what I have is another knife that from Timberwolf hand quality handcrafted quality knife you know this one is a this is like like a heart plastic and the rest is stainless steel so this one it yeah I would have to break these in this was really nice oh yeah that's sharp your photo will look I hear oh yeah it will it will thank you guys this is very nice I still have two nights left one from timber wolf again and bushmaster so how to put this one set aside you know but these notes aside and the blade is nice very smooth so he just easily just pop it out myself this was timber wolf it's really nice no damages no anything nice bleed need to book cut has a nice wool it has a nice of wolf oh so yeah guys it's pretty nice I wish this was like a brown like like a nice brown like this one cuz that would look better like that but you know can't complain this one probably timber want to look at timber wolf so I would have to look at these like prices and stuff to see everything here it's worth $32 or more you know you know I could have just popped actually no this one had tape on it so this one is Bushmaster green venom pocket knife so see I'm not going to put the last one right here last timber wolf like you just get into that one after this one so this one isn't a flick one yeah this one you have to actually perforce into this one so this one says Bushmaster does have a blade there's green on this side black on this side all stainless steel I like the way this one feels tip nice this one I would probably say around like ten dollars I'll have to look it up I don't really know but you know yeah so this one you're gonna have to put a little bit of force and you know still good knife you know but this one's all set against the last timber wolf one doing this one seems to come with a little string attached to it oh now I what I think this is actually chrome by the looks of it and it is oh that's beautiful like that yeah just I could do that all day it is all day this one is has like that little paracord part this seems to be like a chrome like you guys can't see it that good on the camera but you know this is this is pretty nice for timber wolf and it is wood too so Wow stainless steel all the way from China China it's just timber wolf they're brand not sponsored because I got a lot of timber wolf knives not sponsored I wish they would sponsored me you know get some money anyway guys so I'm gonna pause the video put all the weapons here that I've gotten in this video and then show you the miraculous and expensive things that I've gotten hopefully I would see so guys give me one second I'm right back alright guys so I'm back and I just looked at the price for each in one of these swords now this is gonna be a shocker cuz I thought I D I thought these were gonna be like trash like bad it turns out this one right here the dark seeker sort is worth $20 which is almost half of what I paid this one right here the blue the blue fury that comes with these mini kunai's cost $30 so that right there is $50 right there and the thing that beats everything else is the twin Gladius swords gladiator swords you guys want to call them these are worth seventy seven dollars and fifty eight cents online I found them on Amazon I found them on the Buddy case store these are worth mind you let me tell you again seventy seven dollars right there so basically what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna what's it called cuz I when I was the winning when I had you guys paused I was looking up the prices and stuff so I'm gonna take out my calculator so 77 we're gonna put 77 I don't even care about the cents 77 plus 15 my entire total came out to be one hundred and twenty-seven dollars worth of items inside of the mystery box there it is 127 dollars a probably gonna be sensitive items we care about the cents so everything in that box cost me two one hundred and twenty seven dollars I'm actually happy Oh actually actually guys I forgot to look up the sword I forgot to look that one up so I don't even know how much this is gonna cost me an extra on there I don't even know how much this one's gonna cost so guys I'll be right back in one second I'm sorry for positive video I just needed I forgot this one so guys cuz I was wondering myself I said then this mystery box come with four swords and yeah so you know guys stay I stay here you know and I'll be right back alright guys so I'm back and I did manage to find the price for this for the sword cane now as you guys can see it is 20 bucks Oh basically 21 dollars so just add that on 127 that's basically 148 right there so this sword cane is worth $20 well $21 a month Stu $21 there's only two cents off $21 so that breaks my entire total to 148 dollars worth of items inside of that very happy to what I got I recommend you guys go to bud ka kaam get your knives there cuz they would do free shipping for you guys so guys if you guys enjoyed this video make sure to leave a like subscribe and until next time guys I'll see you later bye bye
Channel: DaggerDougProductions
Views: 7,648
Rating: 3.9882352 out of 5
Id: gJnd-jvWuvA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 54sec (1734 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 11 2019
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